Annual Course Monitoring Log 2006-2007

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FASCC – 120508 FASCC08/03/04


Course BA (Hons) Fashion (3 year)

Faculty Design
Course Leader Chip Harris

Issues/Risk Source of Issue Planned Action Lead Target Date Progress 2007-2008
Standard of intake Increased Ensure greater Subject Leader September/ For the introductory units,
compromised by number of differentiation and course Oct 07 and until specialist pathways
increased numbers, retrieval work for incorporated into unit team are chosen, there are now 3
resulting in a reduced each unit. schemes of work. L1 tutor groups with
level of achievement. Increase in dedicated tutors.
number leaving Should intake remain
The increase in numbers the course in the static / increase, 3 level Unit Schemes of Work have
resulted in larger group first year. one groups to be formed. greater differentiation to give
sizes, 2 large groups more scope for the range of
were formed for level 1 Course learners.
team/level 1
Issues in terms of
tutors’ team
delivery and
management, particularly
in relation to marking,
assessment and timely
tutorial feedback.
Students would like to
see a reduction in the
numbers coming onto the
course, they felt that a
percentage were
uncommitted, which
dragged everyone else
Quality Team Updated May 2008
FASCC – 120508 FASCC08/03/04

Availability, management Student feedback Capital bid for increase in Subject Leader August/Sept - The Dept. now has more stands
and security of questionnaire. numbers of stands and and course ember 07
- Further investigation required on
departmental resources. Course team machinery, (digital) team
digital machinery needs/resources
inductions and Devise a policy for better - Improved signing-out process in
studio practical policing of all place for resources i.e. pattern
workshops. departmental resources blocks (don’t leave room)
and consumables.
Pure textiles pathway Student Modification to course Subject leader April/May - Draft notes are in progress for unit
weakening and diluting application, document to clarify and 2008 modification, further course team
the fashion textiles offer development, make more explicit the Fashion Textiles discussions pending
as a whole and submission and assessable elements for Pathway
- Pure textiles for L3 was made more
subsequently the course achievement in pure textiles to reflect the Leader and
explicit at the start of the year. I-2
in general. False level 3 in relation rigor and contemporary subject tutors
students are considering this option.
perception that ‘pure’ to other fashion qualities
textiles is an easier pathways. required.
- 1 (returning) student doing Pure
option than fashion
textiles by some less
confident, less equipped
and ambitious students.
The amount of course Student More stringent Subject Leader February 08 In consultation with RR, some PPD has
time dedicated to feedback, course counselling of level 1 and course been absorbed into practical delivery
contextual studies and team observation students prior to pathway team elements of the main course timetable.
PPD in level 1 impacting selection
on core and fundamental
practical element of the
their course.
Continuation of e- Underutilisation of Moodle Staff Subject Leader October 07 Ongoing – course team has
learning moodle and e- development. and course undertaken Moodle training and
learning in the team further training is scheduled for
absence of February.
Course Leader.
Scheduled training postponed due to
trainer absence. To re-schedule for
start of autumn term 08

Quality Team Updated May 2008

FASCC – 120508 FASCC08/03/04

Continued integration Issues with Training needs identified Subject Leader February 08 Ongoing – sustainable funding for
and utilisation of licensing of following team meeting in and course training requirements still under
specialist digital pattern software and June; all key staff to be team consideration. A course team Key
cutting and design lead-time trained on a number of Trainer is required for software
software, (Lectra) between staff software packages for upskilling.
training and pattern cutting and
implementation. design. Issues with licences very recently
resolved, with impact on accessibility
of software. A key member of staff is
now undergoing further training at
Lectra HQ, Creative Suite software
delivered to Level 1 students.
Clarification and clear International Fashion to take a more Subject Leader/ Ongoing, Ongoing – awaiting information from
translation of IELTS Application forms pro-active role liaising Head of meeting Marketing
scores for international / transcribe of with Marketing Marketing held with
students prior to firm English language Department to ensure marketing Ongoing dialogue
offer of a place on tests and results. only those with Summer 07.
course. appropriate profile and
qualifications are offered
a place.

Liaise with Marketing

dept to ensure
designated fashion staff
involved/attend relevant
marketing and promotion
activities/fairs for course.
Perceived External Course assessment Subject Leader May/June Key Priority - ongoing
underutilisation of the full examiner reports team to ensure the full 08
range of marks at the range of marks are
higher end of the utilised during the
marking band assessment process
where appropriate.

Quality Team Updated May 2008

FASCC – 120508 FASCC08/03/04

Issues with lack of formal Course timetable, All three terms in level 3 Level 3 tutors Oct 07 – There is now consistent feedback for
structure for formative feedback from to have clearly ongoing all students through timetabled
assessments in Level 3. Quality Dept identifiable mid-term formative tutorials for each L3
formative assessment term/unit
points and student
feedback, signed by both
Managing Student Student feedback Devise timetable of cross Course team. October 07 Ongoing – Feedback from a meeting
expectations in relation and appeals pathway focus group & ongoing held in Term 1 with all levels and
to ability, resources, meetings, particularly at pathways was recorded.
achievements and Student level 3 to discuss and
awards. feedback, Course address cohort issues of
committee expectations.
Student print credits, meeting. July 07 meeting with ICT. Complete.
they would like a
reduction in the cost of Snowball
printing; some feedback
students/pathways utilise
the print resources a lot
more than others.

Timetabling issues Ongoing – few issues currently, but

regarding different increased numbers mean increased
groups/levels needing to demand on resources and more
use resources at the management issues
same time, (machinery)

Students unclear as to No issues have arisen

the main role of technical
staff as apposed to

Quality Team Updated May 2008

FASCC – 120508 FASCC08/03/04

Monitor delivery of new Student Termly course team Subject leader December Ongoing – evaluations in progress
validated course to feedback, course meetings to evaluate and team. 07- ongoing
address all potential team evaluation new course syllabus and Group tutors
modifications. unit contents.
Unit/project feedback October-
sheets completed by all ongoing
Continued absence of Course planning, Job ads and Subject leader, Completed *Completed
key technical staff in sessional specifications written for Head of Faculty
sample room - cad/cam contracts. 2 new posts. Liaise with
and digital print Faculty head and HR
technology. dept
Consistent double Assessment Internal moderation of Subject leader mid- Ongoing
marking of all assessed sheets percentage of all and Pathway October-
work. assessed unit work. leaders ongoing
Students would like a Snowball Ensure all timetables Group and October Ongoing
more structured feedback clearly identify all subject tutors 2007
timetable to know when technical staff on the
all technical staff are in. days they are in.
Maintaining contact with Student feedback Better liaising with Subject leader, December Students currently out on placement –
students and placement Employability. Devise DW 07 ongoing.
providers during work schedule and delegate
experience period. for industry visits during Better liaison and monitoring between
student placement placement students and staff through
period. Employability.
Delay in advertising key Course team Work even more closely Subject leader, October 07 Complete
posts: over-reliance on observations, with HR and head of Head of
sessional staff for key digital print and Faculty to ensure that Faculty.
positions, (lack of sample room positions are advertised
continuity) therefore planning and as a matter of urgency.
unable to adequately management.
develop the posts and
resources to fully
integrate into course

Quality Team Updated May 2008

FASCC – 120508 FASCC08/03/04

Ensuring staff are Course team Devise a staff Subject leader, October 07 Ongoing
conversant with relevantobservations, development programme course team
software to inform theirdigital print and in response to course
teaching. sample room team consultation and
planning and individual needs.
Shortage of Resources in Capital bids for Subject Leader Completed Ongoing – stands have arrived. A
manufacturing machinery relation to the machinery (digital) and budget has been allocated for
and equipment and dress number of dress stands. machinery, but it is still to be sourced.
stands. students
Better policing and Course team Ongoing
Snowball security of dress stands.
Knit studio requires Resources in Reorganisation of knit Subject Leader First stage Ongoing
upkeep, development relation to the studio, investment in completed,
and investment in number of resource in general. knit studio New track lighting installed in knit
technology and students reorganised room.
consumables, (yarn, etc.) for start of
Knit studio term- System for opening shutters to
Students felt that broken ongoing increase ventilation in knit room now
machinery was not being Snowball in place.
repaired fast enough due feedback
to lack of technical Ongoing – issues arise from time to
support. time.

Quality Team Updated May 2008


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