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Pastor Gino Jennings Debating Minister Reginald Young

Gino Jennings Pastor of First Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ
Reginald Young Minister from the Church of Christ
Dan Thompson Time Keeper & Announcer
Steve Williams Reader of Jennings Church
Bishop Marr Elder of Jennings Church
Youngs Reader 1 Possibly Asian
Youngs Reader 2 - Young Man
Youngs Reader 3 - Possibly Indian

For More Information:

Pastor Gino Jennings
First Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ
Minister Reginald Young
Church of Christ

How Many Are In the Godhead?

Full Transcript by Mic Worthy

JENNINGS: time. Hell let Mister Young know when his fifteen minutes is up; hell let me know
when my fifteen minutes is up. So, well return into the hands of Brother Dan (overlap)you
can come on up to the pulpit.
BROTHER DAN: Greetings Everyone.
DAN THOMPSON: Were assembled here today to witness a discussionsome people say a
debatea discussion between Pastor Jennings and Minister Young of the Church of Christ.
There will be two topics that will be discussed today. The first one involves the number in the
Godhead, how many are in the Godhead. The second one concerns the baptism, how it should
be administered, whether it should be done using the words In the Name of Jesus Christ or
the words Lord Jesus or whether it should be done in the Name of the Father and the Son and
the Holy Ghost.
Each speakers going to have fifteen minutes, beginning. Fifteen minutes to support their
position on the subject with the bible. Then there will be a ten minute rebuttal periodthe
rebuttal period can extend beyond the ten minutes, but there will be a rebuttal period in which
the speakers will have the chance to question each other. All answers to questions posed by
each speaker should be supported by bible chapter and the verse. If you fail to support your
position on the subject with the bible, that will mean that youve have lost the debate.
First of all were going to have the discussion concerning the Godhead. Minster Reginald Young
of the Church of Christ affirms or believes that there three separate and distinct persons in the
Godhead. Pastor Gino Jennings of the First Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ of the Apostolic
Faith affirms or believes that there is One in the Godhead. There are the two positions that will
be discussed first.
JENNINGS: (seated behind podium) You want me to go first? No problem.
DAN THOMPSON: All right. Pastor Jennings will be the first to speak. Fifteen minutes allotted
to Pastor Jennings.
JENNINGS: All right! I dont want fifteen minutes. Im not gonna need it. Let me go to work
real fast. I believe theres One in the Godhead. One. Not two. Not three. And we got to
certify each belief with bible. You cant get up here and make a statement with your mouth,
you got to have bible. Young must get bible that says there are three separate, distinct persons
in the Godhead. He gotta get bible that says that. If he dont get bible that says that, then all
hes been doing to his members is lying. Which is all he has been doing.

JENNINGS: Lemme certify my One God real quick, lets get the book of Isaiah. Gods gonna ask
a question and I wanna put this question to the Christ of Church and anyone else here that
believes in more than one god Imma ask you the same question.
STEVE WILLIAMS: Thats right.
JENNINGS: Follow me in your bible.
WILLIAMS: Isaiah chapter 44.
WILLIAMS: At verse 8.
JENNINGS: Hear this!
WILLIAMS: Fear ye not.
JENNINGS: Fear ye not.
WILLIAMS: Neither be afraid.
JENNINGS: Nor be afraid.
WILLIAMS: Have not I told you from that time.
JENNINGS: This is God talking: Have not I told you from that time.
WILLIAMS: And have declared it.
JENNINGS: Have declared it.
WILLIAMS: Ye are even my witnesses.
JENNINGS: Ye are my witnesses!
WILLIAMS: Is there
JENNINGS: Listen at the question Gods asking!
(Jennings repeats the next six words after Williams)

JENNINGS: Who in here from the Church of Christ is more intelligent and know more than God,
raise your hand?
BISHOP: They wont raise they hand!
JENNINGS: Will you raise your hand, Young?
YOUNG: Im listening to you, go ahead.
JENNINGS: You better not raise your hand!
JENNINGS: Aint no one up here from the Church of Christ better raise their hand! You better
not move it.
WILLIAMS: Is there a God?
JENNINGS: Im asking anybodyincluding Young and any other preacher in here from the
Church of Christ, Im presenting a question from the bible
WILLIAMS: Is there a God?

JENNINGS: If youre more wiser than God, more intelligent than Godwe dont need a lot of
JENNINGS: If he can answer this one
WILLIAMS: One question.
JENNINGS: the debate is over!
WILLIAMS: Thats right!
JENNINGS: Is there what?!
WILLIAMS: Is there a God?
JENNINGS: Beside what?
WILLIAMS: Beside me?
JENNINGS: Besides them!
JENNINGS: Young believes in them!
WILLIAMS: Thats right.
JENNINGS: Whatd He say there!?
JENNINGS & WILLIAMS: (overlap) Is there a God beside me?
JENNINGS: What did God say?
JENNINGS: Yeeeeeeeeeea!

WILLIAMS: There is no God

WILLIAMS: There is no God
JENNINGS: God said, There is no God
(Jennings repeats the next four words after Williams)
JENNINGS: Young know many! God dont know any! Now, if he says theres more than One,
that means God is a lie and Young is too! If he saysGod said, I know not any! Now, for his
doctrine to stick, he gotta contradict God. You got to contradict God! And if you contradict
God, youre a false prophet and a liar! (to reader) And, you help him! (to crowd) Im done!
YOUNG: First of all Id like to say good afternoon.
CONGREGATION: Good afternoon.
YOUNG: We at the Churches of Christ are the only church holding to the Apostolic pattern, and
Im going to show him from his scriptureyou see, when you get up here and debate, you
dont help you opponent out. The proposition says the Holy Bible teaches that there is only
One in the Godhead. Who said anything about believing in three Gods? Now lets go back to
Isaiah chapter 44, because every scripture you give Im gonna take it away from you. Isaiah
chapter 44 and begin reading at his scripture verse 8.
(Young repeats Reader as Jennings repeated Williams)

READER 1 & YOUNG: Fear ye not, neither be afraid: have not I told thee from that time, and
have declared it? ye are even my witnesses. Is there a God beside me? yea, there is no God; I
know not any.
YOUNG: We believe that, but you gotta read all of your book! Come on, verse 9.
READER 1: Yes, sir. They that make
YOUNG: They that make a what?!
READER 1: Graven image
YOUNG: A graven imageof all the vanityhes talking about idle worship. Hes not talking
about the three in the Godhead! Your scripture! Read verse ten!
READER 1: Yes, sir.
YOUNG: Who have done what?
READER 1: Who have formed a god or molten
YOUNG: Who have formed a god or molten a graven image that is profitable for nothing! Come
SPECTATOR: Whats that mean?
YOUNG: (to Jennings) See? I took your scripture away from you! RIGHT TO YOUR SCRIPTURE!
Gimme John chapter 1 and verse 1!
BISHOP: You havent did anything!
YOUNG: Yes, I did! Took it away from him. Im talking about the Godhead. Im not debating
youIll take you next! You a preacher, Ill take you next!
BISHOP: I know you wrong!
YOUNG: John chapter 1 and verse 1.
READER 2: In the beginning
YOUNG: In what beginning? In the beginning of creation. Read!
READER 2: Was the Word?

YOUNG: Was who?

READER 2: The Word.
YOUNG: The Word. Read!
READER 2: And the Word was with God
YOUNG: And the Word was alone!
READER 2: With God
YOUNG: And the Word was by himself.
READER 2: With god
YOUNG: And the Word was single
READER 2: With God
YOUNG: The Word was with, how can you be with somebody and nobody else be there? The
Word was with God and the Word was God! (to Jennings) Now, you think Im afraid of that?
Huh? I know what the Word was God means. You know what it means? Come on, verse 2.
READER 2: The same
YOUNG: The samewait a minute. Whats the antecedent to the word same? The same
Word. Read!
READER 2: Was in the beginningwith God
YOUNG: By himself.
READER 2: With God
YOUNG: By himself
READER 2: With God
YOUNG: Alone
READER 2: With God

YOUNG: I hope yall out there giving me as much respect as your give your minster, because Im
giving you the book! In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the
Word was God. The same was in the beginning with (dramatic pause) God. Come on, gimme
first John 5 and 7. (to Jennings) You shouldve took more time, preacher. You needed more
time up here.
YOUNG: Im glad I see Tookes son out here. I can get two in one shot. How you doin? I
remember you; I debated your father. He couldnt prove it either. Come on!
READER 2: For there are three
YOUNG: Wait a minute! There are how many? Spell it.
YOUNG: There are three that do what?
READER 2: Bear record in heaven.
YOUNG: Bear record where?
READER 2: In heaven
YOUNG: In heaven. Read!
READER 2: The Father
YOUNG: The Fatherwe gonna count it off, the Fathernumber 1.
Jennings laughs.
YOUNG: (to Reader 2): Come on!
READER 2: The Word.
YOUNG: The Wordnumber 2.
READER 2: And the Holy Ghost.
YOUNG: And the Holy Ghostthats number 3. Come on John! Speak for me!
READER 2: And these three

YOUNG: And it doesnt matter you say! John said three!

READER 2: Are one
YOUNG: Wait a minute. Back up. Thesehow many?
READER 2: Three
YOUNG: Go ahead.
READER 2: Are one.
YOUNG: Now I dare youwhen its your turn to get back up here in the rebuttal periodto try
to prove that one means one-in-the-same, cause Ima show you that two!
YOUNG: Now give me Hebrew chapter 1. Cause Ima show that God called Jesus God.
READER 1: Hebrews 1.
YOUNG: Hebrews chapter 1, what does that say?
READER 2: But unto the Son
YOUNG: Wait a minute. Hebrews chapter 1 verse 8, this is God talking cause verse one says,
God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past Drop down to verse
numberno! Gimme verse four!
YOUNG & READER 2: Being made so much better than the angels, as He hath by inheritance
obtained a more excellent
YOUNG: A more excellent what?
READER 2: Name
YOUNG: Name than they. And I know what he gonna get up here and say Son is a name, but
the bibles gonna show himhe gonna get up here and say Son is a title. A more excellent
name than they. Verse 5!
YOUNG & READER 2: For unto which of the angels, said He at anytime
YOUNG: Said who?

READER 2: Said He at anytime.

YOUNG: Said who?!
READER 2: Said He at anytime.
YOUNG: Said He at anytime. Read!
READER 2: Thou art my Son.
YOUNG: Thou art my Son! Is Jesus talking to Himself?
READER 2: No, sir.
YOUNG: Thou art my Son! Go ahead!
READER 2: This day have I begotten thee.
YOUNG: This day have I begotten thee. And again: speak for me Hebrew writer!
READER 2: I will be to him a Father
YOUNG: I will be to him a Son!
READER 2: A Father.
READER 2: A Father.
YOUNG: We will bewe will be the same person!
READER 2: A Father.
YOUNG: I will be to Him a Father and he shall be to me what?
READER 2: A Son.
YOUNG: Now how can Jesus be His own? How can He be His own Son and His own Father at
the same time? Drop down to verse 8.
READER 2: But unto the Son He saith

(Jennings laughs)
READER 1: But unto the Son he saith, Thy throne, O God
YOUNG: Wait a minute! Gods calling Jesus God! (to Jennings) Now what you gonna do with
that? Unto the Son he saith, Thy throne, O God! Come on, Act 7 55 and 56. I hope the ladys
here tonight that asked this question on his radio broadcast. He talking about the right hand
means power. I hope that lady is here tonight, cause we gonna show him from the book he
doesnt know what hes talking about.
READER 1: He being full of the Holy Gho
YOUNG: Wait a minute, wait a minute. He being full of the Holy Ghost did what?
YOUNG & READER 1: Look up steadfastly into heaven
YOUNG: And saw what?
YOUNG & READER 1: And He saw the Glory of God and Jesus
READER 1: Wait a minute. And who?
READER 1: Jesus.
READER 1: Who?!
READER 1: Jesus.
READER 1: Jesus. Read.
READER 1: Standing
READER 1: Standing
READER 1: Standing on the right hand of power.
YOUNG: Now he said on his radio show that the right hand means power. (to Jennings) You
gonna show that to us? Jesus cant sit on His own right hand. Gimme verse 56.
(Jennings again laughs)
READER 1: And said, Behold I see the heavens open and the Son of man standing on the right
hand of God.

READER 1: Now how can Jesus stand on his own right hand? Come on, now.
READER 1: Gimme first John 1:1 through 3. Im surprised he didnt get up here and say
something about a mystery. Cause that what they all teach. (mocks Jennings) Its a mystery.
Dont nobody understand it! Yeah, okay. Gimme first John 1; gimme verse 1.
YOUNG & READER 2: That which was from the beginning, which we have heard,
YOUNG: Which we have seen with our eyesRead!
YOUNG & READER 2: Which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled, of the Word of
YOUNG: Read!
READER 2: For the life was manifested
YOUNG: Wait a minute. Im surprised he didnt say God was manifested in the flesh and God
made Him a body. Whats John say?
READER 2: For the life was manifested
YOUNG: The life was manifestedRead.
YOUNG & READER 2: And we have seen it, and bear witness
YOUNG: Read!
YOUNG & READER 2: and shew unto you that eternal life
YOUNG: Read!
YOUNG & READER 2: which was with the Father
YOUNG: which was with who?
READER 2: The Father.
YOUNG: The Father.
READER 2: With the Father.

YOUNG: And was manifested unto us

YOUNG: Now give him verse three, cause I want toI dare him to refute this. Read.
READER 2 & Young: That which we have seen and heard declare we unto you, that ye also may
have fellowship with us: and truly our fellowship
YOUNG: Slow down. Truly our fellowship
READER 2: Is with the father
YOUNG: Wait a minute. Is with(emphasis) Thee Father! Huh?! Whats the book say?!
READER 2: The Father.
YOUNG: Thee Father, and (asks Jennings) You know what and means?
BISHOP: Conjunction.
SPECTATOR: A metaphor.
YOUNG: (to Bishop) You answered it for him?! He knows its a conjunction. Say it again!
BISHOP: Conjunction.
YOUNG: And! Read!
READER 2: With his Son
YOUNG: And with who?
READER 2: His Son.
YOUNG: Whose Son?
READER 2: Gods Son!
YOUNG: Says that with the Father and with who?
READER 2 & YOUNG: His Son.
YOUNG: Whats His name?
READER 2: Jesus Christ.

YOUNG: Thats the book. How muchwheres the time keeper? How much time I got? Six
minutes? Oh, were doing good. First John 2:22, lets see what John had to say about people
that deny the Godhead.
READER 1: Whos a liar
YOUNG: Who is a liar?! Wait!
YOUNG: Were gonna let God be true and every man a liar this afternoon. Who is a liar?
READER 1: But he that denith that Jesus Christ
YOUNG: Wait a minute. But he thatbut heRead!
READER 1: He is anti-christ.
YOUNG: Uh-oh. Whatd you say brother?
READER 1: HeJohn said it!
YOUNG: Yeah, whats the book say?! Just read whats in the book!
READER 1: He is anti-christ.
YOUNG: He is what?
READER 1: Anti-Christ.
YOUNG: He is anti-christ that do what?
READER 1: That denith the Father.
YOUNG: That deny who?
READER 1: The father
YOUNG: And who?
READER 1: The Son.
YOUNG: Oh, my goodness! Who is a liar?! But who?!

READER 1: He that denith

YOUNG: He that denith that Jesus is the Christ. Read!
READER 1 & YOUNG: He is anti-christ.
YOUNG: That does what?
READER 1: That denith
YOUNG: That denith who?
READER 1: The Father.
YOUNG: The Father and the Son. And thats what the Apostolic faith is doing. Now give me
verse 23.
READER 1: Whosoever denith the Son, the same hath not the Father.
acknowledgeth the Son

But he that

YOUNG: He that acknowledges who?

READER 1: The Son.
READER 1: The Son.
YOUNG: Has the Father also. (asks Jennings) You know what also means? Huh? Come on,
gimme second John verse 3.
READER 1: Grace be with you
YOUNG: Grace be with you, mercy and peace
READER 1: From God the Father.
YOUNG: Back up and say it slower.
(Reader 1 does this)
YOUNG: Mercy and peace from who?

READER 1: God the

YOUNG: God Thee Father!
SPECTATOR: The Father?
YOUNG: Read!
READER 1 & YOUNG: And from the Lord Jesus Christ.
YOUNG: And whos Jesus?
READER 1: The Son.
YOUNG: The who?
READER 1: The Son.
YOUNG: The Son of who?
READER 1: The Father.
YOUNG: Aww, thats plain. You people dont except the book thats as plain as day. Plain as
day. This is about soul-winning. Gimme verse number 7. (asks Brother Dan) How I look on
READER 1: For many deceivers
YOUNG: Three minutes? Perfect.
YOUNG & READER 1: Many deceivers enter in the world who confess not that Jesus Christ has
come in the flesh.
YOUNG: Now the apostolics teach God came down and put on a body. The book says Jesus
Christ came down in the flesh. And what does it say?
READER 1: This is a deceiver
YOUNG: This is who?
READER 1: A deceiver.
YOUNG: A what?

READER 1: A deceiver.
YOUNG: A truth-teller.
YOUNG & READER 1: A deceiver and an anti-christ.
YOUNG: Again. Verse 9.
YOUNG & READER 1: Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath
not God.
YOUNG: Hath not God. Read.
READER 1: He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both
YOUNG: He have what?
READER 1: Both?
YOUNG: Both. Thats plain English. He have both the father and the Father and! He have
boththat shows the separation. Come on, apostolics. It shows the separation. He hath both
the Father and the Son. Gimme Genesis chapter 1. Imma teach him a lesson from the first
book, first chapter. (to Jennings) Im not going to one twenty-six. Im going to one-one. You
know any Hebrew?
READER 1: In the beginning God
YOUNG: Inwait a minute! Cause he dont even know what God means. (to Jennings) In the
beginning God, from the original Calvin Hebrew word what? Elohim. And its used in the
plurality, meaning: God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit, created. Now lets give
him all three. Gimme second Corinthians 13:14. He said he wanted all three. Im gonna give it
to him.
READER 1: Verse 14.
YOUNG: Read it.
READER 1: The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ.
YOUNG: Yall count it off too. The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ. Thats one.
READER 1: And the love of God
YOUNG: Back up. The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ: one. And(asks Jennings) Whats and?

BISHOP: Conjunction.
YOUNG: Okay. And the love of God.
YOUNG & READER 1: And the communion of the Holy Ghost.
YOUNG: Thats all three. All three. Now gimme Mark 13: 31-32what I look like on time?
BROTHER DAN: One minute
YOUNG: A minute?
BROTHER DAN: And three seconds.
YOUNG: Three seconds. Oh, its too late. He can come up here.
BROTHER DAN: All right, saints. Weve heard the position of Pastor Jennings and position of the
Church of Christ. Just want to remind everybody at this point that this is not entertainment.
We are here to discuss whatsthe things that are in the scriptures. Because what you believe
dictates what you do. And this is not entertainment at all. So we shouldnt hear any funny
comments from anybody out there. But try to listen attentively to whats being said here. At
this time were going to go to the rebuttal period where each speaker will have the opportunity
to question the other. Now, I believe this period can go beyond ten minutes, soas they say
sit tight and watch. Both speakers, at this time, come up to the microphone.
JENNINGS: Now, out of all Reginald Youngs talkhe havent got one scripture that mentions
that there are three distinct persons in the Godhead. I want bible chapter and verse that says
that. (asks Young) How manys in the Godhead, Young?
YOUNG: You gonna stick to the proposition? The proposition says the Holy Bible teaches there
is only one in the Godhead. It doesnt say I have to find one scripture where it saysexactly
there are three distinct personalities.
JENNINGS: You agreed that we will certify our believes with the bible.
YOUNG: Right?
JENNINGS: Did you agree?
YOUNG: The bible teaches that there is three in the Godhead.
JENNINGS: I dont want your mouth to say it

YOUNG: Okay. You want scripture?

JENNINGS: We dont want your mouth to say it.
YOUNG: Okay. Second Corinthians 13:14.
JENNINGS: How many is in the Godhead?
YOUNG: Second Corinthians 13:14.
JENNINGS: Just a minute. How many is in the Godhead?
YOUNG: My mouth or the bible?
JENNINGS: Im asking you. Then once you answer me you can tell me that.
YOUNG: How many does the bible teach are in the Godhead?
JENNINGS: How many is in the Godhead?
YOUNG: In the Godhead?
YOUNG: There are three distinct personalities in the Godhead.
JENNINGS: Give bible chapter and verse that says exactly that.
YOUNG: Says exactly that? I dont have to.
JENNINGS: Oh yes! Oh! Nope. Nope. Nope. I dont want that.
YOUNG: I know you dont. You sound like your father.
JENNINGS: I want bible
YOUNG: youre all the same! Youre all the same.
JENNINGS: The bible says whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our
learning, is that the truth? Jesus said, He that believes upon me as the scripture have said. You
said there are threethen you said theres three creators! Is there three creators?

YOUNG: You dont understand it.

JENNINGS: Is there three creators?
YOUNG: You dont understand it.
JENNINGS: Is there three creators?
YOUNG: Okay. Ima give you a scripture. Gimme John eight 17 and 18.
JENNINGS: And it better say theres three distinct
YOUNG: Better not say whatever. We gonna let the Word speak. Then Ima ask you question.
JENNINGS: Go ahead. Youll ask me when Im done with you. Go ahead.
YOUNG: No, you answer after I
JENNINGS: Get three distinct!
YOUNG: John eight 17 and 18 (to Reader 1) Read it.
YOUNG & READER 1: It is also written in your law that the testimony of two me
YOUNG: All I gotta do is show separation!
JENNINGS: I dont want to two men!
YOUNG: No! Why dont you want the bible?!
YOUNG: Okay, listen! (to Reader 1) keep reading.
JENNINGS: I dont want men. I want three gods.
YOUNG: Let him read. Will you let the brother read?!
JENNINGS: Read three gods.
YOUNG: Go ahead! We didnt say anything about three gods.
JENNINGS: Three distinct persons in the Godhead is what he has to get bible for or he lost the

YOUNG: Ready?
JENNINGS: Now get it.
YOUNG: Ready?
JENNINGS: Read it.
YOUNG: Im ready.
READER 1: I am one that bearth witness of myself and the Father that sent Me bearth witness
of me
YOUNG: Thats two
JENNINGS: How many is that?
YOUNG: Thats two..
JENNINGS: What two?
YOUNG: That stillthat still shows that you havent proved it!
JENNINGS: Two what?!
YOUNG: That still shows that you havent proved it!
JENNINGS: Its two what?!
YOUNG: Two distinct personalities.
JENNINGS: Where does it say that?!
YOUNG: You tell me?
JENNINGS: Is that two gods?
YOUNG: What does it say?
JENNINGS: Does that say two gods?

YOUNG: Come on, man. What you trying to do?

JENNINGS: Didnt he just say theres three?!
YOUNG: I didnt say two gods.
JENNINGS: Is it two gods?
YOUNG: Do you believe in three gods?
JENNINGS: Is it two gods?
YOUNG: Come on, man. II
JENNINGS: Is it two gods?
YOUNG: You gonna stick to the proposition?
JENNINGS: Is it two gods?
YOUNG: You gonna stick to the proposition?
JENNINGS: Is it two gods, Young?
YOUNG: Come on, man. You cant fool me.
JENNINGS: Is it two gods?
YOUNG: You cant fool me.
JENNINGS: Well, get bible for three.
YOUNG: You cant fool me.
JENNINGS: Get bible for three.
YOUNG: Second Corinthians 13:14.
JENNINGS: Give bible that says there are three distinct persons in the Godhead. And thats
what you got to read.
YOUNG: then you hold 1 John 5:7
JENNINGS: Thats what you got to read.

YOUNG: Wait a minute, wait a minute. Youre telling him thats what he has to read. Why
dont you accept the Word?
JENNINGS: We believe what is written.
YOUNG: Okay. Show me where it says theres one in the Godhead. You havent showed that.
JENNINGS: Gimme the book of Mark.
YOUNG: Yeah! I want Godhead too.
JENNINGS: Gimme the book of Mark. We gonna see how many it is.
YOUNG: Yeah. Lets go. I want Godhead.
JENNINGS: Just a minute.
YOUNGS ELDER: He playin wit peoples souls.
YOUNG: You playing with peoples souls. Dont know what you doin.
JENNINGS: Lets get the book of Mark.
YOUNG: Playing with peoples souls.
JENNINGS: Hear what the bible say. Now we gotta get bible for our believe. He believe its
three and he havent got one scripture
YOUNG: You ready for second Corinthians?
JENNINGS: Just a minute. He havent got one scripture that says anything about three. He
went adding and John said dont add. Didnt it say so? John said dont add. He went adding;
he went, Cant you count? One, two, threeJohn said DONT ADD!
WILLIAMS: If any man shall add
JENNINGS: And you have to give bible for three
YOUNG: Are you ready? Are you going to give your answer?
JENNINGS: Just a minute. Just a minute now.
YOUNG: Wasting time.

JENNINGS: Just a minute. Were going to see how many is it.

WILLIAMS: Mark chapter 12 and at verse 28. And one of the scribes came, and having heard
them reasoning together, and perceiving that he had answered them well, asked him, Which is
the first commandment of all? And Jesus answered him, The first of all the commandments is,
Hear, O Israel; The Lord our God is one Lord:
JENNINGS: Down to verse 30. Move quick!
WILLIAMS: At verse 30: And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy
soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment. And the
second is like, namely this, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. There is none other
commandment greater than these. And the scribe said unto him, Well, Master, thou hast said
the truth: for there is one God; and
JENNINGS: And the Church of Christs doctrine is there are three separate, distinct persons in
the Godhead! Is that your doctrine?
YOUNG: We didnt say three gods.
JENNINGS: You told me there are three
YOUNG: You know what deity
JENNINGS: Nevermind that.
YOUNG: I know you dont want that.
JENNINGS: Are three distinct persons in the Godhead?
YOUNG: Three distinct personalities of deity.
JENNINGS: Are three distinct persons in the Godhead?
YOUNG: Three distinct personalities of deity.
JENNINGS: Its three?
YOUNG: Three distinct personalities of deity.
JENNINGS: Its three gods?
YOUNG: Three distinct personalities of deity.


YOUNG: Come on! Youre messing with peoples souls!
JENNINGS: Is it three gods?!
YOUNG: Gimme Psalms 110:1.
JENNINGS: He wont answer.
YOUNG: Youre playing!
JENNINGS: Were going to finish the book of Mark first.
YOUNG: Youre playing! Youre playing!
YOUNGS ELDER: Playing with peoples souls.
YOUNG: See, whats why hes laughing.
JENNINGS: Get the book of Mark.
JENNINGS: Well, Master, thou hast said the truth: for there is one God; and there is none other
but He. (asks Young) Is there more than that?
YOUNG: We know theres one God. You aint telling us nothing new.
JENNINGS: Is there more than that?
YOUNG: You not telling us anything new.
JENNINGS: Is it two more?
YOUNG: Every scripture you give Im gonna take away from you.
JENNINGS: Is it two more? Is it two more?
YOUNG: Thats what youre saying. Come on. Get Pslams 110:1.
JENNINGS: Just a minute. Im asking him a question.
YOUNG: I answered it. I answered it. I said three distinct personalities of deity.

JENNINGS: Of deity?
YOUNG: Now for my question.
JENNINGS: Give bible for three distinct persons of deity.
YOUNG: I was giving it to you, you didnt want it.
JENNINGS: I wanna consider that. Go head and read it.
YOUNG: You still didnt read where it says Godhead.
JENNINGS: Nevermind that.
YOUNG: Nevermind that?! Why?! You aint giving bible.
JENNINGS: He preachedjust a minute.
YOUNG: First of all, you cant go to one scripture. You know how to rightly divide?
JENNINGS: Just a minute! Just a minute now.
JENNINGS: He preached there are three distinct personalities.
JENNINGS: Ive got bible that says theres ONE. ONE GOD.
YOUNG: We said three distinct personalities of deity.
JENNINGS: And none other but he. Well, give bible that says that.
YOUNG: Give him 2 Corinthians 13:14, cause all hes doing is playing on words.
JENNINGS: I want it to say that!
YOUNG: Like Bishop Johnson used to do.
JENNINGS: Nevermind Johnson!
YOUNGS READER: The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ

YOUNG: The grace of the Lord Jesus Christwait a minute. Thats not one, is it?
JENNINGS: Im listening.
YOUNG: Thats not a distinct personality in the Godhead, is it?
JENNINGS: The bible didnt say that?
JENNINGS: Did the bible say that?
YOUNG: Im asking you.
JENNINGS: The bible didnt say so.
YOUNG: What is the bible saying? Keep reading.
READER: The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God
YOUNG: And does and mean?
JENNINGS: And is a conjunction.
YOUNG: And who? What does a conjunction do?
JENNINGS: It joins.
YOUNG: Joins what?
JENNINGS: Joins em together.
Thats right.
YOUNG: Join them together as one?
JENNINGS: Join them right together.
YOUNG: Join them together as one?

JENNINGS: Yes. Just like you can have a thousand people and they still are one.
YOUNGS READER: And the love of God
YOUNG: Does that mean theyre one and the same? Are you married? The bible says that the
two become one flesh. Are you and your wife the same?
JENNINGS: The proposition is not whether Jesus Christ is God. The proposition is how many.
YOUNG: Okay, 1 John 5:7.
JENNINGS: How many. Were dealing wither whether theres or whether its one and youd
better get bible for three!
READER: For there are three
YOUNG: Wait. Dont say no more. He just said it.
READER: That bear record
READER: In heaven
YOUNG: Read the book. Dont let him fool you.
READER: The Father, the Word and the Holy Ghost and these three are one.
YOUNG: These three.
YOUNG: These three.
YOUNG: These three.

YOUNG: The verse shows the separation!

JENNINGS: THREE WHAT?! Just a minute. Three what? (debates Youngs elders) How many is
YOUNG: You explain it.
JENNINGS: Nevermind that!
YOUNG: Why?! WHY?!
WILLIAMS: There is one God.
YOUNG: Were not debating that. I know theres one God. Do you know that?
JENNINGS: Is there one?
YOUNG: We know that.
JENNINGS: Is it more than one?
YOUNG: How many do you have?
JENNINGS: Is it just one?
YOUNG: How many do you have?
JENNINGS: Is it just one?
YOUNG: How many do you have?
JENNINGS: Hes afraid to answer.
(cheers and applause for Jennings)
YOUNG: No, I aint afraid of nothing. You scared of the book, my question.
JENNINGS: He read the scripture in John: three that bear record in heavenFather, Word, the
Holy Ghost and these are one. (asks Young) Three what are one?
YOUNG: You tell me.

JENNINGS: Three what?

YOUNG: You tell me.
JENNINGS: Its your scripture. Come on, Young. Help me out here!
YOUNG: You playing on words.
JENNINGS: You said you gonna help me. Gimme the bible
YOUNG: I just showed you separation.
JENNINGS: Three what?
YOUNG: Psalms 110:1. I answered his question.
JENNINGS: Three what? Nah, nah, nah! No NAH!!!
YOUNG: See?! You acting just like Tokes! You afraid of my question!
JENNINGS: Three what?
YOUNG: I already told you.
JENNINGS: What did the bible tell me? That theres three gods? Three deities? Gimme bible
that says three gods or three deities. And it better say that.
YOUNG: The bible doesnt say anything about three gods, you are.
JENNINGS: Is it three deities?
YOUNG: Hebrews 1:8. But unto the Son He sayth, Thy throne O God. God calls Jesus God.
JENNINGS: Now gimme bible for three!
YOUNG: Come on. You want Holy Spirit
YOUNG: Okay. Matthew 3
JENNINGS: We got bible that spoke plain that theres One! Now he got to give biblethe bible
says through Paul, having this hope we spake with great plainness of speechIve got bible that
says theres ONE! Youd better get bible that says theres three! NOW GET IT!!!

YOUNG: First of all Im not debating three gods!

YOUNG: It saysNo! I didnt say that either. You trying to be funny. I didnt say that. I said
three distinct personalities of deity.
YOUNG: All right.
JENNINGS: Give bible for three deities.
YOUNG: See? You dont even know how to say it!
JENNINGS: You got to give bible to back up your statement. Give bible for your statement.
YOUNG: Matthew 3:16 and 17.
JENNINGS: Hes gonna say this about the three deities.
YOUNG: See? You dont even know how to say it! You foolin all these people!
JENNINGS: Come on, son. Get your scripture.
BISHOP: He not foolin nobody!
YOUNG: Yes, he is!
BISHOP: Hes not fooling anybody!
JENNINGS: Nevermind that. Nevermind. He got to give bible to say what he said.
YOUNG: And Jesus, when he was baptized, went up straightway out of the water: and, the
heavens were opened, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a doveokay, now wait a
minute. Who was that coming down?
JENNINGS: That was God.

YOUNG: That was God coming down?

JENNINGS: Yes. Who you say it was?
YOUNG: The bible says the Spirit of God.
JENNINGS: How many was it?
YOUNG: You tell me.
JENNINGS: How many?
YOUNG: Come on. Lets read it.
JENNINGS: How many?
YOUNG: How many what? Its going to show you.
JENNINGS: Hes going to show us about his three!
YOUNGS READER: And Jesus, when he was baptized, went up straightway out of the water:
and, lo, the heavens were opened up to him, and he saw the Spirit of God
YOUNG: Notice Jesus in the water. And the Spirit coming down.
JENNINGS: How many is that so far?
YOUNG: Its obvious you dont know!
JENNINGS: How many is that so far?!
YOUNG: You tell me! Youre the one having a trouble with math!
JENNINGS: Its your belief!
YOUNG: Youre having a problem with math, not me!
JENNINGS: All right. You got Jesus in the water. Youve got the dovehow many is that?
YOUNG: You tell me! Youre having the problem with math! Say it! Come on, say it!
JENNINGS: Its your scripture! How many?
YOUNG: You tell me.

JENNINGS: One. How many you say it is?

YOUNG: Nah, how many coming down.
YOUNG: One?! Whos in the water?
YOUNG: Okay. One, one and whats the last one?
YOUNGS READER: And the Spirit of God descending like a dove.
YOUNG: Now how many is that?
YOUNG: Jesus in the water, right?
YOUNG: How many you say?
JENNINGS: Thats One God.
YOUNG: Yes, he dont understand
JENNINGS: Im not afraid to say it! ITS ONE GOD. ONE GOD!
YOUNG: Youre not saying anything.
JENNINGS: Gimme three!
YOUNG: The bibles giving you three!
YOUNG: Verse 17!
READER: And lo a voice from heaven, saying, This is my beloved Son
YOUNG: Now whos voice was that?

YOUNG: Oh! Hes throwing His voice?

JENNINGS: Thats God.
YOUNG: Throwing His voice?
JENNINGS: Thats one God.
YOUNG: Was He throwing His voice?
JENNINGS: All of that is ONE GOD.
YOUNG: Okay. Jesus in the water.
YOUNG: The Spirit coming down.
YOUNG: And God throwing His voice.
(thunderous applause, cheering)
JENNINGS: Is that the truth?
YOUNG: What does fulfill mean?
JENNINGS: Does God fulfill heaven and earth?
YOUNG: Is Jesus everywhere?
YOUNG: Is the Holy Spirit everywhere?
JENNINGS: Now, hes getting off the proposition.
YOUNG: No you are! The holy bible teaches theres onlysee, all of your apostolic teachers are
all the same!

JENNINGS: Were dealing with the amount of how many is in the Godhead.
WILLIAMS: Thats right!
JENNINGS: Once we finish that, if you want to deal with Jesus Christ being God, Ill take you to
pieces on that too. We can deal with that!
YOUNG: We can deal with anything you want! The math system of the Holy Spirit, we can deal
with the organI dont care!
JENNINGS: Now, give me bible for three, Young! You havent got one
YOUNG: Okay, 1 Corinthians 8:6.
JENNINGS: Anyone from the Church of Christ can help this man, come up here and help him.
YOUNG: Dont nobody need help.
JENNINGS: Come up with three gods!
YOUNG: No, Im not debating three gods.
JENNINGS: Three gods!
YOUNG: No, thats what youre saying!
JENNINGS: (to Youngs Elders) You got three?
YOUNG: He dont know what hes talking about. He talking about some three gods. Dont
nobody believe that.
JENNINGS: You got three?!
YOUNG: Come on!
JENNINGS: All right. Id better say three.
YOUNG: Yo, 1 Corinthians 8:6. Yo!
YOUNGS READER: Please, make him debate you
YOUNG: Hold up, what are you talking to him for?
READER: And Jesus

YOUNG: Hold up. What are you reading from?

READER: Matthew 3 and verse
YOUNG: Nah, dont read that. Get 1 Corinthians 8:6, cause hes having a problem with math.
JENNINGS: It better say theres three!
YOUNG: Hes having a problem with math.
JENNINGS: Out of all his talk
YOUNG: Yeah. 1 Corinthians 8:6.
READER: But to us there is but one God, the Father, of whom are all things, and we in him; and
one Lord Jesus.
YOUNG: Oh, my goodness! What did Paul say? Paul said theres one God the Father and one
Lord Jesus Christ. Now how many is that?
YOUNG: See, youre having a problem with math.
YOUNG: Hes having a problem with math.
JENNINGS: How many you say?
YOUNG: Are you ready for my question?
JENNINGS: How is that?
YOUNG: I answered your question. Are you ready for my question?
JENNINGS: You just asked me
YOUNG: If you were so mart, answer my question.
JENNINGS: You just asked
YOUNG: See, yall know yall cant deal with my question.

JENNINGS: He wants to knowhis question is he just asked me how many is that? I said it
was one. He asked me to give some bible where theres one in the Godhead.
YOUNG: You didnt!
JENNINGS: Gimme Colossians!
WILLIAMS: In Colossians chapter 2 and verse 9.
YOUNG: Go there!
WILLIAMS: For in Him
YOUNG: Go there! Get Colossians 1:19.
YOUNG: No! Read it again! Read it again. Get Colossians 1:19. You messed up. Hes giving up
the proposition!
JENNINGS: Just a minute. Is it in Him or in them?
YOUNG: Read that scripture again please, brother.
WILLIAMS: For in him dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily.
YOUNG: Bodily! Oh, wait a minute! BODILY!!! Now, Colossians 1:19.
JENNINGS: Just a minute, Young. Im not finished.
YOUNG: Colossians 1:19.
JENNINGS: Just a minute.
YOUNG: No, you read your scripture. Colossians 1:19. Read it!
JENNINGS: Im not finished.
YOUNG: You dont have nothing to say! YOURE DONE.
YOUNG & READER: For it pleased the Father that in him should all fullness dwell.
YOUNG: There you go. I answered your question.

JENNINGS: How many is it?

YOUNG: There you go!
JENNINGS: How many?
YOUNG: You just read Colossians 2:9 dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily.
JENNINGS: Oh, youre so dishonest.
YOUNG: No, youre dishonest!
JENNINGS: How many is it?
YOUNG: Ive been showing you more than onethree distinct personalities of deity.
JENNINGS: Will you please give bible that says there are three distinct persons of deity.
YOUNG: All I have to do is prove theres more than one.
JENNINGS: Give bible that says there are three distinct persons of deity. He got to give bible
that says that no matter where he goes! He got to give bible that says there are three distinct
persons of deity.
YOUNG: You aint telling us nothing new.
JENNINGS: It got to say that.
YOUNG: No, it dont have to say that!
JENNINGS: Oh, yes!
YOUNG: Thats what you said.
JENNINGS: Its got to say that!
YOUNG: Whats this say?
JENNINGS: Its got to say that! Get your bible. I want three.
YOUNG: The bible teaches that there is only one in the Godhead, thats what you said.
JENNINGS: How many in the Godhead?

YOUNGS READER: Hold up. Matthew 28:19!

YOUNG: Come on. Matthew 28:19. Lets mess with him a little bit.
YOUNG & READER: Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the
Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
JENNINGS: How many is that?
YOUNG: Its obviousyoure the one having the problem with math!
JENNINGS: Every time he get a scripture and I ask him how many, he wont answer!
YOUNG: I dont have to answer that, because you dont know!
JENNINGS: How many is it?
YOUNG: You tell me.
JENNINGS: Tell the people occurring to
YOUNG: No! You tell your church how many was just read off from the bible.
YOUNG: He said the Father, didnt he? And he said the Son, and the Son.
JENNINGS: Is God the Father?
YOUNG: You tell me.
JENNINGS: Come on, Young. Now, be honest.
YOUNG: You be honest!
JENNINGS: Is God the Father?
YOUNG: You tell me.
JENNINGS: Is God the Father?

YOUNG: Is Jesus the Son?

JENNINGS: Is God the Father?
YOUNG: Come on. Give me Psalms 110:1. He playin.
JENNINGS: You see that? Now, either we gonna go by what the proposition and answer with
YOUNG: The proposition says the holy bible teaches that theres only one in the Godhead. I
dont have to get up here and find a scripture where it specifically says there are three distinct
JENNINGS: Oh, yes you do!
YOUNG: No, I dont.
JENNINGS: Yes, you do!
JENNINGS: Youve got to give bible
YOUNG: Come on. Psalms 110:1.
JENNINGS: He got to give bible for three.
YOUNG: Psalms 110:1. Cause hes done.
YOUNGS READER: The LORD said unto my Lord, Sit thou at my right hand, until I make thine
enemies thy footstool.
YOUNG: Now whos God talking to?
YOUNG: Whos God talking to? The LORD said unto my Lord.
JENNINGS: Thats one God.
YOUNG: Whos God talking to?
JENNINGS: Thats one God.
YOUNG: See, he doesnt want to answer

JENNINGS: I answered it.

WILLIAMS: Its one God.
YOUNG: Gimme Acts chapter 2! You didnt answer it!
JENNINGS: How many was it? Who was he talking to?
YOUNG: Im going to show you in the bible.
JENNINGS: How many was up there?
YOUNG: Can I show you in the bible?
JENNINGS: Sure! And then tell me how many it was!
YOUNG: Gimme Acts chapter 2. YO! Gimme Acts chapter 2. You said was talking to God, right?
JENNINGS: No, I didnt say that. I said it was one.
YOUNG: The LORD said unto my Lord. Whos God talking to?
JENNINGS: That was God.
YOUNG: Who was He talking to?
JENNINGS: Counseling within Himself.
YOUNG: Oh! Counseling within Himself.
JENNINGS: Want me to get bible for that?
YOUNG: Hes done. HES DONE! Come on! Acts 2:32.
YOUNGS READER: This Jesus hath God raised up, whereof we all are witnesses.
YOUNG: Hes done, 33.
JENNINGS: You havent got one scripture that says theres three!
YOUNG: Wait, let me read it. You just said God was talking to God. Im reading a scripture.
Wait a minute!

YOUNGS READER: Therefore being by the right hand of God exalted, and having received of the
Father the promise of the Holy Ghost, he hath shed forth this, which ye now see and hear.
YOUNG: Now read verse 34.
YOUNGS READER: For David is not ascended into the heavens: but he saith himself, The LORD
said unto my Lord
YOUNG: The LORD said unto my Lordthats God talking to Jesus!
JENNINGS: Who is Jesus?
YOUNG: You tell me! You dont know! See? Hes done. The LORD said to my Lord. Youre
done. You just said God was talking to God. The bible says something different. Gimme
Matthew 22:42 to 44.
JENNINGS: Is God talking to Jesus like you said?
YOUNG: Thats what the book says.
JENNINGS: Is God talking Jesus?
YOUNG: What does the book say?
JENNINGS: Is Jesus Christ God?
YOUNG: What does the book say?
YOUNG: What does the bible say?
YOUNG: What did I just read you?
YOUNG: God was talking to Jesus.
JENNINGS: Is Jesus God?

YOUNG: Who did you say God was talking to?

JENNINGS: Is Jesus Christ God?
YOUNG: Lets go. Man, you dont understand
JENNINGS: Just a minute. Being that he said God is talking to Jesus
YOUNG: No! The scripture brought out
JENNINGS: Can I finish?
YOUNG: Gimme Matthew 22. Youre playing. Youre playing.
JENNINGS: Being that he said God is talking to Jesus, let me just ask you question: is Jesus God?
YOUNG: You dont understand it.
YOUNG: You dont understand it.
JENNINGS: Why dont you answer me?
YOUNG: You dont understand it.
JENNINGS: Is Jesus Christ God?
YOUNG: Jevovah!?
JENNINGS: Is Jesus Christ God?
YOUNG: Jehovah!? Jehovah!
JENNINGS: Is Jesus Christ God?
YOUNG: Is he Jehovah?
YOUNG: Is he Jehovah?

YOUNG: Is he Jehovah?
JENNINGS: How many gods is it?
YOUNG: You tell me.
JENNINGS: Hes afraid.
YOUNG: No, youre afraid! Come on, Matthew 22, cause hes done.
JENNINGS: Hes afraid to answer.
YOUNG & READER: Saying, What think ye of Christ? whose son is he? They say unto him, The
Son of David.
YOUNG: Come on verse 43.
YOUNG & READER: He saith unto them, How then doth David in spirit call him Lord, saying, The
LORD said unto my Lord, Sit thou on my right hand.
YOUNG: Now verse 45.
YOUNG & READER: If David then called him Lord, how is he his son?
YOUNG: Again! Youre done! You are done! I dont have to say nothing else! Youre done!
JENNINGS: How many? How many are in the Godhead?
YOUNG: Youre done. YOU ARE DONE!!!
JENNINGS: How many?
YOUNG: Youve given up the proposition!
JENNINGS: He hasnt brought one scripture
YOUNG: He just said God was talking to God!
JENNINGS: Two people not gonna talk!
YOUNG: Go ahead and talk. Go ahead and talk.

JENNINGS: You havent brought one scripture that even mentions three in deity. He hasnt
brought one scripture that even mentions two gods. He hasnt brought one scripture that
mentions three gods. He said when the Lord said
YOUNG: The bible dont teach three gods.
JENNINGS: Just a minute. Just a minute. He said when the Lord said unto my Lord that it was
God talking to Jesus. I asked him if Jesus Christ is God.
YOUNG: What did the scripture say?
JENNINGS: Is Jesus Christ God?
YOUNG: What did the scripture say? Youre saying I said it.
YOUNG: What did Luke say in Acts?
(water drips from the ceiling onto Jennings bible)
YOUNG: Got a leak, see?
SPECTATOR: Waters coming down.
YOUNG: Right on your bible.
YOUNG: See what happens when you try to fool people?
YOUNG: You tell me.
JENNINGS: Answer me while the waters falling.
YOUNG: You understand?
YOUNG: Hes the Son, right? Which one is He?

JENNINGS: He wont answer. He wont answer the question.

ELDER: Take you bible off of there.
YOUNG: Yeah, you need to be baptized brother. Youre teaching false doctrine.
JENNINGS: He wont answer the question.
YOUNG: You ready for the next proposition?
YOUNG: I already showed you that God was talking to Jesus, and you dont want to except it.
JENNINGS: The proposition is how many?
YOUNG: I already showed you the distinction!
JENNINGS: How many?
YOUNG: I showed you the distinction!
JENNINGS: He hasnt brought one scripture!
YOUNG: John 14:26
JENNINGS: He hasnt brought one scripture! Brothers draining the pool, thats what it is. Hes
draining the baptism pool. He hasnt brought one scripture that mentions
YOUNG: All right, you ready for the second one, because youre done. Youre done.
JENNINGS: No. Were going to deal with this.
YOUNG: No. We want to go to In the name.
JENNINGS: Youve got no
YOUNG: Because, youre not going to do anything!
JENNINGS: You havent got no bible
YOUNG: I showed it to you.

JENNINGS: Showed me what?

YOUNG: Three distinct personalities.
JENNINGS: You havent gave bible that says that.
YOUNG: 1 John 5:7.
JENNINGS: That didnt say that. You said it!
YOUNG: No, you said it!
JENNINGS: I said what?
YOUNG: Whatd you say?
JENNINGS: I said what?
YOUNG: Whatd you say?
JENNINGS: There are three?
YOUNG: See? Stop playing!
JENNINGS: Is it three?
YOUNG: Three distinct personalities.
JENNINGS: Give bible that says that!
YOUNG: What did John say?
JENNINGS: Thats all Im asking.
YOUNG: 1 John 5
JENNINGS: You that are here, Im asking him to give bible chapter and verse that states that
there are three distinct personalities. Im asking him to give bible that says that.
YOUNGS READER: John 14:26.
JENNINGS: All right. John 14:26 gonna say that.
YOUNG: Go ahead and sit down! You aint gonna read.

YOUNGS READER: But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my
name, he shall teach you all things
YOUNG: There you go.
JENNINGS: How many is it?
YOUNG: You dont knowyoure the one having the problem with math, not me.
YOUNG: Because you dont know!
JENNINGS: How many is it?!
YOUNG: You tell me!
YOUNG: That is not to proposition!
JENNINGS: Is it three?
YOUNG: Three distinct personalities in the Godhead!
JENNINGS: Will you give bible that say that?!
YOUNG: I already gave it to you!
JENNINGS: You did not!
YOUNG: 1 John 5:7
JENNINGS: You havent got a scripture that names one personality. Now, will you get it?
YOUNGS READER: This man has too much to lose.
YOUNG: I know he does. You have too much to lose.
JENNINGS: Will you get it? You that are here
YOUNG: He keeps saying three gods, but only One God. WE KNOW THAT!!!

JENNINGS: How many personalities?

YOUNG: There are three! I showed it to you!
JENNINGS: Read it where it says that.
YOUNG: Okay. Get Colossians 2:9, the scripture he gave me.
JENNINGS: He said theres three in the Godhead! Read it! He saiddidnt you just hear him?!
YOUNG: Not me! The bible teaches it!
JENNINGS: You just
YOUNG: The bible teaches it!
JENNINGS: Just a minute, just a minute, Young. He just said that there are three in the
Godhead, you heard him, didnt you?
YOUNG: Get Colossians 2:9
JENNINGS: Now, will you please give bible that says there are three in the Godhead?
BISHOP: Hes lying.
YOUNG & READER: For in him dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily.
JENNINGS: How many is that?
YOUNG: Now come on with Colossians 1:9, cause hes done.
YOUNG & READER: For it pleased the Father
JENNINGS: He wont answer.
YOUNG & READER: that in him should all fullness dwell;
YOUNG: There you go right there.
JENNINGS: How many is it?
YOUNG: Thats the distinction right there.
JENNINGS: Its three what?

YOUNG: Youre the one having the problem with math.

JENNINGS: Three distinct what?
YOUNG: What did Paul say?
JENNINGS: Tell the peoplethree distinct what?
YOUNG: What did Paul say?
JENNINGS: Three distinct what?
YOUNG: What did Paul say?
JENNINGS: Three distinct what?
YOUNG: What did Paul say? I gave you book.
JENNINGS: You gave me book that says what?
YOUNG: I gave you book chapter and verse
YOUNG: I havent?
YOUNG: I havent? I dont have to show three, or give that verbatim
JENNINGS: Give bible that Ive got verbatim theres one God!
YOUNG: Were not doubting that! We know that theres one God!
JENNINGS: Does He got three personalities?
YOUNG: Huh?!
JENNINGS: Does He got three personalities?
YOUNG: Whats the bible say? Ill give you scripture for that too.
JENNINGS: Give bible that says one God got three personalities.

YOUNG: Come on. Lets go.

JENNINGS: Give bible that says that.
JENNINGS: Give bible that says one God got three personalities.
YOUNG: First of all, before I give that, do you understand what manifest means?
JENNINGS: Nevermind that.
YOUNG: See, he dont want the book.
JENNINGS: Just show me plain about three personalities
YOUNG: You dont want the bible!
JENNINGS: Just a minute, so both of us wont talk. IF HE SHOWS ME PLAINLY, ANYWHERE IN
YOUNG: Ive already showed you!
YOUNG: Okay.
YOUNG: You read for it?
JENNINGS: He says theres three personalities. All I want him to do is to get bible that states
three personalities. (asks Young) Now, will you get that scripture? And if you dont get it, you
lost the debate!
YOUNG & READER: And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was
manifest in the flesh
YOUNG: You know what manifest means?

YOUNG: What does it mean?

JENNINGS: Clearly seen.
YOUNG: What does it mean?
JENNINGS: Clearly seen.
BISHOP: They know!
YOUNG: You saying God put on a body and came down here?
JENNINGS: Were not dealing with whether God came here. Were dealing with how many.
YOUNG: Answer that question.
JENNINGS: Were dealing with how many.
YOUNG: Okay, Im going to show you!
JENNINGS: This is what were dealing with!
YOUNG: Did God put on a body?
JENNINGS: Nevermind that! Thats another subject! Were dealing with how many! Were
going to stick with this!
YOUNG: Did God put on a body?
JENNINGS: We gonna stick right here!
YOUNG: Did God put on a body?
JENNINGS: How many is it?
YOUNG: Did God put on a body?
JENNINGS: How many is it?
YOUNG: Did God put on a body?
JENNINGS: How many?
YOUNG: How many what?

JENNINGS: How many gods?

YOUNG: We already went over that!
JENNINGS: How many personalities?
YOUNG: Come on! Lets go! Stop playing!
JENNINGS: How many personalities?
YOUNG: No! Youre playing!
JENNINGS: Young, I want bible chapter and verse for three personalities. He keeps doing a
bunch of reading, but not one scripture says anything about three personalities, now you have
to give that!
JENNINGS: Hes doing all this reading, hes getting all this bible,
YOUNG: Do you believe the bible?
JENNINGS: and he hasnt got one scripture.
YOUNG: Do you believe the bible?
YOUNG: Do you believe the bible?
JENNINGS: Gimme three personalities.
YOUNG: Do you believe the bible?
JENNINGS: (leaves podium) Tell you what.
YOUNG: Do you believe the bible?
JENNINGS: (sits down) Imma wait on you.
YOUNG: Yeah. Imma wait on you too! You didnt prove it either.
JENNINGS: Get three personalities.

YOUNG: Ill wait on you too! You didnt prove it either. We both can sit down. You didnt
prove it either.
JENNINGS: (gets up again) Folks
WILLIAMS: There is one alone
JENNINGS: The agreement is
YOUNG: No! Read the proposition.
JENNINGS: Just a minute.
YOUNG: The agreement is
JENNINGS: Just a minute.
YOUNG: One in the Godhead!
JENNINGS: The agreement is we certify our answer with the bible. Is that the agreement?
YOUNG: I gave you bible. You dont want it.
JENNINGS: Do you agree?
YOUNG: You dont want it.
JENNINGS: Do you agree with that?
YOUNG: You dont want it. I gave you bible.
JENNINGS: Just a minute. Now, I believe theres one God and none other, but He. I got bible
that states that. He believes there are three personalities. All Im asking him to do, if he knows
YOUNG: I already gave it to you!

YOUNG: I dont have to read anything else, hes done.

YOUNG: Thats what I said! God was manifest! Whats manifest mean?
JENNINGS: I want three personalities.
YOUNG: He knows that!
JENNINGS: Three personalities!
JENNINGS: Thats what he got to give.
YOUNG: Can I ask something?
JENNINGS: And if you dont give that, you lost.
YOUNG: Let me say something.
JENNINGS: You lost the debate.
YOUNG: Hold up! Wait a minute
JENNINGS: If he dont give bible chapter and verse for three personalities, HE LOST THE
JENNINGS: Now, you can get it!
YOUNG: Okay. Are you ready?
JENNINGS: Im ready!
YOUNG: Okay, wait till they stop clapping.
JENNINGS: All right, stop clapping! Go ahead and get it!
YOUNG: When did he give the scripture that says verbatim that theres only one in the

YOUNG: It didnt say nothing about Godhead. It didnt say one! It didnt say one, did it?
YOUNG: It didnt say one!
JENNINGS: How many is Him?
YOUNG: It didnt say one.
JENNINGS: How many is Him?
YOUNG: Okaysee? See?!
JENNINGS: How many is Him?
YOUNG: It didnt say one.
JENNINGS: How many is Him?
YOUNG: Read where it says theres only one in the Godhead.
JENNINGS: How many is Him?
YOUNG: Read where it says theres only one in the Godhead!
JENNINGS: (to Youngs elder) How many is Him? Is it two or one?
YOUNGS ELDER: You can debate me and him!
YOUNG: Thats right!
JENNINGS: How many is Him?
YOUNG: Show it to us! Show us where it says theres only one in the Godhead!
JENNINGS: How many is Him?
YOUNG: Show it to me! One in the Godhead.
JENNINGS: What did the bible say?!

YOUNG: One in the Godhead!
JENNINGS: What is Him?
YOUNG: One in the Godhead. Thats what I want to see!
JENNINGS: What is Him?
YOUNG: I wanna see one in the Godhead.
JENNINGS: He dont have no bible to support nothing!
YOUNG: Neither do you! You dont have nothing either!
YOUNG: Thats not the debate!
JENNINGS: And he says theres three personalities.
JENNINGS: I gave bible for one and none other, but He. He hasnt dug up one scripture for
three personalities.
YOUNG: It wasnt done for one in the Godhead. I dont see Godhead.
JENNINGS: The debate is over.
YOUNG: Of the Godhead.
JENNINGS: You lost the debate.
YOUNG: Lets go to In the Name of Jesus.
JENNINGS: I want three persons. I want it.
YOUNG: I already gave it to you!

JENNINGS: You havent given any

YOUNG: I gave you 2 Corinthians 13:14
JENNINGS: All right. This subject is over.
YOUNG: Yeah. You cant deal with this.
JENNINGS: This subject is over.
YOUNG: Lets go to baptizing in the Name of Jesus.
JENNINGS: This subject is over. He didnt have no bible!
YOUNG: Ready?
JENNINGS: He didnt have no bible!
YOUNG: Neither did he! You ready for the next proposition?
JENNINGS: Just a minute, just a minute. He didnt have no bible! Let me give everybody a clear
understanding. The bible supposed to been introduced to support his belief and mine!
YOUNG: And it was!
JENNINGS: I believe theres one in the Godhead and none
YOUNG: You didnt prove it.
JENNINGS: Just a minute. And none other but Him. He says theres three personalities, and he
read all the bible that he could get, but not one scripture, ONCE, says theres personalities. You
didnt find it, you lost!
YOUNG: You didnt find yours either.
YOUNG: You didnt find yours either.
(Young talks with a member of Jennings church)
YOUNG: He didnt read it. No, he didnt!

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