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20 Secret Ways to

Improve Your
Feng Shui
Chris Shaul and Sophia Tang Shaul of
168 Feng Shui Advisors

20 Secret Ways to
Improve Your
Feng Shui
Chris Shaul and Sophia Tang Shaul of
168 Feng Shui Advisors

Published by:
168 Feng Shui Advisors
P.O. Box 11203
Burbank, CA 91510
2007 168 Feng Shui Advisors
All rights reserved under international copyright conventions.

First Edition November 2002

Revised March 2007

This book may contain material that is copyrighted by the

American Feng Shui Institute. It is used with their permission.

This book presents information and techniques that have been in use throughout the
Orient for many years. The information offered is to the authors best knowledge and
experiences and makes no claims for absolute effectiveness. It can be beneficial or
harmful, depending upon ones stage of development. Readers should use their own
discretion and liability. The adoption and application of the material offered in this book
is solely the readers own responsibility. The authors and publisher of this book are not
responsible or liable in any manner for loss or damage of properties or bodily injuries that
may occur through following the instructions in this book.

20 Secret Ways to
Improve Your
Feng Shui
On the following pages are 20 simple Feng Shui suggestions that can
improve the overall environment around you and also perhaps improve the
overall prosperity and well being of those in the environment.
The goal of this ebook is to introduce basic Feng Shui concepts while
showing that Feng Shui is not that complicated. Feng Shui is comprised
of four aspects: Environment, Building, Time and People. By improving
the environment and building aspects around you can realize greater
happiness, improved well-being, and better relationships. When you place
yourself in a better environment, the environment supports your ability to
We hope that you enjoy not only reading this ebook, but that you also find
enjoyment in the actual implementation of these changes to your
This is not the end all either. Included in this ebook are references to other
resources that can assist you in furthering your knowledge and also help
you to begin to expand your abilities to Feng Shui a place.
Lets get started!

2007-2010 168 Feng Shui Advisors

Page 1

Find ways of adding beauty to your home or

First and foremost, Feng Shui is creating beauty and harmony in your
environment. Hang a beautiful picture; add flowers in your living room.
Keep things fresh and welcoming.
Often we are asked how to help a house sell. Well if the owner can create
a beautiful and inviting home, the house will sell faster. People often
enter homes that have had Feng Shui applied and feel very comfortable,
but without being able to pin down why they feel this way.
A coat of fresh paint or adding new carpeting are ways that you can
improve the Feng Shui. However, start with simply cleaning up. Adding
a simple change to an environment can enhance the rest of the
environment. Just like the choice of a frame can really enhance a picture,
by choosing your design aspects carefully, you can add to the look of your
interior. This crosses over into interior design. A good book to read on
the essentials of Interior Design is the Home Decorators Bible ebook.
This ebook is available at this website: (http://tinyurl.com/3y9bgz)
Good interior design is also good Feng Shui!
Remember that Feng Shui is natural!

2007-2010 168 Feng Shui Advisors

Page 2

Remove sha from your environment.

Sha means, Negative influence. If something is unpleasing to the senses
then it is a sha and should be minimized. The goal of a Feng Shui
practitioner is to remove sha in the environment. Sha can affect any of the
five senses; sight, hearing, touch, smell, and taste.
Sha can also be a feeling. The sense of something uncomfortable to you
can be a sha. If something in your home feels wrong,
Pet smells are an example of smell sha. Noise from the outside can be
sound sha. Perhaps sealing the windows better can reduce some of this
noise sha. Cleaning the carpeting can reduce smell sha from pets.
A Feng Shui masters job is to remove sha. This includes environmental
sha as well as sha qi (unbalanced energy within the building). Qi simply
means unseen energy or forces. It is also spelled Chi. Understanding
sha qi takes education and practice, but you can certainly fix
environmental sha. Use your common sense!
Start practicing the skill of removing sha from your environment. If you
see something that is uncomfortable in the environment, such as a broken
faucet, or an overflowing trash can, take care of it immediately. What you
will find is that you soon feel a lot better about your environment.

for Qi
2007-2010 168 Feng Shui Advisors

Page 3

Clear the clutter.

We almost hesitate to mention this as one of the 20 simple tips, because
this is so clich in the Feng Shui world, yet it still holds true. A Feng Shui
masters job is to reduce sha in the environment. If you can reduce the sha
at your desk, in your room, or elsewhere in your home, you will feel better
and have a sense of accomplishment.
This is similar to removing sha from your environment, but it is also about
getting organized. Saving time by simply being organized can help you
feel more in control. There are a lot of books on organization. Take the
time to read more about this simple, but important concept. There is a
good book on creating a clutter free environment, Declutter your home
fast( http://tinyurl.com/3y9bgz ) You should check it out.
Walking into an uncluttered environment is much more welcoming than
walking into a mess. Busy environments are not relaxing environments,
so in your bedroom you should not have a lot of bright colors and a lot of
things. Keep it simple and plain. A bedroom is a place to relax and

Look at this picture and then go back to the picture of the roses. Notice
the different feeling you get.

2007-2010 168 Feng Shui Advisors

Page 4

Make sure that your environment is balanced.

Feng Shui is balance. If it is too hot, open the windows or turn on the air
conditioning. If it is too cold, turn on a heater. If it is too dark, turn on a
lamp, if it is too bright reduce the lighting. If you can learn this simple
concept, and develop an eye and sense for spotting imbalance, you are on
your way to Feng Shui expert!
Feng Shui is based on Yin and Yang. This symbol for balance is the basis
for understanding Feng Shui. Be sure to read
to learn more.

2007-2010 168 Feng Shui Advisors

Page 5

Understand that authentic, traditional Chinese Feng

Shui is not based on mysticism, religion, or
superstitious beliefs.
Feng Shui is squarely rooted in common sense, good architectural
principles, good design principles, and a sensible approach to ones
environment. Unfortunately many books and websites are based on other
things that are not Feng Shui, but are actually new age concepts or
mysticism. This is not to say that they do not work, but they are not really
under the category of Feng Shui.
Feng Shui is a practical application of creating supportive environments in
which people can prosperously live and work.
So many so-called cures are nothing more than ways to make money for
people. Traditional Feng Shui only utilizes the five elements of wood,
fire, earth, metal, or water. By adding objects of these elements, it is
possible to balance the qi of a home. You can learn more the five
elements in the Principles of Feng Shui (http://tinyurl.com/2s3vk4)by
Master Larry Sang.
Besides the five elements, environmental changes can be recommended.
Changes such as adding light to a room, or cleaning the carpet of pet
smells are a couple of examples of environmental suggestions. As
mentioned earlier the job of the Feng Shui practitioner is to remove sha
or negative influences from the environment. Selling cures are not in
this job description. Some people could argue that these cures are
symbolic and change the way people feel about their home. A good clean
and pleasant home will do a lot more than a gold gilded charm.
Crystals are another often used cure. Before 20 years ago, crystals were
not a part of Feng Shui.
Traditional Chinese Feng Shui uses common sense. It is an approach to
improving your environment and balancing the qi such that people can
enjoy more healthy and prosperous lives.

2007-2010 168 Feng Shui Advisors

Page 6

Align yourself with your good directions and avoid

the bad directions.
Aligning yourself to your favorable directions can result in a better sleep
and a more productive work environment. You can read more about your
best and worst directions at:
Remember that it is your back that needs to be supported by the good
directions and you should face your opposing directions. Just like a
general who is supported by his army, you want to have the support
behind you.

2007-2010 168 Feng Shui Advisors

Page 7

Avoid aligning yourself directly in front of a corner or

sharp angle.
If you have a desk that has a corner pointing at it, move it so that you are
not in direct alignment with the point of the corner. Avoiding angle sha
can improve your relationships and health.

In Feng Shui, square and rectangular shapes are preferred. There are a
few reasons for this. Firstly, people relate better to these shapes in a living
environment. 45-degree angles for hallways or rooms, throw off ones
sense of orientation. Further, strange angles create a sha that directs qi in
sharp flows. Where possible, square off the environment. Even in cul-desac houses where the yard is triangular in shape, the yard can be squared
off with hedges. This can help both money and people depending upon
the circumstances.

2007-2010 168 Feng Shui Advisors

Page 8

Avoid sleeping under or sitting beneath beams.

Position yourself so that you are not sleeping directly under the beam or so
that you are sitting between the beams. You do not want to have this
pressure of qi directed down at you.
How do you correct for beams in your home? The simple thing is to try
not to sit directly below a beam. While this can be difficult, often you can
cover the beams with a decorative fabric draped from the beams. This can
reduce the strength of the qi. Ideally a false ceiling is best.

2007-2010 168 Feng Shui Advisors

Page 9

Avoid strong drafts of qi.

Again, qi is unseen energy or force. Air is a conductor of qi, as is water.
Hence the name wind and water (Feng Shui). We want to avoid strong
forces of qi. Strong air or water currents are not preferred.
This includes sleeping directly in the line of a vent or strong airflow. It
also means to avoid having a room at the end of a long hallway where the
qi is directed straight at the room and is focused by the long hallway.
Homes at the end of a street where the street comes straight at them are
advised to plant shrubs and bushes to slow down this qi.
We prefer that qi meanders softly. Thus if you have a doorway that opens
to the stairs, you want to place a bush or shrub at the base of the stairs to
avoid the strong rush of qi out the door. Plants are a great way of reducing
the qi flow and making the environment look great.

2007-2010 168 Feng Shui Advisors

Page 10

Fix anything around the house that is broken.

Cracks in the driveway should be sealed. Similarly repair any cracks in
stucco or cement. Broken eaves should be fixed. Things that are broken
should be fixed. Fixing these things will not only improve the Feng Shui,
but will also remove sha from visitors.

2007-2010 168 Feng Shui Advisors

Page 11

Make any Feng Shui changes appear natural.

Things such as wind chimes and bagua mirrors scream Ive been Feng
Shuid. Use the five natural elements and beautiful environmental
changes to improve the Feng Shui of a home or building. If it looks Feng
Shuid it isnt good Feng Shui! Read more about the five elements at
Often you will see million dollar homes with a small $5.00 bagua mirror
above the entrance. It looks more like a wart on the home that something
that will fix the Feng Shui.
Traditional Chinese Feng Shui only uses the five natural elements or
common sense changes to the environment. Cures, charms, and symbolic
items do not have a place in authentic Feng Shui.
A warm and pleasing environment will do more for you than many so
called Feng Shui cures available on the market.

2007-2010 168 Feng Shui Advisors

Page 12

Beware of what you read!!

This cannot be emphasized enough. Before implementing any Feng Shui
remedies, think about whether the Feng Shui remedy sounds logical and
practical. If it does not, then question it. If it still does not make practical
sense, then move on to the next thing. All things in Feng Shui have a
common sense and logical answer. Some things may seem odd at first,
but as you study more, you realize that there are common sense answers to
Along the same lines, beware of what you see! A lot of TV shows are
strictly for entertainment value. While you may think you are learning
something, often the education is left on the cutting room floor.
A good start for the beginner is to read The Principles of Feng Shui by
Master Larry Sang. This is a book very grounded in sound Feng Shui
theory. It is logical and sensible. Further it is a great reference book.
Purchase it online now. (http://tinyurl.com/2s3vk4 )

2007-2010 168 Feng Shui Advisors

Page 13

Get involved with Feng Shui.

There are many groups on the Internet where you can discuss Feng Shui.
In discussing Feng Shui, you can learn more as well as assist others. One
such online discussion community is at the American Feng Shui Institute..
Take a look and dive into the conversation at
http://www.amfengshui.com/bb/ .

2007-2010 168 Feng Shui Advisors

Page 14

Add metal wherever the 5 Earth sha

resides for that year.
While this is a little technical for this book, it is a good general solution.
By avoiding Earth sha qi, you can prevent accidents, money delays, and
other obstacles. You only need to do this if these areas are a room where
you spend a lot of time or in a direction where there is a commonly used
For 2002, use metal in the East. For 2003, use metal in the Southeast. For
2004, we do not need to worry, but in 2005, use metal in the Northwest.
Metal can be in the form of a metal statue, brass decorations, or stainless
steel. Any metal that is beautiful and fits with your environment will do.
Do not overdo it! Use what feels proportionally correct for the room you
are remedying. You can read more about the 5 Earth sha and where it is
each year with Master Larry Sangs annual Feng Shui and Astrology
guide. This is available at online here. (http://tinyurl.com/2vkpy9 )

2007-2010 168 Feng Shui Advisors

Page 15

Place water in auspicious directions.

Water is associated with prosperity. Areas near water always fetch higher
real estate values than those without water. Water relates to money in
Feng Shui. Add water in the East and Southwest areas outside your home
if possible. Use a fountain or a pond and make it look beautiful and
inviting. Do not create a sha by letting the water stagnate. Ensure that the
water is clean and circulating.
From 2004 until 2023 avoid water in the Northeast. Placing water in these
directions is not preferred!
To find out more about favorable and unfavorable directions, please refer
to Master Larry Sangs Feng Shui and Astrology
(http://tinyurl.com/2vkpy9 )from the previous tip.
This informative guide also gives dates for the year for planning your
auspicious events.

2007-2010 168 Feng Shui Advisors

Page 16

Practice Self-Feng Shui.

Often the environment is fine, but there is sha within us. Remove internal
sha. Find ways to remove your own internal sha. Practice yoga,
meditation, or chanting. Do not dwell on negative thoughts but focus on
the positive. Let the universe take care of the rest.
Practice breathing exercises. Enroll in a Tai Qi class. Find ways to
remove the negative sha within and build the auspicious qi within your
own body.
Be giving and assist others. Give of your time.
Although not Feng Shui, there is a wonderful email that is sent daily called
Insight of the Day. This email contains positive reinforcements and can
remind you to remove the sha each and every day. You can subscribe at

2007-2010 168 Feng Shui Advisors

Page 17

Understand and remember that Feng Shui is not

an end all cure to lifes woes.
What Feng Shui can do is to place you in a supportive and balanced
environment. This will help you rest and be more productive. The
Chinese believe in 5 controlling influences on ones life. The first is
destiny, the second is luck, the third is Feng Shui, the fourth is giving, and
the last is hard work. If you study and work hard, are giving and have
good Feng Shui, then you have done as much as you can towards
improving yourself. Luck and Destiny are believed by some to be outside
our control, although a strong spiritual practice or faith cannot hurt!
If you think of the five controlling influences like a glass of water, you can
fill the glass called destiny with your hard work, kindness, Feng Shui, and
luck. The size of your glass is your destiny.

2007-2010 168 Feng Shui Advisors

Page 18

Avoid strong colors, especially red and black. These

are fire and water.
They are the extreme opposites in Feng Shui. Red is often used for the
fire element as a strong Feng Shui remedy. It is the most yang of the
elemental colors. Improperly applied, it can result in financial delays,
accidents, and other mishaps.
We have had clients who have painted a wall of their home red and within
a month had the house burn down. All of this is dependent upon the qi
within your home. In certain areas of a home, the color red can generate
money. In other areas, it can spell disaster.
The color black relates to water. Water is a very powerful element as
well. Although we said that water is associated with wealth, it can also
strengthen arguments, disagreements, and even lawsuits. Black is a very
yin color as well and can create feelings of oppression or even depression.
Overdoing either of these two colors can have strong effects. It really
takes a trained practitioner to discern the appropriate areas for these two
strong colors. Use these colors as accents, not as primary colors. If you
make a change, such as painting a room red and suddenly you are
experiencing accidents, or money delays, consider changing back to a
neutral color (white or light beige).
In Feng Shui, it is often better to stick to simple and plain and then dress
up areas with colored pillows, or other decorative accents. It is okay to
make a home colorful and lively, just do not overdo it!

2007-2010 168 Feng Shui Advisors

Page 19

Understand that the front door does not determine

the orientation of the home.
This is a common misconception. The sitting and facing sides of the
house determine the orientation. While typically the sitting is the rear of
the home and the facing is the front, there are many exceptions and each
house needs to be looked at individually. Sitting relates to the yin or
private areas and Facing relates to the more active and public (or yang)
areas of the home.
This is a simple concept in theory and a difficult concept in practice. It is
safe to say that generally most track homes are facing the street and sitting
to the back yard. Apartments generally face to the living room/patio and
sit to the hallway. These are only generalizations; your actual situation
might be different.
Also know that in Traditional Feng Shui, a practitioner uses a Luopan
compass to determine the orientation of a building. Without the accurate
orientation, the practitioner cannot properly map out the home. You can
read more about this at:

2007-2010 168 Feng Shui Advisors

Page 20

Continue to study Feng Shui.

Feng Shui is a lifelong study. Even world renowned Masters never stop
studying. The study of Feng Shui is the study of the heavens, man, and
earth. This in itself is an infinite study. One place to start is at the
American Feng Shui Institute. Their online classes are an excellent way to
learn from a distance or at your convenience. Find out more at:

2007-2010 168 Feng Shui Advisors

Page 21

Thank you for reading this ebook.

If you found this information useful, be sure to check out our other books
at http://www.168fengshui.com/books.
We would also appreciate your feedback. We are constantly striving to
make these ebooks better. Your input would help us. We appreciate
compliments and suggestions. Please email us at info@168fengshui.com
to send us a note about this Ebook. Very Important: Please help us to get
your email by putting Ebook Feedback in the subject. Thank you.
To learn more, please also consider taking the online classes through the
American Feng Shui Institute. The American Feng Shui Institute is the
foremost learning institution in the world for learning the art and science
of Traditional Chinese Feng Shui. Having taught classes continuously for
more than 10 years, the Institute draws students from all over the world.
You can learn more about the classes at http://www.amfengshui.com.

2007-2010 168 Feng Shui Advisors

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