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My project is a result of the inspiring and thankful guidance and supervision of

my project guide Prof. Mrs.Reshma Kukreja, I am deeply indebted to her whose help,
time, support, inspiration, stimulating suggestion and encouragement helped me in all
the times of research and writing of this report.
This project has widened my horizon to various areas under general knowledge
regarding the practical and real aspects of Recruitment Strategies at TCS
Last but not the least, this PROJECT has definitely helped me to achioeve
something, which will be useful to us in future and hence am thankful to all persons who
have helped in gaining such useful knowledge.
To end with, I thank the people who helped me indirectly but without their
assistance this project was not possible. I thank all my friends and dear ones for their
kind support.

The setting of objective is the corner stone of a systematic study. The study will
be fruitful one when the basis laid down is a concrete one they represent the desired
solution to the problem and help in proper utilization of opportunities.
The objectives of the research are:

To find skilled Employees for Organization.

To Find Employees Who Fit Your Culture.

To Find Trustworthy Employees.

To obtain the number and quality of employees that can be selected in order to

help the organization to achieve its goals and objectives .

To find a link between the employers and the job seekers and ensures the
placement of right candidate at the right place at the right time.

Executive Summary
Economic integration is the unification of economic policies between different states
through the partial or full abolition of tariff and non-tariff restrictions on trade taking place
among them prior to their integration. This is meant in turn to lead to lower prices for
distributors and consumers with the goal of increasing the level of welfare, while leading
to and increase of economic productivity of the states.

The trade stimulation effects intended by means of economic integration are part of the
contemporary economic Theory of the Second Best: where, in theory, the best option
is free trade, with free competition and no trade barriers whatsoever. Free trade is
treated as an idealistic option, and although realized within certain developed states,
economic integration has been thought of as the "second best" option for global trade
where barriers to full free trade exist.
Economic integration, process in which two or more states in a broadly defined
geographic area reduce a range of trade barriers to advance or protect a set of
economic goals.

There are varying levels of economic integration, including preferential trade

agreements (PTA), free trade areas (FTA), customs unions, common markets and
economic and monetary unions. The more integrated the economies become, the
fewer trade barriers exist and the more economic and political coordination there is
between the member countries.
By integrating the economies of more than one country, the short-term benefits from the
use of tariffs and other trade barriers is diminished. At the same time, the more
integrated the economies become, the less power the governments of the member
nations have to make adjustments that would benefit themselves. In periods
of economic growth, being integrated can lead to greater long-term economic benefits;
however, in periods of poor growth being integrated can actually make things worse.

This project is prepared with the combination of theoretical knowledge as well as
practical knowledge and a blend of advices and suggestion from the guide of the project.

Various books helped me out in extracting the theoretical element. Also the information
relevant to the project is being surfed from internet. All these activities are conducted as
per the guide consent.
Finally, the project has been advantageously finished with various kinds of experiences
gained throughout. It had been possible with my facts and information on this subject.

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