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1. Speaker is a device that Converts

current variations into sound
2. Sound wave has two main
characteristics which are Pitch and
3. The ratio of the smallest to the largest
rms current value is called ISWR
4. If the grade of service of a telephone
system indicated P = 0.05, what does
it mean? Lost calls of 5%
5. Telephone channel has a band-pass
characteristic occupying the frequency
range of 300-3400 Hz
6. What does a power difference of -3 dB
means? A loss of one half of the
7. Direct distance dialing (DDD) network
is called? Dial-up network
8. Dithering (in TVRO communications) is
a process for Reducing the effect of
noise on the line TVRO video
9. Positioning a loudspeaker near a wall
can dramatically alter its frequency
response in two distinct ways namely
Hump and notch
10. Distortion enhances intelligibility when
an _______ is added. Exciter
11. Intensity can also be called as
12. ________ is the microphone
characteristic that results in a boost in
bass frequencies for close microphone
spacing. Proximity effect
13. The average absorption for a person is
_____ units. 4.7
14. Bass response is Bypassing high
audio frequencies

15. An example of a bounded medium is

(Coaxial cable, Waveguide, Fiberoptic cable, All choices are
16. Which one is the average power rating
of RG-58 C/u? 50 W
17. Using the TE10 mode, microwave
power can only be transmitted in free
rectangular guide provided The wide
dimension is greater than one-half
of the wavelength in free space
18. For an air dielectric two-wire line, the
minimum characteristic impedance
value is ___ ohms. 83
19. Noise reduction system used for film
sound in movie. Dolby
20. Transmission lines are either balanced
or unbalanced with respect to Ground
21. The ratio between the energy
absorbed by a surface to the total
energy received by the surface.
Absorption coefficient
22. Waveguides are used mainly for
microwave transmission because No
generators are powerful enough
to excite them
23. Why is it impossible to use a
waveguide at low radio frequencies?
Because of the size of the
24. A rectangular waveguide is operating
in the dominant TE10 mode. The
associated flux lines are established
Transversely across the narrow
dimension of the waveguide
25. A type of transmission line employed
where balanced properties are
required. Parallel-wire line
26. What is the most desirable reflection
coefficient? 0

27. Transmission line must be matched to

the load to Transfer maximum
power to the load
28. Which of the following is used to
measure SWR? Reflectometer
29. What is an effect that occurs in the ear
where a louder sound can reduce or
even stop the nerve voltage generated
by a weaker sound called? Masking
30. What is the basis of the first
generation wireless local loop?
Analogue cellular technology
31. What causes the attenuation present
in a waveguide? Losses in the
conducting walls of the guide
32. A shorted half-wave line at the
operating frequency acts like a/an
Series resonant circuit
33. To connect a coaxial line to a parallel
wire line, _____ is used. Balun
34. The apparent speed of propagation
along a waveguide based on the
distance between wavefronts along the
walls of the guide is called Phase
35. ________ is a type of interference
caused by off-air TV channels 2 and 4,
plus a satellite dish operating on
channel 2. Adjacent channel
36. The impedance of a TV transmission
line depends on several factors. Which
is not one of those factors? Length of
the wire
37. For dominant mode of a rectangular
waveguide, the distance between two
instantaneous consecutive positions of
maximum field intensity (in a direction
parallel to the walls of the waveguide)
is referred to as half of the Guide

38. To be properly matched the ratio of a

maximum voltage along a
transmission line should be equal to 1
39. Which of the following is the bass
frequency range? 10 Hz to 20 kHz
40. Every time when the telephone is idle,
the handset is in the _____ state. Onhook
41. Which one is the desirable SWR, on a
transmission line? 1
42. The published rates, regulations, and
descriptions governing the provision of
communications service for public use
43. _______ is the minimum-quality circuit
available using the PTN. Basic voice
grade (VG)
44. Sound that vibrates at frequency too
high for the human ear to hear (over
20kHz) is known as Ultrasonic
45. The following are considered primary
line constants except (complex
propagation constant)
46. Sound intensity level is 10 log I/Iref
47. When the calling party hears a busy
tone on his telephone, the call is
considered Incomplete
48. One neper (Np) is how many decibels?
49. Ratio of reflected power to incident
power? Reflectance
50. A team which subjective but
dependent mainly on frequency and
also affected by intensity. Pitch
51. The twists in twisted wire pairs
Reduced electromagnetic
52. The velocity of sound is considered to
be . of building acoustics. 320

53. The dielectric constants of materials

commonly used . range from
about 1.2 to 2.8
54. Sound waves travel in water at a
______ speed. 5,000 ft/sec
55. Typically the velocity factor (VF) of the
. range from 0.6 to 0.9
56. The transmission of sound from one
room to an adjacent room, via
common walls, floors or ceilings
Flanking transmission
57. What is the ratio expressing the
percentage of incident voltage
reflected on a transmission line?
Reflection coefficient
58. Emission designation for a facsimile.
F3C and A3E
59. _______ is a measure of threshold of
hearing, expressed in decibels relative
to a specified standard of normal
hearing. Hearing level
60. If a quarter-wave transmission line is
shorted at one end The line behaves
as a parallel-tuned circuit in
relation to the generator
61. Standard test tone used for audio
measurement. 1000 Hz
62. The standard test tone is 0 dBm
63. Which one is the audio frequency
range? 20 Hz to 20 kHz
64. What is the distance traveled by a
wave in the time of one cycle?
65. The central switching office
coordinating element for all cell sites
that has cellular processes and cellular
switch. It interfaces with telephone
company zone offices, control call
processing and handle billing activities.
66. Which one is the unit of pitch? Mel

67. ________ is early reflection of sound.

68. ________ is the transmission of printed
material over telephone lines.
69. ______ are unidirectional amplifiers
having 20-25 decibel gain that are
placed about 75 km apart used to
compensate for losses along the
telephone line. VF repeaters
70. The _______ of sound in a subjective
effect which is a function of the ear
and brain. Loudness
71. Crest-to-crest distance along the
direction of wave travel. Wavelength
72. The characteristic impedance of a
transmission line does not depend
upon its Length
73. If the SWR on a transmission line has a
high value, the reason could be An
impedance mismatch between the
line and the load.
74. _________ is the average rate of
transmission of sound energy in a
given direction through a cross-section
area of 1 sq. m. at right angles to the
direction. Sound intensity
75. If the distance between the listener
and the source of the sound is
doubled, the intensity is reduced to
76. When the surge impedance of a line is
matched to a load, the line will
Transfer maximum power to the
77. The frequency of a free vibration.
Natural frequency
78. Consists of a rapid succession of
noticeable echoes. Flutter echo
79. ________ is an aural sensation by
pressure variations in the air which are

always produced by some source of

vibrations. Sound
80. If the SWR is infinite, which type of
load transmission line has? Purely
81. _______ is the advantage of the
balanced transmission line compared
to unbalanced line. Low attenuation
82. _______ is a hallow structure that has
no center conductor but allow waves
to propagate down its length.
83. A medium most widely used in LANs?
Twisted pair
84. The standard analog telephone
channel bandwidth. 300-3400 Hz
85. If the ratio of the maximum current to
minimum current in a transmission line
is 2:1 then the ratio of maximum
voltage to minimum voltage is 2:1
86. A device that converts a balanced line
to an unbalanced line of a transmission
line. Balun
87. The mismatch between antenna and
transmission line impedance cannot be
corrected for by Adjusting the
length of transmission line
88. Required time for any sound to decay
to 60 dB is called the Reverberation
89. Important useful quantities describing
waveforms. Frequency and voltage
90. When a quarter-wave section
transmission line is terminated by a
short circuit and is connected to an RF
source at the other end, its input
impedance is Equivalent to a
parallel resonant LC circuit
91. What is the SWR when a transmission
line is terminated in a short circuit?

92. 2.A shorted half-wave line at the

operating frequency acts like a/an
Series resonant circuit
93. What is the sound energy per unit area
at right angles to the propagation
direction per unit time? Sound
94. The outer conductor of the coaxial
cable is usually grounded where? At
the beginning and at the end of
the cable
95. Short-circuited stubs are preferred to
open circuited stubs because the latter
are Liable to radiate
96. One method of determining antenna
impedance. Quarter-wave matching
97. A technology used to increase the
capacity of a mobile phone system.
Frequency re-use
98. One of the following is not a common
transmission line impedance. 300
99. Tendency of a sound energy to spread.
100.If the signal frequency applied to a
rectangular guide is increased and the
dominant mode is employed The
group velocity is increased
101.A measure of the intensity of sound in
comparison to another sound intensity.
102.Halving the power means 3-dB loss
103._______ is a telephone wire that
connects two central offices. Trunk
104.Considered to be as the threshold of
hearing. 10^-12 W/m^2
105.Which one is the advantage of
sidetone? Assure the customer that
the telephone is working
106._______ is the sound energy per unit
area at right engine of the propagation

direction, per unit time. Sound

107.In cellular networks, standard base
station antennas are replaced by
Adaptive array
108.Laid the foundations of acoustic
theory of buildings. W.C Sabine
109.________is the Out-of-Band signaling
between Toll Central Offices (Bell
Systems Standard). 3700 Hz
110.A short length of transmission line
used to reduce/eliminate standing
waves in the main transmission line.
Lambda/4 transformer
111.The velocity factor is inversely
proportional with respect to the
Square root of the dielectric
112.Defined as the time taken for the
intensity of sound energy in the room
to drop to one millionth of its initial
value. Reverberation time
113.Known as one-tenth of a neper.dNp
114.Why is nitrogen gas sometimes used
in waveguide? To keep the
waveguide dry
115.Speed that is faster than speed of
sound. Supersonic
116.The transmission lines which can
convey electromagnetic waves only in
higher modes is usually called
117.Quarter-wavelength line is used as
Impedance transformer
118.Umbrella cells
120.One octave above 600 Hz is 1200 Hz
121.Defined as the average rate of
transmission of sound energy in a
given direction through a crosssectional area of 1 m^2 at right angles
to the direction. Sound intensity

122.What is the opposition to the transfer

of energy which is considered the
dominant characteristics of a cable or
circuit that emanates from its physical
structure? Impedance
123.When the average absorption is
greater than 0.2, _______ formula is
used to compute the actual
reverberation time. Norris-Erying
124.When load impedance equals to Zo of
the line, it means that the load ______
all the power. Absorbs
125.Which stands for dB relative level?
126.One meter is one wavelength at a
frequency of 300 MHz
127.Sound pressure level is 20 log P/Pref
128.Echo suppressors are used on all
communications system when the
round trip propagation time exceeds
50 ms
129.The higher the gauge member of a
conductor The higher the
resistance or the smaller the
130.Which type of microphone operated
by electromagnetic induction that
generates an output signal voltage?
131._________ is a single conductor running
from the transmitter to the antenna.
Single-wire line
132.In a telephone system, the customers
telephone directory numbering is from
000 to 999, what is the capacity of a
telephone system numbering from 000
to 999? 1000 lines
133.214-056 twin lead which is commonly
used for TV lead-in has a
characteristics impedance of 300

134.DC blocks are used in coaxial

transmission line for the purpose of
Preventing AC power supply
voltage from being shorted by a
balun or band splitter.
135.The minimum sound intensity that
can be heard is termed Threshold of
136.A medium least susceptible to noise is
the Coaxial.
137.A coaxial cable is a good example of
a/an Bounded medium
138.The most commonly used
transmission line in television system.
Coaxial cable
139.A shorted quarter-wave line at the
operating frequency acts like a/an
parallel resonant circuit
140.A unit of noisiness related to the
perceived noise level. Noy
141.When VSWR is equal to zero, this
means that no power is applied
142.What is the CCITT recommendation
for a preparation of loss plan, a
variable loss plans and a fixed loss
plan? G.122
143.The first Strowger step-by-step switch
was used in 1897
144.________ is the ratio of reflected
voltage to the forward travelling
voltage. Reflection coefficient
145.__________ is a special service circuit
connecting two private branch
exchanges (PBX). Tie trunk
146.The ratio of the largest rms value to
the smallest rms value of the voltage
in the line is called VSWR
147.Velocity of sound in air. 330 m/s
148.At very high frequencies, transmission
lines act as Antennas
149.When the diameter of the conductors
of a 2 wire transmission line is held

constant, the effect of decreasing the

distance between the conductors is
decrease the impedance
150.Which one is the church dB SPL with
speech reinforcement only? 80-85
151.For maximum absorption of power at
the antenna, the relationship between
the characteristic impedance of the
line Zo and the load impedance ZL
should be Zo=ZL
152.The loudness of a sound depends
upon the energy of motion imparted to
________ molecules of the medium
transmitting the sound. Vibrating
153.The intensity needed to produce an
audible sound varies with Frequency
154.Micron is equal to _______ meter. 10^6
155.The ratio of the frequencies is termed
156.Is an instrument designed to measure
a frequency-weighted value of the
sound pressure level.Sound level
157.Impedance matching ratio of a coax
balun is. 4:1
158.Commonly used telephone wire. AWG
159.A coaxial cable used for high
temperature is the RG-211A
160.Ratio of the mismatch between the
antenna and the transmitter power.
161.Lowest frequency produced by a
musical instrument. Fundamental
162.The energy that neither radiated into
space nor completely transmitted.
Standing waves
163.Waveguide becomes compulsory at
above what frequencies? Above 3

164.Which of the following is an

advantage of the balance transmission
line? Outer shield eliminates
radiation losses
165.Not more than _______ digits make up
an international telephone number as
recommended by CCITT REC. E. 161.
166.High frequency range of audio signals
is 5,000 Hz to 10 kHz
167.Call waiting tone
168.Spectral analysis
169.Base station
172.Diaphragm and generating
174.Any convenient value
177.10^-10 m
180.Depends on the dielectric
constant of the material used
181.50 to 75
183.3 dB
184.110 Hz
185.Characteristic impedance
186.Both insertion of an E-probe and
H-loop into the waveguide
189.Induction coil

191.Dissipation factor
193.Its input impedance at the
generator is equal to the lines
surge impedance
194.6 dB
195.Frequency response
196.A quarter-wave line
197.________ is a component in the
telephone set that has the primary
function of compensating for the local
loop length. Varistor
198.One of the following is not a bounded
media. Ocean
199.Standard tariff for flat rate telephone
service beyond the normal flat rate in
that area. WATS
200.If the sound waves are converted to
electrical waves by a microphone,
what is the frequency of the electric
current? 25 to 8000 Hz
201.What kind of receiver is used in
conventional telephone handset?
202.If a rectangular waveguide is to be
excited in the dominant mode, the Eprobe should be inserted At a
distance of one quarterwavelength from the sealed end
203.A quarter-wave line is connected to an
RF generator and is shorted out at the
far end. What is the input impedance
to the line generator? A high value of

204.A voice-grade circuit using the PTN

has an ideal passband of 0 to 4 Hz
206.4 kHz
207.Coefficient of reflection
208.10 pulses/sec
209.1000 Hz
210.Stephen and Bate
211.36 CCS
212.Standing waves
213.Resistive load at the resonant
214.Greater than the free-space
wavelength at the same signal
215.341.8 m/s
218.Infinite or an open circuit
219.Type of switching in which a pair of
wire from the telephone set terminates
in a jack and the switch is supervised
by an operator. Manual switching
220.A two times power change in
transmission system is equivalent to
10 dB
221.An agreed set of empirical curves
relating octave-band sound pressure
level to the center frequency of the
octave bands. Noise rating curves
222.The concept used to make one Smith
chart universal is called

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