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Where there is anarchy there is no capitalism

Where there is anarchy there is no religion
Where there is anarchy there is no authority
Where there is anarchy there is no hierarchy
Where there is anarchy there is no money
AAA = Against All Authority
AAR = Against All Religions
The problem is not drugs it is the police
Why they killed Juliano Mer the correct answer costs 10000000000000$ question - the mission is to
annihilate the Khamis family thank you - THEREFORE I WILL BRING AMERICA FIRST AN THEN
ISRAEL - The CIA mission is to annihilate Khamis family completely and wipe from the face of the Erath

It is like sitting in an airconditioned room in winter in Moscow instead of a heated room, or it is like
.sitting in heated room in the Sinai desert in August

May the death of my brother Jul bring down Hamas and the Jewish settlements Amen
If you were to ask Arna Khamis would you have started the project knowing that your son will be
.assassinated would you have done it



If you were to ask Arna Khamis would you have started the project knowing that your son will be
.assassinated would you have done it
... .Alice in Wonderland is actually "dangerous
Bullets Not Ballots
May the death of my brother Jul bring down Hamas and the Jewish settlements Amen
If you were to ask Arna Khamis would you have started the project knowing that your son will be
assassinated would you have done it? MEGA NO
Bullets Not Ballots


Military haze of good Jewiship
Military haze of good Jewiship Every everything conspire to make them feel that they are secure and
jolly-strong nation except, of course, for the dead, wounded and the Palestinians
As to religious words like evil and blessing they do not exist in my dictionary, and once you get rid of the
notorious illuminates and the freemasons you open the path to infinite corporation and joining of forces for
.the embitterment of human condition
I have never known such a meta-phenomenon as you are Steve, really you are changing my conception of
humanity after a prolonged a near loss of hope, you are greater than life Steve, you are restoring my faith
.in humanity, thanks for this too
Steve may be you can also help me to produce video clips to my anarchic music, I am totally ignorant in
.how to make them, I tried to send one song to Youtube and failed utterly
You could not find my room because it was in the Arabic section in Arabic language. To enter the Arabic
section you must change the language to Arabic and then do the search. Because I cannot open two or more
room at once because of humble status at paltalk. I decide in which section to be according to the
immediate developments worldwide. We can synchronize activity this evening in the English section first
and then move the revolt to other places, and I shall invite you to mutually navigate and orientate the
.global revolution with me - thanks Steve again
.As to Face Book all we need is just more synchronicity
Deepest respect and appreciation
It is one othe ironies of our history, that a nation which achieved its independence in the modern world,
should now be carrieng the mantle of colonialism
The agreessive Zionists, express only the interests of the rich and the ruling minorities, who strive to
dominate and exploite everything both at home and abroad, and cover this up with false words about the
.deomcratic heritage
Irrational desire for a nation; Hallucinatory self-hysteric, self-righteous of their own empire is part of the
.zionist dream
Very public always I urge you to think macro Steve I have six hours of professionally recorded music
in the best studious of Israel they were recorded long ago but this music sings today louder than then. I
.want all of the music out in public as soon as we can, then we move to next higher matrix the text

Steve I dont know where to begin
Steve I need your Meta-organizational genius
I wait eagerly to the link - thanks
By helping me you are causing a major social upheaval world wide
Cairo today
.Lets move now from eternal death to eternal life and permanent pleasure and creativity
IBAN Number - IL12 0111 4700 0000 5711 306
Swift Code - IDBLILIT
Clearing Code IL011147
With appreciation
First of all I wish to bend my head to you. Your contribution has saved a very deserving person in a very
undeserving world. It reminds of the special relations between Marx and Engel in the 19 century. You
cannot imagine how your contribution is rescuing me from guaranteed suffering and hardship. I am very
grateful to you Steve and my girlfriend is extremely grateful too, since you help here directly too. Thanks
for giving me a breathing space upon which I can survive in dignity and continue my struggle for my
.liberation and the liberations of the rest of humanity
.As to Face Book all we need is just more synchronicity
Deepest respect and appreciation
Hi Steve
Good to hear from you after your psycho-holocaust ordeal, we refuse to be salves and we want to be free so
.are you. We fight to the finish
I could not open the link you have sent me. I have big plans but no money to accomplish any of them.
Plenty of solidarity but little contribution. I hope this will change one day and all efforts will flow only one
.way human liberation
Keep in touch please and may be something of a benefit to all will come out of this relation
Greetings and empathy from Spartacus
Anarchic weapon of mass emancipation
My old computer is cooled by large industrial ventilator and by homo-cryonics


. .

. .
-- --
2020 .
2020 .


Bash the Rich Smash Capitalism Crush the State
On how to destroy the system with minimum casualties
This room will destroy capitalism and the state and smash authority and hierarchy this is the end of
civilization and the beginning of revolutionary anarchy
A Room for Insurrectionary and Revolutionary Anarchists
I usual dont react to imbeciles and is obvious why. It is your limited brains that is religiously programmed
even before you are borne and thats why you are incapable of seeing anything in other light. Your brains
are so programmed that it becomes your second nature. Higher conscious people treat lower conscious
.people with solidarity mutual aid and cooperation dummies
.If this is mantra for you then your whole existence is one big bubble of metaphysical illusion

Yes my friend I read all of his books and thousands of others, so I can translate theory into direct action
.and bring about the long awaited revolution. Your help is essential for expanding this effort
Julliano is my brother, the executed/director/actor and my mother is Arna and I am just a revolutionary
To free all Palestinian prisoners including jihad and hamas and the dismantlement of all Jewish settlements
Popular struggle in Israel
You must help me leave Israel before it is not late
My father Saliba Khamis was condemned to death in absentee by Jordan
Juliano Khamis was born when both my parents where in prison 1958

Check on facebook 1 spartacus mer khamis 2 saprtacus rebel 3 this one

:Ok with some I shall engage in dialog but with others I will not, for example
BornAgainAthiest YES dialog
DigitalAtheist NO
Sorry guys I shall not ignore you anymore and I will let you interact each according his sociabilitys needs
The final decade of capitalism

Victims of circumstance
This Metamonolog is devoted to my friend who wants a communication, because it seems he knows little
about the simultaneous and spontaneous meta-conscious coordination and instant cooperation amongst
those high leveled emancipated individuals. But sooner or later dear friend LeftAgainReligion you will be
.communicated one way or another
Thank for your support and encouragement we must cooperate for the liberation of ourselves and of
humanity - thanks
Anarchists have the highest human conscious (1
The genius of the anarchic brain (2
Yes my friend I read all of his books and thousands of others, so I can translate theory into direct action
.and bring about the long awaited revolution. Your help is essential for expanding this effort

Eviction or extermination of the palestinian poplution

.Accustomed expansion of borders through the annexation(forcibly) of neighbouring and local territorries
The neo-colonial Zionists have equired a taste for the development and growth of State powers
Aggression war terror police soldiers armies revolution coercion attacks resistance defiance law order
break free
We must liberate ourselves, be free equal mutual-aid assistance support cooperation coexistence help care
need extreme desire

No more living like this is not living more like death than happiness hate depression desire boredom
poverty mental emotional fatigue
Come to anarchy and be yourself self- determined self-governed self-organized self-educated

Palestine oppressions solidarity support care learning occupation poverty rebellion intifada support
mutual aid affinity
How to make an anarchic revolution without money donations do accelerate the process for details see
my profile to change the world we need your help
Fight flight foresight insight beyond post pain postpone nihilism hedonism pleasure desire passion

There is no such a thing as a Palestinian Jews, because Judaism is a religion and the Palestinian is a
nationality, so it is a mistaken association. Therefore, the director has to change the name of the
documentary, or no
.one will be in it It is nothing personal
With appreciation
, , ,
Capitalism is a global catastrophe, the state is a national tragedy and religion is for personal selfannihilation
For urgent donations see my profile

Burn money flag laws customs end consensus democtatorship tradition stupidities national religious mass
Come to anarchy and liberate yourse
Capitalism and skypecasts are excretion that attracts the flies
Individual rich and sick and bored to death how about life love freedom always
Poor rich middle class status up down bottom privilege discrimination greed usury corruption
The origin of dumb species survival of the nastiest capitalist selection of the greedy
How anarchy will stop all that and create an unbelievable world in the near future people must also
change - Donating to revolutionary anarchy please see details Donating to revolutionary anarchy please see
details in my profile in my profile

, , ,

(Everyday Anarchy)

Thinking right independent critical criticism negation opposition conflict antagonism contradiction
metaphilosophy metatheory metascience metadialectic


Little Money For Big Revolution Donations To Spartak Khamis PayPal 4492 Email In My Profile
Survival oppose defiance attack subvert detour underground aboveground resistance challenge breakdown
breakup negation antidialectical promaterialist postidea posidestruction metaknowledge psiemotion
Please One Dollar/Euro From Each Until Anarchy We Reach
Kindness generosity humanness solidarity support assistance cooperation mutual aid outcry anger
movement participate
....There was a miss understandnig ...I thought that I was suppose to help in this film and not to be in it
I don't want to be considered or interviewed as a Palestinian Jew, whatsoever and don't try , please , to
.convince me that I am a Palestinian Jew , I'll be offended. I wish you good luck and lot of success


This place does not except capitalists, right wingers, the religious and the spirituals, they are not welcome
here at all
Unarmed revolutionary transformation of the world and the bloodless destruction of the state, religion and

Why are you so frightened? You are afraid from the light as well from the dark, afraid of truths and of lies
--- conquer your fears and control your hysteria. We are not against you but you are against all. Welcome
.to the land of the free
Schizoid Meta-contradiction
you are good and intelligent guys, but you are nave and afraid to take the front line and the responsibility
.that comes with it
So as long as you dont get rid of capitalist regressive thinking you will not be able to transcend the limits
of your subjective condition, so please stop nagging me about decision making and conflict resolution, it
.seems sadly that you have never smoked pot (an anarchist plant)
.I think you we are a genius from simple to complex and from complex to simple and beyond
The questions you ask are good for a party political broadcast not really for any serious analysis, such as

the meta-structure of future non-capitalist society. A society based on anarchism, without hierarchy or
power, without leaders and lead, all are equal and all are intelligent. An intelligent and experienced
civilization that has realized that capitalism is the worst possible form of social relations. Capitalism means
.permanent war, at home against the population and abroad against other populations

capitalist brain wash and propaganda is your problem and you should solve it quick. In other words what I
am saying is that your entire questions stem from your little petty-capitalist brain that is unable to envision
any other social forms of meta-organization. This means that all your thoughts and ideas are based on false
premises and manipulated semantically for maintaining and continuation of the fascist-capitalist

The fact that you are reacting with such intensity to every word I write shows beyond any doubt that I am
hitting the right buttons in your head. You dont expect really from an anarchist to give an anti- party
politico-economical manifesto to explain to you how roads will be maintained. The fact that you are
incapable of seeing beyond what you have been thought of seeing, incapable of thinking beyond

You are a positive person but the victim of mentality, should be out of this, this spatio-temporal space/place
is beyond you for the time being. Learn more and read what writing very carefully and reach a new
.dimension of comprehension for the sake of the victim and the un-victim
?I am out and in saving the world and the future, if we are not going to save the world, who will
Life is anarchic and lets this generation cleanse all oppression, i.e., cleanse the state, religion and capitalism
for ever
What MushroomGrower (an anarchist plant) is writing is very important and very explicitly correct, its a
contribution to revolutionary thinking and adds to the efforts for the transformation of society in
.our time
.I am very impressed by your deep insights and encompassing foresight and far sight
Conflict resolution is the elimination of antagonistic contradiction through the dismantling of dialectical
.idealism and its capitalist infrastructure
Stop being the municipality man, you sound like a gray official with a gray life who is all always worried
.about who is going to maintain the sewer system in anarchy
By following this approach and by adopting such an attitude, you are not going to get anything or
anywhere; there are no answers for you at this stage. First you have to alter your connotations and then
expand your ontological limitation, Mr. Voluntary stupidity- debunked rhetoric sparks the collapse of
.dialects, the collapse of the subject
You have become an utter Baudrillardian and Deleuzian. That is not good enough, what we need is action

not semantics. You are so absorbed by these idealist philosophies that you end up surrendering to one of
them this can not happen in time of emancipation but in time of repression it might become a tool in the
.hands of the reactionaries be ware
Monkey be in crises
.First we take the media and then destroy capitalism and the state
And their mouth is filled with water and their brains stunned and incapable of the most elementary human
The more you write the more you expose your reactionary desperate stance, and why is that? Why a person
should at the beginning of the first century think like this and cling to these erroneous dogmas. Well the
answer of course is a severe alienation and desperation and here where we intervene as revolutionaries for
.the transformation of life
How do you implement large scale projects? - - - Voluntary participation
No Cause - - - No Effect
I expect from everyone to get ready and be prepared for when the revolution happens and it is better
sooner than later
Less face book More Revolution
Meta-anthrop-flux = space = others thinking = talking or action
How does your system distribute resources? - - - Computer programming
How do you manage conflict? - - - Throwing away the dialectics
How do you make group decisions? - - - You dissolve the group
How do you deal with crime? - - - Crime will wither away after the fall of capitalism
How do you implement large scale projects? - - - Voluntary participation
No Cause - - - No Effect
I expect from everyone to get ready and be prepared for when the revolution happens and it is better
sooner than later
The revolutionary is the person who implements this knowledge with courage. What people usually know is
little and not enough to bring about the social revolution. That is where the revolutionary steps in and
navigates society out of this everlasting mess. And I do not owe anything to anyone, and I expect the same
from others. Freedom and equality, like revolution and anarchy, are not just for the improvement of
human beings but are primarily for survival in the here and now; it is the theoretico-practical application
.of anarchy in your life time


The revolution is not a choice but a natural objective necessity. No matter what people say, the lawgoverned process of the objective condition is determined only by those individuals who think and act in
.accordance with these historical conditions
You are a coward. Are you afraid to lose your power of dictatorial moderation, what kind of a free world
when you kill your opponents, for how long you think you can do that? Just by looking at your face I can
tell that you are a shity authoritarian character, no wonder you wanted to be a stupid ruler to have some
.trivial meaning in your life. This response is edited all over the internet
As to you are a sad case of a rejected individual, lacking plenty of love you tend to hate every beautiful
thing that moves. What I suggest for your recuperation, is to read lots of serious anarchic material and
.keep on angrily reading my stuff
What I really meant is that for the time being PEOPLE have to conquer their fears and the only way to this
.is when they know that they can defend themselves with whatever means necessary
Nothing is inherent in capitalism and nothing is natural in it, it is all a one big distortion, one big mistake, it
is just the modern version of slavery with an intermediate stage called feudalism. It is always the same
.hierarchic system with just more advanced techniques for control and exploitation
.Anarcho-individualist communism solves all human problems and makes life incomparably better
Immediately after the revolution crime/conflict money/power will decline and quickly it will disappear and
.becomes history
Are you a literate ignorant, mate. So many questions and problems you dont even have one solution or
.answer to, no wonder that you are as humanity so helpless
On the other hand I have the answers and solutions to all the questions and problems that you posed and
much more, and as I have said many time before, I have answers and solutions to many more questions and
problems that you are still unaware of. However, conflict, crime, inequality, language, etc, all this is
resolved in one stroke, the elimination of hierarchy, authority, capitalism. By dismantling this systematic
.structure the objective process changes and new forms of behavior are created
By changing the objective conditions you change the mind and the planet. When you have knowledge you
.can change the world and create more love and material equality
It is bellow my level to relate to such spite, fear and hate stemming from another alienated individual living
in his comfortable surrounding trying desperately and wrongly to be something. Well you can try again;
keep on kicking and screaming exposing further your insignificant pseudo-knowledge and your utter
impotence in social life. But you still have an opportunity to change, by increasing your knowledge and
.activity and by reading more carefully my stuff
Dont give up
I will clarify my position: in capitalism like today and as your question poses is that technology{computers}
are used for the benefit of their owners, the capitalist class, but once this is finished, technology will be
owned by no one but all, operated for the individual and for society as a whole. That will be the end to
.private ownership of the means of social production, i.e., the people ownership of the computer

Ok, but how would you describe your contribution to fasten the process of revolutionary change, toleration
is an accomplice to the crime called capitalism. In other words: the idea or the meta-plan is to start the
anarchic revolution at the end of this decade some time. I want to liberate my self from capitalism but I
cannot do it alone, I need the majority of the oppressed and the exploited masses. This will be achieved
soon, the people are getting fed up with this misery, and they deserve something better than employment or
.unemployment. We want the revolution to happen in our life time and the sooner is the better for all
Not personal
I will be as specific as you want, when capitalism collapses as a result of the anarchic revolution, all matter
will be distributed to all the people on earth, the distribution is done by computer. Also the people
themselves, like us, will program the computer to solve all our post-financial problems. Step one the
elimination of money, step two the elimination of the state and class. Everyone is equal, every one is free.
Authority will be forbidden, for the people, by the people, we are the people always. The leaders will run
away and hide, the rich will become like everyone else, no police, no security and no army, the end of
.religion, ethics and hierarchy
All of your analysis is wrong, it is wrong because people are alienated and what they think they know is
incomplete and misleading. The solution to this condition is emancipation of post-evolution, i.e., a conscious
domain where people will learn what is really good for them and what is terribly bad. Up to now humanity
has been ruled by rulers for the last 10000 years, it time now to change that entire human nightmare. The
sun will soon rise on the brain of humanity, so they could pursue the real intention of living. Anarchy will
bring this change, whether you like or not, we are not going to wait for someone to liberate us, we are going
.to liberate ourselves and now
I am a kind of a mammal who is always in a permanent economical crises, I wish I was a Bot so I wouldnt
have to pay rent and buy food. The reason why I keep disappearing is because of this permanent
.economical crisis that forbids me from doing lots and in all dimensions
You are not a very intelligent person, are you? You and your stupidity will lead you to no where. So go and
.get laid or something and stop being so out of date with your idiotico-ideological spam/troll mania
Embrace your uniqueness. Time is much too short to be living someone"
" .else's life
.Embrace your anarchy. Time is much too short to live without real freedom and intense pleasure
What I have achieved by the publication of my stuff? The revolution is nearer than ever before thanks to
this writing and also more importantly is that this writing was and is learnt by hundreds of thousands of
people all over the world. What remains to do is to continue writing and allow more and more people to
.participate in the liberation of themselves and others
Under administration in a quasi-leftist anarcho-capitalist stand, it is sad that things are as such, but hope is
.not lost in the ability of humanity to emancipate and transform itself
We are against authoritarian communism i.e., such as Bolshevism of Lenin and Trotsky, we are for non.authoritarian communism without a state a party or a leader
It is not my fault that you are a sick capitalist suffering from a pity-bourgeois bankruptcy of mind and
.matter. You are stupid and an idiot as it can gets and I expect of you to reach utter senility soon
.You are the ultimate rubbish of a stereo-type duplicated in simulation of a lost self

What I want to accomplish is a revolution in the mind and in society
We are anti-Marxist we are Bakuninist and Kropotkinist, we destroy the state and eliminate authority, no
.commerce or trade, no governments and voting just pure anarchy
We dont need philosophers or teachers, down with all the scientists and businessmen, down to the internet
and capitalism. We anarchists want anarchism with equality and dignity without classes and material.privileges in hierarchy. Fuck the system in its totality and we have the alternative a system less anarchy
To the anarchist I say keep on the good work in explaining to the people of the necessity for a revolution
and for a revolutionary change arising from the devastating ruins of capitalism to an anarchic society of
.equals without authority
As long as the working class needs a leadership it shall remain oppressed and exploited. Leaders are
.corrupt so we are anti-leaders now without anyone being lead
Greetings to the real anarchists amongst you, but as to the other anarcho-capitalists and reformist
.intellectuals there is no such greeting
In regard to what you are saying and with all due respect, it is too late and too little. What is a dream for
you is a concrete reality for the other, so who is dreaming friend, me or you. You dream I revolt, you dream
.I act; you dream I rebel, till all are free and happy as you wanted them to be
I think you are a good anarchist but the community solution is not a solution without a revolution there
.will be no freedom and no equality on a world scale
.You can have all you want and beyond
You need a homo-genius brain = post-homo-sapiens
I think a monkey mind is good for you temporarily until we get you the required homo-genius brain the
No money no capitalism no authority
.No person will be free until the last person on earth is free too
Those who reject communist individualist anarchism cannot do what they choose anymore
.The important thing is to keep our brains working towards the liberation of humanity in the now and here
The most important achievement to humanity will be the creation of the long awaited anti-capitalist
anarchic revolution. What is your contribution to the liberation of humanity? What did you add to fasten
the process of anarchic self-liberation and self-determination? We need more courage and dedication to
bring down capitalism and its state; we need an anarchic vision and revolutionary practice to liberate
.humanity from the 7000 years old slavery and torture
So to change the mode and the course of development I recommend cooperation and coordination, the
revolution has no leaders and no authority of any sort, just the power of love and freedom. So lets start the
mutuality and be an example to the rest of humanity on how human affairs should and will be conducted.
If we the anarchists cannot alter these socially alienated relations how would be able to topple capitalism
.and bring down this empire for ever
Unity on the basis of self-consciousness, unity in understanding and thinking on the same dimension so we

could transform a capitalist reality into an anarchic celebration of life and individual liberty in an equal
.and humane society
Look I dont want to fight, especially not with other anarchists; the revolution will be non-violent but
overwhelming. Instead of fighting other anarchists which is usually egoistical and not theoretical, I suggest
to unite all anarchists for the on going social revolution, we must be ready for the overtaking peacefully the
.sources of power and control of the capitalist system and give it back to us all
Look I dont want to fight, especially not with other anarchists; the revolution will be non-violent but
overwhelming. Instead of fighting other anarchists which is usually egoistical and not theoretical, I suggest
to unite all anarchists for the on going social revolution, we must be ready for the overtaking peacefully the
.sources of power and control of the capitalist system and give it back to us all
You cannot make an anarchic revolution buy being or selling somewhere else, the actual buying and selling
is exactly what capitalism is all about and especially when your life becomes a cheap exchangeable and
.replaceable merchandise
As to the anarchic meta-plan you have to read more of what has been written, it is all there it just takes a
.bit of courage and knowledge to know from where this fish peas
.anarchy is for the well being of all including your family
Socialism is half-way to no where, socialism is supposed to be a transformative short stage from socialism
.to full communism, but at the last minute Lenin decided otherwise
Socialism is half-measure dictatorship of central committee of the socialist party and we dont want that of
.course. Be strong and become a communist anarchist and individualist
:The Holy Punishment
The enemy of my enemy is not my friend
It is you whose is pathetic and look whose talking about defense, you must be quite limited if you really
believe that you are the measure for what is practical, logical in 18th century German rationalism. As to
.challenges, you probably never left home beside work/study which all do anyway
.never belittle others when your house is made of bubble
Have you been away in your fantasy and dreams or what, your brain needs some expansion to contain the
.required comprehension
I can make Africans live in harmony with each other, I can make peace between all religions, I can make
peace between the Palestinians and Israelis, I can make peace with nature, plants and the animal kingdom,
but I cannot make peace between classes only a revolut
We and the herd mentality
Wake up Wake down - This is not an Alliance
.You will not cause a change # Yes I will cause change called revolution
.I also have infinite amount of practical and theoretical solutions
.Maximal anti-rhetorical originality within a changing reality of the world constantly
.My criticism of capitalism is deeper than yours Wake up Sleepy
.Meta-realistic anti-evaluation de-systematization will bring down all reactionary counter-revolutionaries
.I have thousand folds more knowledge than you and in humble sympathy to your picnic movement

With all due respect it is you who is showing a serious ignorance and a total lack of understanding of the
anarchic theory
So no disrespect was ever intended, but some one here has to make a difference and the year is already
20011, when do you think something will really happen according to what you are throwing on me. It is not
my fault you are unable to cause a social revolution, may be you have all not yet find the way to sweep
.humanity and the oppressed behind you and beside you for the liberation and emancipation of all
- Change the social relation
There is no monopoly over the anarchic theory, we are the makers of the future by starting now, by
.showing humanity that it is the only way to be free happy
The anarchic movement = theory of anarchy = anarchists
.Respect is for free and with it you cannot buy bread
My revolutionary intentions are genuine and very humane, I love anarchists and the anarchic theory and
its movement but nobody has yet succeeded to bring about, after centuries of human struggle, the anarchic
revolution, what we got was always exactly the opposite even when anarchists where behind the initial
Below Criticism
.Defiance of What = you are not an anarchist and you are not a capitalist so what are you Defiance of what
Instead of getting angry at me you should get angry at your own paralysis and self-frustration resulting
.from a prolonged living under the alienation of 21st century capitalism, the millennium fuck-up
Confused and violently failing capitalist coming from the inferior pity-bourgeois, in short a confused
Be patient friends, your reactions and onto-epistemological response, as cause to effect, is exactly what I am
saying, that your thoughts and analysis are based on an insufficient knowledge unfound in your
conservative quasi-intellectual education with no offence but a comradely solidarity and an urge to speed
.up the process of self-liberation
:What you write is exactly what I mean
They pollute and ruin the oceans, air and land; they destroy all animals and humans. They keep you in
.captivity they have finished the wild. Everything is under their control and they control capitalism
The question then is for how long this all destroying system will be allowed to go on destroying everything
in its path and the answer is of course not for much longer because this orgy of destruction must be
stopped, the destruction of life for increasing profits must be stooped too and so terminate capital as a
.social relation
This system survives on the utter destruction of nature and the human race and the alternative to
.capitalism is anarchism as the only way to restore nature and free the human race
Yes my friend I agree with you that the fight has started long ago but we should now reap the fruit of the
past and present anarcho-labor. We will win and quite soon on the spatio-temporal scale and we must
continue the relentless attack on the state, capitalism, nationalism, religion, authority, morality and
.hierarchy. Only after the abolishment of all these and more could we talk of anarchy and material equality
I agree with you completely my friends but since we are different than the neo-Nazis we use higher modes
of resistance and attack. The more support anarchist will receive from society the more in the open will be
our activity. We are very different from the rest and our means are more advanced and humane and this is

.why it has taken such a long time just to reach this
Thank you for the worm welcoming, and I have never received such a worm welcome, usually it is the
opposite unfortunately, so thanks again and comradely greetings. Lets make our conversing inciting and
.challenging as to bring about the fastest change possible and in our lifetime
we lost Vittorio = END TO HAMAS + JIHAD = ISLAM = RELIGION
Religion kills nationalism kills power kills states kill nations kill all they exist fore is to kill in the of capital
and the nation-state
Religions must be wiped out from the face of the earth and we start first with Islam then Christianity and
we finish with Judaism in a reversed process

.Request for assistance

First I would like to thank you for your welcoming note, and I must tell you this best forum I have yet
encountered, thank you again for this excellent opportunity. What I wish to find out is that my article The
Voice Of Anarchy at the News & Current Events has accumulated many pages of comments, is their a
danger that my article will collapse from a lack of space, or is it ok to go on commenting there. I really
dont want to loose these comments since many of them are very interesting. Please tell me if everything is
.ok or recommend to me what to do
With gratitude and respect
.Dont throw stones on others when your house is made of glass
Look my friend we are salves, here look at you one month without a job and you will be on the verge of
collapsing and freaking out. All the people want to survive, but not always you find a job. With out a job
you either suffer or get arrested. Not everyone lives in Sweden you know. Do you get unemployment
benefits or did you find someone to serve for a pittance. This is fucking naked slavery in modern form, if
?this is not slavery then what is
Dont be a snob, go and tell this to the people of Africa and Palestine, go and tell them to start their own
business in famine and poverty. You are an elitist aristocratic proletariat that happens to live in the most
developed industrial country that earns a bit above the poverty level, and criticizes other proletarians in
other places to have an imagination. This is typical workers elitism; you are a spoilt middle class boys who
hasnt live on the outside of his office yet they want to see others starting their own business at the Bronx or
in Gaza. Will you give the capital to invest? Go and preach your pity-bourgeoisie mentality some where
.else. Dont abuse your privilege
I thought you where something, giants in the same river, but in reality it is a giant and a parasite in the
.same river, I have a strong disinfectant
While ago I wrote you a nice personal massage about Stalin my sentence and turning it to your own quote
without my permission. I dont mind that, but about what I have said in the massage I withdraw every
word because finding out your upper class infantile nature you are not a giant but fat kid fed and clothed
.by well to do daddy


Well the first monotheistic god that you are talking about was created by Abraham & co 5000 years ago
around the Sinai desert. God the creation of the ruling clergy to rule. It is the political economy of the past
disguised and camouflaged in mythology and pagan theology. All in all if god were really to exist I would
.have personally assassinated him, because he is addictive as heroin for the nation
.Nothing to lose but my chain
Professionalism is narrow mindedness as what you are exhibiting, your are stealing other people creation
because you are a mentally impotent busy all day showing your inferiority complex that you are rich. How
.to improve your lot
You are not anarchists you are rich cowardice kids resorting to computers as compensation for a lost living,
.meaningless in your lives, stuck with your loveless and lonely selves, harassing other peoples creativity
When some well-fed people are mentally paralytic and emotionally impotent their creativity is dead.
Therefore they go around exposing the poverty of their every day life. . No wonder they managed to save so
much money, but at a dear cost, total lack of originality and parasitically using other people for their own
.selfish purposes
You will never find love because it beyond your reach, you are frustrated human being with all the money
in the world. How tragic
Kids, who grew watching TV and daddy then arrange their hopeless life, daddy pays and tells them what to
do or not. Playing with pictures and mocking others because he is alone and angry, without sex and love.
His life is gray with lots of nice objects but always surrounded with ugly persons like himself. You can sense
.his decadence and constant psycho-emotional frigidity
The Roman empire fell not because of shortage of corn but the running out of gladiators in the arenas,
.after Spartacus slave rebellion of 78 BC
About my girlfriend I have an old computer and I dont know how to operate the thing. And I am not a
communist and I dont have the digital gadgets for loading or sending pictures, so an apology for that. To
convince that my girlfriend is more beautiful in face body and mind than that ugly faced model is by the
fact that I havent seen a man and woman who did not wish to have her and me in that matter. Now back to
.the action, I am an individualist anarcho-communist and an authoritarian communist as you suggest
All cultures are racist; it is called cultural centralism and chauvinism. Only one universal culture will solve
.the question of regional or national culture
.Culture of war and conquest, a culture of discrimination and reification
Any way lets move forward, because this son of servant is that jealous that some one whos English is not
.his mother tongue has much more to say than him in his own language, how pathetic
:Ladies and gentlemen I have an announcement to make
I would like to apologize to the readers about the many spelling mistakes in my article, it was written
quickly without proof read. I will do my best to reduce the number of misspelling to a minimum. Many

.Sorry mates no friendship with a mercenary
I am the people, let the people speak for themselves and since I am part of these people so too I speak for
Stop patronizing and preaching your pity-bourgeois morality, get red of its mentality and avoid this elitist
politicization of the revolution. Criticizing revolutionaries in action just exposes the vast distance of
.yourself from those people that you are suppose to fight with them for liberation
I the speaker of the people of Africa and Asia, i.e., the majority of the world population, I speak for the
oppressed poor people who cannot yet speak for themselves but who soon will. Those who can speak at the
present speak also for me, for together we are making this revolution, without having a premature
.anarchist shouting at others telling them what to do or say
The revolution is not a private parade and it is not your personal property so do what you like allow others
.of the same, anarchy you know
.Please except this with a friendly empathy and constructive energy
No you are very wrong the soviets existed for 15 years before the Bolsheviks expelled the anarchist workers
and put party members instead. Until 1917 the soviets were anarchist because they were the ones who
.created them in the first place in the Russian factory
There is a capitalist universal culture, racist and discriminative and there is a universal anarchist culture.
.The choice is yours. World revolution
I am very happy that people are using the space of my articles to discuss these very important issues. To
achieve our objective and to bring the revolution nearer all these subjects must be understood very well,
.especially for those who want to have an active role in designing the future
Yes, but why did you stop where you did, you didnt continue the rest of the sentence that says Those who
can speak at the present speak also for me, for together we are making this revolution remember that
most of the oppressed in the undeveloped world are unable to speak for themselves now, they can hardly
find enough food for themselves and their family to survive just the one day. How can they speak for
themselves if they dont have electricity and phones, how can they communicate to tell you what they think
and want. How do you expect the poor people living on less than a dollar a day to refute or except what
youre saying? You are just interpreting what have e written differently from what I have intended that is
your way of speaking as one of the people, that make us two people, in this case with same motives too,
anarchic social revolution. I one of the people and the people are of me; therefore they can speak in my
name and I in theirs
.Well I thought this was a libertarian , Nazis will be physically disposed of permanently
This is a revolutionary ontology and anarchic epistemology

Julaino Mer Khamis left behind a younger brother called Abir Mer Khamis JullIano kept him alive by
constantly supporting. My younger brother Abir is broken completely now, alone, roaming the street of
Israel to survive by collecting empty cans from the garbage. He is homeless and destitute and very weak. I
my self live on a minimum wage which is barely enough for my own survival. Helping Abir is like keeping
Julaino alive to help, thats what Joliano wanted. The rest of the family will some how manage. So please if
you can help Juliano to help his younger brother from the dead, to prevent his Abir from another
.premature death. So please help
: so please send donations to
IBAN Number - IL12 0111 4700 0000 5711 306
Swift Code - IDBLILIT
Clearing Code IL011147
Pay Pal
Spartak Khamis
PayPal 4492

No where did I mention that objectivists are irrational, and philosophy means the science of idealistic lies.
As I said the form is cute but the content is rubbish, your inability to distinguish between concepts,
terminology and definition is typical of capitalist influence and indoctrination. What I suggest to you is that
before you expose again your outdated mish mash of quasi-knowledge, read what I have to say next, and
.see if you are capable of cerebral development for humanitys sake
Your incompetent inability to distinguish for example between philosophy and metaphysics shows that
intellectually you are still stuck in the middle ages, use my time machine friend, progress is ahead of you
.few hundred years. Stuck like a parrot, with a repeat of what he cannot comprehend
.I am an anarcho-atheist post-existentialist revolutionary here to change the world forever and you
.Wittgenstein = pathological academics and structural syllogism .1
Socrates = pre-his-story proto-anarchism .2
Keirkegaard = a proto-nazi .3
.Niestzsche = solitary self-centered egoist .4
.You are a puritan suppressed desire substituted by Zchizo-apocalyptic schism - the lacking stimuli
.Little history lesson
First soviets 1905 (metal factory Petersburg)
Bolshevik revolution 1917 (Kremlin Moscow)
The fall of USSR 1991(KGB & 15 Oligarchs)
I will tell how, me and the rest of the anarcho-militant combatants and will catch them one by one then
(nazis and warmongers reactionaries) send them to a therapeutic camp for personality improvement and

.cerebral adjustment i.e., re-socialization
You are going around in circles, afraid to admit that you are stubborn and dogmatic like Calvin. The more
you insist on your empty phrase of yours the more you expose you ignorance of the subject. Covering up
.your statement with a further subjectivist rhetoric
Why, did you totally lose your ability to think and understand every word here which is as clear as the sun?
You are a one-dimensional wo/man without any immanence just hovering over abstract egotistical
.positivistic ramifications
.Zionism is Jewish racism
.Zionism is neo-colonialism
.One country for two people
.Isarelstine or Palistrael
Stupidity is celebrating in your brains, you are either a dummy with a computer or childish at the least. It
is like some one who would ask you how old is this person and the reply would be, less hundred years, why?
.Because he really doesnt know the true age, but pretending to know
Mathematics is beyond you guys, you barely understand what is said here how do you expect to understand
a more complex matters, so go and sharpen your minds, and then return with some improvement.
.Prisoners of your own alienation
.I think Aryan writes with his left foot. A genius is a genius only amongst idiots
But how can you communicate with people consciously less developed than you are, with patience and
sharing with them your knowledge, so they one day become fully conscious at last. The reactionaries either
.repent or absorb the consequence
Confusion is ripe but there is hope, no matter what you write there will be always a zombie to react.
Revolutionary of free-association units and self-operated, friends of the people and supported by them,
.have the responsibility to attack and defend all revolutionary achievements, peoples achievements
.One of you quotes Hitler some one else quotes in the same ilk, reactionaries, here we come, alert

At last someone is right about something, since my mother tongue is not English you are rigth, and know
English speaking people whom commit heavier grammatical crime, the terror of grammar. Sorry for the
misspelling and thanks for explaining to me clearly, for a change, the difference between the two. I had in
mind that you just simply dont pronounce the l but write it. So now I know and you dont blew up your
.home because of a broken tile
All the masons are Bushes and all the Bushes are masons, they are. All Christian and Jews and Muslims are
capitalist reactionaries. Superior inferior no more, no more cultural fetishism, no more Hegelian dialectical
.dichotomies and paradoxes, no more mass consumer hypnosis. Free the people and the people will free you
What you are describing is so correct about what is happening right now, society today is a mutually
.shared misery because of capitalism and religion

.Nothing is exclusive, everything is inclusive. Please read with more care and less sub-conscious repulsion
The state and capital are thieves and religion too. This is the fall of the last empire, the fall of the western
.civilization. Bush and Ben Laden are in the same camp, like their rest of the world leaders
The masons started in Europe at the end of the 19th century by a bunch of right wing judges, army
generals, bankers and all sorts of twisted decadent aristocrats. What is characteristic about them is their
stupid rituals and cult secracy and what unites them is their sick lives and perverted minds, a natural
.symptom of the rich and powerful
.Extreme conditions require extreme emancipation
In Anarchy the planet is for all without borders and countries. Nations are now are just shopkeepers, and
the homelands, fatherlands and motherlands are nothing but a Nazi conspiracies. Peoples countries are
.their employers
.Zionism is the American version of neo-conservative republicanism i.e., redneck Jewish Zionist billionaires
What is this suppose to mean, know your enemy before it is too late? Learn everything about him and
.attack. I take no prisoners and till victory or death
My article ' A disease Called Zionism' on the International Affair board doesnt seem to open when I click
.on it. I cannot see my article nor read any of the comments
?Please tell me what is happening and why
.Action speaks louder than words and anarchists live by deed
Dont get stuck with what you believe, free yourself from the past, cannot you think of anything else, have
.you always been like a Pavlovian dog reacting with his saliva to sound of bells
.You are throwing an egg at me because of my misspelling what a crime
.But you beside some post-modern simulation you are simply erotically non- existent
People thanks for explaining to him what he suffers from, thanks for explaining to him that he lacks severe
.sexual satisfaction that causes most of the violence on earth
Get laid man and then come and talk to me. You need love and without it you behavior is like an injured
It takes sex to attract your attention and then you ask me about the food of gods. Love anarchy and the end
of your capitalism is the start of my anarchy
Rand a brand of a female Nazi-economist 1940-60, a woman version of another Nazi-financier called
.Rothbard, both wish for a war to increase efficiency for profit

.We have here a bunch of neo-Nazi technocratic free marketers under the disguise of anarcho-capitalism
They claim that killing lots of people is essential for the survival of capitalism. The last breathe gasp of
Anna Rand and Murray Rothband a couple of neo-fascist economists the disciples of the stickman Adam
.Smith. They both where sponsored by the Christian Rockefeller and his Jewish body Mr. Morgan
.No wonder the people of the world are starving
I think that you are amongst the most intelligent among the 30000000 - registered users not to mention the
rest. Be ware of all sorts of Aryans here and these sick Psycho-Randians, believing that free enterprise will
.save their ass. You are the most emancipated in this forum. So keep the good works

At last he understood a thing - what is meta-economy, he is a thick head he doesnt know that economy
means just saving because of a mass scarcity. Whereas in time of abundance, economy ends and meta.economy begins, i.e., the end of economy and the start of the gift economy
What you are describing Mr. Sarcasm is an old classical syndicalist approach used by the CNT in the
.Spanish civil war, and it worked
Today more than seventy years later, the anarchic meta-economical approach is being used to implement
an alternative anti-economist material free-association and self-managed automatic and robotic production
.and distribution
Instead of coming here to rebel with us you are nagging at us from a top of a tree. It is called a comfortable
existence with an occasional anarchist participation in anti-globalization / WTO parades and play at make
believe militancy. Even complements are hard for you to appreciate, since you are so preoccupied being
.theoretically correct that you are missing the revolution
You have to start somewhere and you start with what you have. If you wish to wait for the correct people
with the correct slogans then you are going to wait forever. A revolution you make with individuals not only
with ideas. People want a revolution now, what are you going to do about it. You just plunge into their
struggle and turn into a class insurrection, by navigating and orienting the process of revolutionary
.transformation of society before capitalism or Nazism prevails again
Anarchists wake up, demonstrating is not enough, more imagination is required for the inciting of a social
.revolution even where you are
Look at how previous anarchist operated in Europe and North America in the 150 years, they are the best
.example on how to be and act as anarchist
But since you are a friend and not an enemy, I congratulate you for you honest and genuine stand and I
.wish there were more like you
Mutual respect and mutual appreciation
The Impact of Anarchism on the World Population

Guys why is it so hard for you to understand. Stop being dogmatic. Stop being so willfully blinded, dont
.you ever envision or prognosticate anything beyond your immediate encounter
The people will produce and distribute everything on their own and this will be based on the anti-political

.meta-economy during and after the destruction of capitalism
Marxist landing directly upon your little gray matter, there is so little of a brain stuff that evens a pigeon
.brain is larger
.Well at least I turned this concept THE META the most talked about concept at third forum
.Laughs who laugh last it is not a joke it is a catastrophe repeating itself for centuries
.All big discoveries were laughed at first, mocked and joked about the persecuted
.But I assure that your childrens children will learn meta-philosophy and meta-science at meta-schools

Start thinking lads, you are lagging behind me at least a hundred year, use some more of your unexplored
.gray matter
Read more about my Meta-Scientific Meta-Philosophy = Post-Materialist Meta-Dialectic
.I might have some spelling mistakes but I dont suffer like from intellectual paralysis
A pathology that appears within a person in contemporary capitalism. The character of the individual
.becomes alienated and mentally regressive just as you are
The world anarchic social revolution has began, I solute you comrades, lets take power and smash it for
ever and liberate ourselves from the yoke of oppression and the elimination for once the all crimes against

You have written an excellent peace of Anarcho-Ecology (green anarchists & anarcho-primitivisms)
.I am not mad I am a genius A Meta-Genius
But what about what you are jealous of my mega-ingenuity or have you been overwhelmed by my meta.scientific meta-philosophy
.If you had on a hundredth of my pleasures you would collapse from an over unexpected surprises

.The only reason that capitalism survived for so long it because of people like you
.You are so chronically fixated that even the cockroaches will flee away
Common get yourself together and never take any psychiatric treatment, because your situation is so bad
that it requires a neuro-surgery, for the removal of non-operational parts of your brain, which is more than
Marx once said: you dont have to work hard to bury the capitalists, they dig their own graves, all you have
.to do is just give the shovel
Can you handle freedom or is it just too much for you


To Mr. Christian - An idiot stays an idiot

Couldnt you find a better analogy to compare me to, well it just shows the real nature of your self Mr.
correct, your subverted Christian upbringing in addition to severe economical class impact has limited
your imagination as to have no dimensions but to come up with your miserable comparison. This just tells
.about you much more than about me
,Youre Christian upbringing and societal mental influences, i.e., churches and sermons
Mr. stupid go and find yourself a cult with people like you and start criticizing one another till catharses,
.which in your case it shows on your forehead, a placard saying Pseudo-anarcho-Christian idiocy

Greetings from Tel-Aviv

I follow with pride and enthusiasm the Greek anarchic movement and its powerful actions for quite a long
time. My heart is with all the fasting prisoners in Greece, Turkey and the 6500 Palestinians prisoners
.tortured in Israeli dungeons
Could you please add the following numbers to the article I have sent you as to give the reader some idea
:about the numerical proportion regarding the discussed phenomenon
I will be very happy for further cooperation with you especially when the anarchists of the North European
countries are on a very wrong and dangerous path of deformed and distorted anarcho-application and
.practice. I hope this situation will not last for long particularly in the Scandinavian region
Gladly not all anarchists today are like them, so we will continue in full speed our contribution to the
.liberation of ourselves and of humanity
Solidarity and appreciation
Science is owned by the rich and the ruling minority and is used to contain, control and destroy the poor.
Science is a capitalist manipulation of knowledge for the domination of the population and the creation of
Work is for servants and slaves. Work will be abolished and the worker freed. We are exploring the
relationship between organized death of living labor (capital punishment) and the oppression of the living
.by dead labor (the punishment of capital)
expresses his own extreme paranoia by describing for himself the true agony he forgoes daily in the 25
.metropolis of fear of violence and uncertainty
.People wake up it is a new century, the final century of capitalism the state and wages

Meta-hate is beyond hating i.e., love. Love is like the speed of light, a constant that yet we cannot overpass,
.welcomes to the meta-axiom
You have to work because you are poor. You are forced to work because you are a slave. You must work
.because you cannot exist a day without the payment of your master for the service you have provided him


Dear Marx
If we could only increase the number of people like you and me, we will definitely have the revolution
within this decade. So the more we recruit people to anarchism the sooner the revolution will be. The more
.people turn to anarchy the less violence will be necessary for destroying the system
Although I share some of the same anti-ideology, that essay is very heartening. Not so much in the way it
says it as in what it says. It resembles emancipation and uses fearlessness and love and compassion for life
.and freedom and humanity, as a meta-method for the creation of a conscious reader
.Do you sworn on the Bible or Bakunin
Anarchists and freedom fighters have no dominion over wo/men, let there is all like that among you
Spartacus Anarchus
The anarchists are oftentimes attack the oppressor, ask Spartacus! Permanently an anarchist like
Kropotkin takes always the side of the workers to convince them never to vote and never to have a party
Spartacus Anarchus
.When you are alive and still on earth, you find many policemen here Spartacus Anarchus
From now on I am going to treat you with love and compassion, it is faster this way toward your
.emancipation your personal emancipator

.The pragmatism of spartak's meta-philosophy

No meta-physics. Down a few 'truths, drop some knowledge, watch "Zapata" and "Conscious head" in
.unity and it all neatly falls into place
.However, into what "it" might be, I have totally clear meta-idea
.I like this very much, how can you be happy if everyone is full hate
The meta-mind, a mind that has united and meta-synthesized all negations, a totally conscious brain
.without the historical subconscious
It time to rebel it is time to revolt and it is time insurrect. Life is worthless going around all day working
and pretending to be happy and comfy survival, how pathetic and sad the human condition. Break the
.condition and free the masses
Look playing at main stream journalism without any benefit or idea, just the spreading of minute
insignificant details about the operation of capitalism. Common posters use this forum to liberate instead
.of being another capitalist yellow papers

You must be joking, your soldiers and armed men are weak and medicine addicted, they fight and die for
.Obama for a few hundreds bucks for his mentally and economically poor family
.millions of armed psychotics roaming frustrated around the globe getting blown to pieces 40

You either change your anarcho-capitalism or join the anarchic liberation meta-army or stay, as you are a
.pity capitalist unsuccessful in their free market enterprise
Join our revolution, it is your true freedom at stake as well. Capitalists your days are few, history has ended
.for you
Externational Revolutionary Ecstasy
If I cannot dance in your revolution then I dont want it because I dont want to celebrate the revolution
.with a rifle butt
?Did I hit the head of the nail with the hammer
What is this the liberty forum internal police? Some people here are getting nasty and low so lets teach
.them a lesson they want forget for a long time to come
:A letter from hell
Well at last a reasonable and an intelligent response: the meaning of life is achieving the goal and the
content makes you happy that you have the necessary quality and quantity of pleasure and knowledge to
achieve those aims. I.e. having everything you want because you deserve it and primarily receiving plenty
.of love from others for your courage and being very beneficial to humanity
I have lost my ego even before I had it. Conscious people are egoless. They have a new brain. The meta.brain without the Freudian middle-class suppressed sexual desires
I mean look dont they represent a board comfy middle class whose feels protected because he serves the
.powerful by managing their robberies and loots
Is not that a middle class comment that represent a total lack of livelihood and excitement but the
appreciation for inhumanly cold weather from behind the seclusion of a window in a permanently heated
Allow me to destroy some of your superiority complex, this new comers has more knowledge, courage and
experience than all the 3890 posters who are playing primarily at the terror of grammar. In other words
the sum total of knowledge of the 3890 posters is less than what I know so keep your self-made illusions and
go pretend that you really know to those who even no less than you. Beside few individuals amongst the
posters who have some intelligent remarks and quotes, the rest are nothing but spoiled lonely boys and
.girls searching for love or self-importance at the net
Still the fact that age has nothing to do with anything; and the internet is solely to subvert the mass quasicommunication into anarcho-revolutionary purposes and you are the guinea pigs of the capitalist
experiment and capital project. You either learn from the like and me or remain incompetent posters of

.semi-information in the service of those you pretend to oppose
Such a quick degeneration into a sub-level of response only shows what I have been saying all along, you
are fake individuals living fake lives and pretending to be otherwise. Your artificial lives are bellow
criticism but allow being with you more constructive for now. Learn fast and more and lesson carefully to
what I have been saying to you. You miss something big and this big some thing you dont have and you
.dont even know what it is
No my friend we are going to lead you into a happier and freer future so life can become more livable and
.less bloody. Unless of course you want to stay in this global mess
Still the best language is the truth. Just say what you have to say and lets see if there is anything worthy in
.The Shaheed is a stupid sacrifice for the clergy and capital
I dint like poets and I dont like poetry and especially not in Arabic since nice rhyming words is enough to
.change the world. So many words and so little action. Typical of the middle-eastern wo/men
Llook to where it got us no where. So why dont you teach baby how to change your miserable destiny at
?the Diaspora
.Let me remind you that your liberation can never be achieved without out co-operation
Shahid 3ala tayastak
The exter-national revolutionary committee
LACE = Linguistic Anarcho Cyber Explosion
SCAD = Semantic Cyber Anarchic Device
Anarchy is failing because it is lead by middle aged, middle class, white of the so-called industrial world,
.the western civilization. Their theory could be nice and correct, but their actions are privileged and spoiled
All of the western anarchists activity is not suitable to anyone else anywhere in the world except to their
own well to do and financed class / job, sponsored by the masters existence, i.e., the richest nation
What can it be beside that you like this 19th century Arabic Syrian poet? As I said Arabs have nothing
unfortunately besides sexually suppressed long showing off poetry. Sorry no poetry please, only subversive
.provocations according to the times
Arabic poetry is the most boring, repetitive and too long. Most of the Arabic poetry like most poetry I
suppose is a remote sex at a distance or songs of national jihad or Islamic garbage to subdue further more
.than I billion people

.Freaking out with his holy stupid poetry, he probably incapable of reading a more serious stuff
But since you are not the real enemy I will treat nice if you change your religious believes and throw away
.god and capitalism and become an anarchist
You are cooling down because you realized how much you really lack serious knowledge, which without it
.you can never be free
.May be tomorrow you want being so mentally tired, make more love less praying
Here we have two snobs playing with empty elitist importance and suffer from sex-professional frigidity.
But to remain positives I shell offer you my hand again, you either emancipate your condemned souls or
.remain repressed, suppressed and repressed
.Dont worry guys your liberation assured by the emancipator
Greeting from the revolutionary underground
The poverty-stricken survival surrounded by constant stultifying environs leads to nerve wrecks and
.physiological and neural deformation
Therefore. Many right wingers come to existence the national/capitalism red neck and infesting the whole
Nazis and inferior macho petite bourgeois thugs/citizens and businesspersons, making
.money and power and fighting one another
Only a permanent revolting against this slave making system, can we destroy it and create instead
something much better than slavery based on tech-capitalism
A post-abundance anarchism
Look people these are time of revolution, we dont want to live like this anymore. So dont be fucking an
obstacles in maintaining the statue quo. Well if you dont care about your own freedom then dont stop
.others, because if you do you instantly become the systems police officers and we dont wont pigs do we
Here is a good example, mocking and laughing at your miserable destination, disconnected and has nothing
to say but mock. Thanks for your contribution to the wealth of nations, friend
.He is in pain; meta-pain is post-pain after pain
Living in a golden cage with silver unseen bars, modern slaves of a system that tells you that you are living
.in a stupid democracy. All the achievements of humanity are ours and not the bloodthirsty capitalists

The less intelligent the person, the more he is excited about his stupid job. A happy, well-fed managerial
.white-collar zombies surrounded by miniature electronic consumer gadgets
The fear of hunger and disease, the daily humiliation of the low paid wage earner, the desperation of the
.unemployed laborless force is what keeps the rest sheep like ticking to avoid similar fate
The less intelligent the person, the more he is excited about his stupid job. A happy, well-fed managerial
.white-collar zombies surrounded by miniature electronic consumer gadgets
The fear of hunger and disease, the daily humiliation of the low paid wage earner, the desperation of the
.unemployed laborless force is what keeps the rest sheep like ticking to avoid similar fate
Trade and exchange are primitive forms of Des-existence. Capitalism is a primitive form of social
.relations still in practice today, the question is for how long will this barbaric system remains
Hopefully capitalism will terminate quite soon before it terminates our planet and us. Terminate the
terminator and liberate the earth and its people. Terminate capitalism and its state system and you will
.set humanity free
For every thousand years of wars and human suffering, there will be a thousand years of joy and peace.
For every thousand years of slavery and brutality, there will be a thousand years of happiness and
.celebration of life and freedom. For every drop of pain an avalanche of pleasure
A special announcement will be given shortly by the brother of Julaino Mer Khmamis about the impact of
his death on the local and global arena


The people (the majority) will rise and dismantle the power and destroy the state and its economical system
.and then distribute to all the means of production and consumption
.People will take control over their lives and destiny and never let anyone enslave them again
.Masters without slaves, rich without poor, strong without weak
.A permanent celebration of life, freedom, love and happiness through constant creativity
The revolutionary peoples committee (CIA)

Common, capitalism is a war engine to kill people, capitalism is a world war and suffering, your peace is
our war. You are soled out little citizen, saying to himself who I am to change anything even bigger men
than I have failed. Typical workers submission to the violence and conditioning of the capitalist Nazi-US
I must be detached from reality because you see me from a real place, Mr. alienation, go preach your
fundamentalist dogmatism to others. You call me dogmatic because you are fanatic poor worker thinking
.that because of life long arduous saving he is upper class now how disgusting
.I cannot smooth up but I can travel at the speed of meta-light
Every word you write has the smell of pedantic citizen frustrated from his own one-dimensional life by
criticizing others just because he is fucking jealous. Jealous that he is stuck, jealous that he is not and
cannot be original. Going around telling people that they dont really know. Common liberates your
.tormented soul and joins the anti-capitalist revolution
CMI = Conscious Mass Insurrection
Wake up humanity Anarchists rebel
God is dead capitalism is dead the state is dead civilization is dead
Life has existed in the past and might exist in the future
State terrorism = Islamic terrorism = Christian terrorism = Jewish terrorism = Buddhist terrorism =
.Violence = Capitalist terrorism
I will tell how to interact with me, by direct honesty and the love of humanity. You can only interact with
me on revolutionary basis alone. Unless you want to be like the son of liberty. I.e., like to elderly aunts
debating at the public laundry. Down with traditionalism long live a world without capitalism. You are very
wrong because I am very right, why because I am sitting on the shoulders of giants whilst you are sitting in
.a chat room
Productivity of the hominoid-machines so you are celebrating your working slavery, that you are not
unemployed (lucky). Productivity is Taylorism + Kenyanism mixed with Leninism and a touch of
.proletarian inferiority complex, from being a well-waged worker
.The sacredness of work and the dignity of slaves
THE PRICE OF KLILLING JULAINO is very high internationally Jesus when crucified created a new
religion, when Lenin died it ended the revolution and when CHE MACMILAN X AND LUTHER WERE

State terrorism = Islamic terrorism = Christian terrorism = Jewish terrorism = Buddhist terrorism =
.Violence = Capitalist terrorism

Happiness is a revolutionary practice

Now I got you, you stupid nasty people under the disguise of liberty minded, you are just frustrated middle
class neo-Nazis
Not only Obama is an idiot but also the nation that lives with him
I have you now in my little pocket you little Obama neo-Nazis still at liberty
Dont be so cleaver Mr. USA just because you dont have real friends you is stuck in your virtual
.community, having an alienated virtual pleasure
I will tell why you are on the Internet it is because your life is non existent so what remains is a lonely
.communication from the office, bedroom or kitchen
So how now you are you going to find your love beside the selves that are dependent on you
Like tics they jump on a worm-blooded creature that passes near them. But the pictures are very amusing.
.Some are better; they have not yet lost all their curiosity
The following is the text we are considering as a solidarity
memorizing Vittorio Arrigoni for this evening's mourning-protest in
We mourn the loss of our dear partner Vittorio Arrigoni. In light of the
murder, Anarchists Against the Wall are shocked and dismayed at this
and the terrible loss. We mourn and share our deep sorrow with the
family, our friends at the International Solidarity Movement, the
people and anyone else who has been working and struggling with Vittorio
shoulder to shoulder in ending the criminal and inhumane Israeli siege
.on Gaza
Vittorio was a true freedom fighter, voicing the voice of the oppressed
choosing to remain with the people of the besieged Gaza during the
massacre of December 2008. Vittorio's memory will carry on through such
acts of

deep solidarity, and we, activists in the Palestinian struggle for
freedom and
the end of occupation and apartheid, will make sure to walk on this
Such a horrible act should be opposed by all and will strengthen our
against any enemy of freedom and justice. Vittorio's work will not be in
In loving memory of Vittorio Arrigoni, 1975-2011
It is a tragic irony that when we have started to liberating the Arabs for the first time in 1500 years since
the beginning of slam they have chosen to reward us with the brutal execution of my brother for this the
.Arab revolt has already failed
For every drop of blood he shed one more nation state will have to disappear
I shell turn my wrath - the death of all these very unique individuals the beginning of the end of Islam
Judaism and Christianity and nationalism and the end of class
The only solution to the problem is this : Palestine without Islam and nationalism and Israel without
Judaism and Zionism
Music and art for the Palestinians is too late too little
Go and play Palestinian music to Hamas and to Jihad which represent the majority of Palestinians like all
rest of the Muslims Arabs the Jews are even sicker


If art kills kill art if culture kills kill culture if religion kills kill religion if states kill the state


When Emma Goldman said that if I cannot dance in your revolution I dont want it she did not mean the
national dance of Palestinians but the dance of a rocker
Wake up Palestinians your Islam is Jewish and your nationalism is Zionist

that is why you have been stuck under zionists for a holy century
your enemy is stupid but you are not that cleaver
We need a simultaneous deaths one of prophets and one of profits composer

and patriotism is to your ruler and boss, like Marx said the workers patriotism is to the factory not the
Patriotism is fascism
The solution is instead of internationalism externationalism
Haneya and Abu Mazen and Bippi must leave and join the rest of them in the sewer of history to where
they belong

The immediate release of all prisoners criminal and political

and the abolition of all prisons completely
I wish to thank all the people hear for their moral support and solidarity and I would like also to apologize those whom I have been rood to, but beside that we shell continue to create and deveop
Back at square one when writing to these anarcho-liberal quasi-intellectual awaiting boringly for some one
to have some meaning as to attack or mock him immediately. A typical impotence on behalf of wellsaturated depedent computer news shallow addicts, a well to do self-importance resulting from socio-

.mental bankruptcy
Your brain is a loner industrial adhesion stuck on a cyber plane from a serious lack of erotica gratification
.thus poisoning and polluting the planet and us
RETARD your brain is makes angry, because you are a naturally sick alienated man who needs a good
.kick in the ass to awaken him from the ever lasting self-hate and the lack of love
No it is a meta-punch to your slow moving gray stuff. Common wake up man, you are dying and you dont
even know it. How sad. Orgasmic paralysis
.Meta-violence means that we are against violence but we dont mind using it against Nazis and the like
.Tell me about the difference of capitalism and anarchy the rest is just a waste of time
?Reply what is a cyber-jargon as to god for profit is good
Cynicism is the disease of the socially and sexually impotent who is unable to live his happy life he is very
.desperate thus seeking power as a compensation for a severe lack of love
We are sure you know nothing and it shows, thus total confusion prevails and a time for insurrection
Marx invented you because you dont know who you are estrangement
Mercantilism is selling communist casino to China
Forget the Jews you are a Christian Jew suffering from the same des-ease so rebel before it is too late
mister clerical seeker
I admit of being your gravedigger
Capitalist atheist how sick is your little national genocidal constitution of civil slavery and mental
obedience to the service of your ruler
We are not social workers and we are psychotherapists we are here to liberate ourselves now and any one
.who hinders this liberation must be removed
?Who do youth think is behind all the upheavals in the Arabic world

Down to Hamas - Down to Jihad - Down to PLO - Down to Zionism and American imperialism
.Your employer owns you and my task is to return you to your self
.When you learn the objective knowledge you are always right on spot
Another capitalist anarchist stuck with a fascist old man, the Architon of Scottish University. The
Malthusian Adam smith, with his poverty of nations and free market starvation Randian Style Recardism
.that is founded on neo-Fordian Kynianism, with a touch of a Marxo-Hegelian dialectical usury
Is this a self-help group therapy or a revolution. You both sound like members of the Salvation Army.
Common friends the revolution is on and is accelerating. We have waited for 7000 years for it, and now it is
here you want to fuck it because of a lonely loveless zombie. We are not here to treat people, we are here to
.change and revolutionize them to free us from their ignorance and chronic submission

.I will be more precise, rant, what would you have done without this daggers talk
?Are you so weak as to adhere to capitalist exchange of stinginess and greed
Arabic Nationalism and Islam == Aracic Fascism
.Anarchic social relations = Equal distribution of wealth (1
Anarcho-meta-economy = All are equal, no rich no poor (2
.Anarchism = Happiness, freedom, health, creativity, pleasure, etc (3
Equal Free Association =EFA (4
Against anarcho-nationalism and anarcho-capitalism (5
You are not an anarchist, you are a spoiled American middle-class kid, so go and find yourself a baby.sitter
Spartacus is a great liberator of slaves that unlike you he really liberates minds and yours too. You cannot
blow up a power relation but you can dismantle it by pushing aside fake anarchists like you aside the
.anarchic front for the liberation of your miserable brain
.First clean your own home before you preach cleanliness to your neighbor
I tell the real anarchists to join force with me and start navigating the on going revolution for a quicker
results and more immediate extreme changes for the permanent downfall of capitalism and its full
Take this as a friendly constructive criticism and start thinking more revolutionary thoughts instead of just
.belittling others. Join the storm of change and radical alternative now

My friend with anarchists like your type no wonder there was never any revolution. But now it is different,
for one I exist for second you either become more militant or go or join the socialist party. Shame on you,
preferring slavery than cooperation with us. Stand up and demand your freedom with force if necessary,
.and stop putting your head in the sand
I have been accused of ranting and spamming, two words created by Bill Gate and his software to stop
anyone who wants more than to waste his time all the internet is liberal reactionary doing service as a
democrat opposition to capitalism. I hope this forum want turn the same regardless of its name. To you I
.can say go preach your petty-bourgeois values and ethics somewhere else
If you have nothing to do better than running around protecting peoples respect I suggest you find a more
.revolutionary and less morality activation
The true face of anarchists, three respondents but nothing to say, how sad and downtrodden. Well the
choice is yours people, you either joins the revolution now or become counter revolutionary, preferable that
.youre choice will be the former

shell pretend to be a God instead of the non existent one and I will save you from your agony and torment,
allow me to provide you with pleasure and tranquility and to all those who deserve it and humane enough
.to want it
My solution is your problem and the sooner you come to term with this is the better for humanity. We as
freedom fighters abhor and reject capitalists and whenever we shell meet them we are going to be
.antagonistic and fierce
Look my friend take it or leave it, no one is forcing you to join the anarchic revolution. Taking power and
destroying it, is not an easy matter, otherwise it would have been done long ago. So you have to be very
strong to bring down capitalism and the state in one stroke. As you see you either help us in this
monumental task or shut up. Any obstacle in the liberation of humanity and me shell immediately be
Please let me enlighten you, since at the start you say why post this article second latter you discuss
pessimistically nearly every sentence of the article. But that beside the issue now. That is why no revolution
have succeed yet, because of a cowardice stance on behalf of quasi-revolutionaries who are at ease at
.extending viscous oppression and exploitation of the majority of the population of earth
We are ready are you; of course not you are waiting for the right time and place. Well that will never
happens, what does happen really is that people are fed up with weak anarchists and the system and they
.want to bring it down now
Let me be the Mohammad the new Jesus or the new god and Buddha, let me be Marx and Ghundi but they
all make me sick a nd full of disgust
You cannot kill these people and pretend that nothing has happened , because they are more Palestinians
than you will ever be
Who killed d Juliano killed all the Palestinian children
..One year later
.Today we mark 2 years to the killing of our friend Bassem (Pheel) Abu Rahma
We regretfully lost many more loved ones as a result of Israeli crimes and its accomplices during the past
To name only a few - in memory of Jawaher Abu Rahma, Yousef Ikhlayl, Juliano Mer-Khamis, Vittorio
The time has come for the people of the world to go down the streets, in every country of the world and
start all together in accomplishing humanitys dream, for the first time in human history. People of the
world, the time right, lets do it and not wait any longer
As the revolution spreads through out the planet, people will discover their stolen strength, but this time
.without giving it away as is happening in the bourgeois contemporary Arabic pseudo-revolutions

We can influence these Arabic limited revolution into a higher level of development for the real liberation
of the Arabic person and continue from there, towards communist anarchy and the liberation of the whole
.of humanity from power and control over our lives
Please let me enlighten you, since at the start you said why post this article seconds latter, you discuss
pessimistically nearly every sentence of the article. But that beside the issue now. That is why no revolution
have succeed yet, because of a cowardice stance on behalf of quasi-revolutionaries who are at ease at
.extending viscous oppression and exploitation of the majority of the population of earth
We are ready are you; of course not you are waiting for the right time and place. Well that will never
happens, what does happen really is that people are fed up with weak anarchists and the system and they
.want to bring it down now
If that all you can say you are mentally bankrupt my friend. How dull is your contribution and pathetic
.your position. Think of some thing better to do next time

It is good that you dont see the revolution anywhere, that is how it should be, so people like you and others
could never counter it or change negatively its source. This is a secret revolution becoming public only after
the seizure and destruction of the state + capital and their respective powers. So until then you go on
.pretending that nothing is going on and we continue our attack
We are far more advanced and sophisticated than all the securities of all states put together. They can only
kill us but we can destroy the state and capitalism and for once change the world really. They can only
assassinate us and throw us in jails, but they cannot stop their determined termination. By killing us they
only increase our numbers, so victory my friend is guaranteed its is only question of having more mass
.support as its beginning to appear

Revolutionary spontaneity is action, with one blow you bring down hierarchy and authority and their
lackeys. One final and terminating blow to the state and its personnel to liberate finally humanity from the
oppressors and bloodthirsty dictators. A drastic upheaval and insurrection to end once and for all
.enslavement and misery
The revolutionary patience has ended. No more doubts and uncertainties no more fear and waiting,
.liberate your self now with pleasure and extreme joy
I have done more than you can comprehend . In due course you will grasp the lots, but for now please keep
.on asking the right questions since they already contain half of the answers
We are going to make the revolution; we are going to show the people how it is done and how to participate
.in its making now
.Long live revolutionary spontaneity and down with compromise
Only anarchists have the force and vision to cause the universal revolution of anarchy. Who can bring
?capitalism but anarchy and anarchists
People will come with us in the march against ignorance and oppression. People will join us in dismantling
.hierarchy and the business society. People together with us will achieve our long awaited liberation


There will come a day when all you people will get higher conscious understanding of your surrounding
and about your unclear tormented lives. Soon there will come a day when your level of comprehension will
increase to such a dimension that you could understand most things at once, but for this you need to learn
.and rebel
.Go and tell this to Bakunin and Kropotkin, say that to Berkman and Goldman

We know what has to be done
A revolution on the horizon
The future will show us the way
And freedom will come to stay
No one can stop us now
Beware here we come
With justice and happiness for all
Where no man or woman will ever obey or crawl
To create a deferent world
Where human life is much more important than gold
Never will we return to a past of slavery and pain
Never will we let our freedom be stolen again
Since you are not my enemy I shell not antagonize you, but on the contrary, I want more anarchists to join
.the revolution and bring about the anarchic society
Why see things like this, it is not biblical and it is not for Hebrew children. It is no coercive but voluntary,
.without submission or obedience neither to gods, rulers or men
This is a relative universal anarchic theories and truths that will be understood by all, but for now it is up
.to us to keep the flames burning
.To write things that will last to eternity. To help humanity overcome its barbarity
By telling the people only the truth and honestly explain things as they really are. To develop consciousness
.to its highest levels and offer it to humanity to be used for its liberation from capitalism and its history
To my anarchic friends all over the world lets unite and together cause the social revolution. The more real
.anarchists there are, the sooner the revolution will be achieved

Anarchy is for all, one day everyone would wont anarchy, because it will directly improve his/her life.
.People are good and need direction and knowledge. We as anarchists must provide this to them
.Not leaders but as friends, not as dictators but as associates
.Capitalism distorts life therefor distort capitalism

What all this foolish talking, dont you have nothing better to do than protect your page from the
penetration of real anarchists. Are we destabilizing your moderators status, is this power game play or a
.real emancipator anarchic message board
Afraid of what, of failing to make a revolution and get the masses, so open your arms to all anarchists and
.repel the capitalists

I am very disappointed of you hosting these neo-Nazi technocrats

Will - for this my friend I am going to sever my relationship with you for a month until you sort yourself
out, neutrality means being an
This is opportunism and hypocrisy I thought you were better than that but it seems I was wrong about you= sorry
Cowardice and lacking conviction
This is very offensive to me , I prefer you respect only this Eugenically maniac and never compare me to
.anyone and especially not to a fucking broad daylight neo-Nazi wearing a techno-scientific white overcoat
The more one wants of these things, the more expansive one must be in sharing them. The more generous
one is with them, the more one will have. It is the nature of these things to be expansive, to seek to broaden
.all horizons into themselves and transform it
?For love is, as a revolution. How could it be otherwise when its goal is the same
To sabotage their war, one must attack their peace. Even without uniforms, even in time of peace, we would
remain like soldiers, accomplice and victims of an immense enterprise of death. Society becomes an
.enormous barrack

.Ready, aim, fire! And the soldier shoots. But at his captain
.Neither we want their peace nor we need their wars
Prove it then action speaks louder than empty words
Intellectuals can only analyze the world but they cannot change it whereas I can
.If eternal then we all should commit suicide but if it is only internal then we should abolish it forever
Those who are behind Julianos execution have to confront me directly as to make sure they have dispersed
as an organization and quickly withered away
Imagine your brother is assassinated by your closest friends
. I wonder - if Saliba and Arna were still alive what would they have done although
They would have prevented this N a z i execution in the first place
Thats why they both were executed first in the same year
My mother died from political cancer and my father died from ideological accident and my brother was
next on line and I wonder who is next now meeeee
Will the Arabic revolution spread to the rest of the world = yes but with some help from a stranger
What I know for certain is that there IS a Nazi-CIA CONSPIRACY TO ELIMINATE MY HOLE
\What was left un killed yet are two, me and my homeless brother
The plan to TERMINATE the Khamis family as a threat to all CONCERNED
The tragic limit of the Arabic revolution the Moslem poor against the Moslem rich what unites both is
Islam and the stupid constitution


On how the death killing of two innocent men damaged the Palestinian issue severely internationally, from
.80% support world wide to only 20% in one week - bravo Palestine
What took to build 50 years was ruined in few seconds
Can the killing of two men cause the dismantlement of the organization which sent the assassin as a starter
Can the brutal death of two men instigate a world upheaval if the conditions are ripe for it indeed they

stupid words like these incite to more killing in the name of sick peopel islam
The Arabic brain is very religious , every other word they speak has Allah in it what a national fantasy
and is a sign of mental retardation
I was punished by the facebook administration by being forbidden to invite anyone for 4 days --- typical of
big business
they are very afraid from whats coming - their downfall
The Palestinians want to avenge my brothers assassination with entertainment no wonder they have
managed to kill his easily
Like the Jews killed Rabin Palestinians killed Julliano and Julliano is ten thousand fold more important to
humanity than this Zionist president
we make revolutions and facebook is the richest young man on earth - and he looks like shit, no money can
help him
use your enemy
Simply and bluntly put there remains only to kill


I abhor violence but never was afraid from it

The fact that many palestinians still wont a unity with Hamas and Jihad shows that they are shit like
Zionists willing sacrifice individuals for peace of cloth
There was a failed attempt of assassinating my other brother in 2005 which left him in coma in intensive
care for three months - Abir Mer Khamis
My brother Juliano came to free the Palestinians and they killed him thanks but no thanks
To the Palestinians I say first sort you own stinking house before you start killing others and to the Jews I
say no wonder Hitler felt the urge to annihilate them
. Ladies and gentlemen and the killer is
Hamas uses Islam like Zionism use Judaism
All Muslim Palestinian are more Jews than Palestinians
Islam is enemy number one of the Palestinians, enemy number two is the PLO enemy 3 is Zionism and the
Muhammad killed me, this the last trader and my Brother Spartacus will kill who sent him God
My fathers name in Arabic means the crucifix - Saliba of his son Juliano with the verging mother Arna
Armageddon from Megiddo
All are buried in Armageddon but I am still un buried to make the fight
thats the sum of my life story and for what ->>> To liberate humanity at a very high cost >> to high for me
so is say keep them inslaved for a long time till kingdom come
And we where all born in Nazareth and many relatives still live in Bethlehem but I am communist
anarchist as was all my family


Spartacus was crucified before Jesus on the Salib/cross 70BC years before Christ
This so called Avigdor Lieberman the Israeli foreign minister eventually he will be forced to return from
where he came from to Russia
Juliano stays but Lieberman and Hamas must go the first to Moldavia and the latter to Tehran
Mahmood Darweesh was a full member of the our so called family
Israel and Iran are as sick as America
Each Arab is busy with his own local laundry
How about a Palestinian cultural festival on my brothers fresh grave
Where were the Palestinian people if half of them agree with the execution
Where were the Palestinian people if half of them agree with the execution
Only a civil war will liberate the Palestinians
Use your enemy against your enemy always to get rid of both of them
When you have the money from exploiting others and this is not enough for you then to improve your
miserable self you have to empower those whom you have already exploited
The only reason people support the Palestinians is because they are under foreign occupation per se
.......... The only reason people support the Palestinians is because they cannot support themselves like
Fanon(arab) said the occupied tends to identify with his occupier
The Palestinians have to make a major house Easter cleansing other wise they are doomed like everyone
Who is really under occupation the rich or the poor
And who is occupying whom
Facebook is as limited as the Egyptian revolution
found a new name for facebook a facecrook


If facebook is behind all these Arab revolutions then it is no wonder they are failing
Of course many will immediately dismiss the possibility that Israel would have had a direct role in not just
Vittorio 'Vik' Arrigoni's murder, but also the 4 April 2011 murder of Palestinian filmmaker Juliano Mer.Khamis
Juilano's mother Arna had famously provided a haven for the Palestinian youth in Jenin. She was Jewish.
.Her husband, Juliano's father, was a Palestinian Christian
Our writer Gilad Atzmon in London wrote, "According to Jenin police chief Mohammed Tayyim, MerKhamis was shot five times by Palestinian militants, but that police were still investigating the
circumstances of his murder. I would wait to learn more about the tragic incident; as we know, the IDF
".trains special units that are operating disguised as Palestinians militants
The real question should be who did not want to kill juliano you will find the real killer and the
.organizations that sent him
Lets start again from the start welcome the fakebook revolution

Anarchism on national liberation struggle

Facebook has blocked my ability to invite friends for 4 day, someone has reported me to the authorities
The Palestinians and Israelis must know very well, that things from now on is going to be extremely
different from what it was, the balance of power has shifted drastically to an unknown force the comity
for the continuation of the revolutions CCR
This man lost his son in an Israeli attack 1 year and half ago so he ordered the killing of my brother as
.reprisal, given green light from the Shabak
.The people want A divided Palestine until Hams leaves
I prefer to live under Zionist occupation than under Hamas clerical dictatorship in the name of Islamic
The Palestinian have to decide this last time, or to chose Hamas again and keep the settlements or without
Hams and without the settlements Julianos sweet revenge
A disease called religion and nationalism
Listen Palestinians - you cannot dance in both wedding at once you have to decide Palestine or Islam if
you want both then stay for where you are now , but I will tell this that I prefer to live with 100 pigs in my
flat than with one miserable desperate Muslim
All Muslim Palestinian are traitors created by the CIA and the Mosaad in 1969 after the visit of Che to
Gaza and then executed too months later in Bolivia

There is an order from the CIA to kill the khamis family since 1982 with the kidnapping of my wife
Lorraine in Nicosia as a part of a plan to eliminate mixed communist families, documents were always
available but the without mention of names
let's start ass kicking
Jews are sick and nasty people the Muslims are filthy and sexless and the Christians are weak sleazy,
nationalist are little local Nazis
Dead people believe in religions and criminals believe in the nation state
And capitalism is the sponsor of all this crap and the people ignorantly believe the trick
Like the Israelis the Palestinians will also fight to death to for the same land property and cash
When we know that property is theft whether it is a Muslim or Jewish capitalist god
Which ever party or parties that gave the order to kill my brother, all I know is that their days are few
I operate my computer with a boot kick and industrial ventilation
The revolution of Arabs is typically Arabic where the crowd is more reactionary than their dictators revolution upside down typical of Arabs, who always stand on their head
We want a better ruler to rule us can Arabs get more dumb than this
Only a Moslem Arab could have murdered my brother, hence they loose my solidarity, which means they
lost as usual. The Arabic so called revolutions is nothing but expelling the dictator but keeping the
dictatorship, dont blame the Arabs blame only colonialism
They die like ants just so they could chose another diactaor
The Arabic quasi revolutions have achieved only one thing the assassination of my brother
Well is time to separate the fly from the dump then the rest is all on me
Islam Judaism and Christianity will disappear from the face of the planet in less than ten years with
capitalism and its states, I dont help need help on this, thanks. They do most of the job of selfdisappearance
Religious people have a purified souls but they rarely wash because you are free to believe in what you will
but without murdering me ok
But since your killed my brother from religious excess I will excessively remove you from the scene of
.history including your accomplices
After we finish with god we will terminate all of his alleys, hierarchy, capital and the state
In a modern slave culture art is lie and music is a big business
If you cannot beat them first you confuse them and then you knock them out
Listen Arabs it is the 21st century not the middle ages; so please leave the values of the French revolution
behind, this was long time ago, but you are still stuck with the same agenda. Bourgeoisie Nationalism
We dont want a state for the Palestinians we want the Palestinians to be different from the Zion state
Who killed Juliano Khamis
Who killed the Khamis family
The last May Day in history
The Israeli and the Palestinians must learn to live without states and without heavenly or earthly authority
I have written less than most writers but I definitely drank more than all of them Guy Debord
The worker has destroy himself as worker to be free

Nearly half of the Palestinians where imprisoned by the Israeli state this is another crime against
All the people can live in the land of the free and equal
The Palestinians must learn to turn the impossible into possibility i.e. they must learn how to leap beyond
the necessary stages of the objective law of historical development
Let be the 15th of May 20011 AC the launching of the 3rd ANARCHIFADA = INTIFADA III in Palestine
and in Lebanon
Mahmood Abbas is very worried like all the heads of states of the region, because when people start
marching no power on earth can stop them
Liberation time is nearing
The rise and fall of Zionism
The emergence of something new unseen before, here in the middle east that will impact the whole world
The Israeli entity will change and the Palestinians will find the way to freedom
This page totally rejects Jews, Muslims and Christians and Nationalists and Capitalists and authoritarians
THE Palestinians without reactionaries are good people and the Hebrews without reactionaries are also
good people
Those who sent my brother to his death will have to be eradicated from the socio-political stage
The order to kill my brother camE from Syria, so Syria here we come
If a Moslem have minimum 4 wives and if each wife carries a machinegun, then they will have an arsenal in
their tent, make love dont pray
What is she fighting for allah
Political parties are sick as those who be governed again. The best government is no government at all
Political parties are sick as those who make them, governors in the waiting, thanks but we had enough ane
we never want to governed again. The best government is no government at all
I prefer to stay under a Zionist occupation than unite with Hamas
Hams to Tehran and Lieberman back to Russia
Only without Hams can Palestinians win the Zionist, but first you have to clean your home before you can
offer an advise to the neighbor about hygiene. Hamas makes Israel stronger
good bye Islam good bye petrol
If you reduce the Muslims, the Christians and the Nationalists from the Palestian people only few remains
Most Arabs are willing to die for a stupid new government, very retarded, and they encourage to sacrifice
yourself so they could become your next governor, what a bloody deceit
They stand in the squares and get systematically slaughtered by the hundreds daily and for what, so they
can change one leader with another, how tragic and wastefulness of human life
At least if you are ready to sacrifice so many young people at least make it worthy of the river of blood
spelt in the squares of the cities. But the Arabs dont know that their new demands will create the same
.conditions which they were willing to die for
full heartedly and whole heartedly support all the oppressed and especially the Palestinians, they have my
.total solidarity but I reject their political agendas
.They are cashing in on Juliano whilst his brothers are on the verge of destitution
What I know for certain is that there IS a Nazi-CIA CONSPIRACY TO ELIMINATE MY HOLE
\What was left un killed yet are two, me and my homeless brother
The plan to TERMINATE the Khamis family as a threat to all CONCERNED
The tragic limit of the Arabic revolution the Moslem poor against the Moslem rich what unites both is
Islam and the stupid constitution

On how the death killing of two innocent men damaged the Palestinian issue severely internationally, from
.80% support world wide to only 20% in one week - bravo Palestine
What took to build 50 years was ruined in few seconds
Can the killing of two men cause the dismantlement of the organization which sent the assassin as a starter
Can the brutal death of two men instigate a world upheaval if the conditions are ripe for it indeed they

stupid words like these incite to more killing in the name of sick peopel islam
The Arabic brain is very religious , every other word they speak has Allah in it what a national fantasy
and is a sign of mental retardation
I was punished by the facebook administration by being forbidden to invite anyone for 4 days --- typical of
big business
they are very afraid from whats coming - their downfall
The Palestinians want to avenge my brothers assassination with entertainment no wonder they have
managed to kill his easily
Like the Jews killed Rabin Palestinians killed Julliano and Julliano is ten thousand fold more important to
humanity than this Zionist president
we make revolutions and facebook is the richest young man on earth - and he looks like shit, no money can
help him
use your enemy
Simply and bluntly put there remains only to kill
I abhor violence but never was afraid from it
The fact that many palestinians still wont a unity with Hamas and Jihad shows that they are shit like
Zionists willing sacrifice individuals for peace of cloth
There was a failed attempt of assassinating my other brother in 2005 which left him in coma in intensive
care for three months - Abir Mer Khamis
My brother Juliano came to free the Palestinians and they killed him thanks but no thanks
To the Palestinians I say first sort you own stinking house before you start killing others and to the Jews I
say no wonder Hitler felt the urge to annihilate them
. Ladies and gentlemen and the killer is
Hamas uses Islam like Zionism use Judaism
All Muslim Palestinian are more Jews than Palestinians
Islam is enemy number one of the Palestinians, enemy number two is the PLO enemy 3 is Zionism and the
Muhammad killed me, this the last trader and my Brother Spartacus will kill who sent him God
My fathers name in Arabic means the crucifix - Saliba of his son Juliano with the verging mother Arna
Armageddon from Megiddo
All are buried in Armageddon but I am still un buried to make the fight
thats the sum of my life story and for what ->>> To liberate humanity at a very high cost >> to high for me
so is say keep them inslaved for a long time till kingdom come
And were are all born in Nazareth and many relatives still live in Bethlehem but I am communist anarchist
as was all my family
Spartacus was crucified before Jesus on the Salib/cross 70BC years before Christ
This so called Avigdor Lieberman the Israeli foreign minister eventually he will be forced to return from
where he came from to Russia

Juliano stays but Lieberman and Hamas must go the first to Moldavia and the latter to Tehran
Mahmood Darweesh was a full member of the our so called family
Israel and Iran are as sick as America
Each Arab is busy with his own local laundry
ow about a Palestinian cultural festival on my brothers fresh grave
Where were the Palestinian people if half of them agree with the execution
Only a civil war will liberate the Palestinians
Use your enemy against your enemy always to get rid of both of them
When you have the money from exploiting others and this is not enough for you then to improve your
miserable self you have to empower those whom you have already exploited
The only reason people support the Palestinians is because they are under foreign occupation per se
.......... The only reason people support the Palestinians is because they cannot support themselves like
Fanon(arab) said the occupied tends to identify with his occupier
The Palestinians have to make a major house Easter cleansing other wise they are doomed like everyone
Who is really under occupation the rich or the poor
And who is occupying whom
Facebook is as limited as the Egyptian revolution
found a new name for facebook a facecrook
If facebook is behind all these Arab revolutions then it is no wonder they are failing
Of course many will immediately dismiss the possibility that Israel would have had a direct role in not just
Vittorio 'Vik' Arrigoni's murder, but also the 4 April 2011 murder of Palestinian filmmaker Juliano Mer.Khamis
Juilano's mother Arna had famously provided a haven for the Palestinian youth in Jenin. She was Jewish.
.Her husband, Juliano's father, was a Palestinian Christian
Our writer Gilad Atzmon in London wrote, "According to Jenin police chief Mohammed Tayyim, MerKhamis was shot five times by Palestinian militants, but that police were still investigating the
circumstances of his murder. I would wait to learn more about the tragic incident; as we know, the IDF
".trains special units that are operating disguised as Palestinians militants
The real question should be who did not want to kill juliano you will find the real killer and the
.organizations that sent him
Lets start again from the start welcome the fakebook revolution
Facebook has blocked my ability to invite friends for 4 day, someone has reported me to the authorities
The Palestinians and Israelis must know very well, that things from now on is going to be extremely
different from what it was, the balance of power has shifted drastically to an unknown force the comity
for the continuation of the revolutions CCR
This man lost his son in an Israeli attack 1 year and half ago so he ordered the killing of my brother as
.reprisal, given green light from the Shabak
.The people want A divided Palestine until Hams leaves
I prefer to live under Zionist occupation than under Hamas clerical dictatorship in the name of Islamic
The Palestinian have to decide this last time, or to chose Hamas again and keep the settlements or without
Hams and without the settlements Julianos sweet revenge
? which hell r u in
downcapital: there is only one hell and i am in it
? human dream_1: how long will u stay there
downcapital: untill Hamas ho down
downcapital: go

human dream_1: it seems that all arabs will be 7amas
downcapital: will see
human dream_1: as long as isreal is there and humilating the arabs 7amas wing will be stronger
human dream_1: the arabs feels that with religion only we can defeat isreal
downcapital: not any more
human dream_1: israel created 7amas and all radical movements in the arab world
downcapital: true
A disease called religion and nationalism
Listen Palestinians - you cannot dance in both wedding at once you have to decide Palestine or Islam if
you want both then stay for where you are now , but I will tell this that I prefer to live with 100 pigs in my
flat than with one miserable desperate Muslim
All Muslim Palestinian are traitors created by the CIA and the Mosaad in 1969 after the visit of Che to
Gaza and then executed too months later in Bolivia
There is an order from the CIA to kill the khamis family since 1982 with the kidnapping of my wife
Lorraine in Nicosia as a part of a plan to eliminate mixed communist families, documents were always
available but the without mention of names
let's start ass kicking
Jews are sick and nasty people the Muslims are filthy and sexless and the Christians are weak sleazy,
nationalist are little local Nazis
Dead people believe in religions and criminals believe in the nation state
And capitalism is the sponsor of all this crap and the people ignorantly believe the trick
Like the Israelis the Palestinians will also fight to death to for the same land property and cash
When we know that property is theft whether it is a Muslim or Jewish capitalist god
Which ever party or parties that gave the order to kill my brother, all I know is that their days are few
I operate my computer with a boot kick and industrial ventilation
The revolution of Arabs is typically Arabic where the crowd is more reactionary than their dictators revolution upside down typical of Arabs, who always stand on their head
We want a better ruler to rule us can Arabs get more dumb than this
Only a Moslem Arab could have murdered my brother, hence they loose my solidarity, which means they
lost as usual. The Arabic so called revolutions is nothing but expelling the dictator but keeping the
dictatorship, dont blame the Arabs blame only colonialism
They die like ants just so they could chose another diactaor
The Arabic quasi revolutions have achieved only one thing the assassination of my brother
Well is time to separate the fly from the dump then the rest is all on me
Islam Judaism and Christianity will disappear from the face of the planet in less than ten years with
capitalism and its states, I dont help need help on this, thanks. They do most of the job of selfdisappearance
Religious people have a purified souls but they rarely wash because you are free to believe in what you will
but without murdering me ok
But since your killed my brother from religious excess I will excessively remove you from the scene of
.history including your accomplices
After we finish with god we will terminate all of his alleys, hierarchy, capital and the state
In a modern slave culture art is lie and music is a big business
If you cannot beat them first you confuse them and then you knock them out
Listen Arabs it is the 21st century not the middle ages; so please leave the values of the French revolution
behind, this was long time ago, but you are still stuck with the same agenda. Bourgeoisie Nationalism
We dont want a state for the Palestinians we want the Palestinians to be different from the Zion state

The last May Day in history
The Israeli and the Palestinians must learn to live without states and without heavenly or earthly authority
have written less than most writers but I definitely drank more than all of them Guy Debord
The worker has destroy himself as worker to be free
Nearly half of the Palestinians where imprisoned by the Israeli state this is another crime against
All the people can live in the land of the free and equal
The Palestinians must learn to turn the impossible into possibility i.e. they must learn how to leap beyond
the necessary stages of the objective law of historical development
Let be the 15th of May 20011 AC the launching of the 3rd ANARCHIFADA = INTIFADA III in Palestine
and in Lebanon
Mahmod Abbas is very worried like all the heads of the region, because when people start marching no
power on earth can stop them
Liberation time is nearing
The rise and fall of Zionism
The emergence of something new unseen before, here in the middle east that will impact the whole world
The Israeli entity will change and the Palestinians will find the way to freedom
This page totally rejects Jews Muslims and Christians and Nationalists
THE Palestinians without reactionaries are good people and the Hebrews without reactionaries are also
good people
Those who sent my brother to his death will have to be eradicated from the socio-political stage
The order to kill my brother camE from Syria, so Syria(prison) here we come
If a Moslem have minimum 4 wives and if each wife carries a machinegun, then they will have an arsenal in
their tent, make love dont pray
If a Moslem have a minimum of 4 wives and if each wife carries a machinegun, then they will have an
arsenal in their tent, make love dont pray
What is she fighting for allah
Political parties are sick as those who be governed again. The best government is no government at all
Political parties are sick as those who make them, governors in the waiting, thanks but we had enough ane
we never want to governed again. The best government is no government at all
I prefer to stay under a Zionist occupation than unite with Hamas
Hams to Tehran and Lieberman back to Russia
Only a Palestinian civil war will end the occupation of Israel
The people want the shit out
Only without Hams can Palestinians win the Zionist, but first you have to clean your home before you can
offer an advise to the neighbor about hygiene. Hamas makes Israel stronger
The time has come for the people of the world to go down the streets, in every country of the world and
start all together in accomplishing humanitys dream, for the first time in human history. People of the
.world, the time right, lets do it and not wait any longer
Muhammad killed Juliano the last trader and I shall kill his God
My fathers name in Arabic means the crucifix - Saliba of his son Juliano with the verging mother Arna
Armageddon from Megiddo
All are buried in Megiddo but I am still un buried
And were are all born in Nazareth and many relatives still live in Bethlehem but I am communist anarchist
as was all my family
Spartacus was crucified before Jesus on the Salib/cross 70BC years before Christ


This so called Avigdor Lieberman the Israeli foreign minister eventually he will be forced to return from
where he came from to Russia
Juliano stays but Lieberman and Hamas must go the first to Moldavia and the latter to Tehran
Mahmood Darweesh was a full member of the our so called family
Israel and Iran are as sick as America
Each Arab is busy with his own local laundry
How about a Palestinian cultural festival on my brothers fresh grave
Where were the Palestinian people if half of them agree with the execution
Only a civil war will liberate the Palestinians
Use your enemy against your enemy always to get rid of both of them
When you have the money from exploiting others and this is not enough for you then to improve your
miserable self you have to empower those whom you have already exploited
The only reason people support the Palestinians is because they are under foreign occupation per se
Fanon said the occupied tends to identify with his occupier
The Palestinians have to make a major house Easter cleansing other wise they are doomed like everyone
Who is really under occupation the rich or the poor
And who is occupying whom
Facebook is as limited as the Egyptian revolution
I found a new name for facebook a facecrook
If facebook is behind all these Arab revolutions then it is no wonder they are failing
If a Moslem have minimum 4 wives and if each wife carries a machinegun, then they will have an arsenal in
their tent, make love dont pray
What is she fighting for allah
Toz Tozeen thalathy
Political parties are sick as those who make them, governors in the waiting, thanks but we had enough and
we never want to be governed again. The best government is no government at all
I prefer to stay under a Zionist occupation than unite with Hamas


Hams to Tehran and Lieberman back to Russia

Only a Palestinian civil war will end the occupation of Israel
The people want the shit out
Only without Hams can Palestinians win the Zionist, but first you have to clean your home before you can
offer an advise to the neighbor about hygiene. Hamas makes Israel stronger
good bye Islam good bye petrol
If you reduce the Muslims, the Christians and the Nationalists from the Palestian people only few remains
Most Arabs are willing to die for a stupid new government, very retarded, and they encourage to sacrifice
yourself so they could become your next governor, what a bloody deceit
They stand in the squares and get systematically slaughtered by the hundreds daily and for what, so they
can change one leader with another, how tragic and wastefulness of human life
At least if you are ready to sacrifice so many young people at least make it worthy of the river of blood
spelt in the squares of the cities. But the Arabs dont know that their new demands will create the same
.conditions which they were willing to die for
I full heartedly and whole heartedly support all the oppressed and especially the Palestinians, they have my
.total solidarity but I reject their political agendas
.They are cashing in on Juliano whilst his brothers are on the verge of destitution
The so called revolutions in the Arabic world are nothing but a bloody pro-capitalist reformation
If I cannot dance in your revolution then I dont want it, because I dont want to celebrate freedom with a
riffle butt. Emma
We want communist anarchy in every country of the world
Unfortunately the Arabs know nothing about freedom, they dont have the slightest clue, it is not their fault
but still in todays world. That is why all their quasi-revolutions are doomed to failure even before they
but............................ I am at the service of humanity
Blow up all the prisons everywhere and free all the prisoners and fire all the judges and abolish the rich
man laws
.The United Nations is an Amerikkkan lead Criminal Organization for the rich of every nation
I can only tell you this, that from now on, the killing of my brother is going to change the world, with you
or without. First I will eliminate those who are directly responsible for his death and from thereafter the
.rest on the domino effect
I can only tell you this, that from now on, the killing of my brother is going to change the world, with you
or without. First I will eliminate those who are directly responsible for his death and from thereafter the
.rest on the domino effect
The impact of my brothers death on the world especially though me will be much more important than of
.all the semi-revolutions in the Arabic, time will tell
Arabs are so bloody ignorant that they kill themselves by Islamic sport
Even the Zionists did not kill Arabs as much

these are not revolutions these are bloodbaths
Arabs do much better without revolutions, but they all want to rule each other, each with his sectarian
madness, all this bloodbath and for nothing what a tragic joke
If it is not a class revolution I dont want it - SPARTAK KHAMIS
Palestinians must get rid if Islam first
\I get rid of Jews you get rid of Islam
God does not really exist anyway so what is the problem
Billions of people believe in A collectively made self illusion for the service of the power the might be
Religion is Pathology
Religion is Pathology as Politics is the science of Lies
Ideology is Indoctrination and Democracy is the dictatorship of the rich
All the rest is a local bla bla bla bla
A peaceful revolution is a contradiction in term, a peaceful revolution means surrender, civil disobedience
was created by a Buddhist monk peacefully massacred. THE RICH WILL NEVER GIVE UP THEIR
My brother was peaceful and look what happened to him
PEACE A WORD created by the capitalist to protect his property like democracy no peace between
classes only class war
Peace means only one thing fiscal equality
Any one who talks about any sort of peace is nothing but a shop keeper who wants to maintain the status
WE are against every form of violence but we fear none
none Our weapon is subversion
After all, what really all these Arabs want from all this turmoil and wasting of life to go back and
continue praying. The only one who really benefited from the Tunisian and Egyptians reforms are the local
and international rich class
Arabs are poorer now than before, and they are suck with a make believe co-illusion all these millions
upon millions of people demanding the removal of one particular man, this is not a revolution, this is a
transfer of power from one dictator to another
Even before they got rid of the one, they have already chosen another this is nave and infantile, typical of
traditionally ignorant people and the Arab youth is really childish with his facebook play. We cannot blame
everything on colonialism
Like all religions Islam stultify the people and its morality is poisons to life and the result of all this mambo
jumbo is just more poverty and more Islam
Arabs are so accustomed to being ruled and their lack of confidence is such, that they always need another
and better Raees immediately, even before the scares of the first Raees were healed. Can you get more
cowardice than this , it seems that the Arabs are babies they still need a daddy, and Islam made sure to
keep sheep like and pathetic. Vote for no one burn the parliament, burn the election. No gods. No Kings No
.Raees, No boss
The Profit Mohamad
Look how stupid the Arabs demands are, they dont want a dictator to rule them all of his life, they want a
dictator for 8 years. Raees in Arabic means the head, the head of the pyramid, the king/dictator only 8
.years and then the next one comes along
Arabs are so accustomed to being ruled and their lack of confidence is such, that they always need another
and better Raees immediately, even before the scares of the first Raees were healed. Can you get more
cowardice than this , it seems that the Arabs are babies they still need a daddy, and Islam made sure to
keep sheep like and pathetic. Vote for no one burn the parliament, burn the election. No gods. No Kings No
.Raees, No boss
The Profit Mohamad

I am 100% anti Judaism and 100% anti-Islam. The Israelis are the occupiers and the Palestinians are the
Occupied. As an anarchist I am always on side of the oppressed, i.e. I support the Palestinian struggle for
self-determination but I reject their political agenda for a party nation-state, capitalistic style. As to the
Israelis I say that as long as you stay occupier I am against you. Down to Zionism and Arabic pan.nationalism, down to God and middle class morality
Profit Moses
My homeless brother Abir came for a visit me, and said to me that the assassination of Julaino was
intended to kill the revolution, so I said to him brother we are not pacifists, we are urban guerilla worriers,
.who ants to kill the revolution will be killed also
A question : who knows what Lenin did after they hanged his brother in front of his eyes in the Kremlin
He recommended the burning of the winter palace in Petersburg and the execution of the tsar and all of his
.generals, same here
Facebook is definitely afraid of me, since the start a few days ago, I havent been able to invite any friend,
they simply locked my sociability, because they too know that their days are few. Because facebook knows
that in an anarchic society no one can profit from any means of social communication- it will free and
.owned by all
A palsetinian national united front is a mistake because you already carry half of your enemy with you.
This enemy within you will keep Israel victorious, because they who have sponsord in 1969 the Muslim
.brothers as a front against the rise and the spread of Palestinian communism
A Palestinian national united front is a mistake because you already carry half of your enemy with you.
This enemy within you will keep Israel victorious, because they who have sponsored in 1969 the Muslim
.brothers as a front against the rise and the spread of Palestinian communism
And now as reprisal of these facts they shot the son of a pronoun communist, Israel created Hamas exactly
.just for that , not the liberation of Palestine, but the liberation of Palestine from communist influence
Zionist chauvinism and American anti-communism created a program to create a communist free world by
encouraging the spread of Islam, but the Moslems are the last ones to know about that. As to nationalists,
nationalism(FASCISTA) was created by Mussolini in 1929 to suppress the anarcho-communist uprising in
.Italy, first by Bakunin in late 19century and later by Malatista in the 1920s
he symbol of fascism is taken from the Roman Caesar, a bundle of wheat made of gold, the nation under
the rule of capital and I
There is German Nazis, Jewish Nazis, Muslim Nazis, American Nazism, world wide Nazism used by the
Zionists and the USA to eliminate revolutionary communist all over the world, first by killing Lomomba
and Che and then the collapse of 16 socialist states at once, and the elimination of the remaining active
communist families around the world, and now I am the last the from five. They tried to kill me so many
time in so many various ways, and I am not a head of state, but till now I have been getting stronger, strong
enough to finally bring them down, the killers of my family and the rest of humanity for such a long time.
.They have failed and I live seconds from my future assassin
The story of my family is the stuff that legends are made from and new religions rise, but this time at last
this time this stuff it is going to bring America and Israel on their knees bagging fro the mercy of the
Saliba khamis is the sole founder of the land day, I drove him to Sakhneen in 1976. as to communist party
of Israel, Foad Nassar and my father created the first communist party in the middle east, although I know
.of a Palestinian who met Lenin 1919
It is really a big stain and a shame that his son was killed by a Palestinian, Juliano was born in prison when
both of his parents were in Zionist jails and here comes a frigid Muslim and kills him- thank you
Palestinian Moslems , thank you, but this time you have a business with me I am the first one on earth
who can fuck you and your God and his lackeys and remain unscathed. Try me if you please, ahlan
.wasahalan, I am waiting for your pussy sacred head

And to all concerned any one who had a hand in this irregardless of his original location is primarily my
responsibility, thank you and watch the news tomorrow- Spartacus ANARCHUS
CIA 2011 - 5 - 15
We will seize all telecommunication and disperse all governments, eliminating every rule. We will destroy
all the weapons and wipe out the armed groups of counter-revolution, all this will take place before they
.even knew what has struck them
The infinite revolution Spartacus Anarchus & People who want to destroy the system
The revolution will start with the support of 30% of the population and within months 60% of the people
will participate in the social transformation of their existence. We will seize everything and share it
.together, without authority or power
It will be the end to all institutions and infra-structures which will be shoved down the drainage of hisstory. We have the social Meta-economy to make the world a joyous place to live. But first we have to
destroy the military-industrial complex and fully control food, houses, clothe, transport, etc. all this is free
for all anywhere, it is available for all always
Whilst I was busy rescuing my other brother from a guaranteed death I lost my other brother, well, a too
.orchestrated attack and for this my response shall be accordingly
That will be the end of labor and wages and religion, it will be the end of ethics and ideology. The army and
police will be disarmed and released from duty and dismantled, the same goes for the judiciary system and
all prisons destroyed. Without priests and judges just us in total freedom
The means of production and raw material will be for all in a completely altered process of co-existence,
something completely new and different. Production and distribution will be some thing utterly different
from anything we know, unknown to most. Without surplus-value because there will be no value, the
.nation-state will be crushed
People will attack the state with a measure of force and abolish capitalist social relations. Take what you
.need a give nothing. We terminate class society for ever and inherent nothing from its past
Listen Palestinians, this is a last warning, dead fish stinks from the head first, if by 14/5/11 no organizations
names are given, then you will be asked from where the fish pees, and then no more Intifadas and you shall
remain with ISLAM under foreign occupation for a very long time, think about it, test me if you can. And I
will tell more than
No results no Intifada
use your enemy to defeat your enemies
i can also throw your stupid flag with
even muslim women reject this shitface- see you soon - i am coming to clean my fathers house dear, wait for
me if you can, the faster you run the closer you get to me
zionist nazi
the pig state
the tickets on me
rising zionist gangster
Beyond an alienated emotions, beyond the terrifying objective conditions We express love and dignity and
.self-determination in a very clear and definitive terms. The Meta-15 May Day is Nearing
The days of national unity is over for the Palestinians, the Palestinian people have two enemies, one from
the inside and one from the outside. The inside enemy is Islamic nationalism and the outside enemy is

jewish nationalism. For Palestine to be free it has to defeat Israel, and the only way to this, is by elimination
religion from the political scene. this too is the only option left for the Israelis, if they still want to stay in
the middle east they will have to apply this too, and this is only the first step on the road of genuine equity
.and freed
United We Fall Alone We Stand
We Want a Socialist Palestine
Only Anarcho-Socialist Plalestine
A Palestinian killed my brother, he was either sent by the Mossad or by a Palestine organization, in either
.way my retaliation is the same, their total dismantlement and disintegration
Reactionaries on either side now your problem is me, because you both so incompetent that you killed the
.wrong brother a very catastrophic mistaken identity
The Palestinian Authority is trying to quite the situation by callaing a bloody alley in Ramallah on his
name thanks Arafat - JUST LIKE THE ZIONISTS
Believe you me if it was not of the killing of my beloved brother my concerned would have been much more
less, but since some ones killed my brother from this region, every one is guilty until proven otherwise
.because they have killed the wrong brother
Sweet Rage
And by killing the wrong brother everyone is freaking out, big and small, right and left, religious and
secular, thank you my brother
The only substitution I am willing to except for his execution is a total surrender of authority and till then
the class war that will end all wars is permanently open thanks dear Jul
:Thanks to the freedom fighters
Saliba Khamis Arna Khamis Mer Juliano Mer Khamis Abir Mer Khamis 3 executed 1 half executed
the last deadly
I shell bring the USA and Israel down on its knees and Europe, thanks family
I told the IDF on their radio and in Hebrew, that I was more than happy to absorb those bullets my self,
.but you shot the wrong person
Modernity is modern barbarism to act in solidarity, is to destroy capitalism a revolutionary solidarity to
free humanity from its permanent misery and liberate ourselves from the claws of social Darwinism and
.from violent capitalism
Capitalism is a totality that will be destroyed only by total anarchic revolution and no effort in that
direction is ever meaningless. The role of solidarity is to create the constellations of revolt across the world.
Anarchic constellation across the continents, from where I revolt across the oceans all over the land. It is
.revealed every place where human beings struggle against capital and the state
My struggle is as your struggle and all struggles are now the struggle between anarchists and the state;
between the state and the Meta-Plan. One is either part of the rebellion or part of capitalism. All
uncertainties are fully resolved and transformed into direct application on the ground
The revolt is spreading all over the world, it is not a passing burst but the beginning of the world wide
permanent revolt against the state, capital and authority. In the centre of this current uprising is a strong
anarchic foundation, the insurgent movement is coming your way, join it with joy and courage and beauty
The combined net worth of the 1000 richest individuals in the world is $110 trillion This will be
distributed in equal share amongst the world population. Make a Meta-Plan with another, and take action

in the furtherance of the Meta-Plan. Go In and Out at any moment, as every free individual will become in
the near future. Go beyond yourselves, make the connections with others Meta-Communication, and
employ those Meta-Connections as a weapon of social insurrection and rebellion against class society and
.the state
The World Anarchic Social Revolution Will Explode Everywhere and at the Same Time A Worldwide
Anarchic Global Revolution. As to those who cowardly align with capitalism and the state are rejected and
.thrown out of our community, the Meta-Society
The Super Revolution the Anarchic PsychoSocial Revolution is Anti-Political and Anti-Ideological
Revolution. Through Unconditional Solidarity We Sabotage the Spectacle and Revolutionary Solidarity to
.the Anti-State and Anti-Capitalist Anarchists Fighting the Whole System Single Handedly
Destroying Capitalism is defiantly the most Creative Act of all
Greetings to all the anarchists of the world who are involved in Direct Action We are with you all the way
till the creation of anarchic society. We are with you always and everywhere in a revolutionary solidarity
.till we win and achieve our liberty
This day is coming, and you can find me at the fore front of this transformative meta-process, with my
fellow anarchists we shall defeat capitalism and destroy the state and create the long awaited alternative
.individualist communist anarchy
THE REAL REVOLUTION IS NOT Tunisian is not Egyptian, it us not Yemene Or Syrians OR lybian, its
.not Jordanian or Lebanese it is Palestinian
my brothers 53 birthday(born in both parents in prison) - 15-5-1958
the Nakba 15-5-1948
the declaration of the stake of Zion 15-5-1948
first space launch the sputnik(the original name of my brother) 15-5-1958
first space launch the sputnik(the original name of my brother) 15-5-2011 May Day revolt in 15-5-1958
.Lebanon + Intifada III WestBank + Day of Dignity Gaza, etc etc
Julaino with your death you have done more than the whole history of the Palestine national struggle
take it or stay under occupation, only i can free all the prisoners everywhere
Arabs have A willing numbers but no brains, I have a brain and many willing numbers
Therefore the continuous existence of the capitalist system and its protectorate the state is a crime against
life, against humanity, against nature and human dignity. Lets stop all human suffering, lets stop most of
human misery and pain engendered by capital and its laws, and offer humanity instead an opposite way of
.existence, a living based on mutual aid and not exploitation, on freedom and not oppression
who killed my brother can never kill me but visa-versa
let others do the ditry job
The repeated Jewish mantra over his body 100% this 100% that but he was 101% an anarchist, after all he
is my brother not yours
The Gaza Revolution 2011
The Gaza Youth Revolution 15.5.11
Intifada III Gaza 2011
First we take Hamas the we take Israel
:The latest sample vote in the Palestinian society inside and outside
The best ruler is a dead ruler
PLO 36%

As Syria falls to the hands of the rebels (2 weeks) Hamas will fall to the hands of the brother of Juliano
Who ever killed my brother must go first
and the answer is hamas i will tell why later
The stupid leaders of Hamas and Jihad in Damascus and Gaza have killed the Palestinian issue for a very
long time
They CIA killed his father in 1994 and his son by Hamas in 2011
It is new time, a qualitative different time, it is our time, lets not fuck it up this time
The revolution in Iraq began too april 2011
Let the death my brother sprout a new weed
Only Juliano Mer Khamis in the whole of world history of dead heroes, has a brother called Spartacus
All the people are less than one man and one is more than all the people = an equal
Arabs need more time to develop
Nothing has changed since ever but now it will
Clinton/Lieberman and Obama/Osama you are next on the list, your days are few behold your future
Who kills a man is like killing the whole world
see you in liberated tel aviv
Popular unity yes national unity no
?The question now is this who goes first Israel or America
Ya Mishaal the jews saved your life I will not
from where it all began there it will end
The time has come for the people of the world to go down the streets, in every country of the world and
start all together in accomplishing humanitys dream, for the first time in human history. People of the
.world, the time right, lets do it and not wait any longer
They CIA killed his father in 1994 and his son by Hamas in 2011
Saliba khamis the father of Juliano Khamis was assassinated in Geneva on the first day of his arrival to a
UN conference heading 40 Palestinian delegates 48, found badly injured in his hotel room, soon to die on
arrival to hospital
Popular unity yes national unity no
?The question now is this who goes first Israel or America
A youth revolution in Gaza against Hamas & Jihad 2011and for a free Palestine from Zionism and
.Palestinian reactionaries
Intifada III-in the Middle-East
Anarchifada -I- in the Middle-East
This day is coming and quit soon, so be ready and prepared, dont say you were not tolled, be ready to take
.your destiny into your hands, self-determinate, self-emancipate, self liberate
This revolution is different from the all revolutions before it in the history of mankind and therefore it will
.achieve different results too
stop stop all of you unless you want me to get angry at you
Revolutions start at home

revolutions start in the bedrooms
They Arabs think that by being slaughtered by the authorities in the hundreds called always shaheeds
irregardless, therefore legitimizing their struggle on Islamic understanding of sacrificing for Allah, Yemen
.is a perfect example
Lets die for stupid Gundy and Tolstoy and mamma Teresa for the World Bank
CCivil disobedience is civil obedience, the only real achievement of the Tunisian and Egyptian revolution
is the rapid sweeping of the floors of the streets of big business
When Spartacus returns to the arena even Creaser becomes relactant
First Hamas and Jihad must vanish Immediately from the Palestinian scene
The third intifada is intended to really liberate the Palestinian people and move from out Jewish
occupation but no into the party of God occupation
To free the Palestinian people and the rest of humanity, is to free humanity and Palestine from the yoke of
authority, whether secular or religious
The people of Jordan must throw away their king and queens
The Syrian people must get rid of the Syrian tyrant son
Israel at last has reaches its final hours
And all the palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails will be free including Hamas, Jihad and 48
And yegal Shaleet of course
And all of this is because of two elements the WE
I nearly lost Abir But I lost Juliano completely
Cry Molotov for me baby
The Muslims killed my brother but the Jews cannot kill me, and if the Zionists are incapable of really to
killing me do you think the Muslim can, well I am not Juliano I am Spartacus his elder brother and I am
going to annihilate his killers and much more, watch the gladiators news tomorrow morning
The world fucked around with my brother I am going to fuck around with world, those who played with
.my brother shell turn into vapor and quit soon
If god killed julaino so to be pleased, and gods dont exist, then I am going to destroy his next of his kin
Fist goes the Jews then the Christians and after the Muslims and the Buddhists and finally the last religion
of god the worship of money = dead capitalism
The Palestinian people like the rest of the Muslim herd as reaction to technology have become the
inquisitor of the modern dark ages the Palestinian Taliban society
sort you house first
Until I find who is exactly behind the killing of my brother every thing goes on hold especially the Arab
The Intifada III is temporarily cancelled
A person is more important than a state
A person is more important than a nation
A person is more important than a God
A person is more important than a security
Unfortunately this Palestinian game of many groups is over no popular no democratic no nationalist or
Islamist this is too late and too little, now there is only one group that is the sole representative of the
Palestine Cause and double governments in 2 antagonistic Palestinian states, the group that is behind the
execution of Jul Khamis

The Zionists saved Meshaal (the dictator of Hamas) from certain death, this time I will not let it happen
There is secret direct negotiation going on right now between Hamas and the Mossad, -inside information
Hamas was created by the Mossad in Gaza 1969, as the Moslem brethrens and they are back again in the
.joint execution of jul khmais and the creation of a puppet state

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