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A N*w*ust*n:*r,A F{*wAfltitude
ietler r'rcifi ,:ul. 5*nt* Fe st*re
A custor-r-:er

tr\ f*6 $ tr *o *
tr#fi{' [-t!#€n F tsinen:
I recentlypurchosedo new EILEENFISHER
wordrobe. lt's odd, becouseI olwoysossocioted
EileenFisherwith loose, unstructuredclothes
thot would be unflotteringto o petite womon like
myself. But my friend. on Eileen Fisheremployee,
hsd invited me to come into the store ond toke o

Solee(ScleeSweeneyin SantoFe, NM) convinced

me to come in ond spend some time - she odvised
I do this in o leisurelymonner.I wos skepticolbut
I went into the store with the thought thot I would
buy o sweoter. I knew the quolity wos olwoys
high ond thought I might find one or two reolly
nice sweoters. Insteod, I wolked out with o new
wordrobe- obout l5-20 piecesin oll! ,Andwhile
it's greot to hove
oll these new clothes,it's things I would neverhovethought to put on. l'd look
whot this new "outer look" ot the clotheson the hongerond olmostdismissthem
until she encourogedme to be crestive. lt wos one

did to the "inner me" thot is
so exching. outfit thot helped me "get it"-l put on c block long
sweotersnd mini skirt whh leggingsond feh my spirits
soor. I wqs olmost60, weoringo mini, ond yet I didn't

FISHER I om 59 yeorsold ond I

wos in o clothingslump. I
couldnt cleorlydefine my
style,ond wos rummcging
look like q womon tryingto be 30. I lookedlike o
stylish womon showing her hord eorned body without
going over the top. lt felt greot. As we mixed ond
through my closetwhenever motched, my interestgrew I could see how oll this
I went out with my husbond. would work together. I trovel o lot ond reolized I could
just go home ond throw everythingin the suitcoseond
l'd soyto him "l hove
nothingto weor" while I figure out whot to weor when I got there. I hod the
stored ot o closetstuffed right clothesfor work, for ploy or for just reloxing. I
$41,951.00 full of clothes. I didn't know didnt hove to plon out everyoutfit for every meeting
how to toke the piecesof my or dinner. I hod it oll ond it mode me feel free!
from the sale of wordrobe ond moke them
(956)EILEEN FISHER work together or how to find This wordrobechongehos helpedme reinventmyself
o styleotthis oge ond stoge os I move into this next chopter of my life. I feel
recycled garments in my life. I usedto segment invigorcted by o new senseof styleond pizzozz....
since the Lab my clothes into corporote- h hos lifted my self imoge, boostedmy confidence
like clothes,"cowgirl" ond helpedme cope with some of myfeelingsobout
store opened on getting older. lt's chonged the "l dont know what
clothes(l live in SontoFe) or
Sept. 16. In jeons ond blond sweotersor to wesr" stoge ond moved me into the "l /ook greof
January, we sold tops. But I couldn't'find o for my oge" stoge. Now when I look in my closet,I
159 units for a stylethot might move ocross hoveso mony choices,I con mix ond motch, ond I
total of $5,860. mony skuotionsand help me con eosilycreoteo look I love,one thot mokesme
feel empowered,feminine feel good. In foct, when I trcveled to the Boy Areo
Thank you for ond cosuol. recently,I soughtout other EileenFisherstoressnd
your continued bought o few more piecesto supplementevenfurther!
support. Thot is, until that doy in
your store. Soleewos This is whot clothes should be-c woy to project on
creotiveond insightfulond innerfeeling,o confidenceond o senseof personol
hod o greot eye. She kept style. lt's surprisingto find it ogoin os I enter my 60's.
bringingin clothesond we But l'm verygroteful.So, oll I con soy is thonk you...
kept mixingond motching- cnd keepstylingit. l'll certoinlybe bock.
I wos hovingfun, but she
kept encourogingme to try Best,

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