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Gratiela Elena Cretu

Student ID :

Word Length : 630

Comparison of two styles of

Comparison of two newspaper articles writing style

It can be said that the style of writing is the voice of the author. Within a
text, the reader can find drama, opinions, persuasion and facts, also the
subjectivity and the objectivity of the author in relation with his own
creation are important characteristics of the writing styles.
Every single text that is being written has a target audience. Depending
on the purpose of the text, in more specific, how the author wants the
reader to use the information, there are different styles of writing.
This essay will compare and contrast two writing styles and will explain
which is nearer to the style of writing that is found in academic literature.
Will also demonstrate how the effect of targeting an audience is reflected
on the writing style, what is the effect of use of quotations and images on
the reader and the usefulness of different styles of writing as a source of
evidence in support of an essay.
This essay will consider the subject on refugees coming from Syria to
Europe presented in two different newspaper articles. One is found in The
Guardian newspaper under the title: Refugees welcome? How UK and
Germany compare on migration (The Guardian, [online] 2 September
2015). The second is found under the title: The human tide moving this
way: Fury and fighting as rail station is closed to migrants in Daily Star
tabloid. (Daily Star, [online], 2 September 2015).
These two article are treating the same subject using different writing
styles, The Guardian is writing more in an expository manner, presenting
facts and figures and relates the subject and its influences, separately, in
In comparison with the article from Daily Star, in which the information is
superficially and persuasively presented, The Guardian gives clear and
detailed information, using official resources.
Target audiences are made up of consumers that the producers of media
aim to sell the product to (Scott Thompson, 2012). Thompson (2012)
stated that a number of factors such as values, language, ideology,
representation, institution and genre influences targeting the audience.
It is known that the population of a country is divided in social grades.
The Social Grade model has been based on Occupational Code,

Employment Status, Qualification, tenure or whether respondents work

full-time, part-time or not-working. (UK Geographics, 2014). Therefore, it
can be said that each article is addressed to one or more of these
categories or social grades.
Through the style of writing is revealed to which social category is the
article addressed. In the first article it is recognised an elevated or
academic language and a detailed representation. This article might be an
interest for people with higher and managerial professional occupations.
On the other side the article from Daily Star presented through images
and a biased language. It is not well structured and is not known where
the information comes from.
This article is more likely to be addressed to people from a lower grade
category or to those who are really considering it relevant.
The images, producing emotional response, and quotations in this article
are meant to manipulate the public opinion.
Because the targeted audience for the article in the first case were a
higher class of population, an academic writing style was approached The
information from this article can be also used as an academic resource.
For example, if an essay on Mediterranean refugee crisis is required, the
article from The Guardian may be a good source of evidence to support it.
The writing style is the main characteristic through which the quality of a
text can be viewed, the writing style also shows the purpose of the text
and can embrace a variety of tricks in manipulating or informing the

Harding, L., Oltermann, P. and Watt, N., 2015. Refugees welcome? How
UK and Germany compare on migration. The Guardian, [online] 2
September Available at:> [Accessed 3 Sep 2015].

Saunders, C., 2015. The human tide moving this way: Fury and fighting as
rail station is closed to migrants. Daily Star, [online] 2 September.
Available at: [Accessed 3
September 2015].

UK Geographics,2014, Social Grade A, B, C1, C2, D, E. [online] Available

at: <>
[Accessed 18 November 2015].

Scott Thompson, 2012, The Target Audience of Newspapers [online]

Available at : [Accessed 18 November 2015].

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