An Efficient Fuzzy-GA Flow Control of Turbine Compressor System: A Process Control Case Study

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International Journal of Advancements in Computing Technology

Volume 2, Number 4, October 2010

An Efficient Fuzzy-GA Flow Control of Turbine Compressor

System: A Process Control Case Study
Rahul Malhotra
Research Scholar,
Punjab Technical University,
Jalandhar, Punjab, India

Narinder Singh
Ex-Prof., Thapar University,
Patiala, Punjab, India
Director, GGS Colleges,
Talwandi Sabo (Pb.), India

Yaduvir Singh
Associate Professor
Thapar University, Patiala,
Punjab, India

doi: 10.4156/ijact.vol2.issue4.14

In this paper, an optimal control for gas turbine and compressor system using fuzzy logic, genetic
algorithms have been suggested. Gas turbine compressor system is most widely used in chemical
industries. The primary objective of this kind of setup is to control the flow rate of high pressure steam.
Different controller architecture has been taken up to control the flow of gas. Firstly, a conventional
PID controller is used to control the flow, which cannot provide an optimal control due to its inherent
disadvantages. To overcome this problem artificial intelligence techniques using fuzzy logic and
genetic algorithms have been implemented. The transient and steady state response and performance
criteria IAE, ITAE have been discussed. The result shows the better optimization of fuzzy GA

Keywords: Fuzzy logic controller, Gas turbine, Genetic algorithm, PID controller
1. Introduction
Traditionally, control systems modeling have been based upon the use of mathematical techniques
to model the input/output relationship of the system. Such an approach relies upon a mathematical
description of the plant in order to model the behavior of the system, subject to certain conditions and
assumptions. Many real-world systems however, may not be as readily described mathematically due
to the complexity of the components of the plant and the interaction between them, and consequently,
the model may be subject to certain assumptions or conditions. In such models, the degree of
mathematical precision required to completely describe every aspect of the process, is either
prohibitive or non-trivial. In addition, for actual implementation of such systems, heuristics, gained
through human experience, are often employed in the tuning of the final controller.
The use of Fuzzy Logic [21] has found application in the area of control system design where
human expert knowledge, rather than precise mathematical modeling, of a process or plant is used to
model or implement the required controller. Human expert knowledge is based upon heuristic
information gained in relation to the operation of the plant or process, and its inherent vagueness
("fuzziness") offers a powerful tool for the modeling of complex systems. Uncertainty and ambiguity
are evident in many engineering problems [1, 2]. Fuzzy Logic Control (FLC) therefore provides a
formal method of translating subjective and imprecise human knowledge into control strategies, thus
facilitating better system performance through the exploitation and application of that knowledge.
Optimal design of the FLC knowledge base is central to the performance of the FLC. The rule base
reflects the human expert knowledge [22], expressed as linguistic variables, while the membership
functions represent expert interpretation of the variables. In the absence of such knowledge, a common
approach is to optimize these FLC parameters through a process of trial and error, with respect to the
performance of the system for each knowledge base formulated. This approach becomes impractical
for systems having significant numbers of inputs since the rule-base size grows exponentially and
consequently the number of rule combinations becomes significantly large.
The use of Genetic Algorithms (GA) [4] in this regard can provide such a solution. Genetic
Algorithms (GA's) are robust, numerical search methods that mimic the process of natural selection.
Although not guaranteed to absolutely find the true global optima in a defined search space, GA's are
renowned for finding relatively suitable solutions within acceptable time frames and for applicability to


An Efficient Fuzzy-GA Flow Control of Turbine Compressor System: A Process Control Case Study
Rahul Malhotra, Narinder Singh, Yaduvir Singh

many problem domains. Using primary concepts of genetic selection, crossover and mutation [7], GA's
are a stochastic, but directed method of identifying global optima within a problem domain-space. This
is achieved through successive performance testing of potential solutions, which collectively form a
population, with respect to a problem objective function. In this way, convergence to optimal solutions
is achieved.
The knowledge base of a Fuzzy Logic Controller (FLC) encapsulates expert knowledge and
consists of the data base and rule-base of the controller [19]. Optimization of both of these knowledge
base components is critical to the performance of the controller and has traditionally been achieved
through a process of trial and error. Such an approach is convenient for FLCs having low numbers of
input variables, however for greater numbers of inputs, more formal methods of knowledge base
optimization are required. Genetic Algorithms (GA's) provide such a method. They are stochastic, but
directed, numerical search methods which use operators consistent with evolutionary theory and find
application in many disciplines, particularly function optimization problems. Although not learning
algorithms in the strict sense, GA's can be applied to learning tasks [5]. The organization of paper is as
follows: Section I gives the introduction about fuzzy logic and GA. Section II shows the mathematical
modeling and designing of Gas turbine using PID controller, Fuzzy controller and Fuzzy-GA controller.
Section III shows the simulation work and the comparative performance of the above controllers.
Finally, the results and discussion have been given in the section IV. Section V gives the conclusion of
the work.

2. Case Study
In chemical plants gas turbine is used to drive the compressor [18]. A turbine is a mechanical
device that extracts thermal energy from pressurized steam, and converts it into rotary motion. Its
modern manifestation was invented by Sir Charles Parsons in 1884. The compressors are of centrifugal
type [6]. They consume much power due to the fact that very large volume flows are handled. The
combination gas turbine-compressor is highly reliable. Hence the turbine-compressor play significant
role in the operation of the plants. The high pressure steam (HPS) is used to drive the gas turbine [13].
The turbine is coupled with the compressor and eventually the compressor is run by the gas turbine.
The hydraulic governor [14] is used to control the flow of the high pressure steam. In the above set up,
the high pressure steam is usually used to drive the turbine. The turbine which is coupled to the
compressor will then drive the compressor. The hydraulic governor which acts as a control valve will
be used to throttle the amount of steam going to the turbine section. The governor opening is being
controlled by a PID which is in the electronic governor control panel [19, 7].

Electronic Governor

Speed (S.P)

Speed Signal



Figure 1. Schematic diagram of turbine compressor system with electronic governor control

2. 1. Mathematical Modelling
The basic conventional feedback controller is shown in figure 2. In conventional PID controller the
controller and the process are in series where as a feedback from the output is given to the input. The


International Journal of Advancements in Computing Technology

Volume 2, Number 4, October 2010

turbine compressor system is mathematically modelled using experimental data available [19] and the
transfer function of the above system is achieved as G ( s ) =


s + 6 s 2 + 5s




Figure 2. Block diagram of classical control architecture

The stability analysis of the system is done and the bode plot of the system is plotted which is shown in
figure 3. The gain margin is 20 db where as the phase margin is 56.2.

Figure 3. Frequency domain analysis of the system

2. 2. PID controller design and tuning

A feedback control system measures the output variable and sends the control signal to the
controller. The controller compares the value of the output signal with a reference value and gives the
control signal to the final control element via the actuator. The characteristic equation obtained as

s + 6 s + 5s + K p =


Applying Routh criteria in Eq.(1) we get Kp = 30

From auxiliary equation in Routh criteria we get
= 2.23 and T = 2.81.
The equation of ideal PID controller is

de(t )
U (t ) =K c e(t ) + e(t )dt + d

i 0

The Laplace transform of Eq.(2) is



An Efficient Fuzzy-GA Flow Control of Turbine Compressor System: A Process Control Case Study
Rahul Malhotra, Narinder Singh, Yaduvir Singh

+ d s E (s)
U ( s )= K c 1 +



1 + i s + i d s 2
U (s) = K c
E (s)


The real PID controller is

1 + i s 1 + d s

E (s)
i s 1 + d s

U (s) = K c


The PID controller is traditionally suitable for second and lower order systems. It can also be used
for higher order plants with dominant second order behavior. The Ziegler-Nichols (Z-N) methods rely
on open-loop step response or closed-loop frequency response tests. A PID controller is tuned
according to a table based on the process response test. According to Zeigler-Nichols frequency
response tuning criteria K p = 0.6 K c , i = 0.5T and d = 0.125T .
For the PID controller in above case study, the values of tuning parameters obtained are K P= 18, i =1.4,
d =0.3 and P= 30, I= 21.4, D=9
Usually, initial design values of PID controller obtained by all means needs to be adjusted
repeatedly through computer simulations until the closed loop system performs or compromises as
desired. This stimulates the development of intelligent tools that can assist the engineers to achieve
the best overall PID control for entire operating envelops.

2. 3. Design of fuzzy logic controller

PID controller is a standard control structure for classical control theory. But the performance is
greatly distorted and the efficiency is reduced due to nonlinearity in the process plant. The fuzzy PID
controllers are the natural extension of their conventional version, which preserve their linear structure
of PID controller. The fuzzy PID controllers are designed using fuzzy logic control principle in order to
obtain a new controller that possesses analytical formulas very similar to digital PID controllers [23].
Fuzzy PID controllers have variable control gains in their linear structure. These variable gains are
nonlinear function of the errors and changing rates of error signals. The main contribution of these
variable gains in improving the control performance is that they are self- tuned gains and can adapt to
rapid changes of the errors and rate of change of error caused by time delay effects, nonlinearities and
uncertainties of the underlying process.

e (t)


u (t)

Knowledge Base

Figure 4. Architecture of fuzzy control

In this paper different linguistic variables have been considered as per detailed in Table 1.


International Journal of Advancements in Computing Technology

Volume 2, Number 4, October 2010

Table 1. Linguistic variable of fuzzy logic control


Change in error e(t)

Negative Big
Negative Medium
Negative Small
Positive Small
Positive Medium
Positive Big

Error e(t)
Negative Big
Negative Medium
Negative Small
Positive Small
Positive Medium
Positive Big

Controller output u(t)

Negative Big
Negative Medium
Negative Small
Positive Small
Positive Medium
Positive Big

Designing a good fuzzy rule base is the key to obtain satisfactory control performance for a particular
operation. Classical analysis and control strategy are incorporated in the rule base. The rule base used in
simulation is summarized in Table II. Each rule has the form IF e(t) is NB ANDe(t) is NB THEN u(t)
is NB. The control literature has worked towards reducing the size of the rule base and optimizing the
rule base using different optimization techniques like GA, PSO for intelligent controller. At last
defuzzified output is obtained from the fuzzy inputs. In this research work centroid method of de
fuzzification is used. It is given as below.

(u ) * udu
(u ) du


Figure 5. Membership functions of inputs and output

Table 2. If-then rule base for fuzzy logic control







2. 4. Optimization using genetic algorithm






An Efficient Fuzzy-GA Flow Control of Turbine Compressor System: A Process Control Case Study
Rahul Malhotra, Narinder Singh, Yaduvir Singh

Genetic Algorithms are intelligent optimization technique [12] that relies on the parallelism found in
nature; in particular its searching procedures are based on the mechanics of natural selection and genetics.
GAs was first conceived in the early 1970s by Holland. GAs is used regularly to solve difficult search,
optimization, and machine-learning problems that have previously resisted automated solutions. They
can be used to solve difficult problems quickly and reliably. These algorithms are easy to interface with
existing simulations and models, and they are easy to hybridize. GAs includes three major operators:
selection, crossover, and mutation, in addition to four control parameters: population size, selection
pressure, crossover and mutation rate [15]. Population-based optimization methods are addressed also.
This paper is concerned primarily with the selection and mutation operators. There are three main stages
of a genetic algorithm; these are known as reproduction, crossover and mutation. The algorithm of a
genetic algorithm is described below.
[Start] Generate random population of n chromosomes (suitable solutions for the problem).
[Fitness] Evaluate the fitness f(x) of each chromosome x in the population.
[New population] Create a new population by repeating following steps until the new population is
a) Selection. Select two parent chromosomes from a population according to their fitness (the better
fitness, the bigger chance to be selected).
b) Crossover. With a crossover probability, cross over the parents to form new offspring (children). If
no crossover was performed, offspring is the exact copy of parents.
c) Mutation. With a mutation probability, mutate new offspring at each locus (position in chromosome).
d) Accepting. Place new offspring in the new population.
[Replace] Use new generated population for a further run of the algorithm.
[Test] If the end condition is satisfied, stop, and return the best solution in current population.
[Loop] Go to step 2.
The objective functions [19] are MSE (Mean Square Error), IAE (Integral Absolute Error), ISE
(Integral Square Error) and ITAE (Integral Time Absolute Error). The main objective of PID controller
is to minimize the error signal or in other words we can say that minimization of performance indices.
(e(t ))
t 0

e(t ) dt




e (t )



ITAE = t e(t ) dt


The fitness value of the chromosome is the inverse of the performance indices. The fitness value is
used to select the best solution in the population to the parent and to the offspring that will comprise the
next generations. The fitter the parent greater is the probability of selection. This emulates the
evolutionary process of survival of the fittest. Parents are selected using roulette wheel selection


International Journal of Advancements in Computing Technology

Volume 2, Number 4, October 2010

Figure 6. Membership functions and chromosomes

The chromosome string is [c1 w1 c2 w2 c3 w3]. Each parameter is a 4 bit string. So the fuzzy
membership function can be represented as [100011111000111110001111].

Figure 7. Root locus of the system

Fitness function is reciprocal of performance indices. In this paper, the discrete form of ITAE has
been taken. ITAE is treated as performance indices and fitness function denoted by J can be described
J = N 1
[{r ( kT ) c(kT )} T ]

k =0

The state space representation of the system is given below.

6 5 0

A= 1
0 0 , B = 0 , C = [ 0 0 3] and D = 0

0 1 0
This section gives simulation results of the above case study. All the simulations have been carried
out using MATLAB Simulink. Figure 8 shows the Simulink model of the case study, controlled by PID
controller. Figure 9 shows the step response of the process controlled by feedback PID controller. The
step response characteristics give a very high overshoot which is not at all desirable.


An Efficient Fuzzy-GA Flow Control of Turbine Compressor System: A Process Control Case Study
Rahul Malhotra, Narinder Singh, Yaduvir Singh

Figure 8. Simulink representation of process with PID controller

Figure 9. Step response of process with feedback PID controller

Figure 10 shows the Simulink model of the case study using fuzzy logic controller. Figure 11 shows
the step response of fuzzy logic controller. The fuzzy logic controller gives much lower overshoot than
conventional PID controller.

Figure 10. Simulink representation of system with fuzzy logic controller

Figure 11. Step response of system with fuzzy logic controller


International Journal of Advancements in Computing Technology

Volume 2, Number 4, October 2010

Simulink design optimization can generate comparative plots of estimation results to help determine
which model parameter values result in the best model and measured data fit. Simulink design
optimization provides access to a variety of optimization algorithms.GA is pattern search algorithm, by
which the optimization process can be fine tuned.
Simulink design optimization automatically tunes model parameters to meet time domain
requirements. The optimization of any design criterion can be done by expressing it as a Simulink signal
and connecting this signal to the signal constraint block provided by Simulink design optimization. The
signal constrained block constrains the signal either graphically shaping the desired response or
specifying a reference signal trajectory. The signals constrain block GUI updates during optimization
process. Figure 12 shows the Simulink representation of the case study using Fuzzy-GA using the
optimization block set of Simulink.

Figure 12. Simulink representation of the process using Fuzzy-GA

Figure 13 shows the step response of fuzzy-GA system which is better optimized than fuzzy logic
controller and PID controller. This shows the superiority of fuzzy-GA hybridization over conventional

Figure 13. Step response of fuzzy-GA system


This section shows a comparative study between different controllers. In this paper, three steady state
and transient state parameters have been considered. These parameters are maximum overshoot, settling
time and peak time expressed below:


An Efficient Fuzzy-GA Flow Control of Turbine Compressor System: A Process Control Case Study
Rahul Malhotra, Narinder Singh, Yaduvir Singh

%M p = e

tp =

1 2


n 1


tr =

n 1

Three different intelligent controllers have been evaluated to control the flow of turbine compressor
system. The comparison of above parameters shows the maximum overshoot problem in conventional
PID controllers. The better performance have been noted while using FLC or the Hybrid Fuzzy-GA
approach which shows the minimum overshoot, settling time and peak time. This proves the more
stability and efficacy of the gas turbine to control the flow of the high pressure system.
Table III gives the comparison of steady state and transient state parameters of PID controller, fuzzy
controller and fuzzy GA controller.
Table 3. Comparison of steady state and transient state parameters of pid controller, fuzzy controller and
Fuzzy-GA controller
Maximum Overshoot
Settling Time
Peak Time

PID Controller
Fuzzy Logic Controller


9.66 sec
6.8 sec
3.7 sec

10.9 sec
6.2 sec
4.1 sec

Figure 15, shows the graphical representation of the simulation results, i.e. maximum overshoot, settling
time and peak time. The graphical results show the better performance of the Hybrid Fuzzy-GA
approach in comparison with FLC and conventional PID model.

Figure 15. Performance comparison of Maximum overshoot, settling time and Peak time for different
types of controllers.
An index error IAE (Integral Absolute Error) and ITAE (Integral Time Absolute Error) has been used
to quantify the error in PID Controller, Fuzzy Logic Controller and Fuzzy GA controller. Table IV
shows the comparison of the error performance parameters IAE and ITAE of PID Controller, Fuzzy
Logic Controller and Fuzzy GA controller.
Table 4. Comparison of performance indices parameters of PID controller, Fuzzy controller and FuzzyGA controller
Performance criteria

PID Controller
Fuzzy Logic Controller



Among all these three controllers, Hybrid Fuzzy-Genetic based controller shows minimum error.

5. Conclusion
This paper discusses a process control case study taking turbine and compressor. The flow of high
pressure steam of the turbine is controlled by electronic governor. First of all a mathematical model of


International Journal of Advancements in Computing Technology

Volume 2, Number 4, October 2010

the system is developed and a conventional PID controller is implemented in it. The conventional PID
controller gives a very high overshoot and high settling time. So to improve the performance, artificial
intelligence techniques have been incorporated in controller architecture. Fuzzy logic controller is
implemented and further optimized by FLC-GA hybridization. The comparative results indicate the
minimum overshoot, settling time, peak time and minimum error in fuzzy GA hybridization in
comparison with conventional and fuzzy logic controlled model.

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An Efficient Fuzzy-GA Flow Control of Turbine Compressor System: A Process Control Case Study
Rahul Malhotra, Narinder Singh, Yaduvir Singh

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Rahul Malhotra is currently pursuing Ph.D. degree from Punjab Technical
University His area of interest includes Wireless Communication, Adhoc Networks,
Fuzzy Logic & Genetic Algorithms. He is a member of Indian Society for
Technical Education, The Institution of Electronics & Telecommunication
Engineers (India), Institution of Engineers (India)
Yaduvir Singh obtained Bachelor of Engineering from Dayalbagh Educational
Institute (Deemed University, Agra) in Year 1991, Master of Engineering in
Control & Instrumentation Engineering from Motilal Nehru National Institute of
Technology, University of Allahabad in Year 1993, Master of Business
Management from Newport University, USA in year 1997 and Doctor of
Philosophy from Thapar University, Patiala in year 2004. He joined Thapar
University as Assistant Professor in 2000. He is currently working as Associate
Professor in the University.
Narinder Singh has received his Bachelor of Engineering from Thapar Institute of
Engineering and Technology, Patiala, India under Punjabi University in year 1964
and M. Tech degree from Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee in 1968 and
Ph.D degree from Indian Institute of Engineering, Roorkee in 1987. He served as a
Professor in Thapar University, Patiala. Later, he joined Giani Zail Singh College
of Engineering & Technology, Bathinda. He is currently working as Director in
GGS College of Engineering & Technology,Talwandi sabo,Bathinda. His field of
interest includes Surveying, Fuzzy Logic, and Genetic Algorithm optimization.


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