4t ESO Dossier de Recuperació Curs 2013-2014: Explica Els Següents Coninguts Gramaticals

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4t ESO

Dossier de recuperaci
Curs 2013-2014

Table of Contents

Table of Contents...............................................................................................................1
Treasure Island........................................................................................................19
Love in Shakespeare................................................................................................22


Explica els segents coninguts gramaticals:

Pronoms possessius; question words; adverbis de freqncia; el genitiu sax; relative
pronouns; present continuous; el passat simple de to BE, els verbs regulars i els verbs
irregulars; past continuous; present perfect i present perfect continouous; past perfect;
futur simple i progressiu, futur amb BE GOING TO; els modals CAN / COULD,
SHOULD, MUST / MUSTNT, MIGHT; first conditionals; second conditionals; third
conditionals; "question tags" i respostes curtes; la veu passiva ; larticle indefinit i el
definit, omissi de l'article; reported speech. Sintaxis: ordre de les paraules a les frases
simples i les preguntes, afirmatives i negatives; "question tags" i respostes curtes.


Circle the correct alternatives.


I think that films are bored / boring.

Im very worried / worrying about my exams.
We went mountain biking it was very frightened / frightening.
I felt very embarrassed / embarrassing because I played so badly.
Im surprised / surprising that Jane tried windsurfing.
What sports are you interested / interesting in?
Penny was very annoyed / annoying because Sam called Mountain Rescue.
The football match was very excited / exciting it ended 4-4.
I felt so bored / boring that I fell asleep.
Sue felt very frightened / frightening when she fell into the river.

Complete the sentences with the regular verbs in brackets. Use the present perfect

Josephine _____________________ (work) in Stockholm.

They _____________________ (climb) Mount Kilimanjaro in Africa.
Sue _____________________ (not / try) kayaking.
I _____________________ (never / live) in Australia.
The children _____________________ (not / watch) the Olympics on TV.
We _____________________ (not / finish) snowboarding.
Samantha _____________________ (never / travel) by motorboat.
You _____________________ (enjoy) parachuting.

Complete the sentences with the irregular verbs in brackets. Use the present
perfect form.

Sara _____________________ (be) to Asia and Africa.

We _____________________ (never / run) 100 kilometres.
I _____________________ (cut) my leg.
Penny _____________________ (never / swim) in a lake.
Joe and Harry _____________________ (not / do) any extreme sports.
You _____________________ (win) a prize!
They _____________________ (see) the rescue services.
She _____________________ (not / write) a blog.

Complete the dialogues in the present perfect.


____________ you ever ____________ (do) yoga?

Yes, I ____________.
____________ Karen ever ____________ (be) surfing?


No, she ____________.

____________ Kelly and Dan ever ____________ (have) a job?
No, they ____________ .
____________ I ____________ (meet) you before?
Yes, you ____________ .

Write the sentences in the present perfect.


/ Simon / ever / climb a mountain?

Jennifer / not / run a marathon.
Janet and John / never / try ice-climbing.
Why / Dan / go home?
/ you / ever / play basketball?
What / Ben and Harry/ do?

Circle the correct alternatives.


Sandra often listens / watches to the radio.

Dr Cartwright has made / has done a scientific discovery.
Its hot in here. I have taken / have written off my coat.
Jenny sent / surfed an email to Danny.
Paul went / go on an expedition to Australia.
Ronnie sometimes surfs / reads the internet.
Wendy has never committed / has never caught a crime.
Deborah has downloaded / has sent the podcast onto her mp3 player.
Im looking / Im finding for my shoes. Have you seen them?
She went / climbed to the mountains to try snowboarding.

Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the present perfect form
and choose for or since.
Pauline ____________ (work) in Scotland for / since 2006.
We ____________ (listen) to your ringtone for / since a minute.
Susanna ____________ (not / study) English for / since last summer.
I ____________ (not / write) any emails for / since Wednesday.
The students ____________ (use) their computers every day for / since they
started their course.
Wendy ____________ (not / go) windsurfing for / since three months.

Circle the correct alternatives.

Computers are / were / have been very expensive ten years ago.
Katie is moving / moved / has moved house in 2004.
Dan has / is having / has had the job since 2003.
We finish / finished / have finished our French course last year.
e The children are waiting / wait / have waited to use the computer for 35 minutes.
Louise stands / is standing / has stood outside at the moment.

Circle the correct alternatives.


The ship sailed across / through the Pacific to Asia.

When Sarah got out of / along the car, she bruised her leg.
The plane is flying under / towards Buenos Aires. Itll get there soon.
Simon cut the rope and Joe fell down / away from the mountain.
The policeman ran after / away the criminal, but he didnt catch him.
We walked over / through a beautiful valley.
William went off / out at seven oclock.
Paul travelled round / along France last summer.
The criminal went to / at prison.
Penny walked over / under the ice in Antarctica.

Read the sentences. Then write another word with the same meaning as the words
in bold.

Spiders are often very small.

Samantha is not generous. She doesnt like spending her money.
Danny felt very bad when he caught flu on holiday.
Louise is relaxed and friendly. I like her very much.
Jason felt quite angry because June was late.

Correct the sentences.


I will to go on holiday this summer.

She wont not travel by bus in France.


We are might see a film next week.
What will you to do today?

Circle the correct alternatives.

Im sure that Patrick will / might pass his exams.
We will / might go skiing next year but Im not sure.
Sophie is on holiday in Australia so she wont / might not come to the party this
One day, I will / might become an athlete. But I dont think its likely!
We wont / might not swim in the lake tomorrow. Its too cold.
Order the words.

you / on / What / going / do / holiday / are / to / ?

not / She / climb / going / mountain / tomorrow / is / to / a
students / French / The / today / are / study / to / going

Circle the correct alternatives.


Shes old and she cant / mustnt walk.

Its Saturday tomorrow and we dont have to / mustnt go to school.
You mustnt / dont have to use your mobile phone in the classroom.
I have to / can study this evening because we have a test tomorrow.
My grandfather is very clever. He can / must speak four foreign languages.
They will go / go to the mountains this weekend if the weather will be / is good.
Adam wont / doesnt pass his exams if he wont / doesnt work hard.
If Daniel will eat / eats in the car, he will feel / feel awful.
If you wont / dont phone your friend, you wont / dont go out today.
The journey wont / dont take long if we will go / go by train.

Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the first conditional form.
Ken _________ (not / go) to Barcelona if he _________ (not / pass) his exams.
If my friends _________ (come) with us, we _________ (have) a really good
If Sonia _________ (falls) down the mountain, she _________ (not / forget) it!
David _________ (not / go) out this evening if he _________ (not / finish) his

If the film _________ (start) at nine oclock, we _________ (have) time to eat
our dinner.
Complete the sentences with for or since.

Shes lived in London __________ 2003.

Weve been in this classroom __________ two hours.
Theyve been married __________ a long time.
Hes been at this school __________ three years.
Weve been here __________ 10 o clock.

Order the words to make sentences.


arrived / Our / hasnt / teacher / yet

her / She / finished / already / homework / has
just / We / lunch / had / have
you / seen / Have / new Batman film / the / yet ?
has / just / lesson / finished / The

Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the present perfect and past
I __________ (live) here for a long time. My parents __________ (move) here
when I was five.
We __________ (go) to Ireland last year but we __________ (not visit) England
I __________ (finish) my homework two hours ago but I __________ (not call)
my friends yet.
I __________ (be) at this school since I was 12.
We __________ (start) learning English three years ago.
I __________ (know) my best friend since we were young. I __________ (meet)
her when we were at junior school.
Circle the correct alternatives.
I had lived / lived in London for a long time before I learnt / had learnt to
speak English fluently.
Before we came / had come to this country, we had never travelled / didnt
travel by plane.
I had finished / finished all my homework before I had met / met my friends.
When my friend called / had called, I had just had / just had my breakfast.

We had studied / studied hard before we took / had taken the test.
Score __/10
Circle the correct alternatives.

Do you enjoy to learn / learning English?

It is very difficult to find / finding the perfect job.
Im thinking about to get / getting a new job.
I love to listen / listening to music.
My brother wants to work / working in construction.

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

My brother is very good at __________ (cook).

He wants __________ (work) in catering.
He often practises __________ (make) different dishes at home.
He always avoids __________ (do) the washing-up!
Shes planning __________ (open) her own caf.

Grammar. Complete the first conditional sentences with the words in the box.





If she __________come soon, she will be late for the lesson.

If we dont __________ , well miss the train.
Well go to the beach at the weekend __________ the weather is fine.
If you dont buy a lottery ticket, you __________ win any money!
If we dont leave now, we __________ be late for the film.

Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the second conditional

If I __________ (win) 1 million, I would travel around the world.

If everyone __________ (use) solar power, we would save a lot of energy.
I would be very unhappy if I __________ (fail) my English exam.
If I __________ (see) a ghost, I would be very frightened.
I __________ __________ (not be) very worried if I lost my job.
Circle the correct alternatives.


If we dont / didnt protect them, some animals wont survive.

If we dont / didnt use so much oil, we would reduce pollution.
What will / would you do if you won?

If you turn / turned off all your electrical equipment at night, you would save
If we use more solar and wind power, we will / would slow down global

Complete the conditional questions with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
Then match the questions with the answers.
What __________ you __________ (do) if the weather is good this weekend?
How __________ you __________ (feel) if you failed your exam?
Where __________ you __________ (live) if you didnt live here?
What __________ you __________ (do) if your friends are late?
Where __________ you __________ (go) this evening, if you didnt have so
much homework?

I would be very unhappy.

Ill wait for them.
I'll probably go to the park.
I would go and meet my friends.
I would probably live somewhere near the sea.

Complete the third conditional sentences with the correct form of the verbs in
I __________ (help) you if you had asked me.
If people __________ (protect) the dodo, it wouldnt have become extinct.
If we __________ (not use) so much fossil fuel, we wouldnt have done so much
damage to the environment.
If I had known about the destruction of the rainforests, I __________ (become) a
vegetarian earlier.
If she had studied more, she __________ (pass) her exams.

Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box.




dont have to

have to

Tomorrow is Saturday so I __________ get up early.

All pupils __________ arrive on time.
You __________ smoke here. Its not allowed.
I always __________ do my homework before I meet my friends.
Older children __________ wear casual clothes to school.

Complete the sentences using could, couldnt, had to or didnt have to.

I asked the teacher to repeat her question because I __________ hear her.
Our plane left at 6 am so we __________ get up early.
When I was younger, I __________ speak French better than I can now.
It wasn't raining this morning so I __________ take my umbrella.
I lost my dictionary so I __________ buy a new one.

Circle the correct alternatives.


She can / cant be scared of snakes. Shes got two pet snakes at home.
He might / can be English. I heard him speaking English yesterday.
He must / cant be deaf. He didnt hear anything I said.
She cant / might be Spanish. She only speaks French.
Don't eat that. It must / might be poisonous.

Complete the sentences with might, must or can't.

That house has got a swimming pool and a tennis court. It __________ be very
John __________ be at home. He isnt answering the telephone.
Dont touch that! It __________ be dangerous.
That test __________ be easy. Everyone passed with 100%.
Be careful! You __________ fall.
Complete the sentences with used to or didnt use to and the verbs in brackets.

She __________ (have) long hair when she was younger.

He __________ (walk) to school when he was at junior school.
She __________ (not drive) a car.
People __________ (think) the Earth was flat.
I __________ (not use) a computer when I was younger.

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

I __________ (be) very worried if I had a test next week.

She __________ (not study) English before she arrived in Britain.
I __________ (have) this mobile phone for two years.
He __________ (play) football when he broke his leg.
They would have passed the test if they __________ (study) more.

Complete the sentences with the correct form of have to/dont have to or

Sophie _________________ get up early tomorrow. Shes catching a train at 6

Jerry _________________ go to Marys party, but he can go if he wants to.
You _________________ smoke in the school. Its against the rules.
William _________________ work harder if he wants to pass his exams.
Do I _________________ show my passport at the airport?
Yes, you do.
You _________________ be 16 before you can get married.
I _________________ go to university this year. I might travel round the world

Correct the sentences.


You arent allowed drink alcohol in my school.

When I was ten, I can play with my friends all day.
We cant to go to bed late on Sundays.
Fiona allowed to walk home from school by herself.
Do we can go to the concert at the weekend?
Jerry was allowed not to go home early last weekend.

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1 We usually ___________________ to my grandmothers house on Saturdays, but
today we ___________________ at home. (go, stay)
2 It usually rains on Bonfire night, but this year ___________________ . (not rain)
3 What ___________________ ? Can I have some? (you / eat)
4 We always ___________________ my dads birthday in a restaurant. (celebrate)
5 I can hear music and people singing. What ___________________ ? (celebrate)
6 My sister ___________________ three languages English, Spanish and Catalan.
7 He ___________________ to someone on the telephone at the moment. (speak)

Complete the sentences with A/AN, SOME, or ANY


1 Are there _________ chairs in the kitchen?

2 Here arent _________ skyscrapers in this town.
3 There isnt _________ electricity in the house.
4 Is there _________ swimming pool in your area?
5 Theres _________ egg in the fridge.
6 There are _________ plants in m bedroom.
7 Is there _________ cheese in the fridge?

Complete these sentences with tag questions and answer them in the short form.
1. There weren't any potatoes left
2. Her computer can't do the homework
3. Mrs Jones' most handsome secretary wasn't there
4. These identity cards look false
5. Lola and her friend will dance tonight too
6. You don't know how to be quiet
7. Lord Birkenhead's heard the news
8. Simon's son's working in the garden
Complete the text with the past simple affirmative of these verbs: start, finish, do,
watch, go, have.
Last night I (1) ... my homework. Then we (2) ...
dinner. After that I (3) ...a music programme on TV. It (4)
...at eight o'clock. It (5...at half past nine. Then I (6)
...to bed.

Order the words to make questions. Then write true answers.

1 you / watch / What / on TV / did / yesterday ?
2 go / Where / you / to primary school / did ?
3 breakfast / have / did / What time / you ?
4 travel / How / you / to school / did / today ?
5 your best friend / When / you / did / meet ?
6 did/do/What/last weekend/you ?
Write sentences. Use the past continuous affirmative.
1 They /talk/about the floods


2 It/rain /a lot
3 People/leave/their homes
4 The water/cover/the roads
5 Rescue workers / help / people to escape
Complete the sentences. Use the past continuous form of the verbs in brackets.
1 I ... (not study) last weekend.
2 Our teacher ... (not work) last Saturday.
3 You ... (not listen) to me!
4 We ... (not swim) because it was very cold.
5 It ... (not rain) here yesterday.
6 My friends ... (not wait) for me in town.
Complete the texts with the past continuous form of the verbs in brackets.
A volcano appears
In 1943, a farmer in Mexico (1) ... (work) when he saw a large hole
appear in his field. Smoke (2) ... (come) out of the ground and there
was a bad smell of eggs. He didn't know where his family were but everyone was in
danger. Soon, ash (3) ... (erupt) out of the ground and everybody (4)
... (run) away from the new volcano, because it (5)... (grow) bigger.
After a week there was a cone 100 metres high.
Choose the correct words.
Boy rescued after ten days!
Ten days after the terrible earthquake in China, rescue workers (1) found / were finding
a 10-year-old boy alive. He (2) studied / was studying at school when the earthquake (3)
happened / was happening. While the boy's parents (4) waited / were waiting for news,
rescue workers searched the ruins of the school. They (5) moved / were moving stones
and rubbish when they (6) heard / were hearing a child's cry.
Write two sentences for each situation. Use when and while.
I / wait for bus / see lightning
I was waiting for the bus when I saw lightning.
I saw lightning while I was waiting for the bus.
1 We / ski in the Alps / see / an avalanche
2 They / watch the news / the lights / go out
3 People / sleep / the wildfire / arrive
4 I/do this exercise / the class / finish


Rewrite these sentences putting the verbs in brackets in the correct tense.
1. Bob never (play) golf, but he (play) golf with his mother-in-law now.
2. They (study) maths now because they (have) an exam tomorrow.
3. (Not be) stupid and (listen) to me, Max!
4. I (not can) (remember) what the criminal (look like).
5. Harold (must) (run) very fast, or he (not win) the race.
6. The children (dance) because the radio (be) on.
7. We (not buy) milk last week because it (be) expensive.
8. Salahadin (look for) the box because he (not know) where it (be).

Complete the following sentences with personal pronouns, possessive adjectives

and possessive pronouns.
1. ____ wants to introduce ____ to ____ husband.
2. ____ think ____ met ____, but ____ can't remember ____ name.
3. ____ wanted ____ to give ____ ____ box because ____ is valuable.
4. ____ says that ____ are very funny, doesn't ____?
5. ____ told ____ that ____ was not nice when ____ rained.
6. ____'ll use ____ pen because ____ can't find ____.
7. ____'re looking at ____ shoes because ____ are as dirty as ____..
8. ____ hair is longer than ____ hair, but shorter than ____.

Complete these sentences with MUCH, MANY or VERY.

1. There isn't ____ milk in ____ of these bottles.
2. Sam writes ____ books because he knows ____ stories.
3. ____ students speak Russian ____ badly because it is ____ difficult.
4. Sorry, we haven't got ____ time to discuss ____ problems ____ well.
5. ____ people in ____ countries eat ____ fish for dinner ____ often.
6. ____ of my films are ____ more interesting than Bill's.
7. Sue drinks ____ tea ____ times a day because she likes it ____ much.
8. I need ____ dollars to buy ____ presents for ____ of my friends.

Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the adjective in bracktes.
1. Joe is __________ basketball player in his team. (heavy)
2. Bill's car is __________ than Janice's. (slow)
3. The Chinese are __________ break dancers in the world. (bad)


4. Julio Iglesias is __________ and J.J. Brown is too. (attractive)

5. These antiquities look as __________ as those. (valuable)
6. My hands are __________ than yours. (clean)
7. Mr Blumfs dislikes __________ films. (boring)
8. Joe's __________ brother's __________ musician in the band. (young)
Rewrite these sentences putting the verbs in brackets in the correct form.
1. Good businessmen (not do) bad business.
2. My granfather (use) (live) on a farm; but he (live) with us now.
3. The report (say) that there (be) valuable antiquities in that tomb.
4. (Not speak) loudly, Ian: I (can) (hear) you perfectly well.
5. Salahadin (sit) in his office when the telephone (ring).
6. A novel writer (write) novels; he (not write) poems.
7. Arnold never (speak) with girls, but he (speak) with Lola at the moment.
8. The children (dance) because the radio (be) on.
Make questions asking for these answers.
1. It was Lola's.
2. It means "a person who is in your class."
3. A very funny film.
4. Twice a month.
5. Because she wants to learn it.
6. After I finish doing the homework.
7. Yes, I used to; but I don't do that now.
8. He was friendly and funny.

Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the adjective in brackets.
1. Joe is __________ basketball player in this __________team. (bad)
2. Bill's car was __________ in the race. (slow)
3. My __________ socks are __________ than yours. (dirty)
4. Mr Blumfs dislikes __________ films and Lola does too. (boring)
5. The Chinese are __________ ping-pom players than the French. (good)
6. Julio Iglesias is not as __________ as J.J. Brown. (heavy)
7. These exercises are __________ than those. (difficult)
8. Alf's _________ member in the _________ Miltonians Commitee. (old)

Put the adjective in the correct form in these comparisons.

1. Germany has got a (big) _______________ population than Italy.
2. Norway has got a (low) _______________ population than Sweden.


3. Switzerland is (small) _______________ than Belgium.

4. The United Kingdom is (densely populated) _______________ than The
5. Yugoslavia is (densely populated) _______________ than Greece.
Rewrite these sentences in their correct word order.
1. New York / sometimes / to / goes / Mr Kemble.
2. got / has / compact disc / new / a / Mark.
3. Colchester / is / visit / to / Jeffrey/ going.
4. finished / in / the / Maggie's / book / mother / 1982.
5. reading / now / paper / is / father / the / my.
6. ever / London / you /been / have / to / ?
7. weather / like / will / the / be / tomorrow / what/ ?
8. meaning / of / tell / the / you / word / could / me / this / ?
Fill in the blanks with the missing prepositions.
Mrs Withers. "Guess what came __________ the post this morning?"
Mr Withers. "I don't know. What?"
Mrs Withers. "An invitation __________ the Old Miltonians Reunion."
Mr Withers. "Great! Why don't we go? When is it going __________ be?"
Mrs Withers. " __________ April the 27th."
Mr Withers. "Where?"
Mrs Withers. " __________ London."
Mr Withers. "But where __________ London?"
Mrs Withers. " __________ the Dorchester."
Mr Withers. "That sounds fantastic! I really want __________ see some
__________ our old school friends."
Mrs Withers. "Yes, that will be fun! I'm going __________ ring Mark and
Alice Sutton."
Mr Withers. "Does it say we have __________ reply?"
Mrs Withers. "Yes, it does. It is one of those R.S.V.P. invitations."
Mr Withers. "I suppose it is quite a formal occasion, isn't it?"
Mrs Withers. "Well, it says jacket and tie."
Mr Withers. "Who's organizing it?"
Mrs Withers. "The Old Miltonians Commitee. I don't know who they are."
Mr Withers. "OK, ring the Suttons and the Churchers and see if they are

Rewrite the following statements in the passive voice.

1. A lot of apples (grow) in Normandy in France.
2. Meat (export) by Argentina to the rest of the world.
3. The forests of Northern Europe (destroy) slowly by acid rain.


4. Hamlet (write) by Shakespeare.

5. Do you know how President Abraham Lincoln (assassinate)?.
6. The homework for the last lesson (not correct) yet.
7. Guess what! I (invite) to Jessica's party.
Complete these sentences with can, could or be able to.
1. I used to __________ wiggle my ears, but I __________ not any more.
2, She's moved to New York so she will __________ see her parents more often.
3. The theatre seats were awful. We __________ (not) see the stage.
4. Where are the keys? I __________ (not) find them last night.
5. My sister __________ (not) swim until she was eleven.
6. After the accident he __________ (not) smell or taste anything.
7. It's nice __________ sleep late on Sundays.
8. My car broke down and I haven't __________ drive it for a week.
Rewrite these sentences in passive voice using the underlined words as subject.
1. They gave the tennis player Kathy Duprey $40,988 for winning the competition.
2. A company has paid the skier Anne Stolberg $87,000 to advertise ski trousers.
3. A TV company gave the ice hockey team Phoenix Flyers $20,000 each to play in
front of the cameras.
4. His club pays footballer Wayne Simmonds $398 for every goal he scores.
5. A company offered the cyclist Luigi Delgado $32,980 to advertise a soft drink.
6. Henry Lane will pay the boxer Howard Duke $3 million for his next fight.
7. They've promised the London Wonders basketball team a holiday in the West Indies if
they win the league.
8. They paid the racing driver Bobby Kraft $20,000 when he won the Grand Prix.
Fill in the blanks with the correct preposition.
The dockland area ______ the East End ______ London used ______ be, as the
name suggests, a busy port. Ships ______ all over the world docked and unloaded
cargo there. ______ the 1960s the London docks went ______ decline. The docks were
too small ______ handle the large modern container ships and the loading and
unloading facilities were out ______ date.
However, ______ the 1980s, a new dockland has developed ______ the East End,
______ modern offices and homes, marinas, a new railway system and even a small
airport. The old Eastenders say that rich newcomers are pushing up house prices and
the cost ______ living. Their message is: "Yuppies -go ______ where you come
Rewrite this text putting the verbs in brackets in the correct form.
While Sue Barnes, a reporter for the New Musical express, (travel) around the USA
last year, she (have) an unpleasant experience. She (interview) a jazz singer and


(record) the interview on a cassette which (be) on the front seat of the car together with
other personal belongings.
She (drive) back to her motel after a party in Hollywood on her last night when she
(realise) that she (run out) of petrol. She (stop) at an all-night garage just off the main
highway. She (fill) the petrol tank, (take) 20 dollars from her wallet and (go) to the
kiosk to pay. While she (pay), a boy suddenly (appear) from the shadows, (open) her
car door and (take) her wallet, passport and return ticket -and her cassette!

Rewrite the following statements in reported speech.

1. "I'm going to watch television," he said to his mother.
2. "We moved to Bristol three years ago," she told me.
3. "I'll come at eight tomorrow," she told me.
4. "I've bought a new car," she said.
5. "I can't think of anything to write," the boy told his teacher.
6. "We're driving the car to France next summer," they said.
7. "I must get some new glasses," he said.
8. "I may sell my bicycle," she said.
Rewrite the following statements in the passive voice.
1. A lot of apples (grow) in Normandy in France.
2. Meat (export) by Argentina to the rest of the world.
3. The forests of Northern Europe (destroy) slowly by acid rain.
4. Hamlet (write) by Shakespeare.
5. Do you know how President Abraham Lincoln (assassinate)?.
6. The homework for the last lesson (not correct) yet.
7. Guess what! I (invite) to Jessica's party.
Complete these sentences with can, could or be able to.
1. I used to __________ wiggle my ears, but I __________ not any more.
2, She's moved to New York so she will __________ see her parents more often.
3. The theatre seats were awful. We __________ (not) see the stage.
4. Where are the keys? I __________ (not) find them last night.
5. My sister __________ (not) swim until she was eleven.
6. After the accident he __________ (not) smell or taste anything.
7. It's nice __________ sleep late on Sundays.
8. My car broke down and I haven't __________ drive it for a week.
Write a dialogue. You are in a music shop and you ask an assistant if she's got a
particular CD. She says she hasn't and gives a reason. You then ask about another
CD. When she brings it, ask how much it costs. Decide if you are or if you are not
going to buy it.


Rewrite this dialogue putting the verbs in brackets into the correct form.
Mother: I (be) off to work now. What time you (be) back?
Angie: About six. But I (ring) you if there (be) any problems.
Mother: Well if you (be) back before me, you (have to) get something for supper.
Angie: O.K., I (decide) on something when I (get) to the supermarket.
Mother: If I (pass) a greengrocer's, I (buy) some strawberries.
Angie: Great!
Mother: Is Colon coming round tonight?
Angie: He didn't say. But if he (get in touch), I (invite) him to supper.
Mother: (Look) at the time. I (miss) the bus unless I (go) now.
Angie: O.K. Bye. I (see) you when I (get) home.
Rewrite the following statements in reported speech.
1. "I'm going to watch television," he said to his mother.
2. "We moved to Bristol three years ago." said the woman.
3. "I'll come at eight tomorrow," she told me.
4. "I've bought a new car," she said.
5. "I can't think of anything to write," said the boy to his teacher.
6. "We're driving the car to France next summer," they said.
7. "I must get some new glasses," he said.
8. "I may sell my bicycle," she said.
Write a sentence about each one of the following:
1. a sport you enjoy doing.
2. two things you do every morning.
3. what you are wearing at the moment.
4. three things you did yesterday.
5. what you were doing at nine o'clock last night.
6. something you used to like doing when you were younger.
7. something you weren't allowed to do at school.
8. something that you are not supposed to do in your English class (but which you
sometimes do).

Rewrite these sentences in passive voice using the underlined words as subject.
1. They gave the tennis player Kathy Duprey $40,988 for winning the competition.
2. A company has paid the skier Anne Stolberg $87,000 to advertise ski trousers.
3. A TV company gave the ice hockey team Phoenix Flyers $20,000 each to play in
front of the cameras.
4. His club pays footballer Wayne Simmonds $398 for every goal he scores.


5. A company offered the cyclist Luigi Delgado $32,980 to advertise a soft drink.
6. Henry Lane will pay the boxer Howard Duke $3 million for his next fight.
7. They've promised the London Wonders basketball team a holiday in the West Indies if
they win the league.
8. They paid the racing driver Bobby Kraft $20,000 when he won the Grand Prix.

Complete this text by putting in a, an or the where necessary.

Graham Mackay is _____ engineer. He works on _____ oil rig in _____ North Sea.
He works on _____ rig for two weeks and then has two weeks at _____ home in
Glasgow. _____ rig is 100 miles off _____ coast of Scotland. _____ oil company's
helicopter flies him to and from _____ Aberdeen Airport. He does _____ important job,
and he's paid over $ 706 _____ week.
Graham works twelve hours ______ day during his two weeks on _____ rig. His
shift finishes at _____ midnight, when he goes to _____ bed. Although _____ work is
important, it's rather _____ boring job. He shares _____ cabin with three other men.
One of them is _____ friend of his, _____ American called Lee Driver, who comes from
_____ New Mexico.


Treasure Island

Write a short description of your favorite character from the book, saying why he
or she interests you.

Chapter 3 . Translate this passage using good Catalan or good Spanish:

To Sea!

The next day, the squire left for Bristol. He took three of his most honest servants
with him to be part of the crew of our ship. As they were leaving, Dr Livesey said to the
squire, 'Don't tell anyone about the treasure map. The pirales who searched the Admiral
Benbow want that map, and they know that Jim has it. All their friends on the ship
probably know it now too. We must be very careful.'
Don't worry,' said ihe squire. 'I won't say a word.' 1 stayed at Dr vesey's house,
because the doctor was afraid that the pirales wouid come back to find me and ihe
ireasure map. Afler ihree weeks, we received a letter from the squire:
My dear Uvesey and Hawkins,
Finaly everything is ready for our sea adventure! Everyone here has helped me. As
soon os / teil them why we need the ship, they do al they can to help us! l've bought
afine ship callea the 'Hspaniola', and l'vefound an excelient crew. Fortunately, the day /
bought the ship t met a man called Long John Silver. He's an old sailor, married to a
woman he met on his travels. He knows all the sailors in Bristol. I like the man and feel
sorry for him, because he has only one leg, so I've hired ' him as the ship's cook. He has
helped me to find other crew members.
Come to Bristol as quickly as you can, and we'll sail the next day!
Yours, John Tretawney
Two things about this letter worried me: first, it was clear that the squire had told
people about the treasure map; and, secondly, I was afraid that Long John Silver might
be the same one-legged sailor the captain had mentioned. But I was so excited about
going to sea that soon 1 stopped thinking about these things and thought only of the
wonderful adventures ahead.
That last night before we went to Bristol, I stayed with my mother at the Admiral
Benbow. The squire had bought new furniture for the inn and had hired a boy to help
my mother while I was gone. It was only when I saw that boy that 1 fully realised that I
was leaving my home, but I had no time to feel sad. The next morning, the doctor and I
went to Bristol. We went straight to the port. ! looked around in amazement. There were
great ships from every nation and sailors with gold earrings and long pigtails. The air
smelled of the salty sea. To me it was the smell of adventure!
The squire showed us round the Hispaniola. It was a fine ship, and the crew smiled
and waved2 at us as we came on board. The squire introduced me to Long John Silver.
He was a big tall man with a crutch under one arm and a parrot on his shoulder. He had
a big pale face, bright eyes and blond hair. The squire said to me, 'Jirn, you stay here
with Long John while I show the doctor my cabin.'
The squire and the doctor went off together, probably to drink a glass of wine in the
squire's cabin to celebrate our first evening on board. ! stood on the deck ' with Long
John, and he told me about all the ships we could see at the port. He was a friendly man,
and soon 1 felt sure that he wasn't the one-legged sailor of the captain's stories and my
bad dreams. I knew what kind of men pirates were: they were cruel and violent, not at
all like this kind, friendly, smiling man.
As Long John was talking, I suddenly saw Black Dog in the crowd below us in the
port. He saw me and ran away.
'Look!' I cried, interrupting Long John. 'That's Black Dog! He's a pirate!'
Long John Silver looked in the direction 1 was pointing, with a look of great
surprise on his face. 'A pirate? Is he really? What did you say his name was?'
'Black Dog!'


'Ah, yes! I've often seen him with another man a blind man,' said Longjohn.
'That's Pew!' I cried.
'I think you're right. Yes, 1 think his name's Pew,' said Long John in amazement.
'Well, you're a clever boy. I think we'll be great friends, you and I.'
That evening, I helped Long John prepare dinner. While he was cooking, Longjohn
put his parrot in a cage in the ship's kitchen.
'I call my parrot Captain Flint, like the famous pirate,' said Longjohn, smiling.
The parrot suddenly squawked ' and cried, 'Pieces of eight! Pieces of eight!'1
After dinner, Long John and the rest of the crew sat on the deck. Longjohn started
singing a song I knew well, and then the crew sang along with him:
Fifteen men on the Dead Man's Chest, Yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of rum!
Early the next morning, the Hispaniola left the port and sailed out into the open sea.
Our voyage was very pleasant. The Hispaniola sailed on through sunny days and starry
nights. One evening, after we had been at sea for three weeks, Mr Trelawney told us that
we were close to the island. I stood on the deck with the rest of the crew, looking at the
horizon, hoping to see land. Then 1 went down to the kitchen to get an apple. There was
a big barrel in the kitchen, nearly as tall as I was. It had been full of apples at the start of
the voyage, but now there were only a few left. 1 climbed into the barrel to get an apple,
then I sat down in the barrel to eat it. After a few minutes, I heard two people come into
the kitchen. They were talking, and I recognised one was Long John Silver. I was going
to stand up and show myself, but when I heard what Long John Silver was saying, I
stayed where I was and was very quiet.
'I was the cook on Old Flint's ship, said Long John. 'We had some great adventures
in those days.'
'I hear Captain Flint was the best!' said the other man, and I recognised his voice. He
was a young sailor in the crew called Dick.
'Yes,' said Long John. 'Flint was the best pirate captain, but he wasn't the strongest
man on that ship. He was afraid of me. I had more control of the crew than he had. Most
of them are here, now, on this ship, ready for a new adventure. The life of the pirate is
the best life, Dick! It's dangerous, and you might finish up dead like Pew, but, if not,
you can end your days as rich as a gentleman, with lots of good stories to tell your
grandchildren. So, what do you say? Are you with us or against us?'
'I'm with you, John!' said Dick. 'When do you plan to take over' the ship?'
'Not yet,' said Long John. 'Livesey and Trelawney have the map. We'll let them lead
us to the treasure, and then we'll kill them!'
Inside the apple barrel, I held my breath.2 I realised that the lives of all honest men
on the ship now depended on me alone.
Just then a voice from the deck cried, 'Land Ho!'3
Listen to the CD and answer these questions on R.L. Stevensons Treasure Island
with complete sentences:

What did the squire say?


What must Jim do when the battle begins?

What couldnt the men in the fort do?
What did the pirates hidden behind the trees do?
When did two pirates climb through a window?
What did another pirate pull?
Why was it difficult to see what was happening?
Explain the meaning of these words using defining relative clauses: a gun, a battle,
an hour, the enemy, smoke.
Listen to the CD and answer these questions on R.L. Stevensons Treasure Island
with complete sentences:

Why did Jim want to get back to the fort?

Why will the squire be angry with Jim?
What could Jim see at the fort?
When will all be surprised to see Jim?
What did a voice cry?
Where was the parrot?
Why did the seventh mutineer die?
Explain the meaning of these words using defining relative clauses: a forest, a fort,
a shoulder, a prisoner, a mutineer, a pipe

Love in Shakespeare


Write a short description of your favorite character from the book, saying why he
or she interests you.
Choose the correct words.
Later that day a soldier / gentleman / pilgrim arrived from Verona, a city not far from
Padua. His name was Petruchio. The first thing he made / did / took was visit his friend
'This is a surprise, Petruchio!' Hortensio said. 'How are you?'
'I'm very well, thank you, my friend,' Petruchio replied.
'What brings you to Padua?'
'I'm here for a message / visit / funeral. My father Antonio died recently and I need / must
pay / inherited a lot of money and a big house,' Petruchio told his friend. 'Now I need a
secretary / servant / wife. I've come here to find one.'
'That's interesting,' Hortensio said. 'Come in and sit down.'
'Thank you. Yes, I decided it was time to get married,' Petruchio continued. 'I don't mind /
like / love if the woman is old, ugly and bad-tempered. But she has / must / will be rich. That's
very / not / average important.'
'I know a girl / wife / widow who needs a husband,' Hortensio said. 'Her name's Katharina.
She's young and pretty, but / and / because her father's rich. But I'm frightened / afraid / of
opinion she's very bad-tempered.'

Write a few lines saying what you know about Shakespeare and The Globe.

The Taming of the Shrew, part 1. Translate this passage using good Catalan or good Spanish:

'I know a girl who needs a husband,' Hortensio said. 'Her name's Katharina. She's
young and pretty, and her father's rich. But I'm afraid she's very bad-tempered.'
'That's alright,' Petruchio said. 'I'm not afraid of shrews. Take me to her house! I
want to meet her.'
'We can go there immediately,' Hortensio said. 'But you must do me a favour in
'Of course, my friend!' Petruchio said.
'Katharina has a younger sister called Bianca. She's the sweetest, most beautiful girl
in Padua. 1 want to court her but her father has locked her in the house. He says that
Katharina must marry before Bianca can receive suitors. But Katharina will never find a
husband. She's so bad-tempered!'
'I'm not afraid of shrews,' Petruchio replied, 'if she's rich, she'll be the perfect wife
for me.'
'No, Petruchio! You don't understand. She's really horrible!'
'Don't worry, my friend! I'll tame her. Now, how can I help?'
'Well, I have a plan,' Hortensio told him. 'I'm going to disguise 3 myself as a music
teacher. I'll come to the house with you and you must say that I'm your friend. Baptista
is looking for a teacher for his daughters so I'll offer to give them lessons.'
'Now 1 understand! Then you'll see Bianca every day!'


'Yes!' Hortensio replied.

'Alright, I agree. Let's go!'
At Baptista's house, Katharina was tormenting4 her sister. They were in their
bedroom. Bianca's hands were tied behind her back and Katharina was shouting at her.
'Come on! Tell me! Which suitor do you prefer? Handsome, young Hortensio or
rich, old Gremio?'
'I don't like either of them, Katharina! Please untie my hands!'
'Is it Hortensio? '
'No, no!' poor Bianca cried, 'if you like him, you can have him! But please untie my
Just then the door opened and Baptista came in.
'Katharina! Stop tormenting your sister!' he said. 'Untie her hands immediately!
Why can't you behave better? Why can't you be more like Bianca?'
This made Katharina angry.
'She's always been your favourite, hasn't she?'
Iis it surprising?' Baptista said. 'Now go back to your lessons, both of you, please!'
Katharina pushed Bianca out of the room.
'I must marry so that you can have a husband!' she said angrily to her sister.
'Oh dear! What am I going to do with her?' Baptista said when he was alone.
There was a knock at the door and a servant came in.
'These two gentlemen would like to see you, sir,' he said.
Petruchio and Hortensio, who was disguised as a musician, were standing behind him.
'Good morning, Signer!' 5 Petruchio said. '! hear you have a pretty daughter called
Katharina. I'd like to court her.'
'I think you mean my daughter Bianca,' Baptista said sadly.'Katharina is not your
type of girl.'
'No, Signor. I mean Katharina,' Petruchio continued. 'But perhaps you say that she
isn't my type because you don't want to lose her.'
'Oh no, no,' Baptista replied quickly. 'I meant that Katharina isn't like most other
girls, that's all.'
Then Petruchio remembered Hortensio. 'Oh, this is my friend Litio. He's an
excellent music teacher. And he can teach mathematics too. He'd like to offer his
services to your daughters.'
'Oh, -er, well, thank you Signor er?'
'Petruchio. From Verona.'
'Oh yes, I knew your father Antonio,' Baptista said. 'Well, Signor Litio, you look like
a serious young man. You can start immediately. My daughters are in the library. My
servant will take you there.'
Then he turned to Petruchio and said, 'So, you're interested in Katharina.'
'Yes, Signor. I'd like to marry her, with your permission of course,' Petruchio replied.
'But you don't know her,' Baptista said. 'If you're looking for an obedient 6 wife,
Signor Petruchio, Katharina isn't the gir! for you.'
'I'll tame her,' Petruchio said. 'How big is her dowry?'
'Twenty thousand crowns.'7
'Good! I'm sure she'il be the perfect wife for me.'
The door opened and Hortensio came in. There was a big cut on his head and blood
was running down his face.
'Katharina hit me with her lute,'8 he said sadly. 'I don't know what I did wrong.'
Petruchio laughed.
'I can't wait to meet her,' he said. '1 love women with spirit.'9


Til go and get her for you,' Baptista said.

While he was waiting for them, Petruchio decided how to deal with Katharina.
'When she's rude to me, I'll be nice to her,' he decided. 'When she shouts at me, I'll
tell her she has a beautiful voice. When she hits me, I'll kiss her. I'll show her that I'm
her master. She'll soon stop behaving badly and become an obedient wife!'
Katharina came in and looked at him angrily. Petruchio smiled at her and took her
'Hello, Kate!' he said. 'That's your name, isn't it?'
'People usually call rne Katharina,' she replied sharply and pulled her hand back.
'I prefer the name Kate,' he said. 'I've heard a lot about you but you are much
sweeter than I imagined. I'd like to marry you.'

Listen to the CD and answer these questions on Shakespeares The Taming of the Shrew, part 1,
with complete sentences:
[1] Where were the people?
[2] Why did Katharina frighten men?
[3] What has Baptista Minola decided?
[4] What does Katharina think of Biancas suitors?
[5] Why will Bianca never marry?

Explain the meaning of these words using defining relative clauses:

[7] A square
[8] A suitor
[9] A husband
[10] A shrew
[11] Latin

Listen to the CD and answer these questions on Shakespeares The Taming of the Shrew, part 2,
with complete sentences:
[1] What did Katharina put on?
[2] Where did Katharina not see Petruchio?
[3] Why did Baptista come back?
[4] What made Baptista sad?
[5] What was wrong with Petruchios trousers?


[6] Why was Petruchio rude at the wedding?

Explain the meaning of these words using defining relative clauses:

[7] A bouquet
[8] A church
[9] A wedding
[10] A priest
[11] Wine
[12] A wife


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