My Brain Works

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M.B.A, M.A Eng. Lit

The upcoming baby (Poem)

She shares her every blood cell,
she lives in her strong castle,
she is alike a seed sown ,
that wears sand crown.
Having milky water best,
from the cloud breast.
Having Helios shine,
from the nostril's line.
Her foot leaves and hand flowers,
shows the sign of blossom.
Her jerks inside,
make the smiling petals.
Soon the day comes,
the monthly clock stuck nine,
her sensitive dance ,
gives her mother soil pain.
One struggles for breathe,
other struggles to soothe,
like the sky that bears the thunder pain,
she comes out with her mother's vein.
She cries a lot,
but her mother laughs a lot,
like a winter child who keeps warm in his coat,
she keeps warm in her mother's lap.
She knows nothing than the mothers touch,

she is mother's baby.

"Love in the pub (Poem)

As soon as the light ray falls off,
a teen's flavor asks cocktail a half.
In the mind of her,
There lies some magic,
which she takes it a logic,
and searches a good physic.
In the mist of her mood,
she feels the boy good .
The love moon seems bright,
the hand soon touches deep.
She finds her cheeks,
with the moistened lips,
like due that kisses the leaf.
Soon the clock warns her,
the mist clears her,
the boy leaves her.
The light ray turns on that she never likes,
the boy puts off whom she never counts,
yet she waits for the clock to remind her.
She plays in the wine and dine of teenage,
at such a place where the clock,
welcomes her young illusions but warns her matured visions.
It is the pub,

where happiness can be bought,

and cannot be spent .

Volatile life (Poem)

Nothing remains stable here,
I oath the sky that seems a night lady drunken peaks,
will get the pale into blue .
I oath the flora that seems a blind rabbits chase,
somewhere ends in the dark woods.
I oath the seven feathered rainbow seems a magnificent worm,
which has sparkling light yet second.
Nowhere doth dye hear the stability of the world,
it lends itself to the subtle coffers of nature,
who never stand by the word but change.(written in madness of
Shakespeares hamlet that i have been to these days )
You may be popular in the world but without having "indian" in your
identities even world doubts your popularity proud to be born in
the land you belong ....jai hind
the one who knows your way of life and how you lead a day gives you
the best advice...better take his word....not the one who comes once in a
blue moon and advises "ooh you should do this shit or that

Broken window (Poem)

From the green shaded building,
my eyes had a different landing.
A man old in years and young in eyes,
hand with a tool ,
foot on the stool,
started to repair,
something not fair.
Slowly my sight neared the site,
name on the wall shows his riches,
scene behind the wall gave my beard itches.
His eyes mingled in work,
his hands started to jerk,
the tool gave him blood,
and the stool pushed him like a flood.
He kissed the floor,
with a light roar,
his blood filled fingers asked for a hand,
his blood filled children asked for freedom.
His eyes saw once at the window,
without repair it looked like a widow,
slowly his eye lids stooped to twitch,
who is known to be rich.
Then saw the window,

which he wanted to repair and show,

it gave him the air to live ,
not his children who are alive.

Never argue with others
you never mean what they understand
they never understand what you mean
understanding is ambiguous clarity which never ends
Women today feel sad about their position in the society but enjoy
another women's exposing especially in films. A student can love a
teacher (mai hoo naa),, a father was forced to see his daughter's
romance (cinema choopistha maama song), a married woman can get an
illegal affair, a woman can date with many in number (bus stop),, until
you continue to allow these things more to word.....just follow the
system as usual where you heart has voice but society has no ears --Quote
Pattern of life shouldn't be like a rainbow showing extravagant colors,
it should be like a raining cloud which always travels whatever the
season it may be.
Environment gets distracted by two things: polluted minds and
polluted air
Do not try to make others fool...the thought of making others fool in
your mind already made you a fool. A ha ha

I am a tide in the life ocean...there is no possibility to return back

The day's slave (poem)

Right from the mother's womb,
I started to fight for freedom.
Right after my arrival into the world,
My eyes yelled for freedom to gain
the light,
My feet tried for freedom to walk....
Into my life plight.
My stomach knows the pain of hunger,
but my tongue was not a good speller.
From birth the struggle is for freedom,
thought of the freedom today the youth enjoys.
Sadder to accept the fact that,
until the man gets his leave.
He is always """the day's slave"""
the sun who starts your life with his rays is the same sun who ends
your life into darkness likely the life that shows you difficulties is the
life that shows you solving abilities....its everything in you are
the hole and you are the whole
The day comes where i will be no more on the earth...
It doesn't matter...but the days which I have will matter why I am
here still

Magical lips (poem)

My dear lips! My dear lips!!!
You can hide,
the truth tide.
You can spell,
the lie well.
You speak the deed,
which you need.
You yell the pain,
with the eyes rain.
You two can hurt others heart well,
you two can get others from hell.
When student acts if he is like the earth then he experiences the
summer problems and starts to express in raining tears and gets cooled
in winter snow and enjoys the real spring.and this is how i want a
student to become
A teacher can create a relationship where the students enlighten
themselves not only because of their interest but also their love and
affection towards their teacher. And luckily I am in such a way
Some or the other day my young India becomes
young people will get their mouths out to shout at the wrong and
sacrifice their lives to make the wrong right.....My young India adopts

humanity as their religion...let me be one to try for such India my


The pleasant sky (poem)

How pleasant you seem, dear sky dear sky
in the darkness of rains...
In the horror of planes...
How pleasant you seem dear sky dear sky
with the whistling of birds
with the shining of stars
what a lesson you teach us!!!
The shining thunder that shakes the earth comes from your heart
the shower of rain that vitalize the greenery comes from your just
but you never feel the way we were
before a farmer
who sheds his tear
you give him fruitful flower
how pleasant how pleasant still you will and you can!!!!
Never feel about your recognition among the people because one day
you die and your printed photo in the newspaper will be used to pack
mirchi bujji by these people....funny but real.......
Repeat the same count for the things you have. Because they make you
happy. Count once for the things you want.... They dont disturb much
of your life ...neglect the things you lost...what you lost is not last

advises are of two types in my sense type is given by heart...other

type is given by mouth.........i listen to the words of those who advise
me with no intention.........i listen to meaning of those who advise me
with affection...whether i may or may not follow but listening differs

If you cant push the seed into the ground you cant get a plant out.
So if you don't push your negatives you cant get you out...........a
relation should be like a season because you cant like raining or
cold for complete year right so you cant stop the one who enters
into u r life and cant stop who exit..... One step back with one step
forward becomes the same one good thing and one bad
thing gives you life
The day where my pursuit of deep breathe swings ...where slowly
wakened eyes make me staggered...where the flotsam and jetsam of
yesterday being vanished...i should thank god for the new birth he gives
me every day and i should feel some reminiscence is still the reason for
my survival
A farmer doesnt do agriculture degree yet he know how to seed and
how to grow his own land.....
Intelligence cant be enlightened through education...
Rather intelligence can be known through common sense.....
The way your stimulus reacts will show how intelligent you are...
saying sorry...please ....for every un committed mistake in any
relationship doesnt mean that you are loving but


to make others satisfied you are doing marketing........

Inflation in heart starts once your feelings start to have no value

Think once about where u r running for.?????Towards happiness or
Earning one lakh salary may be feeding u r body,,,,
but not u r soul.........a small born baby doesnt need milk in gold coated
bottle......he needs just milk .........
Frankly.......a company hr. manager tries to minimize every cost ...but
not his everyone does many tasks ultimatum is money...
Earn money but spend it to be satisfied not comfortable"""""""
External beauty gives you smile for a while...
Internal beauty gives you satisfaction......
Beauty means not what we seem to others...
Beauty means how we seem to us....
Qoute----smile makes u r face elegant,,,
but satisfaction makes your life beautiful....
""""""""""Live with no expectation...die with a mere satisfaction"""""""---Quote
When money gets promotion from needs to comfort then human being
gets promoted from good hearted one to problematic hearted
one....funny but true


The most humorous thing is having 1000 rs in your purse...and cant

decide what to do with them exactly........
Dharma is like your eyes...if your eyes are protected by you....then the
eyes will protect you.....truth is like your blood it never change .Karma
is like your tongue...if you keep it in right will give fruit full
things.....lie is like your dream. You can have it but at last it doesnt
turn into reality

I dont want to create world of ends a day or someday
I want to create a globe for myself ...globe has no start and no end...
I know my birth.....I don wanna know my death....
Death is like a magic I can know why?????" ...but I can't ask
The valuable thing becomes value less if it is not treated as valuable....
As a falling leave though felt valuable because it seems
beautiful when it is falling in spring season...
The artificial makeover of your face shows you beautiful
in such a way that you can never enjoy the natural rain drops on your
face ...h ah ha
I never try to act...Its better to be a free doll rather than being in the
hands of puppet master and act like his will"
Beauty of life lies at the edge of it a bad or a good word
A lie results many problems and a truth results many solutions....we
always interchange them. So, they always confuse us


My last sorry (poem)

Mom, the cry that never took a tear
out of my hearty cloud.
Mom, the lie that is never to hear
is out of my nasty mouth.
Being your mirror image,
my friends never see you.
Having the skinny cage,
my friends never saw the heart in me.
This day is to uncover many lies,
this often made me hide like a mice.
I went in a wrong way,
which my friends never asked why.
Your trust asked me nothing,
fathers busy showed me bad thing.
My mobile called his number,
his mobile started to wander.
His message asked me an image,
which i felt delighted to give.


His photo made my wallpaper,

which i felt enlightened to put.
One fine day his voice is in call,
that didnt say good morning.
One fine photo of mine is all,
that he showed me as a warning.
Mom, the image you took of me
the image i look like you
the image that father always kissed
saying his mother whom he always missed.
He made my image something different,
in such a way that has some parts of mine.
He warned showing that being violent,
in such a voice that has evil thoughts of wine.
My finger sacrificed the ring,
my throat gave its necklace.
My hands gave their bracelets,
my purse gave him money.
Even happy with all my things,
which he replaced with coins.
Showed his talent to all my classmates,
said to all that all he needed is fun.
My friends started their mouth,
putting my name into bad as oath.
Every one trusted their tongue,
every black board showed me a fang.
Every day i started for college gate,
every day i ended at railway gate.


Today i learnt how to end,

myself at that end.
Let the friends have fun of my end,
let the society put me in burial land.
About the happened i say dont worry,
rather my death that wish to say last sorry.

Wordless love (poem)

The world never seemed dim,
When sun bounds sky for him,
Showing his loving dawn.
The nest is never in melancholy,
When the bird sings tunefully,
Waiting for her Romeo.
The window that never closes,
When the eyes of a damsel,
Stay still like a stagnant pond,
Whose water creates love ripples
With her boyfriends touch.
The meadow that never fades,
When the duplets bodies,
That create moisture of love,


I would like to be one in such.

It never costs an arm and leg,
Being a single eye,
That never looks completely,
Being a single lip,
That never kisses completely,
Being a single hand,
That never hugs completely.
It always costs lavish,
Having a single lass,
Who always loves heart fully
Having a single heart,
That always loves one until you die.

Childish sister (Poem)

Among the gods in millions,
she is as young as a baby
whose eyes smile with no reason.
Among the dollar millionaires,
she is as rich as a nonrenewable paragon
whose heart has perpetual shine.
Among the human flies,
she is as happy as a butterfly,
who never feels sad of short life.
Among the plays of Shakespeare,
she is the home town for every gimmick.


A mother less child knows the value of stars,

whose count is alike her love.
a wifeless man knows the value of care,
who is the nucleus of her heart.
a sister less brother knows the calmness of room,
whose sound is more digital than that in a theater.
Were you born feeling her hand touch,
no more to see a gazing crystal,
how lucky you are .
Were you born without her peck,
no gain of crying before Christ,
for having devil's own luck.
A lonely brother knows being selfish,
to enjoy a sister playing childish.
(A poem paying tribute to sister on account of raakhi pournami )

Youth may spoil either from being over-studied or over joyed
Experience can be defined as the amount of suffering per a problem
Every man gets two ways in his life
one way shows you goal
one goal shows you way
your father's love shows you a way today be
your love proves how your father's way may be
enjoy no problem adieu !!Adieu!! Remember that
your age is his contribution
his feet showed you walk
his hands showed you love


one day you fly above him and reach the ground
some day he flies higher than you and never land
Love is like the crescent moon
that doth fade off thine sky
not to leave thou in daze
but to take time more haste
so can it grow as fast as in a twinkling of an eye

If you want to be easily famous, you need to be a star's son or
fame isn't everything...
The very first day...i was waiting for the power to be turned on because
it was a midst summer. I tried to see birds on that fine morning but they
were nowhere seen. The leaves of the Palm tree started to fall giving good
bye like sound with air. I came to know then the truth why I hadn't seen
any bird on the one likes to be on a hot branch of a leafless
tree like human beings who can't live in a roofless house. While I was in
my thoughts suddenly the creaking sound of the gate whispered that
someone is coming. I am an ordinary English teacher who teaches the
student, the grammar to enlighten his soul to speak to himself and to
others. I was then waiting for my three students who promised me that
they would come in spite of facing many problems with their school
management who dismissed me without any perfect cause.
They didn't want to express the reason and i didn't like to express my


opinion. Then I heard a voice "sir!!!" heart flied over clouds after
listening to my student's was sunny. I like her so much because
she was very interested to come to me and get the grammar known. How
are you sir?" she asked. I was absent minded until she had asked me. I
came into reality and started to search for the other two. Sunny said that
the other two were scared of the management and failed to be present.
They also sent me their excuses for not being present on the first day of
the summer camp. I with my friends started maharshi organization of
social service to serve children who are in need of skills. We started
spoken English camp to enlighten English candles with grammar lights.
I was depressed and raised in anger with the management. But suddenly
the creaking of gate sounded two. I ran off the stairs to see who was
coming. Like sunflower which waits eagerly for the sunshine. I was
eagerly waiting to see who was going to come...hurrah!!!!!! Its my two
dolls bunny!! And Ronnie. !!!!


Sunny, bunny and Ronnie have been studying in the school where I used
to work. When I entered their school they were in 8th standard. They
were poor at each and every skill. I felt they were like hidden pearls in
sand. I decided to do something to extract them and make them shine.
The usual thing happens wherever you go, if you start to do well it will
always be opposed. The same thing happened here in school. When I
started to dig the sand to extract pearls, the management like ocean used
to rush their tides and disturb my trials. But at last whatever it may be,
i used those tides to clean the pearls i extracted. The students started to
know what they ought to know. They started to raise their voice. They
started to solve problems of their class. I have seen many
Bhagat singh's in that class. But the opposition was never off. The
students faced many problems but one thing I like to word here. They


used to say "sir, dont worry made us shining pearls. Now it's time
to show our shining. I saw some daring and dashing
upcoming Indians in that class. I came to know one fact that without a
fist like teacher there is no unity of fingers like students. While I was
recollecting these things two students who are from other school where
my mother has been working as a social teacher came to meet is
Julie of 10th standard. The other is Lucy of 9th my first glance
at them I felt like they were moody. First I want to say about Julie who
was reserved, sat bending her head down .I guessed something might be
wrong in her but, it was our first meet so i hadnt expressed what I
guessed. They both asked me of their joining in institute. I said yes. While
they were ready to depart I asked them one question "what made you to
join this course?. They answered that they were in serious need of
learning English grammar. Then I said that spoken English was only a
part in our course. They left my institute having question marked faces.
The later day was the last day. Only three members were there. I felt my
good nature doesn't give inspiration to my students to come here. I felt
to cancel the camp and stop there itself. Then suddenly a parent called
me on phone and said "sir, your name is bad outside and the school you
worked said us not to send our children to you as your behavior was not
apt. I ended the call without answering him. I felt like my tears are
dancing with eye lids. I felt like there was no good and there was no
encouragement for doing well. But my soul insisted "don't worry jayanth,
the flowers you grown will never forget your water though the branches


There was only one day left to start the course, but I didn't reach my
expectation. Sometimes its better to suspect asking 'why?' than to


expect asking 'how much?. Only sunny, bunny, Ronnie, Julie and Lucy
used to come and I didn't feel the strength as enough. Though there were
6 more students from different schools, they were too younger to name.
I decided to start whatever it may be. On the next day I woke up early
in the morning, gone for a mile walk. While I was walking my mind
arouse many questions about my confidence, I felt as if I were king
vikramarka to answer the questions of my mind bhetala. Soon I satisfied
my mind and soul and hadn't get depressed for the number i had to start
the mother and some of my relatives suggested me to demand
more fees from the students as they are capable to pay, but i rejected their
sentences. I thought one cannot value the education he receives from the
teacher. If teacher counts for the words he teach, then there will be no
more chances for a student to survive. I should have thought all these
stuff before choosing the teacher profession, but its too late to realize.
I am no more a commercial teacher. I can earn through teaching and
inspiring the students but i cannot teach and inspire them to earn. While
I was in my thoughts the sun reminded me by reflecting his rays upon
the mirror of a bike. I started back to home and had bath. The next thing
I do every day is praying god by singing his birth I am a good
singer, I like to sing and pray god for all wellbeing. I had completed my
prayer and started to search for a good dress combination. I don't have
particular taste in dressing style. After dressing i came out from ground
floor of my house. I selected my upper floor to i was in search
of keys my mother said someone took the keys. I was in a little bit hurry
and thought they might be sunny, bunny, Ronnie, Julie and Lucy. As
soon as I entered the stairs I surprised to see four students who used to
sound well at English when I was their teacher. Thank god!!! God
listened my prayers at last adding tom, john and von. The number
reached to 22.i felt happy and felt to close the admission process. On that


day I realized that "if you want things to be happened in a fast way, all
you want is to slow down your wish"

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