DH - Review

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IMS to Zfam











EOL Activities

Tech M

IE to Chrome
MQ Listening

Moving to Cloud
Move Desktop apps to Web

Speaker - Offshore
FYE 2016 Review





Ashwin/Ankita Singh



Way forward






Tech Modernization



FYE 2016 Review

As part of Inforem Footprint Reduction, we have completed Decommission analysis for 10 Inforem sub
this, we have decommissioned 3 subsystems successfully, 3 other subsystems are in pending list for d
due to the dependency with Stores System. We will take it up in Q1.
Total 265 components identified for decommission so far.
Currently we are working on the decommission analysis of 13 Inforem SAMS subsystems and 1 Inforem
subsystem- DS. this will be ending by November.
Pl gap analysis is yet to be done. PL will be kept as fallback option
We have identified 3 functional gaps in Walmart and 3 in SAMS. Development is in progress for the 3 w
functionality gaps. 2 SAMS functionality gaps are owned by SNE and 1 by GRS. Design is in progress f
functionality gap.
We have been tracking the supplier conversion status from PA/PW(Inforem) to GRS, this year we have
of PA and 14% PW to GRS.

The IMS to zFAM migartion is in progress for 3 IMS segments which was started in August and will be c
Jan 2016.
Co ordinated with Z-cloud team and added the ELP macro functionalities for zFAM in production.
So far succesfully completed IMS to zFAM conversion for 1 IMS segment.

This Year , As a part of SNE .Net Remediation, Out of 15 SNE impacted applications, 6 applications are
and 3 has been decomissioned.
Sam's allocation and Lost Sales applications are migrated to 2008 server, with SNE imple
Modernization and Query director changes.
As a part of SNE Remediation in C/Unix/DB Track, 800 DSS Replenishment Reports were Analysed and
Reports were Remediated and 315 Reports were Decommissioned.
SNE impacted applications in C and Unix Replenishment track were remediated.
Kickstarted Decommission of 8 Older VB Applications and its scheduled to be completed by the end of

Remediation tracks:
This year we completed SNE remediation for 6 tracks - SR inforem, PO3, SIW, SSO-MOB, PRSI and SOQ
PI are the remediation tracks which are currently in progress. With this, we have completed remediatio
components. Apart from remediation, we have also contributed to MIPS reduction and cost savings du
performance tuning and decommission. We got a total of 18MIPS reduction and $23K onetime cost av
performance tuning done as part of PRSI and jobs decommission as part of DSS reports remediation.
Walmart CALCPI is a continuation of SAMS CALCPI which we remediated last year. We have started th
project in August and will be ending in Jan 2016. As part of walmart CALCPI we will be decommissioni
components and 299 components will be remediated.
GRS Striping:
GRS Striping project was focused on Elapse Time improvement of GRS Flows. As part of this project St
were done for 696 files and it is resulted in elapse time savings of 352 minutes across different GRS fl
PO CUTs, Validity, Calendar, Vendor Cut over etc...

The objective of the project is to migrate the jobs and resources currently running in International regi
and also to replace existing DCS2K data sources with new alternate data sources. In 2015, we focusse
designing the new data service routines to replace the existing DCS2K data sources. At the same time
working on the best approach to migrate jobs and files from one region to the other with a minimal do
for DCs. Replacement of data sources applies to 11 different application flows which the system is bro
in Replenishment area.These activities being done with participation from various teams from differen

As part of the HOSRVH04 EOL, we are remediating all Replenishment applications and DBs impacted f
In the Discovery phase, we have analysed ~150 applications (excluding Mainframe - TBU) and identifi
impacted. This includes 12 Unix process, 17 .Net and 3 Java applications.
Currently remediation is in progress for 12 HOBUS EOL impacted applications like SSAM/SCAM, FOQ a
Maintenance. This involves consuming the Web Services developed by the Cognizant EIM Team. These
expose the ho_bus_unit data migrated to Cassandra.
Apart from remediation we have also identified opportunities to decommission unused processes and
Sheets System(RSS) we engaged with the business users and got a go-ahead to decommission it. Sim
identified a Mainframe job generating unused reports from PROMO_SCHED DB. This has been decomm
week, facilitating EOL of PROMO_SCHED database.

As part of SNE decommission, we have decommissioned 2097 components so far, which includes 416
this quarter and total cost savings of $276,36. This has paved the way for 40k and 8K report decomm

Way forward

NO or NOGO decision for Inforem remediation will be made in Q1 - 2016.

We have the upcoming Remediation/Decom tracks for INFOREM core, INFOREM Sams, INFOREM IF, IN
INFOREM RB, Store work status
We will be completing at a high level of 40% remediation of Inforem components for the year 2016.

HOSRVH04 EOL is targetted to be completed by Sep 2016 (Q3 -FYE17).

We are migrating the databases to Linux with upgraded Informix versions and also exposing DB2 data
The impacted applications refer ~10 DBs owned by other teams and we will be adopting the proposed
Cassandra, DB2, Informix, web service, etc) for those.
Topend Middleware Support will not be available after Q2 - FYE17 and are planned to be eliminated. W
identified 25 impacted applications (19 Unix, 1 Java, 5 .Net) and 18 Replenishment owned Topends as
Remediation includes Tech Modernization activities like switching to Maven and Tomcat servers, upgra
migrating to Windows 2012 server, Unix to Linux conversion.

The future plan is to start EOL activities for other Replenishment owned Unix Servers like replh01, pro
appmerch. So any infrastructure/capacity planning for hosrvh04 is being done keeping this in mind

As explained, In 2015 the focus was on designing the new data sources as well as the completion of p
ground work for the migration. Whereas in 2016, the focus is on implementation and decommission of
This involves migration of jobs and resources to US region and implementing the modified programs w
11 flows and finally decommission the system.

SAMS UIN (Shyam):

For the SAMS unintelligent item number project, we would be removing the intelligent logic present fr
speed type item numbers which is a combination of department numbers and migrating them to lega
numbers. We are in the initial impact analysis phase and identified close to 1000 components so far.

WALMART has identified 141K components as potential obsolete candidates. We did high-level impact
these components and identified 40% of 141K (around 40K modules & 8K reports) can be decommissi
help us to save DASD storage by deleting the components from SYSPLEX librarian and deleting report
document directory. By this, we can bring the projected cost savings of $XXX.XX dollars

Tech Modernization

"Recent tech modernization activities are more focused towards migrating from Inter Explorer to
Chrome as most users prefer Chrome for user friendliness. Leading HTML5 support and fast JavaScript
performance makes Chrome ready for highly interactive websites."

Cloud - The current magical word in IT. Technology infrastructure cost and also software licensing cost
it is a central repository across countries. Access anytime, anywhere feature makes more business as
the application on go. Implementation in cloud for some projects in Replenishment is in progress mak
and steady progress towards the goal, setting an example for others to follow.

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