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If I am conducting a more formal ritual I usually follow the steps below.

But there are times

when I am more informal.

Begin by an actual or ritual cleansing of all participants

Cleanse the space. I usually smudge with sage
Cast the Circle. We cast this circle to protect us from all harm. We cast this circle and invite
in only the most perfect spirits. We cast this circle and create a temple between the worlds.
Blessed are the Children of the Horned One. So mote it be.
Call the Quarters. To the North, we invite the element of earth, our animal ally the Great Stag
and Cernunnos, to join us. We welcome your virility. Hail and Welcome. To the East, we invite
the element of air, our animal ally the ram and Eros to join us. We welcome your passion. Hail
and Welcome. To the South, we invite the element of fire, our animal ally the ape, and Thoth to
join us. We welcome your wisdom. Hail and Welcome. To the West, we invite the element of
water, our animal ally, the snake, and Ganymede to join us. We welcome your grace. We invite
all these Gods to guide and guard us.
Anoint participants third eye with oil.
Bless the cakes that have been brought by sprinkling them with water that has been blessed
with sage and passed over the candles flame. We bless the grains and thank the Gods for
sustenance and their bounty.
Then conduct the ritual. (steps below for solo, couple and groups)
At the conclusion the circle is closed and the quarters are released. To the North we thank and
release the element of earth, the Great Stag, and the Horned One, Cernunnos. Thank you for your
gifts and blessings. Hail and farewell. To the West, we thank and release the element of water,
the snake and Ganymede . Thank you for your gifts and blessings. Hail and farewell. To the
South, we thank and release the element of fire, the ape and Thoth. Thank you for your gifts and
blessings. Hail and farewell. To the East, we thank and release the element of air, the ram and
Eros. Thank you for your gifts and blessings. Hail and farewell.
Then facing the altar I thank the Gods& the Fey and all spirits who have joined in perfect
love and perfect trust. Stay if you will, go if you must. Hail and farewell.
Release the Circle We release the circle. The circle is undone, but not broken. So mote it be.
Pass the cakes.

For me, Cernunnos, The Horned one, is the ultimate representative of male sexuality in all of its
powerfulness. I find his image to be sexy, dangerous, and mysterious. I would love for him to
throw me down and ravage me and let me run my mouth all over his hirsute body. As I became
more involved in Wicca and the Pagan beliefs I chose him as the deity that I would honor and
celebrate. I eventually created several rituals that I do when I want to honor him. The ritual that I
use depends on how many people are going to participate. I have a ritual for me alone, for two
men, for a small group, and a large group.
For the rituals that I am going to perform in my home, I make sure that first, the altar is prepared.
On my altar I have an athame, a Bully Bag, a winged penis, a crystal penis, a wand, a snake (for
Kundalini energy), a dragon (for fiery male energy), a naked torso with penis, a baby Buddha
with penis, porcupine quills, a phallic quartz, two statues of Cernunnos, a statue of Pan and

Daphnis, a statue of Ardhanari Shvara (to bring in the duality of masculine and feminine parts of
male sexuality) a hand painted egg with a penis painted on it, and my Shiva Lingham.
I also make sure to incorporate an orange glass bowl filled with sea salt. The sea salt is for
purification and the orange is the color of the sex chakra.
I also use a sage bundle for smudging and have patchouli incense burning.
Solo Cernunnos Ritual
I light some sage and smudge the bathroom, put some drops of vanilla, lemon, and cinnamon
essential oils and a handful of sea salt into a warm bath and relax and unwind in the tub as I
slowly caress my thighs, arms, tweak my nipples, finger my ass, and gently massage my penis
and testicles. I also burn some patchouli incense and put on my Tantric Sexuality CD. When I get
out of the bath I get into bed and continue massaging and stroking myself. I often insert one of
my Aneros ( into my anus so that my prostate and perineum are being
massaged as well. I like to continue this for quite a while to build up my erotic energy. I have to
admit, though, that I really end with a big draw full body orgasm or a slow ceasing of the strokes.
I usually end the session with a mind blowing ejaculation after which I rub my sacred seed into
my body or lick it off of my fingers. If I am fortunate enough to be able to celebrate the ritual
outside, I also make sure to spill some semen on the ground as a sacred offering to Mother Earth.
Mutual Cernunnos Ritual
This ritual was created for two men to celebrate together. I usually have a Krishna Das or Tantric
Drums CD playing and the room is lit by candle light. We face each other and look into each
others eyes as we begin to slowly undress each other. When we are both nude, we take turns
smudging each other with a burning sage stick. We then sit opposite each other on the couch and
take turns witnessing each other engage in self pleasuring. Each man, honors the other by seeing
him take himself into ecstatic bliss. Witnessing another as he pleasures his penis, perineum, anus,
and nipples is an honor and careful intention and attention must be present. When both are ready
to finish their pleasure both men pleasure themselves at the same time and when they ejaculate
each watches the other eat his own semen. At the end of the ritual, a shower together to cleanse is
always a nice touch.
Small Group Ritual to Honor Cernunnos - The Sacred Cock Ring
The sacred space should be smudged with to cleanse the atmosphere, erotic music should be
playing, and the lights should be dim or the space lit by candles.
The men can either undress and come into the circle nude or they can undress each other, with
each man getting the chance to stand in the middle of the circle as the others undress him. When
all are undressed they should stand in the circle and hold hands and take deep breaths together.
I usually make sure that each participant has a large pillow so that they can be comfortable on the
floor, a water bottle, a towel, and lube.

During our ritual each man is to think of what he wants Cernunnos to help him heal or what his
intention for the evening is.
As the men stand in the circle they are asked to stare at the cock and balls of the person opposite
them and send our erotic energy their way. Then it is time for each man to stare at each
participant in the group, going from their eyes to their cock to their feet and back again.
Once the connection has been made and the circle formed each man should then sit on their
pillows and begin to crank up the erotic energy by lubing up their cocks and beginning to stroke
slowly yet purposefully.
After several minutes one of the men is asked to lie down in the center of the circle as the others
gather closely around him. He is asked where he would like the group to direct the healing erotic
energy and they should stroke their cocks in the direction he requests for five to ten minutes
depending on the healing necessary. While doing this, each man is also to remain in physical
contact with the man on either side of us so that the circle is complete at all times. Each man gets
a turn in the center of the circle.
When everyone has had their chance to be in the middle of the circle, the men then return to their
pillow and in a circle raise the powerful essence of Eros in a frenzy of self manipulation,
pleasure and witnessing. Moans and groans should fill the room as nipples are pinched,
perineums massaged, balls groped and cocks stroked. As each man ejaculates he should
ceremoniously honor his semen by eating it, with as much noise and gusto as he wishes. The
sounds we emit are payers of thanks to the Horned One.
After all have ejaculated they should stand and hold each other in the circle and once again take
deep breaths together.
Ritual to Honor and Celebrate Cernunnos and Male Eroticism
This ritual can be conducted over several days or on a one-time basis. If there is more time,
additional erotic exercises and discussions can be added. The important thing is that it should not
be rushed. Regardless of the length of time chosen for the ritual several crucial steps must be

Smudge the areas where the ceremony will be held.

2. There should be an initial circle of the participants where each man can introduce himself
and state their intention for the ritual. The introductions should be done using a talking stick or
some other kind of symbolic article. Preferably phallic in shape (dildo, etc.), male representative
(statue, etc.) or nature (Shiva Lingham, etc.)
3. The men should then be divided in to groups of three where they can then go off and sit
together and share more intimately detailed reasons for their interest in the ritual.
4. The group will come back into a larger circle and the groups of three will engage in an
undressing ritual.

5. The groups will then be rearranged into different groups of three and will engage in a 90
minute session of erotic massage without ejaculation. There will be three 30 minute sessions. At
the end of each session, there will be a rotation.
6. After the massage sessions the men will sit in a circle and each will be given the
opportunity to share with the group the one erotic part of themselves that they are most happy
with or proud of. The talking article will be put in the middle of the circle for each to take when
they are ready to speak.

The men should then stand and join hands and take several deep breaths together.

Music will then be played and each will be asked to blindfold them selves and dance to the
music. Good music selections would include Krishna Das Greatest Hits of the kali Yuga, the
Namah Shivayah track or the CD Sufi Splendor Music for Whirling Meditation.
Once the music is stopped, they are to remove the blindfolds and then to the somber beat of
a drum they should be led quietly out into a pasture. Walking in single file until they reach a
roaring barn fire. If the ritual is done indoors, participants can gather around a fireplace or
10. They will circle the fire and one by one announce their intentions for the remainder of their
erotic life.
11. Slowly, each man should begin to caress himself, stroking and touching their erogenous
zones or g-spots. They can keep their eyes closed or stare into the ecstatic fire. The drumming
should grow faster as the erotic energy heightens.
12. Then one by one as each is ready, they should move closer to the fire. As close as they could
stand to and empty their erotic energy into the flames, either physically or vocally and
emotionally. Those who came first should step back and watch to bear witness as their sacred
brothers release into the sexual pyre. Some may wish to anoint themselves or other willing
participants with their semen.
13. When everyone is finished, the group should move away from the flames and form into one
huge mass of men, holding each other and taking deep breaths.
14. A dip in a pool or stream would be a nice ending to the ritual. Bathing or showering together
is also a nice way to end the ceremony.

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