Antigone Essaysq

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Parsa Khademi

H. English II
Period 2
Editorial of Creon
Creon, brother in law of Oedipus went through extravagant circumstances and In
him more than anyone else we see the gradual rise and fall of one mans power. Creon
also claimed to have no desire for kingship. This is proven at lines 651690, Creon
argues that he has no desire to overthrow Oedipus as king because he, Jocasta, and
Oedipus rule the kingdom with equal power. Although he says he has no intention of
holding power, he orders the exile of Oedipus which show his true intentions after all.
Creon is a master of manipulation. For example, while Oedipus is intent on saying what
he means and on hearing the truth, Creon is happy to be ambiguous. In Antigone, Creon
holds the same power that Oedipus once held. Unfortunately, once Creon achieves the
stability and power that he sought and Oedipus possessed, he begins to echo Oedipuss
mistakes. Just like Oedipus, Creons overconfidence lead to his downfall. Creon
denounces Tiresias, for example (1150), which echoes Oedipuss denunciation in
Oedipus the King (388). Creon makes many mistakes similar to the ones of Oedipus, and
he says he will wait for whatever new disaster fate will bring him, which was almost
identical to Oedipus fate. At the end of the story He cries out that he is nothing, no
one, but it is his suffering that makes him seem human in the end.

Eulogy of Oedipus
Today, we are losing a true hero, a great fighter and a great leader, Oedipus. From
today onward we can only wait for time to wash away our brutal pain. Oedipus was the
hero of the city of Thebes. This was the man who saved us from the evil of the Sphinx.
So long we have been living under the shadow of the Sphinx, and this brave man took
was brave enough to defeat it. Not long after Oedipus became the king of our city, and
married our queen. He is like the father of our city, saving it from disastrous situations.
Before his passing, Oedipus did everything in his power to try to save the city from the
plague, and it he sacrificed himself for the citizens of Thebes. He was truly one of the
greatest kings. Although he turns out to be the one that kills Laius, his own father, and
marries his own mother, he never intended to because nobody knew they were related.
We cannot blame him for what he has done. And unlike a coward, after reviewing the
truth of the murderer, he didnt escape. What he actually did was make himself blind, and
ask his brother Creon to exile him. This is an act of self-sacrifice, which shows that
Oedipus is a true hero. Oedipus never goes against his promises, and he did everything in
his power to save the city many times. His actions will be remembered, and the city will
always praise him. Without Oedipus, nobody knows if the city of Thebes would have
survived the evil Sphinx. Although Oedipus is gone, he will always be with us, in our
hearts.This great leader of ours will always be remembered. His great accomplishments
will be passed down to the next generation. We will always miss the great Oedipus.

Obituary of Jocasta
On April 25, 44 B.C, Queen Jocasta took her own life due to some very tragic
news. The news she heard was beyond unbearable, which led her to hang herself. Queen
Jocasta found out that her long lost son, King Oedipus, was actually her child that she
was forced to abandon. This means she married her son, and also slept with and
eventually gave birth to few children, after being impregnated by her own son! Sadly, she
left behind 2 daughters Mary, Olivia and her sons John, Sam, and Oedipus Jr. She also
left her husband Oedipus behind, leaving her brother Creon to take care of their children
because of her death and Oedipus banishment. She lived a glamorous life as a queen, first
married to king Laius she gave birth to a child and the prophecy said that her child would
kill his father and create many other disastrous events, so she was forced to abandon the
child thinking he would die, but he came back into her life just like the prophecy said,
killing Laius, his father, and eventually marrying her and becoming king. Jocasta truly
lived a dramatic life, and it is very unfortunate she had hung herself. Oedipus, her
husband and son found her dead and he immediately got the pins from her dress and
blinded himself, so he would not have to witness the pain of seeing the woman he loved
most dead. Jocasta will be very missed by the city of Thebes, and we wish her soul to rest
in peace.

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