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Prayer Guide

Sunday Pray for the services at PRBC today. Pray that God will work in peoples lives
through small groups, worship and the message. Pray that the services would be safe and
smooth so there are no distractions from Gods work. Pray that God would speak to you
and pray for a willingness to respond. Pray that God would use you at church today to
make a new friend and encourage your brothers and sisters in Christ.
Monday Pray for your churchs leadership (pastor, staff, ministers, deacons, department
heads, directors, and lay leaders). Pray that God would guide them as they lead the church,
that He would keep them encouraged and that He would bless their ministries and lives
during the upcoming week, and pray for the other members of our local church body. Ask
God today to give you an opportunity to encourage someone by sharing something good
that happened at church this weekend with them; then do it.
Tuesday Pray for our community today; pray for the leaders of our local government and
the school. Pray that God would protect our children and students. Pray today for strength
and courage for the first responders who serve our community and the surrounding area.
Pray for the Campus Ministers at our local colleges. Pray for Dr. Barry Cosper, our DOM,
and the other churches in our association. Ask God today to give you an opportunity to
invite someone to church this week .
Wednesday - Pray today for our state and for its leaders, both our political and
denominational leaders. Pray for the state missionaries who are working to spread the
gospel and strengthen churches all over Alabama. Pray for other ministries that are
reaching all across Alabama. Pray for God to save people through the efforts of Christians
in our community and around the world. Pray that God would send a revival to our land
and that He would begin that revival in you.
Thursday Pray today for our nation; pray for our President and our other elected leaders
in Washington. Pray that God would guide them to make wise decisions and give them
wisdom and discernment. Pray that God would forgive our nations sins and bless us. Pray
for North American Missionaries who are working hard to proclaim the gospel all over
North America. Pray for Pastor Josh today as he finalizes the sermon for Sunday; that he
would have clarity, power and boldness to preach Gods message for our church. Pray for
God to use you to bless someone in some way today.
Friday Pray today for missionaries around the world; pray for persecuted Christians who
are in danger today because of their faith in Christ and pray for God to call missionaries to
reach the 3,133 unreached people groups around the world. Pray for God to teach you
something new in His Word today. Say a special prayer for the Janneys, the Bargers, the
Sharpes, and BAWL (These are the initials of a family serving in the Middle East).
Saturday Pray for God to draw people to our church on Sunday; pray that He would
remove distractions and other obstacles. Pray for God to prepare your heart now for the
services tomorrow; pray that He would speak to you in a specific way in your small group
or worship and that He would give you the faith to act on what you hear.

365 Days of
Hast thou not known? hast thou not heard, That the everlasting God, the LORD, The

Creator of the ends of the earth, Fainteth not, neither is weary? There is no searching of
His understanding. He giveth power to the faint; And to them that have no might He
increaseth strength. Even the youths shall faint and be weary, And the young men shall
utterly fall: But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; They shall
mount up with wings as eagles; They shall run, and not be weary; And they shall walk,
and not faint. -- Isaiah 40:2831

Thank you for accepting this New Years challenge. I encourage you to put this
pamphlet somewhere that you will see it daily. This is not a normal resolution;
this is a declaration that you will dedicate 2016 to God and His purposes. This is
also a challenge to surrender more, serve more and submit more to God as
individuals and families. I hope that you will prayerfully consider each section and
allow the Holy Spirit to guide you as you fill in this spaces and step out in faith.

40 Day Challenge
Pick one or all of the challenges to take in
2016, then write about your experience

I commit to

40 Nights of Family

Turn off all unnecessary

electronics and spend 40
nights as a family doing
devotions, playing games
and communicating

Read the Bible daily

Pray daily
Attend church regularly
Invite people to church
Memorize 12 Bible verses

Be ready to share my faith

Be available to serve God when He calls
Discover my spiritual gifts
Find a place to use my gifts at PRBC
Fast and pray specifically 6 times this year

Ten people that I am praying will receive Christ in 2016



Place a check beside each name as you complete each task

(each name should have 4 checks by 2017)

Initiate a spiritual conversation with each person on this list

Tell each person on this list that you are a Christian
Invite each person on this list to an appropriate church activity
Share the Gospel with each person on this list

Five new things that I am going to do in 2016 to grow closer to God

Five ways that I will serve God outside the church this year


40 Days of Worship
Commit to only listen to
Christian music.

40 Days of Fellowship
Attend, join and participate
in a Sunday School class or
Bible Study for 8 weeks.

40 Days of Giving
Cut out one unnecessary
regular purchase each day /
week and give the money
you save to missions.

40 Days of ARK
Commit to do one Act of
Random Kindness to
someone every day in
Christs name.

40 Days of Devotion
Commit to attend church
faithfully for 8 weeks. If you
already attend faithfully, try
a new service for 8 weeks
(i.e. Sunday PM or

40 Days of Missions
Pray for and write a note of
encouragement to a
missionary a day for 40 days.

40 Days of Invitations
Invite at least one person to
church with you every day
for 40 days.


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