SMCR - Homeworks

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Paschalis Gandhi

1. what is mass communication:


Mass communication is the process of communicating information to lots of people at once

eg via television, radio or newspapers.

Mass communication is a process in which professional communicators design and use

media to disseminate messages widely, rapidly, and continuously in order to arouse intended
meanings in large, diverse, and selectively attending audiences in attempts to influence them
in a variety of ways.

Mass communication is a message created by a person or a group of people sent through a

transmitting device (a medium) to a large audience or market.

Mass communication is the term used to describe the academic study of various means by
which individuals and entities can relay information to large segments of the population all at
once through mass media.

2. what is SCMR (source channel message receiver):

Source: the originator of the message. The encoder. The goal-setter.

Channel: means of transmitting message. Five senses, sight and sound primarily, but also
touch, smell, and taste useful, too.

Message: coded meaning. Symbols. Representation of meaning.

Receiver: the target of source message. The decoder. A part of the goal.

Models of Communication :



Encode Decode

Source Channel Messege Receiver


Feedback: receiver response to source messages. Also, receiver clarification of particular

Noise: Anything that interferes with communication. Physical or psychological.

Encoding-Decoding: Process of translating meaning into code. Sources eN-code. Receivers


Goals: Purpose to be accomplished. Creates drive. Directs action. Inform, relate, and

3. The element of SCMR :

answer :

There are three key elements in this definition: Process, meaning, and message.

Process: procedure, development, course of action, method, route, practice.

Note that “process” is a verb of action. Somebody does something. That “doing something”
involves meaning and messages.

Meaning: sense, connotation, denotation, import, gist, significance, experience.

Meaning is a subjective experience in our lives. Meaning happens in the cognitorium, in the
mind, in the head. Our meaning does not have a specific physical referent like a body organ
or even a discrete location in the brain. Meaning is our private response to the world.

Message: code, letter, note, symbol.

Messages contain coded meaning and allow us to express or convey the meanings within us.
Messages require rules like syntax and semantics. Messages can be verbal like languages or
nonverbal like gestures.

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