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Olfactory (CN I)

Special sensory

Optic (CN II)

Oculomotor (CN III)

Special sensory
Somatic motor

Visceral motor

Location of Nerve Cell

Cranial Exit
Olfactory epithelium
Foramina in cribriform
(olfactory cells)
plate of ethmoid bone
Retina (ganglion cells) Optic canal

Trochlear (CN IV)

Somatic motor

Presynaptic: midbrain;
Postsynaptic: ciliary

Trigeminal (CN V)
Ophthalmic div. (V1)

General sensory

Trigeminal ganglion

Maxillary div. (V2)

General sensory

Trigeminal ganglion

Mandibular div. (V3)

Branchial motor


General sensory

Trigeminal ganglion

Somatic motor
Branchial motor


Abducent (CN VI)

Facial (CN VII)

Special sensory
General sensory
Visceral motor
Vestibulocochlear (CN VIII)
Special sensory
Glossopharyngeal (CN IX)

Vagus (CN X)

Geniculate ganglion
Presynaptic: pons
pterygopalatine ganglion
and submandibular

Superior orbital fissure

Main Action
Smell from nasal mucosa of roof of each nasal cavity,
superior sides of nasal septum and superior concha
Vision from retina
Motor to superior, inferior, and medial rectus, inferior
oblique, and levator palpebrae superioris muscle that
raise upper eyelid and rotates eyeball superiorly,
inferiorly, and medially
Secretomotor to sphincter pupillae and ciliary
muscles that constrict pupil and accommodate lens of
Motor to superior oblique that assists in rotating eye

Sensation from cornea, skin of forehead, scalp,

eyelids, nose, and mucosa of nasal cavity and
paranasal sinuses
Sensation from skin of face over maxilla including
Foramen rotundum
upper lip, maxillary teeth, mucosa of nose, maxillary
sinuses, and palate
Motor to muscles of mastication, mylohyoid, anterior
Foramen ovale
belly of digastric, tensor veli palatini, and tensor
Sensation from the skin over mandible, including
lower lip and side of head, mandibular teeth,
temporomandibular joint, and mucosa of mouth and
anterior 2/3 of tongue
Motor to lateral rectus that rotates eye laterally
Superior orbital fissure
Motor to muscles of facial expression and scalp; also
supplies stapedius of middle ear, stylohyoid, and
posterior belly of digastric
Taste from anterior 2/3 of tongue, floor of mouth, and
Internal acoustic meatus, palate
facial canal, and
Sensation from skin of external acoustic meatus

stylomastoid foramen

Vestibular ganglion
Internal acoustic meatus

Secretomotor to submandibular and sublingual

salivary glands, lacrimal gland, and glands of nose
and palate

Vestibular sensation from semicircular ducts, utricle,

and saccule related to position and movement of head
Hearing from spiral organ

Special sensory

Spiral ganglion

Branchial motor


Visceral motor
Visceral sensory

Presynaptic: medulla
Postsynaptic: otic
Inferior ganglion

Special sensory

Superior ganglion

Visceral sensation from parotid gland, carotid body

and sinus, pharynx, and middle ear
Taste from posterior 1/3 of tongue

General sensory

Inferior ganglion

Cutaneous sensation from external ear

Branchial motor


Motor to stylopharyngeus that assists with

Secretomotor to parotid gland

Somatic motor


Motor to constrictor muscles of pharynx, intrinsic

muscles of larynx, muscles of palate (except tensor
veli palatine), and striated muscle in superior 2/3 of
Motor to smooth m. of trachea, bronchi, digestive
tract, moderates cardiac pacemaker and
vasoconstrictor of coronary arteries
Visceral sensation from base of tongue, pharynx,
larynx, trachea, bronchi, heart, esophagus, stomach,
Sensation from auricle, external acoustic meatus,
dura mater of posterior cranial fossa
Motor to striated mm. of soft palate, pharynx, larynx

Spinal accessory (CN XI)

Somatic motor

Cervical spinal cord

Motor to sternocleidomastoid and trapezius

Hypoglossal (CN XII)

Somatic motor


Jugular foramen
Visceral motor

Presynaptic: medulla
Postsynaptic: viscera

Special sensory

Inferior ganglion

General sensory

Superior ganglion

Hypoglossal canal

Motor to muscles of tongue (except palatoglossus)

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