January Calendar

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January 1, 2016

HAPPY NEW YEAR!! We are greatly encouraged in the ministry of the Gospel as 2015 winds down and 2016
gets started. This time last year our newsletter was filled with hope and expectations of a new church in
the Town of Danvers. I am excited to say that on October 11, 2015 North Shore Bible Church (NSBC)
Danvers held its first Sunday Worship Service. We are currently averaging 23 people on Sunday mornings
and we are looking forward to a great 2016!
Our Essex church has made some incredible inroads into the Town of Essex and is quickly becoming known
as the church that can be counted on for assistance at community events. This has greatly raised our
visibility and has given us new doors of opportunity to bring the Gospel to our neighbors. Please pray for
Dana Moore and Phil Shearer as they provide the pastoral leadership in Essex.
Grow New England (GNE) became a cooperating organization of the Fellowship of Grace Brethren Churches
in 2015. I am looking forward to my first gathering of cooperating organization leaders in Columbus OH on
January 11 and 12. I am also looking forward to meeting with key leaders in FGBC churches during my time
in Ohio.
Your generous gifts has allowed GNE to assist NSBC Danvers in getting started; purchasing chairs and
tables, kitchen appliances, monitors for the worship center, signage, etc. Also, GNE will be paying the rent
for NSBC Danvers current meeting space for the first year. Thank you for giving, praying and investing in
this new church.
How can you be involved in Grow New England?
- Pray
o Pray for continued growth in both Essex and Danvers.
o Pray for openness to the Gospel.
- Tell people about Grow New England.
o We are looking for potential church planters.
- Organize a short-term mission team to come and serve with us.
- Check our website: GrowNewEngland.net
- Give: We are certainly in need of financial gifts as our expenses increase.
All checks should be made payable to Grow New England and sent to Grow New England, c/o North Shore
Bible Church at 65 Eastern Avenue Essex MA 01929.
I was eating dinner with a couple from Pennsylvania last week, who was passing through our area, and I
was asked, How we decide where to plant a church? My response was that you can plant a church in just
about any town or city in New England and there is a need with a population that is less than 4%
We are currently focusing our efforts on Bostons North Shore. This will allow us to encourage and support
one another as we launch these new churches. However, if God is directing someone to any part of New
England we would be glad to assist.
As I write this letter there is only one official Grace Brethren Church in New England our Essex church.
Danvers will be the second church. I would encourage you to join our team as we seek to reach this most
needy part of our country.

In Christ,
Jack Brown

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