Octoberman Summary

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Intense: The Octoberman Method (Summary)

Basic outline:

Elicit a state/identity/body sensation

Turn it into a symbol
Manipulate the symbol
Link it to you

Chapter 1 - What it can do

- associate you w/ her sexual identity:
- at age of 2-3, we become conscious that were individual, later we build relationships
with others, this is formative to sexual identity, forming beliefs, behaviour, what we
search in partner
- this identity can be changed with intent
- intent: focus (law of attraction) and force behind - will.
- sense the flow of energy in interactions (intent), stronger intent wins
- focus and will (=intent) of others can be influenced (distraction, surprise)
- demonstrate and exercise own will and focus (wrestle the angel)
- layers of the brain (onion) - more and less visible and accessible - profound and
superficial (can conflict!)
- inner layers were built in childhood - when you change something there the new
person will change automatically
- e.g. What would the child in you say/do to this?, What would your inner child say to
the you of today?
- if you presuppose something, it can be evoked through that (e.g. that she is a nympho)
- when new person looks back to child it once was - reality begins to change
(understanding mentally, then feeling)
- Imagination > Emotions > Physical feelings (Lead the body, mind will follow,
not vice versa)
- ex. smoking (no one quits because he knows its unhealthy) > when the layers
conflict, people follow the physical feelings, then the emotions, and then the logic (they
later rationalize)
- To get someone to give in to a craving, amplify the craving and get them fully
immersed in the moment.
- People:
- one part of the mind is parent/career person/friend etc. > roles
- we see reflections of these in others

- Places:
- parts of us in places of mind: quiet place, secret place (guilty pleasure example p.18)
- by naming it, talking about it, it becomes more and more real!
Creating new parts, layers and places is a big part of Octoberman!
- Who can do it?
- those with strong frame (=inner game), consists of Identity, Beliefs, Attitudes =
- 7 Beliefs: (also Identity)

This is the best thing she will ever experience in her life.
No other person can give her this kind of experience the way I can.
I can do this.
It works behind any doubt, hesitation or question.
She will think that both me and what I am doing is amazing.
It is normal for me to give a woman this kind of experience.
Given the time, place and situation, I will be able to do this and evoke
unbeliefable results in any women I want to, and I do it without apology,
hesitation or question.

- integrate Touch, Language and Visualization into seamless flow of Connection and
- Shared Trance
- Where to do it
- with, not on someone
- quiet place, no competition for persons focus
- Trance, Hypnosis:
1. Focusing
2. Suspending the critical factor
3. Leading
- suspending the critical factor: strong frame, authority, teacher
- bypassing it alltogether, speaking through imagery and visualization
- help relieve stress/enhance sex
- What-If-Frame: What if you could feel absolutely amazing - a massage like youve
never been able to feel before, even better than sex If you could feel this and if I could
help you feel this, is this something that you want to do?
- Role-Play (pimp-ho / doctor-nurse / stripper-customer)
- overcome critical factor by bypassing it, speaking through imagery and visualization:
evoke feeling, link it to energy, then manipulate the energy, shared visualization!
move, intensify enery (and thus indirectly the feeling behind), > feeling becomes alive
of its own

- When to do it
- irrelevant as long as 3 things are in plac:
1. A strong frame by the persuader, who clearly leads
2. Connection or some sense of rapport or identification
3. Suspension of the critical factor in the person being persuaded, who clearly
- mostly 1 or 2 comes first, 3 is cult-like behaviour

Chapter 2 - it starts with you

- interactions are determined by frames (=meta-frames=meta-programs), which are roles
(leader/follower) > take the role which serves you
- Pieces of the puzzle
1. Practice (everytime possible)
2. Natural talent helps at the beginning
3. Mentor
- Crucial success factor: Choose frame in every situation!
- use intent to define goals and needed actions > always know why youre doing what
youre doing!
- Clear actions come from clear purpose and focus in the moment.
- Put value on you and your reactions:
Jump! > How high? no value
> Why should I, whats in it for me? right
- overtly or covertly subcommunicate: I know you want me to do this or that, but that
doesnt work for me, what can you do for me?
- set your own value > higher value is attractive
- Authority (e.g. in a subject) conveys value
- Become authority in own life by taking back power
- Ask people to do small things for you, reward them accordingly
- some can get into command train (busy fullfilling new commands before old is
done, not objecting > critical factor is suspended)
- Gradient principle: start asking for something small, then escalate
> always reward people when on command train
- When people are on your command train, you gain value > authority > attractiveness
> value (positive feedback loop=hyperempiric loop)
Key points of hypnosis to remember:
1. Focus
2. Suspension of critical factor = judgement
3. Leading with a strong intent = Leader & Follower

Thats about frames, next thing is creating responsiveness of follower

- responsiveness = openness, receptivity
- people move toward pleasure and away from pain > motivation by stating an action
with these two aspects
- to connect with someone, evoke secret pain by coldreading etc.
- If I look at you sometimes, underneath all the smiles I can see something else. You
might not even be aware of it. In your eyes theres a deep pain thats never quite healed.
In fact when youre alone you probably feel this pain and you might be right at the point
of uncovering where it came from, but at other times it may just break through and make
you sad without knowing why. At some point in your life, your heart was broken - and it
shows I can put my hand right here on your chest (as you do it) and I can feel your
wounded heart chakra, I can feel your pain Tell me about it
- then immediately evoke pleasure (transition)
- Its getting kind of heavy in here - lets talk about fun stuff If you could be doing
anything right now, what would you be doing? What is it about this that you enjoy? What
does it feel like when you do this?
- When connecting to only pleaure, youre viewed as superficial, only pain = negative as
pain itself, both = solution to a problem
- Physical responsiveness: open, engaging, in the moment people, need touch
- Emotional responsiveness: sentimental, withdrawn, thoughtful, love art, need
emotional connection to open up, sense of attachment and belonging

Chapter 3 - background and foundational understanding

- Maps
The map is not the territory. Expansive vs. restrictive thinking. Prove new things to be
valid/invalid for you, build your map like this.
- Intent
Focus + Will
Focus: based on interal perception, Will motivates external action.
- The Unconscious
90% (vs. 10% conscious)
Conscious thinks, unconscious proves what you think through distortion and deletion
Unc. expresses in symbols, works with visualization, handles automatic actions
(walking etc.)
Automatic behaviours can be become aware of consciously, changed, and conditioned
(21 days)
- Symbols
What means something? Last one thing = end value (eg. money = security)
Eg. Orgasm, give color, make it brighter, move it in your body and out, intensify as you
breathe = Symbolic Morphology
- Regression
bonding period - we bond with the person that causes us to go back to the bonding period

let them talk about childhood, behave like kids, nurture them, when they open up reward
them emotionally and physically
give them self-image to life up to!
- Sexual Conditioning
when two things commonly occur at the same time, the appearance of one will bring the
other to mind
normalize the behaviours, 21 times repetition, constant exposure in a non-threatening
motivation: may be experimentation, reward and punishment
stimulus-response patterning: stimulus always has to be the same! first use it always in
the same situation, until target is used to it, then use it also in general situations
habituation: when pattern becomes automatism
- Huna/Lomi-Lomi:
synesthesia of seeing mental images, hearing voice and touch
symbolize energy: have target describe it in detail, where in the body its located, have
them imagine the situation when they were sensing it (dont have to tell) > have it
turned in color energy (see color, feel heat, hear buzzing)
move it around: energy becomes more intense, feeling up whole body, concentrate it on
erogene zones (chest, breasts, inner arms and legs, face, stomach)
now you can notice how when I touch you here the energy glides along the surface of
your skin leaving traces of these amazing feelings like waves rippling to you - and how as
I press deeper, the feelings penetrate you even deeper, filling you up inside you, moving
inside you
fractionation: take person in and out of state thus intensifying it
now notice what it feels like as I take this energy out of you, taking it into my hand
(move hand away from chest)
have them take a deep breath and now notice how as you take a deep breath I put this
energy back inside you and it goes even deeper, becoming even more intense, filling you
up even more touching you now in the deepest places inside you what does this feel
good take a deep breath in and now notice how I can put my hand right here on your
chest and start to move and chin this energy as I move my hands over you, it spreads
with every touch, like waves of pleasure pulsating through you
again move hands through erogenous zones
move energy in circle behind their back, let it flow in own arms, have them reach around
own back to get it back
or: chest to chest, breath in to take it, they breath in to take it and let it go when
breathing out
- Magick:
focus on something, intent=focus and will
train both through daily goals + focus point

Chapter 4: Visualization and other exercises

- Beliefs:

Energy is real
Energy flows where attention goes
You can use symbols
SHARED energy visualization enhances the effect of it
You can feel, see and touch energy

- Exercise 1:
- think of favourite thing
- assign color, turn it into fireball holding in hand in front of face
- manipulate, let it pulsate, change size, take it into chest and out
- send it to someone, notice reactions
- Exercise 2:
- have other person imagine energy
- sense it the hand holding above chest
Importance of touch
like story: introduction (touch at hands, arms), middle (sexual tension, kissing > amplify
what partner gives you), tension building (thighs, shoulders, neck, fingers through hair,
look when talking about normal subject with thoughts of extreme pleasure
Basic Symbolic Morphology
1. Elicit what the person loves most in the world
2. Turn it into a symbol Now if you were to take all the feelings that you have for
this thing/person/experience and give it a color/symbol, what would it be?
3. Manipulate, morph the symbol > Make it grow big, make it concentrate on point
of light, move it through persons body
4. Actually touch them as you move it everywhere that you touch through their body
5. Deepen the state, Fractionate > Move the symbol in and out of their chest, take it
away - give it back, link the giving to their receiving by them taking it in with a
deep breath so that they are active participants in both the guided imagery and the
physical experience of it. When taking it out, make them exhale it.
6. Link the symbol/object to YOU > take the energy into you & your hands, give it
back through them by touching w/ hands/even lips
7. Escalate physical touch

- Attraction Rose: Ask: When attracted, how does it feel like, where do you feel it >
make it symbol, take it etc.
- Pool: Send feeling in imaginery pool, let them swim into it, swirl around them

Chapter 5 - Bringing all the Elements together

- if you ask sb about an experience (also imagined ones!), they get into that, feel those
feelings > state elicitation
- Whats the greatest X (experience, emotion) that you love most? What about X do you
love most? > Y Whats it like if you have them?
- Symbolizing: Close your eyes and imagine:
If you had this feeling right now, what color would it have?
Where do you feel it in your body
Moving? How?
> Symbolizing through Synesthesia
- Manipulate the symbol
amp ip up, make it grow, intensify colors, brighten, make it faster/slower, move through
the body
- Fractionation
have them inhale to take the symbol, exhale to give it to you, thus taking them in and out
of the state rapidly
say: Now notice how you feel it like here (put hand where they say they felt it) and how I
can move it through your body with my hand! (move hand) And how you exhale it to
give it to me And when you inhale it back now the feeling gets even more intense!
do it until they keep eyes closed
touch first in non-obtrusive places, escalate, calibrate > if they open their eyes, make
them visualize the symbol in your hands. As you give it back, say: Now close your eyes
and as you take a deep breath in as you take in all these feelings and feel them even
deeper inside you.
- Link symbol to you
take symbol out of partner, put in into your hands, touch them everywhere you want the
energy to go
left-eye to left-eye connection: imagine energy cycling back and forth in your eyes
let your partner imagine an ideal place with complete ecstasy and YOU there holding the
symbol in your hands

let them imagine bubble with safety, pleasure and warmth and YOU inside, exchanging
the energy and everything outside cold, stressing, enemies
> you can also link it to action (you feel the feeling getting stronger as you unbutton
your clothes) or touching you!
- Elicit trauma
also elicit traumatic experience (worst memory from childhood etc.), just make them
remember it, not describe it in detail, make them hold it 6 inches away from chest, take
their hands and say lets throw this negative energy away in the air . NOW! > use
it with bubble: pleasure and you inside, trauma outside
Creating the OCTOBERMAN - A new Sexual Identity
Imagine the type of person you want your partner to become, then work with THIS
person (believe they are it already), let them visualize these aspects > theyll create a
new Identity with you linked to it!

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