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The main Social & Ethical Issues that are important to software developers are

Intellectual Property, Ergonomics, Inclusivity, and Privacy.

For EACH of these.. DESCRIBE what a developer can do to address these issues.
(ie 4 separate paragraphs with the headings above)

Intellectual property
Intellectual property is property that results from mental labour. Intellectual
property rights are given to all people and companies involved in the creation of
a software package, these rights being protected by Copyright laws. Developers
are usually paid a royalty for their contributions to a software solution based on
the amount of sales of the aforementioned software. In terms of addressing the
infringement of intellectual property rights, developers may choose to take legal
action against offending parties in search of compensation and/or seek to
prevent such offences from occurring through the use of patents as well as serial
numbers, licenses, so on and so forth.

Ergonomics in terms of software is the interaction between users and the
software via the user interface. Not only does software have to meet the
problem it was developed for, in effect fulfilling its purpose, but it also has to
be usable by consumers. Usability testing is usually performed throughout the
software development process in order to ensure the highest possible level of
accessibility, with user preferences and ability being taken into account. A
developer addresses ergonomics by modifying and adjusting interface elements
such as text boxes and menus, fonts and colour, data entry elements, as well as
including undo/ redo functions. Consumer hardware is also taken into account in
the form of testing within computer labs which seeks to emulate consumer
hardware conditions (the software being adjusted accordingly).

Inclusivity refers to the ability of software to take into the account likely users
and allow for use unhindered by culture, economics, gender or disability.
Developers attempt to achieve the highest possible level of inclusivity by offering
language options, number, currency and date/time formats (which vary
according to region, Australian d/m/y vs American m/d/y, for instance). This
however, does not mean that software must be developed for all ethnicities, but
rather offer alternate language support whilst being developed primarily for a
predetermined user base (in effect, the economic background and market of the
user base is identified before the software development process takes place
based on these factors). Software written for those with sensory disabilities take
these into account by including, for instance, braille, sign language, and various
types of switches.

Privacy involves the protection of an individuals personal information. Since
consumers feel the need to be confident that their personal information is not
collected, disclosed, or otherwise used without their knowledge or permission, it
is essential for developers to ensure that their software abides to the ten
National Privacy Principles set out in the Privacy Act 1988. As such, software that

contains personal information must be legally able to explain the purpose for
which such data will be used in the way in which it will be used, provide
individuals with access to their respective records, correct inaccurate
information, and describe to individuals the purpose of holding the information
as well as how the information is held/ managed.

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