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locking an interection during "ruh hour" traffic i not permitted:
a. unle ou entered the interection on a green light
. under an circumtance, even if our light i green
c. unle ou have the right of wa or a green light
. under an circumtance, even if our light i green

You hould allow more pace in front of our vehicle when following large
truck ecaue:
a. ou need the extra room to ee around the truck
. their heavier weight allow them to top more quickl than ou
c. if ou follow too cloel, ou will get caught in the wind draft caued
the truck
a. ou need the extra room to ee around the truck

A olid ellow line next to a roken ellow line mean that vehicle:
a. in oth direction ma pa
. next to the roken line ma pa
c. next to the olid line ma pa
. next to the roken line ma pa

You want to make a right turn at an upcoming interection. You hould low
down and:
a. move toward the left ide of our lane
. avoid driving in the iccle lane
c. ignal for 100 feet efore turning
c. ignal for 100 feet efore turning


It i a ver wind da. You are driving and a dut torm low acro the
freewa reducing our viiilit. You hould drive lower and turn on our:
a. interior light
. parking light
c. headlight
c. headlight

With a Cla C driver licene a peron ma drive:
a. a 3axle vehicle if the gro vehicle weight i le than 6000 pound
. an 3axle vehicle regardle of weight
c. a vehicle pulling two trailer
a. a 3axle vehicle if the gro vehicle weight i le than 6000 pound.

To turn left from a onewa treet with multiple lane onto a twowa treet,
tart the turn in:
a. the far left lane
. an lane availale
c. the lane cloet to the middle of the treet
a. the far left lane

When driving on a multilane treet with twowa traffic:
a. drive alongide the other vehicle o the driver can ee ou
. ou hould drive ahead of or ehind the other vehicle
c. it i afet to drive in the lane next to the center line
. ou hould drive ahead of or ehind the other vehicle

A driver who i a minor receive a phone call on hi/her cell phone. He/he
a. not anwer the call
. anwer the call in an emergenc
c. ue a hand free cell phone to anwer the call
d. not e carring a cell phone while driving

a. not anwer the call

A white painted cur mean:
a. loading zone for freight or paenger
. loading zone for paenger or mail onl
c. loading zone for freight onl
. loading zone for paenger or mail onl.

If our cell phone ring while ou are driving and ou do not have a hand
free device, ou hould:
a. anwer the call ecaue it ma e an emergenc
. let the call go to voicemail
c. check the incoming numer efore anwering the call
. let the call go to voicemail

You are approaching a railroad croing with no warning device and are
unale to ee 400 feet down the track in one direction. The peed limit i:
a. 15 mph
. 20 mph
c. 25 mph
a. 15 mph

To ee vehicle in our lind pot, ou hould check:
a. the inide rear view mirror
. the outide rear view mirror
c. over our houlder
c. over our houlder

acking our vehicle i:
a. alwa dangerou to do
. dangerou if ou have a helper

c. onl dangerou in large vehicle

a. alwa dangerou to do

You are driving on a freewa poted for 65 mph. Mot of the other vehicle
are driving 70 mph or fater. You ma legall drive:
a. 70 mph or fater to keep up with the peed of traffic
. etween 65 and 70 mph
c. no fater than 65 mph
c. no fater than 65 mph

You are driving on a onewa treet. You ma turn left onto another onewa
treet onl if:
a. a ign permit the turn
. traffic on that treet i moving to the right
c. traffic on that treet i moving to the left
c. traffic on that treet i moving to the left

When ou are merging onto the freewa, ou hould e driving:
a. at or near the ame peed a the traffic on the freewa
. 5 10 mph lower than the traffic on the freewa
c. the poted peed limit for traffic on the freewa
a. at or near the ame peed a the traffic on the freewa

While driving in the fog, ou hould ue our:
a. low eam light
. high eam light
c. fog light
d. emergenc flahing light
a. low eam light


Driving under the influence of an medication which impair our driving i

a. under no circumtance
. if ou don't feel drow
c. if it i precried a phician
a. under no circumtance

If our vehicle tart to hdroplane, ou hould:
a. low down graduall
. pre down on our accelerating pedal
c. appl the rake
d. change the teering
a. low down graduall

It i illegal for a peron 21 ear of age or older to drive with lood alcohol
concentration that i _____ or higher:
a. 0.08% eight hundreth of one %
. 0.10% one tenth of one %
c. 0.05% five hundreth of one %
a. 0.08 %

You are driving on the freewa ehind a large truck, ou hould drive:
a. cloer ehind the truck than for a paenger vehicle
. farther ehind the truck than for a paenger vehicle
c. to the right ide of the truck and wait to pa
. farther ehind the truck than for a paenger vehicle

You ma drive in a ike lane:
a. if ou drive lower than 15mph
. no more than 200 feet efore making a right turn
c. whenever icclit are not preent
. no more than 200 feet efore making a right turn

When driving in fog, ou hould ue our:
a. fog light onl
. high eam
c. low eam
c. low eam

Which of the following i true aout roadwa on ridge and overpae in
cold, wet weather?
a. the tend to freeze efore the ret of the road doe
. the do not freeze ecaue the are made of concrete
c. the tend to freeze after the ret of the road doe
a. the tend to freeze efore the ret of the road doe

It i illegal to park our vehicle:
a. in an unmarked crowalk
. within three feet of a private drivewa
c. in a iccle lane
a. in an unmarked crowalk

Should ou alwa drive lower than other traffic:
a. no ou can lock traffic when ou drive too lowl
. e, it i good defenive driving
c. e, it i alwa afer than driving fater
a. no ou can lock traffic when ou drive too lowl

You are driving on a onewa treet. You ma turn left onto another onewa
a. onl if a ign permit the turn
. if traffic on the treet i moving to the right
c. if traffic on the treet i moving to the left
c. if the traffic on the treet i moving to the left

Which of thee vehicle mut top efore croing railroad track?
a. tank truck marked with hazardou material placard
. moto home or pickup truck towing a trailer
c. port utilit vehicle carring 4 or more peron.
a. tank truck marked with hazardou material placard

Which of thee vehicle mut alwa top efore croing railroad track?
a. tank truck marked with hazardou material placard
. motor home or pickup truck towing a oat trailer
c. an vehicle with 3 or more axle or weighing more than 4000 pound.
a. tank truck marked with hazardou material placard

You are driving on a cit treet and ee an emergenc vehicle with flahing
light ehind ou. What hould ou do?
a. drive to the right edge of the road and low down
. drive to the right edge of the road and top
c. ta in our lane, low down, and let it pa
. drive to the right edge of the road and top

Thi ign mean:
a. the road ahead ha man curve
. there i a harp curve in the road ahead
c. the road ahead ma e lipper

c. the road ahead ma e lipper


Tailgating other driver (driving too cloe to their rear umper):

a. can frutrate other driver and make them angr
. cannot reult in a traffic citation
c. reduce colliion preventing ou from eing "cut off"
a. can frutrate other driver and make them angr

If ou plan to pa another vehicle ou hould:
a. not aume the other driver will make pace for ou
. aume the other driver will let ou pa if ou ue our turn ignal
c. aume the other driver will maintain a contant peed
a. not aume the other driver will make pace for ou

You mut notif the DMV within 5 da if ou:
a. are cited for a traffic violation
. ell or tranfer our vehicle
c. paint our vehicle a different color
. ell or tranfer our vehicle

You ma cro a doule, ellow line to pa another vehicle, if the ellow
line next to:
a. the other ide of the road i a olid line
. our ide of the road i a roken line
c. the other ide of the road i a roken line
. ou ide of the road i a roken line

Smoking inide a vehicle when a peron ounger than 18 ear of age i
preent i:
a. legal if it i our child
. illegal at all time
c. not retricted law
. illegal at all time

If ou are riding in a vehicle equipped with a lap elt and alo a eparate
houlder elt, ou are:
a. onl required to ue the lap elt
. required to ue oth lap and houlder elt
c. onl required to ue the houlder elt
. required to ue oth the lap and houlder elt

To operate a moped ou mut have at leat a _____ licene.
a. Cla M1
. Cla M2
c. Cla C
. Cla M2

If there i no crowalk and ou ee a pedetrian croing our lane, ou
a. make ure the pedetrian can ee ou efore proceeding
. cautioul drive around the pedetrian
c. top and let the pedetrian finih croing
c. top and let the pedetrian finih croing

You want to park uphill on a twowa road and there i no cur. Which wa
do ou turn our front wheel?
a. o the face traight ahead
. right toward the ide of the road
c. left toward the center of the road
. right toward the ide of the road

If ou litter on the roadide, ou are ujected to a fine of:
a. $600
. $1000
c. $500
d. $1500

. $1000

California' "aic Speed Law" a ou mut:
a. keep our peed cloe to that of other traffic
. never drive fater than i afe for current condition
c. alwa drive at the poted peed limit
. never drive fater than i afe for current condition

You jut old our vehicle. You mut notif the DMV within:
a. 5 da
. 10 da
c. 15 da
a. 5 da

When parking next to a cur, ou hould ue our turn ignal:
a. onl when pulling awa from the cur
. when pulling next to, ut not awa from the cur
c. when pulling next to or awa from the cur
c. when pulling next to or awa from the cur

If ou have troule eeing other vehicle ecaue of dut or moke lowing
acro the roadwa, ou hould drive lower and turn on our:
a. emergenc flaher
. parking light
c. headlight
c. headlight

You have een involved in a minor traffic colliion with a parked vehicle and
ou can't find the owner. You mut:
a. leave a note on the vehicle
. report the accident without dela to the cit police or, in unincorporated

area, to the CHP

c. oth a and
c. oth a and

A large truck i ahead of ou and i turning right onto a treet with two
lane in each direction. The truck:
a. ma complete it turn in either of the two lane
. ma have to wing wide to complete the turn
c. mut ta in the right lane at all time when turning
. ma have to wing wide to complete the turn

Unle otherwie poted the peed limit in a reidential area i:
a. 20 mph
. 25 mph
c. 30 mph
. 25 mph

To avoid lat minute move, ou hould e looking down the road to where
our vehicle will e in aout:
a. 5 10 econd
. 10 15 econd
c. 15 20 econd
. 10 to 15 econd

If a iccle on our right reache the interection at the ame time a ou do,
ou hould:
a. requet the icclit to change lane
. move ecaue ou have the right of wa
c. ield to the iccle
d. move lowl along with the iccle
c. ield to the iccle

While all of the following i dangerou to do while driving, which one i alo
a. litening to muic through dual headphone
. adjuting our outide mirror
c. reading a roadmap
a. litening to muic through dual headphone

Which tatement i true aout motorcclit and motorit?
a. motorcclit are not allowed to drive fater than other traffic during
congeted road conditon
. motorcclit have the ame right/reponiilitie a other motorit
c. motorccle are heavier than other vehicle and are le affected
. motorcclit have the ame right/reponiilitie a other

You are on the freewa and traffic i merging into our lane. You hould:
a. make room for the merging traffic, if poile
. aert our right of wa driving fater
c. alwa low down and maintain our poition
a. make room for the merging traffic if poile

You reach an interection with top ign on all four corner at the ame
time a the driver on our left. Who ha the right of wa?
a. the driver on our left
. ou
c. whoever i ignaling to make a turn ha the right of wa
. ou

You mut notif the DMV within 5 da if ou:
a. ell or tranfer our vehicle
. fail a mog tet for our vehicle
c. get a new precription for lene or contact

a. ell or tranfer our vehicle

What i the difference etween traffic light with red arrow and thoe with
olid red light?
a. red arrow are onl ued to top traffic which i turning left
. red arrow are onl ued for protected turn lane
c. ou cannot turn on a red arrow, even if ou top firt
c. ou cannot turn on a red arrow, even if ou top firt

You are involved in a minor colliion at an interection. There are no injurie
and ver little vehicle damage. You hould:
a. leave our vehicle in the traffic lane until law enforcement arrive
. move our vehicle out of the traffic lane, if poile
c. not move our vehicle for an reaon
. move our vehicle out of the traffic lane if poile.

You mut ield to a pedetrian uing a white cane or guard dog:
a. onl when the guard dog i leading the peron acro the treet
. at all time
c. onl when a croing guard i preent
. at all time

You drive defenivel when:
a. ou alwa keep one car length of pace ahead of ou
. put our makeup on while driving
c. keep our ee moving to look for poile hazard
c. keep our ee moving to look for poile hazard

California' "aic Speed Law" a:
a. ou hould never drive fater than poted peed limit
. ou hould never drive fater than i afe for current condition

c. the max peed limit in CA i 70 mph on certain freewa

. ou hould never drive fater than i afe for current condition

A flahing ellow ignal at an interection mean:
a. ou hould treat the ignal like a top ign
. top. ield to all cro traffic efore croing the interection
c. low down and e alert at the upcoming interection
c. low down and e alert at the upcoming interection

How long doe it take to clear three eer in our tem?
a. 2 hour
. 3 hour
c. 4 hour
. 3 hour

Driver are required to oe intruction from:
a. ecurit guard patrolling parking lot
. other driver whoe vehicle are roken down on the roadwa
c. flagger (ignal peron) at contruction ite
c. flagger (ignal peron) at contruction ite

_________ i a major factor in colliion caued motorccle.
a. Following too cloel
. Lane haring
c. Not eing een other driver
a. Following too cloel

You ma drive off of the paved roadwa to pa another vehicle:
a. if the houlder i wide enough to accommodate our vehicle
. if the vehicle ahead of ou i turning left

c. under no circumtance
c. under no circumtance

You are getting read to make a right turn. You hould:
a. ignal and turn immediatel
top efore entering the right lane and let all other traffic go firt
c. low down or top, if necear, and then make the turn
c. low down or top if necear and then make the turn

What i the enefit of a pace cuhion around our vehicle?
a. other driver can "cut" in front of ou, improving traffic flow
. if another driver make a mitake, ou have time to react
c. it inflate to protect ou from injur in cae of a colliion
. if another driver make a mitake, ou have time to react

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