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Chapter I
A great teacher takes a hand,
Opens a mind, and touches a heart.

Have you ever been in a classroom where the teacher was hard at
work trying to teach students some critically important concept while they
were busy poking each other, giggling, and singing the latest song of the
week? Now fast-forward to the uncomfortable realization that that teacher is
you. In a classroom where students with varying personalities have diverse
levels of growth and academic proficiency, effective classroom management
can be daunting. Pepper in a few students who resist authority and are still
learning self-control, and the class climate can spiral out of control quickly.
To be the most effective, a teacher should be flexible and not afraid to
make changes.
As educators, weve all had those days where even the best lessons
were lost on a class caught in chaos. As the teacher, how you manage your
class will have a significant impact on the level of learning taking place. How
much your students grow depends upon the environment you create with
them. The ideal is calm, inviting class where students make great decisions
regarding both their learning and behavior, resulting in academic excellence.
However, the ideal is just that: ideal. In classrooms everywhere, teachers
are learning to overcome factors that break down the utopian cooperative
community. In this article, we share some suggestions for improving one
factor that has presented itself to be the most challenging, especially for new
teachers: classroom management skills.
Students respond more to positive feedback and encouraging words
than they do to threats or punishments.

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We observed a preschool classroom of 18 students, focusing on the

use of varied classroom management strategies and whether these
strategies changed childrens behavior or impacted their learning. We
observed students in circle time and while they were learning math, literacy,
writing, and working in interest areas. There were changes in classroom
climate immediately after some strategies of the strategies were
implemented, while others took more time to produce observable results.
What we discovered could be a lifesaver for future and practicing early
childhood educators.

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Chapter II
Introduction of the rules

Many early childhood experts advocate creating the rules with the
children and I agree that this is a very effective method for native English
speakers. However, when your class consists entirely of second language
learners this is not a practical strategy.
At the beginning of the year, on the very first day and every day
thereafter, we review the rules carefully as a group. We begin by asking the
children Does anybody know why we come to school? After a few
responses (usually not correct ones) We prompt them and say We come to
school to LEARN.
Next, We tell the students that learning is like getting smart (they
usually understand that much better) and in order to learn we have to follow
some rules; this is when We introduce the rules chart with pictures.
We explain that there are five very important things we must do in
order to learn and we say the rules out loud as I point to them on the chart.
The next day when we ask these questions a few more students will be able
to answer them, and finally after several days everybody should be able to
answer the questions.
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After the initial few weeks of this type of review we switch to having our
Leader of the Day (LOTD) point to the rules on the chart and the leader says
them for us or picks friends to say each one. This process helps the children
internalize and take ownership of the rules.

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Handling pre-schoolers
You wrestle for ten minutes with your 3-year-old to get his jacket on,
yet his preschool teacher has ten kids (including yours) dressed for the
playground in less than three. What's her secret? Partly, of course, the
advantage of not being a parentkids really are more inclined to behave for
But it's not only that. Teachers develop all sorts of tricks to help young
kids learn, keep the classroom more efficient, and make their job more
enjoyable. This is hardly surprising. Preschool teachers have year after year
of experience with this challenging age group. Fortunately, they're more than
willing to share the keys to their success with eager (and sometimes
frustrated) parents:
Secret #1: Preschoolers don't have to dawdle.
Why does your child seem to thwart your attempts to get you both out
the door each morning but promptly turns on her heels when her teacher
announces it's time to head back in from the playground? The explanation is
simple enough, says Barbara Roth, director and teacher for more than 20
years at the Hanover Nursery School, in New Hampshire: "When we say
something, they know we mean it." Roth says she routinely sees parents tell
their child it's time to leave the playground but then stop and chat with
another parent themselves, or indulge countless delays and requests for
"just one more slide." "You've got to follow through," she says. "Otherwise,
it becomes clear that your child doesn't really have to do what you say when
you say it."
This means giving a few gentle but firm warnings starting five minutes
before it's time to leave (or come to the table, and so on), then announcing
departure time definitively and matter-of-factly. You may have to just go and
scoop her up the first few times (which you should do without hesitation)
until she knows you're serious.
Kids also respond to cues they can see, hear, or count. If a child has
trouble saying goodbye, "decide on a certain number of hugs and kisses,"
suggests Jenny Raffaelli, lead teacher at the Kinderberry Hill preschool, in
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Roseville, Minnesota. Soon she'll come to both expect and accept the
Roth plays the same few notes on the piano each day as a signal that
free play is over. You might regularly use a bell or an egg timer or blink the
lights in the room for the same effect, whether to get everyone to come to
the dinner table or to mark that it's time to put away toys. Counting (as in
"I'm going to count to thirty, and then I want to see a clean room") also
inspires students to finish picking up in a hurry. "I often hear parents
promise kids a treat to get them to do something," says Roth. "But that's
rarely necessarypraise and accomplishment on their own mean just as
much as material incentives."
Letting a child race against herself helps her hurry and also provides a
great learning opportunity, says Joyce Drolette, director of the Big Sky
Preschool, in Big Sky, Montana. She suggests timing getting ready for bed,
school, and so forth with a stopwatch, then graphing or charting the results
on the wall each day. In addition to teaching about graphs and charts, this
method lets your child compare her speed on different days, says Drolette,
and may even push her to beat her best time.
Secret #2: Kids can handle scissors and pens earlier than you think.
Wanting to help their child develop writing and other fine motor skills,
most parents simply hand him a pencil, kid-safe scissors, and paper. But a
little practice may forestall frustration later. Raffaelli has her students learn
basic skills and movements with such activities as picking up nuts and small
blocks with kitchen tongs, stringing beads, rolling out play clay, and even
cutting it with scissors. "With clay, it doesn't matter how kids cut," she says.
"They can snip any which way and really build the fine muscles in their
Once your child becomes adept, let him cut real paperbut in a way
that guarantees his success. "For a preschooler, trying to cut out a picture is
often too muchthe scissors get caught up in the paper and he can't go
anywhere," says Ann Curtis, director of the Infant and Preschool Center at
Western Illinois University. "Thin little strips of paper work better: One snip
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and he feels a great sense of accomplishment." Set him up with a bunch of

thin strips of different-colored paper and a container to cut them into, then
let him cut strips to glue onto a paper plate for a wall hanging. Yarn also
works well for scissor practice.
As for writing, if your child shows an interest in using pencils and
wants to move beyond scribbles, loops, and doodles but is frustrated that he
can't make letters, he'll probably get a kick out of fooling around with
stencils or tracing, says Raffaelli. Both let him practice holding the pencil and
using it like a grown-up, and they won't prevent him from writing without
them later on.
Also let him copy or trace your grocery or to-do list. "We play
restaurant and store all the time, with the kids copying menus and lists right
off the blackboard," says Drolette.
Secret #3: Structure and routine are critical for easy naps.
It may seem amazing that your child manages to nap with a bunch of
other kids in the room when you can't get a short snooze out of her in her
own comfy bed, but preschools have an advantage over home, explains
Raffaelli. "Your child is with a group of other children who are doing the
same thing, so it's just easier to go along with the rest." Even if you can't
import ten other 3-year-olds every day at naptime, there are some other
Mary Eltgroth, assistant director of New Horizon Child Care Center, in
Savage, Minnesota, recommends that you first give her time to unwind
before her napa half hour minimumbeing careful not to suggest an
activity that engrosses her so much that she won't want to interrupt it to
sleep. Next, create a routine: the same time, the same music, the same
bed, and the same expectation: quiet or sleep.
Cutting down on distractions can also help, says Drolette, who runs a
fan (out of reach) to block out background noise and suggests that restless
kids cover their eyes with a blanket so they're not tempted to keep looking

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Secret #4: How you say things is as important as what you say.
Having trouble getting your child's attention? Don't raise your voice,
unless it's to sing. "Kids don't care how you sound," says Curtis. "If I'm
reading and they aren't listening and I start singing the story, they quiet
right down."
But you can't rely on song alone. Teachers try to alternate verbal
tactics, using whispering or different voices or silently mouthing the words to
get children to focus on them. They also employ visual cues, such as putting
a hand up in the air or touching their finger to their nose and asking the
children to do the same when they're quiet. Amanda Johnson, who used to
teach at Radnor Nursery School, in Devon, Pennsylvania, has even been
known to lean playfully over her charges and "blow the dust out of their
And once you've got your child's undivided attention, keep your
instructions clear, short, and direct, says Barbara Hill, director of
administration at the Child and Family Study Center, the Lab School for
California State University, Northridge. "Don't start by saying that if they get
on the table it might break. Say, 'Get down'"and explain later.
Secret #5: Your child wants to get dressed himself.
Most young kids really want the feelings of independence, selfconfidence, and achievement that dressing themselves brings. It's just that
their clothes get in the way. To make it easier, "take into account where your
child is developmentally when you buy his clothes," says Hill. For instance, a
3-year-old won't do as well in a pair of jeans with a zipper and a button as
he will in elastic-waist pants.
Then develop specific ways to help him succeed. This might mean
arranging his outfit the night before in the shape of a person on the floor,
getting in the habit of putting on dress-ups and costumes when you aren't
under time pressure or labeling clothes so that your child is able to
distinguish the front from the back.

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Raffaelli suggests marking one shoe with a star, dot or little sticker and
teaching your child that that shoe always goes on the same foot. Another
right/left shoe teaching method, from Curtis: Ask your child whether his
shoes are mad at each other. If they're on the correct feet, the toes will be
kissing (touching); if they're angry at each other (on the wrong feet), the
toes will be turning away.
To help your child learn how to manipulate zippers and buttons, let him
practice on someone else so he can see what he's doing. "It's important to
do this with real clothesdoll clothes are much more difficult," says Roth.
"We let our kids put their snowsuits on large teddy bears." And offering to let
your child button or zip your coat after you have buttoned or zipped his
gives him a feeling of accomplishment as well.
Secret #6: Taking turns and sharing don't have to be traumatic.
As an adult, you know you have to wait in line sometimes, and you're
comfortable with it as long as no one cuts in front of you. Kids have the
same expectation of fairness, say teachers. Most will share and take turns as
long as the system is fair. "When two children are arguing over one object,
we talk about how fighting won't fix the problem but will only make them cry
and feel angry," says Drolette. "I tell the one who's most upset, 'Let me hear
Billy and then I'll hear you.' He'll immediately calm down because he now
knows that I'll listen to both sides." Then she gets the children to agree that
in the future they'll ask for the toy nicely and relinquish it when they're
finished with it. "Seven times out of ten, the child will hand over the toy
right then and there."
If this approach doesn't work, you may have to formalize the sharing
process. Give the child waiting for a toy (as well as the one already playing
with it) an accurate measure of how long until it's her turn, rather than just
saying wait until "later" or that she'll get her turn "in a little while," says
Johnson. She's had success using egg timers and clocks to schedule use of a
popular toy. Curtis has even used a sign-up sheet for some highly desirable
items. "Even a three-year-old can understand that it will be her turn when
her name comes up. It also serves as a graphic representation of the

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concept of waiting your turn, and it's good practice for kids to print their
name on it," she says.
Secret #7: Play may be all the education your preschooler needs.
"I'd like to think kids go home from my class and say, 'I had great fun.
I played all day,'" says Johnson, "because that's how children learn."
So even if you decide to push some academics at home, the focus
should be on fun rather than rote learning. It's easy to use letters in projects
and games, such as Raffaelli's favorite literacy project: personalized math
and counting books. "We take photographs or cut out pictures of everything
that begins with a certain letteror look for groups of one, two or three
objects and so onand make them into books."
And remember, one of the reasons your child can let loose and enjoy
himself in the first place is that he has his own secret weapon: a foundation
of unconditional love waiting for him at home.

Chapter III
Classroom Designs
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Remodel the classroom

The first component is a change in classroom layout. We moved the
interest areas and more clearly defined them. Students were excited to see
what seemed to them like a new classroom. Our changes made it easier to
decide how many students to send to each center and to rotate the students
from area to area. We created more open space for play and moving around,
which made it easier for teachers to travel around the room, checking on
individual children or small groups of students while keeping the entire class
in view. One of the biggest rewards of the remodel was fewer altercations
caused by students being too close to each other, not having enough room
to play, or not getting to go to favorite areas.
Create a warm, inviting classroom with students in mind
The classroom should feel like a second home to students. They spend
almost 40 hours a week with the same faces and in the same room. The
class should be a place where they feel welcome and wanted and where they
can be themselves. When arranging the room, think of the space needed to
accommodate class size and behavior (Guardino & Fullerton, 2010). Be sure
to include room for student-teacher interactions, as well as areas where
students can have time alone. Capizzi (2009) also recommends considering
the desired level of structure when planning the layout of the class. The
ability to easily reach all students from anywhere in the room ensures that
all children are in the line of sight and will deter most students from
engaging in inappropriate behaviours.

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Chapter IV
Lesson Plan Ideas

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Fall Preschool
Lesson Plans
All About Me
Back To School
Thanksgiving Corn
Thanksgiving- Being
Thanksgiving Turkeys

Winter Preschool
Lesson Plans
Conversation Hearts
New Year's Day
Valentine's Day

Spring Preschool
Lesson Plans
Baby Animals
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Alphabet preschool
lesson plans
The Letter "A"
The Letter "B"
The Letter "C"
The Letter "D"
The Letter "E"
The Letter "F"
The Letter "G"
The Letter "H"
The Letter "I"
The Letter "J"
The Letter "K"
The Letter "L"
The Letter "M"
The Letter "N"
The Letter "O"
The Letter "P"
The Letter "Q"
The Letter "U"
The Letter "V"
The Letter "W"
The Letter "X"
The Letter "Y"
The Letter "Z"

Animal preschool
lesson plans:
Polar Animals
Teddy Bears

Other school age,

preschool and
toddler lesson plans

Color preschool
lesson plans

Self Concept
preschool lesson
all about me
five senses

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Mother's Day
Rainy Day
St. Patrick's Day
Week of the Young
Summer Preschool
Lesson Plans
Father's Day
Fourth of July
Summer Olympics

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Castles and Dragons
Day and Night
Field Trip Ideas
Fingerprint Fun
Fire Fighters
Let's Pretend
Open Ended Art
Outside Activities
Police Officers
Toddler Songs

candy corn
Conversation Hearts
ice cream
jelly beans
Book Based
From Head to Toe
Put Me in the Zoo

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Lesson Plan Sample

This lesson will introduce children to how God magnificently created
the wonderful world in which we live.
Creation, Majesty, Power of God
AS KIDS ARRIVE (10 minutes)
As the children arrive let them play with modelling clay, ask them to create
their favorite animal. If time permits allow them to share their creations with
the class.
WORSHIP TIME (5 minutes)
BIBLE VERSE (7 minutes)
"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." Genesis
1:1 NIV
Explain to the children that God created the earth, the sky and outer
space. God loves us so much that He created this beautiful world for us to
live in.
BIBLE STORY (15 minutes)
Creation Blocks (Activity)
Use the Creation Blocks activity to help tell the story of God's creation.
You will also use the Creation Blocks during the closing activity, so keep
them handy. After the introduction, read the story about creation right from
the Bible. If possible, use a Children's Bible so it will be easier for the kids to

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Today, we are going to start from the very beginning; the beginning of
creation that is. The first book of the Bible is called Genesis. However, it is
commonly known as the Book of Beginnings. Let's read the story of God's
creation together.
Read Genesis 1:1-2:3
Discussion Questions:
1. What was our story about today? (God creating the heavens and the
2. Who made day and night? (God)
3. Who made the sky and water? (God)
4. Who made land and vegetation? (God)
5. Who made the sun and stars? (God)
6. Who made the sea creatures and the birds in the sky? (God)
7. Who made the wild creatures, tame creatures and the creepy crawling
creatures? (God)
8. Who made us? (God)
FUN TIME (10 minutes)
The Beauty of God's Creation (Activity)
It's a Beautiful World (Activity)
PRAYER/SNACK (10 minutes)
Start by praying to God and thanking Him for creating such a beautiful world
for us to live in. Thank God for all the plants He created that produce fruits
and vegetables. Let the children enjoy a snack of fresh fruit.
CLOSING ACTIVITY (5-10 minutes)
Have the children take turns putting the creation blocks in the correct order,
based on today's Bible story.
Come back next week to see who got the big job of naming all of the

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Chapter V
Activities for Recognizing Numbers

1. C

eate sensory art as a number.

2. Go on a hunt for numbers and match it with the same number!
3. Paint with sponges in the shapes of numbers! (Rockabye Butterfly)
4. Go number magnet fishing! What number did you catch?(Make, Do &
5. Create a parking lot with numbers. (Little Family Fun)

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6. Go on a number hunt! Make it harder and find them in the correct

order! (Rainy Day Mum)
7. A number tunnel! Make a game of identifying the numbers! (Mummy
Mummy Mum)
8. Have target practice with water balloons and numbers! (Mom to 2 Posh
Lil Divas)
9. Sorting and counting objects and then identifying the number that
matches (Small & Friendly)
10.Reuse old containers for numbers! (Teach Mama)
11.Use two plastic cups to make every number from 0-99! (In Lieu of

Activities for Counting Numbers

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1. Connect the dots! A simple past-time activity that reinforces the order
of numbers.
2. Upcycle a box into a puzzle of numbers!
3. Create a maze of numbers to drive through. Can they count their way
to the end?
4. Stacking up boxes and counting how many high you can go!
5. Make a craft together with multiple pieces. Have your child do the
6. Count a color of car while on the road, or semis, or vans, whatever
suits their interest!
7. Create a learning game with your ABC mat and number blocks. Choose
a number block and pound the corresponding times with a hammer on
the corresponding number mat!
8. Let your child run an experiment and measure how much something
holds! How many cups fit?
9. Make puzzles with a picture. Label sections of the puzzle in numerical
order. Cut apart and have your child put it back together again!
10.Convert an ABC Puzzle (or any puzzle for that matter) into a number
puzzle by flipping it over!
11.Measure objects (or yourself!) and count how big they are. (The
Imagination Tree)
12.Count objects around the house. How many doors do you have? (No
Time For Flash Cards)
13.Counting with Popsicle sticks and play dough.
14.Play any board game, or make your own! Little Family Fun creates a
fish race game!
15.Count with legos! Label out a paper with numbers and count out the
legos next to it.
16.Snack time! Use dice and fruit snacks and play until you eat them all
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17.Happy Home Fairy makes a countdown to the first day of school! (Or
whatever big event is coming up!)

Chapter VI

Pre-School Songs

These Preschool/Kindergarten songs are available from a variety of albums and

teach directions, parts of the body, opposites, money, weather, clothing, telling
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time, adjectives, action and participation, and good behavior.
Following Directions
Beginning / End
Let's Start Prue Whoo
Body Parts
Everybody Touch Your Head Margie La Bella
Family Dance Dr. Thomas Moore
Head, Shoulders Knees and Toes Kiboomu Music
Hey, Hey Everybody Music with Mar.
I Got a Wiggle Colleen & Uncle Squaty
Itchy Itchy Music, Movement & Magination
I've Got the Music In Me Margie La Bella
Let's Clap Our Hands Together Colleen & Uncle Squaty
Tap It On Your Head Margie La Bella
Wiggle My Body Ron Brown
A Counting We Will Go Music, Movement & Magination
Jump for Numbers 0-10 Ron Brown
Move It By Your Chair Margie La Bella
Fast / Slow
Come, Play That Music Margie La Bella
Move Fast, Move Slow Jack Hartmann
Follow Commands
Careful Cuts Cherry Carl
Everybody Wave Hello Margie La Bella
The Finger Dance Dr. Thomas Moore
Follow Directions Music with Mar.
Food Group Fun Music with Mar.
I Can Do That! Jack Hartmann
Jump Up! Music, Movement & Magination
Little Johnny Brown Colleen & Uncle Squaty
Monkey, Monkey Music with Mar.
Move Your Body Along Listen and Learn
Open Your Mouth and Sing "Ah" Margie La Bella
Reach For the Sky> Amy Michelle & Friends
Show Me 10 Ron Brown
The Sockball Dr. Thomas Moore
Stand Up Skip West
Wake Up! Listen & Learn
Wiggle, Giggle and Learn Stephanie Burton
Wiggle Worm Workout Stephanie Burton

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Front / Back
Around the World Jack Hartmann
Doing the Flamingo Walk Diana Colson
Move It By Your Chair Margie La Bella
ZooDeeAy Music with Mar.
High / Low
My Elastic Band Dr. Thomas Moore
Reach For the Sky Amy Michelle & Friends
Left / Right
Get Up On Your Feet! Music with Mar.
Kangaroo Learns Left and Right Jack Hartmann
Left and Right Listen and Learn
Left and Right Ron Brown
Lefty Prue Whoo
Penguin Dance Chant Jack Hartmann
Right Hand, Left Hand Music with Mar.
Righty Tighty, Lefty Loosey Gary Rosen
Roly Poly #2 Colleen & Uncle Squaty
Safety Comes First Listen and Learn
Way Up In the Sky Stephanie Burton
Loud / Soft
Come, Play That Music Margie La Bella
Move / Freeze
Frozen Kidsicle Freeze Musical Games and Action Songs
Magic Ball Jack Capon & Rosemary Hallum, Ph.D.
Move and Stop Margie La Bella
Move It To the Music Margie La Bella
Move, Then, Stay Still Music with Mar.
Play and Do This Margie La Bella
Wiggle and Freeze Cathy Bollinger

North, South, East and West

Directions Music with Mar.
Exercise When We Rhyme Jack Hartmann
Up / Down
Parachute Goes Up and Down Music with Mar.
Pretty Scarves Music with Mar.
Roly Poly #2 Colleen & Uncle Squaty
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Stand Up, Sit Down Margie LaBella
Up Prue Whoo
Up and Down Cherry Carl
Parts of the Body
Bath Jeanne Nelson and Hector Marn
Cleanup Vacuum Cleaner Jack Hartmann
Face to Face Fran Avni
Feelin' Good Lauren Mayer
Finger Family Music with Mar.
Five Senses Music with Mar.
Five Fingers Music with Mar.
Hands Songs for Speech and Language Skills
I Can! Ron Brown
Itchy, Itchy The Amazing Body
Itchy Twitchy < Ron Brown
I Got a Wiggle Colleen & Uncle Squaty
Ive Got the Music In Me Margie La Bella
I've Got Two Songs for Speech and Language Skills
My Hands On My Head Adapted by Stephanie Burton
My Thumb Music With Mar.
Numbers In A Circle (10) Colleen & Uncle Squaty
Put Your Hands Up in the Air Hap Palmer
Tap It On Your Head Margie La Bella
These Are My Hands Jack Hartmann
Turn Around Hap Palmer
What a Miracle Hap Palmer
Songs About My Body, Health, Fitness, and Illness
The Opposite Conga Jack Hartmann
The Opposite Song Gemini
The Opposite Song David Putano
Opposites Kiboomu Music
Opposites Gary Rosen
Opposites Stephanie Burton
Money, Currency, and Budgeting
15 Cents Scott Goodman
Coin Song Scott Goodman
Coins In a Dollar Kathleen Wiley
Heads or Tails Gary Rosen
How Many Pennies? Ron Brown
Jobs: Getting Things Done Frank Bruen
Money Jennifer Fixman
Money 1 5 10 Ron Brown
Money Counts Music Movement & Magination
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The Money Game Marla Lewis
Money In My Pocket Marilyn M. Linford
Money, Money Frank Bruen
Money! Money! Ron Brown
The One-Less-Penny Blues Music Movement & Magination
Skip by Twenty-Fives Scott Goodman
The Calendar, Weather, and Seasons
Songs that Teach about the Weather and Seasons
Songs for Teaching Concepts of Weather & Meteorology
Songs that Teach the Calendar: Days of the Week and Months of the
The Colors Of Our Clothes Music, Movement Magination
I Am Dressed Jeanne Nelson and Hector Marn
I Just Can't Seem to Tie My Shoes Yet Music with Mar.
Jenny Jenkins Two of a Kind
Look What I Did This Morning Dr. Thomas Moore
My Clothes and Shoes Listen and Learn
New Pair of Shoes Andy Glockenspiel
What Else Do I Need? Listen and Learn
What Are You Wearing? Hap Palmer
What Color Are You Wearing? Kiboomu Music
Whatever the Weather (What to Wear) Jackie Silberg
Telling Time Reading the Clock
Clock Rock Listen and Learn
Moving Around the Clock Music with Mar.
Smell My Feet (The Time Song) Tim Pacific
Telling Time Jennifer Fixman
Telling Time Marilyn M. Linford
Tick Tock Jim Rule
Tick Tock Ron Brown
Adjectives and Concepts of Fast and Slow for Preschoolers
Energy Kelly Good
Everything Has a Shape (Adjectives) Hap Palmer
Move Fast, Move Slow Jack Hartmann
Rowing Song Ron Brown
Self-Control Songs for Speech and Language Skills
Slow and Steady Prue Whoo
Song About Slow and Fast Hap Palmer
Walk. Jog. Run. Music with Mar.
Musical Instruments - Action & Participation
The Bubble Wrap Stomp Stephanie Burton
C to C Wendy Rollin
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Clap Your Hands Tickle Tune Typhoon
Come and Go Around with Me Music With Mar.
Come, Play That Music Margie La Bella
Crescendo Wendy Rollin
Dancer in the Middle Colleen & Uncle Squaty
Do You Speak Music? Judy Leonard
Get Up and Sing! Amy Michelle & Friends
Good Time Listen & Learn
Hand Clap Rap Jack Hartmann
Hear Me Sing; Watch Me Dance Music With Mar.
Homemade Band Margie La Bella
The Humm-emotion Song J. W. Snyder
I Can Do It By Myself Listen & Learn
I Like to Clap Listen & Learn
The Icicle Ball Karen Rupprecht & Pam Miinor
Instrument Friends Suite Wendy Rollin
Just For Fun Marilyn M. Linford
The La La Song Listen & Learn
Let's Clap Our Hands Together Colleen & Uncle Squaty
Let's Freeze Karen Rupprecht & Pam Miinor
Making Music Tickle Tune Typhoon
Mama Don't Allow Andrew Queen
Maraca Rock Listen & Learn
Maracas - I Love That Sound Dianne Baker
Melody & Harmony Wendy Rollin
Movin' is Cool Jack Hartmann
Music Time is Over Margie La Bella
My First Song Wendy Rollin
Penguin Waddle Karen Rupprecht & Pam Miinor
Play and Do This Margie La Bella
Play Your Instruments Stephanie Burton
Preschool Rocks! Preschool Rocks!
Raise Your Hand Song J. W. Snyder
Reach For the Sky Amy Michelle & Friends
Rhythm - March & Waltz Wendy Rollin
Rumble To the Bottom Colleen and Uncle Squaty
Sing an Echo Song Margie La Bella
Shake the Shaker Music with Mar.
Spooky Band Steve Blunt
Tap Tap Your Rhythm Sticks Listen & Learn
Ten Little Skeletons (Rhythm Sticks) Steve Blunt
Time to Sing Hello Listen & Learn
Triangle Ron Brown
The Ukulele Song Listen & Learn
Very Best Band Margie La Bella
The Windmill Song Colleen and Uncle Squaty
You Can Strum Too Listen & Learn
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You've Got to Wait Margie La Bella
Values & Virtues
1, 2, 3, Four-Ever Friends Colleen & Uncle Squaty
Be My Friend Hap Palmer
Be Nice The Battersby Duo
Believe in Yourself Marilyn M. Linford
Circle of Friends Colleen & Uncle Squaty
Co-Operation Prue Whoo
Daddies Marilyn M. Linford
Everybody Has a Family Music with Mar.
Family J.W. Snyder
The Feelings in My Heart Listen & Learn
Friends--We All Need Friends Dianne Baker
Friendship - Be a Good Friend "Miss Jenny"
Glad I am Just Me Amy Michelle & Friends
Good for Each Other Judy Leonard
Good Friends Are Forever Dianne Baker
Hello Friend Dianne Baker
How Many Ways Can You Say I Love You? Music with Mar.
How To Take Your Turn Rita Gold
The Hug Song "Miss Jenny"
I Love You, No Matter What Jack Hartmann
I'm A Special Kid Dr. Thomas Moore
It's Love Jack Hartmann
Little Magic Words Marilyn M. Linford
Look At Me Marilyn M. Linford
Love Grows One by One Carol Johnson
The Magic Word Listen & Learn
Make A Difference Marilyn M. Linford
Making Friends Listen & Learn
Manners Matter Everywhere Music with Mar.
Mind Your Manners Amy Michelle & Friends
Mitzvah Monkey Music with Mar.
The New Baby At My House Dr. Thomas Moore
No One Like Me Pam Minor
Our Family is a Happy One Fred Gee
Ready, Set, Wait! Listen & Learn
Shine! Shine! Shine! Amy Michelle & Friends
Slow and Steady Susan Harrison
Someone Else's Turn Music with Mar.
Thank You Jaycee Voorhees
The More We Get Together Kiboomu Music
The "Thank You" Song Rita Gold
Thankful Listen & Learn
The Thankful Song Marilyn M. Linford
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Twinkle Twinkle Amy Michelle & Friends
We're All Different and We're the Same Jack Hartmann
What Is A Mother? Marilyn M. Linford
When Your Manners Shine David Putano
The World is a Circle Rita Gold
You're Wonderful Debbie Clement
Preschool Fingerplays
Fingerplays provide a natural, enjoyable way to build number and language
Circle Time Songs
Everyday Activities for Preschoolers and Kindergarteners
See our songs about Everyday Activities and Routines
Pets, Animals, and Dinosaurs
See all of our pages on Animals, Bugs and Dinosaurs.
Numbers and Counting Skills for Preschool and Kindergarten
See our Songs and Chants for Early Math Concepts
Colors and Shapes for Early Childhood
See all of our Songs that Teach Colors and Shapes to Young Children
Sounds of Letters, Digraphs, and Blends and Phonemic Awareness
Alphabet Letters and their Sounds and Phonological Awareness
Starting and Ending the Day, Clean-Up Time, and Transitions
Songs for Classroom Transitions
Safety Songs
Songs and Chants that Teach About Safety
Family Songs and Songs About Friendship, Getting Along with Others,
Character Building, and Conflict Resolution
Friends and Family
Songs About Food and Nutrition and My Body, Health, and Fitness
Healthy Bodies, Food Songs and Physical Fitness Education Songs
Music to Celebrate Presidents' Day, Valentine's Day, Independence Day,
Halloween, Thanksgiving and the Winter Holidays
Holiday Songs
Songs Inspired by Classical Children's Literature, Fairy Tales, Nursery
Rhymes and Poetry
See all of our Fairy Tale & Nursery Rhyme Songs
Head Start Programs Song
Head Start Kid Jackie Silberg
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Machines, Cars, and Trains
See all of our Train and Transportation Songs
Occupations, Schools, Families, Neighborhoods and Homes
See all of our Songs for Teaching the "Communities" Curriculum
See all of our
Movement and Participation Songs for early childhood.
Science Songs for Early Childhood Development
See all of our Science Songs for Young Children

Action Songs with Lyrics

Deep And Wide (Writer Unknown)

This song is sung with actions and each verse replaces one more word with
hmmm, yet you still do the action, like this:

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Deep (one hand above the other with arms stretched up and down)
and wide (arms stretched wide apart)
theres a fountain (arms motion like a fountain)
flowing deep (same motion of arms stretched up and down)
and wide (same motion with arms stretched wide apart)

Father Abraham (Writer Unknown)

This is another song that is done with actions. Actions are listed at the
bottom of the lyrics.


Father Abraham had many sons

Many sons had Father Abraham
I am one of them and so are you
So lets all praise the Lord. Right arm!
Father Abraham had many sons
Many sons had Father Abraham
I am one of them and so are you
So lets all praise the Lord. Right arm, left arm!
Father Abraham had many sons
Many sons had Father Abraham
I am one of them and so are you
So lets all praise the Lord. Right arm, left arm, right foot!
Father Abraham had many sons
Many sons had Father Abraham

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I am one of them and so are you

So lets all praise the Lord. Right arm, left arm, right foot, left foot!
Father Abraham had many sons
Many sons had Father Abraham
I am one of them and so are you
So lets all praise the Lord. Right arm, left arm, right foot, left foot, Chin up!
Father Abraham had many sons
Many sons had Father Abraham
I am one of them and so are you
So lets all praise the Lord. Right arm, left arm, right foot, left foot, Chin up,
turn around!
Father Abraham had many sons
Many sons had Father Abraham
I am one of them and so are you
So lets all praise the Lord. Right arm, left arm, right foot, left foot, Chin up,
turn around, sit down!


Right arm: Clench fist, bend and extend arm upward repeatedly throughout
Left arm: Add left arm in same motion as right
Right foot: Add right foot stepping up and down
Left foot: Add left foot stepping up and down
Chin up: Add head nodding up and down
Turn around: Add turning in place while continuing other motions
Sit down:Sit down
Im In The Lords Army (Writer Unknown)
This is a fun song and the kids just love doing the actions to this one. I list
the actions after the lyrics here. You need some room between the kids for
this one because when they fly over the enemy they will have their arms
out stretched.
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I may never march in the infantry
Ride in the cavalry
Shoot the artillery
I may never fly oer the enem
y But Im in the Lords army (Yes, sir!)
Im in the Lords army (Yes, sir!)
Im in the Lords army (Yes, sir!)
I may never march in the infantry
Ride in the cavalry
Shoot the artillery
I may never fly oer the enemy
But Im in the Lords army (Yes, sir!)


March in the infantry: march in place

Ride in the cavalry: hands like holding a horses reins and move up and down
as if riding a horse
Shoot in the artillery: move hands with straight arms to slap each other
while pushing right hand forward
Fly over the enemy: arms straight out and imitate a plane flying
Yes, sir!: salute

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Only A Boy Named David (Arthur Arnott)

I must say of all the songs I ever led for Bible school, this is the one that the
kids loved the best! They can imagine a little boy using a sling shot to kill a
giant. Actions for the words follow the lyrics. Leave lots of room for the kids
to swing their sling shot (imaginary, of course)
Only a boy named David
Only a little sling
Only a boy named David
But he could pray and sing
Only a boy named David
Only a rippling brook
Only a boy named David
But five little stones he took.

one little stone went in the sling

the sling went round and round
one little stone went in the sling
the sling went round and round
round and round And round and round
round and round and round
one little stone went up in the air
the giant came tumbling down.


On the chorus: And one little stone went in the sling : pretend to put stone
in sling
And the sling went round and round: twirl sling overhead round and round
And one little stone went up in the air: motion like releasing stone from sling
And the giant came tumbling down: everyone falls to the ground

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Counting, Spelling & Echo Songs

A-B-C-D-E-F-G Jesus Died for You and Me (Unknown)

Jesus died for you and me
H-I-J-K-L-M-N,Jesus died for sinful men, AMEN!
I believe Gods word is true,
God has promised you
A home eternally.

The B-I-B-L-E (Unknown)

The B-I-B-L-E
Yes, thats the book for me
I stand alone on the Word of God
The B-I-B-L-E
The B-L-O-O-D
That Jesus shed for me;
Christ paid the price,
our sacrifice
The B-L-O-O-D!

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Im S-A-V-E-D,
By G-R-A-C-E;
Im saved by grace,
the Scripture says
The B-I-B-L-E!

O-B-E-D-I-E-N-C-E (Unknown)
Although this song is effective without any actions at all, it is fun to
teach the children to sign the letters to O-B-E-D-I-E-N-C-E with their hands.
Go to this link for a good chart on what the American Sign Language finger
spelled alphabet looks like: ASL Alphabet
Obedience is the very best way,
to show that you believe.
Doing exactly what the Lord commands,
doing it happily.
Action is the key do it immediately,
joy you will receive.Obedience is the very best way to show that you
Chorus: O-B-E-D-I-E-N-C-E
Obedience is the very best way to show that you believe.
We want to live pure we want to live clean.
We want to do our best.
Sweetly submitting to authority,
leaving to God the rest.
Walking in the light,
keep our attitudes right.
On the narrow way.
For if you believe the Word you receive,
You always will obey. (repeat Chorus)

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