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Critical Review of the Article

In the article, the author is dealing with an issue of the importance role of a home-stay-mother in
bringing up the society. The author insists that the best way to bring up a good society starts at
home, where the presence of a home stay mother is important in observing and educating the
childrens behavior and moral values. This can be seen in the phrases, Society truly does begin
at home by Sibyl Niemann and There is something valuable in a mothers caring for her own
child stated by Richard Lowry. The author uses tone of disapproval and concern as she was
conveying the message in the attempt to convince parents especially to the working mothers of
how the absence of a mother in a household can affect the society in the future.

She begins the case by stating that women nowadays are independent. They work to get what
they want and they do not rely on men to buy them stuff. This includes working mothers.
However, due to working, mother tends to leave the duty of child rearing to the babysitters
whom for the children, is a stranger. This will affect the upbringing of the child because a
mothers care is always the best care in the world. At this stage, the author is presenting her
point of view and she includes reference by stating a study that has been done by the National
Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD).

The author then claims that children that are not brought up by their mother usually have an
attitude problem and low moral values then the children who are brought up by their mothers.
This is because the children think that they can do whatever they want because their mothers are
not there to supervise them. She presents more claims that highlight the negative consequences
of a child that are not brought by the mother, namely when the child is send to the daycare

The child is always in a fight

The child will have a bad behavior
The child will have an outrageous behavior
The child will talk back to adult

Having claimed all these, the author immediately presents a counter-argument conceding that not
all children who were not brought up by their mothers have an attitude problems or low moral
values. She accepts that a child wont necessarily turn into a bad adult. In doing so, this argument
of the importance role of a stay home other is complete. Other counter-argument such as :

Not all children in daycare grow up to be aggressive and unproductive adults

These women enjoy being able to show their children the advantages of working outside

the home
Successful working mothers give their children one of the best gifts any parent can : the
example of a life lived to its potential by Reed Karaim.

are deliberately said so that the topic of the importance role of a stay home mother is
subsequently challenged. Some of these refutations may be correct but they lack of validity as
there is no external support such as research findings and appear to be merely as the authors

Based on the information that she tells us, we found that some of it is an opinion and fact. In
paragraph 5, I believe a stay at home mom can also teach these same qualities in the home is
classified as an opinion. She tells her own opinion without give any verification by research or
observation. That statement could not be proved because it can be agreed or disagreed by the
society. However, some of the statement that she tells us can be classified as a fact because she
includes the history, studies from the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
(NICHID) and expert opinions. After looked on the statement that she gives us, it is more to
opinion because she does not have strong support to her statements. It is logical article because it
well organized and logically because it tells us more about the home-stay-mother and there is a
comparison between home-stay-mother and working mother. Indirectly, everyone who read it
will easy to follow due to the ways she writes up her statement. The article tells us more about
the advantage of home-stay-mother rather than tells us more about both type of mother. It can be
claimed that the authors language is charged with emotions. It also may sound like bias because
she looks like disagree that mother who are working not just stay at home and raising their own
children in front of their eyes.

The conclusion that we can made after reading and scanning through the article is we found that
the main idea of this topic is all about the home-stay-mother and their responsibilities of raising
their children. We highly recommend that the author should tell us more about the benefit of
being working mother for the children so that it did not look like the author is being bias and
emotional. So it may sound fair and reasonable for everyone who will read it.
(711 words)


Lecturers name: Noraizah Abdul Aziz
Students name and id:
1. Rafiqah Hakima Binti Che Rahim (2014272066)
2. Siti Nur Syuhadah Binti Jeragan Mustafah (2014442264)
Code program: EH 241
Group: EH 241 3B
Course code: ELC501

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