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Stab och samordning, elskerhet

D, N







SvK405, v2.0, 2009-06-04


Svenska Kraftnt
supplementary electrical
safety instruction
The regulations of the Swedish National Electrical Safety Board regulate procedures
for working on electrical installations. These regulations also include rules on how
electrical installations are to be maintained. A Swedish standard supplements these
regulations and constitutes good electrical safety practice.
The owner must issue special instructions in order to prevent damage/injury caused by
electricity if so demanded by the nature or maintenance of the installation.
The electrical safety instructions (ESA) are one example of such instructions referred
to in the regulations. The ESA instructions are the electricity industry's collective
instructions, covering installations which are common in the industry.
This instruction specifies the elements where the ESA instructions are supplemented
and clarified with regard to maintenance of and work on Svenska Kraftnt
installations. This document also describes the Svenska Kraftnt electrical safety
This English text is to be regarded as a translation of the Svenska Kraftnt Technical
Guideline TR10-01, as a guide for foreign manufacturers. The Swedish text and the
interpretation thereof shall govern the contract and the legal relations between the



TR10-01E revA





This issue is a translation of the Swedish version D 2010-01-01




TR10-01E rev A



ESA Principles. Supplements, clarifications and special applications .................. 5

1.1 Organisation................................................................................................................ 5
1.2 ESA functions.................................................................................................... 7
1.2.1 Training and expertise ...................................................................... 7
1.2.2 Switching supervisor ........................................................................8
1.2.3 Switching operator ...........................................................................8
1.3 Planning work ..................................................................................................8
1.3.1 Risk assessment .................................................................................8
1.3.3 Request for permit to work - electrical ............................................9
1.3.4 Operating orders - electrical and switching schedule - electrical...9
1.3.4 Operation notices - electrical............................................................9
1.3.5 Switching confirmation - electrical ................................................ 10
1.3.6 Permit to work - electrical .............................................................. 10
1.3.7 Certificate of commissioning - electrical ........................................ 10
1.3.8 Permit for special work - electrical ................................................ 10
1.4 Communication .............................................................................................. 10
1.5 Standard operational procedures...................................................................11
1.5.1 Switching ..........................................................................................11
1.5.2 Troubleshooting ...............................................................................11
1.5.3 Fault rectification / Replacements ..................................................11

2 Working procedures.................................................................................................... 13
2.1 Dead working ................................................................................................. 13
2.1.1 Disconnection .................................................................................. 13
2.1.2 Protection against recclosing (blocking) ....................................... 13
2.1.3 Verification that the installation is dead........................................ 13
2.1.4 Earthing .......................................................................................... 13 Shunt capacitor banks exceeding 1000 V................................. 13 Series capacitor banks exceeding 1000 V................................ 15
2.2 Live working .................................................................................................. 15
2.2.1 General ............................................................................................ 15
2.2.2 Live working zone and vicinity zone ............................................. 16
2.3 Working in the vicinity of live parts .............................................................. 16
2.3.1 General ............................................................................................ 16



TR10-01E rev A


2.3.2 Supplementary safety measures.................................................... 16 Measures for working in the vicinity of live parts .................. 16 Construction work and other non-electrical work ..................17

3 Working on parallel lines ............................................................................................ 18

3.1 General............................................................................................................ 18
3.2 Safety measures when working on parallel lines ......................................... 18

4 Clearing power line lanes............................................................................................ 18

4.1 General............................................................................................................ 18
4.2 Work ............................................................................................................... 18
4.2.1 Dead working.................................................................................. 18
4.2.2 Working in the vicinity of live parts .............................................. 19
4.3 Maintenance of clearance in Right of Way ................................................... 19

5 Deviations from the ESA instructions ........................................................................20

5.1 Direct Current links ........................................................................................20
5.2 GIS switchgear ...............................................................................................20
5.3 Disconnecting Circuit Breakers in Ajaure, Untra and reactor switches in
Odensala ..................................................................................................20
5.4 Synchronous compensators in Hallsberg and Kolbotten .............................20
5.5 Helicopter inspection .....................................................................................20

6 Special applications for Svenska Kraftnt installations ............................................. 21

6.1 Electrical safety limits .................................................................................... 21
6.1.1Links with neighbouring countries.................................................. 21
6.2 Quality assurance/quality control ................................................................ 21
6.3 Operating order .............................................................................................22
6.4 Permit to work ...............................................................................................22
6.6 Verification that the installation with Disconnecting Circuit Breakers is
6.7 Powerline Towers or Pylons used as Telecom Masts....................................22
6.8 Blasting ..........................................................................................................23
6.9 Spraying switchgear......................................................................................24



TR10-01E rev A


1 ESA Principles. Supplements, clarifications

and special applications
1.1 Organisation
The Director-General is the proprietor of the public enterprise Svenska Kraftnt's
electrical installations. The proprietors of electrical installations within Svenska
Kraftnt Gasturbiner AB and SwePol Link AB are the managing directors of the
respective companies.
The proprietor and electrical operation manager, Maintenance for SvK (Gd) delegates
responsibilities and practical tasks to cN1, cD and the electrical safety manager.
Responsibility for electrical operation for maintenance and operation is divided into
operation and maintenance. Delegation must be unequivocal, personal and in writing.
Authorisations and resources allocated must correspond to delegated tasks.
- Responsibility for electrical operation, Maintenance is delegated to cN1.
- Responsibility for electrical operation, Operation is delegated to cD.
- Certain tasks relating to follow-up and inspection of electrical safety within the line
organisation are delegated to the electrical safety manager.
Tasks may be delegated on to others.
Responsibility for tasks relating to electrical safety follows the Svenska Kraftnt line
organisation. Besides the line organisation, there is an internal electrical safety council
tasked with managing electrical safety work throughout the entire Svenska Kraftnt
group and with producing documentation for overall decisions relating to electrical
safety. Formal decisions are made within the line organisation by the proprietor or by
the electrical operation managers, Operation or Maintenance, or alternatively on the
basis of special delegation.
The members of the council include the electrical safety manager (Chairman) and
representatives working with and responsible for electrical safety.



TR10-01E rev A


Svenska Kraftnt electrical safety organisation


Electrical safety

Electrical safety

*) Applicable to
National grid
Standby power
Reserve control room
Technology huts

Electrical operation

Electrical operation

Head, Operation

Head, Switching planning

and administration (N1)

cDC (north)
cDC (south)

Operation order
cDP/Operation planning

Fault disconnection


Protective systems and
grid data


DC operators
(north and south)

Fig. 1
A SvK electrical installer must be appointed by the Director-General.
The electrical installer is responsible for ensuring that the work done under the
auspices of SvK which requires authorisation is executed in accordance with the
requirements of the electrical safety regulations, that professionals have the requisite
knowledge and skills, and that the installation is inspected prior to commissioning.
The electrical installer notes in a collective list the names of people at SvK who have
the skills to act as electrical work supervisors and professionals who can work under
their own auspices - for various types of work.
The electrical installer and electrical safety manager may be one and the same person.



TR10-01E rev A


1.2 ESA functions

Svenska Kraftnt has adopted the ESA instructions as special instructions. The ESA
instructions have been supplemented in accordance with this instruction, which is
published as a technical guideline, so that work or maintenance can take place safely
on the special installations owned by Svenska Kraftnt.

1.2.1 Training and expertise

All Svenska Kraftnt staff who perform tasks relating to electrical safety must have a
good knowledge of the general and specific requirements for the tasks, as described in
electrical regulations and instructions.
For staff working with electrical safety, the head of staff must decide what level of
training staff are to have and maintain an up to date list of these people and their
Any training required must be discussed with the employee during a development
dialogue, for example. The head of staff is responsible for ensuring that staff receives
Every person named in the above list must undergo relevant training every three years
in respect of electrical legislation, standards and electrical safety instructions suited to
the tasks they perform.
New staff who have undergone ESA training over the past three years in their previous
positions need only supplement this training with SvK's supplementary electrical
safety instruction TR10-01. If no training has been completed, or if training took place
more than three years ago, complete training must take place before electrical safetyrelated tasks may be performed independently. Staff performing important functions
in the field of electrical safety must undergo training before tasks are delegated to
If new regulations and instructions are issued or if old ones are significantly revised,
new training must take place.
Training of staff with functions important to electrical safety must always be finished
off with a test of their knowledge. It must be apparent in advance what requirements
are set in order to achieve approved results. The results of tests must be reported to the
manager responsible for staff.
If a lot of people have to undergo training at the same time, it is appropriate to
coordinate this within the company. The Svenska Kraftnt electrical safety manager is
responsible for this.



TR10-01E rev A


1.2.2 Switching supervisor

Svenska Kraftnt applies the principle that switching supervision responsibility cannot
be delegated on to installation staff. Exceptions to this principle are possible in the
case of switching measures in connection with work on Svenska Kraftnt's 0.4 kV local
power stations. In these cases, switching supervision responsibility is always delegated
in writing to the electrical work supervisor. This means that the electrical work
supervisor is allowed to work independently to execute planning, implement the
necessary disconnections and do the work. If necessary, disconnection must take place
according to a written directive compiled by the switching supervisor/electrical work
supervisor himself. Which switching areas can be delegated on are specified in local
operating instruction D705 for the respective plants.
Once work and reconnection measures have been completed, switching supervision
responsibility is handed back to the Svenska Kraftnt control centre (DC).
Switching supervision responsibility for SvK installations can be delegated to an
external control centre, DC, for a limited area and a limited time via SvK or someone
else's operation order.

1.2.3 Switching operator

The switching operator function relates primarily to a person at an installation who

executes switching upon orders from the switching supervisor. In addition to this, the
position of switching operator can in some instances be assumed by one or more
control centres. If these control centres work together to execute switching, only one of
them may act as the switching supervisor. The other control centres maintain a
subordinate role during these switchings and hence are regarded as switching
operators, even if these are switching supervisors within their own respective areas
and in turn have staff in the form of switching operators at their installations.
Switching operators at stations work only on the orders of "their own" responsible
control centre even if this control centre is to be regarded as a switching operator in
these contexts.

1.3 Planning work

1.3.1 Risk assessment

In the case of risk assessment, particular attention must be paid to whether work must
take place without all relay protection functions being operational. Work must not
normally take place in installations where protection or combinations of protective
measures are non-operational.
During a risk assessment, attention must be paid to lightning in the vicinity of the
work site. When lightning is seen or thunder heard from the work site, the electrical
work supervisor must make an independent decision on whether work is to be
stopped, and when. As many of the Svenska Kraftnt lines are very long, it will be
impossible for the electrical work supervisor to predict any effects of lightning that
cannot be seen or heard. The electrical work supervisor can then get in touch with the
control centre to request information on incoming storm fronts which may affect work.
On the basis of this information, the electrical work supervisor then has to make a
decision on whether to allow work to continue.



TR10-01E rev A


1.3.3 Request for permit to work - electrical

Request for permit to work must normally be received by Svenska Kraftnt Outage
Planning at the latest ten (10) working days before work is due to commence.

1.3.4 Operating orders - electrical and switching schedule - electrical

At Svenska Kraftnt, operating orders are compiled for all planned switching in
connection with electrical work, but also as far as possible in the event of disturbances
demanding electrical work.

Operating orders are primarily compiled to maintain personal safety. Operating orders
can also be compiled to maintain operational reliability. Complex changes of
operation, primary testing and commissioning tasks are examples of occasions where
operation orders are compiled for operational reliability. Other information relating to
operational reliability is normally dealt with as bullet points in operating orders, or
alternatively under the General header or as appendices.
Operating orders at Svenska Kraftnt normally have to be checked by two people. In
exceptional cases, these checks may be carried out by one person only.
Operating orders and switching schedule at Svenska Kraftnt must include - besides
other measures - numbered measures for verification that the installation is dead.
Operating orders or switching schedule compiled at Svenska Kraftnt use the
designation AJ as an abbreviation for arbetsjordning, i.e. earthing.
Operating orders must normally be received by the relevant staff at the latest three
working days before switching commences. Recipients of operation orders must have
procedures in place so as to ensure that handling any operating order received is not
The switching supervisor assesses whether an unplanned situation can be dealt with
using switching schedule or whether an operating order is to be compiled.
The switching supervisor also decides whether a switching schedule compiled in the
event of a outage is to be supplemented with or replaced by an operating order on
Switching schedule must always be checked by someone other than the person who
compiled them.

1.3.4 Operation notices - electrical

Operation notices are not defined in the ESA instructions. Operation notices must be
issued when changes are made to normal operation conditions not linked with
personal safety and when switchings are made according to switching schedule or
written procedures such as instructions. Operation notices can also be issued for work
requiring written work permits, when blasting in the vicinity of national grid facilities,
in the event of changes to principles for operation monitoring, or in the event of
changes to functions for system safeguards or relay protection and control installation
work in general in accordance with D1002:4 Procedures for control installation work
with regard to operational reliability.
People who have received operation notices for action must:
Check these in appropriate parts



TR10-01E rev A


Request an explanation or written change notice if anything is thought to be unclear or

Confirm that the operation notice has been received.
An operation notice must contain information on:
Who compiled the operation notice
Who is to receive the operation notice
The purpose and scope of the notice
The validity of the notice (max. 1 year)

1.3.5 Switching confirmation - electrical

Both switching confirmations and other certificates at Svenska Kraftnt are preprinted
in the operating order. If these confirmations or certificates do not match for some
reason, or if they have to be altered for some reason, this is done using a standard
telefem form (this form is also used for switching schedule).
Switching confirmations are cancelled by orders for new switching, except in cases
when the switching operator is another control centre. In the latter cases, switching
confirmations must be cancelled by means of notices in writing.
Switching confirmations with other countries
Switching confirmations or cancellations of switching confirmations with
neighbouring countries may be implemented via preprinted confirmations in SvK
operating orders, or standard forms must be compiled in both languages. These forms
must be exchanged by email or fax.

1.3.6 Permit to work - electrical

If work has to be terminated before an installation element is ready for operation, the
permit to work has to be handed back. This permit to work must specify any
restrictions, reasons and defects remaining.

1.3.7 Certificate of commissioning - electrical

Certificate of commissioning can be provided only for installation elements that are
ready for operation. If the installation cannot be regarded as being ready for operation,
the permit to work is handed back instead.

1.3.8 Permit for special work - electrical

Permit for special work is not defined in the ESA instructions. Permit for special work
is written approval for commencement of non-electrical work on an installation
element which may affect personal safety or operational reliability in the primary
system, e.g. the control device for a switch, a relay protection circuit, etc. The work
permit means that these measures will remain in place until the permit is handed
back. The permit for special work is issued by the switching supervisor.

1.4 Communication
See 4.4 SS-EN 50110-1. While a permit to work or permit for special work is issued, the
electrical work supervisor (or the person responsible for the work in the event of nonelectrical work) must ensure that communication with the switching supervisor can
always be maintained. This is applicable irrespective of the nature of the work, i.e. it
applies even in the case of noisy work such as forest clearing and suchlike. When



TR10-01E rev A


working at sites with poor mobile network coverage or no coverage at all, satellite
communication must be used.

1.5 Standard operational procedures

1.5.1 Switching

See 5.2 SS-EN 50110-1.

The following applies to switching:
Switching with disconnectors
In the case of switching for work purposes, disconnectors' contact modes must be
checked visually by staff on site.
In the case of changes of operation for recommissioning of grids (test switching), the
contact mode must be assessed by means of indication.
Disconnectors may be operated manually, from actuators, only in exceptional cases
and only with the permission of the switching supervisor.
Cancellation of disconnector blocking may take place only in exceptional cases and
only with the permission of the switching supervisor.

1.5.2 Troubleshooting

See 7.3 SS-EN 50110-1.

Repair work
Repair work can be carried out over the following stages:
Fault rectification and/or component replacement
Commissioning of the repaired installation element
During troubleshooting, it is important to bear in mind the risks involved if the
installation is live, e.g. carrying a test voltage. In the case of troubleshooting and fault
rectification, applicable parts of the rules for normal maintenance measures and
working procedures must be applied.
Once work is complete, appropriate functional testing, inspections and necessary
settings shall be implemented in order to ensure that the installation elements
repaired can be recommissioned.

1.5.3 Fault rectification / Replacements

See 7.4.1 SS-EN 50110-1
Changing fuses
Generally the replacement of fuses should be carried out dead unless a safe procedure
is followed to replace them live.
In low-voltage installations, diazed fuses (plug fuses) may be replaced while the
installation is live.
In addition, knife fuses can be replaced while the installation is live as long as a check
has been carried out to ensure that the circuit is not carrying current during the
replacement operation. To provide safe contact protection, a suitable cartridge control



TR10-01E rev A


device must be used to replace knife fuses. Replacement must be carried out by staffs
that have been trained in electrical safety.
In the case of high voltage installations, replacement must take place according to an
appropriate working procedure and be executed by staff who have been trained in
electrical safety.
Replacing of lamps and accessories in local power stations
Where necessary, the replacements of lamps and withdrawable accessories such as
starters shall be carried out dead. Replacement of non withdrawable accessories and
replacement of high voltage accessories must take place according to an appropriate
working procedure.
Temporary maintenance stoppages
In the event of temporary stoppages in maintenance work, the electrical work manager
must undertake all the measures necessary to prevent uninsulated live parts being
touched inadvertently and unauthorised operations being executed in the electrical
The switching supervisor must be notified of any such stoppages in work.
Testing, commissioning and demolition
A new installation (installation element) may be commissioned only once the
installation has been completed, inspected and tested and found to meet the
requirements prescribed pursuant to the electricity legislation. During the
construction period, contractors may need to energize the installation or parts of it to
be able to carry out testing. This shall always take place under the responsibility of the
electrical installer.
After that, the installation must be handed over from the contractor to the proprietor
at Svenska Kraftnt for commissioning. Only when the installation has been handed
over the proprietor can make a decision to commission the installation, which also
involves the owner taking over responsibility for electrical safety at the installation.
Once the owner has made the decisions to commission the installation, the owner
must delegate the responsibility for the electrical operation in writing for the operation
and maintenance of the installation. After this, the electrical operation supervisor,
Operation ,delegates switching responsibility to the organisations appointed for the
The above-mentioned handover documentation and measures for commissioning
must be documented in a separate operating order for commissioning.
During installation projects, a part or parts or the installation may sometimes already
be operational while other installation elements are commissioned gradually. This
means that particular attention must be paid when planning and carrying out risk
When demolishing an installation, the electrical operation supervisor, Operation, must
ensure that final disconnection measures are implemented. After this, the installation
must be handed back in writing from the electrical operation supervisor, Operation, to
the electrical operation supervisor, Maintenance. The electrical operation supervisor,
Maintenance (the owner) is responsible for ensuring that the installation is dismantled
In particular, it should be observed that the installation may still be affected by



TR10-01E rev A


induction/influence and that it may be dangerously close to other installation elements

which are operational

2 Working procedures
2.1 Dead working
2.1.1 Disconnection

Some Svenska Kraftnt installations with load-breaking switches are designed to allow
switching measures, prior to dead working, to be implemented via remote control and
without assisting staff at the installation.
Load-breaking switches and disconnectors in GIS switchgear which have operated
incorrectly or have too low gas pressure must be treated as unsatisfactory
disconnection points. Electrical work must not begin until the switch has been
disconnected from all sources of supply and earthed.

2.1.2 Protection against recclosing (blocking)

With regard to blocking of load-breaking switches during switching measures, see
Special applications for Svenska Kraftnt, section 6.5.

2.1.3 Verification that the installation is dead

With regard to verification that the installation is dead when using load-breaking
switches for switching measures, see Special applications for Svenska Kraftnt, section

2.1.4 Earthing
The electrical work supervisor is responsible for the implementation of supplementary
earthing when execution of the work means that earthing (end point earthing) fitted
previously no longer fulfils its function, such as when working on capacitor banks, line
traps, current transformers, jumpers (application, removal), etc.
Operating orders specify earthing at points from which the systems can be made live.
The electrical work supervisor is responsible for and assesses the need for further
supplementary temporary earthings due to issues such as:
Effects from other heavy current installations through direct contact, induction or
Effects from lightning
Residual voltages in installations that were previously live
Requirements for temporary earthings to be visible from the work site. Shunt capacitor banks exceeding 1000 V

ESA Dead working (page 13) is supplemented with the following figure relating to
shunt capacitor banks exceeding 1000 V



TR10-01E rev A


Figure 2 Earthing when working on switching devices connected to a shunt capacitor




TR10-01E rev A

14/24 Series capacitor banks exceeding 1000 V

ESA Dead working (page 13, bottom) is supplemented with the following figure
relating to series capacitor banks exceeding 1000 V.

Figure 3 Earthing when working on a disconnected series capacitor with operational


2.2 Live working

2.2.1 General

Relevant switches must always be blocked to prevent staff actuating them accidentally.
Blocking of the switch takes place from the point where the switch is normally
actuated. As far as Svenska Kraftnt is concerned, the switch being controlled by
remote control from the control centre is a normal control path. Therefore, the switch
is blocked in the monitoring system from the control centre.
While work is in progress, the switching supervisor must supervise to ensure that:
the operating form changeover switch is not moved to "local" mode.
relay protection communication for the line is intact. In the event of a fault in
communications, the switching supervisor is responsible for ensuring that work stops
the operations monitoring system and operating data network are intact. In the event
of a fault, the switching supervisor is responsible for ensuring that work stops
If these terms and conditions are not met, the switching supervisor must stop the



TR10-01E rev A


2.2.2 Live working zone and vicinity zone

Table 1 Table showing the distance indicating the outer boundary of the live working
zone and vicinity zone
Distance from uninsulated live parts to the external boundary of
the area, m
220 kV

400 kV

500 kV

Live working




Vicinity zone




These values are also applicable to direct current. For DC voltage, the same distances
apply as for the equivalent nominal AC system voltage (main voltage). The same
voltage, AC main voltage and DC, gives the same distance.
For 220 and 400 kV, these values comply with ESA-ANS:05 and ESA-RJ:06. These
voltage values in SS-EN 50110-1 are called 220 kV and 380 kV respectively; and this
table also includes values for 480 kV, while values for 500 kV must be
interpolated/extrapolated from the values in table A1 SS-EN 50 110-1.

2.3 Working in the vicinity of live parts

2.3.1 General

The switching supervisor always makes the decision on whether a written directive
(operating order or switching schedule) needs to be compiled when working in the
vicinity of live parts.

2.3.2 Supplementary safety measures Measures for working in the vicinity of live parts

Relevant switches must always be blocked to prevent staff accidentally actuating

tripped switches. Blocking of the switch takes place from the point where the switch is
normally actuated. As far as Svenska Kraftnt is concerned, the switch being controlled
by remote control from the operations centre is a normal control path. Therefore, the
switch is blocked in the monitoring system from the control centre.
While work is in progress, the switching supervisor must monitor to ensure that relay
protection communication for the line is intact. In the event of a fault in
communications, the switching supervisor is responsible for ensuring that work stops
The procedure specified above exits to prevent the switching supervisor accidentally
actuating tripped switches.



TR10-01E rev A


The necessary distance for Working in the vicinity of live parts using bulky tools in
accordance with table 2.
Table 2 Working in the vicinity of live parts using bulky tools: necessary distances, the
same distance for AC as for DC.

220, 400 kV
500 kV
See Fig. 2

Lateral, m (x)

Vertical, m (y)

7.5 Construction work and other non-electrical work

The following safe distances apply to construction work and other non-electrical work:
(cf. ESA-ANS:05 page 12, Distance from electrical installation elements without
applying any working procedure).
Table 3 Distance from electrical installation elements without applying any working
Lateral, m (x)

Vertical, m (y)

220 kV

400 kV




500 kV
See Fig. 2

oisolerade delar

Fig 2

For required distances for other voltages, see SS-EN 50110-1 and the ESA instructions.



TR10-01E rev A


3 Working on parallel lines

3.1 General
See also ESA Working on parallel lines. When working on installation elements which
are subject to influences from other installations, special safety measures must be
Given the fact that Svenska Kraftnt operates very long lines, a special survey of any
effects from other lines must always take place carefully prior to work commencing.

3.2 Safety measures when working on parallel lines

Safety measures may include temporary earthing at appropriate intervals and potential
bonding at work sites (the ESA instructions have this to say about potential bonding:
earthing must be supplemented with potential bonding at the work site). The size of
the voltage depends on the distance between the lines, the length of the parallel section
and the current in the line in question (page 4 of the ESA instructions).
Before work starts, the electrical work manager must measure the remaining voltage in
the towers or pylons where work is to take place. If the residual voltage at the work site
exceeds 50 volts, the line must be provided with additional earth electrodes. This
measurement must be carried out every day. (The ESA instructions include in
appendix 7 a Checklist for the electrical work supervisor. However, this point is not
included in it.)

4 Clearing power line lanes

4.1 General
When working on maintenance clearance and inspections, applicable electrical safety
regulations, electrical safety instructions (ESA-RJ:06), the client's guidelines in
"Operation and maintenance manual" and Svenska Kraftnt's supplementary electrical
safety instructions must be followed.
Forest maintenance measures on 220 kV and 400 kV cables may take place as nonelectrical work on the condition that the requisite safe distance is maintained. If the
stated safe distance cannot be maintained, work must be carried out as electrical work.

4.2 Work
4.2.1 Dead working

Work is to be carried out as Dead working when trees, vegetation or machine parts risk
entering the live working zone.



TR10-01E rev A


4.2.2 Working in the vicinity of live parts

Work is to be carried out as Working in the vicinity of live parts when body parts, tools
or vegetation risk entering the vicinity zone without reaching the live working zone.
Anyone carrying out work in the vicinity of live parts must be a skilled person or have
received special instruction. Pollarding tall trees underneath phase conductors is one
example of this kind of work. Here, work must be carried out such that the distance
between vegetation and a live phase conductor is established by measuring before
Due to the nature of the working procedure, pollarding using a helicopter must be
implemented as Working in the vicinity of live parts.

4.3 Maintenance of clearance in Right of Way

Maintenance of treeproof lines
A treeproof line is a power line where the line lane has been formulated and
maintained such that growing trees cannot come closer to any phase conductor than
the safety distance, and that no falling trees can come closer than 1 metre to any phase
HVDC lines with pole conductors and neutral conductors on the same towers or pylons
are built with a treeproof power line lane. The same rules apply here for clearance and
felling as for AC lines.
For the HVDC line's separate neutral conductor, which is not implemented as a
treeproof line, the following is applicable when felling trees which have fallen over the
after inspecting the power line lane where trees were found to be in contact with the
line, the inspector contacts the switching supervisor and notifies him of the tree (trees)
The tree (trees) is (are) removed by means of an appropriate working procedure.
Clearing with machines
Clearing with machine must take place as Non-electrical work or, if the work is
deemed to be electrical work, as Working in the vicinity of live parts or Dead working.
One important factor with this type of work is that stays and tower or pylon bases are
cleared and cleaned up to a diameter of three metres before the zone in general is
cleared by machine.
The distances necessary during clearance depend on the working procedure. See the
sections on the respective working procedures respective non-electrical work (working
without selecting a working procedure).
The vegetation-free zone must be at least: The distances to be applied when carrying
out work described in this section are shown in table 4.
Table 4 Table showing the vegetation-free zone

The vegetation-free zone must be at least (m)


220 kV

400 kV

500 kV





TR10-01E rev A


5 Deviations from the ESA instructions

The ESA instructions Dead working state that "the installation must not be earthed
before disconnection, blocking and verification that the installation is dead....".
For some Svenska Kraftnt installations, it is not possible to comply with the
requirements of the ESA instructions in respect of work sequence as regards earthing.
Installations/installation elements or working procedures requiring deviations are:
Direct current links
GIS switchgear
Disconnecting Circuit Breakers
Synchronous compensators
Helicopter inspection

5.1 Direct Current links

One thing Fenno-Skan, Konti-Skan, SwePol Link and SVC in Stenkullen have in
common is their Castell lock systems. These are present to ensure that the valve halls
are always earthed all round before access is possible. To comply with the preset
switching sequence in the lock system, some earthings have to be arranged before
disconnectors are opened.
SwePol Link is fitted with two neutral conductors functionally earthed in Strn. These
must always be connected to earth and therefore have to be earthed before being
separated from the zero point in Strn.

5.2 GIS switchgear

The 400 kV switchgear in Lindbacka is of the GIS model and equipped with an
interlocking chain which does not allow blocking before earthing.

5.3 Disconnecting Circuit Breakers in Ajaure, Untra and

reactor switches in Odensala
The Disconnecting Circuit Breakers at these stations are designed such that only
electrical blocking takes place before earthing. Earthing and mechanical blocking then
take place in one and the same operation.

5.4 Synchronous compensators in Hallsberg and Kolbotten

The principles in accordance with ESA-AUS:05 generator and motors over 1000 V
must be applied for the synchronous compensators G12 in Hallsberg and G1 in

5.5 Helicopter inspection

Inspection of lines by helicopter, for example operational inspecting and inspection in
the event of persistent faults, are regarded as standard operational procedures and
must normally be carried out without rendering the automatic reclosing equipment



TR10-01E rev A


6 Special applications for Svenska Kraftnt

6.1 Electrical safety limits
The following principles are applied at Svenska Kraftnt in order to establish
responsibility for electrical operation limits and switching limits:
normally the electrical operation limit coincides with the ownership boundary, but in
exceptional cases this may be established in some other way.
A switching limit must be set to fit in with the operations of the two adjacent electrical
operation supervisors. A switching limit must be clear. When choosing a limit, a
switching device near to the electrical operation limit must preferably be selected. In
practice, this often means the disconnector to the busbar. However, deviations may
occur with regard to the design of the installation, or for organisational reasons.
The main rule is that the owner's switching supervisor is also the only person entitled
to operate the limit device. Any failure to comply with this rule may be found in
individual cases and must be agreed between the parties. Controlling the limit device,
along with the switches belonging to the switchgear bay, may be ordered on
consultation between the two adjacent electrical operation supervisors.

6.1.1Links with neighbouring countries

When working on a sea cable between neighbouring countries, principles are applied
as follows.
Swedish electrical legislation is applicable in Swedish territorial waters.
Correspondingly, the electrical legislation of other countries is applicable in the
territorial waters of the other country. If the cable passes through an international
zone, the "centre principle" will be applied unless stated otherwise; in other words,
Swedish rules are applicable from the Swedish side to a defined centre point on the
In the case of power lines, there is a specific power line tower or pylon on the national
boundary which acts as a separator as regards application of electrical legislation.
For further detailed information regarding boundary issues, please see Svenska
Kraftnt operating instruction D135.

6.2 Quality assurance/quality control

Quality assurance work of Svenska Kraftnt operating orders takes place regularly at
Svenska Kraftnt. This work takes place in the form of:
fault reporting
analysis with reconnection
compilation and reporting on statistics



TR10-01E rev A


Reports must also be compiled in the event of near-accidents and accidents caused by

6.3 Operating order

Changes to operating orders which affect the date, time and name of the electrical
work supervisor may be made verbally. For other changes, a change notice or new
operating order must be compiled.
A new operating order should be compiled in the following cases:
If there are more than two change notices
If new switchings are needed, such as changing delimitation
In the event of extensive changes (e.g. several points deleted/added).
Otherwise, the following applies:
The above must always be placed in context and assessed in accordance with this in all
Change notices must always be checked and signed by someone other than the person
who compiled them.

6.4 Permit to work

Permit to work must always include information on the working procedures Dead
working, Working in the vicinity of live parts, or Live working.

6.5 Blocking Disconnecting Circuit Breakers

Load-breaking switches are normally blocked by remote control. Blocking involves
blocking the electric switch both mechanically and electrically. These two blocks can in
some instances be implemented over one or two steps. Signs are put up to provide
reliable indication on the control device for blocking and for indication at the control
installation. Signs and blocking must be inspected visually on site.

6.6 Verification that the installation with Disconnecting

Circuit Breakers is dead.
Verification that the installation is dead in accordance with the ESA instructions does
not normally take place in installations with Disconnecting Circuit Breakers. Before
remote or distance controlling earthing disconnectors, JF, the switching supervisor
must make sure that no staff are present in the switchgear. The closure to all phases of
the earthing switch must be inspected visually on site.

6.7 Powerline Towers or Pylons used as Telecom Masts

Telemast structures may occur in Svenska Kraftnt towers or pylons. Construction and
maintenance work on these mast structures must be executed by specially instructed
staff, and work must take place as Working in the vicinity of live parts if possible. If
there is any doubt regarding the choice of working procedure, this work may be carried
out in accordance with what is specified in ESA Working in the vicinity of live parts
under the header Bulky equipment adjacent to the electrical installation and Distance
from part of an electrical installation without applying any of the working procedures
(page 12, ESA-ANS:05).
Any risks involving antenna radiation are not covered by TR10-01.



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6.8 Blasting
Blasting next to Svenska Kraftnt installations must be planned thoroughly and in
advance, taking into account the nature of the work and the importance and hazards of
the installations.
With information on planned blasting work, the following measures must be
implemented in plenty of time prior to blasting:
A Svenska Kraftnt maintenance engineer is notified and a risk analysis is carried out
in respect of the risk of injuries and damage at Svenska Kraftnt installations and risk
to people, operational reliability and property in general
A Svenska Kraftnt maintenance contractor is notified and carries out a site visit if so
A permit to work for blasting, along with a risk analysis, must be received by Svenska
Kraftnt Outage planning at least ten working days before planned blasting.
Svenska Kraftnt Outage planning notifies the switching supervisor, maintenance
engineer, maintenance contractor and blasting manager via an operating notice about
the blasting operation. The operation notice must contain information about:
Electrical installation and location
Contact details for the blasting manager and switching supervisor
Dealing with automatic reclosing equipment
If the risk analysis indicates a risk of damage to installation, blasting must take place
with the installation shut down. This must be apparent in the request for permit to
If the request for permit to work involves an outage, Svenska Kraftnt Outage planning
will issue an operating order for disconnection of the installation element in question.
The installation element does not need to be disconnected and earthed if the
disconnection has taken place solely for reasons of operational reliability.
The primer must be of Nonel type.
Before blasting
At the latest two working days before blasting, the blasting manager has to request a
preliminary permit for blasting from Svenska Kraftnt Outage planning
All automatic reclosing equipment for the installation in question must be
decommissioned prior to blasting.
The blasting manager requests a permit for blasting before setting the charge.
The blasting manager notifies the switching supervisor of when blasting will be taking
After blasting
The blasting manager reports to the switching supervisor on blasting carried out and
on work to be carried out.



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6.9 Spraying switchgear

Spraying can take place with the assistance of fitted spraying equipment, or be done
Spraying switchgear can be implemented as Live working, Special work with
knowledgeable person. Regardless of whether the work is done using fitted spraying
equipment or manually, the procedures specified in section 2.2 Live working must be
When spraying using fitted spraying equipment, automatic reclosing equipment must
be decommissioned in both the switchgear affected and in neighbouring switchgear.
Manual spraying of switchgear must always take place with the incoming lines
disconnected (switching measures for achieving the requisite isolating distance) at
adjacent stations.



TR10-01E rev A


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