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Sample Paper 1 (2008-09)

Social Science
Class VI
Time : 21/2


General Instructions:
1) All question are compulsory.
2) Answers to questions carrying 2-3 marks should not exceed 30-40 words.
3) Answers to questions carrying 4 marks should not exceed 60-80 words.
4) Answers to questions carrying 5 marks should not exceed 90-100 words
5) Attach the map with answer sheet carefully.

Section A (History)
Q1. why did the hunter gatherers travel from place to place?

Q2. List two major differences between manuscripts and inscriptions,?

Q3. Write two main characteristics of houses in the harappan city.

Q4. In what ways are the books we read today different from Rigveda.

Q5. Why did the Rajas of Mahajanpadas built fort?

Q6. What were the main teachings of Mahavira?

Q7. Discuss the four Varnas of the later Vedic Period?

Q8. In what ways do you think that the life of Raja was different from a Dasa

Match the Column:



(a) Stone builder



(b) Sacrifice

(c) Yajna

(c) Well-said



(d) Used in Battles



(e) Slave

Q10 -> In the outline map of India locate and label (any five)
Mathura, Patliputra , Taxilla,Ujjain, Sarnath, Khandar

Section B(Geography)
Q 11. Name the two continents that lie entirely in southern hemisphere.

Q12. Why is the earth called unique planet?

Q13. What do you mean by Human made satelite?

Q14 Differentiate between winter and summer solstice.

Q15 How are maps more useful than a globe?

Q16 Define the major heat Zones of the earth .

Q17 How do the lines of the longitude help us to calculate time?

Q18. Fill in the blanks:--

(a) A leap year has ___________ no. of days.

(b) The daily motion of the earth is _________________.
(c) The earth travel around the sun in _______________ orbit.
(d) Days are shorter during ______ season.
(e) ________ is the nearest planet to the Sun.
Q19 Why is the Bio-Sphere important for the living organism?

Q20 What is Map?What are the types of map? Which map provide detailed

Section C ( Political Science)

Q21 Draw up a list of the different festivals celebrated in your locality.
Q22 Who is the incharge of all the police Station in a District?


Q23 Why do you think we need the government to find solution to many dispute or

Q24 What is the difference between a gramsabha and grampanchayat?

Q25 What is the main work of police,patwari,and tehsildar ?

Q26 What was the suffrage movement? What did accomplish?

Q27 What is the difference between discrimination and stereotype?

Q28 Discuss Some of the key ideas of a democratic government briefly.

Sample Paper -2 (2008-09)

Social Science
Class VI
Time : 21/2
General Instructions1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Answers to questions carrying 2-3 marks should not exceed 30-40 words.
3) Answers to questions carrying 4 marks should not exceed 60-80 words.
4) Answers to questions carrying 5 marks should not exceed 90-100 words
5) Attach the map with answer sheet carefully.
Q.1- Who were the groups who could not participate in the assemblies of the

Q.2- What are tributaries?

Q.3-What do you mean by Gana and Sangha?

Q.4- List ways in which hunter gatherers used fire.

Q.5- How do archaeologists know that cloths was used in the Harappan civilization?
Q.6- In what ways are the books we read today different from the Rigveda?
Q.7-What are the main teachings of Mahavira?

Q.8- List the major differences between manuscripts and inscriptions?

Q.9- Match the following(a) Narmada

(a) The first big kingdom.

(b) Magadha

(b)Hunting and Gatharing.

(c) Garo hills

(c) Cities about 2500 years ago.

(d) Indus and its tributaries

(d) Early agriculture.

(e) Ganga valley

(e) The first cities.

Q.10- Shaw on the map of India five cities of Harappan cultureHarappa, Mohenjodaro, Lothal, Kalibanga, Dholavira, Surkotado.

Q.11-Name the two continents that lie entirely in southern hemisohere.

Q.12- What is a Globe?

Q.13- What is the circle of illumination?

Q.14- How do symbols help in reading maps?

Q.15- Why is the Biosphere important for living organisms?

Q.16- What is meant by the Solar System? Name all Planets according to their
distance from the Sun. Name the biggest & shortest planet.

Q.17- Distinguish between a map & a plan.

Q.18- Fill in the blanks(a) A leap year has _______ number of days.

(b) The daily motion of the Earth is _______ .

The Earth travels around the sun in _______ orbit.
(d) Days are shorter during ________ season.
Q.19- What are the major domains of Earth?
Why is Earth called a unique planet?

Q.20- What are the main components of a map? Write briefly about each of them.


Q.21- What do you mean by Government?

Q.22-Draw up a list of different festivals celebrated in your locality.

Q.23- Which type of government would you prefer to have in the place you live in.
Q.24- List some important things that the work of a patwari includes?

Q.25- What is the link between a Gram Sabha & a Gram Panchayat?

Q.26- What are the various ways in which people participate in the process of
Q.27- What was the suffrage movement? What did it accomplish?

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