Hkcee Ans 2000

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HKCEE 2000 Paper I Answers

Red colour indicates wrong concepts or wrong answers. Blue colour indicates explanations. Other colour indicates comment.

Ch.19a (2000) 1.(a)

(i) The cells of A and that of the foetus are both formed by mitosis
from the zygote.
(Not accept: the cells are formed from the foetus because both foetus and placenta are formed by zygote)

(ii) (1) female

(2) A sperm with X chromosome
fertilizes with an egg which always contains an X chromosome
to form a zygote with two X chromosomes which determines the female sex.
(Not accept only describing the mechanism of sex determination without explaining specifically how the sex of the female

foetus concerned was determined at the time of fertilization.)

(Not accept: X sperms , Y sperms)

(iii) There are three chromosome 21.

(iv) The foetus may be expelled out of the uterus.
(Any contraction of the uterus may have the chance of expelling the foetus)

(v) Blood entering the foetus has higher oxygen content / higher nutrient content / lower carbon dioxide content /
lower urea content than that leaving the foetus.
(Not accept only describing the composition of the blood entering and leaving the foetus without comparing them.)

Ch.12p (2000) 1.(b)

(i) A is palisade mesophyll.
B is spongy mesophyll.
(Not accept: palisade mesophyll and spongy mesophyll, you should carefully distinguish which is the palisade and which spongy.)

(Not accept: A is palisade mesophyll cell and B is spongy mesophyll cell, because the question ask about the “tissue”).

(ii) Number of chloroplasts in region 1 is 20; while that in region 2 is 12.

The ratio of chloroplast density in region 1 to that of region 2 is 20:12 = 5:3
(“Work out” means that you should show how you perform the calculations.)

(iii) This pattern allows the leaf to carry out photosynthesis at a higher rate
because tissue A has higher chloroplast density
and it locates in the upper part of the leaf
so that it can receive more sunlight than tissue B for photosynthesis.
Effective communication mark = 1

(iv) Cut the stem of the leafy shoot under water and then put the cut stem in a red dye solution for some time.
Cut cross sections along the stem up to the leaf.
Examine the sections under a low power microscope.
Cell type C would be stained red by the dye.
(任何要做植物 transport or transpiration 的實驗之前, 一定要先 “cut the stem under water”)

(步驟 2 是由於題目說 “from the stem to the leaf”; 但如果題目只要求你証明細胞 C 是 for transportation of water, 你只需

cut section through the leaf 就可以了。)

Ch.10 (2000) 1.(c)

(i) Oxygen in the tidal air diffuses through the residual air
and dissolves in the water film lining the air sac.
It then diffuses across the walls of the air sac and the capillary wall into the blood.

Effective communication mark = 1

P. 1 of 9 HKCEE 2000 Answers & Comment
(這題不是問如何吸氣, 而是問吸了氣之後, 空氣在肺泡內如何進入血液內)

(ii) (1) It will increase.

(2) The rate becomes faster
because the distance of diffusion of oxygen from the tidal air to the water film is reduced / because the surface
area of the air sac for diffusion of oxygen is increased.
(記着題目不是問 “respiration rate”, 而是 “rate of oxygen uptake”.)

(iii) Tar deposits on the wall of the air sac.

This reduces the rate of diffusion of oxygen across the alveolar wall
by increasing the diffusion distance / decreasing the diffusion surface area for oxygen.
(Not accept any answers upon nicotine nor carbon monoxide because they are not relevant to the question).

Ch.5 (2000) 2.(a)

(i) The daily energy intake of Jane is 6620 kJ
which is less than her daily energy requirement.
Thus she has to consume the fat reserve in her body leading to a loss in her body weight.

Effective communication mark = 1

(ii) Excess amino acids are deaminated in the liver

to form carbohydrate
which will be oxidized by respiration to release energy.
(Accept: excess amino acids are broken down in the liver….)

(iii) anaemia
(Not accept: scurvy because vitamin C is NOT “mineral”, 因此由缺乏維生素 C 而來的病不計。)

(iv) Rub a piece of ham on filter paper.

A permanent translucent spot will remain after drying.
The spot will disappear after immersed in an organic solvent such as alcohol.
(由於 ham 不是液體, 把它在紙上摩擦, 是想把它裏面的脂肪擦出來, 使我們能夠加酒精去溶解它。)

(加上 Disappearing of the translucent spot 才算是一個完整的 spot test for fats.)

OR: Add alcohol to a piece of ham to obtain a clear solution.

Add water to the clear solution
to turn the solution milky.
(當脂肪 dissolved in alcohol 之後, 是出現 “clear solution” 的, 而不是 milky, 當再加水之後, 才出 milky.)

Ch14eye (2000) 2.(b)

(i) From 1 to 5 units of light intensity, the size of the pupil decreases with increasing light intensity.
When the light intensity is above 5 units, the size of the pupil will remain unchanged/constant with increasing light intensity.
(ii) This response helps to prevent excessive light entering the eye
so that the photoreceptors of the retina may not be damaged.
(iii) photoreceptors  sensory neurone  association neurone in the brain  motor neurone  iris muscle.
(Should show the arrows)

(Not accepting that this reflex is coordinated by the spinal cord because NOT ALL reflex action involves spinal cord, those

in the head region do not involve the spinal cord.)

(iv) The choroid and retina absorb all the light entering the eye.
No light is reflected out of the eye through the pupil so that no colour appears.
(Black colour means no light, 不是 black light.)

P. 2 of 9 HKCEE 2000 Answers & Comment

Ch.22 (2000) 2.(c)
(i) Advantage:
The chance of pollination is higher than cross-pollination.
There is less wastage of pollen grains than cross-pollination.
Desirable characters of the parent are more likely to be transmitted to the offspring than cross-pollination.
There is less genetic variations than cross-pollination.
(Not accept: There is no genetic variations. / Diseases from the parents could readily transmit to the offsprings because

these only occur in asexual reproduction or vegetative propagation but not so obviously in self-pollination, 因自花傳粉中的

雌雄部分有相同的 gene, 但因 gene 是一對的, 而一對 gene 的兩條可以不同, 故後代仍然可以有 variation, 不過機會是比
cross-pollination 為少。)

(ii) Remove the anthers from the flower before they are mature
Dust the pollen grains of another pea flower onto the stigma of this flower by the brush.
Cover the flower with a plastic bag to prevent further pollination.

Effective communication mark = 1

(iii)(1) Green pod allele is dominant over yellow pod allele.

(2) Let G represent the allele for green pods.
Let g represent the allele for yellow pods.

F1: Gg x Gg

Gamete: G g G g

F2: GG Gg Gg gg

Phenotype: green pod yellow pod

Phenotypic ratio: 3 : 1
(記着要寫: gamete,…等等; 要有箭咀; phenotypic ratio 之前又要寫明那個是 green 及 yellow 等 phenotypes.)

Ch.12a (2000) 3.(a)

(i) (1) blood capillary
(2) The diameter of its lumen is similar to that of a red blood cell.
Its wall is only one-cell thick.
(不要寫成: lumen is small, 但可以寫成: lumen is as small as a red blood cell.)

(ii) The blood pressure in vessel A is higher than the pressure of the surrounding fluid/tissue fluid.
This forces the plasma except the plasma protein out of vessel A.

(Should show: title, labels, one-celled wall, nucleus (因為切到), one red blood cell (可以正面或側面看))

(iv) (small intestine)  hepatic portal vein  liver  hepatic vein  vena cava  heart  pulmonary artery  (lung)
P. 3 of 9 HKCEE 2000 Answers & Comment
(Should show the arrows)

Ch.18 (2000) 3.(b)

(i) Diabetes is caused by the absence of certain substance(s)
which can be found in the pancreas.
(不要寫成: due to absence of insulin, 因這 experiment 1& 2 不能顯示這些物質是 insulin.)

(ii) To determine whether the substance in the pancreas extract for treating diabetes is a protein
or a fat.

(iii) The Symptoms would remain.

This is because the alimentary canal has protease
which will digest the active substance(s) which is protein in nature.

(iv) The pancreas of the diabetic person cannot produce enough insulin
to stimulate the liver to convert excess blood glucose into glycogen.
His blood glucose concentration always remains high
which leads to a high level of glucose in the glomerular filtrate.
The kidney tubules cannot reabsorb all the glucose from the filtrate thus glucose is excreted in the urine.

Effective communication mark = 1

(Not accept: Insulin converts excess glucose into glycogen / pancreas cannot secrete enough insulin to convert glucose to… /

cannot secrete enough insulin for the liver to convert glucose into… , because insulin does not involve in the actual

conversion process as that of an enzyme)

(Not accept: convert glucose into glycogen because this means that ALL glucose will be converted to glycogen and this will

cause death of the person)

Ch.11c (2000) 3.(c)

(i) The water potential of the cell sap of cell A is greater than that of the sucrose solution.
Water will move from high water potential area to low water potential area by osmosis.
In this case, water molecules move out of the cell
which causes the vacuole to shrink in size
thus pulling the cytoplasm and cell membrane away from the cell wall.

Effective communication mark = 1

(NOT accept: … is greater than that of cell B, 因 both cell A and B 是一同被浸在同一 sucrose solution 之內, 因此是比較 cell A

OR cell B 與 sucrose solution, 而不是比較 cell A 與 cell B 之間。)

(ii) Due to individual variation occurs in between different cells

the water potential of the cell sap of cell B may be equal to or lower than that of the surrounding solution.
(Not accept: Cell B has lower water potential than that of cell A because the water movement occurs between cell B and the

surrounding solution but not between cell A and cell B.)

(iii)(1) Adjust the position of the slide until cell A is placed at the centre of the field of vision.
(2) Turn the fine adjustment knob until the cell is in focus.
Adjust the diaphragm and condenser to increase the illumination of the slide.

P. 4 of 9 HKCEE 2000 Answers & Comment

Ch9 (2000) 4.(a)
(i) It converts starch into maltose.
(Not accept: It digest starch, 因為 formation of reducing sugar/maltose 比較 digestion of starch 更加重要; 因之前說 mixed with

warm water, 這就是說用水來溶解糖, 而澱粉是不能溶於水的。)

(Not accept: It converts starch into glucose because no one single enzyme can convert starch into glucose directly. Starch

should be converted into maltose first, then into glucose. One enzyme can only catalyze one reaction.)

(不一定要用 digest 等字。)

(ii) It gives sufficient time to ensure sufficient amount of maltose is produced.

(因 starch digestion to produce maltose 是需要時間的, 時間太短就只造成很少 maltose 作原料去釀酒。)

(iii) When the temperature increases from 0-70oC, the amylase activity increases.
When the temperature increases from 70-90oC, the amylase activity decreases.
The optimum temperature for the activity of barley amylase is 70oC.
(因圖形顯示分成升和跌兩個部分, 因此三分是一升一跌, 加一個轉角點。)

(iv) The temperature chooses should be below 10oC.

The amylase is inactive at this temperature
but it is not denatured.
(只寫 inactive 是不夠的, 因 high temperature 時的 denatured 也可算是 inactive 的一種, 起碼不是 “active”。)

(v) After incubating the mixture at a given temperature for a fixed period of time, perform the Benedict’s test.
Measure the amount of red precipitate formed / the amount of reducing sugar formation.

Ch.25 (2000) 4.(b)

(i)(1) High concentration of suspended solids reduces the light intensity in water.
Thus the rate of photosynthesis of the producers decreases.
This leads to a drop in the population of the producers.

Effective communication mark = 1

(2) Site D
(ii)(1) The greater the amount of organic pollutants in water, the higher the bacterial population
because the organic pollutants provide food
for the growth of bacteria.
(不要寫成: for the bacteria, 因這樣是指細菌個體的生存; 但題目是指 bacteria population 而不是個體。)

(2) Site C.
(3) There is large human population / sewage outfall / slow water current in this site.
(iii) It protects endangered species.

Ch.11a (2000) 4.(c)

(i) When performing heavy exercise, the rate of sweat production was faster than that at rest.
The body generated a large amount of heat during exercise.
The rise of body temperature stimulates more sweating to increase heat lost.

(ii) As the man performs exercise, a large amount of water was lost from the body in the form of sweat.
The water potential of the blood was lowered.  〔不是: of the body〕
P. 5 of 9 HKCEE 2000 Answers & Comment
This stimulates the kidney tubules to reabsorb a greater proportion of water from the glomerular filtrate to increase the
water potential of the blood.
Effective communication mark = 1

(Not accept: a greater amount of water was reabsorbed because kidney tubules reabsorb water in terms of the proportion of

water in the glomerular filtrate. The amount of glomerular filtrate produced depends on the blood pressure generated in

the glomerulus. If the amount of glomerular filtrate produced is small, the absolute amount of water reabsorbed will be

small, but the proportion of water reabsorbed is large. This may be up to 99.7% from the filtrate.)

(“urine” amount 是由 water content 所控制的, 因此要說 water loss, water potential, reabsorption of water (即所有和水有關的東西))

(記著是 reabsorb “greater proportion”, 而不是 “more water / greater amount of water”.)

(iii)(1) The lining of the air sacs and respiratory tract is moist.
Water evaporates from the moist surface into the lumen of the respiratory tract and is lost during exhalation.

(2) The rate and depth of breathing was increased.

Greater amount of air was exhaled from the lungs per unit time that leads to an increase of water lost.

Paper II 2000

1-10 11-20 21-30 31-40 41-50 51-60

1 D B C A D D
2 C C B A D D
3 A D B B D D
4 C C A C A B
5 B C C A A B
6 B D A A C A
7 A D B A D C
8 C B B D / B
9 B C D D C D
10 C A C B B A

Paper II Comments :

8. Although the main function of the colon is water absorption, the small intestine actually absorbs the majority of water

(80% of total water absorption). Since the absorption of a lot of digested food in the small intestine, a large amount of water is

also absorbed into the blood as a result of osmosis.

19. Area A represents the net amount of water lost by the plant. Area B represents the net amount of water absorbed. As area B is

greater than area A, the plant has a net uptake of water during the 24-hour period. One of the functions of the water retained is

for forming new cells.

30 There is a net uptake of oxygen into the leaves through the stomata under bright daylight. The root hair also take in oxygen for

respiration, in order to maintain life of the cells and carry out active transport to absorb mineral salts.

33 Control of breathing movements, represented by the movements of the diaphragm, are carried out by the cerebrum and

medulla oblongata. Cerebrum controls voluntary breathing, whereas medulla controls involuntary breathing.

(i) 因為 A 的細胞和胎兒的細胞同是利用有絲分裂, 由同一受精卵(合子)所發展而成的。 利用有絲分裂而成的子細胞

P. 6 of 9 HKCEE 2000 Answers & Comment

(ii) (1) 女性
(2) 有絲分裂時, 女性(XX)產生的卵子帶有 X 染色體, 而男性(XY)產生的精子有一半是帶有 X 染色體, 另一半帶
有 Y 染色體。 在受精的一刻, 卵子從帶有 X 染色體的精子受精, 故此合子共有兩個 X 染色體, 而胎兒的性別是女
(iii) 胎兒的第 21 對染色體多了一條(共有三條)。
(iv) 子宮壁的收縮可能將胎兒逼出體外。
(v) (1) 進入胎兒的血液比離開胎兒的含有較高濃度的氧和養料/葡萄糖和氨基酸。
(2) 進入胎兒的血液比離開的含有較低濃度的尿素和二氧化碳。

(i) A: 柵狀組織
B: 海綿組織
(ii) 範圍 1 有 20 個葉綠體, 而範圍 2 有 12 個葉綠體。
範圍 1 的葉綠體密度 : 範圍 2 的葉綠體密度 = 20/面積 : 12/面積 = 5:3
(iii) 由(ii), 我們可以知道柵狀組織的高, 因為大部分陽光都是照射在葉的上表皮, 並在葉的上表皮被接受。由於柵狀組
織集中在葉的上表皮, 故上表皮有較高的葉綠體密度, 從而增加陽光的接收, 令光合作用的速率加快來提供食物給
(iv) 把一條帶葉枝條放於一個裝了紅色染料的燒杯裏。 一天之後, 在葉和莖部切一橫切面, 把其橫切面放在顯微鏡下
觀察, 細胞種類 C 會被染成紅色, 可證明這個意念是正確的。

(i) 潮氣內的氧會擴散到餘氣, 並溶於肺泡壁的濕潤層。 因為肺動脈裏的缺氧血比肺泡含有較低的氧濃度, 液體的氧
(ii) (1) 吸入的潮氣量會增加。
(2) 血液攝取氧的速率會較快。
深呼吸增加肺泡的體積, 亦增加其表面積。 因有更大的表面積, 故氣體交換的速率也會較快。
(iii) 香煙裏的焦油會在肺泡壁上形成一層厚膜, 減少肺泡的表面積來進行氣體交換, 同時亦減慢氧擴散的速率。

(i) 小美每天所吸取的總能量是 6621kJ, 並不能達到她每天的平均能量需求(9200kJ)。額外的能量需求(2580kJ)可由消
耗她身體的食物儲備而得。 這可減輕小美的乾重, 故她的體重會減輕。
(ii) 多餘的氨基酸可在肝進行脫氨作用, 形成尿素和無氨化合物, 這無氨化合物會被轉化為碳水化合物。 呼吸作用時
(iii) 貧血
(iv) 可以利用乳劑試驗來檢驗。
把一塊火腿放於一個燒瓶內, 加入酒精並得一清澈的液體, 把那火腿取出, 在液體中加水, 如果火腿含有脂肪, 液體

(i) 當光強度在 1 和 5 之間(隨意單位)時, 光強度越高, 瞳孔越小。
當光強度大過 5(隨意單位)時, 光強度的增加不能影響瞳孔的大小, 瞳孔亦不會再縮小。
(ii) 當光強度越高時, 瞳孔縮小使較少的光線進入眼睛, 因而保護視網膜上的感光細胞, 避免感光細胞受到強光破壞。
(iii) 視網膜上的感光細胞(感受器)  視神經的感覺神經元  腦的聯合神經元  運動神經元  環肌(反應器)
(iv) 瞳孔是一可以看到視網膜和脈絡膜的小孔, 全部進入眼內的光線都會被視網膜和脈絡膜所吸收, 沒有光線經瞳孔
由眼內向外反射, 故瞳孔總是呈現黑色。

P. 7 of 9 HKCEE 2000 Answers & Comment
(i) 好處: 並不需要倚賴外間的媒介, 這可增加受精作用的機會 / 花粉粒的浪費較少, 花朵可製造較少的花粉粒。
壞處: 後代的基因變化較少, 使適應環境的能力減少。
(ii) 當豆花的花藥尚未成熟時, 把它們除去, 防止自花傳粉。 另外, 利用小毛刷把另一朵豆花的花粉掃到這豆花的柱頭
上, 最後, 把整朵花用膠袋包裹着, 以防止異花傳粉。
(iii) (1) 控制綠色莢果的等位基因是顯性的 / 控制黃色莢果的等位基因是隱性的。
(2) 設 G 為綠色莢果的等位基因;
g 為黃色莢果的等位基因。

F1 表現型: 綠色 綠色

F1: Gg Gg

G: G g G g

F2: GG Gg Gg gg

F2 表現型: 綠色 綠色 綠色 黃色

表現型比率: 3 : 1

(i) (1) A 是微血管。
(2) 微血管的管壁是十分薄的, 只有一層細胞的厚度。
(ii) 小動脈的高血壓迫使微血管內的血漿穿過微血管壁, 進入細胞之間的空間, 除了血漿蛋白因體積較大而未能穿過
外, 血漿的所有成分都能穿過微血管壁, 成為組織液。

(iv) 小腸  肝門靜脈  肝  大靜脈  心臟的心房  心臟的右心室  肺動脈  肺

(i) 從實驗 1 和 2 中, 我們可指出糖尿病的成因是因為胰臟缺少了某種物質。
(ii) 用以測試胰臟提取液裏的有效成分是蛋白質或是脂肪。
(iii) 糖尿病症狀持續。
這是因為胰臟提取液(胰島素)裏的有效成分是蛋白質, 而蛋白質是可以被消化管裏的蛋白 所消化的。
(iv) 糖尿病患者不能分泌足夠的胰島素來使肝把過多的血糖變化為糖原, 故血糖濃度十分高, 使賢小球濾液裏的血糖
濃度較正常的為高, 這高血糖濃度使腎小管不能完全把血糖重吸收。 故尿液裏有血糖, 並被排出體外。

(i) 細胞 A 變得軟縮/質壁分離。
蔗糖溶液的水潛能較細胞 A 的細胞液的為低, 故細胞 A 裏的水通過滲透作用離開細胞 A, 細胞 A 失水後, 液泡變
得軟縮, 使細胞膜脫離細胞壁。
(ii) 細胞 B 的水潛能和蔗糖溶液的相同或低於它 / 蔗糖溶液是等滲溶液或低滲溶液。
(iii) (1) 在轉動到高倍接物鏡前, 他需移動玻片, 使細胞 A 在視場的中心。
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(2) 調校聚光器來增強玻片的照明。
轉動調節器直至細胞 A 對焦。

(i) 澱粉把澱粉消化為麥芽糖。
(ii) 以確保能產生足夠的麥芽糖。
(iii) 在 0oC 至 70 oC 之間, 溫度越高, 澱粉活性越高。最適合澱粉運作的溫度是 70 oC。如果溫度超過 70 oC 後, 當溫度
越高時, 澱粉 活性越低。 當溫度高於 90oC 時, 澱粉 會停止活動。
(iv) 0oC
因為在 0oC 時, 澱粉 活性差不多等如零, 但卻不會被破壞, 而把澱粉變化為麥芽糖的作用會減至最低, 故顆粒可
(v) 可以進行本立德試驗。
把本立德試劑和相同分量的壓碎顆粒和水混合, 我們可以利用量度橙色沉澱物的多寡來比較所製造的還原糖數量,
澱粉的活性越高, 所製造的還原糖數量越多。

(i) (1) 高濃度的懸浮固體會減少照射到深海的太陽光, 生產者的光合作用速率會減低, 並減少生產者的數量。
(2) 地點 D
(ii) (1) 有機污染物越多, 海水中細菌的種 越多, 因為細菌是以有機污染物作為食物, 以提供養料來生長和繁殖。
(2) 地點 C
(3) 這可能是因為有很多人聚集在這個地點 / 這裏附近有污水的排放。
(iii) 用以保護瀕臨絕種生物和確保牠們可以在香港生活(例如:白海豚)。

(i) 進行劇烈運動時, 失水速率會較休息時為高。 因為當一種人在進行劇烈運動時, 呼吸速率會增加, 以提供足夠的能
量給身體, 與此同時, 也產生了較多的熱能, 所以體溫上升, 而汗腺會分泌較多的汗來降低體溫。
(ii) 進行劇烈運動時, 身體流失很多水分,
這樣刺激腎小管在尿液中重吸收更大比例的水分, 來增加血液的水潛能, 因而只產生了少量的尿液。
(iii) (1) 肺泡壁的表面是濕潤的, 呼氣的時候, 其水分會被蒸發, 並排出體外。
(2) 進行劇烈運動時, 呼氣的速率和深度都會增加, 使肺在每單位時間內呼出更多空氣, 並使大量的水分蒸發, 故

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