Unsolved Problems (Math)

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1. Mary is twenty-four.

She is twice as old as Ann was when Mary was as old as

Ann is now. How old is Ann? (Ans. 16)
2. A building 40 ft high is located on a riverbank. A guard, 6 ft tall, is manning
the roof while another guard, 56 tall, is standing on the ground beside the
building. If the two guards subtend the same angle at a point on a bank
directly opposite the building, how wide is the river at that point? (Ans.
142.27 ft)
3. The base of a spherical pyramid is a bi-rectangular triangle whose third angle
is 23 degrees. If the diameter of the sphere is 90 cm, find the area of the
spherical triangle. (Ans. 812.89 m2)
4. The sides of a triangle ABC are AB = 15cm, BC = 18 cm, and CA = 24 cm.
Determine the distance from the point of intersection of the angular bisectors
to the line AB. (Ans. 4.73 cm)
5. Two squares each with 12 cm sides, overlapped each other such that the
overlapping area is a regular octagon. Determine the overlapping area.
(119.29 cm2)
6. A mixture compound from equal parts of two liquids, one white and the other
black, was placed in a hemispherical bowl. The total depth of the two liquids
is 6. After standing for a short time, the mixture separated. The white liquid
settled below the black. If the thickness of the segment of the black liquid is
2, find the radius of the bowl. (Ans. 7.33 in)
7. A spherical cone is made from a sphere having a radius of 5m. If the vertex
angle of the cone is 40 degrees, find its volume. (Ans. 15.71 m 3)
8. Determine the equation of the circle passing through the points (-3,1), (0,4)
and (3,-6).
Ans. 13x2 + 13y2 - 49x + 23y 300 = 0.
9. Determine the equation of the directrix of the curve y 2 + 4y -8x +12 = 0.
(Ans. x+1)
10. The chords of the ellipse 64x2 + 25y2 = 1600 having equal slopes of 1/5 are
bisected by its diameter. Determine the equation of the diameter of the
ellipse. (Ans. 64x + 5y = 0)


x 0

tan2 x2 sinx
. (Ans. 3)

12.Determine the derivative of the logarithm of (2x 1). (Ans.

log 2

2 x1

13.Determine the derivative of (xy)x = e. (Ans. y (1+ lnxy) / x )

14.A manufacturer can produce a commodity at a cost of P2.00 per unit. At a
selling price of P5.00, each consumer has been buying 4,000 pieces a month
for each price. P1.00 increase in the price, 400 fewer pieces will be sold each
month. At what price a piece will the total profit will be maximized? (Ans.
15.A particle moves according to the parametric equations y = 2t 2 and x = t3
where x and y are displacements (in meters) in the x and y directions,
respectively, and t is time in seconds. Determine the acceleration of the body
after t = 3 seconds. (Ans. 18.44 m/s2)

16.A 3 m long steel pipe has its upper end leaning against a vertical wall and
lower end on a level ground. The lower end moves away at a constant rate of
2 cm/s. How fast is the upper end moving down when the lower end is 2 m
from the wall? (Ans. 1.79 cm/s)

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