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Genes >

On this page:


Normal function

Gene families

Genetic changes

Gene location

Additional information

Other names

About genes

Glossary definitions

Reviewed May 2012

What is the official name of the APP gene?

The official name of this gene is amyloid beta (A4) precursor protein.
APP is the gene's official symbol. The APP gene is also known by other names, listed below.
Read more about gene names and symbols on the About page.

What is the normal function of the APP gene?

The APP gene provides instructions for making a protein called amyloid precursor protein.
This protein is found in many tissues and organs, including the brain and spinal cord (central
nervous system). Little is known about the function of amyloid precursor protein.
Researchers speculate that it may bind to other proteins on the surface of cells or help cells
attach to one another. Studies suggest that in the brain, it helps direct the movement
(migration) of nerve cells (neurons) during early development.
Amyloid precursor protein is cut by enzymes to create smaller fragments (peptides), some of
which are released outside the cell. Two of these fragments are called soluble amyloid
precursor protein (sAPP) and amyloid beta () peptide. Recent evidence suggests that sAPP
has growth-promoting properties and may play a role in the formation of nerve cells

(neurons) in the brain both before and after birth. The sAPP peptide may also control the
function of certain other proteins by turning off (inhibiting) their activity. Amyloid peptide
is likely involved in the ability of neurons to change and adapt over time (plasticity). Other
functions of sAPP and amyloid peptide are under investigation.

Does the APP gene share characteristics with other genes?

The APP gene belongs to a family of genes called endogenous ligands (endogenous ligands).
A gene family is a group of genes that share important characteristics. Classifying individual
genes into families helps researchers describe how genes are related to each other. For more
information, see What are gene families? in the Handbook.

How are changes in the APP gene related to health

Alzheimer disease - caused by mutations in the APP gene
More than 50 different mutations in the APP gene can cause early-onset Alzheimer
disease, which begins before age 65. These mutations are responsible for less than 10
percent of all early-onset cases of the disorder.
The most common APP mutation changes one of the protein building blocks (amino
acids) in the amyloid precursor protein. This mutation replaces the amino acid valine
with the amino acid isoleucine at protein position 717 (written as Val717Ile or V717I).
Mutations in the APP gene can lead to an increased amount of the amyloid peptide
or to the production of a slightly longer and stickier form of the peptide. When these
protein fragments are released from the cell, they can accumulate in the brain and
form clumps called amyloid plaques. These plaques are characteristic of Alzheimer
disease. A buildup of toxic amyloid peptide and amyloid plaques may lead to the
death of neurons and the progressive signs and symptoms of this disorder.
hereditary cerebral amyloid angiopathy - caused by mutations in the APP gene
At least six mutations in the APP gene have been found to cause hereditary cerebral
amyloid angiopathy, a condition characterized by stroke and a decline in intellectual
function (dementia), which begins in mid-adulthood. These mutations change single
amino acids in the amyloid precursor protein. All of the APP gene mutations that
cause hereditary cerebral amyloid angiopathy lead to changes near the beginning of
the protein sequence. Each of these mutations causes a different type of the condition.
The Dutch type, the most common of all the types, is caused by the replacement of the
amino acid glutamic acid with the amino acid glutamine at position 22 in the protein
sequence (written as Glu22Gln or E22Q). The Italian type and Arctic type are also
caused by changes to glutamic acid at position 22. In the Italian type, glutamic acid is
replaced with the amino acid lysine (written as Glu22Lys or E22K) and in the Arctic
type, glutamic acid is replaced with the amino acid glycine (written as Glu22Gly or
E22G). The Flemish type is caused by replacement of the amino acid alanine with
glycine at position 21 (written as Ala21Gly or A21G). In the Iowa type, the amino

acid aspartic acid is switched with the amino acid asparagine at position 23 (written as
Asp23Asn or D23N). The Piedmont type of hereditary cerebral amyloid angiopathy is
caused by the replacement of the amino acid leucine at position 34 with the amino
acid valine (written as Leu34Val or L34V).
The result of all of these mutations is the production of an amyloid peptide that is
more prone to cluster together (aggregate) than the normal peptide. The aggregated
protein forms amyloid deposits known as plaques that accumulate in the blood vessels
of the brain. The amyloid plaques replace the muscle fibers and elastic fibers that give
blood vessels flexibility, causing the blood vessels to become weak and prone to
breakage. In the brain, such a break causes bleeding (hemorrhagic stroke), which can
lead to brain damage and dementia. Amyloid plaques in specific parts of the brain can
interfere with brain function, leading to seizures, movement problems, and other
neurological features in some people with hereditary cerebral amyloid angiopathy.

Where is the APP gene located?

Cytogenetic Location: 21q21.3
Molecular Location on chromosome 21: base pairs 25,880,549 to 26,171,127

The APP gene is located on the long (q) arm of chromosome 21 at position 21.3.
More precisely, the APP gene is located from base pair 25,880,549 to base pair 26,171,127 on
chromosome 21.
See How do geneticists indicate the location of a gene? in the Handbook.

Where can I find additional information about APP?

You and your healthcare professional may find the following resources about APP helpful.

Educational resources - Information pages (3 links)

Gene Reviews

Genetic Testing Registry - Repository of genetic test information (1 link)

- Clinical summary

You may also be interested in these resources, which are designed for genetics professionals
and researchers.



Research Resources - Tools for researchers (7 links)

- Recent literature
- Genetic disorder catalog

What other names do people use for the APP gene or gene






amyloid beta-peptide

amyloid beta-protein precursor

amyloid precursor protein


cerebral vascular amyloid peptide




protease nexin 2

protease nexin-II

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