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1.Malin kundang
Once upon a time, in the coastal area of Sumatra, lives a poor family. The family
had a kid named Malin Kundang. Due to very poor condition of their families, Malin
kundang's father decided to go to the country side. Malin kundang and his mother hope
that he could bring some money and support their daily needs. Time after time, they
wait for him, but he did not come. They even believed that he is already dead. Feeling
sad, Malin kundang thought that he could make a living in the country side in the hope
that later on when returning to my hometown; he has become a very rich. Finally Malin
kundang go sailing along with a merchant ship captain in his hometown that has been

Life of Malin Kundang as a sailor

During his stay on the ship, Malin kundang lot to learn about seamanship on the

crew that has been experienced. Malin studied hard on his friends shipping on more
experienced, and ultimately he's very good at shipping.Many islands have been, up to
a day in the middle of the trip, suddenly Malin kundang ships were attacked by pirates.
All merchandise traders who were on the ship seized by pirates. Even most of the crew
and people on the ship were killed by the pirates. Malin kundang very lucky he was not
killed by the pirates, because when it happened, Malin immediately hid in a small
space enclosed by the timber. Malin Kundang floats amid sea, until finally the host ship
stranded on a beach. With the rest of the existing power, Malin Kundang walked to the
nearest village from the beach. Arriving in the village, Malin Kundang told the ntives
about the incident that happened to him. Malin village where villagers stranded is very
fertile. With tenacity and perseverance in work, over time Malin had become a very
rich. He has many fruit merchant ships with the children of more than 100 people. After
becoming rich, Malin Kundang marry a girl to become his wife.

Malin go home to his village

After a long marriage, Malin and his wife make the voyage with a large and
beautiful ship with the crew and a lot of bodyguards. Malin kundangs wife want to know
his husbands hometowns. In the other side, poor Malin kundang mothers was worried
about his son, and goes to the beach everyday, hope that her son will be back from the
journey. She saw a very beautiful ship landed on the town harbour. Malin's mother who
always checks every ship that arrived, hoping there is his son among the passenger,
surprised to see a man. She founds out that he is her son Malin kundang. Malin
Kundang stepped down from the ship. Once close enough, his mother saw the
birthmarks on Malin kundangs arm. She is now convinced that Malin is her son. Missed
so much, she hug his son and asked "Malin Kundang, my son, why did you go so long
without sending any news to me?". Arrogantly, Malin immediately released her
mother's arms and pushed him up to fall. "Old women, I do not know who you are" said
Malin Kundang at his mother. Malin Kundang pretended not to recognize her mother,
because of shame with her mother who is old and wearing tattered clothes. "She was
your mother?" Malin's wife asks him. "No, he was just a beggar who pretended to be
admitted as a mom to get my property".

Cursed of Malins mother

Hearing statement and treated arbitrarily by his son, the mother of Malin
kundang is very angry. He did not expect him to be rebellious child. Because anger is
mounting, Malin's mother tipped his hand, saying "Oh God, if he my son, I curse him
became a stone." Malin's mother goes away with sad feelings. Knowing that his only
son, which she always loves and missed all days, come and treat her like that. Malin
kundang and his crew departed shortly after visiting the hometown.Soon after
departed, the calm, nice weather suddenly changed. The winds roared fierce and
storms come to destroy the ship Kundang. Malin himself knows that it might be the
curse from his own mother. That makes Malin prays, to beg a mercy from the God. The
ship are destroyed and dumped into the beach. Malin's body and the shipwrecks
scattered. After that Malin' body slowly becomes rigid and in time they finally shaped
into a rock. Malin's mothers feel sorry about her son's fate. But it was too late. In
moslem tradition, it is believed that prays from the parents are easily granted by God,
either bad or goods. This story told people to be humbles and do not forget his family
after being successful, the story also told the parents that they must not easily pray a
bad things to their children, and guide their children with care and lots of patients.

2.Lake Maninjau
Long ago, in an area in west sumatra, there is a very active volcano named
Mount Tinjau. In one village at the foot of Tinjau's brothers lived ten people consisting
of nine men and one woman. Ordinary citizens about their call Bujang Sembilan. These
ten brothers are Kukuban, Kudun, Bayua, Malintang, Galapuang, Balok, Batang,Bayang,
and the youngest man named Kaciak. While their brother the youngest was a girl
named Siti Rasani, nicknamed Sani. Both their parents died long ago, so Kukuban as
the eldest son became the head of household. All decisions in his hand.

Tenth brothers lived in a house of their parents' heritage. To make ends meet,
they worked on farms large enough legacy of their parents. They are very skilled at
farming, because they diligently to help his father and mother when they were alive. In
addition, they are also guided by their uncle named Datuk Limbatang, which they



Datuk Limbatang is a mamak in the village and has a son named Giran. As a mamak,
Datuk Limbatang have great responsibility to educate and watched the life of its
citizens, including the nephew's tenth man. For that, every other day, he visited the
house Kukuban brothers to teach them farming skills and various customs procedures
for the area. Not infrequently Datuk Limbatang also took his wife and son to participate
with him.
One day, when Datuk Limbatang with his wife and visited the house of Bujang
Sembilan, Sani accidentally exchanged Giran. Apparently, both boys and girls are
equally placed liver. Sani was invited to meet Giran in a field on the riverbank. With
hearts pounding, Giran even express his feelings to Sani.
Datuk Limbatang wanted to marry his son with Sani. But the elder brother Sani,
Kukuban, did not agree because Giran has been embarrass him in the martial arts
arena. But eventually Datuk Limbatang not force.
One day, Giran found treat wounds in the thigh Sani. But people think they do
custom distortion. Sani and Garin brought to court. They try to convince citizens that
they did not do anything.
After that, of the second Giran lifted his hand to the sky and praying. "My God!
Please hear and grant our prayers. If we were really guilty, destroy our bodies in the
water hot crater of this mountain. However, if we are not guilty, this mountain
letuskanlah and curses Bujang Sembilan to fish!"
It turned out that prayer was answered. Sani and Giran jump down and
submerged in the water crater. Mountain erupted, Bujang Sembilan into fish. Over time
the crater of Mount View expanded and formed a lake which we now know as Lake

3.Lake Toba
Once upon a time there was a prosperous village in a far away island called
Sumatra. In northern part of the island, lived a farmer whose name was Toba. He lived
alone in a hut by a small forest. He worked on his farmland to grow rice and vegetables
that he sells to local market. Once day he wanted to catch some fish so he went to a
river and fished there. He was very surprised when he got a big fish. The fish was as
big as human being. Soon he went home and put the fish in his kitchen.
He planned to cook the fish for his dinner that night. When he got to his house
that afternoon he took a bath. Then as he walked into his bedroom after taking a bath
Toba was very shocked. Do you want to know what happened? There stood in his living
room a very beautiful girl. The girl greeted him nicely. For a moment Toba was

speechless. When he could control his emotion he asked her. Who are you? Whats
your name? Why suddenly you are here in my house?
Pardon me if I surprised you Mr. Toba, but you took me here. I was the fish that
you caught in the river. Now that I become a human being again, I would like to thank
you and I will be your servant to express my thankfulness Were you the fish? Yes, I
was the fish. Look at your kitchen,said the fish
Toba immediately rushed to his kitchen and the fish was nowhere to be seen. He
saw some gold coins instead. Whose coins are these? Why there are some coins here?
Those coins are mine. As I changed into human being my scales changed into gold
coins .Ok you can live here and work for me. Your room is over there . Thank you
very much Mr. Toba
Since that day the beautiful girl lived in Tobas house. Since she was very
beautiful Toba fell in love with her and not long after that they got married. The girl
married to Toba on one condition that he would never tell anybody about her past. Toba
agreed to the condition. Several months later Tobas wife delivered to a baby boy. Their
son was healthy. Soon he grew up into a handsome boy. Toba named him Samosir.
Unfortunately Samosir was a lazy boy. He did not want to work at all. When his
father worked hard in his rice field and farm, Samosir just slept. When he was awake he
talked a lot and he ate a lot. Toba was very disappointed with his sons nature. He
hoped that one day Samosir would change into a diligent boy. Day in and day out but
Samosir never changed.
Toba used to go to his farm and rice field early in the morning. Then at midday his wife
would bring him food. They used to eat lunch at their farm. As he was a teenager Toba
and his wife tried to change his behavior. They ordered Samosir to bring food for his
father for lunch while her mother stayed at home to do household chores. But Samosir
never did his duty well. He always woke up very late. He woke up after midday. Then
one day his mother forced him to bring the food.
Sam, wake up. Go to the farm and bring the food for your father. He must be
very tired and hungry now. But Mom, I am tired and hungry too What makes you
tired? You just wake up. Go now. You father needs the food . Toba reluctantly went to
the farm. But he did not go to the farm immediately. He stopped somewhere in the
street and ate the food. It was already late afternoon when he got to the farm. His
father was disappointed. Then he was angry as he realized that his son had eaten his
food. He said sarcastically. Oh, you are stupid lazy boy. You are son of a fish! . Samosir
was hurt. He went home right away and as he got home he told his mother about his
fathers words. Samosirs mother was shocked. She was also deeply hurt.
O Toba. You break your promise so I cannot live with you here anymore. Now
you have to accept to consequence of what you did. Samosir, now go to the hill, find
the tallest tree and climb it . Why mom? What will happen?. Just do it, never ask any
question. Good bye
As soon as she finished saying that suddenly the weather changed. Sunny day
suddenly turned into cloudy day. Not long after that the rain poured heavily. The rain
last for several days. Consequently the area was flooded. The whole area became a big
lake. Then it was called Lake Toba and in the middle of the lake there is an island called

Samosir Island. Meanwhile Tobas wife disappeared. Lake Toba is located in the province
of North Sumatra, Indonesia. Today it becomes a tourist destination.

4. Hanging Rock of Parapat

Once, in a rural village next to Lake Toba North Sumatera, there lived a husband
and a wife with a beautiful daughter named Seruni. Not only was she beautiful, Seruni
was also very diligent in helping her parents in the field. Every day this family worked
in this field on the edge of Lake Toba, and the outcomes are used for their daily needs.
One day, Seruni went to the field alone, because his parents went to a
neighboring village. Seruni was only accompanied by her beloved dog named Toki's.
Arriving at the farm, she didnt work but he just sat there looking at the natural beauty
of Lake Toba as if she had solved a difficult problem. While the dog, the Toki, came
sitting next to her, staring at her face as if he knew what Seruni thought. Once in a
while the dog barked to distract Seruni, but she is not teased.
The last few days Seruni looked glum. He was very sad, because she was given
in marriage by her parents with a young man who was his cousin. Though she had
chosen his loved man and she had promised to live together with him. She was very
confused. On the one hand she did not want to disappoint her parents, and she could
not afford to part with her love. Because of being unable to bear the heavy burden, he
was getting hopeless. "Yes, Lord! I am not able to live with this burden, "complained the
A few moments later, Seruni moved from his seat. With tears, she walked slowly
toward the Lake Toba. Apparently she wanted to end his life by jumping into the lake's
and the Toki, followed his master from behind while barking.
With a mind raging, Seruni walked toward the cliffs of Lake Toba without paying
attention to the road in its path. Unexpectedly, she suddenly fell into a hole. The rocky

ground that made the hole was getting dark. Seruni girl is very scared. "Help.. Help..
Help.., Toki! "Seruni voice asking for help to her beloved dog.
The Toki understood if Seruni required his help, but he could not do anything
except just barking at the hole. Seruni screamed several times for help, but the Toki
really could not afford helping her. Finally she was getting desperate. "Ah, I'd rather die
than live a long time to suffer," Seruni resigned. Rock walls were moving ever closer.
"Parapat...! Parapat Parapat ... "ordered Seruni to press her body withthe stone. Being
unable to help Seruni, Toki immediately ran home to ask for help.
Arriving at the master's house, he immediately went to Seruni parents.
"Auggg ...! auggg ...! auggg ... "Toki's barking while clawing at the ground to tell the
parents that the Seruni in danger. "Toki, where is Seruni? What happened to her?
"Asked the father to the dog's Seruni. "Auggg ...! auggg ...! auggg ...! "he continued
barking and ran back and forth to invite them to a place. "Sir, it looks like Seruni in
danger," said the mother of Seruni. "Mom was right. The Toki invites us to follow, "said
the father of Seruni. "But how do we get there? "Said the mother. "You prepare a torch!
I'll be looking for help to neighbors, "cried the father.
Soon, the whole neighborhood had gathered at the home page Seruni's father,
carrying the torch. After that they followed the Toki to the scene. Once they were in the
field, the Toki directly toward the mouth of the hole. Both parents of Seruni
immediately approached the mouth of the hole. What a surprise when they saw a hole
big enough rock on the edge of their field. In the pit was heard the faint sound of a
woman: "Parapat ...! Parapat Parapat stone.! "

"Sir, listen to that voice! That voice is

of our child! Serunis mother cried frantically. "Yes, ma'am! That sounds Seruni!
"Replied the father panic.
"But, why would he shout: Parapat, parapatlah stone?" Asked the mother. "I do
not know, mom! It seems like there's something wrong in there, "said the father
anxiously. A Farmer was trying to light up the hole with a torch, but the bottom of the
hole was so deep that it can not be penetrated by torchlight. "Seruniii ...! Seruniii ...!
"Cried the father of Seruni. "Seruni ... my daughter! The mother and father came to
help you! "Her mother shouted . Several times they yelled, but they did not get a
response from Seruni. Only voice drifted Seruni who sent the stone closer to squeezing.
"Parapat ...! Parapatlah stone ...! Parapat! " ."Seruniiii ... my daughter!" Once
again the mother screaming and crying hysterically Seruni. People in attendance at the
place were trying to help. One held ropes to the bottom of the hole, but the slap was
not touched at all. Seruni's father increasingly concerned with the state of her father.
He also decided to follow her foray into the rock pit. "Mom, hold the torch!" Command
of the father. "Where do you want to go?" Asked the mother. "I'm following the Seruni
into the hole," he replied firmly. "No dad, it's dangerous!" Prevent the mother. "Yes sir,
the hole was very deep and dark," said people .
A moment later, suddenly heard a roar. The earth shook violently as if to an end.
Rock hole suddenly closes itself. The cliffs at the edge of Lake Toba was falling. Seruni's
father and mother and all the people ran thither to escape. They left the mouth of the
hole the rock, so that poor Seruni could not be rescued from the crush of rock.
Some time after the earthquake stopped, suddenly appeared a large rock that
resembles a girl's body and as if hanging on the wall of the cliff at the edge of Lake

Toba. Local people believe that the stone is the embodiment Seruni oppressed in the
hole. By those stones were then given the name "Hanging Rock". (BATU GANTUNG)
A few days later, fame spread the word about the events that befall her. The
people flocked to the scene to see the "Hanging Rock" is. Residents who witnessed the
incident told other people that before the hole was closed, a voice: "... Parapat Parapat
parapat stone ...!"

5.Gold Cucumber
Long time ago in the island of Java, Indonesia, lived a couple of farmer. They
had married for some years but they had no children. So they prayed to a monster
called Buta Ijo to give them children. Buta Ijo was a ferocious and powerful monster.
He granted their wish on one condition. When their children had grown up, they had to
sacrifice them to Buta Ijo. He liked eating fresh meat of human being. The farmers
agreed to his condition. Several months later the wife was pregnant.
She gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. They named her Timun Emas. The
farmers were happy. Timun Emas was very healthy and a very smart girl. She was also
very diligent. When she was a teenager Buta Ijo came to their house. Timun Emas was
frightened so she ran away to hide. The farmers then told Buta Ijo that Timun Emas
was still a child. They asked him to postpone. Buta Ijo agreed. He promised to come
again. The following year Buta Ijo came again. But again and again their parents said
that Timun Emas was still a child.
When the third time Buta Ijo came their parents had prepared something for
him. They gave Timun Emas several bamboo needles, seeds of cucumber, dressing
and salt.

Timun, take these things .What are these things? These are your

weapons. Buta Ijo will chase you. He will eat you alive. So run as fast as you can. And
if he will catch you spread this to the ground. Now go!
Timun Emas was scared so she ran as quickly as she could. When Buta Ijo
arrived she was far from home. He was very angry when he realized that his prey had
left. So he ran to chase her. He had a sharp nose so he knew what direction his prey
Timun Emas was just a girl while Buta Ijo was a monster so he could easily catch
her up. When he was just several steps behind Timun Emas quickly spread the seeds
of cucumber. In seconds they turned into many vines of cucumber. The exhausted
Buta Ijo was very thirsty so he grabbed and ate them. When Buta Ijo was busy eating
cucumber Timun Emas could run away.
But soon Buta Ijo realized and started running again. When he was just several
steps behind Timun Emas threw her bamboo needles.

Soon they turned into dense

bamboo trees. Buta Ijo found it hard to pass. It took him some time to break the dense
bamboo forest. Meanwhile Timun Emas could run farther.
Buta Ijo chased her again. When he almost catch her again and again Timun
Emas threw her dressing. This time it turned into a lake. Buta Ijo was busy to save

himself so Timun Emas ran way. But Buta Ijo could overcome it and continued chasing
Finally when Timun Emas was almost caught she threw her salt. Soon the land
where Buta Ijo stood turned into ocean. Buta Ijo was drowned and died instantly.
Timun Emas was thankful to god and came back to her home.
6. Jaka Tarub & 7 Angels
Once upon a time there was a widow who lived in the village of Dadapan. She
had a son whose name was Joko Tarup. Dadapan village was close to a wood so Joko
Tarup liked to go to the wood. He liked hunting for animals with his blowpipe.
One day when he was in the wood he saw a beautiful rainbow and he saw seven
angels went down through it. He came closer and searched for them. The seven
angels were swimming and taking a bath in a lake. Joko Tarup looked at them while
hiding behind trees. When they had finished taking a bath, they flew through the
rainbow to heaven.
The next day he saw the same thing again. This time Joko Tarup had an idea.
He searched for their dress and when he found them he took one of them. As they had
finished swimming and taking a bath, they looked for their dress. One of them could
not find her dress. Her friends had to come back to heaven so they left her. She was
crying while staying in the water. Joko Tarup approached her.
Why are you crying lady?.I lose my dress so I cannot go home. Where is your
home? . I live in heaven. Im an angel. My name is Nawang Wulan. But I lose my
dress so I cannot fly anymore .I you dont mind I will take my mothers dress for
you .OK, please do .Wait for me here, Ill be back
Then Joko Tarup went home to take her mothers dress and gave it to Nawang
Wulan. He asked her to stay at her house with his mother. Not long after that Joko
Tarup married Nawang Wulan.
As an angel Nawang Wulan had spiritual power. She had ability which far above
human being. She could cook rice with just a bar of rice and when it had done the bowl
will be full of rice. But there was one condition. The bowl must not be opened before it
has done. Joko Tarup was very surprised with her wifes ability. He was very curious
about it. So when Nawang Wulan was away he opened the bowl.


Nawangs spiritual power disappeared. She had to cook as ordinary human being.
Several months later Nawang Wulan gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. Her
name was Nawang Sih. The birth of Nawang Sih added happiness to Joko Tarup and
Nawang Wulan.
Since Nawang Wulan could not cook efficiently anymore, she needed more rice
than usual. The stock of rice in their store room diminished rapidly. Then one day
when she took rice there she was very surprised. Nawang Wulan found her angel
dress. It was hidden there under piles of rice. She immediately wore it and talked to
Joko Tarup.
My dear husband, now I know what you did to me .Forgive me, my dear. I
admit that I did this because I love you. I love you too. But now I find my dress. I
must come back to heaven. I am an angel. My place is not here. I have to go now.
How about Nawang Sih? She needs you. I will leave her but dont worry. I will take
care of her. Anytime she needs me I will be here. For that purpose please build a

tower. When Nawang Sih cries put her there then call my name. I will come
immediately. But I will be invisible to you. Good bye dear
Then Joko Tarup built a tower behind his house. Every time Nawang Sih cried he
would put her there. Nawang Wulan would come and take care of Nawang Sih.

7. Aji Saka and Javas alfabet

A long long time ago in the island of Java there was a kingdom of Medang

The land of Java was very fertile and productive. Most of the island of Java

are arable. And water are abundant. Java was very rich with plants. They had almost
all fruits in the world. All year long the weather is always sunny. As a result farmers
can grow any kinds of fruits, vegetable and all kinds of plant all year long. The land of
Java was also very rich with gold and many kinds of mineral. Many people earned their
living by working on gold mine. Since Java was also rich with mine they also made
weapons like sword, lance, trident etc. They sold those weapons to China, India and
many other countries. But if you think that the Javanese people were prosperous you
are wrong.
At the time Java was ruled by a monster. His name was King Dewata Cengkar.
He was a very cruel king. He ordered his people to pay tax on everything they had.
Farmers had to pay tax on their land. Merchant had to pay high tax for their profit.
Workers had to pay tax on their salary and wages. Even poor people had to pay tax.
And if they had no money to pay tax then they had to work for the king without any
payment. The money was not for the welfare of the people for for the kings private
matters. Worse still, the kings official were very corrupt. When they took one hundred
from the people then they gave only eighty for the king. They took it for themselves.
As a result the king was very very rich while his people were very poor.

Besides that

the king also like to eat the flesh of human being! This habit started when he was a
child. One day his mother made a mistake while she was cooking. She accidentally cut
her thumb and blood spit on the food.

Her maid then continue cooking without

knowing that blood and a small piece of her mothers flesh was in the food.
When Dewata Cengkar ate the food he really like it. Then he found out the
reason. Since that day he demanded the flesh of human being as part of his food. So
his army killed people every day for his food. When he was adult and became king this
habit grew. He ordered every chief of a district to sacrifice young and healthy people
for the king to consume. Consequently the people of Java diminished. The people
were restless but they did not dare to rebel because the king was very cruel and his
army was very strong.
Until one day someone named Aji Saka came to Java. He had two guards.
Their name were Dora and Sembada. Before coming to Java they landed in a small
island in the north of Java, called Pulau Majeti. After several days there Aji Saka
decided to go to Java. Aji Saka left his weapon, a powerful traditional dagger called Kris

He told Dora to stay in the island of Majeti to guard his Kris. And he told Dora

not to give it to any body else. After that he went to Java with Sembada.
Then he settled in Java as a merchant. The people of Java told him about his
sorrow because of Dewata Cengkars cruelty and injustice rule.

Aji Saka was very

concerned to the sorrow of Javanese people. He told the chief of the district where he
settled to send him as sacrifice when the king wanted to eat people. So the chief send
him to king Dewata Cengkar. As his turn came to became sacrifice, Aji Saka asked to
say his last words to the king. The king granted him opportunity to speak.
Oh, great king of Java. The father of development of Java. The one who make
people live prosperous life. The richest man in the world. I am honored to demand
your Majesty one last wish before I die . Tell me what you want, Your Majesty the

great king of Java, I just want a piece of land, the same size as my turban. I grant it.
Just spread your turban
Then Aji Saka put off his turban and put it on the ground. Aji Saka hold one side
of it and asked the king to hold the other side. Amazingly it became larger so Dewata
Cengkar had to step back. And everytime it became larger and larger so Dewata
Cengkar finally stood at a beach.

Aji Saka kincked him to the sea and and he died.

The Javanese people were very happy to hear the cruel king had died. They were very
thankful to Aji Saka and elected him as the new king of Java.
Aji Saka remembered that one of his guard, Dora was still in the island of
Majeti. As he was a king, it was impossible for him to go there. So he told Sembada to
go there and bring his kris back. So Sembada went to Majeti island. As he got there he
told Dora that Aji Saka asked him to take the kris. .His Majesty King Aji Saka ordered
me to take the kris to Java.
Maybe you make mistake. Aji Saka is our superiot but he is not a king. And he
told me not to give his kris to any boldy else. It is my duty to guard it here until he
came back and take it .It is my duty to take the kris. It is my duty to guard it.
The dialogue came to a dead lock so the tension grew. Then it became on
armed conflict. Finally both of them were killed.

Several days later Aji Saka was

shocked to hear the news that they both died. Since that day he created an alphabet,
a Javanese alphabeth based on their story. Here is the alphabeth. It is like a poem.
The poem consist of four lines. Each line consist of one sentence. Each sentence
consist of a combination of characters. All characters are pronounced like hall. Here is
the poem.
These characters are used widely by the Javanese, Sundanese, Balinese and
Madurese. But today only very few people can read it. Thats why in the province of
Yogyakarta it is taught at schools.


Hono = there is / there are in English,

coroko = envoy

Do to so wolo = bring a letter / matter

Po do jo yo nyo = they are equally powerful

Mogo botongo = they are killed.


8. Prambanan Temple
In the old days of Java Island, in a region called Prambanan, lies two kingdom.
Kingdom of Pengging and Kraton Boko. Pengging kingdom is gifted with a fertile and
get prosperous. The kingdom is lead by a wise king named Prabu Damar Moyo and has
a male son named Raden Bandung Bondowoso while Kraton Boko is a kingdom that
obey under the rules of Pengging. The Boko king is very cruel, he is strong and tall, like
a giant.
The people of Boko always afraid of the kings anger. Although the king were not









One day, the king of Boko wants to rebels against the Pengging. Lead by the Boko
prime minister, the giant race, Gopolo, the Boko army is prepared to announce the war
between Boko and Pengging. They even raid its own people's properties to support the
Fierce war happens in the borders of the Pengging teritorial mark. Many victims
were falling on both sides and people Pengging be suffering because of war, many
people hunger and poverty. Knowing his people suffer and have many victims soldiers
who died in the borders, then Prabu Damar Moyo sent his son Raden Bondowoso go to
war against King Boko. The young Bondowoso is able to defeat king Boko. Seeing the
king died, then Prime minister Gupolo escape. Raden Bondowoso pursue Patih Gupolo



After reaching Kraton Boko, Patih Gupolo reported on Princess Roro Jonggrang
that his father had been lost in the battlefield, by a knight named Raden Bandung

Pengging Bondowoso. Princess Loro Jonggrang wept, saddened his heart because his
father had been killed on the battlefield. Raden at Kraton Boko Bondowoso arrived,
soom he troubled to see Puteri Raden Bondowoso Loro Jonggrang beautiful, so he
wanted to marry Princess Loro Jonggrang as his wife.
As the Boko kingdom is lost in the rebels, and o save her fathers kingdom, the
Loro Puteri Raden Jonggrang accept the princes, with some request. She did not want
to marry Bondowoso because he had killed his father. To reject the proposal Raden
Bondowoso, then Princess Loro Jonggrang have a strategy. The first request, Princess
Loro Jonggrang asked for Jalatunda wells (very deep well) while the second request,
asked for him to make 1000 temples in one night.
Raden Bandung Bondowoso agreed. Raden Bondowoso Immediately make
Jalatunda wells and after so he called Princess Roro Jonggrang to see the well. She trick
the prince and send him down. She ask Boko's prime minister to close the well with
heavy rocks so that the prince could not reach the top of the well. Raden Bondowoso is
a tough man, he is also smart. Its not a longtime before he was able to come out from
the wells. He was very angry to the princess, but soon after meet the princess, he falls
again with the beauty of the princess.
She ask Raden Bondowoso the second request, to make 1000 temples in 1
night. Bondowoso then command his workers from genie tribe to help him build the
1000 temple. The 1000 temples are building up, one by one with the help of the genie
tribes. The princess wants to sabotage the building of the temples. She asks her
servants to pound the rice pounding tools and also burns lots of paddy's straw .
Because of it, the roosters crowed. The genie take a lookto the sky and its
brighter in the east. The leader of the genie reported to Bondowoso that they have
stopped to make the temple because the morning has arrived. Princess Roro Jonggrang
told to count the temples and its only 999 temples, not 1000.
So, Bondowoso won't be able to marry the princess because he failed to
complete the request. Being deceived and tricked, Raden Bondowoso angry and curse
Princess Roro Jonggrang. "It's missing one, and you that should fit the numbers". The
princess is soon turned into a stone statue; it is exist in the heart of the Prambanan




9. Nyiroro Kidul
Once upon a time, there was a beautiful princess named Kadita. Because of her
beauty she was called Dewi Srengenge which mean The beautiful sun. Her father was
King Munding Wangi. Although he had a beautiful daughter he always unhappy
because he always expected to have a son. The King decided to merry Dewi Mutiara,
and he had a son from her. He was very happy. Dewi Mutiara wanted her son to
become a king in the future so she must make sure for it. Dewi mutiara came to the
king and asked him to send away his daughter.
Of course, the king did not agree. "It is ridiculous, I will not allow any body
doing such cruel thing to my daughter", said King Munding Wangi. When she heard the
answer, Dewi mutiara smiled and said a sweet thing until the king has not anger
anymore. However, she kept her bad intention deep in her heart.
In the morning before the sun raised, Dewi Mutiara sent her maid to call a black
magician. She wanted the black magician to curse Kadita, her step daughter. " I want
her beautiful body full with scabies and itch. If you succeeded I will reward you with the
present you never thought before". The black magician did the queen order, in the
night Kadita body has been full with scabies and itch. When She waked up , she found
her body was smell stinky and have a ulcer all over her body. The beautiful princess
cried and did not know what to do.
When The King heard he was very sad, he invited many physician to cure her
daughter illness. Day by the day nobody could cure her daughter. He realized that her
daughter illness it was not a ordinary illness someone must send a curse or magic spell.
His problem became more difficult when the Queen Dewi Mutiara forced him to send
away her daughter. "Your daughter will bring a bad luck to whole country, said Dewi
The king did not want her daughter become a bad rumour in whole country.
Finally he must agree to send her only daughter to leave the country.
The poor princess went alone, she didn't know to where she should go. She almost
could not cry anymore. She had a nobble heart. She did not have any bad feeling with
her step mother, instead she always asked the God to accompany her passed her
Almost seven day and seven night she has walked until she came to south
ocean. She looked at the ocean. It was so clean and clear, unlike other ocean which
have a blue or green colour. She jumped onto the water and swim. Suddenly when the
south ocean water touched her skin there was a miracle happened. Her ulcer has gone
and there was no sign that she has ever had a scabies or itch. Even more she became
more beautiful than before.

Not only that she has a power to command whole of the south ocean. Now she
became a fairy called Nyi Roro Kidul or The Queen of South Ocean who lived forever.
This is the most spectacular legend until now in the modern life even when you read
this story, many people from Indonesia or from other country has admitted that they
have met the beautiful fairy queen wear a traditional dress of Java. One of the famous
beach hotel has made a suit room specially for her.

10. Kembang Melati and gold butterfly

KEMBANG MELATI, a beautiful young princess, lived with her old nurse and many
serving-women in a palace on the bank of a great river. Rajah Banjir, the monarch of
the rains, lived in his rainbow-colored palace on the other bank of the river. He could
cause floods to appear at his will, and his tears made brooks and rivers swell. From his
windows he could see the little princess weaving her bridal dress, and he could hear
her singing a song for luck. But the princess never looked toward his side of the
river. The monarch of the rains kept gazing at her with great sad eyes.
Because he was so sad, he wept many tears, and the river swelled and the
wind sighed softly through the high trees around the palace. The princess heard the
sighing of the wind, and saw the river rising higher and higher. But she did not know
that it was her future husband who was weeping and calling to her. For many days the
monarch of the rains yearned for the princess. Finally, to be near her, he changed
himself into a golden butterfly and flew back and forth before her window until at last
the princess saw him and opened the window so that she could admire his dazzling
wings. Then the golden butterfly lighted on Kembang Melatis little hand, kissed her
finger tips, and flew out of the window.
A few days later the butterfly returned and perched on Kembang Melatis right
ear and whispered to her, "Weave your bridal dress quickly, princess, for soon your
bridegroom will come." The princess heard only the word "bridegroom." She asked,
'Where is my bridegroom?" The butterfly did not answer her, for he had flown out of the
window. But someone else had heard her question. That was Nasiman, the wicked son
of the princess's old nurse. He went to his mother at once. "Mother," he said, "I was
standing outside the princess's window and I heard her ask, 'Where is my bridegroom?'














'That you can never be, son/' the old woman said, "because you are not of noble
"Nevertheless, I wish to marry the princess," he answered. "Go to her, Mother, and tell
her that her bridegroom has come .Nasiman was wicked and cruel, and his mother
was afraid of him. So she went to the princess and told her of the bridegroom who had
come to claim her hand. Just then the golden butterfly flew back and whispered in the
princess's ear, "The real bridegroom has not yet come, princess. The one who is now

under your roof is a wicked man. His name is Nasiman, and he is the son of your old
nurse, Sarinah.
Do not many him. Wait till the true bridegroom comes!" .When the golden
butterfly had flown away, the princess said, "I will wait, nurse, till the true bridegroom
comes."This is the true bridegroom/' the nurse insisted. She clasped her hands and
begged, "Oh, princess, dear princess, marry him at once, for if you do not, we shall
both die!.The princess did not want to die. So finally she said to her nurse, "Tell the
bridegroom who has come that I must have seven days to think it over.
Tell him to wait on the bank of the river and I will send him my answer there.
Nasiman found this idea good, and agreed. He took a big basket, filled it with food to
last him seven days, and had it carried to a spot on the bank of the river. On that same
day the monarch of the rains called to him a white crow, one of his best and biggest
messenger-birds, and gave her a little chest full of costly ornaments and a letter."Take
these immediately to the Princess Kembang Melati," he ordered, "and make sure that
you don't lose anything." "Don't worry, master," the crow replied."I myself will take
everything to the princess." The white crow flew off with the little chest bound fast to
her back and the letter between 'her claws, and winged her way to the opposite bank
of the river
. There she saw Nasiman eating the last of a delicious-looking fish. The white
crow, who loved fish, flew over swiftly, and cried, "Oh, how good that looks! May I have
a little bite?" ."How do you dare ask me that?" Nasiman demanded crossly. "Who are
you, and where do you come from, with a letter in your claws and a chest on your
back?" ."Well," the crow answered smugly, "I happen to be the messenger of the great
magician, the monarch of the rains! And I am to take this letter and this little chest to
the Princess Kembang Melati, as my master ordered. What's more, I am to give them to

"Hmm' Nasiman said with a false little laugh. "In that case, Til let you eat some

of my fish. Put down your letter and take the chest from your back, and fall to!"
The white crow didn't have to be invited twice. She laid the letter and the little chest in
the grass, and began to eat greedily of the delicious bit of fish. Nasiman lost no time.
He opened the chest, took out the beautiful golden ornaments and in their place put
some "big spiders and some gruesome-looking scorpions. Then he hurried to his
mother with the letter. "Mother/ 7 he said, "I can't read, but I imagine that this letter
must be full of lovely words. Now I want you to change them, at once, into ugly words.
Meanwhile I'll hide these ornaments."
The white crow was so busy eating that she did not notice what was going on.
She ate the fish, down to the last scrap. Then she went to get a drink at the spring. The
spring murmured to her, "Ah, white crow, why didn't you take the letter and the little
chest to the princess as Rajah Banjir said?" .But the white crow didn't hear. She didn't
hear the wind, either, sighing to her, "Ah, white crow, something dreadful will happen




And something dreadful did happen. When the princess saw the white crow
come, bearing the letter and the little chest, she believed that the bird came from her
true bridegroom, and in great excitement she decided to read the letter first. As her

eyes flew over the words, she could hardly believe what she read: "You are very ugly,"
the letter said, "and what is in the little chest is foul and old. That goes, too, for your
green hair and your blue skin." She was so angry that she tore the letter into shreds
and tossed the little chest, without opening it, through the window. The spiders and the
scorpions swarmed over the garden to the great astonishment of the white crow who
could not understand how her master could have sent such horrible things to the lovely
princess. But Nasiinan laughed to himself. Now the princess would marry him, he
thought .But the princess had no thought of marrying anyone now. She was bitterly
grieved by the ugly letter. Weeping, she paced back and forth in her chamber. No one
could comfort her, and she cried.
"Take away my weaving stool! I will never weave again on my bridal gown!"
Toward evening of that sad day the golden butterfly came back and flew through the
open window. He lit on the princess's ear. "Darling princess," he whispered, "why don't
you wear the beautiful ornaments that your bridegroom sent you?" . At that the
princess hit at him with an angiy hand. The great monarch of the rains thought surely
she was only teasing him. He whispered in her ear again: "Beloved little princess, would
you like to see your bridegroom tomorrow morning? He will take you to his rainbowcolored palace where the golden rays of the sun are magnified a thousand times into
the most wonderful colors, and where you shall see woven cloth so fine, so dazzling,
that it is like moonbeams! Come, darling princess, finish weaving your bridal gown, for




The princess grew even angrier. She called her serving women to her and bade
them chase the golden butterfly away and never again to let it come inside. When the
great magician heard the princess say these words he became so angry that he caused
a mighty flood to come over the land that very night. Everything that was not
submerged drifted away, torn loose from the land.
The palace with Princess Kembang Melati and her nurse and the wicked
Nasiman and all the others who lived in it, drifted on the floodwaters. The palace
drifted farther and farther, until it came near the other bank where the palace of the
great monarch of the rains stood. The king was in his doorway, watching, but when he
saw the princess's palace floating toward him he pretended not to see it. The princess
cried piteously for help, but he pretended not to hear.
They were drifting out of sight when the nurse cried out in despair, "It's my
fault! I bear the blame! It was I who changed the beautiful words of the letter into ugly
ones! And my son, Nasiman, filled the little chest with spiders and scorpions while the
white crow was eating the fish 1 .
When he heard the nurse's confession, the monarch of the rains understood
everything. He leaped down and dragged the princess and all the others out of the
drifting palace and brought them into his own. Only her old nurse and the nurse's
wicked son were not permitted to enter, "May great waves engulf you!" he thundered.
And at his words mighty waves, as high as the heavens, rose in the water and
swallowed up the nurse and her son. The white crow was punished, too, for her
greediness. She was changed into a black bird which could never speak again. All she
could say was, "Kaw . . . kaw . . . kaw . . . kr - kr. . . ." It meant "gold . . . gold/' But

though the crow searched, she never could find the gold and jewels with which the little
chest had been filled. When the evildoers were punished, the monarch of the rains
caused the flood to subside.
In a short time, the whole world was dry once more, and when he had
accomplished that he turned to the princess and told her that he was the son of a
nobleman and that for days and nights he had yearned for her. Kembang Melati took
pity on him. She knew that he was truly her bridegroom from the way he spoke to her.
So she married him and lived the rest of her happy life with him in the rainbow-colored







11. Trisna Wati Queens of Rice Mountain

TISNA WATI lived with her father, Batara Guru, in the god's heaven. Now Tisna
Wati was a most beautiful and charming little goddess, but she wasn't at all happy in
the gods 7 heaven. Sometimes, when she looked down at the earth, far below her, and
saw people busy at their various tasks, she would sigh, "Oh, if only I could be an
ordinary mortal!" . And when her father had gone forth to do battle with the giants and
the demons of the air, she would mourn because she could not go with him. When he
came back, she would be pouting and out of humor.
One day, when she was especially surly, her father lost his temper. "Come
here!" he ordered in a stem voice. "Your grumbling and your silly whims annoy me, and
nothing would please me better than to send you down to earth to become an ordinary
mortal. Alas, I cannot do that because you have drunk of the life-water and are
immortal. But I have thought of something else for you. Til choose one of the young
gods to be your husband, and he will soon teach you to get over your bad moods!" ."O
h, I already know of someone who could be my husband, Father/' the little goddess
cried happily. "Who can that be?" her father demanded. "Not one of those awful air
giants, I hope. Because I absolutely forbid you to marry the son of one of my enemies."
"Oh, no, Father, it's not one of the buatas. And he doesn't live in the air, nor in
the gods 7 heaven, either. He lives on the earth. Look down . . . you can see him now.
He's that handsome young man who is plowing the rice field that lies on the side of the
"But that's the son of a man!" her father said angrily. "He's an ordinary mortal!
You can't marry him; you are the daughter of a god! You shall never marry him. I won't


"But I will marry him!" Tisna Wati shrieked, stamping her tiny foot. "I will never marry
anyone else. He shall be my husband even if I have to leave this place forever."
"And I say that you shall never marry him!" her father stormed. "I'd rather
change you into a rice stalk. And let me tell you that just as soon as possible I will
choose a son of one of the gods to be your husband. Do you understand?" .When Tisna
Wati saw how angry her father was, she was afraid that her fate would be the same as
that of Dewi Sri, the lovely wife of the great god Vishnu, who disobeyed her husband
and was killed by him and changed into a rice stalk. It was her deathless spirit that








But Tisna Wati was not as meek as Dewi Sri. She would never let herself be changed
into a rice stalk.
And certainly she would never, never marry a son of one of the gods! She had
set her heart on the handsome young mortal, plowing his fields on the hillside.
Egrly the next day her father left to seek a husband for her. But just as he was setting
out, word came to him that the giants of the air and the evil demons were threatening
the gods again, and he would have to go to war against them. "When I come back,
however, bring your husband with me," he said to his daughter. Tisna Wati said meekly,
'Very well, Father." But as soon as he had left, she leaped on the wings of the wind and
was floated down to earth. The wind was kind to her and took her close to the hillside
where the young man was plowing his rice field.
Tisna Wati said to herself, "Now I can really see him close/' And she sat down on
the slope of the hill to wait for the young man to notice her. When he turned at the end
of a row, he saw her. And he thought she was as beautiful as a vision. He came to her
and said, wonderingly, ''What are you looking for, lovely maiden?' ."I'm looking for my
husband/ Tisna Wati answered, laughing.
It was such a strange answer that the young man began to laugh, too, and they
laughed together. They laughed because they were happy and in love, and the sound
of their laughter rose to the heavens. That was their undoing. For when their voices
reached the place where Tisna Wati's father was battling against the giants and the
demons, he heard it. He stopped and listened. That was his daughter's voice! And the
voice of a strange young man! He bent and looked toward the earth and there he saw
his daughter, sitting beside a handsome young man, and their joyous laughter was
louder to him than the noise of battle.
Raving with anger, Batara Guru gave up the battle with his enemies and flew
down to earth. When he came to the hillside where his daughter sat beside the young
man, he thundered, "Come with me at once! I'm taking you back to the gods'
heaven." But Tisna Wati had no desire to return to the gods' heaven. She was in love
with the young man, and her love was stronger than her father's will. "No," she said
firmly, "I am never going back. I'd rather become an. Ordinary mortal and stay here on




"Then stay you shall!" her father roared angrily. "But not as the daughter of a
god, and not as a mortal, either! You shall become a rice stalk and your spirit shall
become one with this rice field." Even as he spoke, Tisna Wati changed from a goddess




When the slender rice stalk bent toward the young man, he stroked it with
loving fingers. His plowing was forgotten, everything was forgotten, and in his sorrow
he could only gaze at the graceful stalk that had been his beloved Tisna Wati. When
Batara Guru saw this, he was overcome with remorse. "I could have left them
together," he said. "Now I cannot change her back, she must remain a rice stalk
forever, for her spirit is already here in this rice field.
But perhaps I could change him into a rice stalk, too' When he had done this,
he saw how the two stalks bent toward each other, as if they were telling how much
they loved one another. He watched them a while, and shook his great head. "It is well/'
he muttered to himself, and flew back to the gods' heaven. And ever since that day,

the story says, the spirit of Tisna Wati has been in the mountain rice, just as the spirit
of Dewi Sri is in the sawah rice. But where the spirit of the handsome young man went,
no one knows.

12. Rara Jonggrang

Inside the northern chamber Shiva temple in Prambanan temple in Central Java,
Indonesia, there is a stone statue of a beautiful woman. She stands on a bull. She
wears a crown and jewelry. Her body is slim. Who is she? There is no doubt that she is
Durga Mahisasuramardini, a Hindu goddess. But the Javanese people have their own
story about her. Here is the story.
A long long time ago in central Java lived a wise king. His name was Prabu
Boko. He had a beautiful daughter whose name was Roro Jonggrang. They lived in a
palace on top of a hill. At present we can visit the ruins of the palace that is located
about two miles south of Prambanan temple. The palace is called kraton Boko. His
country was so prosperous that another king was jealous.
There was a neighboring kingdom under king Bandung Bondowoso. One day
king Bandung attacked Prabu Boko. In a fierce fight King Boko was killed and his
kingdom was conquered.

The young Bandung Bondowoso fell in love with Roro

Jonggrang when he saw her beauty. He wanted to marry her so he proposed her. But
Roro Jonggrang definitely did not want to marry someone who had murdered her
father. So she gave a difficult condition.
She told Bandung that she would marry him if he could build one thousand
temples in one night. Bandung was surprised but he was optimistic he could meet the

condition. He was a powerful king and he had many friends among the genie and
spirits. So he asked them for help. With the help of those invisible beings Bandung
built the temples.
Meanwhile Roro Jonggrang and her people kept an eye on Bandung. When it
was almost dawn Bandung and the genie had built nine hundred ninety nine temples.
Roro Jonggrang was very worried.

If Bandung could meet her condition, she had to

marry him. Then she had a bright idea. She ordered her people to make noise and
lights. Women were ordered to cook and make noise by hitting kitchen utensils. Men
were also ordered to make noise around the temples. Then the genie thought that
daylight had come. They were afraid of the sunlight so they left immediately. Without
their help Bandung was unable to finish the temple.
Bandung was very angry. He knew that it was a dirty trick from Roro Jonggrang.
Then he cursed Roro Jonggrang into a statue. The statue of Roro Jonggrang is now
inside the northern chamber of the main temple which was dedicated to Shiva in
Prambanan temple.

13. Bromo Mountain

Long long time ago there lived a couple in the village near the top of mount
Bromo. Joko Seger is his name. He lived peacefully with his wife Roro Anteng. But they
were not happy because after some time they did not have any children. Then Joko
Seger meditated in mount Bromo asking for god to give them children.
Sometimes later Joko Seger had a dream. In his dream he was told that he
would have descendants but on one condition. The god asked him to sacrifice his
children to the crater of mount Bromo. If he refused to sacrifice, then the god will be
angry. Without thinking twice Joko Seger agreed to the condition.
After that every year Roro Anteng gave birth to twenty five children. They were
very happy and they loved their children so much that they were reluctant to sacrifice
them to the crater. They did not give anything to the crater. Then something happened.
One day there was a big eruption of mount Bromo. Smoke, fire, hot cloud of ash
came out of its crater. The earth was trembling. The sky was dark. Animals ran away
from the mountain. People were very scared since some of them became victims of the
hot cloud.
Joko Seger and Roro Anteng remembered their promise to god. He realized that
god was very angry. So he decided to sacrifice one of his sons. Then he went to the
crater with his youngest son Kusuma. Because Joko Seger did not really want to
sacrifice his son to the crater, he tried to hide him. But suddenly an eruption began and
made Kusuma fall.
Afterwards, Kusuma, who had fell to the crater, gave a voice, "I have to be
sacrificed by my parents so that you will all stay alive. From now on, you should
arrange an annual offering ceremony on the 14th of Kesodo (the twelfth month of
Tenggerese calender).

Since then on Joko Seger and Roro Anteng gave offerings to the crater. Every
year on the 14th day of the month of Kesada the people of Tengger held a ceremony to
give offerings.

14. Lutung Kasarung and a Princess

A long time ago in west Java there was a kingdom. The king was Prabu Tapak
Agung. He had two beautiful daughters and no son. Purba Rarang was his first
daughter, and Purba Sari was his second daughter. When the king was about to pass
away he gave the throne to his second daughter, Purba Sari. Purba Rarang was very
disappointed. She thought that she deserve to replace her father as the ruler. She
discussed the situation with her fianc, Indrajaya.
Then she got an evil idea. She asked a witch to cast a spell to Purba Sari. Soon
after that Purba Sari had a strange skin disease. There were black dots on her skin.
She also had skin rash. Consequently Purba Rarang had a reason to tell people that
her sister had a great sin and she was cursed by god. She told her people that such a
person did not qualify to be a leader.
After that she ordered the army to send Purba Sari to a wood and had her exiled
there. The army then built a wooden house for Purba Sari in a wood. So Purba Sari
lived in the wood. As there were many animals in the wood she got along with them
Her best friend was a black monkey. She called the monkey Lutung Kasarung.
Lutung was very attentive and very kind to her. He gave fruits and vegetables to Purba
Lutung Kasarung was not an ordinary monkey. He often meditates like human
being. One night when there was a full moon he sat meditating. He was praying to
God. Suddenly a spring emerged beside Lutung. It became bigger and bigger and
finally it became a lake. The water was very clear and aromatic.
The next day Lutung came to see Purba Sari. He asked her to follow him.
Lutung took her to the lake and asked her to take a bath. When Purba Sari took bath in
the lake something strange happened. Her skin disease was gone and her smooth fair
skin was back. Purba Sari was very happy and thankful to God.

Meanwhile Purba Rarang who lived in the palace wanted to see her sister. So
she went to the wood with her soldiers. She was very surprised when she saw Purba
Sari was in good condition and looked beautiful. Her evil heart led her to find a way to
beat her sister. Then she asked her sister to measure the length of their hair. The one
who had the longest hair would win. Purba Saris hair proved to be longer than Purba
Purba Rarang was very jealous to her sister. She thought hard to find a way to
beat Purba Sari. Then she got another idea. She asked her sister to compare their
fianc. Purba Rarang was sure that she would win because Indra Jaya was very
handsome. She was sure that Purba Sari did not have any fianc. When Purba Rarang
showed Indra Jaya, Purba Sari was confused. So she just appointed Lutung Kasarung as
her fianc.
Purba Rarang laughed out loud. So your fianc is a monkey? .Lutung Kasarung
then sat on the ground. He was meditating and praying to God. Then amazingly he
changed into a very handsome man. Initially Lutung Kasarung was a handsome man
who was punished by God and became a monkey. After some years that day he got
clemency from God and he became human being again.
Purba Rarang was very surprised. He had no choice but to accept that her sister
was better than her. She asked for apology. Purba Sari gave her apology. After that
they went back to palace. Purba Sari became the queen and married to Lutung


15.legend of snake and leaf

Once upon a time, lays a great kingdom. The region of the kingdom are rich in
natural resources the people of the kingdom are prosperous, because the kingdom is
lead by a wise king. Many people coma to the kingdom and lives there. The prosperity
is well spread among the people of the kingdom. The other kingdoms are amazed and
respect the kingdom because of the prosperity. They are getting some benefits too with
fair trades with the kingdom.
Unfortunately, peace did not last long. Unexpected disaster came upon them.
They are not attacked by enemies who envied the prosperity and harmony of the
kingdom, but by a giant bird that suddenly appeared. The sky became pitch black as
the bird's body is very big. Flap wings deafening. Because the invasion of giant bird
was so sudden, the people of the kingdom of extraordinary panic. They are confused
and do not know what to do deal with that atmosphere. They thought doomsday had
arrived. In the blink of an eye, the kingdom was destroyed perish with everything in it.
Building razed to the ground.
Trees fall. People met death by falling trees or buried in the rubble of their
homes and buildings. Like a lost country, which previously fertile prosperous kingdom
into an open field. No plants, animals and humans there, accept the king with the
empress and the seventh daughter. They are confused and scared, perhaps came the
second attack. If that happened, this is the end their history. With the giant bird is easy
to see them because not even a leaf weeds can be a place for shelter.
However, they remain thankful to God because they have survived the
catastrophe. In the uncertain situation, they were surprised again by events that made
them increasingly desperate. I do not know where it came from; all of a sudden a giant
snake is appears in front of them. The snake opened its mouth so big and venomous
tongue moving in and out of her mouth. King along with the empress and the seven
daughters gathered into one group. The king thought, if they should die, at least they
die together although as a giant snake prey.
Snake dandaung "Your majesty needs not be afraid," suddenly the snake speak
the human language. "I'm not going to interfere with His Excellency, the empress, and
the daughters of your majesty, if your majesty granted one of my requests.


is surprised


hear the


snakes could



language"Who are you? What is your wish? "The king asked "My name is
Dandaung"said the giant snake. "I want to marry one of his Majesty's daughters."The
king stunned for a moment, after hearing the request of Dandaung Snake. A giant

snake wanted to marry his daughter? It makes no sense to marry a human with a
snake. But he did not dare to refuse for fear of consequences.
"I do not deny, but did not receive your proposal," said the king. "I must ask this
to my daughter one by one!."The king asked his daughter one by one. The eldest
daughter until the sixth one, refused to marry the Dandaung Snake. The king gets
worry about the consequences they will receive if his entire daughter refused. " I'm
willing to be his wife," youngest daughter said to his father. The youngest daughter
decision made her older sister mocking her. But her decision is already set and cannot
be changed. They soon married.
In their first night, the youngest daughter woke up from sleep. She was very
surprised because it was not Snake Dandaung lying on his side but a handsome man.
The man said to his wife, "I'm not someone else, I'm your husband, the Snake
Dandaung. I am a king who was freed from the curse. "The king and queen were
surprised to see the incident. However, they were proud to him, who is very handsome,
and a royal degree. The other princess feels regrets and wondering why they would not






The man also have great skill, a giant bird that destroys the royal can be
conquered and killed. He also builds up a new empire, complete with all equipment and
buildings. The people come again and live in the kingdoms territory, they believe that
living in the new kingdom will make them feel comfort and guarded from the giant
birds attack. They also have heard about the king's wisdom and the prosperity of the
kingdom in the past. The king now ruled the new kingdom once again. He is replaced
by the snake Dandaung in the later time and live happily ever after with his wife.

16. Telaga Warna

Long, long ago there was a kingdom in West Java. The kingdom was ruled by a
king. People called their king His Majesty Prabu. Prabu was a kind and wise king. No
wonder if that country was prosperous. Theres no hunger in this kingdom.
It was a very happy condition. But it was a pity that Prabu and his queen hadnt
got any children. It made the royal couple very, very sad. Some old men and women
who was respected by Prabu suggested the king to adopt a child. But Prabu and the
queen didnt agree. No, thank you. But for us, our own daughter or son is better than
adopted children.
The queen was very sad. She often cried. That was why Prabu decided to go. He
went to the jungle. There he prayed to God. Everyday he begged for a child. His dream
came true. A few months later, the queen got pregnant. All people in the kingdom felt
happy. They sent many presents to the palace to express their happiness.
Nine months later a princess was born. People sent their presents again as a gift
to a little princess. This baby grew as a beautiful teenager then.
Prabu and Queen loved their daughter so much. They gave what ever she
wanted. It made Princess a very spoiled girl. When her wish couldnt be realized, she
became very angry. She even said bad things often. A true princess wouldnt do that.
Even though the princess behaved badly, her parents loved her, so did the people in
that kingdom.
Day by day, the princess grew more beautiful. No girls could compare with her.
In a few days, Princess would be 17 years old. So, people of that kingdom went to
palace. They brought many presents for her. Their presents gift were very beautiful.
Prabu collected the presents. There were really many presents. Then Prabu stored them
in a building. Some times he could take them to give to his people.
Prabu only took some gold and jewels. Then she brought them to the goldsmith.
Please make a beautiful necklace for my daughter, said Prabu. My pleasure, Your
Majesty, the goldsmith replied. The goldsmith worked with all his heart and his ability.
He wanted to create the most beautiful necklace in the world because he loved his
The birthday came. People gathered in the palace field. When Prabu and queen
appeared, people welcomed them happily. Prabu and his wife waved to their beloved
Cheers were louder and louder when the princess appeared with her fabulous
pretty face. Everybody admired her beauty. Prabu got up from his chair. A lady gave
him a small and glamorous pillow. A wonderful necklace was on it. Prabu took that
necklace. My beloved daughter, today I give this necklace to you. This necklace is a
gift from people in this country. They love you so much. They presented it for you to
express their happiness, because you have growing to a woman. Please, wear this
necklace, said Prabu.
Princess accepted the necklace. She looked at the necklace in a glance. I dont
want to accept it! Its ugly! shouted the princess. Then she threw the necklace. The
beautiful necklace was broken. The gold and jewels were spread out on the floor
Everybody couldnt say anything. They never thought that their beloved
princess would do that cruel thing. Nobody spoke. In their silence people heard the
queen crying. Every woman felt sad and began crying too. Then everybody was crying.

Then there was a miracle. Earth was crying. Suddenly, from the under ground, a
spring emerged. It made a pool of water. The palace was getting full. Soon the place
became a big lake. The lake sank all of the kingdom.
Nowadays the water on that lake is not as full as before. There is only a small
lake now. People called the lake Talaga Warna. It is mean Lake of Colour. Its
located in Puncak, West Java. On a bright day, the lake is full of colour. So beautiful and
amazing. These colors come from shadows of forest, plants, flowers, and sky around
the lake. But some people said that the colours are from the princesss necklace, which
spreads at the bottom of the lake.

17. Damar Wulan

Damar Wulan was born in the village of Paluh Amba, not far from the capital city
of Majapahit. He was the son of Udara, the former prime minister of Majapahit. Since
his father had retired his family live in a quiet and prosperous village outside the
capital. Damar was a smart boy so he could easily learned the lessons his father taught
him. He learned martial art, religion, politics, and literature. He was very good at all
those subjects. When his father thought that he is mature enough, he asked Damar to
find job in Majapahit. He told Damar to apply for a job at the Prime Minister's office. He

hoped that his close relation with the new prime minister would help him get the prime
minister's attention. Furthermore Damar was a smart boy so his father was sure Damar
was capable to do any job.
Damar was very confident he would get a good position at the prime minister's
office. Early morning he left his village. At midday he got to Majapahit and he directly
went to the prime minister's house. Prime Minister Logender was his name. The guards
sarcastically questioned him when he told them he would see the prime minister.'Who
do you think you are?'
'I am Damar Wulan. I am the son of the former prime minister Udara. My father
told me to see the prime minister here'. 'If you think you can impress us by telling us
about your father, you are completely wrong poor boy. The son of a prime minister
would never go anywhere on foot'.'But, that's true. My father told me to find job
here'.'Listen poor boy, the prime minister is a very busy person. He does not have time
for job seeker like you. But if you need a job, there is a vacant position here. Let me
report my chief'.
Then the soldier reported to his superior. After that someone called Damar to
get into the commander's chamber. He told Damar that the prime minister's office
needed several boys to take care of the horses. Damar was surprised because he
expected clerical job but then he accepted the offer. Since that day he lived in a simple






Damar did a good job so his superior was satisfied with him. He was also very
sociable. Soon he had a good relationship with the prime minister and his family. The
prime minister had two sons - Layang Seto and Layang Kumitir and a daughter Anjasmoro. His sons were very arrogant and lazy. They treated Damar cruelly. They
wanted Damar to do whatever they want. Every body hated them but nobody dare to
express their feeling. Anjasmoro, on the other hand, liked Damar very much. Gradually
she fell in love to Damar. So did Damar.
They had a secret love. When Layang Seto and Layang Kumitir knew what
happened to Damar and Anjasmoro, they were very angry. They treated Damar more



At the time the kingdom of Majapahit faced a very serious problem because of
the rebellion of Menak Jinggo. He was a half brother of the Queen Kecono Wungu. He
was a prince of Majapahit and a highly respected general of the Majapahit army. For his
great achievement for his country his father appointed him as the ruler for the kingdom
of Blambangan, a vassal state under Majapahit. When his father passed away he was
sure that he would become the successor. But he was very disappointed when his
father appointed his sister instead.
He thought that he was more capable than Kencono Wungu so he rebelled.
Menak Jinggo proved to be a good general. Under his leadership the Blambangan army
could win several battles with Majapahit army. The territory of Majapahit one by one fell
to Blambangan. At the time the morale of the Majapahit army was already down. They
were not sure that they could win the war. So the queen and the prime minister met
everyday to discuss the worsening situation. Some weeks went by but still they did not
have any ideas to solve the problem. Every report they received about the war was
only about the defeat of the Majapahit army.

Prime Minister Logender was shocked when his wife reported to him about the
affair of Anjasmoro and Damar Wulan. For a highly respected person like him, it was a
very serious blow to his ego. He was a very respectable person while his daughter
dated with a poor boy. It was a serious humiliation. He could not accept it. This fact
made him very angry. He thought very hard to find a solution. Suddenly an idea struck
his sharp mind when he was meditating at midnight.
Early in the morning he went to the palace and asked the queen for an
audience. Then he explained his plan.'Your Majesty, last night I had an idea'. 'Tell me


'Our army could not win because we apply a wrong strategy. The Blambangan army is
very good at a frontal open warfare like that. Furthermore our army's morale is now
down. So we have to avoid open warfare. Since now on we have to launch a new tactics
of secret operation. We must send a small army unit to kill Menak Jinggo secretly'.'Who
will do that?'
'I have a body guard. His skill in martial art is excellent. He is very capable at
individual fight. So he is ready for this duty. I am sure he is the right person'
OK, I think you are right. Send him as soon as possible to Blambangan. If he can do his
job well.
I will give him great reward'.When Logender got home he called Damar Wulan
immediately. He asked him about his martial art skill. Damar said he had mastered
some fighting skill. His father had trained him Pencak Silat, the Indonesian martial art.
As a result, he was very skillful at using sword, lance, as well as empty hand fighting
technique. Then Logender asked him to fight both Layang Seto and Layang Kumitir.
Both of them fought emotionally since they hated Damar very much. But Damar was
smart, skillful, strong and tough. In just several minutes he could beat both of them
without difficulty.
Logender was angry but also satisfied since he found a way to get rid of both
problems - his home and his country.'Damar, you are a great fighter. I am very proud of
you. And that's why you will receive a great honor to fight for your country. Now there
is a rebellion in Majapahit. The king of Blambangan has done a crime. His name is
Menak Jinggo. Find him in his palace and Blambangan and kill him. Are you ready?'
'I am ready any time Sir,''Good. Today you have to prepare everything and
tomorrow you must leave for Blambangan secretly. Do not tell any one about this duty.
Not even Anjasmoro. Don't be afraid because the Majapahit army will fully support you.
They will back you and provide all your needs. When you can kill Menak Jinggo behead
him and bring his head here. If you can do this job well you will be promoted to a high
position as the commander of Majapahit army''Yes, Sir. I am very glad to receive this
order. I will do my best'
The next day, very early in the morning Damar Wulan left Majapahit alone.
Meanwhile Prime Minister Logender had implemented his own plan. He prepared a
small army unit under the leadership of his two sons. They went behind Damar in a
distant so that Damar did not notice them. They went secretly so no one knew it. Their
task was not to protect Damar but to kill him and seize the head of Menak Jinggo if he
could kill Menak Jinggo.
But if Damar was killed then they had nothing to do.Several days later Damar
Wulan arrived in Blambangan. The Majapahit army kept on spying on him. They were

surprised to see Damar did not directly attack the palace. He applied for a job instead.
Once again he was accepted to work in the palace to take care of the horses.
Everybody including the king Menak Jinggo liked him because he was very polite and
he did his job well. He was also very handsome that two of the king's wife fell in love
with him.










As everybody trusted him, it was easy for Damar to search the palace. He knew where
Menak Jinggo lived. One night he secretly jumped the palace wall to kill the king. Finally
he was inside the king's bedroom. But unfortunately the king was ready to welcome
him. A small army unit was there to arrest him. He was no match for Menak Jinggo.
But Menak Jinggo was a smart person. He did not kill Damar instantly. He
wanted to gather information from him. So he ordered his guards.'Don't kill him. Let
him alive, treat him well. I will question him tomorrow,Yes, Your Majesty.He ordered his
men to treat him well. He even let Waito and Puyengan to see Damar. By doing so he
hoped that Damar would give him valuable information. But Damar was also a smart
person. He dated Waito and Puyengan and he asked them the way to kill Menak Jinggo.
Since the two women loved Damar they revealed a secret.
'Nobody can hurt him. He is a tough guy and he is protected by god. God gave
him a secret weapon called Wesi Kuning'. 'What is that? 'That's a golden amulet. It is
just a small amulet, as small as a thumb but it is very powerful. Its shape is like a stick.
It is stored in his bedroom'.'He is a dangerous man. We have to stop him. Could you
help me find his amulet?'I will help you if you marry me'.'Sure I will marry both of you
as soon as I can arrest him'When their turn to amuse the king arrived Waito and
Puyengan could get into the kings chamber. They used that opportunity to steal the
Then they gave it to Damar Wulan. Menak Jinggo did not realize their conspiracy.
When the night was very quiet they opened the door for Damar Wulan. There was a
fight but it was too late for Menak Jinggo. The sudden attack did not give him much
chance to survive. Consequently Damar could beat his enemy and Menak Jinggo was
Damar Wulan immediately left Blambangan palace that night while promising Waito
and Puyengan to be back after he received the rewa.


18. Disk Jockey

I am a a disk Jokey and one night when I was at the controls, a record began a
skip. Before I could react , the needle scraped across the entire song leaving me with
dead-air silence , a DJs worst enemy .
I grabbed the mike and shouted over the air : All right , which one of you
listeners at home just bumped your radio and made my record skip ? After my little
face saving joke , I played another song .
A few minutes later the switch board operator came into say that three people
had called to apologize . And the Jockey continue his played


19.Story about a poor man

Pak Suparman starts each day by crawling out of the cart in which he has been
huddled up for the better part of the night. The cart is his most treasured possession. It
not only serves as his bed at night (without which he would be completely exposed to
the elements) but is also the means with which he earns his living.

Suparman is a trash picker, and his entire day is spent pushing his cart along
Jakartas streets in search of garbage.
The waste others throw out is anything but worthless to Suparman, and
constitutes his only means of income. Suparman not only goes through rubbish bins in
search of plastic gold, but also picks up any rubbish of any worth that he finds. Truth be
known, were it not for people like Suparman, Jakartans might soon find themselves
knee-deep in waste.
Suparman earns anything from Rp 100,000 a week (if unfortunate) to Rp
250,000 in a good week. His bread and butter is plastic water bottles of any size. Clean
plastic fetches him Rp 5,000 per kilogram, while soiled or dirty plastic fetches Rp 2,000
per kilo. Any other kind of garbage is worth Rp 1,500 per kilogram.
Once a week Suparman takes all that he has collected to larger-scale garbage
collectors (known as kontrakan), in Pintu Air, Tanah Abang, who in turn sell it to
factories that produce containers and packaging. However, these larger-scale collectors
did not wish to reveal their identities or say how much they earned as middle-men,
claiming ignorance and stating that only the top boss knew how much factories paid
for garbage.


20. Prophet Adam

Allah made the mountains and the seas.He made all the animals. He made the
heavens and the stars. He made the sun and the moon and he made the angels. The
angels were like Allah's servants and did everything He ordered.
Then Allah decided to make a man. He called this first man Adam. He taught
him many things so that Adam had more knowledge than the angels.
There was one Jinn, called Iblis and he thought he was better than Adam so
Allah would not let him stay with the other angels. He was to be called 'Shaytan', the
Devil. Shaytan blamed Adam for what had happened to him and was very angry. Allah
let Adam live in a beautiful place because he was good. The place was called Paradise.
It was a very nice place but Adam was a little lonely, on his own all of the time.
Allah decided to help Adam. He made Hawa to be Adam's wife. They were happy and
liked living in Paradise.
There was, however, one thing they were not allowed to do. There was a special
tree and Allah had told them they must not eat any fruit from that tree. At first Adam
and Hawa were very good and kept away from the tree.
Shaytan decided to do something very naughty. He told them they were silly to
keep away from the tree. He said nothing would happen if they ate its fruit. He said the
fruit was delicious and they should try it.
After a while they began to listen to Shaytan and thought they would have just a
little taste of the fruit, just to see what it was like. Shaytan was very happy because he
had made them disobey Allah. As soon as they had eaten the fruit, Adam and Hawa
realised that they had been very naughty and they felt guilty for what they had done.
Allah forgave them But He wouldn't let them stay in Paradise any more So He
sent them to live on earth.

21. Prophet Yunus

The prophet Yunus was sent to Ninevah. He became known as the Lord of the
Fish (Dhan-Nun). He warned the people about their evil ways and told them to follow
Allah but they would not listen.
Yunus was so angry he left. He sailed away but the ship was so full and heavy,
poor Yunus was thrown overboard. He was swallowed by an enormous fish and he lived
in its belly for three days. Then the fish spewed him out on a shore. He was very ill but
Allah was protecting him. A plant grew and its leaves protected Yunus from the sun
and kept the flies away. A wild goat provided him with milk. When he became better he
went back to Ninevah and gave the people Allah's message once more. This time the

listened and




22. Prophet Nuh

After many years Adam had grandchildren and even great grandchildren. There
were now lots of people on earth. Many of them obeyed Allah but some were not so
good and did just what they wanted to do all the time.
This made Allah very unhappy. Allah chose Nuh, a good man, to tell the people
that what they were doing was wrong. But they wouldn't listen to him and carried on

doing bad things. Allah decided that all the naughty people should be punished. He told
Nuh to build a big ark near his house.
Nuh quickly got busy choosing good wood and building it up into a fine ark. A lot
of people laughed at him but he did not take any notice of them, because Allah had
told him what to do.
When he had finished, he put lots of food into the ark and collected the good
people together. They also took lots of animals with them into the ark, two of every
One day, all of a sudden, the sky went very dark and it started to rain. Lightly at
first, then more and more heavily. Soon there was water everywhere.
The bad people were not laughing any more. They were frightened because
they had no shelter from the water.Only the good people in the ark were safe and dry.

23. The Legend about Irian names

Once upon a time, there lived a family with several children in Sopen, West Biak.
One of the sons was Mananamakrdi. All his brothers and sisters disliked Mananamakrdi
because his body was mangy so that they could not bear its smell. Every night, they
commanded Mananamakrdi to sleep outside the house. If Mananamakrdi didnt comply
with their commands, they would willingly kick him out .
One day, his brothers could not bear the smell of Mananamakrdis mange.
Mananamakrdi was chased away the house. With unsteady steps, Mananamakrdi
walked to the east. After arriving at the beach, he took a tethered boat. He sailed until

he found an empty land. This land is known today as the island of Biak Miokbudi in the
He made a small hut in the woods. Every day he worked the soil of the sago for
their daily meals. In addition, he also made wine and sap from the coconut. There were
a few palm trees he could make incisions.
One afternoon, he was very surprised, the sap he collected in the tube had been
gone. Mananamakrdi was very upset. He thought that there was a thief taking his sap
so that in the night he sat in the midrib of coconut leaves to catch the thief. In the
midnight the thief had not come yet. But, in the morning, from the sky, one living thing
with the bright light came near the midrib and drank the entire sap. As the bright light
creature was about to flee, Mananamakrdi caught him. "Who are you?" Said
Mananamakrdi."I am Sampan, the morning star. Please release me, the sun almost
rises," he pleaded. "Heal my mange first, and give me a beautiful wife," asked
"Be patient, on the beach near the forest trees there grow the tree of bitanggur.
If a girl you love is taking a bath at the beach, you should climb the bitanggur. Then
throw one of the bitanggur out to sea. In the next time, that girl will be your wife.
Sampan said. Mananamakrdi then released the Sampan.
Since then, every afternoon Mananamakrdi sat in the bittanggur tree to see the
girls taking a bath. One afternoon, he saw a beautiful girl taking a bath alone. The girl
was Insoraki, a daughter of the village chief of Meokbundi. Mananamakrdi climbed
Bitanggur immediately. He picked up one of the bitanggur, and thrown it into the sea.
Insoraki was annoyed with the bittanggur near her. She threw it away. However, it
came to Insoraki again. It happened over and over again until Insoraki annoyed. She
then went home.
A few days later, Insoraki was pregnant. Insoraki told her parents that it would
be caused by the strange event on the beach. Of course her parents did not believe it.
Several months later, A boy of Insoraki was born. At the first birth, the baby was not
crying, but laughing. Some time later, the party was held to name the boy. The boy was
named Konori. Mananamakrdi attended the party. When the dance party was going on,
suddenly Konori ran to Mananamakrdi, and said, "Father ...," Konori shouted. People
were shocked and the Dance party then stopped.
Finally, Isoraki and Mananamakrdi got married. However, the chiefs and villagers
felt disgusted with Mananamakrdi. They left the village with all the animals and plants
they had. The village became deserted; only Mananamakrdi, Insoraki, and Konori.
One day, Mananamakrdi gather dry woods, and burnt it. Konori and Insoraki
wonder. Mananamakrdi suddenly jumped into the fire. Spontaneously, Konori and
Insoraki screamed. After Mananamakrdi left out of the fire, his body was miraculously
so clean with no mange anymore. His face was very handsome. Konori and Insoraki
were happy and called Masren Mananamakrdi Koreri which means a holy man. Some
time later, Mananamakrdi made a sailboat. He took his wife and son to sail to the
Mandori, near Manokwari.

Early in the morning, Konori was playing on the beach sand. He saw a land full
of mounts. The mountains are very beautiful in the morning with full of fogs. The sun
shone brightly, the air becames hot and the fog disappeared. "Father ... Irian. Iriaaan,
"cried Konori. In the language of Biak, Irian means hot. "Hi, My son, do not say so. This
is the land of your fathers, said Mananamakrdi. "Yes, Daddy. Konori means the shinny
sun make the fog disappeared; it is the beautiful scenery here, "said Konori. After that
time, this place was called Irian.

24. Prophet Ishaq

The Well of Zamzam where water first flowed to save the lives of Hajar and
Ismail, became a popular place for the caravans to stop. Some people liked the place
so much they decided to stay there.
This place became known as Makkah. One day Ibrahim had a message from
Allah. He and Ismail were to build a place for people to pray. They were to build an
altar, it was to be known as the Ka'aba. The angel Jibrail brought the message saying
that the Ka'aba should be built near the Well of Zamzam, the most sacred place on
The foundation stone for the Ka'aba was to come from heaven. It is found today
in a corner of the Ka'aba and is known as the black stone. When Ibrahim was building
the Ka'aba he was standing on a large rock. Allah softened the rock and the shape of
Ibrahim's bare feet was left in it. It is still there, for all to see.
When Ibrahim was very old the angels came to see him and said Allah was
going to give a son to him and Sarah. Sarah could not believe it was true. She too was
old. The angels said that all things are possible to Allah. They said the son was to be
called Ishaq. He was to be a prophet. Sure enough, Sarah did have a son and they
called him Ishaq. he grew up to be a great prophet.
Ishaq married a girl called Rebecca. They had two sons, called Esau and Yaqub.
Yaqub became a great prophet. Yaqub grew up and married Zia and they had lots of
children, both boys and girls. His second wife Rohsie had two sons, Yusuf and Benjamin.

Yusuf and Benjamin were very good, obedient sons and they became Yaqub's
favourites because of their good behaviour.

Yusuf too grew up to be a prophet. All of

these great prophets were descendents of Ibrahim. He is known as the father of all the
prophets.Muhammad SWT, our great and beloved prophet, the last of all the prophets
was a descendant of Ismail.

25.The Mouse Deer And The Crocodile

The mouse deer is very tricky animal and had many enemies. One of his
enemies was a crocodile. The crocodile live in a river near a forest. One day , when the
mouse deer walking out a lonely at the time weather is so hot. And body of mouse deer
was very dirty and he feel thirsty . He looking for some to clean his body and can
removing thirst.
Then, he came to the river , than he take a bath and splash water. Exactly the
splash disturb the crocodile while sleeping .The crocodile get up from sleeping and he
feel so angry . Than the crocodile look for who was disturb him and he saw the mouse
deer . Hm,,,,,, him, thats a nice meal !!
Than the crocodile silently crawded behind

the mouse deer and grabbed

him.Suddenly the crocodile caught the mouse deers leg and than the mouse deer
starled and he scream aaaaaaaa and he said help me , help me. But the crocodile
does not want to freed the mouse deers leg . Than the mouse deer saw a twig floating
near him , than he get an idea
The mouse deer said Aha!!!. Than he pick up the twig and said You are a
fool crocodile , so you think you have got me. Never and never . You are bitting a twig ,
not my leg , said the mouse deer , with showed the twig to the crocodile . Because the

is very stupid creature , he can not see very well.

And he believe the

cunning mouse deer. And then the mouse deerwas free from the crocodile .
The mouse deer ran our of the water
laughed .
I trick you

immediately .Hahahahahahahaha,he


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