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Data screening

Data screening (sometimes referred to as "data screaming") is the process of ensuring your data
is clean and ready to go before you conduct further statistical analyses. Data must be screened in
order to ensure the data is useable, reliable, and valid for testing causal theory. In this section I
will focus on six specific issues that need to be addressed when cleaning (not cooking) your data.

Missing Data
If you are missing much of your data, this can cause several problems. The most apparent
problem is that there simply won't be enough data points to run your analyses. The EFA, CFA,
and path models require a certain number of data points in order to compute estimates. This
number increases with the complexity of your model. If you are missing several values in your
data, the analysis just won't run.
Additionally, missing data might represent bias issues. Some people may not have answered
particular questions in your survey because of some common issue. For example, if you asked
about gender, and females are less likely to report their gender than males, then you will have
male-biased data. Perhaps only 50% of the females reported their gender, but 95% of the males
reported gender. If you use gender in your causal models, then you will be heavily biased toward
males, because you will not end up using the unreported responses.
To find out how many missing values each variable has, in SPSS go to Analyze, then Descriptive
Statistics, then Frequencies. Enter the variables in the variables list. Then click OK. The table in
the output will show the number of missing values for each variable. See the screenshots below.

The threshold for missing data is flexible, but generally, if you are missing more than 10% of the
responses on a particular variable, or from a particular respondent, that variable or respondent
may be problematic. There are several ways to deal with problematic variables.
Just don't use that variable.
If it makes sense, impute the missing values. This should only be done for continuous or interval
data (like age or Likert-scale responses), not for categorical data (like gender).
If your dataset is large enough, just don't use the responses that had missing values for that
variable. This may create a bias, however, if the number of missing responses is greater than
To impute values in SPSS, go to Transform, Replace Missing Values; then select the variables
that need imputing, and hit OK. See the screenshots below. In this screenshot, I use the Mean
replacement method. But there are other options, including Median replacement. Typically with
Likert-type data, you want to use median replacement, because means are less meaningful in
these scenarios. For more information on when to use which type of imputation,

Handling problematic respondents is somewhat more difficult. If a respondent did not answer a
large portion of the questions, their other responses may be useless when it comes to testing
causal models. For example, if they answered questions about diet, but not about weight loss, for
this individual we cannot test a causal model that argues that diet has a positive effect on weight
loss. We simply do not have the data for that person. My recommendation is to first determine
which variables will actually be used in your model (often we collect data on more variables than
we actually end up using in our model), then determine if the respondent is problematic. If so,
then remove that respondent from the analysis.


can influence your results, pulling the mean away from the median. Two types of
outliers exist: outliers for individual variables, and outliers for the model.

To detect outliers on each variable, just produce a boxplot in SPSS (as demonstrated in the
video). Outliers will appear at the extremes, and will be labeled, as in the figure below. If you
have a really high sample size, then you may want to remove the outliers. If you are working
with a smaller dataset, you may want to be less liberal about deleting records. However, this is a
trade-off, because outliers will influence small datasets more than large ones. Lastly, outliers do
not really exist in Likert-scales. Answering at the extreme (1 or 5) is not really representative
outlier behavior.

Another type of outlier is an unengaged respondent. Sometimes respondents will enter '3, 3, 3,
3,...' for every single survey item. This participant was clearly not engaged, and their responses
will throw off your results. Other patterns indicative of unengaged respondents are '1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
1, 2, ...' or '1, 1, 1, 1, 5, 5, 5, 5, 1, 1, ...'. There are multiple ways to identify and eliminate these
unengaged respondents:

Include attention traps that request the respondent to "answer somewhat agree for this
item if you are paying attention". I usually include two of these in opposite directions (i.e.,
one says somewhat agree and one says somewhat disagree) at about a third and two-thirds of
the way through my surveys. I am always astounded at how many I catch this way...

See if the participant answered reverse-coded questions in the same direction as normal
questions. For example, if they responded strongly agree to both of these items, then they
were not paying attention: "I am very hungry", "I don't have much appetite right now".

Examine the standard deviation of their responses (if all on the same scale (like 1-5)). If
they exhibit a very low standard deviation (like less than 0.500 on a 5-point scale, or 0.700
on a 7-point scale), then they were probably not paying attention, and their responses are
useless to us anyway since they don't exhibit any variance.

Multivariate outliers refer to records that do not fit the standard sets of correlations exhibited by
the other records in the dataset, with regards to your causal model. So, if all but one person in the
dataset reports that diet has a positive effect on weight loss, but this one guy reports that he gains
weight when he diets, then his record would be considered a multivariate outlier. To detect these
influential multivariate outliers, you need to calculate the Mahalanobis d-squared. This is a
simple matter in AMOS. See the video tutorial for the particulars. As a warning however, I
almost never address multivariate outliers, as it is very difficult to justify removing them just
because they don't match your theory. Additionally, you will nearly always find multivariate
outliers, even if you remove them, more will show up. It is a slippery slope.
Normality refers to the distribution of the data for a particular variable. We usually assume that
the data is normally distributed, even though it usually is not! Normality is assessed in many
different ways: shape, skewness, and kurtosis (flat/peaked).

Shape: To discover the shape of the distribution in SPSS, build a histogram (as shown in
the video tutorial) and plot the normal curve. If the histogram does not match the normal
curve, then you likely have normality issues. You can also look at the boxplot to determine

Skewness: Skewness means that the responses did not fall into a normal distribution, but
were heavily weighted toward one end of the scale. Income is an example of a commonly
right skewed variable; most people make between 20 and 70 thousand dollars in the USA,
but there is smaller group that makes between 70 and 100, and an even smaller group that
makes between 100 and 150, and a much smaller group that makes between 150 and 250, etc.
all the way up to Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg. Skewness is much less meaningful on
short-interval ordinal measures (like 5-point Likert scales), as any severity in skewness is
better captured through kurtosis. Addressing skewness may require transformations of your
data, or removing influential outliers. There are two rules on Skewness:

(1)If your skewness value is greater than 1 then you are positive (right) skewed, if it is
less than -1 you are negative (left) skewed, if it is in between, then you are fine.

(2)If the absolute value of the skewness is less than three times the standard error, then
you are fine; otherwise you are skewed.

Using these rules, we can see from the table below, that all three variables are fine using the first
rule, but using the second rule, they are all negative (left) skewed.

Skewness looks like this:


Kurtosis refers to the peakedness or flatness of the distribution of data (i.e., is there sufficient and
normal variance?). Data that is distributed tightly around the mean (has very small standard
deviation) has kurtosis issues. Data that is distantly distributed (has very large standard
deviation) also has kurtosis issues. The rule for evaluating whether or not your kurtosis is
problematic is the same as rule two above:

If the absolute value of the kurtosis is less than three times the standard error, then you
are fine; otherwise you have kurtosis issues. Although a looser rule is an overall kurtosis
score of 2.200 or less (rather than 1.00) (Sposito et al., 1983).

Kurtosis looks like this:


One other issue you may run into with the distribution of your data is a bimodal distribution.
This means that the data has multiple (two) peaks, rather than peaking at the mean. This may
indicate there are moderating variables effecting this data. A bimodal distribution looks like this:


When you have extremely non-normal data, it will influence your regressions in SPSS and
AMOS. In such cases, if you have non-Likert-scale variables (so, variables like age, income,
revenue, etc.), you can transform them prior to including them in your model. Gary Templeton
has published an excellent article on this and created a YouTube video showing how to conduct
the transformation. He also references his article in the video.
Linearity refers to the consistent slope of change that represents the relationship between an IV
and a DV. If the relationship between the IV and the DV is radically inconsistent, then it will
throw off your SEM analyses. There are dozens of ways to test for linearity. Perhaps the most
elegant (easy and clear-cut, yet rigorous), is the deviation from linearity test available in the
ANOVA test in SPSS. In SPSS go to Analyze, Compare Means, Means. Put the composite IVs
and DVs in the lists, then click on options, and select "Test for Linearity". Then in the ANOVA
table in the output window, if the Sig value for Deviation from Linearity is less than 0.05, the
relationship between IV and DV is not linear, and thus is problematic (see the screenshots
below). Issues of linearity can sometimes be fixed by removing outliers (if the significance is
borderline), or through transforming the data. In the screenshot below, we can see that the first
relationship is linear (Sig = .268), but the second relationship is nonlinear (Sig = .003).

If this test turns up odd results, then simply perform an OLS linear regression between
each IV->DV pair. If the sig value is less than 0.05, then the relationship can be considered
"sufficiently" linear. While this approach is somewhat less rigorous, it has the benefit of
working every time! You can also do a curve-linear regression ("curve estimation") to see if
the relationship is more linear than non-linear.

Homoscedasticity is a nasty word that means that the variable's residual (error) exhibits
consistent variance across different levels of the variable. There are good reasons for desiring
this. For more information, see Hair et al. 2010 chapter 2. :) A simple way to determine if a
relationship is homoscedastic is to do a simple scatter plot with the variable on the y-axis and the
variable's residual on the x-axis. To see a step by step guide on how to do this, watch the video
tutorial. If the plot comes up with a consistent pattern - as in the figure below, then we are good we have homoscedasticity! If there is not a consistent pattern, then the relationship is considered
heteroskedastic. This can be fixed by transforming the data or by splitting the data by subgroups
(such as two groups for gender). You can read more about transformations in Hair et al. 2010 ch.

Schools of thought on homoscedasticity are still out. Some suggest that evidence of
heteroskedasticity is not a problem (and is actually desirable and expected in moderated models),
and so we shouldn't worry about testing for homoscedasticity. I never conduct this test unless
specifically requested to by a reviewer.
Multicollinearity is not desirable. It means that the variance our independent variables explain in
our dependent variable are are overlapping with each other and thus not each explaining unique
variance in the dependent variable. The way to check this is to calculate a Variable Inflation
Factor (VIF) for each independent variable after running a multivariate regression. The rules of
thumb for the VIF are as follows:

VIF < 3: not a problem

VIF > 3; potential problem

VIF > 5; very likely problem

VIF > 10; definitely problem

The tolerance value in SPSS is directly related to the VIF, and values less than 0.10 are strong
indications of multicollinearity issues. For particulars on how to calculate the VIF in SPSS,
watch the step by step video tutorial. The easiest method for fixing multicollinearity issues is to
drop one of problematic variables. This won't hurt your R-square much because that variable
doesn't add much unique explanation of variance anyway.
Exploratory Factor Analysis
Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) is a statistical approach for determining the correlation
among the variables in a dataset. This type of analysis provides a factor structure (a grouping of
variables based on strong correlations). In general, an EFA prepares the variables to be used for
cleaner structural equation modeling. An EFA should always be conducted for new datasets. The
beauty of an EFA over a CFA (confirmatory) is that no a priori theory about which items belong
to which constructs is applied. This means the EFA will be able to spot problematic variables
much more easily than the CFA.

Rotation types
Rotation causes factor loadings to be more clearly differentiated, which is often necessary to
facilitate interpretation. Several types of rotation are available for your use.
Varimax (most common)

minimizes number of variables with extreme loadings (high or low) on a factor

makes it possible to identify a variable with a factor


minimizes the number of factors needed to explain each variable

tends to generate a general factor on which most variables load with medium to high

not very helpful for research


combination of Varimax and Quartimax

The variables are assessed for the unique relationship between each factor and the variables
(removing relationships that are shared by multiple factors).
Direct oblimin (DO)

factors are allowed to be correlated

diminished interpretability

Promax (Use this one if you're not sure)

computationally faster than DO

used for large datasets

Factoring methods
There are three main methods for factor extraction.
Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
Use for a softer solution

Considers all of the available variance (common + unique) (places 1s on diagonal of

correlation matrix).

Seeks a linear combination of variables such that maximum variance is extracted

repeats this step.

Use when there is concern with prediction, parsimony and you know the specific and
error variance are small.

Results in orthogonal (uncorrelated factors).

Principal Axis Factoring (PAF)

Considers only common variance (places communality estimates on diagonal of

correlation matrix).

Seeks least number of factors that can account for the common variance (correlation) of a
set of variables.

PAF is only analyzing common factor variability; removing the uniqueness or

unexplained variability from the model.

PAF is preferred because it accounts for co-variation, whereas PCA accounts for total

Maximum Likelihood (ML)

Use this method if you are unsure

Maximizes differences between factors. Provides Model Fit estimate.

This is the approach used in AMOS, so if you are going to use AMOS for CFA and
structural modeling, you should use this one during the EFA.

Appropriateness of data (adequacy)

KMO Statistics

Marvelous: .90s

Meritorious: .80s

Middling: .70s

Mediocre: .60s

Miserable: .50s

Unacceptable: <.50

Bartletts Test of Sphericity

Tests hypothesis that correlation matrix is an identity matrix.

Diagonals are ones

Off-diagonals are zeros

A significant result (Sig. < 0.05) indicates matrix is not an identity matrix; i.e., the variables do
relate to one another enough to run a meaningful EFA.

A communality is the extent to which an item correlates with all other items. Higher
communalities are better. If communalities for a particular variable are low (between 0.0-0.4),
then that variable may struggle to load significantly on any factor. In the table below, you should
identify low values in the "Extraction" column. Low values indicate candidates for removal after
you examine the pattern matrix.

Factor Structure

Factor structure refers to the intercorrelations among the variables being tested in the EFA. Using
the pattern matrix below as an illustration, we cab see that variables group into factors - more
precisely, they "load" onto factors. The example below illustrates a very clean factor structure in
which convergent and discriminant validity are evident by the high loadings within factors, and
no cross-loadings between factors.

Convergent validity
Convergent validity means that the variables within a single factor are highly correlated. This is
evident by the factor loadings. Sufficient/significant loadings depend on the sample size of your
dataset. The table below outlines the thresholds for sufficient/significant factor loadings.
Generally, the smaller the sample size, the higher the required loading. We can see that in the
pattern matrix above, we would need a sample size of 60-70 at a minimum to achieve significant
loadings for variables loyalty1 and loyalty7. Regardless of sample size, it is best to have loadings
greater than 0.500 and averaging out to greater than 0.700 for each factor.

Discriminant validity
Discriminant validity refers to the extent to which factors are distinct and uncorrelated. The rule
is that variables should relate more strongly to their own factor than to another factor. Two
primary methods exist for determining discriminant validity during an EFA. The first method is
to examine the pattern matrix. Variables should load significantly only on one factor. If "crossloadings" do exist (variable loads on multiple factors), then the cross-loadings should differ by
more than 0.2. The second method is to examine the factor correlation matrix, as shown below.
Correlations between factors should not exceed 0.7. A correlation greater than 0.7 indicates a
majority of shared variance (0.7 * 0.7 = 49% shared variance). As we can see from the factor
correlation matrix below, factor 2 is too highly correlated with factors 1, 3, and 4.

Face validity

Face validity is very simple. Do the factors make sense? For example, are variables that are
similar in nature loading together on the same factor? If there are exceptions, are they
explainable? Factors that demonstrate sufficient face validity should be easy to label. For
example, in the pattern matrix above, we could easily label factor 1 "Trust in the Agent"
(assuming the variable names are representative of the measure used to collect data for this
variable). If all the "Trust" variables in the pattern matrix above loaded onto a single factor, we
may have to abstract a bit and call this factor "Trust" rather than "Trust in Agent" and "Trust in
Reliability refers to the consistency of the item-level errors within a single factor. Reliability
means just what it sounds like: a "reliable" set of variables will consistently load on the same
factor. The way to test reliability in an EFA is to compute Cronbach's alpha for each factor.
Cronbach's alpha should be above 0.7; although, ceteris paribus, the value will generally
increase for factors with more variables, and decrease for factors with fewer variables. Each
factor should aim to have at least 3 variables, although 2 variables is sometimes permissible.

Formative vs. Reflective

Specifying formative versus reflective constructs is a critical preliminary step prior to further
statistical analysis. Specification follows these guidelines:

Direction of causality is from measure to construct

No reason to expect the measures are correlated

Indicators are not interchangeable


Direction of causality is from construct to measure

Measures expected to be correlated

Indicators are interchangeable

An example of formative versus reflective constructs is given in the figure below.

Common EFA Problems

1. EFA that results in too many or too few factors (contrary to expected number of factors).

This happens all the time when you extract based on eigenvalues. I encourage students to
use eigenvalues first, but then also to try constraining to the exact number of expected
factors. Concerns arise when the eigenvalues extract fewer than expected, so constraining
ends up extracting factors with very low eigenvalues (and therefore not very useful factors).

2. EFA with low communalities for some items.

This is a sign of low correlation and is usually corroborated by a low pattern matrix
loading. I tell students not to remove an item just because of a low communality, but to watch
it carefully throughout the rest of the EFA.

3. EFA with a 2nd order construct involved, as well as several first order constructs.

Often when there is a 2nd order factor in an EFA, the subdimensions of that factor will all
load together, instead of in separate factors. In such cases, I recommend doing a separate
EFA for the items of that 2nd order factor. Then, if that EFA results in removing some items
to achieve discriminant validity, you can try putting the EFA back together with the
remaining items (although it still might not work).

4. EFA with Heywood cases

Sometimes loadings are greater than 1.00. I dont address these until Ive addressed all
other problems. Once I have a good EFA solution, then if the Heywood case is still there
(usually it resolves itself), then I try a different rotation method (Varimax will fix it every

Some Thoughts on Messy EFAs

Let us say that you are doing an EFA and your pattern matrix ends up a mess. Lets say that the
items from one or two constructs do not load as expected no matter how you manipulate the
EFA. What can you do about it? There is no right answer (this is statistics after all), but you do
have a few options:
1. You can remove those constructs from the model and move forward without them.

This option is not recommended as it is usually the last course of action to take. You
should always do everything in your power to retain constructs that are key to your theory.

2. You can run the EFA using a more exploratory approach without regard to expected loadings.
For example, if you expected item foo3 to load with items foo1 and foo2, but instead it loaded
with items moo1-3, then you should just let it. Then rename you factors according to what loaded
on them.

This option is acceptable, but will lead you to produce a model that is probably somewhat
different from the one you had expected to end up with.

3. You can say to yourself, Why am I doing an EFA? These are established scales and I already
know which items belong to which constructs. I do not need to explore the relationships between
the items because I already know the relationships. So shouldnt I be doing a CFA instead to
confirm these expectations? And then you would simply report that you conducted an EFA out
of due diligence, and these are the Cronbach alpha scores, etc, but since you were using
established scales, and things were a bit of a mess in the EFA, you decided to jump to the CFA to
refine your measurement model (but that you will return to your EFA after your CFA).

Surveys are built with a priori constructs and theory in mind or surveys are built from
existing scales that have been validated in previous literature. Thus, we are less inclined to
explore and more inclined to confirm when doing factor analysis. If you take this course
of action, then you need to justify it as I have done above. The point of a factor analysis is to
show that you have distinct constructs (discriminant validity) that each measures a single
thing (convergent validity), and that are reliable (reliability). This can all be achieved in the

CFA. However, you should then go back to the EFA and "confirm" the CFA in the EFA by
setting up the EFA as your CFA turned out.
Why do I bring this up? Mainly because your EFAs are nearly always going to run messy, and
because you can endlessly mess around with an EFA and if you believe everything your EFA is
telling you, you will end up throwing away items and constructs unnecessarily and thus you will
end up letting statistics drive your theory, instead of letting theory drive your theory. EFAs are
exploratory and they can be treated as such. We want to retain as much as possible and still be
producing valid results. I dont know if this is emphasized enough in our quant courses. I also
bring this up because I ran an EFA recently and got something I could not salvage without
hacking a couple constructs. However, after running the CFA with the full model (ignoring the
EFA), I was able to retain all constructs by only removing a few items (and not the ones I
expected based on the EFA!). I now have excellent reliability, convergent validity, and only a
minor issue with discriminant validity that Im willing to justify for the greater good of the
model. I can now go back and reconcile my CFA with an EFA.
For a very rocky but successful demonstration of handling a troublesome EFA, watch my SEM
Boot Camp 2014 Day 3 Afternoon Video towards the end. The link below will start you at the
right time position. In this video, I take one of the seminar participant's data, which I had never
seen before, and with which he had been unable to arrive at a clean EFA, and I struggle through
it until we arrive at something valid and usable.

Confirmatory Factor Analysis

Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) is the next step after exploratory factor analysis to determine the factor
structure of your dataset. In the EFA we explore the factor structure (how the variables relate and group based
on inter-variable correlations); in the CFA we confirm the factor structure we extracted in the EFA.

Model Fit
Model fit refers to how well our proposed model (in this case, the model of the factor structure)
accounts for the correlations between variables in the dataset. If we are accounting for all the
major correlations inherent in the dataset (with regards to the variables in our model), then we
will have good fit; if not, then there is a significant "discrepancy" between the correlations
proposed and the correlations observed, and thus we have poor model fit. Our proposed model
does not "fit" the observed or "estimated" model (i.e., the correlations in the dataset). Refer to the
CFA video tutorial for specifics on how to go about performing a model fit analysis during the
There are specific measures that can be calculated to determine goodness of fit. The metrics that
ought to be reported are listed below, along with their acceptable thresholds. Goodness of fit is

inversely related to sample size and the number of variables in the model. Thus, the thresholds
below are simply a guideline. For more contextualized thresholds, see Table 12-4 in Hair et al.
2010 on page 654. The thresholds listed in the table below are from Hu and Bentler (1999).

Modification indices
Modification indices offer suggested remedies to discrepancies between the proposed and
estimated model. In a CFA, there is not much we can do by way of adding regression lines to fix
model fit, as all regression lines between latent and observed variables are already in place.
Therefore, in a CFA, we look to the modification indices for the covariances. Generally, we
should not covary error terms with observed or latent variables, or with other error terms that are
not part of the same factor. Thus, the most appropriate modification available to us is to covary
error terms that are part of the same factor. The figure below illustrates this rule. In general, you
want to address the largest modification indices before addressing more minor ones. For more
information on when it is okay to covary error terms (because there are other appropriate
reasons), refer to David Kenny's thoughts on the matter:

Standardized Residual Covariances

Standardized Residual Covariances (SRCs) are much like modification indices; they point out
where the discrepancies are between the proposed and estimated models. However, they also
indicate whether or not those discrepancies are significant. A significant standardized residual
covariance is one with an absolute value greater than 2.58. Significant residual covariances
significantly decrease your model fit. Fixing model fit per the residuals matrix is similar to fixing
model fit per the modification indices. The same rules apply. For a more specific run-down of
how to calculate and locate residuals, refer to the CFA video tutorial. It should be noted however,
that in practice, I never address SRCs unless I cannot achieve adequate fit via modification
indices, because addressing the SRCs requires the removal of items.
Validity and Reliability

It is absolutely necessary to establish convergent and discriminant validity, as well as

reliability, when doing a CFA. If your factors do not demonstrate adequate validity and
reliability, moving on to test a causal model will be useless - garbage in, garbage out! There
are a few measures that are useful for establishing validity and reliability: Composite

Reliability (CR), Average Variance Extracted (AVE), Maximum Shared Variance (MSV), and
Average Shared Variance (ASV). The video tutorial will show you how to calculate these
values. The thresholds for these values are as follows:

CR > 0.7

Convergent Validity

AVE > 0.5

Discriminant Validity



Square root of AVE greater than inter-construct correlations

If you have convergent validity issues, then your variables do not correlate well with each other
within their parent factor; i.e, the latent factor is not well explained by its observed variables. If
you have discriminant validity issues, then your variables correlate more highly with variables
outside their parent factor than with the variables within their parent factor; i.e., the latent factor
is better explained by some other variables (from a different factor), than by its own observed
If you need to cite these suggested thresholds, please use the following:
Hair, J., Black, W., Babin, B., and Anderson, R. (2010). Multivariate data analysis (7th ed.):
Prentice-Hall, Inc. Upper Saddle River, NJ, USA.
AVE is a strict measure of convergent validity. Malhotra and Dash (2011) note that "AVE is a
more conservative measure than CR. On the basis of CR alone, the researcher may conclude that
the convergent validity of the construct is adequate, even though more than 50% of the variance
is due to error. (Malhotra and Dash, 2011, p.702).
Common Method Bias (CMB)
Common method bias refers to a bias in your dataset due to something external to the measures.
Something external to the question may have influenced the response given. For example,
collecting data using a single (common) method, such as an online survey, may introduce
systematic response bias that will either inflate or deflate responses. A study that has significant
common method bias is one in which a majority of the variance can be explained by a single
factor. To test for a common method bias you can do a few different tests. Each will be described
below. For a step by step guide, refer to the video tutorials.
Harmans single factor test
A Harman's single factor test tests to see if the majority of the variance can be explained by a
single factor. To do this, constrain the number of factors extracted in your EFA to be just one

(rather than extracting via eigenvalues). Then examine the unrotated solution. If CMB is an
issue, a single factor will account for the majority of the variance in the model (as in the figure

Common Latent Factor

This method uses a common latent factor (CLF) to capture the common variance among all
observed variables in the model. To do this, simply add a latent factor to your AMOS CFA model
(as in the figure below), and then connect it to all observed items in the model. Then compare the
standardized regression weights from this model to the standardized regression weights of a
model without the CLF. If there are large differences (like greater than 0.200) then you will want
to retain the CLF as you either impute composites from factor scores, or as you move in to the
structural model. The CLF video tutorial demonstrates how to do this.

Marker Variable
This method is simply an extended, and more accurate way to do the common latent factor
method. For this method, just add another latent factor to the model (as in the figure below), but
make sure it is something that you would not expect to correlate with the other latent factors in
the model (i.e., the observed variables for this new factor should have low, or no, correlation with
the observed variables from the other factors). Then add the common latent factor. This method
teases out truer common variance than the basic common latent factor method because it is
finding the common variance between unrelated latent factors. Thus, any common variance is
likely due to a common method bias, rather than natural correlations. This method is
demonstrated in the common method bias video tutorial.

Measurement Model Invariance

Before creating composite variables for a path analysis, configural and metric invariance should
be tested during the CFA to validate that the factor structure and loadings are sufficiently
equivalent across groups, otherwise your composite variables will not be very useful (because
they are not actually measuring the same underlying latent construct for both groups).
Configural invariance tests whether the factor structure represented in your CFA achieves
adequate fit when both groups are tested together and freely (i.e., without any cross-group path
constraints). To do this, simply build your measurement model as usual, create two groups in
AMOS (e.g., male and female), and then split the data along gender. Next, attend to model fit as
usual (heres a reminder: Model Fit). If the resultant model achieves good fit, then you have
configural invariance. If you dont pass the configural invariance test, then you may need to look
at the modification indices to improve your model fit or to see how to restructure your CFA.
If we pass the test of configural invariance, then we need to test for metric invariance. To test for
metric invariance, simply perform a chi-square difference test on the two groups just as you
would for a structural model. The evaluation is the same as in the structural model invariance
test: if you have a significant p-value for the chi-square difference test, then you have evidence
of differences between groups, otherwise, they are invariant and you may proceed to make your
composites from this measurement model (but make sure you use the whole dataset when you
create composites, instead of using the split dataset).
An even simpler and less time-consuming approach to metric invariance is to conduct a
multigroup moderation test using critical ratios for differences in AMOS. Below is a video to

explain how to do this. The video is about a lot of things in the CFA, but the link below will start
you at the time point for testing metric invariance with critical ratios.
Contingency Plans
If you do not achieve invariant models, here are some appropriate approaches in the order I
would attempt them.

1. Modification indices: Fit the model for each group using the unconstrained
measurement model. You can toggle between groups when looking at modification indices.
So, for example, for males, there might be a high MI for the covariance between e1 and e2,
but for females this might not be the case. Go ahead and add those covariances appropriately
for both groups. When adding them to the model, it does it for both groups, even if you only
needed to do it for one of them. If fitting the model this way does not solve your invariance
issues, then you will need to look at differences in regression weights.

2. Regression weights: You need to figure out which item or items are causing the
trouble (i.e., which ones do not measure the same across groups). The cause of the lack of
invariance is most likely due to one of two things: the strength of the loading for one or more
items differs significantly across groups, or, an item or two load better on a factor other than
their own for one or more groups. To address the first issue, just look at the standardized
regression weights for each group to see if there are any major differences (just eyeball it). If
you find a regression weight that is exceptionally different (for example, item2 on Factor 3
has a loading of 0.34 for males and 0.88 for females), then you may need to remove that item
if possible. Retest and see if invariance issues are solved. If not, try addressing the second
issue (explained next).

3. Standardized Residual Covariances: To address the second issue, you need to

analyze the standardized residual covariances (check the residual moments box in the output
tab). I talk about this a little bit in my video called Model fit during a Confirmatory Factor
Analysis (CFA) in AMOS around the 8:35 mark. This matrix can also be toggled between
groups. Here is a small example for CSRs and BCRs. We observe that for the BCR group rd3
and q5 have high standardized residual covariances with sw1. So, we could remove sw1 and
see if that fixes things, but SW only has three items right now, so another option is to remove
rd3 or q5 and see if that fixes things, and if not, then return to this matrix after rerunning
things, and see if there are any other issues. Remove items sparingly, and only one at a time,
trying your best to leave at least three items with each factor, although two items will also
sometimes work if necessary (two just becomes unstable). If you still have issues, then your
groups are exceptionally different This may be due to small sample size for one of the
groups. If such is the case, then you may have to list that as a limitation and just move on.

2nd Order Factors

Handling 2nd order factors in AMOS is not difficult, but it is tricky. And, if you don't get it right,
it won't run. The pictures below offer a simple example of how you would model a 2nd order
factor in a measurement model and in a structural model. The YouTube video tutorial above
demonstrates how to handle 2nd order factors, and explains how to report them.

Common CFA Problems

1. CFA that reaches iteration limit.
2. CFA that shows CMB = 0 (sometimes happens when paths from CLF are constrained to be

The best approach to CMB is just to not constrain them to be equal. Instead, it is best to
do a chi-square difference test between the unconstrained model (with CLF and marker if
available) and the same model but with all paths from the CLF constrained to zero. This tells
us whether the common variance is different from zero.

3. CFA with negative error variances

This shouldnt happen if all data screening and EFA worked out well, but it still
happens In such cases, it is permitted to constrain the error variance to a small positive
number (e.g., 0.001)

4. CFA with negative error covariances (sometimes shows up as not positive definite)

In such cases, there is usually a measurement issue deeper down (like skewness or
kurtosis, or too much missing data, or a variable that is nominal). If it cannot be fixed by
addressing these deeper down issues, then you might be able to correct it by moving the
latent variable path constraint (usually 1) to another path. Usually this issue accompanies the
negative error variance, so we can usually fix it by fixing the negative error variance first.

5. CFA with Heywood cases

This often happens when we have only two items for a latent variable, and one of them is
very dominant. First try moving the latent variable path constraint to a different path. If this
doesnt work then, move the path constraint up to the latent variable variance constraint AND
constrain the paths to be equal (by naming them both the same thing, like aaa).

6. CFA with discriminant validity issues

This shouldnt happen if the EFA solution was satisfactory. However, it still happens
sometimes when two latent factors are strongly correlated. This strong correlation is a sign of
overlapping traits. For example, confidence and self-efficacy. These two traits are too similar.
Either one could be dropped, or you could create a 2nd order factor out of them

7. CFA with missing constraint error

Sometimes the CFA will say you need to impose 1 additional constraint (sometimes it
says more than this). This is usually caused by drawing the model incorrectly. Check to see if
all latent variables have a single path constrained to 1 (or the latent variable variance
constrained to 1).

Structural Equation Modeling

Structural equation modeling (SEM) grows out of and serves purposes similar to multiple
regression, but in a more powerful way which takes into account the modeling of interactions,
nonlinearities, correlated independents, measurement error, correlated error terms, multiple latent
independents each measured by multiple indicators, and one or more latent dependents also each
with multiple indicators. SEM may be used as a more powerful alternative to multiple regression,
path analysis, factor analysis, time series analysis, and analysis of covariance. That is, these
procedures may be seen as special cases of SEM, or, to put it another way, SEM is an extension
of the general linear model (GLM) of which multiple regression is a part.
SEM is an umbrella concept for analyses such as mediation and moderation. This wiki page
provides general instruction and guidance regarding how to write hypotheses for different types
of SEMs, what to do with control variables, mediation, interaction, multi-group analyses, and
model fit for structural models. Videos and slides presentations are provided in the subsections.
Hypotheses are a keystone to causal theory. However, wording hypotheses is clearly a struggle
for many researchers (just select at random any article from a good academic journal, and count
the wording issues!). In this section I offer examples of how you might word different types of
hypotheses. These examples are not exhaustive, but they are safe.
Direct effects
"Diet has a positive effect on weight loss"
"An increase in hours spent watching television will negatively effect weight loss"
Mediated effects
For mediated effects, be sure to indicate the direction of the mediation (positive or negative), the
degree of the mediation (partial, full, or simply indirect), and the direction of the mediated
relationship (positive or negative).
"Exercise positively and partially mediates the positive relationship between diet and weight
"Television time positively and fully mediates the positive relationship between diet and weight
"Diet affects weight loss positively and indirectly through exercise"
Interaction effects
"Exercise positively moderates the positive relationship between diet and weight loss"
"Exercise amplifies the positive relationship between diet and weight loss"
"TV time negatively moderates (dampens) the positive relationship between diet and weight
Multi-group effects
"Body Mass Index (BMI) moderates the relationship between exercise and weight loss, such that
for those with a low BMI, the effect is negative (i.e., you gain weight - muscle mass), and for
those with a high BMI, the effect is positive (i.e., exercising leads to weight loss)"

"Age moderates the relationship between exercise and weight loss, such that for age < 40, the
positive effect is stronger than for age > 40"
"Diet moderates the relationship between exercise and weight loss, such that for western diets the
effect is positive and weak, for eastern (asia) diets, the effect is positive and strong"
Mediated Moderation
An example of a mediated moderation hypothesis would be something like:
Ethical concerns strengthen the negative indirect effect (through burnout) between customer
rejection and job satisfaction.
In this case, the IV is customer rejection, the DV is job satisfaction, burnout is the mediator, and
the moderator is ethical concerns. The moderation is conducted through an interaction. However,
if you have a categorical moderator, it would be something more like this (using gender as the
The negative indirect effect between customer rejection and job satisfaction (through burnout)
is stronger for men than for women.
Handling controls
When including controls in hypotheses (yes, you should include them), simply add at the end of
any hypothesis, "when controlling for...[list control variables here]" For example:
"Exercise positively moderates the positive relationship between diet and weight loss when
controlling for TV time and diet"
"Diet has a positive effect on weight loss when controlling for TV time and diet"
Another approach is to state somewhere above your hypotheses (while you're setting up your
theory) that all your hypotheses take into account the effects of the following controls: A, B, and
C. And then make sure to explain why.
Supporting Hypotheses
Getting the wording right is only part of the battle, and is mostly useless if you cannot support
your reasoning for WHY you think the relationships proposed in the hypotheses should exist.
Simply saying X has a positive effect on Y is not sufficient to make a causal statement. You must
then go an explain the various reasons behind your hypothesized relationship. Take Diet and
Weight loss for example. The hypothesis is, "Diet has a positive effect on weight loss". The
supporting logic would then be something like:
Weight is gained as we consume calories. Diet reduces the number of calories consumed.
Therefore, the more we diet, the more weight we should lose (or the less weight we should

LESSON: Controls

Controls are potentially confounding variables that we need to account for, but that dont drive
our theory. For example, in Dietz and Gortmaker 1985, their theory was that TV time had a

negative effect on school performance. But there are many things that could effect school
performance, possibly even more than the amount of time spent in front of the TV. So, in order to
account for these other potentially confounding variables, the authors control for them. They are
basically saying, that regardless of IQ, time spent reading for pleasure, hours spent doing
homework, or the amount of time parents spend reading to their child, an increase in TV time
still significantly decreases school performance. These relationships are shown in the figure

As a cautionary note, you should nearly always include some controls; however, these control
variables still count against your sample size calculations. So, the more controls you have, the
higher your sample size needs to be. Also you get a higher R square but with increasingly smaller
gains for each added control. Sometimes you may even find that adding a control drowns out
all the effects of the IVs, in such a case you may need to run your tests without that control
variable (but then you can only say that your IVs, though significant, only account for a small
amount of the variance in the DV). With that in mind, you cant and shouldn't control for
everything, and as always, your decision to include or exclude controls should be based on
Handling controls in AMOS is easy, but messy (see the figure below). You simply treat them like
the other exogenous variables (the ones that dont have arrows going into them), and have them
regress on whichever endogenous variables they may logically affect. In this case, I have
valShort, a potentially confounding variable, as a control, with regards to valLong. And I have
LoyRepeat as a control on LoyLong. Ive also covaried the Controls with each other and with the
other exogenous variables. When using controls in a moderated mediation analysis, go ahead and
put the controls in at the very beginning. Covarying control variables with the other exogenous
variables can be done based on theory, rather than as default.

When reporting the model, you do need to include the controls in all your tests and output, but
you should consolidate them at the bottom where they can be out of the way. Also, just so you
dont get any crazy ideas, you would not test for any mediation between a control and a
dependent variable. However, you may report how the control effects a dependent variable
differently based on a moderating variable. For example, valshort may have a stronger effect on
valLong for males than for females. This is something that should be reported, but not
necessarily focused on, as it is not likely a key part of your theory. Lastly, even if effects from
controls are not significant, you do not need trim them from your model (although, there are also
other schools of thought on this issue).
Mediation models are used to describe chains of causation. Mediation is often used to provide a
more accurate explanation for the causal effect the antecedent has on the dependent variable. The
mediator is usually that variable that is the missing link in a chain of causation. For example,
Intelligence leads to increased performance - but not in all cases, as not all intelligent people are
high performers. Thus, some other variable is needed to explain the reason for the inconsistent
relationship between IV and DV. This other variable is called a mediator. In this example, work
effectiveness, may be a good mediator. We would say that work effectiveness fully and positively
mediates the relationship between intelligence and performance. Thus, the direct relationship
between intelligence and performance isbetter explained through the mediator of work
effectiveness. The logic is, even if you are intelligent, if you don't work smarter, then you won't
perform well. However, intelligent people tend to work smarter (but not always). Thus, when
intelligence leads to working smarter, then we observe greater performance.

There are three main types of simple mediation: 1) partial, 2) full, and 3) indirect. Partial
mediation means that both the direct and indirect effects from the IV to DV are significant. Full
means that the direct effect drops out of significance when the mediator is present, and that the
indirect effect is significant. Indirect means that the direct effect never was significant, but that
the indirect effect is. The figure below illustrates these types of mediation. Please refer to the
step by step guide listed above for determining significance of the mediation.

There is one less common form of mediation called "competitive" mediation. In this case, the
direct effect between IV and DV is neutralized when the mediator is absent. When the
mediator is added, the direct effect becomes significant (often to the researchers surprise) and is
usually in the opposite direction theorized, while the indirect path is observed to be significant
and in the theorized direction. In such cases, the IV has dual effects on the DV which can only be
separated when the mediator, acting somewhat like a prism, bifurcates the competing (and
neutralizing) effects. Zhao et al. (2010 "reconsidering Baron and Kenny") discuss this.


In factorial designs, interaction effects are the joint effects of two predictor variables in addition
to the individual main effects. This is another form of moderation (along with multi-grouping)
i.e., the X to Y relationship changes form (gets stronger, weaker, changes signs) depending on the
value of another explanatory variable (the moderator). So, for example

you lose 1 pound of weight for every hour you exercise

you lose 1 pound of weight for every 500 calories you cut back from your regular diet

but when you exercise while dieting, the you lose 2 pounds for every 500 calories you cut
back from your regular diet, in addition to the 1 pound you lose for exercising for one hour;
thus in total, you lose three pounds

So, the multiplicative effect of exercising while dieting is greater than the additive effects of
doing one or the other. Here is another simple example:

Chocolate is yummy

Cheese is yummy

but combining chocolate and cheese is yucky!

The following figure is an example of a simple interaction model.

Interactions enable more precise explanation of causal effects by providing a method for
explaining not only how X affects Y, but also under what circumstances the effect of X changes
depending on the moderating variable of Z. Interpreting interactions is somewhat tricky.
Interactions should be plotted (as demonstrated in the tutorial video). Once plotted, the

interpretation can be made using the following four examples (in the figures below) as a guide.
My most recent Stats Tools Package provides these interpretations automatically.

Model fit again

You already did model fit in your CFA, but you need to do it again in your structural model in
order to demonstrate sufficient exploration of alternative models. The method is the same: look
at modification indices, residuals, and standard fit measures like CFI, RMSEA etc. The one thing
that should be noted here in particular, however, is logic that should determine how you apply
the modification indices to error terms.

If the correlated variables are not logically causally correlated, but merely statistically
correlated, then you may covary the error terms in order to account for the systematic
statistical correlations without implying a causal relationship.

e.g., burnout from customers is highly correlated with burnout from management

We expect these to have similar values (residuals) because they are logically
similar and have similar wording in our survey, but they do not necessarily have any
causal ties.

If the correlated variables are logically causally correlated, then simply add a regression

e.g., burnout from customers is highly correlated with satisfaction with customers

We expect burnC to predict satC, so not accounting for it is negligent.

Lastly, remember, you don't need to create the BEST fit, just good fit. If a BEST fit model (i.e.,
one in which all modification indices are addressed) isn't logical, or does not fit with your theory,
you may need to simply settle for a model that has worse (yet sufficient) fit, and then explain
why you did not choose the better fitting model. For more information on when it is okay to
covary error terms (because there are other appropriate reasons), refer to David Kenny's thoughts
on the matter: David's website
Multi-group moderation is a special form of moderation in which a dataset is split along values
of a categorical variable (such as gender), and then a given model is tested with each set of data.
Using the gender example, the model is tested for males and females separately. The use of
multi-group moderation is to determine if relationships hypothesized in a model will differ based
on the value of the moderator (e.g., gender). Take the diet and weight loss hypothesis for
example. A multi-group moderation model would answer the question: does dieting effect weight
loss differently for males than for females? In the videos above, you will learn how to set up a
multigroup model in AMOS, and test it using chi-square differences, and using critical ratios.
Really, using critical ratios takes about a one minute after the model is set up, and it involves no
room for human error, whereas using the chi-square method can take upwards of 30 minutes and
it involves a lot of room for human error. So, I recommend the easy method!
From Measurement Model to Structural Model
Many of the examples in the videos so far have taught concepts using a set of composite
variables (instead of latent factors with observed items). Many will want to utilize the full power
of SEM by building true structural models (with latent factors). This is not a difficult thing.
Simply remove the covariance arrows from your measurement model (after CFA), then draw
single-headed arrows from IVs to DVs. Make sure you put error terms on the DVs, then run it.
It's that easy. Refer to the video for a demonstration.

Creating Composites from Latent Factors

If you would like to create composite variables (as used in many of the videos) from latent
factors, it is an easy thing to do. However, you must remember two very important caveats:

You are not allowed to have any missing values in the data used. These will need to be
imputed beforehand in SPSS or excel (I have two tools for this in my Stats Tools Package one for imputing, and one for simply removing the entire row that has missing data).

Latent factor names must not have any spaces or hard returns in them. They must be
single continuous strings ("FactorOne" or "Factor_One" instead of "Factor One").

After those two caveats are addressed, then you can simply go to the Analyze menu, and
select Data Imputation. Select Regression Imputation, and then click on the Impute button. This
will create a new SPSS dataset with the same name as the current dataset except it will be
followed by an "_C". This can be found in the same folder as your current dataset.

Partial Least Squares is another method for testing causal models (in addition to Covariance
Based Methods used in AMOS and Lisrel). This section on PLS is intended to demystify the
process of conducting an analysis, start to finish, using PLS-graph. Trust me, it needs
demystification! I am not going to get into the deep logic and math behind the methods I outline
here. This wiki is simply intended to be used as a "How To" for pls-graph. For more references
and technical explanations, please refer to Wynne Chin's website: I
have also listed several videos for SmartPLS 2.0 at the bottom of this page, and an article about
when to choose PLS and how to use it.
Installing PLS-graph
Simply installing PLS-graph is a complex process. Instructions for getting the full version can be
found here: for the demo version. The demo version is rather limiting, and only allows you to
test models with ten variables or less. In order to obtain a more useful license, you will have to
contact Wynne Chin directly: Sadly I am not allowed to distribute it freely, and
requests directed toward me for the full license must be rejected.
IMPORTANT Once you have PLS-graph installed (by clicking on that link and running
the file), make sure you have a "license.dat" or "license" file in your plsgraph folder,
typically found at: C:\Program Files\plsgraph, but sometimes also found at C:\Program
Files x86\plsgraph if you are running a 64bit machine.

Opening PLS-graph
If you get one of the following errors, then you either don't have a valid license from Wynne
Chin, or you have not placed the license in the proper directory. See the installation section
above for more details.

Linking Data
To "open" or "link" a dataset in PLS-graph, you need to click on File --> Links NOT File -->
Open. From File --> Links, then browse for your dataset.

Your data must be in .raw format or else it will not show up in the browse window.

To get your data in .raw format, you need to follow the guidelines in this quick
tutorial: Creating .raw files
Basically, you need to:

Save your dataset as "tab delimited" (.dat) from SPSS or Excel, or whatever program you
are using to view your data.
Then change the file extension from .dat to .raw (say yes if an error pops up)

If you get the following error when linking data, then there is a problem in the dataset:

The problem is most likely one of the following:

[1]You have blank or missing values that have not been recoded.

[2]You have non-numeric values (other than variable names in the first row)

[3]You have excessively large numbers (e.g., 0.978687677664826355281)

[4]You have scientific notation (e.g., 3.23E-08 instead of 0.0000000323)

Fixes for these issues:

[1]Replace all missing values in your dataset with a constant that is otherwise unused in
the dataset (something like -1). You can do this in Excel or SPSS by doing a quick Find and
Replace (Control+H). Or, you can impute those missing values (if appropriate) in SPSS using
the Replace missing values function in the Transform menu.

[2]If you have non-numeric data, you need to convert it to numbers (if appropriate). For
example, if you have values like "Low" "Medium" "High", instead you need to use
something like "1" "2" "3", where 1=Low, etc. This can also be done with a find and replace.
You may also need to simply remove some columns from your dataset because they cannot
be used in PLS. For example, if you have email addresses or usernames in your dataset, those
can simply be removed because they cannot be meaningfully converted into numeric data.

[3]If your numbers are too large in Excel, then simply decrease the number of decimals
using the
button. If you are using SPSS then you need to do some fancy copy and paste
work. Copy the offending columns into Excel, reduce the number or decimals, then copy and
paste the new values into those same columns in SPSS.

[4]If you have scientific notation, this is probably because you were using Excel at some
point and the numbers were either formatted explicitly as "Scientific" or were inferred to be
Scientific but formatted by default as "General". To fix this, simply change the formatting to
"Number". See the picture below for how to access these formats in Excel 2010.

PLS-graph tends to crash quite frequently if you are testing a complex model (over 30 variables)
and/or have a large sample size (over 500). To fix this, you need to manually increase the amount
of memory allocated for running the PLS algorithms. Go to Options --> Memory and then add a
couple zeros to each row. In the picture below, I've added two zeros to each row.

You may also want to just wait for a few seconds after the program runs before hitting
the Okay button. This will give it time to settle, and will result in fewer crashes.

Above all SAVE OFTEN!

Sample Size Rule
PLS has the great advantage over Covariance Based Methods (CBM) because it requires fewer
datapoints to accurately estimate loadings. The rule for CBM is 10 times the number of
parameters or variables in the model. So if you have 20 variables then you need 200 usable rows
in your dataset. In PLS, the rule is much looser. In PLS you need 10 times the number of
indicators for the most predicted construct. So for example, if you have a latent construct that
is predicted by 6 indicators, another predicted by 3, and another predicted by 4, then you would
only need 6 times 10, or 60 usable rows. If a construct is also being predicted in a causal model
by other latent constructs, then those need to be considered as well. So for example, in the model
below, the required sample size would be 90: 70 for the measured indicators and 20 for the latent

Factor Analysis
By factor analysis I mean the measurement and estimation of latent constructs, excluding any
causal relationship between latent constructs. In PLS latent constructs can be estimated
formatively or reflectively; whereas in CBM all constructs are measured reflectively. The
difference between these two types of models is important and should not be disregarded. For
more information on reflective versus formative measures and models please refer to the section
on Formative vs. Reflective models. As for how to conduct a factor analysis in PLS-graph, it
would be much simpler just to show you, so please see the video above.
Testing Causal Models
The first video listed above demonstrates the entire process of testing a causal model. The second
video explains how to fix your bootstrapping options so that you can increase your t-statistic
(and as a result, decrease your p-value).
The basic steps for testing causal models are as follows:

After doing a factor analysis in PLS-graph, connect the constructs using the connector

Change the inner weightings to Path (instead of Factor) - this is in the Options -->
Run menu.

Run the model

Trim weak paths in the model

Run a bootstrap in order to obtain t-statistics, composite reliabilities, and AVEs.

Trim indicators based on the t-statistics

Compute p-values from t-statistic (using Excel's function: =T.DIST.2T(x,deg_freedom))

The basic steps for increasing your t-statistic are as follows:

Go to Options --> Resampling

Change the Number of Samples to be a number greater than your sample size

Change the Cases per Sample to be a number that is a majority of your sample size. Or,
just put a zero there and the bootstrap will use the entire sample size, but include
replacements (or estimated values) for removed cases. The latter option here (using zero) will
usually give you the highest t-statistic.

Run the bootstrap now as usual.

Effect Strength (f-squared)
The t-statistic produced in pls-graph and used to calculate p-values is easily inflated when using
a large sample size (something greater than 300). So you can run a model and have a path
coefficient of 0.048 and yet the t-statistic will be significant. But a path coefficient of 0.048 is
not practically significant, only statistically significant. In cases like these, the best thing to do is
to calculate an f-squared to demonstrate the actual strength of the effect. The f-squared relies on
the change in the r-squared, rather than on the size or significance of the path coefficient. The fsquared is calculated as follows:

I have made a quick tool for calculating this in Excel. It is in the EffectSize tab of the Stats Tools
Package. Looks like this:

Testing Group Differences

Testing for differences between groups for a given causal model is a big pain in PLS... just as it
is in CBM software like AMOS. Hopefully the video tutorial I've made will demystify the
process. You will also need the Stats Tools Package Excel workbook referenced on the StatWiki
homepage. The basic steps are as follows:

Use case selection to run the model for one group at a time. This can be found in
the Options --> Run menu. For example, you might use gender as the grouping variable. In
your dataset, gender should be indicated by a 1 or 2, where 1 = male and 2 = female. Then in
PLS-graph you can select gender as the selection variable and specify a value (such as 1) to
test for just one gender at a time. (see the picture below)
Then obtain the regression weight from running the model

To obtain the standard errors, you need to run a bootstrap using a separate dataset
for each group. Bootstrapping in pls-graph does not take into account specifying a case
selection (as in the picture below).

Plug these values, along with the sample size for each group, into the Stats Tools
Package X2 Threshold tab.

This will calculate a t-statistic and p-value for you. The larger the sample sizes, the
stronger the p-value

Handling Missing Data

PLS-graph cannot handle missing values that are left blank. If there are blank portions of your
dataset, the data simply will not load. To avoid having to remove or impute all these missing

values, you can just recode them using some constant number that is never used elsewhere in the
dataset. For example, if your data comes from surveys that used 7-point Likert scales, then you
could use the number 8 as the proxy for missing values, or the number -1, or 1,111,111,001, or
whatever you wanted, as long as it wasn't a number 1 through 7. Common practice is to use -1.
In SPSS or Excel, just hit Control+H and replace all blanks with a -1. WARNING in SPSS, this
will only replace missing values within a specified column, whereas in Excel it will replace
missing values for the entire dataset. In SPSS it looks like this, with the Find value blank, and
the Replace value set to -1:

Then, in PLS-graph, you need to specify the value for missing data. This is done in the Options
--> Run menu, as shown below.

Reliability and Validity

So how do you test for reliability and validity in PLS-graph? And what do you do with formative
measures? There are different schools of thought, and different approaches. In the video above, I

will show you one of these that is usually acceptable (depending on reviewers). The basic
guidelines are as follows:

Reliability: This is demonstrated by Composite Reliability greater than 0.700.

Convergent Validity: This is demonstrated by loadings greater than 0.700, AVE greater
than 0.500, and Communalities greater than 0.500

Discriminant validity: This is demonstrated by the square root of the AVE being greater
than any of the inter-construct correlations.

Formative Measures: Like I said, different schools of thought. Some say that Reliability
and Convergent validity are actually flawed metrics when evaluating formative measures
because formative measures do not necessarily have highly correlated indicators. However,
the formative measure should have some common theme. Thus, I argue that for formative
measures, high loadings and communalities should still be present in order to have a strong
construct. Nevertheless, if you don't achieve the recommended thresholds, you can probably
argue your case.

In the end, you want a table that looks something like this:

Common Method Bias

There are several different methods for testing whether the use of a common method introduced
a bias into your data. My preferred method, and probably the most accurate, but most stringent,
is to use a marker variable to draw out the common variance with theoretically unrelated
constructs, which would point to some systematic variance explained by an external factor (such
as a common method of data collection). To employ a marker variable in PLS-graph, you need to
create a latent construct that is theoretically dissimilar to the other constructs in the model. For
example, if I am doing a factor analysis with the following variables: Satisfaction, Burnout,
Rejection, and Ethical Concerns, I can choose a marker variable like Apathy, and then look at the
correlations between the other constructs and this construct. The correlations should be low - like
less than 0.300. Squaring the highest correlation between the Marker and another construct will
give you the maximum percentage of shared variance. Additionally, you can look at the
correlations between the other factors. None of those correlations should be greater than 0.700
(for discriminant validity) and definitely no greater than 0.900 for common method bias.

So, given the correlation matrix below (from the .lst output), we can say that the maximum
shared variance with the Marker variable is less than 1% (.075 squared), and none of the other
correlations begin to approach the 0.900 threshold. Thus, there is no evidence that a common
method bias exists.

To perform an interaction in PLS-graph, you need to create an Interaction Construct that is
composed of the products of the indicators for the IV and the moderating variable. The picture
below on the left is the conceptual model we are testing. The picture below on the right is the
way we measure it in PLS-graph.

Standardizing variables before multiplying them for interactions is no longer considered

necessary, as the assumed benefit of reducing multicollinearity has been debunked in several
recent articles.

To test the significance of the effect, just do a bootstrap like you would for any other effect, then
calculate the p-value from the t-statistic as discussed in the Testing Causal Models section.

On this wiki page I share my 10 Steps to building a good quantitative model, as well as some
general guidelines for structuring a quantitative model building/testing paper. These are just off
the top of my head and do not come from any sort of published work. However, I have found
them useful and hope you do as well.
1 Example Analysis
2 Ten Steps

2.1 Ten Steps for Formulating a Decent Quantitative Model

3 Order of Operations

3.1 Some general guidelines for the order to conduct each procedure
4 Structuring a Quantitative Paper

4.1 Standard outline for quantitative model building/testing paper

Example Analysis
I've created an example of some quantitative analyses. The most useful part of this example is
probably the wording. It is often difficult to figure out how to word your findings, or to figure
out how much space to use on findings, or which measures to report and how to report them.
This offers just one example of how you might do it.

Click here to access the example analysis.

Ten Steps
Ten Steps for Formulating a Decent Quantitative Model
1. Identify and define your dependent variables. These should be the outcome(s) of the
phenomenon you are interested in better understanding. They should be the effected
thing(s) in your research questions.
2. Figure out why explaining and predicting these DVs is important.

1. Why should we care?

2. For whom will it make a difference?
3. What can we possibly contribute to knowledge that is not already known?
4. If these are all answerable and suggest continuing the study, then go to #3,
otherwise, go to #1 and try different DVs.
3. Form one or two research questions around explaining and predicting these DVs.
1. Scoping your research questions may also require you to identify your population.
4. Is there some existing theory that would help explore these research questions?
1. If so, then how can we adopt it for specifically exploring these research
2. Does that theory also suggest other variables we are not considering?
5. What do you think (and what has research said) impacts the DVs we have chosen?
1. These become IVs.
6. What is it about these IVs that is causing the effect on the DVs?
1. These become Mediators.
7. Do these relationships depend on other factors, such as age, gender, race, religion,
industry, organization size and performance, etc.?
1. These become Moderators
8. What variables could potentially explain and predict the DVs, but are not directly related
to our interests?
1. These become control variables. These are often some of those moderators like
age and gender, or variables in extant literature.

9. Identify your population.

1. Do you have access to this population?
2. Why is this population appropriate to sample in order to answer the research
10.Based on all of the above, but particularly #4, develop an initial conceptual model
involving the IVs, DVs, Mediators, Moderators, and Controls.
1. If tested, how will this model contribute to research (make us think differently)
and practice (make us act differently)?
Order of Operations
Some general guidelines for the order to conduct each procedure
1. Develop a good theoretical model
1. See the Ten Steps above
2. Develop hypotheses to represent your model
2. Case Screening
1. Missing data in rows
2. Unengaged responses
3. Outliers
3. Variable Screening
1. Missing data in columns
2. Skewness (for continuous like age, income) & Kurtosis (for ordinal like Likertscales)
4. Exploratory Factor Analysis
1. Iterate until you arrive at a clean pattern matrix

2. Adequacy
3. Convergent validity
4. Discriminant validity
5. Reliability
5. Confirmatory Factor Analysis
1. Obtain a roughly decent model quickly (cursory model fit, validity)
2. Do configural and metric invariance tests (if using multigroup moderator in causal
3. Validity and Reliability check
4. Common method bias (marker if possible, CLF otherwise)
5. Final measurement model fit
6. Optionally, impute composites
6. Structural Models
1. Multivariate Assumptions
1. Linearity
2. Multicollinearity
3. Homoscedasticity
2. Include control variables in all of the following analyses
3. Mediation
1. Check direct effects without mediator
2. Add mediator and bootstrap it

3. If you have multiple mediators, then use a sobel test

4. Interactions
1. Optionally standardize constituent variables
2. Compute new product terms
3. Plot significant interactions
5. Multigroup Moderation
1. Create multiple models
2. Assign them the proper group data
3. Test significance of moderation via critical ratios (or chi-square difference
7. Report findings in a concise table
8. Write paper
1. See guidelines below
Structuring a Quantitative Paper
Standard outline for quantitative model building/testing paper

Title (something catchy and accurate)

Abstract (concise 150-250 words to explain paper): roughly one sentence each:

What is the problem?

Why does it matter?

How do you address it?

What did you find?

How does this change practice (what people in business do), and how does it
change research (existing or future)?

Keywords (4-10 keywords that capture the contents of the study)

Introduction (2-4 pages)

What is the problem and why does it matter? And what have others done to try to
address this problem? (1-2 paragraphs)

What is your DV(s) and what is the context you are studying it in? Also briefly
define the DV(s). (1-2 paragraphs)

One sentence about sample (e.g., "377 undergraduate university students using

How does studying this DV(s) in this context adequately address the problem? (12 paragraphs)

What existing theory/theories do you leverage, if any, to pursue this study, and
why are these appropriate? (1-2 paragraphs)

Briefly discuss the primary contributions of this study without discussing exact

How is the rest of the paper organized? (1 paragraph)

Lit review (1-3 pages)

Fully define your dependent variable(s) and summarize how it has been studied in
existing literature within your broader context (like Information systems, or,
Organizations, etc.).

If you are basing your model on an existing theory/model, use this next space to
explain that theory (1 page) and then explain how you have adapted that theory to your

If you are not basing your model on an existing theory/model, then use this next

space to explain how existing literature in your field has tried to predict your DV(s).
Explain what other constructs you suspect will help predict your DV(s) and why.

Inclusion of a construct should have good logical/theoretical and/or literature support. For
example, we are including construct xyz because the theory we are basing our model on
includes xyz. Or, we are including construct xyz because the following logic (abc)
constrains us to include this variable lest we be careless.
Briefly discuss control variables and why they are being included.

Theory section (take what space you need, but try to be parsimonious)

Briefly summarize your conceptual model and show it with the Hypotheses

labeled (if possible).

Begin supporting H1 then state H1 formally. Support should include strong logic

and literature.
H2, H3, etc. If you have sub-hypotheses, list them as H1a, H1b, H2a, H2b, etc.

Method (keep it as brief as possible)

Explanation of study design (e.g., pretest, pilot, and online survey about software


Explanation of sample (some descriptive statistics, like demographics, sample

size, computer experience, etc.), don`t forget to discuss response rate (number of
responses as a percentage of number of people invited to do the study).

Mention that IRB exempt status was granted and protocols were followed.

Method for testing hypotheses (e.g., structural equation modeling in AMOS). If

you conducted multi-group moderation, mediation, and/or interaction, explain how you
kept them all straight and how you went about analyzing them. For example, if you did
mediation, what approach did you take (Baron and Kenny, Sobel test, Bootstrapping, or
all three)? Were there multiple models tested, or did you keep all the variables in for all

analyses? If you did interaction, did you add that in afterward, or was it in from the
Analysis (1-3 pages)

Data Screening

EFA (report pattern matrix and Cronbach`s alphas in appendix) mention if items
were dropped.
CFA (just mention that you did it and bring up any issues you found) mention

any items dropped during CFA. Report model fit for the final measurement model.

Mention CMB approach and results and actions taken if any.

Report the correlation matrix, CR and AVE (you can include MSV and ASV if
you want), and briefly discuss any issues with validity and reliability if any.
Report whether you used the full SEM, or if you imputed composites for a path


Report the final structural model(s) (include R-squares and betas) and the model
fit for the model(s).
Findings (1-2 pages)

Report the results for each hypothesis (supported or not, with evidence).

Point out any unsupported or counter-supported (opposite direction) hypotheses.

Provide a table that concisely summarizes your findings.

Discussion (2-5 pages)

Summarize briefly the study and its intent and findings (one paragraph).

What insights did we gain from the study that we could not have gained without
doing the study?

How do these insights change the way practitioners do their work?

How do these insights shed light on existing literature and shape future research
in this area?
What limitations is our study subject to (e.g., surveying students, just survey

rather than experiment, statistical limitations like CMB etc.)?

What are some opportunities for future research based on the insights of this


Conclusion (1-2 paragraphs)

Summarize the insights gained from this study and how they address existing gaps

or problems.

Explain the primary contribution of the study.

Express your vision for moving forward or how you hope this work will affect the

References (Please use a reference manager like EndNote)

Appendices (Any additional information, like the instrument and measurement model

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