Research Methodology AP

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Research Methodology

What is mean by Methodology?

Methodology is the systematic theoretical analysis of the methods applied to a
field of study. It comprises the theoretical analysis of the body of methods &
principles associated with branch knowledge. Typically it encompasses concept
such as theoretical model, phases & quantitative or qualitative techniques. A
methodology does not set out to provide solutions.
Data collection
A number of way in which data can be collected for a statically survey. First were
the change from traditional paper & pencil interviewing to computer assisted
There are two types of data.
1) Primary data

2) Secondary data

1) Primary data
Primary data is first hand information. Which can be collected through methods
and individual survey research for this project researcher is concerned the
primary data was collected through questionnaire. The researcher collection data
he has taken personal interview & survey.
A) Questionnaire
A questionnaire is a research instrument consisting of a series of questions &
other prompts for the purpose of gathering information from respondents. The
questionnaire is prepared by taking into consideration the objective at study.
In questionnaire there are 2 types.
Open ended questions & Close ended questions.

Close ended questions include yes / No questions & multiple choices it includes
the respondent has several options from which to choose.
B) Observation method
Observation is one of the ways of collecting data. It is used to get both past &
current information. In marketing research observational method is not regularly
1) Structured unstructured observation
-Under structure method the observer have been specifically told what is to be
-Under unstructured observation the observer is free to observer whatever thinks
is important and useful.
2) Disguised undisguised
-In case of disguised method the respondent does not know that is been
observed. This type of observe is made by the observer in a particular shop.
-In case of undisguised method the respondent is been told that he is been
3) Observation under natural setting laboratory setting
-The observation in field are done in natural setting & therefore done under
realistic condition.
-In laboratory setting control of researcher. Here the observer can control the
variables which can influence the behaviour of the people.
4) Direct Indirect
-In case of direct observation the event or behaviour of a person is observed as it
-In indirect observation some records of past behaviours are observed.
C) Research Instrument

Sample Unit: The sample unit for the study is the general public of Solapur city &
the consumer for using the Camlin in Solapur city. Out of total population we have
selected 1% of that for the study as sample unit.
Sample size
A sample size means how many are to be surveyed. In this study the sample size
is 100 which is 1% total Camlin in Solapur city.
Sampling method
Different methods can be employed to select the sample unit. In stratified
sampling method, the population is divided into a few strata accounting to certain
feature common to members within the strata from each stratum a specified
numbers of units picked by random means. This unit together constitutes a
satisfied sample.
Sample area
A sampling areas means the survey was conducted in a areas. In this study we
have done the sampling in Solapur city.
2) Secondary data
Secondary data is already published & which is collected from different sources
like reference book, newspapers & which the help of internet etc. the secondary
data is also collected with the help of companies website & magazines.
Research Design
There are two sources of data is following.
1) Internal source
-The internal source can be collect company website, conversation, with store
manager & customers.

2) External source
-The external source can be collect through magazine, company books.

Theoretical Background
Factors influencing buying behaviour:
1) Cultural factor
- Cultural factor include consumer culture, subculture & social class. These
factors are often inherent in our values & decision processes.
2) Social factor
- Social factor include groups (Reference group, aspiration groups ) family, roles
& status. This explains the outside influences of others on our purchase decision
either directly or indirectly.
3) Personal factor
- Personal factor include such variables as age & lifestyle stage, occupation
economic circumstances, personality & self concept. These may explain why our
preferences often change as our situation changes.
4) Psychological factor
- Affecting our purchase decision include motivation, perception, learning, beliefs
& attitudes other people often influences a consumer purchase decision the
marketers needs to know which people are involved in the buying decision &
what roles each person plays.

Buying Decision Process:

A buying decision process describes the process a customer goes through when
buying a product.
1) Problem Recognition
- This is often identified as the first & most important step in the customers
decision process. A purchase cannot take place without the recognition of the
2) Information search
- Having recognized a problem or need the next step a customer may take is the
information search stage, in order to find out what they feel is the best solution.
This is the buyers effect to search internal & external business environment in
order to identify the evaluate information sources related to central buying
3) Evaluation of alternatives
- As you might expect, consumers will evaluate different products or brands this
stage on the basis of alternative those which have the ability to deliver the
benefits the customer is seeking. A factor that heavily influences this stage is the
customers attitude.
4) Purchase Decision
- The penultimate stage is the where the purchase takes place. Philip Kotler
states that the final purchase decision may be disrupted by 2 factors negative
feedback from other customers & the level of motivation accept the feedback.
5) Post purchase behaviour
- In brief, customers will compare products with their previous expectations & will
be either satisfied or dissatisfied. Therefore these stages are critical in retaining

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