Christmas Rescue: A Stable in Bethlehem. Mary and Joseph Are Cradling The Baby Jesus

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Christmas Rescue Fair Isle Primary School 2015

Christmas Rescue
Characters............................................................................................................. 1
Scene 1: Jesus is Born............................................................................................ 1
Scene 2: Santas Grotto......................................................................................... 2
Scene 3: The Rescue Mission.................................................................................2
Scene 4: Naughty Sheep Hill................................................................................. 3
Scene 5: The Return of the Suit............................................................................. 4
Scene 6: Jesus Party............................................................................................. 4

Santa Claus
Santa Paws
Naughty Sheep

Scene 1: Jesus is Born

A stable in Bethlehem. Mary and Joseph are cradling the baby Jesus.
Mary: Happy birthday Jesus!
Joseph: Welcome to the world, little one.
Mary: Oh Joseph, we should have a birthday party to celebrate Jesus birth!
Joseph: What a great idea Mary! Lets ask Star if shell help invite all our friends
and family to the party. (He calls) Staaar! Oh staaaar!
Mary: Ssh Joseph youll wake the baby! We need to say Stars special rhyme.

Christmas Rescue Fair Isle Primary School 2015

Joseph: Oh yes!
Together: Star light, star bright, the first star I see tonight, I wish I may, I wish I
might, have the wish I wish tonight.
Star appears
Star: Hello Mary and Joseph! Hello baby Jesus, welcome to the world!
Mary: Star, could you please send invitations to all of our friends and family to
come to Jesus birthday party?
Star: Of course!
Mary, Joseph and Jesus leave the stage. Star sends invitations to all audience
Star: Hope to see you all there!

Scene 2: Santas Grotto

Santas grotto. A naughty sheep appears on stage, holding an invite. She steals
Santas suit which is on the stage and runs off stage. Santa Claus comes on
stage, with his invitation. Santa Paws follows him and sits to rest by the fire
Santa Claus: Oh Santa Paws I am SO excited to be going to Jesus birthday party!
I will need to wear my best suit for the occasion.
Santa Claus looks for his suit.
Santa Claus: Thats funny I thought Id put it right here! Maybe Mrs Claus has
put it in the wash.
He walks off stage, shouting for Mrs Claus. Santa Paws opens her eyes and starts
to sniff around the Grotto, looking for Santa Claus suit too. She stops where the
suit was, takes a deep sniff, and follows the trail the naughty sheep took off
stage. Before she goes completely off stage, she says:
Santa Paws: Hmm . The air smells awfully like mutton. I think the naughty
sheep must have been here!

Scene 3: The Rescue Mission

Santa Paws goes to the Reindeer stables.
Santa Paws: Hello Reindeer! Santa has lost his suit and has nothing to wear for
Jesus birthday party!
Dasher: Oh no! Where did it go?
Prancer: Has he checked Mrs Claus didnt put it in the wash?

Christmas Rescue Fair Isle Primary School 2015

The reindeer panic, Vixen collapses on the floor sobbing in a heap. Comet is
running in circles, screaming.
Santa Paws: Now, now Reindeer!
The panic escalates.
The reindeer freeze in their panic, in lots of funny poses and facial expressions.
Santa Paws: I think it was the naughty sheep that stole the suit. I can smell her in
the air.
Rudolph: I saw her walking past the stable earlier she told me she was going to
have a cup of tea at the Elves house.
Santa Paws: It must have been her then! Can you all help me get Santas suit
The reindeer begin to shout Vengeance! Santas suit! Santas suit! Comet is
running in circles, screaming again. Santa Paws wastes no time in getting the
sleigh ready, and leads the reindeer one by one into position.
Santa Paws: The naughty sheep lives in Cowdenbeath! Lets go!
The rescue party march off stage shouting, Naughty sheep! Cowdenbeath!
Naughty sheep! Cowdenbeath!

Scene 4: Naughty Sheep Hill

The naughty sheep is on stage, wearing Santas hat and bleating proudly, posing
to all of the audience. Think: Vogue!
Santa Paws walks in and watches Naughty Sheep posing, wearing a very
judgemental face. She clears her throat. Naughty Sheep continues to pose.
Santa Paws clears her throat again. Naughty Sheep turns around and notices
Santa Paws, and slowly takes off the hat with a guilty look.
Santa Paws: What are you doing?
Naughty Sheep: Well I-I-I was I was practising my party entrance to Jesus
birthday party.
Santa Paws: I see Is the party fancy dress?
Naughty Sheep: N-n-no I dont think so.
Santa Paws: Then why are you dressed as Santa Claus?!
Naughty Sheep: Well .. I-I just wanted a new look. The say that red is really in
right now.

Christmas Rescue Fair Isle Primary School 2015

Santa Paws: But you stole Santas suit! What is he going to wear instead?!
Naughty Sheep: Uh-um-um
Santa Paws: He has no other clothes. Do you want to see him party in his
Naughty Sheep (she looks queasy at the thought): NO! Oh my goodness that
would be horrific!
Santa Paws: Well can we have his suit back then please?
Naughty Sheep: But what will I wear?
Santa Paws: Superdrug have a great deal on just now on hair dye. Maybe you can
dye your wool?
Naughty Sheep: Ooh I never thought of that!
Naughty Sheep begins to imagine having red wool, and starts to pose again.
Santa Paws: Errr Naughty Sheep? Can I have Santas suit back now?
Naughty Sheep: Oh sorry, yes of course! Here you go.
She hands the suit back to Santa Paws.
Santa Paws: Thank you Naughty Sheep! See you at the party!
Santa Paws leaves the stage, Naughty Sheep struts off the stage the opposite
way, still posing as she goes.

Scene 5: The Return of the Suit

Santas Grotto. Santa is worried.
Santa Claus: Santa Paws! Dasher, Vixen? Rudoooolph? First my suit, now all my
friends and my sleigh what is going on?
Jingle bells sound. Santa peers out of the window. In comes Santa Paws, carrying
Santas suit.
Santa Claus: Oh Santa Paws! You found it! And you brought back my sleigh and
reindeer! What a clever kitty you are!
Santa Claus pets Santa Paws and takes the suit. He looks at his watch.
Santa Claus: Oh my were going to be late at this rate! Wed better get a move
They hurry off stage.

Christmas Rescue Fair Isle Primary School 2015

Scene 6: Jesus Party

All the cast are together.
Mary: Oh thank you so much everyone for your kind presents and for coming to
Jesus birthday! Lets celebrate!
They dance. The end!

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