ProcessPaperOutlineNHD SalmaEstelaMendoza Velazquez

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Exploring Their Rights and

Encountering Change:Women
of the 1920s

Salma Mendoza
Senior Division
[Individual Website]

1. Process Description (500 words, 4-5 Paragraphs)

a. How did you choose your topic? (about 75 words) I chose the topic
because of the impact that there was during the 1920s. They lived as second class
citizens, it wasnt fair. It was a start for change in the life of a women. They dedicated
themselves to fight for their rights and by the 1920s there was a change. Also the
effect that it left in the end. And it still remains relevant till this from the important
things they did. It's an interesting topic to look through and research about.

b. How did you conduct your research? What types of sources (newspaper,
documents, interviews, etc.) did you use? (about 100 words) I conducted my research
on the background of women before the 1920s and then after that year. I also
research what they were doing (the change in behavior is really interesting) as new
women, such as smoking and they were becoming more outgoing. Another thing I
also searched up was what they treated like after being granted the right to vote and
also who helped in the process of gaining this right.The type of sources used were
documents and photographs. There was most photographs of women voting and
marches that they took. While there were documents of the 19th amendment and
evidence what it was like in the past.

c. How did you put your project together? What skills did you learn? (about
100 words) It began with understanding the whole point of the topic and what it
actually means. I took it apart and wrote it as I came along. I included many details
about some of things such who were involved in this and how it came together. It
ended with the explanation of the significant of this topic. I first started with the
introduction, then it was the event that happened, the events that were during the
1920s. The skills that I learned were to research in depth. But also from what I
learned from research and mostly what women did is motivating others.

d. How does your topic relate to the theme? (about 75 words) My topic
relates to the theme because of they (women) are exploring their, finding more about
them. Trying to find ways to achieve them by doing many things to convince the
government. They searched for the perfect moment to put it to plan. They also
encountered the change. They encountered it with they way they explored their rights,
with the participation in rallies and strikes. They knew what they had to do and a way
to get it.

e. How has your understanding of this topic changed as you have worked on
your research? (about 75 words) I understood this topic a lot more than what I used to
know about it. I found out more about the people who contributed. They were people
who I never knew about. And to find out more about these people and what they did
to participate is very helpful. I also understand a lot about how the women during that
time felt like, they felt controlled. They werent allowed to do things that men did and
were repaid poorly.


Why is this topic important in history?(about 75 words) This topic is

important because it give information of what women did to find change in their
rights. During the 1920s they got that beginning of change. They were granted to the
right to vote after being turned down. But it was also important for what it left for the
future of women. They left a road open for an equal life in the present. It gave them a
chance to live the freedom they deserve.

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