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Physics 15200 Laboratory

Lab Introduction: Measurement and Uncertainty

Laboratory #3
Composition and Resolution of Force Vectors
Measurement and Uncertainty
This laboratory explores the concept of vector addition of forces, how to determine an equilibrant force
which balances a number of nonparallel forces, and how this equilibrant relates to the resultant of the
vector addition of these nonparallel forces. The resultant vector will be calculated via the algebraic
method for vector summation and compared experimentally to that derived from the force table.
We have explored vector addition in the course lecture. From that discussion, you should understand
that if multiple vector forces act on an object, there exists a single vector force, called the resultant
force, that provides an equivalent description of the net force exerted by these multiple forces. In this
lab, we will test this notion by using a device called a force table, shown in the drawing below. In the
drawing, you will see four mass hangers connected to strings that pass over pulleys and then each to
a central ring that sits about a pin at the center of the disk-shaped table. The pulleys can be arranged
at angles measured using the graduated scale along the outer portion of the force table. Each pulley
has a line marking the center of it's top, which should lie directly below the string that passes over it,
and which transmits the force of the weight of the hanger as a tension force on the central ring. When
the ring no longer touches the central pin, it is balanced. The error in the measurement of the
equilibrant force can be estimated by adding weight to the hanger until the ring begins to move
noticeably. The added weight to make this motion occur can be reported with the equilibrant as a
error term.

Physics 15200 Laboratory

Lab Introduction: Measurement and Uncertainty

Recall from our classroom discussion that the resultant of multiple 2-D vectors can be determined
algebraically by first drawing each vector on a standard x-y plane, with their tails located at the origin
(shown below).


1 2

F 2
F 3

Calculation of the resultant of the forces F1 , F2 , F3 is straightforward, using the tabular approach of
adding the x-components and y-components, which then represent x and y components of the
resultant vector, FR . In your data section, you will be expected to list your force data as follows.


F 1 cos 1

F 1 sin 1

F 2 cos 2

F 2 sin 2

F 3 cos 3

F 3 sin 3

F R , x = F i cos i

F R , y = F i sin i


i =1

Final determination of the magnitude and polar angle of the resultant force is done as:

F R= F 2R , x + F 2R , y


( )
F R, y
F R, x

Finally, note that the equilibrant force (i.e. the one that balances the others) is equal and opposite the
resultant force.

Physics 15200 Laboratory

Lab Introduction: Measurement and Uncertainty

Experimental Procedure
Part I
Set up the force table with two weights, one 300-gram weight located at the 0 (zero degree) position,
and one 400-gram weight at the 90 position. Use your hand to pull on a third string, while adjusting
the position of the third pulley, to determine the correct angle for the equilibrant force. Then add
weight to the string until the ring at the center of the force table is balanced around the central pin. Try
adding minimal amounts of weight until you can see the ring move to estimate an error on the
equilibrant force.
NOTE: Since all weights in this experiment will include a factor of acceleration due to surface gravity
(9.81 m/s2), we can ignore the acceleration due to gravity in our data and analysis. Thus, report your
forces in terms of the mass of the weights in grams.
Calculate the resultant vector for these two forces, and compare your answer with the vector equal
and opposite the equilibrant force you just found by experiment. Compare the two in your lab report
by calculating a percent error from the theoretical calculation: i.e.

Percent Error =

F Equilibrant F Resultant
100 % ,
F Resultant

where the resultant force is the theoretical calculation. Note that the comparison here is between the
values of the magnitudes, and not the directions. So, the fact that one should be opposite the other is
not relevant for the percent error. How does this error compare with your estimate of the uncertainty
in the weight needed to find the equilibrant? In this case, you'd divide the uncertainty estimate by the
best estimate of the weight of the equilibrant, and express that as a percentage. Are they similar?
Part II
Repeat the procedure in Part I, using a set of three unbalanced weights with the values and angular
positions specified by your lab instructor.

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