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Adroitness of
Back Off!
Born Again
Coming Home
Crawl Like a
Dressed to Kill
Feet of a
Freedom Throw
Furious Focus
Good Karma
Grand Entrance
Hear Me Out
Heart of a Lion
Improved Skill

Any Craft skill 5 ranks, Dex 13
Any Intimidate boosting feat, Cha 15
Con 13
Human-like teeth
Good alignment, must not kill
Born into the Indian culture
Cha 13
No levels as barbarian, fighter, monk, paladin, ranger or
Cha 13
At least 1 Cha-based skill
Cha 13
A maximum Cha of 11
Cha 13
Dex 13
Con 13
Indian culture, no deviations from your Karmic path
Perform 5 ranks, Int 13
Cha 13
Rage class ability
A maximum Int of 11
Skill Focus (that skill), Exp lvl 1

Inevitability of
Wis 13
Majesty of Zeus Cha 13
Mind of the
Wis 13
Int 13
Int 13, Cha 13, Oneliner
Poisoned Words Bluff Skill, Sense Motive skill, Int 13, Cha 13
Pressure Points Heal skill, Massage skill (if used), Dex 13, Wis 13, Stunning
Fist, Improved Unarmed Strike, base attack bonus +8 or
The Pinch
Heal skill, Massage skill (if used), Dex 13, Wis 13, Stunning
Fist, Improved Unarmed Strike, Pressure Points, base attack
bonus +8
Ride Like the
Ride 5 ranks
Smelling Good Social Skills
Stamina of
Cha 13
Sycophant Toad Tall, Dark and
Str 13
Terrain Mastery Survival 1 rank, weekly access to the terrain for 1 year
Wis 13, character level 10
Balance skill, Climb skill, Jump skill, Dex 13
Unique Talent Unquenchable
Iron Will, Cha 13
Want A Piece of


You work with astonishing speed when crafting things.
Prerequisites: Any Craft skill 5 ranks, Dex 13
Benefit: When using a Craft skill for creating, modifying or repairing
anything, you roll to see your progress every three days instead of every
week. This applies to all Craft skills you have at least 5 ranks in.
Note that while Adroitness of Hephaistus doesnt affect the time required for
magic item creation feats, it does lessen the time needed to make masterwork
items that must be used when making an item magical.
Special: Worshipers of Hephaistus need not fulfil the listed prerequisite to
take this feat.

Screencap from the extensive Hercules World Order.


BACK OFF! [General]

Your commanding presence can cause enemies to withdraw.
Prerequisites: Cha 15, any feat that can give a bonus to Intimidate checks.
Benefit: You can try to make someone in an adjacent square leave your
presence. As a standard action, you make an Intimidate check opposed by the
targets modified level check (1d20 + character level or Hit Dice + Will save +
fear save modifier). If you succeed, the target uses a move action on his next
turn, trying to get as far away from you as possible. This is a controlled and
temporary retreat. The target will not pass threatened squares, or squares he
believes are dangerous for other reasons.
This feat only affects a target for 1 round. He can then approach you again,
if he wants to.
If the target is unable to retreat because of these restrictions, he instead
becomes shaken for 1 round (-2 on attack rolls, ability checks, and saves).
Note that the target must make the move action as his initial action during
his turn, but he is free to use the remaining standard action as he chooses
after the move. He can even use ranged attacks or spells on you. He can
even use the standard action for a normal move, provided he doesnt come
any nearer to you.
Note also that you dont have to threaten someone to affect him with this
feat. Its enough that he stands in a square adjacent to your own. He must be
able to see you, though, and the modifiers for different sizes mentioned in the
Intimidate description applies here too.

BEAST [General]
You let your strong animal instincts take over in desperate situations.
Prerequisites: Con 13.
Benefit: You get a +2 bonus on Reflex and Fortitude saves, but -2 on Will

You are stunningly beautiful.
Benefit: You get a +2 bonus on Bluff attempts. Also, whenever you roll 20
with a Charisma-based skill, the target of your attempts becomes attracted to
you, if you fit her sexual preferences. This attraction can take many forms, but
generally includes a desire to be in your company and perform as the person
sees fit towards a potential object of desire. It does not overrule selfpreservation or larger plans, but if these plans originally included your death
or disadvantage, the affected person becomes inclined to make exceptions on
your behalf.
This feat comes with a disadvantage: you get -2 on Disguise attempts, and
-2 on attempts to Hide in a crowd of people.
Note: You need not take this feat at level 1. If taken later in life, it represents
both the culmination of your physical appearance and a conscious change in
your daily grooming that has a startling effect. ("Great haircut!").

BEWILDER [General]
You can confuse your opponents with a barrage of barbed insults,
outrageous insinuations and sheer wit.
Prerequisite: Int 13, Cha 13, Oneliner.
Benefit: As a standard action, you can try to make one creature dazed
(unable to take any actions but with no penalty to AC) for 1 round. The
creature must be within 10 from you and able to hear and understand you.

Creatures with Intelligence lower than 3 are unaffected.

The target makes a Will save (DC 10 + your character level + your Cha
You may attempt this feat once per day for every four character levels you
have attained. Even if the target makes her Will save, the attempt still counts
against your maximum that day.

BITER [General]
You can bite opponents in combat.
Prerequisites: Strong, healthy teeth. Only humans and creatures with
human-like mouths and no listed bite attack can take this feat.
Benefit: When using an unarmed strike, you can choose to bite instead.
Damage is 1d4 points of normal damage, but the bite attack otherwise follows
the rules for unarmed strikes. Note that unless the biter has the Improved
Unarmed Strike feat, she provokes attacks of opportunity.
Normal: Without this feat, you can only try to bite someone in the same 5
square, that is, usually someone you are grappling.
Special: Some cannibal tribes file their teeth to sharp points. This adds to
their ferocious appearance but has no effect on the bite attack.

Screencap from the Firestorm page. Thanks a lot!



You gain inner strength from your refusal to kill.
Prerequisite: Good alignment, must not kill.
Normal: Not everyone who is good and has not killed has Blood Innocence.
You have to have a sincere conviction that life is sacred.
Benefit: You gain a +2 morale bonus to AC and to Heal checks.
Special: You can never have killed in the past if you are to take this feat.
The AC-bonus disappears permanently if you ever kill someone. Killing
includes accidental killings and self-defence. You could, however, get away
with side-stepping a charging enemy and let him fall to his death.
Some evil rituals require the sacrifice of someones Blood Innocence

(through elaborate schemes). For this reason, you are more likely to be
captured rather than killed by many villains.


BORN AGAIN [General]

You sometimes get flashbacks from an earlier life.
Prerequisite: Born into the Indian culture.
Benefit: You decide which character class you belonged to in your former
life. Once per day you can re-roll a single die that is connected to a strong
point from your former class.
Strong points for a class includes:
- Class skills
- Attack rolls if good attack bonus
- Saving throws if good saving throws
- Use of class features (including sneak attack)
- Spell saving throw done by another to resist your spell
- Other random roll necessary to get a spell effect

Note that only one die is affected. You can only re-roll one d6 for fireball
damage, for example (so you are probably better off re-rolling the opponents
saving throw if he seems to make it).
Hit point gains, normal damage rolls from weapons, rolls made during
character generation, and rolls made by other characters even if they affect
you indirectly - like an enemy spellcaster fighting you rolling to see how many
mirror images she gets - are never affected by this feat.
Special: You can take this feat several times. Each new feat enables you to
either choose another previous incarnation (another class), or another use per
day for the same previous incarnation.
Born Again need not be taken at first level, but only characters who have
been born into the Indian culture (or another culture where reincarnation
occurs) can ever take it.


You have exceptionally strong ties to your home. You know every inch well
and gain courage and resilience from just being there.
Benefit: +2 bonus on all saving throws in your home area. This would be
within sight of your house, castle, cave, hometown, or other place where you
live. A ship or other movable home doesnt qualify for the purposes of this feat.
If you change your home, you dont get the benefits of this feat until you
have lived for at least a year in that place.

COURAGE [General]
You can conquer your fear easier than others.
Prerequisites: Cha 13.
Benefit: Whenever you make a saving throw to resist magical or nonmagical fear, you get a +3 morale bonus. Non-hostile persons in adjacent
squares also get this bonus, if theyre aware of you.
If several people with Courage affect overlapping areas, only the highest
bonus is used.
Special: Since this is a morale bonus, it does not stack with a paladin's aura
of courage. Only the strongest bonus apply to the non-hostile persons in
adjacent squares.



You are adept at appearing too pathetic to be worth the trouble in battle.
Prerequisite: No levels as barbarian fighter, monk, paladin, ranger, or
Benefit: Using this feat is a full round action. You crawl around the
battlefield on all four, moving a maximum of 10/round, and muttering fearful
and self-degrading comments now and then. If you take any offensive action
or cast a spell, the effect of the feat ends and you cannot use it again in that
battle. You are free to alternate this feat with defensive actions, however.
Anyone wanting to attack you must succeed in a Will save, DC 10 + your
Constitution bonus (vigorous antics are more fun to watch than tired panic). If
the attacker fails, she does not lose her action, but must use it for something
else than harming you. For the duration of the battle, she can try to attack you
in a nonlethal manner, but not in the round in which she failed the save.
Only attackers of the same creature type as yourself are affected by the
Note: While primarily a NPC feat, some PCs with more survival instincts
than pride could conceivably find it useful.

Screencap from the extensive Hercules World Order.


Your unshakable belief that you are meant for great deeds gives you
confidence in the face of danger.
Prerequisite: Cha 13.
Benefit: You get a +2 bonus on Will and Fortitude saves, but -2 on Reflex

Vidcap by Tom from his immense archives.



You can get a bonus on a Charisma-based skill by preparing your appearance
Prerequisite: At least 1 Charisma-based skill 1 rank.
Benefit: By preparing your clothes and general appearance for 1d3x10
minutes, you get a +2 bonus on all uses of a specific Charisma-based skill:

Bluff, Diplomacy, Disguise, Gather Information, Handle Animal, Intimidate,

Perform, Use Magic Device. You must have at least 1 rank in the skill you
want to enhance. It does not otherwise require special equipment. This is the
knack you have, to see the opportunities in whatever is available.
If you are interrupted for more than a minute, that time is added to the total
time you have to prepare.
You can use this feat on another person, if he is present and willing during
the preparation. You cannot, however, enable someone to use a skill he
otherwise is unable to use, notably Handle Animal and Use Magic Device
The bonus lasts until you change your clothes, use this feat for another skill,
or go to sleep.


You can coach someone into a better performance.
Prerequisite: Cha 13.
Benefit: As a standard action, you can by talking to and generally
encouraging someone give her an additional +2 bonus on whatever she is
attempting, provided that the following conditions are met:
- She must have known you for at least a couple of days and have no
reason to mistrust you.
- She must also understand you and hear what you are saying.
- She must begin the action you encourage in the following round.
The bonus can apply to any d20 roll, an attack roll, saving throw, skill use,
ability check or other. But both she and you must be aware of what she will
attempt for this feat to have success.
There is no need for the task to be completed in one round, but it must be
begun and continue in a normal and uninterrupted fashion for the bonus to
Note that this is an unnamed bonus and can thus be combined with (for
example) the aid another action once the actual action is started.
You can only take this feat once. The effect doesnt stack.


You have perfected the art of retreating.
Benefit: You can run for one round without provoking attacks of opportunity,
provided that:
- you use this action to get away from your enemies, not attacking them,
- you have not used this feat previously to get away from this particular
enemy or enemies this day,
- you run, not just make a double move. If circumstances prevent you from

running, you cant use this feat.

Normal: With the withdraw action, you avoid attacks of opportunities in the
square you start in only.

You are exceptionally plain and dull in appearance and demeanour.
Prerequisite: a MAXIMUM Charisma of 11.
Benefit: People very rarely remember your face. To recall your facial
features, they must succeed with an DC 20 Int check. No retry is possible until
they have met you again.

FREEDOM [General]
Your strong belief in your freedom to make your own fate means that you
react quickly and forcefully in the face of danger.
Prerequisite: Cha 13.
Benefit: You get a +2 bonus on Will and Reflex saves, but -2 on Fortitude


You can throw something up in the air, do something else for a few seconds,
and then catch it.
Prerequisite: Dex 13.
Benefits: If you hold something that is at least two sizes smaller than you
are (something Tiny if you are Medium, for example), you can throw it high in
the air as a movement equivalent action and then do what you like for the rest
of your round. If you want to catch it you have to have both hands free at the
end of the round. And since this feat is a movement equivalent action, you can
only move 5 during this round.


You can give it all in short bursts of energy.
Prerequisite: Con 13.
Benefit: Once per day, you can get +2 on all skill checks for 10 rounds.
Then you become fatigued for 1 hour.

GOOD KARMA [General]

Your faithful adherence to your Karmic path blesses you.
Prerequisites: Indian culture, no deviations from your Karmic path.

Benefit: Once per day when you choose between two alternatives with no
way of telling which alternative would be best, you have a 55% chance (11 in
20) of choosing the alternative most beneficial to you or your immediate goals.
You must declare when using this feat and the DM rolls secretly.


You can make the most of a sudden appearance.
Prerequisites: Int 13, Perform 5 ranks.
Benefit: As a standard action, you can cause a surprised target to stay
surprised and flat-footed for another round. You do this by making a Perform
check opposed by the targets Will save. For this to work, the target must be
able to notice your performance.
You can try this any number of times per day, even at the same target,
provided the target is surprised and flat-footed. Each consecutive attempt
against the same target adds +2 to the targets Will save, unless at least one
round passes from the end of the extra surprise round.

HEAR ME OUT [General]

Your powerful presence makes enemies hesitate when you perform.
Prerequisite: Cha 13.
Benefit: You get a +2 morale bonus to AC and saving throws if you used

Perform as your last standard action. This only applies if you are fully


Your courage and lust for battle allows you to rage more often.
Prerequisites: Rage class ability.
Benefit: You can rage (or mighty rage or greater rage) one extra time every
Special: You can take this feat several times. Each time, you get one extra
rage per day.
Even with this feat, you can still only rage once per encounter.

IDIOT [General]
You are so slow on the uptake as to baffle people who try to influence you.
Prerequisite: A MAXIMUM Intelligence of 11.
Benefit: Attempts to use Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, and Perform against
you have the DC modified by +2.
Note: While primarily a NPC feat, some PCs with less than erudite
ambitions could find it useful.



You have an intuitive understanding of how to unravel spells.
Benefit: You get a +4 bonus on all attempts at dispelling insights.
Note: If you dont use the dispelling insight rules in your campaign, consider
allowing those who take this feat to be able to use it without the +4 bonus.

IMPROVED SKILL FOCUS [General] Thanks to Gastaban for suggesting the

need for something like this
Choose a skill. You are a true master of that skill.
Prerequisites: Skill Focus (the same skill), expert level 1.
Benefit: You get a +10 bonus on all checks involving that skill.
Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects stack, both with
itself and with Skill Focus.

INEDIBLE [General]
Predators avoid eating you.
Benefit: You get a +3 alchemical bonus to your AC against bite attacks.
Predators hunting for food - as opposed to defending themselves or fighting
for other reasons - will avoid targeting you unless they are totally starved and
no other potential food is present. So, lions on the hunt wont bother you, but
you could still be attacked if you annoy them sufficiently.
Note: The reason for your inedibility need not be evident to humans. It can
be a subtle nuance in your body smell or simply how you taste that gives you
this bonus.

Screencap from the excellent Ariane's Xena Warrior Princess Gallery.



You are very good at keeping captives from escaping.
Prerequisites: Wis 13.
Benefit: When making Use Rope checks to oppose Escape Artist attempts,
you get a +2 bonus. You also get a +2 bonus when making opposed grapple
checks if the one you are holding tries to break free, whether with a grapple
check or an Escape Artist check. You also get a +2 bonus when using Craft
(locksmithing) to create a lock primarily intended to keep someone from
getting away: various shackles, prison doors, cages. If the lock can equally
well be used to keep someone out (ordinary doors, chests), you don't get the
Special: Worshipers of Hades need not fulfil the listed prerequisite to take
this feat.


You radiate regal dignity when you choose.
Prerequisites: Cha 13.
Benefit: If you prepare for a full round by simply standing still, you get a +2
bonus on any attempts to Intimidate or Bluff during your next round.
Special: Worshipers of Zeus need not fulfil the listed prerequisite to take this


You understand how people dealing with the supernatural thinks and acts.
Prerequisite: Wis 13.
Benefit: You get a +2 bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, Estimate Experience,
Listen, Sense Motive, Spot and Survival checks that deals directly with
someone you know is a spellcaster (including gods and monsters with spelllike abilities).
It only works on true spellcasters. If someone poses as one, you dont get
the extra bonus, but you dont automatically learn the truth.

ONELINER [General]
You always have a witty retort at hand.
Prerequisite: Int 13.
Benefit: You get a +2 bonus on saving throws and opposed skill rolls
dealing with mood: Intimidate, Mind-Affecting spells that induce or alters
emotions, including charm person and the like. You also get a +2
circumstance bonus on your own Bluff checks.
The bonus only applies if you talked wittily on your last turn to the person
trying to affect you. The person must also be able to hear and understand you.
You can take this feat only once.

THE PINCH [General]

You can kill using only your fingers.
Prerequisites: Heal skill, Massage skill (if used), Dex 13, Wis 13, Stunning
Fist, Improved Unarmed Strike, Pressure Points, base attack bonus +8 or
Benefit: This is Pressure Points applied to the neck. To attempt the Pinch,
the target must be stunned, helpless or pinned (by yourself or another). You
must still attempt to hit with an attack roll on the target's flat-footed AC +8
because of the extremely precise spot you need to hit. To try to use it on an
active defender is nearly impossible, +28 (+20 more) to the defender AC. In
either case it is a full round action that can only be tried once per day for every
four levels. You declare that you are using this feat before the attack roll. If
you hit with your attack, the opponent must make a Fortitude saving throw
(DC 10 + one-half your level + Wis modifier) or suffer the consequences.
If the attack succeeds and the saving throw fails, the target is stunned. She
will die on the sixth round following the Pinch. This can be prevented as above
with a Heal check (DC 15) or help by someone with the Pinch or the Pressure

Points feat.
Since the target is stunned, she cant heal herself. But, if she herself has the
Pinch or the Pressure Points feat, he gets a new saving throw each round (if
she wishes).
The Pinch does not affect hit points.
A failed attempt still counts against the daily limit.
Special: You can only do the Pinch on a member of the same race.



With an insidious remark, you can make a person waver when it counts.
Prerequisites: Int 13, Cha 13, Bluff 1 rank, Sense Motive 1 rank.
Benefit: As a standard or a move action, make a Bluff check opposed by
your opponents Sense Motive check. If you succeed, the opponent gets -2 on
all saving throws of the type you desire (Will, Reflex or Fortitude) for 10
The effects of several uses don't stack.
Note that this feat depends on you being able to talk and being understood
by your opponent. It doesnt provoke an attack of opportunity.
The effect of this feat can be erased by Remove Fear.


You can try to paralyse an opponents arm or leg using only your fingers.
Prerequisites: Heal skill, Massage skill (if used), Dex 13, Wis 13, Stunning
Fist, Improved Unarmed Strike, base attack bonus +8 or higher.
Benefit: You must have both hands free to use this feat. It is a full round
action that can only be attempted once per day for every four levels. You
declare that you are using this feat before the attack roll, and whether you try
to hit an arm or a leg. If you hit with your attack, the opponent must make a
Fortitude saving throw (DC 10 + one-half your level + Wis modifier) or suffer
the consequences:
Arm: -2 on Climb, Craft, Disable Device, Escape Artist, Forgery, Heal, Open
Locks, Sleight of Hand, Swim, Use Rope checks; attack rolls; Strength
Leg: the victim falls prone. Even if he stands up again he has the following
penalties: -2 on Balance, Climb, Jump, Move Silently, Ride, Swim, Tumble;
Reflex saves; Dexterity checks. Also needs a crutch to move faster than half
normal speed.
In all cases, the effect lasts for one day, but can be reversed by a successful
Heal check (DC 15, DC 20 if performed on oneself) or by someone with the
Pressure Points feat. This use of Pressure Points does not count against the
daily limit and no saving throw is rolled, but you still have to roll to hit
(although usually with a +4 bonus for an immobile opponent).
It is possible to use Pressure Points while grappling someone, provided that
you dont hold anything in your hands.
A failed attempt still counts against the daily limit.
Special: You can only do Pressure Points on a member of the same race.


You have great affinity for your mount and can coax it to speeds normally
beyond its capacity.
Prerequisites: Ride 5 ranks.
Benefit: When riding a creature making an action that gives it at least
double normal speed (full move, or run, for example), the creature can move
an additional 10' that round. This requires no action on your part, other than
being conscious and riding it, not just being in physical contact.


Your natural body-scent is pleasing to all.
Benefit: You get a +1 bonus on all Bluff, Diplomacy, and Handle Animals
checks if the subject is within 5. If the subject has the scent ability, the bonus
is increased to +2 and the range becomes the range of the scent ability
(normally 30, modified for wind (as in air movement ;-) ) and feats).
This feat is of no use against constructs.


Crowds inspire you to greater efforts.
Benefit: Whenever 10 or more sentient beings are watching you, you get a
+2 morale bonus on all skill checks.
Assume that everyone within 50 (10 squares) is watching you unless you
are hiding, invisible or behind a wall; unless you have strong reason to believe

that there is something specific in the opposite direction that catches their
attentions - such as a battle or a performance.
Similarly, people farther away might be watching you if you are the focus of
a battle or making a performance of some kind.
People you have no way of detecting, like those undiscovered in hiding, do
not count for determining the number watching you.

SOULMATE [General]
You have extremely strong affinities for a special someone.
Benefit: You can sense when your soulmate is in mortal danger and
whether she is dead or alive. You also get a +2 morale bonus on all skill
checks and attack rolls directly related to your soulmate. For example, when
attacking someone who is fighting your solumate, when crafting a gift for her,
and when swimming towards her. She need not be in danger for the bonus to
apply, but she must be the main reason for your action.
The soulmate chosen can be your lover, close relative or long-time friend.
She cant be an animal or an object. She can be a deity, but only if you have
had an extensive personal relationship with her. Simply being a priest or a
cleric of her religion is not sufficient.
This feat is an effect of your feelings for her, and those feelings need not be
Note that the bonuses only apply for you. The soulmate gets no bonuses for
actions related to you, unless she too has the soulmate feat with you as the
This feat can be taken only once. It cannot be unlearned in any way,
regardless of outward changes in the relationship.



You are exceptionally persistent when dealing with people on a social level.
Prerequisite: Cha 13 (see below)
Benefit: When using certain skills, you can make one extra retry with each
during a particular encounter, without the specific or suggested penalties.
The skills are: Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, Perform (this means that the
stipulated +2 increase in DC with each retry is postponed for one retry).
Special: Worshipers of Aphrodite need not fulfil the listed prerequisite to
take this feat.


You have a gift for flattering powerful people.
Benefit: You get a +2 bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, Disguise and Perform
checks when used against someone superior to you.
Superior people include those with higher social rank in the present
context, those with obvious superior military resources, those who have
successfully Intimidated you in the past, and others you have genuine reason
to fear or obey.


You know how to impress others with your powerful muscles.
Prerequisites: Str 13.
Benefit: You can use your Strength bonus instead of Charisma with the
skills Bluff, Gather Information, and Intimidate. This only works if you are
visible to those you use the skill against.
Special: Despite the name, you dont actually have to be tall or dark to use
this feat.

TERRAIN MASTERY [General] Converted horizon walker class feature

You have a special connection with one type of terrain.
Prerequisites: Survival 1 rank, weekly access to the terrain for 1 year.
Benefit: You get a +1 insight bonus on attack and damage rolls against creatures native to the

terrain chosen. You also get a +2 competence bonus on a certain skill.



Special: You can take this feat several times. Each time it applies to a new
type of terrain.

TIMING [General]
You have a knack for being at the right place at the right time.
Prerequisite: Wis 13. Character level 10.
Benefit: Once per day, an event beyond your control occurs when you want
it to, through a combination of intuition, luck, and experience. You must state
that you will use this feat before the event takes place. The following
conditions must apply, though:
- You must have made an effort, both to learn when the event will take
place, and to be there in time. An effort usually requires some real time
gaming, not just a simple statement.
- The time must be reasonable. Hoping for a changing of the guard 5
minutes after the pass started is not reasonable.
- Whatever powers that can influence the event must not be aware of your
efforts, if they are not your allies.
- The event must be probable. Solar eclipses and natural disasters are out,
unless there is reason to believe that they will occur within the next few days.

- If the chance of the event occurring at that time is less than 10% (should
the probability is known), the feat cannot be used.
- You can only use Timing on a specific type of event once. Thus, while you
can use it to influence the changing of the guard in various places, you can
only influence the changing of the guard in a specific castle once.
- The DM can veto it at her discretion. This is of course the case with all
rules, but it is especially important with story-influencing feats such as this.
Even a failed use of the feat counts as the attempt of the day.
The feat can be taken only once. Its effect does not stack.
Note: This feat is not in any way magical. The character does not make the
event occur, even if the player does. This is simply a way to simulate a
common feature in most adventure media.

You are able to move up in the trees as if on firm ground.
Prerequisites: Balance skill, Climb skill, Jump skill, Dex 13.
Benefit: You can move horizontally on natural branches as quickly as on the
ground, even running. Using Treerunning counts as a full round action. That
is, if you want to do anything apart from moving, you will have to temporarily
stop the Treerunning.
Generally, you have to be at least 10 up in a tree to start Treerunning, as it
relies on the presence of firm branches. To get up in a tree, get down, or to
change elevation, you have to use some skill, preferably Climb or Jump.
Using this feat, you can traverse a trackless forest without having to halve
your overland speed.
Outside forests, this feat is essentially worthless.



You have an unusual approach to your trade.
Benefit: Pick one ability score when you take this feat. When making
checks for Craft or Profession, you can use that ability score instead of the
normal key ability. You can switch back and forth between the ability score
chosen and the normal one.
You can only substitute the key ability for the exact Crafts and Profession
skills that you have at least 1 rank in.
Normal: Intelligence is used for Craft, Wisdom for Profession.
Special: You can take this feat several times. Each time it applies to a new
ability score.


You can temporarily override a magical compulsion or charm.
Prerequisites: Iron Will, Cha 13.
Benefit: When under the influence of an enchantment spell, you can try to
break free. This is a full round action, but is mainly a subconscious struggle as
your true self tries to break through the chains that bind it. The attempt can be
interrupted as a level 1 spell. To succeed, you make the same saving throw
that you initially failed. If it succeeds this time, you have 1 round to act. After
that round, you make another saving throw, this time as a free action. If it
succeeds, you have another round in which to act. You can continue to roll
saving throws each round as long as you succeed. As soon as you fail, you
revert to the effects of the enchantment, provided that it is still in effect. Each
round of freedom still counts against the total duration of the effect.
You can only try to exercise Unquenchable Will once for each period of
All kinds of supernatural or extraordinary charms and compulsions can be
overcome with this feat, not just spell effects.



You have a disgusting but technically harmless skin condition that causes
people to instinctively shy away from touching you.
Benefit: You get a +1 AC bonus against touch attacks, unarmed strikes and
grapple rolls made by creatures of your type (humanoid for humans, for
example). If you change shape, this bonus only applies if the skin condition
remains, and then only versus creatures of the type you changed to.
Special: Any skill check or other roll where physical beauty is of great
importance gets a -2 penalty. This includes seduction attempts, Disguise rolls
made to appear as a person known for her beauty, and rolls for winning a
beauty pageant.
Note also that this condition is not affected by a cure disease spell.

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