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The First Movie

The movie clip played last meeting showed the cultures and beliefs of
some countries of Asia. It presented how the community responds to their
belief and what traditional practice they do. The places that were shown are
Bataan Island of Philippines, Tasik Chini of Malaysia, Harihata of Japan,
Khiriwong of Thailand and Yogyakarta of Indonesia.
Bataan Island is known for its beautiful panoramic landscapes and its
raging sea waves. This island is also famous of the Dorado fish, Spanish term
for gold. To catch this fish, they have to cross the furious waves. The
fishermen had overcome this problem by passing through the Vanua (the
passageway between reefs) after 9 waves, 7 regular waves and 2 strong
waves. They believe that there is a protector of the sea and so they prepared
a ritual or an offering to let them be safe while fishing by sacrificing a pig
and reading a message (from the protector) of the veins of the liver of the
pig. This belief and tradition will pass on to the following generation.
Tasik Chini of Malaysia has a lake that was once a source of food and
its water was clear. The water of the lake began to become shallow in which
the government has decided to construct a dam. Although the dam had
solved the low level of the lake, it had worsened the condition of lake. The
lakes water became dirty and contaminated by the motorboat oil and is the
cause of scarce of fish. The dam is also the cause of few fish because fishes
from the other lake cant swim to this lake. The community believes that
there is a dragon living under the lake and if it is disturbed, it will give
misfortune by calamities or natural disaster. The people are still figuring out
how to solve this problem.
Kali Code of Indonesia had a tragedy at year 2010, the Mt. Merapi
eruption. It left with numerous casualties and damages to the community. It
also transformed the clear water river into cold lava. This became a reminder
to the people of the tragedy. Currently, the river is still contaminated but
there is a community service that cleans the river.
Harihata of Japan has a forest that externally looks healthy and
evergreen but internally damaged by the lose richness of its biosphere.
Mono-cropping is used but there are displaced wild animals searching for
food and eventually eats all the crops which leave none to the people.

Deforestation is also one problem in this forest and they have not replanted
the cut trees.
Khiriwong of Thailand has a river that became a catch basin of the
flooding. The community experienced a strong flood that destroyed many
buildings and institutions an infrastructure. To this problem, the residents
helped build the damaged bridge and reconstructed the lost temple and
school. They also kept the trees for it to help lessen the flood.

The Second Movie

The second movie is about the Mt. Merapi eruption at Kali Code,
Indonesia. Around the volcano were residences which left with numerous
casualties and damages to the community. Many loved ones were lost and
was very tragic.
It also transformed the clear water river into cold lava. This became a
reminder to the people of the tragedy. Currently, the river is still
contaminated but there is a community service that cleans the river. While
cleaning, the people had picked some materials floating by the river and
transformed into musical instruments. There were also performances played.
These activities cheers up the people and will lessen the weight felt by the
people. This shows that the people of Kali Code can smile again and move on
from the catastrophe.

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