Corrections in Thesis

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These are the comments that I received from my supervisor in my thesis defense. I have corrected all the mistakes
and answered them according in this document as well.

Your estimating equation has a problem

Use T ratios instead of P values, reduce coefficient values to 2-3 decimals
Not all p values are significant while you show it as significant
Page 35 p values are not correctly defined
Why have used separate elasticities
What about stationary
Adjusted r2
How do you FDI with agri-pollution
Your literature review agriculture studies
The role of per capita income
Page 37 how did you estimate elasticity estimates
Why did you no use the variable in log form
What is your main conclusion? Which effect dominates and does your results support or oppose the results
of previous studies

Correction 1. Estimation equation is corrected which had a missing variable in Model 1

Correction 2. P values are still relevant to prove the level of significance, although the table coefficient values are
adjusted to single decimal places
Correction 3. I rechecked the P values who are significant and checked for typing errors secondly the values were
misjudged the values in the bracket were the error terms
Correction 4. Level of significance values were corrected for 99.1%*** 95%** 90%*
Correction 5 Elasticity values are still necessary they are chosen to show the magnitudes effects
Correction 6. Stationarity is an issue for Dynamic panel data which does not concern my analysis because I didnt
use any lag in the model which would make my model dynamic
Correction 7. Adjusted R2 show the improvement in the model. Which is also proven from my LR values in the table
which continues to increase from Model A to Model C
Correction 8. Inward FDI stock variable was further explained in my thesis, this variable was considered as overall
FDI stock, but the variable that I used in my research is FDI stock specific for agriculture.
Correction 9. My literature review specifically discusses Mexico study for agriculture which uses the same
decomposition method but they used land and fertilizer as their dependent variable. Secondly I also claim that my
study is the first which considers the agriculture effect because the data for world agriculture pollution is uploaded
recently by the FAO last year
Correction 10. I am focusing on agriculture sector there is no possible way to separate per capita for agriculture
sector, the better variable to do evaluate across differences is by Research and development expenditure
Correction 11 Elasticity were estimated at mean elasticity
Correction 10-13. My conclusion tells me that Pollution havens determine the pattern of trade in my data set. And
other studies tells us that trade patterns and effect of pollution are different for different data sets and countries

Supervisor/Head of Department Signature

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