Galang Et Al Studied 2011 Identified The Importance of Human Resource Management On Malaysian Small and Medium Enterprises in The Service Sector

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Discussion From Previous Literature

The Effect of Staffing levels on Organisation Performance

Carmichael2011 studied The effect of staffing levels on organisation performance The paper
presents a review of organisation staffing and outlines experiments used to validate the theory.
Staffing levels are examined from an output or production orientation in situations where a
moderate number of staff functions as a pool of workers that perform similar operations. Both
the experimental results and the model indicate that there is an optimum level of staffing which
maximises the 'profit' of an organisation. Results from the research also point out that a group
should not be greatly overstaffed. Increasing the number of workers creates more output and
hence brings more benefits for the organisation. However, the cost of additional workers is
constant, while the benefits that each worker brings decreases as the number of workers
increases. An optimisation study is recommended for establishing the appropriate number of
employees in an organisation.
Impact of Job Design on Employee Performance, Mediating Role of Job Satisfaction
Nisbat Ali & Muhammad Zia-ur-Rehman 2014 studied Impact of Job Design on Employee
Performance, Mediating Role of Job Satisfaction The present study intends to measure the effect
of job design on employee performance while the mediation effect is job satisfaction
Quantitative method of research was adopted and received 90% responses out of 150 sample
size. Findings of the present research indicate a positive relationship between job design and
employee performance. While the mediating effect of Job satisfaction is also found having a
positive effect on employees performance. Organizations always have quest of finding the
unique ways in order to enhance the performance of the employees, this research would help to
analyze that how an adequate job design would help to increase the employee performance.
Impact of Training and Development on Organizational Performance
Khan et al 2011 studied "Impact of Training and Development on Organizational Performance"
according to the study Impact of Training and Development on Organizational
Performance Four Hypotheses are developed to see the Impact of all the independent
variables on the overall Organizational Performance. The Hypotheses show that all these have
significant affect on Organizational Performance. These Hypotheses came from the literature
review and we have also proved them with the help of literature review. Results show that
Training and Development, On the Job Training, Training Design and Delivery style have
significant affect on Organizational Performance and all these have positively affect the
Organizational Performance. It means it increases the overall organizational performance. We
also prove our Hypothesis through empirical data. However, results are strongly based on the
literature review.

Jennifer Kim Lian Chan studied The Empirical Evidence of Human Resource Practices by SMEs
in Accommodation: Issues of Training, Benefits and Staff Retention This paper contributes to the
understanding of human resource practices with regards to its key functional areas within the
small and medium firms by small and medium-sized accommodation firms as compared to large
companies. The small and medium-sized firms within the accommodation sector do not
implement formalised human resource systems and practices, and it seems that limited key
functional areas of human resources only three areas, namely recruitment, training and TEAM
incentives - are deemed necessary and currently practised. These findings have implications
in terms of future growth or expansion of the small and medium-sized firms, which are
important contributors to the Malaysian economy.
Impact of Performance Appraisal on Organizational Success
Iain S. MacKenzie 2000 studied performance appraisal system for organizational success.. The
purpose of this applied research project is to identify the issues associated with performance
appraisals and identify proven and suitable methodologies which will result in a process that is
credible and equitable and reinforces organizational success.
The research methodology used was an evaluative approach. The specific research
questions were developed to identify the impact of performance appraisal organizational success
1. What is the purpose of performance appraisals?
2. What should be measured in performance appraisals?
3. How can individual performance appraisals add to organizational success?
This research recommends that current performance appraisal systems be redeveloped to
focus on outputs and be structured in such a way to reinforce desired behavioural patterns and to
reward rather than just provide for punitive measures.
Impact of Regulatory Policies on Organizational Performance
Cary Coglianese (2012) evaluate the impact of regulation and regulatory policies on
organizational performance This paper develops a framework for systematically evaluating the
performance of regulations and regulatory policies. Offering an accessible account of the
fundamentals of evaluation, the paper explains the need for indicators to measure relevant
outcomes of concern and research designs to support inferences about the extent to which a
regulation or regulatory policy under evaluation has actually caused any change in the measured
outcomes. Indicators depend on the specific problems of concern to policymakers as well as on
data availability, but the best indicators will generally be those that measure the ultimate problem
the regulation or policy was intended to solve. In addition, research designs should seek to
emulate the structure of laboratory experiments in order to permit valid causal inferences about
the impacts of a regulation or policy under review. The paper discusses strategies for controlling
confounders and attributing broad economic effects to regulation. . To know whether a regulation
works, governments need reliable indicators that will measure the full range of outcomes,
positive and negative, caused by that regulation. Those rules, procedures and practices that
govern the rule-making process itself are intended to improve regulators decisions, and hence to
deliver both substantive and process outcomes. Unfortunately regulatory policies have until now
been far too often recommended without serious evaluation to support them.

Impact of Health and Safety on Organizational Performance

Emmanuel I. Akpan 2011 studied Effective Safety and Health Management Policy for Improved
Performance of Organizations in Africa Improving performance in organization may be
described by way of enhancing effort towards increasing output level and quality. To accomplish
this goal means efforts of employees are required in task performance. Effective execution of
such essential employee responsibility, to a great extent, depends on the level of safety in the
workplace. Management policy, especially in the developing economies is yet to properly
address the issue of employee health and safety. This has resulted in frequent accidents and
hazards, leading to high costs in the areas of hospital bills, salaries for hospitalized workers and
compensations. High labor turnover, absenteeism, strained management-labor relationships,
operational inefficiency, and ultimately decreasing performance become noticeable in such
organizations. To satisfy workers safety needs and motivate them, ceteris paribus, management
must maintain effective health and safety programs should be introduced in organizations
Role of HRM on SME`s
Selajdin Abduli 2013 studied The Role of Human Resources in Performance Management of
SMEs according to the study, In enterprises, humans are identified as the main source which
provides competitive advantage, whereas human resource management (HRM) should play the
leading role as "locomotive" for small and medium size enterprises (SMEs. In the paper The role
of Human Resources Department The role of Human Resources Professional, The role of
compensation in business organizations, Performance Management and Evaluation were studied
and analysed The paper focuses on a theoretical and descriptive analysis, comparative and
synthetic methods for the purpose of identifying and analyzing the factors that determine the
need for changes in human resource management. Moreover, the paper uses the following
methods: the method of induction and deduction, surveys through interviews and questionnaires,
and comparative methods. It is concluded that there is a link between the growth performance
and effectiveness of the company employees. By analyzing the results we can conclude that there
is a strong positive relationship between performance and efficiency of the enterprise.
Galang et al studied 2011 identified the importance of human resource management on
Malaysian small and medium enterprises in the service sector. It is an empirical study. The
purpose of this study is to examine the difference in employee job satisfaction and organizational
performance in comparison of those organizations who do not have human resource department.
Data was collected from small and medium enterprises of Malaysia 200 questionnaires were
distributed but only 43 responses were received. Results of the research reveals that there is a
significant difference there is a significant difference between organization with human resource
department against organizations who does not have their own human resource department in
terms of employees training and development, performance appraisal, employee relations and
communication and also in terms of employees job satisfaction.
Abdul Raziq studied 2011 "High performance management practices in manufacturing and
service-based SMEs. A comparative study", This study reports comparative analysis of high
performance management practices (HPMP) in Pakistani SMEs by using data from 436
manufacturing and service-based organisations. The findings of this study suggest that

there is a significant difference between manufacturing and service-based SMEs regarding the
adoption of HPMP. Service-based SMEs have adopted more formal recruitment, selection,
compensation, training, and performance appraisal practices in comparison to manufacturing
SMEs. However, consultation practices were found to be associated more with manufacturing
SMEs than service-based SME.
G. Carmichael " Organisation Staffing Optimisation Using Deterministic Reneging Queuing
Model" 2011 International Conference on Innovation, Management and Service IPEDR
vol.14(2011) (2011) IACSIT Press, Singapore 1,2,3 School of Civil and Environmental Engineering,
The University of New South Wales

Nisbat Ali1 & Muhammad Zia-ur-Rehman2 " Impact of Job Design on Employee Performance,
Mediating Role of Job Satisfaction: A Study of FMCGs Sector in Pakistan" International Journal
of Business and Management; Vol. 9, No. 2; 2014 ISSN 1833-3850 E-ISSN 1833-8119
Published by Canadian Center of Science and Education.
Aslam Khan " Impact of Training and Development on Organizational Performance", Global
Journal of Management and Business ResearchVolume 11 Issue 7 Version 1.0 July 2011.
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social
Sciences April 2013, Vol. 3, No. 4 ISSN: 2222-6990 223
Jennifer Kim Lian Chan " The Empirical Evidence of Human Resource Practices by
SMEs in Accommodation: Issues of Training, Benefits and Staff Retention" Universiti
Malaysia Sabah, Sabah, MALAYSIA TEAM Journal of Hospitality & Tourism, Vol.6,
Issue 1, December 2009


SUCCESS" An applied research project submitted to the National Fire Academy as part of the
Executive Fire Officer Program September 2000.
Cary Coglianese "Measuring Regulatory Performance EVALUATING THE IMPACT OF
Emmanuel I. Akpan (Ph.D) " Effective Safety and Health Management Policy for Improved
Performance of Organizations in Africa" International Journal of Business
and Management Vol. 6, No. 3; March 2011 Published by Canadian Center of Science and
Education 159 Department of Business Management University of Calabar, Calabar, Nigeria
Selajdin Abduli, PhD " The Role of Human Resources in Performance Management of SMEs:
The Case of Republic of Macedonia " Faculty of Business and Economics, South East European
University, 1200 Tetovo, Macedonia E-mail:
Canadian Center of Science and Education 147

Galang "Are Human Resource Departments Really Important? An Empirical Study on

Malaysian Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in the Service Sector Intan Osman Womens
Development Research Centre, Universiti Sains Malaysia 11800 Penang, Malaysia
University of Victoria, Faculty of Business, Business and Economics Building 3800 Finnerty
Road, Victoria, British Columbia, V8P 5C2, Canada.
Abdul Raziq " High performance management practices in manufacturing and service-based
SMEs. A comparative study" Faculty of Business, University of Southern QueenslandTel: +61
412546043 email:

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