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iMouse 2009

(Integrated mobile surveillance and wireless sensor system

while providing more advance, context –rich

services. For example, in a security
application, when the system detects an
Incorporating the environment sensing intruder, it can conduct in depth analyses to
capability of wireless sensor networks into identify the possible source.
video based surveillance systems can
provide advanced services at a lower cost
than traditional surveillance systems .The Problem Definition:
integrated mobile surveillance and wireless
sensor system (iMouse)use static and mobile IMOUSE ARCHITECTURE
wireless sensors to detect and then analyze
The static sensors form a WSN to
unusual events in the environment.
monitor the environment and notify the
The remarkable advances of micro server of unusual events. Each static sensor
sensing, micro electromechanical comprises a sensing board and a mote for
system (MEMS) and wireless communication. In our current prototype,
communication technologies have promoted the sensing board can collect three types of
the development of wireless sensor networks data: light, sound, and temperature. We
.A WSN consists of many sensor nodes assume that the sensors are in known
densely deployed in a field, each able to locations, which users can establish through
collect environmental information and manual setting, GPS, or any localization
together able to support multihop ad hoc schemes.
routing. WSN provide an inexpensive and
An event occurs when the sensory
convenient way to monitor Physical
input is higher or lower than a predefined
environments with their environment
threshold. Sensors can combine inputs to
sensing capability, WSN can enrich human
define a new event. For example, a sensor
life in applications such as healthcare,
can interpret a combination of light and
building monitoring, and home security.
temperature readings as a potential fire
Traditional surveillance systems emergency. To detect an explosion, a sensor
typically collect a large volume of videos can use a combination of temperature and
from wallboard cameras, which require huge sound readings. Or, for home security, it can
computation or manpower to analyze. use an unusual sound or light reading. To
Integration WSN’s sensing capability into Conserve static sensors energy, event
these systems can reduce such overhead reporting is reactive.

iMouse 2009

Mobile sensors can move to event

locations, exchange messages with other
sensors, take snapshots of event scenes and
transmit images to the server.

. A Lego car to support mobility

. A mote, to communicate with the sensing data. Suppose static sensors A

static sensors and C report unusually high temperatures,
. A webcam, to take snapshots which the server suspects to indicate a fire
emergency in the sensors neighborhoods.
. To support high-speed, long-distance
communications, such as transmitting The server notifies the users and
images. dispatches mobile sensors to visit the sites.
On visiting A and C, the mobile sensors
The Stargate controls the movement of take snapshots and perform in-depth
the Lego car and the webcam. The external analyses. For example, the reported images
server provides an interface through which might indicate the fire’s source or identify
users can obtain the system status and issue inflammable material in the vicinity and
commands. It also maintains the network locate people left in the building.
and interprets the meanings of events from
sensors. On detecting a potential emergency, The server periodically floods a tree-
the server dispatches mobile sensors to visit maintenance message to maintain the WSN.
emergency sites to obtain high-resolution It also records each static sensor’s location
images of the scene. The dispatch algorithm and state, which is initially set to normal.
also runs on the server. Tree maintenance messages help the static
sensors track their parent nodes. To
SYSTEM OPERATIONS & CONTROL distinguish new from old messages, tree-
FLOWS: maintenance messages are associated with
unique sequence numbers. The goal is to
On receiving the server’s command, form a spanning tree in the WSN.
the static sensors from a tree like network to

iMouse 2009

Because mobile sensors are battery

powered, we assign them to emergency sites
to conserve their energy as much as
possible. Specifically, we consider a set L of
m emergency sites to be visited by a set S of
n mobile sensors, where each site must be
visited by one mobile sensor. We allow an
When a sensor receives an input above a
arbitrary relationship between m and n. The
threshold, indicating an event, the sensor
goal is to maximize the mobile sensors’ total
reports that event to the server. To avoid
remaining energy after sites are visited.
sending duplicate messages, each sensor
keeps a variable event flag to indicate Our dispatch solution depends on the
whether it has already reported that event. relationship of m and n. when m<=n, we can
When a sensor detects an event and the convert the problem to one of finding a
event flag is false, the sensor reports that maximum matching in a weighted bi-partite
event and sets the flag to true. The server graph G=(S U L, S * L), where the vertex
collects multiple events and assigns them to set is S U L and the edge set is the
mobile sensors in batches. When a mobile product .When m > n, some mobile sensors
sensor visits an event site, it asks the local must visit multiple sites. To solve this
sensor to clear its event flag. problem, we divide emergency sites into n
clusters (for example, by the classical K-
means method) and assign each group to one

iMouse 2009

In this case, each mobile sensor’s cost

will include moving to the closest site in
each group and then traversing the rest of
the sites one by one. Given a set of locations
to be visited, we can use a heuristic to the
traveling salesman problem to determine the
traversal order.

At the external server, users monitor the

• The system-command area provides
system’s status and control mobile sensors
an interface to let users control the overall
through a user interface, as above fig shows.
system, such as issuing a tree-maintenance
The user interface includes six major
message, adjusting the WSN’s topology, and
connecting and disconnecting a specified
• The configure area lets users input mobile sensor.
system configuration information, such as
mobile sensors’ IP addresses, ports, and
sensors’ positions.

iMouse 2009

• The sensor-status area shows the It also has a daughter board with an
current status of a static sensor being RS-232 serial port, a PCMCIA slot, a USB
queried. port, and a 51-pin extension connector,
which can be attached to a mote. It drives
• The action-control area lets users the webcam through a USB port and the
control the mobile sensors’ actions, IEEE 802.11 WLAN card through its
including movement and taking snapshots. PCMCIA slot. The Stargate controls the
• The monitor area shows the WSN’s Lego car via a USB port connected to a
network topology and the mobile sensors’ Lego Navigating a mobile sensor or robot is
patrolling paths. When a sensor detects an difficult without some auxiliary devices.
event, a fire icon appears in the
corresponding site.
In our prototyping, we implemented an
• The log area displays some of the experimental grid-like sensing held, as
system’s status messages. Figure shows. Black tape represents roads,
IMPLEMENTATION AND and golden tape represents intersections.
EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS We constructed the system by placing
A MICAz is a 2.4-GHz, IEEE two mobile sensors and 17 static sensors on
802.15.4 compliant module allowing low the sensing field. For static sensors, a light
power operations and offering a 250-Kbps reading below 800 watts simulates an event,
data rate with a direct sequence spread- so we cover a static sensor with a box to
spectrum (DSSS) radio. The Stargate model a potential emergency. We use a grid-
processing platform consists of a 32-bit, like sensing field and a grid like static sensor
400-MHz Intel PXA-255 XScale reduced deployment only for ease of implementation.
instruction set computer (RISC) with a In general, the static WSN is topology can
64Mbyte main memory and 32-Mbyte be irregular.
extended flash memory.

iMouse 2009

one mobile sensor initially placed at

(0, 0) and two mobile sensors placed at (0,
0) and (5, 5). We generate some random
events and evaluate the dispatch time (from
when server is noticed of these events to
when all event sites are visited) and the
average time of each site.

In our current prototype, the times are

2.5, 2.2, and 4.0 seconds, respectively above
Three factors affect the mobile sensors fig shows experimental results with one
dispatch time: mobile sensor initially placed at (0, 0) and
two mobile sensors placed at (0, 0) and (5,
1. The time that a mobile sensor takes 5).
to cross one grid unit (about 26 centimeters),
We generate some random events and
2. The time that a mobile sensor takes evaluate the dispatch time (from when the
to make a 90 degree turns server is notified of these events to when all
event sites are visited) and the average time
3. The time that a mobile sensor takes
of ach site (from when an event is detected
to make snapshots and report the results.
to when a mobile sensor visits the site).
In our current prototype, the times are
Clearly, using two mobile sensors
2.5, 2.2, and 4.0 seconds, respectively
significantly reduces dispatch and waiting
.Figure shows experimental results with

iMouse 2009

gives mobile sensors unbalanced job

assignments, causing some event sites to
SIMULATION RESULTS wait longer even when some mobile sensors
Our experiments considered only grid are idle. On the other hand, the K-means
networks. To help us understand the sensor algorithm is more energy-efficient because
dispatch problem in general irregular WSNs, of its clustering approach, which exploits
we developed a simulator. We evaluated the event locality.
average waiting time for an event location
being visited and mobile sensors total
energy consumption. We compared a greedy
algorithm against the K-means algorithm.
Given a set S of mobile sensors and a set L BENEFITS OF IMOUSE
of emergency sites, the greedy algorithm Our integrated mobile surveillance
contains a sequence of iterations. In each and wireless sensor systems iMouse consists
iteration, we assigned the mobile sensor of numerous static wireless sensors and
with the smallest distance to the nearest several more powerful mobile sensors. The
location. We repeated this process until all benefits of iMouse include the following:
mobile sensors were assigned to locations. If
there were unvisited locations, the first 1. It provides online real time
mobile sensor reaching its destination monitoring. For example, when the system
picked its next location in the same greedy is capturing events, the static sensors can
manner. This continued until all locations immediately inform users where the events
were visited. are occurring, and the mobile sensors can
later provide detailed images of these
In our simulation, the sensing field events.
was 15 * 15 meters. We assumed that
moving one meter takes one Joule and 10 2. it’s event-driven. In the sense that
seconds. A mobile sensor moves in a only when an event occurs is a mobile
straight line from one location to another. sensor dispatched to capture images of that
Each experiment had 100 rounds, and in event .Thus, iMouse can avoid recording
each round a certain number of events were unnecessary images when nothing happens.
generated at random locations. After each
3. The more expensive mobile sensors
round, mobile sensors stayed at their final
are dispatched to the event locations. They
destinations and waited for the next
don’t need to cover the whole sensing field,
schedules. We marked each simulation
so only a small number of them are required.
result with a 90 percent interval. Our
comparison results under different numbers 4. it’s both modular and scalable.
of event sites and mobile sensors showed Adding more sophisticated devices to the
that the greedy algorithm performs better mobile sensors can strengthen their sensing
than the K-means algorithm because of its
time-critical nature. The K-means algorithm

iMouse 2009

capability without substituting existing static Some researchers use static WSNs for
sensors. object tracking. These systems assume that
objects can emit signals that sensors can
5. Recent advances in wireless track. However, results reported from a
communications and MEMS technologies WSN are typically brief and lack in-depth
have made WSN possible. A WSN consists information. Edoardo Ardizzone and his
of many tiny, low-power devices equipped colleagues propose a video-based
with sensors, transceivers, and actuators. It surveillance system for capturing intrusions
provides an inexpensive and convenient way by merging WSNs and video-processing
to monitor physical environments. With its techniques. The system complements data
context awareness, WSN may enrich human from WSNs with videos to capture the
life in many ways. possible scenes with intruders. However,
Applications of WSN include cameras in this system lack mobility, so they
surveillance, biological detection, and can only monitor some locations.
habitat, agriculture, and health monitoring Researchers have also proposed
surveillance systems is an attractive mobilizers to move sensors to enhance
direction that deserves investigation. coverage of the sensing field and to
EXISTING SYSTEM strengthen the network connectivity. Other
work addresses the pursuer-evader game, in
Traditional visual surveillance systems which a pursuer must intercept an evader in
continuously videotape scenes to capture the field with the assistance of WSNs.
transient or suspicious objects. Such systems
typically need to automatically interpret the
scenes and understand or predict actions of
observed objects from the acquired videos.
For example, Wu-chi Feng and his
colleagues proposed a video-based
Surveillance network in which an 802.11
WLAN card transmits the information that
each video camera captures.

Researchers in robotics have also

discussed the surveillance issue. Robots or
cameras installed on walls identify obstacles
or humans in the environment. These
systems guide robots around these obstacles.
Such systems normally must extract
meaningful information from massive visual
data, which requires significant computation
or manpower.

iMouse 2009

Wireless sensor networks (WSN) can help improve the weakness of traditional
provide an inexpensive and convenient way WSN that they only provide vague
to monitor physical environments. environmental information by including
Integrating the context-aware capability of some mobile cameras to conduct in-depth
WSN into surveillance systems is an analysis of the sensing field. On the other
attractive direction. We thus propose an hand, the WSN provides context awareness
integrated mobile surveillance and wireless and intelligence to the surveillance system.
sensor (iMouse) system, which consists of a Therefore, the weakness of traditional
large number of inexpensive static sensors “dumb” surveillance system is greatly
and a small number of more expensive improved because the real critical
mobile sensors. The former is to monitor the images/video sections can be retrieved and
environment, while the latter can move to sent to users. the WSN’s status and to
certain locations and takes more advanced control mobile sensors at the remote sink, as
actions. The iMouse system is a mobile, shown in.
context aware surveillance system. We
demonstrate our current prototyping for It includes six major components:
home security applications. Besides, we Config, Command, Status, Control,
analyze its event detection delay under an Monitoring and Log areas. The Config area
any-sensor-detection model. is to input configuration information, such
as mobile sensors’ IP addresses, ports,
sensors’ positions, etc. The Command area
is to load the configuration file.

To our knowledge, no one has 1. Intelligence of WSN can help
adequately addressed the integration of reduce such overheads and even provide
WSNs with surveillance systems, which more advanced, context-rich services. For
motivates us to propose the iMouse system. example, in security applications, when
The proposed iMouse system combines two something abnormal are detected, in-depth
areas, WSN and surveillance technology, to analyses may be conducted to find out the
support intelligent mobile surveillance possible sources.
services. On one hand, the mobile sensors

iMouse 2009

2. A mobile sensor can collect sensory other hand, the WSN provides context
data and report to an external server. When awareness and intelligence to the
special events are detected, it can move to surveillance system.
the event locations, take snapshots of the
Therefore, the weakness of traditional
scenes, and send pictures to the server “dumb” surveillance system is greatly
through its 802.11 interface. improved because the real critical
images/video sections can be retrieved and
3. The iMouse system consists of a sent to users. We can exploit coordination
large number of inexpensive static wireless among mobile sensors, especially when they
Sensors. are on the road. Finally, we need to further
investigate how we can use mobile sensors
4. The weakness of traditional “dumb” to improve the network topology.
surveillance system is greatly improved
because the real critical images/video
sections can be retrieved and sent to users.

5. The Lego car produced by Mind

Storms supports mobility. The Webcam is to
take photos of the emergency scenes. To
eliminate the wiring problem, the 802.11
WLAN card is used to talk to the home

6. When necessary, the mobile sensors

are able to move to the event locations,
Conduct more advanced analyses of the
event scenes, and report the analysis results
to the remote sink.


The proposed iMouse system combines

two areas, WSN and surveillance
technology, to support intelligent mobile
surveillance services. On one hand, the
mobile sensors can help improve the
weakness of traditional WSN that they only
provide vague environmental information by
including some mobile cameras to conduct
in-depth analysis of the sensing field. On the

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