Assignment Lit Drama Gulp and Gasp by John Townsend

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Drama Gulp and Gasp by John Townsend

ACTIVITY 1: Active Listening (Pre-Production/Language Awareness)

Title of text : Gulp and Gasp ( The Literature Component)
To listen with concentration and follow instructions/to understand and describe
The characters/to recognize differences in vowel and pronouns words correctly/to
Dramatized reading with suitable intonation and stress.
Genre: Action
Form: 4 Gemilang
Language item: Vocabulary
Proficiency level: Intermediate
Skill/s: Speaking and Listening Skills.
Mode: Pair
Teaching aids/ Materials:
1. Drama Script
2. Active listening worksheet

1. Teacher explains the game today.

1.1- A game is played. Student A is blindfolded by Student B who then gives him or her
five different instructions on movement such as Walk to the teachers table. Then

Student B is blindfolded by Student A and is given similar instructions.

How will a blind girl like Rose move about at the railway station? Act it out.
What do you think her facial expressions will show when speaking to Percy? Act it

2. Pairwork : Students practice saying wick and week followed by other words with short
vowel and long vowel sounds given in worksheet A. they write more words on their own and
present to class.
3. Students do dramatized reading with suitable intonation and stress.

Active Listening (Pre-Production/Language Awareness) Worksheet

With a partner, say these words aloud. Is there a difference? What do they mean?




















Use a dictionary and write other words which sounds similar but differ due to vowel length. Say
these words aloud in class correctly to see if your friends get them right.



Drama Gulp and Gasp


ACTIVITY 2: Story Web

Title of text: To present the story line in a non-linear form.
Genre: Action
Form: 4 Gemilang (40 students)
Language item:
Proficiency level: Intermediate
Skill/s: Speaking and Writing Skills.
Mode: Group
Teaching aids / Materials:
1. Drama Script
2. Story web handout
3. Mahjong paper

Teacher asks students for the advantages of using minds maps are.
Teacher divided students into 5 groups.
Teacher distributes / pass out a copy of the handout to each groups.
Go through the first part of the story web with the students.
Teacher asks students to paste the handout on the mahjong paper. Students complete the
story web on mahjong paper. Students are encouraged to be creative. Students can even

complete as homework.
6. Students can be asked to present their story web.

ACTIVITY 2: Story Web

Expands the story web below. Be as creative as possible. Combine paper if


-Matyie May 2014-

Drama Gulp and Gasp

ACTIVITY 3: The Producer
Title of text : To choose who to play the characters in the story and give reasons for theirs
Genre: Action

Form: 4 Gemilang (40 students)

Language item:
Proficiency level: Intermediate
Skill/s: Speaking and Writing Skills.
Mode: Groups
Teaching aids / Materials:
1. Old magazines or newspaper
2. The Producer worksheet
3. Gulp and Gasp Characteristic References
1. Teacher asks students if a film to be made about them, which famous actor or actress do
they want to play them and why.
2. Teacher distributes a copy of the task sheet to each student.
3. Asks students to work in groups and decided which of the actors and actresses are to play
the characters in the drama.
4. Asks students to find a person to play the characters if they are not satisfied with the
selection given from old magazines and newspapers.
5. Ask students to present their decisions. They must give reasons why these people are
chosen in the casting.


The Producer
Imagine that your team is to produce the drama Gulp and Gasp. These aspiring actors and
actresses came for the audition. Which of these people would you choose to play the role of Lord
Septic, Crouch, Percy and Rose? Discuss with your group members and come up with a
unanimous decision. Your team may choose your own actors or actresses if your team is unhappy
with the selection given.
Lord Septic

Actor 1

Actor 2

Actor 3

Actor 4

For Actor 4 - An actor of your choice. Paste the photo above.

We choose __________ to play the role of Lord Septic because

1. ______________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________________
4. ______________________________________________________
5. _____________________________________________________


The Producer

Actor 1

Actor 2

Actor 3

For Actor 4 - An actor of your choice. Paste the photo above.

We choose __________ to play the role of Crouch because

1. ______________________________________________________

2. ______________________________________________________

3. ______________________________________________________

4. ______________________________________________________

5. _____________________________________________________

The Producer

Actor 4

Actor 1

Actor 2

Actor 3

For Actor 4 - An actor of your choice. Paste the photo above.

We choose _________ to play the role of Percy because

1. ______________________________________________________

2. ______________________________________________________

3. ______________________________________________________

4. ______________________________________________________

5. _____________________________________________________

The Producer

Actor 4

Actress 1

Actress 2

Actress 3

Actress 4

For Actress 4 - An actress of your choice. Paste the photo above.

We choose __________ to play the role of Rose because
1. ______________________________________________________

2. ______________________________________________________

3. ______________________________________________________

4. ______________________________________________________

5. _____________________________________________________

The Producer
Character (LORD SEPTIC)
Characteristics: Cruel and greedy
Textual evidence:
Lord Septic is a cruel owner of the match factory where Rose worked. . When she lost her
eyesight due to the fire in the factory, he did not pay her for the damage. Besides that he treats
Rose like a beggar and chases her form the railway station. Although he is rich, he want more
and more wealth, he seeks more power and willing to kill for it. He wants to be the richest man

and wants to find the Gatsby Gold.

Characteristics: Hot tempered and egoistic
Textual evidence:
He grabs Rose by the wrist and demands Crouch to tie her up. He takes control of the situation
and he said that no one ever tells him what to do
Characteristics: violent
Textual evidence:
He creeps from the shadows and mercilessly hits Percy on his head with his stick. Then he slams
Percy against the locker. He commands Crouch to tie Rose with the rope to the tracks as he hears
the train coming.
Characteristics: Selfish
Textual evidence:
He did not keep the match factory safe because it would cause him money. As a result there was
a fire out break which has caused harm and trouble to the poor workers who earn their living
working in the factory. He even has no respect for his wife and calls her a nagger and he
confesses that he married her wealth as she own a gun factory.
Characteristics: Evil in nature
Textual evidence:
He threw away the Gatsby Kid in the litter bin without any sense of humanity. He mistreats his
workers and is very rude to Crouch, Percy and Rose. He is impatient and ill-mannered as he
plans to sack the driver and everyone if the train does not arrive.
Characteristics: Rude
Textual evidence:
He is rude and uncouth in language and he looks as though he lacks breeding although he retends
to be someone from upper crust. His rudeness is revealed from the way he talks and treats Rose,
Crouch and Percy
Character (CROUCH)

Characteristics: Subservient
Textual evidence:
Crouch is a servant who is so devoted and submissive towards his master. Lord Septic. He gives
too much respect to his master. He is dim-witted as he simply agrees with whatever his boss say
and instructs.
Characteristics: Bully
Textual evidence:
He bullies Rose and throws away her tray of rose across the platform. He has no sense of
humanity although he knows that Rose is poor and blind.
Characteristics: Coward
Textual evidence:
He is actually feeble has he confesses that he is just following orders from Lord Septic and he
doesn't want to be blamed for the evil acts he did.
Characteristics: Grovel
Textual evidence:
He has no self dignity and grovels for a living. He grovel at Lord Septic by saying that he is such
a great man and he has a big lordship. He even grovels at Percy by saying "By all means, sir.
Anything you say, sir."
Characteristics: Power crazy
Textual evidence:
He enjoys the time when he is given power to chase Rose from the railway tracks. Thus he is
also power crazy like his master.
Character (PERCY)
Characteristics: A helpful orphan
Textual evidence:

Percy's mother was killed on the railway line and he became an orphan living in poverty and
hardship. He was found in the litter bin at the railway station, wearing a purse containing a key
bearing the initials, NSL. He went through a poor life without realizing that he is actually the
rightful heir to Gatsby Gold. Although he is an orphan, he is a selfless and helpful. He helps
Rose to pick up her flowers which is thrown by Crouch, and rescued Rose from being killed by
Lord Septic when she is tied on the railway tracks by Crouch.
Characteristics: Generous
Textual evidence:
Although he is poor he is sympathetic towards Rose and he really wish he could give her some
money when he first meet her at the railway station. When Percy came to know that he is
rightfully the heir of Gatsby Gold, he willing to share his gold with Rose.
Characteristics: Intelligent and resourceful

Textual evidence:
Percy is quick in thinking as he managed to stop the train before it runs on Rose. He is smart
enough to dab his bleeding nose with his pants until it become dark re. then he climbed up the
gas lamp at the far end of the station and put his pants over the lamp. The train driver thought it
was a stop light, so his pants brought the train to a halt.
Characteristics: Kind hearted and humble
Textual evidence:
Percy is willing to share his wealth with Rose although he is an aristocrat. He propose Rose as he
is willing to marry her out of love . He willing said that half of his wealth is for her, so that she
can pay for the operation to regain her eyesight and pay for her mother's pills to make her well
again. Besides that he wants to buy a home and marry Rose and be her life partner.
Characteristics: Brave and fights for justice
Textual evidence:
He grabs Crouch by his color when Crouch treated Rose badly. He rescues Rose from being

killed by Lord Septic and he manages to chain him and his servant so that they cannot escape
from their evil deeds. Finally the villains are left to their fate as the police are approaching the
Character (ROSE)
Characteristics: Poor and humble
Textual evidence:
She lives in poverty and sells flowers for a living. The hardship that she is going through made
her lead a simple, humble and homely life. When she came to sell the flowers at the railway
station, she has not eaten for 3 days and she is greatly hoping to earn some coins. Her house is in
a very poor condition and the attic room has dry rot.
Characteristics: Blind and innocent
Textual evidence:
Rose is blind due to the flames at the match factory owned by Lord Septic. She has to lead a hard
life as she lost her eye sight. Though she is blind, she is honest in earning money for living and
her deed of working as a flower girl reflects her innocent attribute.
Characteristics: Hardworking and strong determination
Textual evidence:
She is hardworking and strong determined as she is willing to take all the trouble to walk all
alone and sell the flowers at her own risk. She wants to save up for an operation on her eyes.
Characteristics: Caring and devoted
Textual evidence:
She cares for her sick mother, so she sells flowers in order to pay for her mother's medication and
treatments. She is a devoted child who looks after her ailing mother although she is blind.
Characteristics: Optimistic

Textual evidence:
She is also optimistic as she never gives up in her effort to earn money to treat her mother and
for her eyes operation. She is a person who is always hopeful and expects the best in all things.
Characteristics: Smart and efficient
Textual evidence:
She discovers the identity of Lord Septic, accuses him of victimizing her and threatens to expose
his crimes by showing a courageous spirit to fight for her rights. Besides that she is also quick in
finding out about Percy's background and gives moral support to him to regain his family
fortune. She helps in unraveling the mystery of the key in order to tie up all the loose ends.
Characteristics: Romantic
Textual evidence:
Her romantic admiration towards Percy is revealed through her speech: "Oh, Percy! You're my
hero. My knight in shining armour. My good knight." She also said, "It could be the key to my

-Matyie May 2014-

Drama Gulp and Gasp

ACTIVITY 3: Using Puppets
Title of text: To use stick puppets for drama production.
Genre: Action
Form: 4 Gemilang (40 students)
Language item:
Proficiency level: Intermediate
Skill/s: Speaking and Writing Skills.
Mode: Groups
Teaching aids / Materials:

1. Stick Puppets photocopies or drawing of the characters, one stick for each puppet,
coloured pencils, scissors, card, glue, sticky tape.
2. Simple Puppet Theatre two or three tables, a sheet or a length of paper, coloured pencils
or paints, thick box, sticky tape.
1. Teacher asks students to make sticks puppets for the characters in the drama.
1.1- Prepared the materials to make the stick puppet such as photocopies or drawing of

the characters, one stick for each puppet, coloured pencils, scissors, card, glue, tape.
Draw or photocopy the outline of the character on the thin card
Colour it and draw other parts of the body or costume
Attach one thin stick on the back of the puppet.
Below are some examples of simple sticky puppets taken from

1.4.1 Stick Puppets

2. Teacher ask students to make a simple theatre for use with the puppets.

Prepared two or three tables, a sheet or a length of paper, coloured pencils or paints,
thick box, sticky tape.


Put the table in line.


Students crouch behind the tables.


Decorate the sheet or paper across the front desks to hide the puppeteers.


Use the box to make a window frame.


Decorate the window frame.


Paste the frame onto the table.


Below are three examples of table puppets taken

Simple Puppet Theatre

ACTIVITY 4: Dear Mr. Townsend (Beyond The text)

Title of text : To compose email, express thought and feeling to the writer and to send email
to the writer.(Gulp and Gasp)
Genre: Action
Form: 4 Gemilang
Language item:
Proficiency level: Intermediate
Skill/s: Writing
Mode: Group
Teaching aids/ Materials:
1. Email template.
2. Sample of a composed email (Sample answer)
3. Internet connection and email id

1. In groups, students brainstorm the comments, suggestion or opinions they wish to express to

John Townsend.
Show the email template and sample to the students.
Students compose their email.
Edit the letters.
Get students into the computer lab and register their email id.
Students type their emails and send to the writer.

Handout of email template

Dear Mr. Townsend

Email Template

Sample of a composed

Subject: We love Gulp and gasp

Dear Mr. Townsend,

We are a group of students from a secondary school in Malaysia. Our school is SMK
Sura and it and it is situated in a small town called Dungun in Terengganu. We are very
much privileged this year as we get to study your drama, Gulp and Gasp. We think the
drama is hilarious.
Our favourite character is Crouch. When we produced the drama last month, we had
a very funny actor playing his role. He made us laugh throughout the drama.
We wish there is a sequel to this drama. We really want to know what will happen to
Lord Septic and Crouch at the end. We wonder whether Lord septic will use his position to
break himself free from punishment.

Our teacher has suggested to us to read more of your books. Would you like to suggest
We are looking forward for your reply. Till then, bye.
Yours sincerely,
Amir, Hidayah, Aishah,
Haziq and Kamal.

Drama Gulp and Gasp by John Townsend

Title of text : Gulp and Gasp ( The Literature Component) = The Summary + The Title
Genre: Action
Form: 4 Gemilang
Language item:
Proficiency level: Intermediate
Skill/s: Speaking and Listening Skills.

1. Creative and Critical Thinking Skills (CCTS)

2. Interpersonal Skills
3. Intrapersonal Skills

Teaching aids/ Materials:

1. Mahjong Paper: The Rules of Readers Theatre
2. Props for the significant roles in the drama. (For the staging purposes)
3. A collection of Poems, Short Stories and Drama, Form 4 and Form 5.
1. Teacher greets the students.
2. Teacher gives the students to settle down their matters and checks the condition of the class
before begins the lesson.
3. Teacher explains to the students the activities of the day :
(a) The Rules and Regulation for Readers Theatre.
(b) The Plot of the drama.
4. In Activity 1 (The Staging), Teacher pastes the rules and regulations of the readers theatre
activity on the board for students references.
5. Teacher explains to the students about what they have to know before they start their
performance then the students do their performance.
6. After the students have finished the performance in activity 1, the teacher asks the students
to rearrange the plots according to the correct order in activity 2.
7. Teacher assists the students when it is needed.
8. Teacher recalls the lesson of the day.
9. Teacher reminds the students about the next lesson.
10. Teacher ends the lesson and the students are required to do the summary for the drama entitled
Gulp and Gasp on the workbook.

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