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Move More Sit Less Eat Right


Becoming A New

New & Improved !
Heart, Mind,
Body & Spirit

You will

Feel better, look better, be healthier

Have more energy
Sleep better
Eliminate those aches and pains
Alan Tollefson
Includes: FIT



by Scott Craig

A New You A Primal You

etting the exercise you need

and the right nutrition
is extremely important.
Heres what I live by:

Move More, Sit Less and Eat Right!

I will take you beyond where you are today

with tips on walking, running, biking, club equipment,
resistance training, apparel and nutrition.
You will soon understand how and why
your body thrives on exercise and good food.
No matter what condition you are in at the moment,
no matter what your long term goals are,
the real key to your overall health
now and for the rest of your life is this:
Move more every hour, all day long.
Walk, do intervals, lift some weights,
do some squats, some pushups,
eat right and get the right amount of sleep.
The New You will not only feel better
and be healthier,
that New You will also discover
new relationships with
your family, friends and everyone you meet.
Your life will materialize into a whole new way
of sharing with and caring for others
because youll feel so good about who youve become.

A New You A Primal You


These are subjects you may want to look up and refer to often.
A balanced diet Examples of
page 237
Antioxidants You can have too many if you are taking supplements. page 21
Bikingrules of the road Cars dont always see you.
page 124
Blood sugar levels Watch your carbohydrate consumption.
page 127
Bone density Exercise and good nutrition make a difference.
page 215
Breathing and hot, humid air Its less dense than dry air.
page 124
Calorie intake Dont consume more than you burn.
page 164
Carbohydrates Where you get them. What they do.
page 217
Chocolate milk After your workout. Yes or No?
page 67
page 160
Cholesterol A structural component for cells.
Clogged arteries Stay away from saturated fats.
page 132
Dietary fiber Most fiber is found in vegetables and fruits.
page 145
Dietary supplements May not be good.
page 21
Exercise equipment Photos and information.
pages 207 212
Fruits, vegetables, pesticides and children Important. pages 128 130
HDL and LDL H stands for Happy. L stands for Lousy.
page 177
Health & Fitness Foundation Weights, Aerobics, HIT
page 241
Heart rate zones Good to know before you exercise.
pages 79 80
History of the Marathon Introduced in Athens in 1896.
page 121
Hydrogenation Why Trans Fats are harmful.
page 237
Karaoke A dexterity maneuver, not the singing.
page 83
Laughing In more detail.
page 238
page 80
Laughing, dancing and breathing Good for you.
Leaner, healthier you 4 things you can do.
page 217
Manufacturers and retail Clothing and shoes.
pages 109 110
Minerals Seven major minerals are important to life.
page 158
Nine essential nutrients Where to get them. What they do.
page 161
Nutritional needs Whats necessary to support life.
page 143
Oatmeal Its a very nutritional breakfast or snack.
page 168
Protein What it does for you. Where to get it.
page 217
Salads Toss in a variety of ingredients.
page 173
Sitting too much Increases blood pressure and more.
page 111
Sleep. How much? Why? Enough sleep makes you smarter.
page 43
Sugar intake Limit processed foods they can be a killer.
page 216
Vinegar There are endless uses for vinegar.
page 230
Vitamins What they are. Where you get them.
page 157
Vitamin and mineral supplements Try to avoid supplements. page 159
Why simple meals? Saves time and money. Often better for you.
page 30
Why trans-fats are harmful. Hydrogenated fats.
page 237

A New You A Primal You

Why I Wrote Becoming A New You

A Primal You
I want you to know that moving more, sitting less and eating
right will help you become healthier, happier and better prepared
to enjoy everything life has to offer.
There is an epidemic of inactivity and overeating that has
been labeled obesity.
How can we change that?
We need to understand why exercise is so important.
We have to realize that there is time to exercise.
We must learn more about the food we eat. Whats bad, whats
good and how much is too much.
We have to stop eating on the go, quit the sugary snacks and
begin eating regularly.
So hang on to your hat! Youre going to be more excited
about life, youll have more energy and youll soon be
having more fun.
Just stand up and do something physical for a few minutes
each hour of the day and know that it doesnt have to be a lot.
After youve been doing this for a while, youll begin to get a
better night sleep and wake up feeling alive, full of energy and
ready to be that New You all day long.
All you have to do is . . .
Move More, Sit Less and Eat Right!
(Eating right is eating the right food in the right amount.)
Exercising and eating right should be painless.
After a while you wont even know you are doing it.
If you follow what I suggest in this book,
youll be exercising painlessly very soon.

A New You A Primal You

CHAPTER I: Move More

page 44

Keep on moving and become a New You. This chapter provides you
with a step-by-step outline and information about the various levels
of exercise that will work best for you.
CHAPTER II: More on Footwear and Apparel

page 99

What works and what doesnt. Why its important and why it isnt.
When you are exercising, the shoes and clothing you wear can make
you feel good. The newest, or what is touted as the best, isnt always
what they say it is, nor is it always necessary.
CHAPTER III: More on Walking, Jogging, Running
and Biking
page 111
I will discuss these in more detail. These are activities you can do
almost anywhere, and in this chapter I take them to another level.
CHAPTER IV: Categories of Food, Nutritional needs and
Dietary Supplements
page 131
It can be difficult to remember what you should eat, when you
should eat and why. Ive created an easy to understand reference
CHAPTER V: Nutrition Information Meals, Snacks
and Desserts
page 160
This chapter provides nutritional information, meals, recipes,
serving sizes and suggestions for snacks.

by Scott Craig

page 183

FIT 101.0 goes into more detail on exercises, exercise equipment and
fitness clubs.
Terms and phrases
page 216
More technical terms or possibly unfamiliar words are defined here
to help you better understand the text.

A New You A Primal You

All you have to do is enjoy becoming better than you are today and
eventually the best you can be.
Im confident that what Ive created for you will be fun, easy and
effective for you for the rest of your life. You can be a Mover and a
As you read on, I hope you will take my suggestions seriously.
Believe me when I say, just moving more can be a lot of fun and
extremely rewarding.
Going for the gold is great, but just getting a little bit of exercise
every hour throughout the day, sitting a lot less, and beginning to
eat right in the recommended amount is going to make all the
difference for you. Go for the gold after youve been at this for a while
if you like. I hope you enjoy and benefits from reading A New You.
How much sleep should you get and why?
Lack of sleep has been associated with worsening of blood pressure
and cholesterol, all risk factors for heart disease and stroke. Your heart
will be healthier if you get between 7 and 9 hours of sleep each night.
Young children and teenagers need more sleep 10 to 14 hours.
Sleep makes you more alert. Sleep bolsters your memory. Napping also
improves memory, cognitive function and mood.
Sleep is a time for your body to repair damage caused by stress,
ultraviolet rays and other harmful exposures. Your cells produce more
protein while you are sleeping. These protein molecules form the
building blocks for cells, allowing them to repair damage.
Lack of sleep disrupts the hormones leptin and ghrelin that play a role
in regulating energy intake and expenditure, including appetite and
Keep your bedroom dark to reduce light exposure. Light exposure
reduces the level of melatonin, a hormone that both makes you sleepy
and is thought to protect against cancer. Melatonin appears to
suppress the growth of tumors.
The increase in stress hormones, caused by lack of sleep, may raise the
level of inflammation in your body. Inflammation is thought to be one
of the causes of the deterioration of your body as you age as well as
age-related diseases.
Can you sleep too much?
Too much sleep has been associated with diabetes, obesity, headaches,
back pain, depression, heart disease and an increased risk of death.
Researchers have not yet identified a reason for the connection
between oversleeping and these problems. Oversleeping may be a
Lifestyle issue. There are people with hypersomnia* but most just
want to sleep more. Try to level off at 7 to 9 hours a night.

* These words are defined in our word list and index.


A New You A Primal You

Move More

This Chapter outlines the four different levels of fitness

mentioned on the previous pages.
I assume youve determined what level is best for you.
Level One through Level Four are defined and Ill outline an exercise
regimen that will get you moving more.
Youll find value in a lot of the information in this book, but if you
are just beginning, the most important material for you is in this
Some of the Move More suggestions in this chapter may
sound silly or even too simple to you but . . .
. . . if you can get around that, realize that you are moving and its so
much better for you than you might think.
The Move More examples are all about moving and, in themselves,
are excellent exercises. They are also intended to help you become
creative and to think of some exercises on your own that you might
like even more. Anything you do is great, just so youre moving.
Try to have some fun with the whole idea
of just moving more.
Im well aware of how you will feel at times. It is so easy to say, Not
today. Once you get out that door and begin getting used to a new
routine, it truly gets easier, fun and invigorating.
Okay, its time to start becoming the
New You!
Remember to play.
Play, Play, Play: Do this all the time, any time, any where. When you walk, jog or run
outside, do Karaoke once in a while, side step, go fast, go slow, find hills, jump up on
things, have fun. If youre on cardio equipment indoors like a treadmill, elliptical, lateral,
stair climber or bike, adjust the elevation, resistance and speed up and down often.
Weights? Lift heavy weights slow, lift lighter weights fast, lift dumbbells out and back,
up and down, to the left, to the right. For most everyone, learn to do it all correctly but
mostly just have fun with it.


A New You A Primal You

Youve considered exercise before. You may have read

books or visited websites.
It can be tiring and confusing just reading about it.
My exercises are simple, simple, easy to understand and you can do
them all day, every day for the rest of your life. Youll live longer, feel
younger and youll also have fun doing it.
The exercises Im introducing are all about helping you to:
Move more and sit less
Find more peace of mind
Gain more self esteem
Begin sleeping better
Have more energy
Lose weight without thinking about it
If you eventually want to do more, which you probably will, you can.
Ill show you how and what to do.
Everyone. Handicapped or able bodied. Its for kids, teens,
young adults, middle age and seniors, men and women and
whatever your fitness level is, these suggestions are right for you.
This chapter includes things that most everyone can do to get more
exercise. If you are handicapped in any way, our list may help you
Its wise to check with your doctor before you begin.
Also, some of these ideas may seem a little too pedestrian to some
of you, but keep the faith. Youll be surprised at the workout you can
get. The exercises get a little more difficult later on. The key to better
health is right in front of you. Move more, Sit Less and eat right.
Start doing all these exercises at or from home.
Start in your living room. This chapter provides a list and
description of all the things you can easily do to become more
active right in your own living room, in your yard and in your


A New You A Primal You

LEVEL FOUR: Graduate

Okay. It may be time to check out a fitness club. Fitness Clubs are
discussed at the end of this chapter and in Chapter VI.
Read through this section. Check out fitness clubs on the
Internet. Some are open 24-7 and others that open at 5:00
a.m. and close at 11:00 p.m. The hours vary slightly on
the weekends.
Clubs near you. Check out clubs nearby at different times of the
day to see when they are busy.
Take the free trial offers they provide to see for yourself and ask
other members how they like the club and when its least busy.
You may not care, you may like it busy or
you may like it quiet.
You will still vary your exercise when you are away from the fitness
club the club is just a nice addition to what you're already doing.
And be sure and take your exercise program on the road. Hotels and
resorts typically offer fitness rooms. And be sure to add walking
tours to the cities you visit.
At level Four, the exercise you do is now more strenuous
and youll do it much more often. Youre following the
meal plan and lets assume youve joined a fitness club.
Have that big glass of water* first thing in the morning.
After that youll drink water regularly throughout the
day. Try to feel your need for water. Be sure to drink*
when youre thirsty.
You can drink too much water. It can lead to water intoxication.
Babies who drink too much watered down formula or athletes that
drink too much water without the electrolytes theyve lost, can
experience water intoxication it can be serious. It dilutes the serum
sodium levels in the blood and causes a condition known as
This is simply good to know. Determine your resting heart rate by
checking your pulse while you are sitting and relaxed. Count the
number of heart beats per minute 60 to 100 beats are average.
Seasoned athletes can be as low as 40.
There are various methods for calculating your maximum heart rate.
The following method is probably the easiest. Subtract your age from
220. That represents your maximum heart rate. In other words, do
not exceed that heart rate while you are exercising.
* These words are defined in our word list and index.


A New You A Primal You


Carbohydrates. A carbohydrate is an organic compound that is composed of

atoms of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. The most important carbohydrate is

glucose. These simple sugars are called monosaccharides.*

The primary function of carbohydrates is to provide energy for the body, especially
the brain and the nervous system. A secondary function is intermediate-term
energy storage as in glycogen.
There are two types of carbohydrates. Simple and Complex.
Simple carbohydrates that contain vitamins and minerals occur naturally in:
fruits, milk and milk products and vegetables.
Simple carbohydrates are also found in processed and refined sugars such as:
candy, regular (non-diet) carbonated beverages, such as soda, syrups and table
sugar. These carbohydrates are made up of one or two units of sugar and
are quickly digested. These are monosaccharides (Mono [Greek] = one.)

Refined sugars provide calories, but lack vitamins, minerals and fiber. Such
simple sugars are often called "empty calories"* and can lead to weight gain.
Complex carbohydrates, often referred to as "starchy" foods, include: legumes,
starchy vegetables and whole-grain breads and cereals. These carbohydrates
are made up of more than two units of sugar and take longer to digest
releasing glucose into your bloodstream more slowly and evenly. These
are polysaccharides (poly (Greek) = many)

Carbohydrates needed per day: About half your daily calories should come
from carbohydrates. Avoid processed foods such as sugary snacks, pastries, sugarsweetened soft drinks, candy, cookies, and greasy chips

Protein. Every cell in the human body contains protein. It is a major part of the

skin, muscles, organs and glands. Protein is also found in all body fluids, except
bile and urine.
You need protein in your diet to help your body repair cells and make new ones.
Protein is also important for growth and development during childhood,
adolescence and pregnancy.

When proteins are digested, amino acids are left. The human body needs a number
of amino acids to break down food. Amino acids need to be eaten in large enough
amounts for optimal health.
Amino acids are found in animal sources such as meats, milk, fish and eggs, as well
as in plant sources such as soy, beans, legumes, nut butters (peanut butter, almond
butter) and some grains, such as wheat germ. You do not need to eat animal products
to get all the protein you need in your diet.
Protein needed per day: About 10% to no more than 35% of your daily calories
should be from protein. Protein makes a meal more satisfying and increasing
protein from 15% to 30% of daily calories and reducing fat intake from 35% to
20% can result in sustained weight loss.

HEALTHIER. 4 KEY THINGS to do to be leaner and healthier: 1) Cut

your sugar intake. 2) Start doing some weight training. (resistance training) 3) Add
some cinnamon to your diet. 4) Eat less cereal, breads and pasta.
The above 4 things are very important for a leaner you but your overall activity level
and diet of fruits, vegetables and protein is still critical.
* Words are defined in our word list and index.


A New You A Primal You

A message to you.
I hope you enjoyed the book. It was fun putting thought to paper and Ive
found a great amount of joy in thinking about all my lifes experiences that
helped me when writing it. Mostly however, I hope it helps you.
I hope you find it useful in changing some things in your life, as you aim at
becoming the best you can be. Becoming that New You.
I thought a lot about all the people along the way that supported things Ive
done and those that helped change my course for the better.
Most of the information in the book is included because I believe it is
terribly important. If we adhere to the realization that exercise and eating
right is critical to our good health, it will change our lives.
I hope you will use this book as I do. As a reference book that Ill pick up
and page through weekly or sometimes more often.
It is full of reminders like why fruits and vegetables are so important, what
enzymes and live bacteria do for us, why staying hydrated is so important,
what sitting too much can do and why processed foods and sugar can be so
These are things that drastically impact our health every single day and all
of us need to take a Refresher Course regularly so that we dont miss a
beat in taking good care of ourselves and being better today than
Alan Tollefson

Let me introduce you to A New You.

Living: Happily enjoying each and every day for the gift that it is, while
laughing more, hugging more people and being more fit.
Exercising: Enthusiastically moving more all day long.
Eating: Slowly consuming the proper amounts of nutritious things like
fruits, vegetables and protein in order to be the best you can be.


A New You A Primal You

I would like to leave you with one final Giggle or two.

Things that are impossible to do.

1) You can't count your hair.
2) You can't wash your eyes with soap.
3) You can't breathe when your tongue is out.
Put your tongue back in your mouth silly.
10 things I know about you.
1) You are reading this.
2) You are human.
3) You can't say the letter ''P'' without separating your lips.
4) You just tried to do it.
6) Now youre laughing at yourself.
7) You have a smile on your face and you skipped No. 5.
8) You just checked to see if there is a No. 5.
9) You laugh at this because you are a fun loving person and you know
that everyone else will do it too.

If you are 40 or over,

youre probably starting to think
about your age a little differently.
Well, enjoy it.
"Dont regret growing older.
It is a privilege denied to many."


A New You A Primal You

Below is an overview of what I call your

Health and Fitness Foundation.
Weight Training: Not only does weight training increase your physical
work capacity, it also improves your ability to perform activities of daily
living (ADL's).
It improves bone density. One of the best ways you can control bone loss
as you age is to add strength training into your workout plan.
If you don't add strength training to your routine then your body mass will
turn into fat. It Increases the strength of connective tissue, muscles, and
tendons. This leads to improved motor performance and decreased injury
Youll burn more calories throughout the day as it boosts your metabolism.
Very slow lifts with very slow releases provide maximum results. (As you
lift and release, count to 8 or 10 go slow.) Fast reps with less weight builds
Aerobics: During aerobic activity, you repeatedly move large muscles in
your arms, legs and hips. You'll breathe faster and more deeply. This
maximizes the amount of oxygen in your blood. Your heart will beat faster,
which increases blood flow to your muscles and back to your lungs.
Your small blood vessels (capillaries) will widen to deliver more oxygen to
your muscles and carry away waste products, such as carbon dioxide and
lactic acid.
More oxygen builds resistance to infection, neutralizes acids in your body
and helps you burn fat more efficiently.
HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training): With aerobic workouts, it
is extremely important to increase intensity. (Fartlek, Intervals or
Sprinting) After a warm up, whether you are walking, jogging, running or
biking, youll go as fast as you can for a short time and then go slow for a
bit (Rest). Then repeat 7 or 8 times.
A short time could be 10 or 20 seconds. Rest could be 90 second to 2
Sprinting, or HIIT gets you heart rate up, you breath deeper and it super
charges your metabolism
No matter how much or how little you decide youre going to do, at least
move more, eat right, sit less and get seven to nine hours of sleep each
night for the rest of your life.
Hidekichi Miyazaki. 105-years old. Hidekichi became the world's
oldest competitive sprinter. He ran 100 meters in just 42.22 seconds. He
didnt start running until he was 93. His secret to success is daily exercise,
eating in moderation and chewing your food properly.


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