Victorian School of Languages 1.1.2016

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General Information
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Face to Face Classes | Distance Education | Tailored Courses | Curriculum | Head Office Location

Face to face Classes

Our face-to-face classes for students in Years 1-12 are held out of school hours in 29 metropolitan and 12 country/regional Centres of the VSL, which
are located in government secondary colleges. The Centres are organised into ten areas, each under the management of an Area Manager based in
one of the Centres.
More information can be found here:
Centres List
Languages List

Distance Education
The Distance Education Section (DES) of the VSL provides instruction in the following languages for students in secondary school: Arabic, Chinese,
Classical Greek, French, German, Greek, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Latin and Spanish. The DES caters for a range of school-based and non schoolbased students who, for a variety of reasons, are unable to access a language in either a mainstream school or face-to-face VSL classes. The distance
education mode oers highly individualised tuition and comes under the management of one manager.
Enrolments for school-based students must be completed by the student's home school.

Enrolment Eligibility
The Victorian School of Languages Distance Education Section caters for approximately 1500 students from the Government, Catholic and
Independent school systems. Students may have chose to access the language of their choice through the distance education mode for a
variety of reasons, such as:
- the language that they wish to study is not available at their home school
- a timetable clash prevents them studying the language of their choice at their home school
- they are not attending school
- some of these students are travelling interstate or overseas; others are unable to attend school due to ill-health or other diculties.
Some adults are also able to enrol under specied arrangements.
Enrolment eligibility is determined by Department of Education guidelines.

Pre-requisite Learning
- Year 7 courses assume little or no previous secondary language study.
- Year 8 courses are suitable for students who have completed approximately one year of secondary language study.
- Year 9 courses are suitable for students who have completed approximately two years of secondary language study.
- Year 10 courses are suitable for students who have completed approximately three years of secondary language study.

- Accelerated courses Level 1 involve a faster moving program for older beginners with little or no previous knowledge of the language. In
French, German, Indonesian, Latin and Italian, they lead on to a Year 9 or Accelerated Level 2 course.
- Accelerated courses Level 2 follow on from Accelerated 1 or Year 8. At completion they lead on to Year 11 VCE Units 1 & 2.
- VCE Unit 1 is suitable for students who have completed approximately four years of secondary language study. VCE Unit 2 follows on from
VCE Unit 1.
- VCE Unit 3 follows on from VCE Unit 2. For credit at VCE level it must be combined with VCE Unit 4.
- VCE Unit 4 follows on from VCE Unit 3. For credit at VCE level it must be combined with VCE Unit 3.

Languages and Levels

The Distance Education Section oers tuition in the following languages:
Students who are unsure of the level at which they should enrol should ask for a placement test.
Students cannot enrol for Second Language courses in VCE Units 3 & 4 Chinese, Indonesian or Japanese until they have made sure that they
are eligible to study Chinese, Indonesian or Japanese as a Second Language. Eligibility is sought from VCAA through the student's home
Year: 2016







Chinese Mandarin
Chinese Mandarin
Chinese Mandarin

RTO Programs (VET and Tailored Courses)

The Victorian School of Languages is a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) which is able to deliver the following nationally recognised Vocational
Education and Training (VET) certicate courses:
Certicate I in Language
Certicate II in Language
Certicate III in Language
Each certicate has 4 Units of Competency from beginners through to a VCE equivalent standard.
The languages oered in these certicate courses via distance education are:

Chinese, German, French and Spanish.

VETIS - The VSL is also able to auspice schools to allow them to run VET in Schools Programs
As a Registered Training Organization, the school can also tailor face-to-face courses to suit individual corporations or community groups.

The Victorian School of Languages is at the forefront of language teaching. Due to its single faculty language focus, the VSL has a high concentration
of expertise and is well placed to oer quality, innovative language programs. A common curriculum rationale, methodological approach and
organisational focus is dened in the VSL Course Outlines which are available for every language and year level and which form the basis of the
development of individual syllabi and teaching materials.
The VSL curriculum provides for its students a balanced set of learning experiences which are active, cooperative and participatory and which give
students maximum opportunity to realise their potential. Curriculum development is based on the communicative approach to language teaching,
aimed at the intellectual, social, emotional and creative development of all students and is inclusive of gender, ability and background. Learning
tasks and assessment practises are structured in such a way that student progress is measurable and so that participating students are enabled and
encouraged to perform well. All courses are reviewed to ensure compatibility with the AusVELS and VCE.

Head Oce Location

The VSL Head Oce is located on the corner of Clarendon St and Sparks Ave Thornbury. Curriculum, administrative and professional development
services are coordinated from Head Oce where the School's leadership team and distance education sta are located.

Victorian School of Languages

Phone: +613 9474 0500

315 Clarendon St




Fax: +613 9416 9899

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CRICOS Provider Code: 00861K

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