AI Recommendation Problems

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What are the differences between expert systems and articial neural networks?
What are the main advantages of applying fuzzy logic in knowledge-based systems?
What are the benets of integrating expert systems, fuzzy logic and neural

Chapter 2
Describe the forward chaining inference process. Give an example.
Describe the backward chaining inference process. Give an example.
List problems for which the forward chaining inference technique is appropriate.
Why is
backward chaining used for diagnostic problems?
How do we choose between forward and backward chaining?
Can we combine forward and backward chaining?
Chapter 3 uncertainly
How does a rule-based expert system propagate uncertainties using the Bayesian
Why is the certainty factors theory considered as a practical alternative to Bayesian
reasoning? What are the measure of belief and the measure of disbelief? Dene a
certainty factor.
Compare Bayesian reasoning and certainty factors. Which applications are most
suitable for Bayesian reasoning and which for certainty factors? Why? What is a
common problem in both methods?
Chapter 4 fuzzy
Dene fuzzy inference. What are the main steps in the fuzzy inference process?

Chapter 6 NN

How does an articial neural network model the brain? Describe two major classes
learning paradigms: supervised learning and unsupervised (self-organised) learning.
What are the features that distinguish these two paradigms from each other?
How does a multilayer neural network learn? Derive the back-propagation training
algorithm. Demonstrate multilayer network learning of the binary logic function
What are the main problems with the back-propagation learning algorithm? How
learning be accelerated in multilayer neural networks? Dene the generalised delta
What is the difference between autoassociative and heteroassociative types of
memory? What is the bidirectional associative memory (BAM)? How does the BAM
What is competitive learning? What are the differences between Hebbian and
competitive learning paradigms? Describe the feature-mapping Kohonen model.
the competitive learning algorithm.

Chapter 7 GA
What are the main steps of a genetic algorithm? Draw a owchart that implements
these steps. What are termination criteria used in genetic algorithms?
What are the main advantages of genetic programming compared to
genetic algorithms?
Describe a typical process of the development of a genetic algorithm for solving a
problem. What is the fundamental difculty of genetic algorithms?

What are the main steps in genetic programming? Draw a owchart that
these steps. What are advantages of genetic programming?
chapter 9
What is the difference between soft computing and articial intelligence?
Why are fuzzy systems particularly well suited for modelling human decisionmaking?
Why does fuzzy technology have great potential in such areas as business and
What are advantages and limitations of the decision-tree approach to data mining?
Why are decision trees particularly attractive to business professionals?

chapter 5 and 8

study the papers carefully

1 Genetic problem
2. fuzzy problem
3.uncertaintainty or Bayesian problem

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