Speedy IP Trace Back

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This approach provides an

Speedy IP trace effective stopgap measure, but doesn’t

back (SIPT)for
identifying DOS
attacks eliminate the problem or discourage

Denial-of-service (DoS) is a type of In a denial-of-service (DoS) attack,
attack in networks in which an attacker an attacker attempts to prevent
may be able to prevent legitimate users legitimate user from accessing
from accessing email, web sites, online information or services by targeting his
accounts(banking, etc.), or other services computer and its network connection, or
that rely on the affected computer. the computers and network of the sites
Unfortunately, mechanisms for dealing that he is trying to use. Eg: flooding the
with DoS attacks haven’t advanced at network with information.
the same pace as the attacks themselves. In a distributed denial-of-service
This paper presents a new method (DDoS) attack, an attacker may use
for identifying denial-of-service attacks other user’s computer to attack another
that uses the attacker’s media access computer. By taking advantage of
control address for identification and security vulnerabilities or weaknesses,
trace back. Our approach to thwarting an attacker could take control of other
DoS attacks, also called Speedy IP computers, thereby sending huge
Trace back (SIPT), uses the boundary amounts of data to a web site or send
router the attacker is connected to, spam to particular email addresses. The
allows identification after the attack, and attack is "distributed", because the
imposes minimal extra load on the attacker is using multiple computers, to
network. Most research in this area has launch the denial-of-service attack. They
focused on mitigating the effects of the can explicitly conceal their origin by
directly compromising individual slave, particular client’s Linux embedded
or zom-bie, host computers without the appliance firewall router. Once we know
computer owner’s knowledge. the boundary router and the attacker’s
For example, a remote master machine media access control (MAC) address, we
can send packets from many different can identify the attacker and find the
slave computers under its control. attack path.
Attackers can also implicitly conceal the With SIPT, each router determines if
attack’s origin with a reflector that an incoming packet originated from a
responds to false requests the slaves send directly connected client or another
on the victim’s behalf. router. If the packet came from a client,
This traceback problem is driven by the router inserts a data link connection
the operational need to control and identifier for the source (client) and the
contain attacks. Even though packets IP address of its own incoming interface.
have a source and destination IP address, The packet is then forwarded as usual. If
the source is frequently falsified, the packet came from a router, it is
allowing DoS attacks to occur. simply forwarded without any addition.
With this additional source link address
SIPT FOR IDENTIFYING THE information in the packet, the destination
BOUNDARY ROUTER : can identify the attacker’s boundary
Existing techniques to combat router.
DoS attacks focus on finding the entire
set of routers that the attack packet has EXISTING MECHANISMS:
traversed. However, knowing the A variety of IP trace back techniques
packet’s actual path doesn’t really help exist. However, all have their own
to find the attacker. Statistically, packets drawbacks. Some of the existing
don’t usually follow many different mechanisms are:
paths while moving between the source INGRESS FILTERING :
The ingress filtering
and destination.
approach configures routers to block
Speedy IP Traceback (SIPT)
packets that arrive with illegitimate
method finds boundary router (the router
source addresses. This requires a router
connected directly to the client) or a
with enough power to examine the closest to the victim, the process is
source address of every packet, and repeated with the next router upstream.
sufficient knowledge to distinguish
between legitimate and illegitimate LOGGING:
addresses. Some assume that administrators
can store, or log, all packets that traverse
LINK TESTING : a router or network to investigate attacks
Administrators use two different types of even after they have stopped.
link tests: input debugging and Administrators could handle this by
controlled flooding. using a fixed amount of storage capacity
Input Debugging: With this test, and logging recent data while purging
administrators capture and record old data as needed. They could also use
specific details on IP packets that packet slicing, which only records each
traverse networks. Once administrators packet’s IP header information. This
know that an attack is in progress, they technique could potentially affect system
must find a unique characteristic and network performance through
common across attack packets. This is increased traffic from logged data and
called the attack signature, which is higher router CPU and memory
used to differentiate attack traffic and utilization.
determine the inbound interface.
Controlled Flooding: ICMP Traceback:
This involves sending large bursts Internet Control Message Protocol
of traffic link by link upstream and (ICMP) traceback forwards packets so
monitoring the impact on the rate of that routers can, with a low probability,
received attacking packets. While an generate a traceback message that’s sent
attack is in progress, an administrator along to the destination. With enough
can run extended pings across each traceback messages from enough routers
upstream link to see which has an effect along the path, the traceback can
on attacking traffic. Once the determine the traffic source and path.
administrator finds this link on the router
Some have proposed using reserved
and unused fields in the IP header to
support this feature. Although adding
more information to IP headers might
increase fragmentation, an administrator
could create a coding scheme to ensure
that traceback information doesn’t cause
packets to exceed the maximum
transmission unit.
Attackers could also forge the
information in this field, similar to
spoofing the source address. However,
an administrator could put a security or
authentication measure in place to
prevent this. One other drawback: Packet
marking would need to be implemented
globally within the Internet to be of real
Table 1 shows the relative advantages
and disadvantages of the new approach
(SIPT) and each traceback technique.
Packet Marking:
One inventive idea is to insert traceback
information directly into IP headers as
they traverse routers. As Figure 2 shows,
this would let a DoS attack victim glean
the attack traffic’s true path from the
original packet. This technique would
also eliminate attacker’s ability to
conceal the true source.
into the packet’s IP header using one of
the several available packet-marking
This marking process inserts the
attacker identification information
(AII). After marking, the system
forwards the packet as usual. If the
packet didn’t arrive from a directly
connected client, but instead from
another upstream router, it is forwarded
as usual without any marking.
Every packet that the server receives is
hence marked with the MAC address of
the machine that sent it and the IP
address of the router the machine is
connected to. The server is thus armed
with enough information to establish the
origin of every packet it receives. The
marking must be done at the first router
because it alone knows the client’s MAC
address. Subsequently, the attacker’s
source MAC address will be lost when
the MAC header is replaced in the next
HOW SIPT WORKS : hop. Several available intrusion
The router plays a vital role in detection systems will detect a DoS
SIPT. For packets originating from a attack and trigger our system into
directly connected client, the router action.The server then captures the
inserts the client’s data link identifier attack packets either by pattern analysis,
(available in the source MAC field of the or by a hash-table counting method.
MAC header) and its own IP address As Figure 3 shows, we used the hash-
(the address of the incoming interface) table counting method in our all-Linux
implementation. This new approach
extracts the AII from the packet and
stores it in the hash table after
classifying or hashing it on the basis of
the MAC address. This approach also
maintains a record of the number of
packets arriving from the same machine
and containing the same AII.
On building the hash table, we could CONCLUSION :
clearly identify the machine(s) that sent Since our method has
traffic in anomalously large proportions. backward compatibility and supports
These were then blacklisted as attack incremental deployment, the probability
machines. We could also identify when of finding an attacker will increase with
more than one machine sent the percentage of routers capable of
anomalously large proportions of traffic, running our trace back algorithm. For
a capability that makes our system useful our implementation, we trust the
for fighting DDoS attacks. authenticity of the MAC addresses.
After this, an administrator can Although IP address spoofing is
quickly and easily perform the common, statistics show that MAC
traceback. The server refers to the AII address spoofing is less prevalent.
and retrieves the IP address of the router However, future MAC address
the attacker is directly connected to and spoofing can’t be ruled out. In any case,
the ttacker’s MAC address. The system even if the MAC address is spoofed,
can identify the attacker with just these this method manages to pinpoint the
two pieces of information. boundary router, which in itself amounts
to solving a major portion of the IP
traceback problem.
The SIPT approach doesn’t
constitute a hop-by-hop traceback.
Instead, it directly finds the boundary
router connected to the attacker. Besides
being a faster method for finding the IEEE/ACM Trans. Networking, June
attacker, SIPT results in a lower network 2001, pp. 226-237.
overload than other methods. Although 4. C. Gong and K. Sarac, “IP Traceback
tuned for defense of DoS, SIPT can be with Packet Marking
used to single out other kinds of attacks and Logging,” Proc. South Central
once the trace has identified an attack Information Security
packet. Symp. (SCISS 04), Univ. of North
Considering the vast scope of Texas, 2004, p. 1.
networking issues and problems, many 5. S. Bellovin, M. Leech, and T. Taylor,
more layers of implementation might be “ICMP Traceback Messages,”
needed as we proceed with deployment. Network Working Group Internet draft,
Mar. 2000;
REFERENCES: www.cs.columbia.edu/~smb/papers/draft
1. S. Specht and R. Lee, “Distributed
Denial of Service: Taxonomies of
Attacks, Tools, and Countermeasures,”
Proc. 17th Int’l Conf. Parallel and
Distributed Computing Systems
2. P. Ferguson and D. Senie, Network
Ingress Filtering: Defeating
Denial of Service Attacks which Employ
IP Source Address
Spoofing, IETF RFC 2827, May 2000;
3. S. Savage et al., “Network Support for
IP Traceback,”

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