To All Who Care To Help Save Sweden's Endangered Wolves!

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To all who care to help save Swedens endangered wolves!

Sweden 2015-12-31
The wolves in Sweden are under heavy threat. The hunters lobby are very strong and spite the
fact that these animals are on EUs species and habitat list as endangered the Swedish hunters
and government will not let them live.
As the world gets ready to celebrate New Year, several of these animals have two days left to
live. A new hunt has been issued starting January 2, 2016. The background have been
gruesome, for years preservationists have tried to save these animals, I through hard work
collecting proof of corruption with our authorities and parliament, appeals in courts etc., but
also as human shield for them several times. I have crawled in these forests from sunrise to
sunset in temperatures way below freezing point with guns going off all around me trying to
save them. I was living on soda and coffee in the woods, no food at all in order to produce
urine. I needed to do that to cover wolf spilling in order to throw off the hunters dogs and I
hid under the pine trees waiting to step between the wolves and the hunters rifles. My help
that year was @haloefekti, my brave friend and hero in Finland who stood by via phone,
received pictures to update people on twitter, talk to me as the guns were going off like insane
all around me, and she was prepared to call 112 from Finland to Sweden in case I would get
shot. That year it slowed the hunt down until courts received appeals, and 13 of 16 wolves
was saved.
The appeals increased and more wolves was saved in our courts. This triggered the hunters,
and since many in our government and parliament are hunters it wasnt difficult for the
hunters lobby to get our politicians on board. 2014 they took out statistics and while
screaming that we have 350 wolves in Sweden we could make due with 270. And they
changed the law, they withdrew our right to appeal to unbiased courts. Then they declared a
hunt on 44 wolves in January 2015. Here is a video (in Swedish, but any Swedish speaking
Anon etc. can validate what I claim when they hear this recorded confession from Linn

Svensson at SLU Sweden) This video is

proof of how the state lied about how many wolves we have. It was never 350, it wasnt even
the new low 270, we had less than 250 because they didnt deduct DEAD wolves in the count.
The state declared a bloodbath on 44 endangered wolves this year and we already were down
to 20 wolves below the new minimum.
My dear friend and hero @anon99percenter found out from my dear friend @proudvegan that
I was going back out to shield again during the bloodbath in January this year. As the angel he
is he found more angels, and he and @_Anonymous_swe_ sent @AnonswedenInfo with
friends to find me in the woods, they gave me a place to sleep that night after I shocked had
witnessed a bloodbath and they went with me out the next day only to get aimed with cars by
the hunters as they tried to help me. This is a video that shows some of the people trying to
help save these animals, but you will also meet Angel, murdered January 17th this year in
front of us as the hunters threatened us by pointing their rifles at my car as I drove in to shield
these animals. They stood there with their weapons alongside of the county board, and
heckled me as I went up to her and closed her eyes. They even aimed us with their cars the
next day while we struggled to try save what could be saved. Nothing was saved in that
A lot of hard work collecting proof, and here is yet another one (English text) that will inform
you exactly how corrupt these wolves die here every year, all year around. This is a full
confession on how the state grants protective culling spite knowing that farmers refuse to
protect their livestock, and spite knowing that hunters sending their own dogs as live bait into
wolf territories. The state and the hunters are fully aware dogs and wolves are natural
enemies, and the state knows hunters turn our forests into a complete dogfighting arena and
sacrifice their own dogs so they can get permissions to kill these wolves. All this is confessed
by the caseworker at the county board on the link below. The insanities never ends quite
All the hard work you see here, I sent to the EU commissionaires for several years now (and
this is only a fraction of what I sent to EU and courts) It has led to EU opening two cases
against Sweden and December 18th this year Highest court reinstalled the right to appeal,
since they now admit what I claimed for a long time, that wiping our rights to appeal to an
independent court violates EU. But in the middle of that progress we now have the state that
announced yet another hunt. The appeals have been hailing, preservationists appealed for

inhibition and got it in all 5 hunting territories. Hunters and state appealed again to higher
court and was unfortunately granted to continue in 2 of the 5 counties, this due to 3 different
courts handling these appeals. 2 courts said no hunt, but 1 said yes go ahead and kill. All of
this is now in highest court and they announced to me yesterday they will not reach a decision
before New Year. That means they dont open until the 4th of January 2016 and by then some
20+ wolves will be slaughtered. The hunt on them start January 2nd and the hunters pre trace
these wolves spite it being illegal, and they pretty much always wipe the entire quota the very
first weekend they hunt. All parties in parliament except the Left party (Vnsterpartiet) in
Sweden voted for the law change that I refer to as The Bill to Kill, and unfortunately that
also goes for the Green party as shocking as it might seem. I have run out of options and the
only thing left is to try go back out and risk those bullets again, I dont think I can save many
more wolves though because these hunters do not care if people die. The way they acted last
year gives me full reason to think someone might even be ready to take what little time they
would get for an accident. But I dont know what else to do anymore. This is my plea for
help. I need the world to help me stop this, because it is so out of hand there really is no words
left for it. I am asking the animal protectors of the world to stand up and help these wolves
before its too late because I am truly in despair. I thank you for taking the time to read my

Carola Ankar,
Human shield for wolves and founder of APO Sweden.

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