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Aries Horoscope 2016

Year 2016 is starting with Saturn in Scorpio, Jupiter in Leo and Rahu ketu will change to Leo
and Aquarius respectively on 31st January. I will be sharing the effects on various aspects of
your life for the year 2016 and the remedies which will help you progress in all areas of your life.

Wishing you a happy and prosperous new year.

Family life: You will not be able to enjoy the fruits of married life fully as the seventh house is in
paapkartari to some extent, thus there will be unnecessary quarrels and there will be unwanted
tensions in the home. Aries people are usually short tempered and they dont regret even if they
have done something wrong. This year you will have to keep a cool head and try to understand
things rather than spoiling them further with your anger and frustration.

As the moon will be with Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius you may have some disputes with your
mother, your relation with your father will also be not good and you will have an instinct to go
against his wishes. You have to control this habit and try to listen to him and other elderly
members of the family.

Your relations with your kids will be also unsatisfactory, they may have an increase in their
weight and also there could be health issues of normal nature every now and then with them.

Health: Till August 2016 there will not be much to worry as far as health issues are concerned,
you will have normal problems and will recover sooner than expected. Mostly there will be
issues related to stomach, indigestion, acidity, Sexual diseases, pain in the lower limbs. But
after August 2016, things may exacerbate and you may have to be hospitalized.

Finance: Stay away from share markets this year, and other short cut methods of becoming
rich overnight, you have to keep in mind that this is the year to save and not spend or invest.
Things will get better from August onward and you will be able to save. Still, share market is not
for you this year. People who are going through the DBA( Dasha, Bhukti, Antara) of Saturn or
Rahu need to have extra patience and calm attitude this year.

Career: Your 10th lord Saturn is transiting in 8th house and he is also the lord for 11th house.
Ketu will be afflicting your 11th house. This is not at all desirable, you need to put in extra efforts
and do not lose hope and the will to succeed. You will get many things you have wished but
there will be tormenting delay, after august time will change for good as Jupiter will go out of the
axis of Rahu and ketu and will be able to give good results. Those who are running DBA of
Jupiter will get extra benefits in career progression after august 2016. Trust your own hard work
till august as luck may forget you without notice.

Business: For people into business, this year is not going to be very beneficial. Those who are
going to start new and big projects will face unnecessary delays and dejections and their deeds
will fulfilled at the last minute. So do no lose hope and remain optimistic, finally you will reach
there but have patience. Those into the business of lending/finance may face severe losses and
may become victim of forgery. Those running DBA (dashi bhukti Antara) of Rahu need to be
very careful. Things will improve after august 2016 to some extent.

Romance: This is not the year for romance etc., there are chances of having relations with
person of other cast or culture but it is going to give you harm rather than any mental or material
profit. After August, things will further worsen and you will have more irritation and anger with
respect to this aspect of your life.

Sex life: This year you are going to have a lot of tensions so either male or female, you are not
going to enjoy sexual encounters, Men may feel some deficiency in performing sexual acts. It
will be wiser to stick to one partner, married or unmarried, and do not try to have multiple
pleasures which you people like a lot. Keep the frequency minimum to have maximum pleasure
out of it.

Days of caution: 14th march to 14th April, 1st September to 10th October, 16th November to
28th December these are the periods when you should avoid any major financial or otherwise

Remedial Astrology: In general you should worship Lord Hanuman twice daily, wear a silver
locket of lord Hanuman ji and recite hanuman chalisa twice daily. Reciting kanakdhaara stotra
daily will also be beneficial. If you are going through Rahu or Ketu Antara throughout 2016
then do recite devi kawach from durga saptshati of geeta press Gorakhpur and wear locket
of goddess Kali. Those running Saturn Antara will be benefited by worshipping Lord Hanuman ji,
those going through Venus Antara will have better results by worshiping Goddess Laxmi ji.

Taurus Horoscope 2016

Family life: As long as you will be doing what is told to do by your spouse, you will have very
cordial and good relations; otherwise there can be big issues with him/her. But they wont last
long and there is not to worry much, Saturn is transiting in your 7th house but it is a yogakarak
planet for you as per traditional Hindu astrology by being lord and an angle and a trine.

You will not have good relations with your mother and there will be minor scuffles here and
there, but your father has good chances to prosper this year and you will have good relations
with him. He will also have good relations with your spouse but your mother may not have so
good relations with him/her is what says horoscope 2016 for you.

Health: In general the natives of Taurus ascendant keep a good and fit figure, you will have
increase in your body weight and your food will include heavy foods like butter, sweets etc after
august. You should stay away from being lethargic. You may suffer from issues of eyes, joint
pains, intestine etc thus it will be very much in your favor to do regular exercise.

Finance: Your financial condition will be good in general, after august there will be more income
and that too from multiple sources. You may gain from shares also after august 2016. Before
august simple forget share market. You should control your expenses and dont make rapid
purchases. You will get good money this year so not much to worry about.

Career: This is not a good year for salaried people; you may face conspiracies against you at
your workplace. You may be accused of something you have not done and there could be
unnecessary defamation. You may leave your present job this year; you may have very bad
relation with your seniors. People in government Jobs should be more careful.

Business: People doing any kind of business will have a better time, those doing business in
the name of their wives or with them will have extra benefits. But there are chances to become
victim of cheating and forgery so you should have the right approach towards people. There are
good chances after august for financial prosperity; you will have good finances throughout even
if you face many problems.

Romance: This is a good year for having an affair!!! You will enjoy the company of your beloved
and will have a lot of time to share together. Things will become better as time will pass by.
Whenever mercury is combust or transits in Leo or Aquarius then in these periods do not
quarrel with your partner and dont have any suspicions on him/her otherwise you may spoil
forever a good and promising relationship.

Sex life: You will have sex in your mind most of the time this year, and you are going to do it a
lot many times. Married couples will not enjoy the company of each other and may try to mate
with others to quench their sexual desires. This year your illicit relations will be dominating or
you will be having a deep desire to have an affair out of your marriage.

Days of caution: Whenever moon transits in Leo, Sagittarius, Aquarius, Aries then in this time
you should behave responsibly and avoid major decisions. Same way when Mars transits in
Scorpio, Aquarius or Leo you must keep a cool head. Avoid major financial or personal
decisions between the periods 19th march to 3rd april, 12TH September to 10th October 2016.

Remedial Astrology: If you are passing through DBA of Saturn then you should recite
dashrath krat shani stotra and Hanuman Chalisa, if running DBA of Jupiter then recites beej
mantras of Jupiter, wear a pearl and fast on Thursdays. If you are going through Rahu or Ketu
antara throughout 2016 then do recite devi kawach from durga saptshati of geeta press
gorakhpur and wear locket of goddess Kali. Pranayaam will be very good if you can do it on a
regular basis.

Gemini Horoscope 2016

Family Life: This is going to be a good year for family life on the whole. Some minor things are
common everywhere but most of the year is going to be good, you will get some good advice
from your spouse so it is better to listen to them carefully. You will have good relations with your
mother and after august she will have good health also. You will not have cordial relations with
your father but he will have good progress in his career. Your spouse may have some issues
with your brothers and sisters.

Health: Health can be the point which will be disturbing you off and on in 2016, if you are
passing through Saturn Mahadasha or the Antara then you better be careful. You may have
problems of throat, liver, back pain, shoulders and sex organs in 2016.
Finance: This is going to a year of status quo, you will not be gaining much but you will not be
losing much. You will try to maintain balance in your incomes and expenses but overspending is
something which is very difficult for you to stop. You need to control this habit. You may find
yourself trapped in debts if you didnt stopped your over spending. It is better to buy a costly
thing in cash rather than on EMI.
Career: For salaried natives the period after august is going to very good and if you are going
through the Antara of Jupiter then goodness will increase manifold. Otherwise also you will have
good time throughout and your works will be appreciated.
Your communication skills will be much appreciated and you will do a lot of humor and make
people around you laugh a lot. You have to keep in mind that you have no right to belittle others
and thus when making fun or playing prank make sure no one gets hurt emotionally. This is a
good year for people in media. IT people will also get to see good times ahead.

Business: There are many chances you will find to make money this year. Many of you will use
illegal ways to generate more wealth. You will be successful in your many attempts. You will
have multiple sources to make money from. So remain cautious and vigilant. Money lenders
will make good profits; also people in the field of education will make good amounts or profits.

Romance: You are a romantic person by birth; this year also is going to be very good in this
exercise. You are not able to focus in one place easily and this drawback makes you a suffer lot
in your later life. If you can focus on one thing at a time then it will be very beneficial for you. In
any case this will be a good year so enjoy it.
Sex life: You have good amount of sexual urge in you but it is more on the mental plane rather
than on bed, this year also your sex life will not be so good because of your own airy way of
experiencing it. You should understand that doing something for real is a better thing than
thinking about it alone, try to indulge but not overindulge. Do not try to have sex outside
marriage otherwise you will land in a big trouble.
Days of caution: Whenever moon transits Taurus, Scorpio, Capricorn then avoid major
decisions and the same you should do between 30th April to 16th July, 25th august to 19th
September. When sun will transit in the signs Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius then you should keep a
cool head and do not quarrel with anyone.
Remedial Astrology: Wear an Emerald of small size and recite devi kawach from Durga
saptshati of geeta press Gorakhpur if you are passing through DBA of Rahu or ketu. For
Saturn dasa it is better to go to hanuman ji temple, which is situated in a lonely place, every
Tuesday and Saturday and light a small lamp of jasmine oil in the evenings after dark. In
general, reciting Vishnu sahastranaam will be helping all natives.

Cancer Horoscope 2016

Family life: In general, I have observed that cancer ascendant natives do not have a very
happy married life, probably because of the enmity between Moon and Saturn. The Saturn will
also ruling over the 8th house. This year also you will have lot many things to correct at this
front. There will be many obstacles or tensions not directly due to your spouse but because of
other people. You will actually have good tuning with your spouse this year. After august, things
will get better for you.

Health: Eyes, stomach, thighs, nerves are going to be most affected this year. You may also
become prey to food poisoning thus avoid unhealthy and unhygienic foods. It is better to take
Ayurveda or homeopathic medicines as far as possible rather than allopathic. You should keep
yourself busy in company of friends or family.
Finance: The house of bank balance is afflicted by Rahu, aspected by Saturn and Jupiter will
also leave it after august. Thus it is better to save rather than feel sorry later on, do not trust
anyone who asks for money and do everything in writing not by word of mouth. There are very
good chances of gain of money this year but it will be delayed to a great extent and the other
thing is that it is very much probable that you yourself may spend the earnings or profits and
remain with nothing in the end. So be careful when opening your wallet.
Career: This is going to be a great year for career; the sixth lord aspecting sixth and tenth
houses both so you will have good career progression. There can be some minor glitches
because of the conjunction of Rahu with Jupiter, but there is nothing much to worry. This is a
good year to change the job and for promotions also this year will be very promising. You may
have disputes with the frontline staff of your organization. If you are running DBA of Jupiter then
the results will be best.

Business: This will be a good year for businessmen, those who are having Jupiter DBA will see
the best of it but others too will gain for sure. You should keep in mind that ego destroys
everything and so you should not let your ego overpower you in case of very huge amounts of
gains otherwise you will be left with nothing in the end.
Romance: This is a good period for romantic adventures. You may fall in love with someone
older than you and /or from other religion. You generally do not have success in love affairs but
this is not the year to think all those things and go ahead and grab the happiness coming ahead
your way.
Sex life: This is not a good year as far as sexual contentment is concerned because ketu is
afflicting your 8th house which will give problems to both men and women equally. You may try
to indulge in unnatural sexual acts or try to have sex outside your marriage and be defamed due
to it. It is better to stick to your valid partner no matter how much your sexual urges provoke you
to take the wrong measures.
Days of caution: It will be wise to avoid any investments from 17th April to 29th June. Take
control of your attitude and remain calm, in the time period of 25th July to 6th September.
Whenever moon is transiting in Leo, Sagittarius, Aquarius, Gemini then in this time dont take
any major decisions of any kind.

Remedial astrology: Those passing through DBA of Saturn should seek help from Lord
Hanuman ji only, reciting hanuman chalisa is the best way to ward off evil effects of Saturn
those with Jupiter DBA should fast on Thursdays and donate to a Brahmin food or clothes or
both as per financial possibility. Those with DBA of Rahu Ketu should recite devi kawach
from geeta press Gorakhpur thrice daily.

Leo Horoscope 2016

Family Life: This is year going to be good for some people and you are one of them. You will
enjoy the year throughout, you will have amicable relations with your spouse and there will be
good understanding in general. The affliction of Rahu will cause some problems but will not be
able to cause much damage. You will have good relations with your father but there can be
some difference of opinion with mother. You will gel up well with your relatives and near and
dear ones.

Health: You will have good health mostly; there will be some problems after 31st January but
not much. You will gain weight thus it is advised to stop eating butter, sweets, ice creams etc.
which will cause that unwanted gain in the weight.
Finance: You will have good financial status this year; there will be smoothness in your day to
day life. You will feel good and will be doing progress in your works thus the flow of money will
be there for you. After 11th august 2016 you will have more inflow of cash in your bank account.
Those with DBA of Jupiter will have the best results after august.
Career: This is going to be a good year for salaried people. You will have good progress in your
career objectives and goals. Your efforts will be recognized and appreciated by your coworkers
and seniors. You will get better paying job or increments in the current job itself. Those with
Jupiter DBA will have the best results.

Business: Those into business will be most benefited if they are passing through Jupiter DBA.
You will see yourself that there is a positive growth in all your ventures, and bank balance will
make you happier each month. Those into real estate will not be much benefited. After 11th
august you can try your luck in lotteries and shares but carefully.
Romance: This dimension of your life will also prove to be very good for you. If you are not
married then this year there can be the grand marriage function. There will be peace and
tranquility in your personal relationships which is a boon in present world. After 11th august,
things will get better only.
Sex Life: The natives of Leo are very interested and excited about sex in general, this year you
will be enjoying it fully up to your satisfaction. You will feel not only energetic, but also your will
get desired support from your partner which will give you great level of satisfaction in sexual
acts. After 11th august 2016 your sex drive will increase further.
Days of Caution: When moon will transit in the signs Leo, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces then you
should avoid travels and keep your calm and avoid major decisions. Between 28th Jan to 15th
Feb also you should not take any major personal or financial decisions. When Mars will transit
Leo, Aquarius, Pisces then you should be careful overall. Avoid purchases from internet
between 28th Mar to 12th April and keep away from share market.
Remedial Astrology: If you are running through DBA of Saturn then you should visit hanuman
ji temple daily and offer the clothing prescribed for the lord for 5 weeks continuously on
Tuesdays. Do charity and feed the poor. If passing through DBA of Rahu or ketu then you
should recite devi kawach thrice a day from Durga saptshati of geeta press Gorakhpur.

Virgo Horoscope 2016

Family Life: You will not have cordial relations with your life partner; there can be separation for
few weeks or months in the coming time. Small things can become most disturbing. You will
have good relations with your parents but sometimes things may take very chronic shape and
will disturb all of you. You may have some rift with your brothers or sisters and also with your
maternal uncle. After 11th august, things will become better gradually.

Health: Till 11th august there can be some or other issues related to health disturbing you. You
may have to bear mental tensions and trauma in this period. You may have problems in face,
throat, digestive system, intestines. You should practice regular exercise and proper food
habits, you may suffer from gastritis.
Finance: you may face financial losses, Jupiter is prime significator of wealth and it will be
transiting in the 12th house thus creating problems in earning. There are fair chances to be
cheated by someone thus it is advised to keep vigil on your financial transactions and day to
day dealings. There are indications that someone you trust may betray you in the coming year.
Career: People from media will be most benefited, you have a clean 10th house thus you will
have normal progress in the time to come. After august you will have good progress and you will
earn name and fame. You will get support from your seniors and officials and you will perform
better in your all works.

Business: You will have good time after 11th august, if you are going through dasa of Jupiter,
otherwise also normal growth will be there for you till august and after that you will have better
prospects. It is better to avoid any huge investments till august 2016 and try to save as much as
possible. Do not think much of spending this year but thought of saving should be in your mind.
Do not finalize any bid deal or partnership etc till august 15th.
Romance: You will have good relations this year, if you are willing to have an affair then this is
a good time for the same, those who are already having an affair will have lot of good time to
spend with each other. The only thing you need to keep in mind is keep away from negativity of
any sort and don`t let suspicion overrule your brain.
Sex Life: You will be having good sex life this year. Although Men may feel lack of potency at
times but overall picture is very encouraging. You may develop interest in unnatural ways of sex
and having sex out of marriage; those who will do so will have good experiences but only till
august 10th. After that it will be wiser for you to stick to your own partner.
Days of Caution: Between 16th February to 12th March you need to keep your money with you
and avoid any major spending, you may incur unnecessary losses due to it. Moon in Leo,
Aquarius, and Aries is the period when you should avoid travels and keep cool.

Remedial Astrology: you should recite Vishnu sahastranaam stotra daily; reciting shri suktam
thrice a day will be good for you to increase financial sources. Fasting on Thursdays till 11th
august 2016 will be good for you.

Libra Horoscope 2016


Family Life: You will not have cordial relations with your life partner; there can be separation for
few weeks or months in the coming time. Small things can become most disturbing. You will
have good relations with your parents but sometimes things may take very chronic shape and
will disturb all of you. You may have some rift with your brothers or sisters and also with your
maternal uncle. After 11th august, things will become better gradually.

Health: Till 11th august there can be some or other issues related to health disturbing you. You
may have to bear mental tensions and trauma in this period. You may have problems in face,
throat, digestive system, intestines. You should practice regular exercise and proper food
habits, you may suffer from gastritis.

Finance: you may face financial losses, Jupiter is prime significator of wealth and it will be
transiting in the 12th house thus creating problems in earning. There are fair chances to be
cheated by someone thus it is advised to keep vigil on your financial transactions and day to
day dealings. There are indications that someone you trust may betray you in the coming year.

Career: People from media will be most benefited, you have a clean 10th house thus you will
have normal progress in the time to come. After august you will have good progress and you will
earn name and fame. You will get support from your seniors and officials and you will perform
better in your all works.

Business: You will have good time after 11th august, if you are going through dasa of Jupiter,
otherwise also normal growth will be there for you till august and after that you will have better
prospects. It is better to avoid any huge investments till august 2016 and try to save as much as
possible. Do not think much of spending this year but thought of saving should be in your mind.
Do not finalize any bid deal or partnership etc till august 15th.

Romance: You will have good relations this year, if you are willing to have an affair then this is
a good time for the same, those who are already having an affair will have lot of good time to
spend with each other. The only thing you need to keep in mind is keep away from negativity of
any sort and don`t let suspicion overrule your brain.

Sex Life: You will be having good sex life this year. Although Men may feel lack of potency at
times but overall picture is very encouraging. You may develop interest in unnatural ways of sex
and having sex out of marriage; those who will do so will have good experiences but only till
august 10th. After that it will be wiser for you to stick to your own partner.

Days of Caution: Between 16th February to 12th March you need to keep your money with you
and avoid any major spending, you may incur unnecessary losses due to it. Moon in Leo,
Aquarius, and Aries is the period when you should avoid travels and keep cool.
Remedial Astrology: you should recite Vishnu sahastranaam stotra daily; reciting shri suktam
thrice a day will be good for you to increase financial sources. Fasting on Thursdays till 11th
august 2016 will be good for you.

Scorpio Horoscope 2016

Family life: You will have good relations with your brothers and sisters. Your personal life will
be full of many ups and downs but after august you will feel much better as many problems will
start to vanish. You will not have good relations with your mother and there will be one or other
thing going on between you. You will get good cooperation from your father. You will get
happiness from kids but their stubborn nature may bring up some moments of troubles.

Health: This year there is not much health issues but you will have delaying attitude in your day
to day life and you may turn lethargic. Specially those who are running dasa of saturn will feel
this more than others. Your nature will get a bit irritating and you will not trust people easily.
Stomach, Heart, Lower limbs are the areas where trouble can originate.

Finance: Your lord of second house is Jupiter which is going to be with rahu for a long time this
year. Rahui is a natural malefic and most of the works where forgery is done this planet is
working from behind. Therefore it is better to keep your money safe till 11th You can try to get
profits from shares and and lotteries if allowed. Ig running Jupiter DBA then the time after
august is going to be very fruitful for you.

Career: There can be problems in the job this year, your own dominant attitude can be one of
the triggers and you may lose your job. Thus it is advised to keep cool n calm till august, there
are many chances to have a hot talk or physical abuse with a senior official at your work place.

Business: This year will be good for business, you will make profits. You will adopt illegal ways
and will succeed in them, you will get best profits in low category products. Those dealing in
waste materials, spurious liquors, duplicate books etc will make good profits. You may be
cheated by fellow businessmen but on the other hand your friends will be very helpful and
they will get things done for you.

Romance: This is a dimension which is going to keep you happy this year but after august. Till
then you have to maintain your relations on your own smartness. It is possible that you may
stop talking to each other for a few days but it will resume again so do not panic about it. After
august things will barely be smooth for you.

Sex Life: This year you are going to enjoy sexual acts in abundance. Your relations will be very
fruitful for you in this regard. Your extramarital relations will also give you the pleasure of the
union. You may become inclined to have unnatural sex.

Days of caution: You should avoid travels whenever moon is transiting in Gemini. Do not take
major decisions when moon transits Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius.9th to 20th January, 7th March
to 6th April, 1st to 17th may,25th June to 20th July, 7th to 19th September, 8th October to 21st
November, 22december 2016 to 4th January 2017 avoid big investments, decisions,
purchases etc.

Remedial Astrology: Reciting hanuman chalisa is the best remedy for you and keeping your
house neat and clean is the second. Dont be jealous of others.

Sagittarius Horoscope 2016

Family Life: You are prone to have serious differences with family members but only some
times, otherwise things are looking great for you. You will have good relations with your mother
and will have a smooth married life. You may have some issues with your brothers and sisters,
which may turn into a serious matter but that, will depend upon your individual horoscopes.
Those running ketu DBA will have the major losses or differences. You will not gel well with your
father and there will be difference of opinion on many things. Things will improve after august

Health: This year you may have issues related to impurity of the blood, food poisoning, defects
in the liver, problems in the eye. You may feel low at many times.

Finance: Those running Saturn DBA should remain cautious as there can be sudden expenses
and your bank balance may decrease due to it. Someone can cheat you financially thus you
better be careful I your financial dealings. Those with Jupiter DBA also need to remain alert.
People may try to forge your signature and misuse it.

Career: For salaried people this is going to be a good year particularly after august. There are
many chances of promotion, hikes, and new jobs. You will get cooperation from your seniors
and your performance will be very good but all this will happen after august and till then you
need to remain careful and amicable with one and all.

Business: For business person this is not going to be a good year, you need to keep away from
illegal means otherwise you may land in jail. In general also you should take decisions after
giving it a good consideration.

Romance: The year is average for love affairs and there is not much to be happy about or sad.
The only thing you need is to remain open to each other so that there is complete transparency
between you both. The time till august is not very helpful but after that things will get better.

Sex Life: This will be a good year for fulfillment of your lust. You will have a lot of desire in you
and you will be able to fulfill it by straight or other methods. You may have physical relations
with a widow or a person from other religion.

Days of caution: Whenever moon is in Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius then it is better to avoid major
decisions and remain cool and dont quarrel. Avoid major purchases, investments between 14th
may to 20th may, 16th July to 15th august, 16th November to 17th December 2016.

Remedial Astrology: Recite ramcharit manas daily and if possible also recite ramraksha
stotra daily.

Capricorn Horoscope 2016

Family Life: This is not a good year for cordial family life. There will be differences with family
members and for no reason there will be hot talks. Your parents will have better of you but you
may have quarrels with your brother. Marital life will also be unhappy, there can be serious
issues with your life partner, you should have control over your tongue otherwise you are the
one who will be hurt most in the end.

Health: Mental tensions, indigestion, headaches, eye problems, kidney and liver problems will
be faced by you mostly in the coming year. It will be better for you to consume water as much
as possible and do morning walks. Eat more green vegetables in your daily food.
Finance: when Rahu or ketu transits in second house, it is very much likely that you will face
loss of wealth. That could be due to increased expenses, cheating by friends, or theft etc. Those
who are running through Ketu DBA and if ketu is a significator of bad houses in their horoscope,
then they will be worst hit by this transit those with Saturn dasa will have good time throughout
the year.
Career: You will have appraisals coming your way. Chances of getting a new and better job are
also there; whatever wishes you had about your job are having very high chances to be fulfilled
this year. Those with Rahu, Ketu or Jupiter DBA may face some problems but other natives will
surely have a good time ahead.

Business: If you are going through dasa of ketu, Jupiter, or Rahu then there are chances of
losses and you should remain very alert in your dealings. There will be profits also and you
should remain focused, you will get investors for your projects and your business will also see
Romance: This is a good year for having an affair! So dont wait, you will meet your match this
year and those who are into it already will have a good time ahead. You will have good vibes
this year. All you need to do it is to express yourself and open up with others so that they can
understand what you are looking for.
Sex life: This year will bring lot of things to do for you. Sexual pleasures being one of them, you
will try to have sex with other people also instead of only with your spouse. There is very
possibility that you indulge in unnatural sexual acts. If you try too much to have it, you may get
into big trouble so choice is yours.

Days of Caution: Whenever moon transits Leo Avoid travels. When moon transits Leo,
Scorpio, Aquarius avoid major decisions. 9th to 20th January, 7th ,march to 6th April,1st to
17th may, 25th June to 20th July, 7th to 19th September, 8th October to 21st November, 22nd
December 2016 to 4th Jan 2017 Avoid these period for any big investments, deals or
Remedial Astrology: Reciting Hanuman chalisa is the best remedy which will be advised to all
the natives of Capricorn.

Aquarius Horoscope 2016

Family Life: You will have a normal family life this year. Though Rahu will be afflicting your 7th
house but presence of Jupiter in 7th house till August will correct many things. After August
there can be problems but not very serious ones. You will get desired support from your
relatives and your relations with your parents will be good.
Health: Till august there will be a normalcy but afterwards there can be problems related to your
head, brain and the specific private reproductive body parts. Eye Problems can also occur. You
are advised to consume as much water as you can and should quit smoking and drinking.
Finance: You will have good financial condition this year but keep in mind that too much of
philanthropy will result in a big loss in your bank balance, which is just not desirable in the
present times. Do not lend money to anyone; there are good chances, your friends doing favors.
You will be making money but will not be able to save it! Will be the main problem for you this
Career: Those who are running Dasha of Saturn will have good time till coming 3-4 years.
Those who are passing through (DASHA, BHUKTI, ANTARA) of Jupiter (guru) will face
obstacles but in time to come they will also have good time. Those with ketu or Rahu (DASHA,
BHUKTI, ANTARA) will have many problems. In general, for career the year is good for all
natives. There are chances to get promotion, better job and salary hikes.

Business: This is going to be a good year for people in business also, those with Saturn
(DASHA, BHUKTI, ANTARA) will have the best times and those with ketu (DASHA, BHUKTI,
ANTARA) will be having not so good period. You should do things wisely if you are passing
through Ketu (DASHA, BHUKTI, ANTARA). There will be inflow of money and it will keep you
busy and happy but try to be transparent if you are doing business in partnership as from august
there can be some differences between you and your partners.
Romance: Things will move in their normal speed, you will not be paying much attention
towards romance as this year you will be busy in other things. Those who are having an affair
they will be able to continue as it is and those who are willing to have, should speak their heart
out to the one they want. It will be better to have complete openness with your partner and do
not lie.
Sex Life: You will have an enjoyable sex life this year. You will have deep thirst for it and will
quench it not only at home but also at places where you can do it easily and securely. Avoid too
much of sex otherwise you may have the chances of getting hospitalized.
Days of caution: When moon will transit in Virgo You should avoid travels. 30th April to 13th
July, 12th September to 10th October avoid these periods for any major investments. When
moon will be present in Scorpio, Leo, Aquarius then you should not take any major decisions
and try to stay calm.
Remedial Astrology: Those passing through (DASHA, BHUKTI, and ANTARA) of Rahu or ketu
should recite Devi kawach from Durga saptshati of Geeta press Gorakhpur and wear a locket
of Goddess Kali ji. Rest can recite Hanuman chalisa and Bajrang Baan to ward off any evils.
Reciting Shree Ram charit manas daily will be also very good for you.

Pisces Horoscope 2016

Family Life: You will not be able to gel properly with your family members, no matter how much
you try there will less harmony. Married life will also be getting better after august 2016. You will
have good relations with your mother but with father there will be some problems. Listen to
everyone carefully and do not degrade anyone.

Health: Those who are running the DBA of Jupiter will face maximum problems. The problems
will be related to blood, liver, kidney etc. Doing regular exercise is a must for you. Avoid junk
Finance: Finance will be normal this year, you will not be doing overspending. Till august things
will be fine. After that you will have to be cautious because rahu will be left alone. You will buy
new things for your convenience.
Career: There can be initial problems but keep it in mind that you will get many chances to
grow. You may find a good job this year but keep in mind that do no leave the present job until
unless you find another one.

Business: The natives of leo ascendant will be quite benefited after 11th Till then you need to
be cautious and do your works with care and caution. You can find new friends and partners
who will be helpful in promoting your business. Those with Saturn will get maximum benefits.
Romance: Your love relations are going to be smooth, but if you are wanting propose to
someone then my suggestion is to wait till mid-august. It is possible that the person whom you
like now may not remain your favorite by then and someone else can come into your heart.
Sex Life: your sex life is not going to be very satisfactory this year. Your time will be consumed
in mental tensions mostly and you will not be able to enjoy this dimension of your life this year.
You may develop symptoms of partial impotency.
Days of Caution: Do not take major decisions between 25th march to 13th august and when
moon transits in Libra avoid any long travels. When moon is in Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius- keep
your cool.
Remedial Astrology: You should fast on Thursdays and feed cows with yellow rice. You should
also donate yellow clothes to a Brahmin who is very old and is not able to walk by himself. Or to
a handicapped person you can donate all this things.

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