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The Bible - Introduction to Old and New Testament

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The Bible
There are 66 books in the Bible. 39 of those books are located in the Old
Testament, while the remaining 27 are located in the New Testament. The Old
Testament gives an account of what life was like before Christ sacrificed Himself
four our sins. It starts by talking about how the world was created by God and
how man and woman were made and what brought about our sinful nature. It
gives an account of history up to Christs death, talks about God's instructions on
how to live and obtain forgiveness of sins in early times, includes poetry and
wisdom of the time period, and lastly includes prophecies. The New Testament
talks about the life of Jesus Christ from birth to death, the Apostles and their
mission to spread the teachings of Christ to all the Earth after his death, and
finally Revelations which talks about how God will remove sin from the world
once and for all.
The Old Testament books are divided into different sections listed here
in order :
The Law : Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy
History : Joshua, Judges, Ruth, 1 Samuel, 2 Samuel, 1 Kings, 2 Kings, 1
Chronicles, 2 Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, and Esther
Poetry and Wisdom : Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Songs
Prophecy : Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel, Daniel, Hosea, Joel, Amos, (1 of 4)1/3/2009 8:28:04 PM

The Bible - Introduction to Old and New Testament

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Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, and

The New Testament is also divided into different sections as well :
History : Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, and Acts(also a letter, but contains history
of the Apostles)
Letters : Romans, 1 Corinthians, 2 Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians,
Philippians, Colossians, 1 Thessalonians, 2 Thesalonians, 1 Timothy, 2 Timothy,
Titus, Philemon, Hebrews, James, 1 Peter, 2 Peter, 1 John, 2 John, 3 John, Jude,
and Revelations(also prophetic)
The bible is God's word written down by His followers. The beginning starts off
with the first five books of Moses : Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and
Deuteronomy. Genesis as many of you already know gives an account of how
the world was created and gives as an understanding of one of the most
important ideas that we have to grasp. This idea I am referring to is 'Original Sin'
which has to do with Adam and Eve disobeying God in the Garden of Eden. By
doing so, as you can read, they had allowed mankind to know both good and
evil. So what is the big deal here? Well we have to go back to what isn't
mentioned here, and that is that Lucifer was the one decieving Eve into thinking
that it is okay to eat of the Tree of Knowledge. Thereby starting a whole problem
for mankind when she eats of this one tree and hands an apple to Adam who
chooses to eat it as well. Lucifer fell from Heaven and as such thought he could
do a better job of ruling the cosmos, yet he was wrong and this is why the world
is the way it is today. The whole idea of needing a Savior comes from our
'Original Sin' nature which keeps us from experiencing God's love for us. You see
sin cuts us off from God and what he wants for all of us, even before we were
saved His love was pouring into this world in order to give all a chance to come
to Him before it is too late. Yet we have to choose to accept Christ as our Lord
and Savior in order to once again be free enough to serve Him and so that we
can go to Heaven and be with Him. (2 of 4)1/3/2009 8:28:04 PM

The Bible - Introduction to Old and New Testament

The Gospel
The Gospel is an important part of the New Testament to anyone seeking to
know Jesus Christ. It consists of the first four books of the New Testament called
Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. These first four books tell you about the life of
Jesus when he was growing up til His death on the cross and resurrection days
later. It is important to read these first four books to better grasp what it is that
Jesus wants us to do when we become saved. Jesus uses parables to teach
important life lessons about serving Him. It also establishes that Christ is God
and was God from the beginning in John 1:1, and continues saying that Jesus is
the word and the word was God and is God. This is important because it clearly
tells us that Jesus who was God in the flesh was the only pure sacrifice for
mankinds sins. In the old days of the Old Testament animals used to be
sacrificed according to the instructions that God had given to His people the
Jews. These sacrifices were done to make payment for ones sins to God. Today
the Jewish people still practice a lot of the old testament teachings, yet we as
followers of christ have been instructed by God in His New Testament that the
old ways are not to be practiced anymore because He sent His one and only Son.

The bible is of course our source for understanding how God wants us to life and
to help answer questions like should i get married, is it wrong to have sex before
marriage, and many others. A concordance can help you to find anything you are
looking for and is included in certian bibles. You can also purchase a
concordance seperate from the bible and one of the most popular is the Strong's
Strongest Exhaustive Concordance. This concordance can help you to find just
about anything in the bible, and if it doesn't then it probably isn't in the Bible due
to the size of this book. I also recommend the NIV translation Life Application
Study Bible for all those wanting to understand each verse more thoroughly.
Though each church or denomination might have its own idea of what type of (3 of 4)1/3/2009 8:28:04 PM

The Bible - Introduction to Old and New Testament

translation to use the NIV is a good starting point for any new believer.
Popular Topics in the Media and Politics today that are in the Bible
1. Homosexuality
Some major controversies or rather popular subjects in the media are also talked
about in the bible. One of those is homosexuality. Though there are many that
say that people cannot help being gay or lesbian I disagree. God makes it very
clear that homosexuality is a sin in the bible and not what he had planned at all
for us. Not that it is wrong to love someone else of the same sex, but it is wrong
when that love crosses a boundary that is not natural and acceptable to God. It
isn't that God doesn't love you though if you are doing this, yet he does dislike
what you are doing. A few verses in the bible supporting this are Leviticus 18:22,
Romans 1:26-27, 1 Timothy 1:10.
2. Polygomy
Often today we can see from time to time that marrying more then one spouse
seems to grasp the reins of the medias attention. It is not what God intended at
all though. Genesis 2:24 clearly states that a man is to be united with his wife,
not wives.

2007-2008. This site is for all looking to learn more about what it means to be saved, as well as to witness to those wanting to know more about Jesus and how to
become saved. To contact please send any emails to or click on the Contact button. (4 of 4)1/3/2009 8:28:04 PM

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