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Goldsmiths, University of London


This form is to be completed after each supervision
Name of Student
Student Number
Date of initial registration
Supervisor 1
Supervisor 2
Date of supervision
Date form completed
(Form to be completed within two days of meeting)

Felipe Lagos
September 2011
Alberto Toscano
23 November 2015
01 December 2015

Written work submitted or other purpose of supervision

Chapter I: Mariteguis Marxism (I): Uneven Development and Indo-American Socialism. (20000
words; Final Draft.)
Chapter II: Mariateguis Marxism (II): Myth, Memory and Colonial Unconscious. (20000 words;
Final Draft.)
Brief comments on written work

Chapter I constitutes a version close to its finished form.

Conversely, Chapter II is a good draft, however needs to be adjusted in the following aspects:
- To thematise more the conceptual relationship between religion and myth on the one hand,
and the problem of unevenness and multiple temporalities on the other.
- To review the presence of the colonial problem in the chapter it seems to be more crucial
to focus on the problem of tradition, insofar as it may be a useful path to mediate the issue
of the articulation between memories and history.
- To precise further what Bergson is read by Maritegui.
Topics discussed in supervision:

Being Chapters I and II the First Part, we defined the structure and contents of the Second Part,
which is being written up now and corresponds to the foremost hypothesis on the particularity of
Latin America that followed Maritegui.
Chapter III: The Dependency Hypothesis: Structural Dependency, Internal Colonialism and ThirdWorldism. (Projection: 12000 words)
Chapter IV: The Political (Populist) Hypothesis: the Tempo of the National Form. (Projection:
12000 words).
Chapter V: The Bolivian Case: lvaro Garcia Linera as Actualisation of Latin American Marxism. A
Critical Account. (Projection: 12000 words)
Research Progress (issues relating to the thesis)

Research Training and Professional Development: (review of training needs, relevant conferences, funding,
presentations and publication)

Felipe was awarded with an internship (3 months; Jan-Mar 2016) in the Ibero-American Instutite,
Berlin, which will supplies him with the material necessary to finish his dissertation and submit the
thesis in March of 2016.
Conferences during 2015:
SLAS (Aberdeen, April). Paper related to the thesis Introduction.
Historical Materialism (London, November). Paper related to the thesis Chapter II.

Action agreed for next supervision

Late December 2015: Draft of Chapters III and IV.

Mid-February 2016: Draft of Chapter V and Conclusion.
Date of next supervision (if more than two months from now, briefly explain)

Late December.

Declaration of confirmation: By ticking this box it is confirmed that the information above is correct and
accurate according to both the student and the supervisor at the time of the meeting. All Supervision Record
Forms should be stored and subsequently attached to the Annual Progress Report Form.

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