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How to Manifest Anything

The Unfolding Process of

Transforming Your Desires into Reality

Kathryn Yarborough

How to Manifest Anything

The Unfolding Process of
Transforming Your Desires into Reality
By: Kathryn Yarborough, MFA, BC-DTR

Table of Contents

Overview: You Can Manifest Anything!


The Emotional Guidance System

Manifesting Anything Step 1 Know What You Dont Want!

Manifesting Anything Step 2 Know What You Do Want


Manifesting Anything Step 3

Clear Your Blocks and Believe You Will Receive It




Manifesting Anything Step 4

Ask for it and Activate the Law of Attraction


Manifesting Anything Step 5 Give Thanks For It


Manifesting Anything Step 6 Follow Any Intuition and Guidance


Whats Possible


Helpful Resources


About the Author


How to Manifest Anything

You CAN Manifest Anything!
To manifest anything all you have to do is imagine that it is already happening.

Its that simple, and that hard!

For example if youre a helping professional and you want to have a full practice of
25 clients a week, imagine being a person who has 25 clients a week.

If you want $100,000 a year income, imagine being a person who has $100,000 a year


If you want to be in a great relationship, imagine being a person who is in a great


What are you thinking, feeling, and doing?

If you can think, feel, and act more like the person who is seeing 25 clients a week

(receiving $100,000/year or in a great relationship) than the one who isnt, you will send

out a message through your vibration to the Universe that says you are a person who sees
25 clients a week (makes $100,000/year or is in a great relationship)

And because of the Law of Attraction, things will start to happen for

example, either new clients will contact you to make appointments or circumstances will
show up that will lead to more clients.

This does not mean that if you want to manifest $1,000,000 that you should go out and

spend $1,000,000 on your credit cards (if you could get that much credit).

It does mean that if you want to manifest $1,000,000 imagine being a person with

$1,000,000 in his or her bank account. As that person, what are you thinking, feeling, and
doing? If this person walks with a swagger, in real life walk with a swagger. If this person
smiles at everyone, in real life smile at everyone. If this person saves 10% of his or her
income, in real life save 10% of your income.

How to Manifest Anything

There are two different kinds of imagining.

One is when you imagine something as if it might happen some day in the future and the
other is when you imagine it as if its happening now.

Notice the difference between these two types of imagining:

First Type of Imagining:

Imagine you live in Maryland (on the east coast of the United States) and you want to go
on a vacation in Seattle (on the west coast of the United States).

Imagine looking at pictures of Seattle and of things you could do there. Imagine doing a

hotel search of places you could stay in Seattle and even creating a vision board of being

in Seattle.

You know youre going to get there some day but you dont know when. What does this

feel like in your body?

Second Type of Imagining:

Imagine you live in Maryland, youre in your car, and its packed for your trip to Seattle.
Imagine youve taken two weeks vacation because youre driving and you want time to

enjoy your trip there and back. Imagine youve asked someone to come by your home to
take care of your pet and/or your plants.

Imagine you know where youre going to stay when you get to Seattle, in fact you have

reservations, and you have some plans of what youre going to do when you get there. You
have maps for your trip and you know what roads youre going to take to get to Seattle.

Imagine leaving your home and starting to drive to Seattle. How do you feel in your body?
In which one of these two types of imagining do you KNOW youre going to be in
Seattle soon?

If youre like me its the second type.

If you imagined this every day for 10 30 minutes, I have no doubt that soon youd be in

your car driving to Seattle.

How to Manifest Anything


If you want to know how to manifest anything, you have to learn how to harness the

power of your imagination.

If you dont, you will continue to manifest unconsciously because what youre thinking,

feeling, and doing is sending out a vibration continuously.

Through the Law of Attraction you will attract more of whats already happening unless

you intentionally shift your thoughts, feelings, and actions.

I havent always known how to do this.

Since I was a young adult Ive been interested in how to consciously co-create the

circumstances and experiences in my life. As a result, Ive learned a lot of tools and

concepts that help me and my Manifestation Coaching clients intentionally co-create

our lives.

In the process, Ive identified 6 steps to manifestation.

If you want to be able to manifest anything, become proficient in using these steps. As
you do, youll learn that you CAN MANIFEST ANYTHING!

The Law of Attraction and Manifestation are Related

Conscious manifestation is the process and practice of transforming your desires into
reality by intentionally activating the Law of Attraction.
The Law of Attraction works like magnets do.
If you dont have any magnets I suggest going to a toy store and playing with some.
Feel the pull of two magnets when theyre attracting. They come together in a rush.
Feel the push of two magnets that are pushing against each other. You can feel how they

want to stay away from each other.

If youre focused on not having enough money, the way the Law of Attraction works

you will attract more scarcity seemingly instantaneously like the two magnets that rush

together. But no worries this can change in an instant as well if you learn to practice the
6 steps to manifestation!

How to Manifest Anything

Your energetic vibration sends out a message to the Universe kind of like a radio station
sends out radio waves that listeners can tune in to.

Your radio waves or vibration is based on the combination of what youre thinking and

feeling, whats happening in your body, and your energetic system. Its the sum of your
conscious mind, unconscious mind, and Higher self.

The Universe or All-That-Is hears your vibration as a request. Because of the Law of

Attraction which can be defined as like attracts like the Universe will send you more of
what youre vibrating.

Kathryns Six Steps to Manifesting Your Desires:

1. Identify what you dont want.
2. Know what you do want.

3. Clear your blocks to receiving it and believe you will receive it.
4. Ask for it and activate the Law of Attraction.

5. Give thanks for it.

6. Act on any intuition or Guidance.

If you want to use the Law of Attraction and manifestation, learn how to use these six
steps to manifestation.

Briefly, this is how they work (Read on for a more detailed explanation of each step.)

Step 1: Know What You Dont Want

Pay attention to what isnt working in your life, what youre complaining about, and what

you dont like. Life is always giving us experiences that we dont want so that we can

discern what we do want. Recognizing that somethings happening in your life that you

dont want is the first step to manifestation and can inform the second step.
So make a list of what you dont want.

How to Manifest Anything

Step 2: Know What You Do Want

Using your list of what you dont want, ask yourself

If I dont want ____________, what I do want is ____________.
Make your list of what you do want from this. Read it over and ask yourself if there is
anything else you do want.

Once you know what you want youre ready for step three...

Step 3: Clear Your Blocks and Believe You Will Receive It

Clearing blocks can take time and patience. It might involve healing and changing your

Some blocks clear easily by shifting your thinking. An affirmation exercise I share in the

How to Manifest Anything e-course can help you identify your block(s) and form new neu-

ral pathways.

Other blocks are more deeply entrenched and connected to negative beliefs. Experiencing
emotions, using expressive movement, and breathing deeply can help unlock their hold.

If you want help clearing your blocks, consider Manifestation Coaching.

It can be a lot easier to work with someone who doesnt believe your block is true and

who can help you heal, change your thinking, and get unstuck than doing this by yourself.

Step 4: Ask For It and Activate the Law of Attraction:

When youre ready you can ask for what you want and activate the Law of Attraction.
Briefly, here are a few ways to ask for it:

Create a vision board and post it somewhere you will see regularly.

Post affirmations around - like on your refrigerator or desk.

Imagine being the person who has manifested your desire - what are you
thinking, doing, feeling... how are you interacting with others? Be this person.

How to Manifest Anything

Step 5: Give Thanks For It

The Law of Attraction and manifestation work! Go ahead and give thanks for what youve

asked for because it is coming!

Gratitude aligns us with the energy of the Divine and feels great.
When truly spoken from a place of total belief and true gratitude, your vibration tells the

Universe that you know what youve asked for is coming. Nothing is more powerful in

activating the Law of Attraction and manifesting your desires.

Step 6: Intuition and Guidance

Through intuition and Guidance, the Universe helps us know what to do if we need to do
anything. If you get a feeling to call a friend, or go to the store, or write an email do it.

This is the way the Universe communicates to us and lets us know what we need to do.

How to Manifest Anything

The Emotional Guidance System

Your Emotional Guidance System is directly connected to your Higher Self. Moment by moment, it lets you know if your actions, thoughts, and words are moving you towards what
you really want or away from it.

I learned about the emotional guidance system through the work of Esther Hicks who

channels a group of guides that call themselves Abraham. Even though some people

might think that channeling is weird or too out there... I share this information because

You can visit their website or buy any of their books or CDs for more information.
Your emotional guidance system and we each have one communicates to you through
your feelings. It tells you whether or not your thoughts, actions, and words are

pointing you TOWARDS or AWAY from what you REALLY want.

To use the Emotional Guidance System you have to be aware of what youre feeling and

the sensations in your body.

If youre experiencing good feelings... or a sense of opening and flow in your body...
then your thoughts, actions, or words are in alignment with what you want.

If youre experiencing bad feelings... or a sense of closing or tightening in your body...

then your thoughts, actions, or words are not in alignment with what you want.

For example, if Im feeling open and increasingly positive feelings like optimism,

hopefulness, excitement, vitality, and then all the way to... joy, love, empowerment,

and peace, then I can know that my thoughts, words, and actions are moving me
towards what I Really want and I am consciously allowing my connection to Source to
be open and flowing.
If Im feeling tense, closed, and increasingly negative feelings like, discouragement,

frustration, anger, hopelessness, shame, despair, or fear, then I can know that my

thoughts, words, and actions are pointed away from what I Really want... and Ive

forgotten my connection with Source.

I personally make it a practice to notice throughout the day how Im feeling.

How to Manifest Anything

When I check in with myself I can assess if my thoughts, actions, and words are pointed
towards or away from what I really want.

If Im pointed away... then I use manifestation Step 1 and Step 2 to shift my


Ive come to believe that the process of manifestation is ultimately a spiritual one.
Its my experience that what we want at the deepest level of our being not just what
we think we want is to awaken and manifest our True Nature in every


Following our Emotional Guidance System helps us consistently use the Law of Attraction
and consciously co-create our lives in alignment with what really matters

to us.

How to Manifest Anything

Manifesting Anything - Step 1

Know What You DONT Want!
The first step to manifesting your desires is knowing what you dont want because...
From knowing what you dont want you can better identify what you do want.

Manifestation is the process and practice of

transforming your desires into reality.
To do this... You need to know what you really want.
Many of us feel stuck circling around the same complaints over and over. We often dont

even get around to identifying our desires in some sort of practical or useful form.

We may say them with wishful longing. For example, When I win the $30,000,000,000

lottery, Ill be happy to give you some money, buy my dream home, take a great vacation,

and do work that I love. Oh, if only I could win the lottery.

Sound familiar?
Instead of manifesting our desires, most of us think about...
How little money we have

How annoying it is when our partner, friend, boss, or child doesnt listen to us

How frustrating it is to not get the business we think we want

How we want to lose weight but eat cookies, cake, or brownies instead of

What I love about the first step to manifestation is that when I use it, my mind shifts

from complaint to possibility and my mood goes from hopelessness to excited.

So let me tell you how this step works.

Whenever you find yourself complaining or being upset about something, recognize that
this is the first step to manifestation.

For example, recently Ive been feeling annoyed that my schedule is very full and I feel
like I dont have time to relax.

How to Manifest Anything

I could easily rationalize the situation and stay in upset. I could think, most, if not all, of

the things that Im doing are wonderful and I should be grateful because I have so many

great things going on in my life, but

while the feeling of gratitude gives me some relief, I still feel too busy, stressed, and


IF I notice that in fact Im feeling upset...

...AND I remember that this is the first step to manifesting my desires...

THEN... I get to ask myself, If I dont like feeling too busy and stressed, what do I want?
When I do this I begin to feel hopeful.
I remember I can create my future to be other than my present because conscious

manifestation is the intentional practice and process of transforming my desires into

reality. And it works!

The Observer
To do this process I need to have my Observer present.
This is the part of ourselves that can notice what were thinking and doing. Without an

Observer, we will continue to think and behave in our habitual ways and not even realize
were doing it.

This is much like what we do when were unconsciously breathing or brushing our teeth

we go through the motions, but were not aware of the sensations.

The Observer part of our selves is different from our Judge or Critic part.
Often, when I explain the concept of Observer to my clients they at first confuse it with

the self-conscious part of themselves that notices what theyre doing and criticizes

themselves for it. For example, if the Judge is activated, it might say, See, all you do is
complain. Youll never get ahead that way.

The Observer is neutral. It doesnt judge either positively or negatively. It just notices.

When your Observer is present, you might think, I notice I just complained that I dont
have enough money.

The practice of mindfulness helps us develop our observer.


How to Manifest Anything

I encourage you to take on this practice...

For the rest of this week observe your thinking and speaking and notice anytime you

complain, feel annoyed or worried, or dont like something thats happening.

If youre new to this practice, you might want to ask a buddy to partner with you. The
two of you could develop a gentle way of reminding each other to notice any time you
complain or you talk about something that upsets you.

There is nothing wrong with feeling upset or annoyed or to not like something. In fact,

its a great thing because its the first step to manifesting your desires if we use it to

be that.

Its what we do with our experience that separates the conscious

co-creators from the victims or non-manifesters.
A person who is a conscious manifester will observe her or himself complaining or feeling

bad and then go to the next step If I dont want _______________, what I do want is


How to Manifest Anything

Manifesting Anything - Step 2

Know What You DO Want
Manifestation is the process of transforming your desires into reality.
To manifest your desires all you have to do is know what you really want and then

imagine with all of your senses that you are experiencing what you want to
be, do or have NOW.
When you do this, because of the Law of Attraction, the experience or thing you desire will

manifest into physical form.

The first manifestation step - Know What You Dont Want - can help you clarify what you
do want when you use the sentence completion exercise from page 11.

What I love and find extremely challenging about the second step Know What You DO

Want is getting it that I really do have a say in what happens in my life and

on the planet.

By uncovering and naming what I really want, I am, in a sense, wording the world into


By owning this step, I truly claim my power as a conscious co-creator with

the universe.
Since you can manifest ANYTHING you REALLY want
What do you want to be, do, or have so much that you will clear your blocks to it, practice

imagining it is so, and allow it to manifest?

Conscious, Unconscious, & Higher Self...

Three Parts Wanting Different Things!
When we align the desires of our conscious, unconscious, and Higher self, we become
Master Manifesters and are able to effortlessly attract anything we want.

However, most of us dont start off with these three parts even in the same room much
less wanting the same thing.


How to Manifest Anything

For me the practice of manifestation step two, knowing what I DO want, is a spiral process

of identifying, integrating, letting go, and aligning the desires of these three aspects of


For example...
My conscious mind wants an income that gives me the freedom to live in the

home of my desires and keep it well tended.

However, when I check in at a deeper level - to my unconscious, I am aware of a

feeling/thought that is something like, Ha! Like youll ever be able to afford to
live in a great home and have the money to maintain it.

When I ask my higher self about this, the message I receive is that Awakening

and being fully present in every cell is what most matters to me.
So, then, what do I do??? How do I know what to manifest?

These days I use the Emotional Guidance System to help me discern what I want.
However, in the past I used two other exercises that helped me. Ill share them with you

here in case theyre helpful for you as well.

One exercise has us explore the Essence qualities of the object of our desires.
Essence qualities include joy, peace, love, wisdom, intimate depth, truth,

energy, presence, and connection to name a few. When we explore them, we gain
clarity about what our Higher Self is longing for us to experience.
To do this exercise, ask yourself, What are the Essence qualities I think I will experience

when I have manifested

(the object of my desire)

In my situation, the Essence qualities I think I will experience when I have manifested an

income that allows me to live well in the home of my choice are...


home a sense of belonging


connection with others


How to Manifest Anything

If I ask my Higher Self about manifesting these experiences, the response is, You are
already That. Let yourself experience these qualities and the home will come.
This second exercise is to find out what our unconscious wants.
Write or say an affirmation that states that you are already experiencing the object of your

desire then write or say the first thoughts that arise.

Those first thoughts are often our unconscious objections and/or desires.
My affirmation is, I am enjoying a life of ease in my wonderful and well
maintained home.

My first thoughts are, I cant afford that. Itll just be a lot of work. I dont want

to because its too much work. I like my life just as it is. I dont want to work
harder or more.

As you can see by this example, I still have some blocks to manifesting a wonderful home
that is well tended.

I wonder Do I really want it?

Having a better understanding of our blocks to manifestation and how to clear them can
help us figure out what to do...

Check out the third step to manifestation Believe you will receive your desires by

clearing your blocks to them and opening the flow of abundance.

Working through the third step gives us the confidence and willingness to shift our

vibration into alignment with the object of our desire and imagine it into physical form.


How to Manifest Anything

Manifesting Anything - Step 3

Believe you will Receive by Opening the Flow of Abundance
and Clearing Your Blocks
When we use the process of manifesting our desires, we transform them from a wish or
idea into tangible reality something we can truly experience and enjoy.

To manifest your desires all you have to do is know what you really want and then use all

of your senses to imagine that you are being, doing or having it NOW. When you do this,
because of the Law of Attraction, the experience or thing you desire will manifest into
physical form.

The third step of the process of manifesting your desires is

Believe you will receive your desire by opening the flow of

abundance and clearing your blocks to it.
For many of us - including me - this can be the most challenging of the steps because of,

often unconscious, negative beliefs like...

I dont deserve it.

I cant have what I want.

Im not wanted.

To believe you will receive your desire I recommend a two part process.

1. Open yourself to the flow of abundance using breath, movement, and


2. Clear your blocks and doubts so that you can allow yourself to attract your

Being in a state of abundance has us vibrate in alignment with the

universe. When we are in this state and thinking about our desires, the universe
believes that we really want them.


How to Manifest Anything

When we dont believe we will receive our desires, because of the Law of Attraction, our

desires wont come to us... and...

We experience scarcity or lack.

We feel separate from Source.

Usually our breath is shallow or restricted.

Our body feels tight or fatigued.

Our mind is stuck in thoughts of lack.

So if you want to engage in the process of manifesting consider...

Opening the Flow of Abundance

Allowing the flow of abundance begins with mindfulness. With mindfulness we can notice

whether our breath is shallow or full, if our body feels tense or relaxed, or if our thoughts
are focused on struggle or appreciation.

With the mindful Observer present, we have a possibility of choice. Were not just reacting

to what happens, were observing and choosing how we respond to whatever situation we
are in.

To help this process, I encourage you to have a conscious, abdominal breathing practice.
With this practice you can re-educate your body to engage in full relaxed breaths. This

opens your body and allows chi or the abundant Lifeforce of the Universe to flow in

freely with the breath.

Body and Movement

Using movement to open the flow of abundance is just as important as breath.

If your body is stuck in holding patterns or has a limited movement repertoire, it

can be very difficult to access a new vibration no matter how much you try to
change your thinking.


How to Manifest Anything

To open up your body, you can

Practice mindful movement.

Receive body work such as massage, craniosacral therapy, and acupuncture.

Learn body and movement awareness from an Alexander technique teacher or

Feldenkrise practitioner.
Do healing work with a dance/movement therapist or a breathworker.

Do Manifestation Coaching with me because I use movement and breathwork

with my clients when they want to use it.

Join the Flowing with Change membership program and use the workshops to
and learn practice these skills..


Gratitude is a relatively simple and life altering practice that opens the
flow of abundance.
Take a moment and think about all that you are grateful for and notice what happens to

your breath and your body. You can be grateful for something as simple as the blue sky

or the sound of the birds or as significant as the important people in your life and the

opportunities you have had to grow.

When we shift into gratitude, we make contact with the flow of abundance that is ever

Now what?

In addition to making these overall shifts into an abundant state of being using breath,

movement, and gratitude, most of us need to clear our blocks to manifesting our desires.

Clearing Blocks
Clearing blocks may include doing the emotional work of transforming negative beliefs or

the cognitive process of unlocking habitual thinking. When we stop worrying by changing

our thinking a whole new life experience becomes available.

Sometimes its easy and quick and other times it takes a long time and seems unrelenting.
I also use the Commitment Exercise and Affirmation Playtime to transform negative

beliefs. These are cognitive exercises that I explain in the companion How to Manifest

Anything e-course. Theyre both powerful tools that Ive used for years that help us
change our thinking.


How to Manifest Anything

There are several different types of blocks. Here are a few of the ones I have experienced

or observed most often:

Starting Gate Blocks

These occur when a person doubts that whatever he or she wants is possible and quits

before even starting. Thoughts related to this block include, I cant; its not possible; its
not going to work; nobody wants me to do this. This block can be related to our core
wound(s), so sometimes deep healing is necessary to evolve past it.

No Results Blocks

These happen when a person has been using the process of manifesting and doing all of

the work needed to attract his or her desires but because of no results quits too soon.
When we quit our vibration shifts back to how we were before we began and nothing ever
changes. Unfortunately when we use this block or the Starting Gate block, we stop the
process before it even begins and never experience success.

Unconscious/Conscious Misalignment Blocks

These occur when our unconscious wants something other than what our conscious mind


For example, Ive applied the process of manifesting to attracting clients and manifesting a
full practice. When it didnt happen, I explored my blocks and realized that another part of

me (an unconscious child-like part) didnt want to work that hard!

Success Happens and You Quit Blocks

These are the result of being afraid of success. Most of us have experienced times when

things are going well and then somehow something happens and we sabotage it. You
need to give yourself permission to succeed.

A few years ago, I had gotten back into exercising regularly after about a three year

hiatus and I was starting to feel physically fit. Then, someone accidentally jumped on my

toe and I wasnt able to wear exercise shoes or go to the gym for months! As much as I

would have liked to believe that this was totally outside of my control, I wondered if this
block decided to intervene and prevent me from feeling great!


How to Manifest Anything

Higher Self/Conscious/Unconscious Misalignment Blocks

These occur when our Higher Self is not in alignment with what we say we want.
If we dont Really want, at the deepest level of our being, what our conscious mind says

we want, we will feel conflicted about manifesting it. To help alleviate this block, I use the
Emotional Guidance System to access what I really want.

What Then? Blocks

For some reason I love the challenge of going for a goal. So if I achieve it then what? I no

longer have something to work towards! Whats helped me not be controlled by this block

is that I learned that we have an infinite supply of desires. So, when I have manifested my

current desires, Ill be able to go on to my next ones! Yahoo!


How to Manifest Anything

Manifesting Anything - Step 4

Ask for it and Activate the Law of Attraction
Many people who want to learn how to manifest begin with this step. They use

affirmations and sometimes create vision boards. While this can and does work at

times, sometimes people get discouraged because they dont get results right away.
To really understand how to manifest and feel empowered to manifest anything,
it helps to learn about and use all 6 manifestation steps and the Emotional Guidance


Once youve identified what you dont want and used this awareness to clarify what you

do want, and cleared your blocks to receiving it, its time to use the 4th step by asking for
what you want and activating the Law of Attraction.

There are several techniques to ask for what you want including...
Creating a vision board

Using affirmations

Identifying intentions

Multi-sensory imaging

Each of these techniques work in a slightly different way

Vision boards are great. They are a picture representation of what you want. You might
have heard them called treasure maps.

Create a Vision Board

1. Get some magazines with images you like.

2. Cut out pictures and words that feel good to you with which you resonate
positively. You dont have to understand what you like about the images.

3. Paste them on a poster board.

4. Use markers or anything else to write on and add to your vision board the
words, images, or textures you cant find in magazines.
5. Hang it up where you can see it regularly.

6. No need to do anything else. Just watch what happens over time.


How to Manifest Anything

On my 40th birthday I created my first vision board. On that vision board I had

images of plants, a candle, figures of people gathered around in classes, the

word breath.

I remember at the time feeling that the part about my work would never

manifest - it felt impossible that there would ever be that many people in my
practice or in workshops I taught.

About 4 or 5 years later, I looked at the vision board and was amazed that every
image on it had manifested not exactly how I had originally thought they
would but in a way that felt totally satisfying.

Affirmations are present tense statements that usually include a feeling word. Like
I am joyfully seeing 25 clients every week.
A lot of people think affirmations dont work because they try them a few times and either

nothing happens or the opposite happens.

Affirmations work best when we have cleared most of our blocks.

If we havent, we can use affirmations until were blue in the face, but because every time
we say the affirmation we unconsciously think or feel the opposite, well still be sending

out the vibration of our block rather than what we want.

But wait Theres good news!

You can use affirmations to clear blocks. Find out how in the How to Manifest
Anything online course and then youll be able to clear your blocks and unstick any
negative or blocked thinking you have.

If youve cleared out your blocks, you can use the sixty-eight second rule...
The sixty-eight second rule comes from Abraham (of Abraham-Hicks). The idea is that if

we hold a thought to be true for 68 seconds or longer, it is planted in the Universe and

will manifest. For this to work and to hold a thought to be true, you have to feel as if its

happening now not just say or think the words.


How to Manifest Anything

Most people who are just learning how to manifest hold a thought for about 2 seconds...
For example...

I am seeing 27 clients a week... Yeah, like that is going to happen.

This is like stepping forward and back, forward and back, forward and back between what
you want and whats happening now... and the Universe gets confused about what you

really want. So nothing changes.

To use the 68 second rule and hold the thought, I say the affirmation and then elaborate

on it by adding more details about whats happening. As I do this, I both see it happening
in my mind (as if Im looking out through my eyes) and feel in my body the sensations of

it happening now. I do this for 68 seconds or more to the best of my ability.

If you want to manifest quickly, do this for 3-5 times a day for several days or weeks in a

row. Expect change! It will come quickly!

Another way to use affirmations is to write them daily to remind yourself of your
desires or post them somewhere that you will see regularly. This keeps them fresh in your
mind, activates cognitive dissonance, and over time changes will happen.
Prayer is one of my favorite ways of asking for what I desire because when I use prayer
I experience my sense of connection with the Divine. I often use prayer when I feel
stumped and need help with something. For example, I might ask in prayer something
like, I really want to see twenty-seven clients a week, please help me attract them and
show me what I need to do to help create this.
Sometimes Ill ask, Will you help me attract clients and show or tell me what I need to

do? These days I usually get an answer and most of the time its, Yes. Then I just say,

Thank you, and go about my life. Something usually happens that day or very soon.

Intentions are fun as well! When I use intentions, I sense what wants to happen. For
example, I intend to continue to work on this website until it is well used by many people
and providing them with very helpful information. I think intentions work because they
call forth a sense of inner knowing about what wants to happen.
If you havent used intentions, take a moment to think about the next twenty-four hours,

connect to your heart, and ask it what you intend to do, create, or manifest. Write it down

and then let it go. Tomorrow look back at what you wrote and see if what you wrote



How to Manifest Anything

Multi-sensory imaging is one of the most powerful tools you can practice if you want
to learn how to manifest.
With it you can harness the power of your imagination through intentional, focused

practice. This is what I wrote about in the first few pages of this e-book.

With multi-sensory imaging, we take visualization to the next level and use all our senses
to imagine what we want happening now.

Practice Multi-Sensory Imaging

1. Get into a comfortable position sitting or lying down.
2. Relax your body and mind.

3. Focus on your breath.

4. Imagine a future day when you have already manifested your desire.

5. Imagine you are really there, as if you are the star in the movie, not
watching yourself but looking out from you own eyes and experiencing it
through your own body.

6. Notice how you feel emotionally and physically. If you dont feel joyful, there
is a good chance you either dont really want to manifest this desire or you
havent cleared your blocks.
7. If you feel joyful, bring the experience closer to you by imagining that it is
actually happening today the day you are doing this process instead of in
the future.

8. See what needs to shift inside of you to allow that to be true.

9. As you complete with this process, I encourage you to ask for any Guidance
to help you manifest this desire.

10. See what arises.

11. Slowly bring your awareness fully back to the present moment and open your
12. Recall how you felt in your body and what you were thinking during the

13. Write down whatever feels important to help you remember your experience.

When we vibrate as if our desire is so, we consciously activate the Law of Attraction and

what we desire will manifest at the right time. Once we have gone through the first four

steps, we can be assured whatever we want is coming to us. Gratitude (the fifth step)
closes the loop in the process.


How to Manifest Anything

Manifesting Anything - Step 5

Give Thanks for It
We are powerfully co-creating our experience here on this planet. The more
I learn about manifestation, the more in awe I am about how powerful we all are.
Manifestation is the practice of transforming our desires into reality. Remember, the six
steps to manifestation include:

Know what you dont want

Know what you do want

Believe you will receive it by clearing your blocks to it and opening the flow of
Ask for it

Give thanks for it

Follow any intuition or Guidance you receive

Practicing these six steps to manifestation seem to me to be an ongoing process of fine

tuning and aligning what I think I want with what I really want and using these steps to

attract it. I circle back around and around through each of these steps with the different
areas of my life including:


my body

spiritual practice
my home

Each time I circle around through these steps I fine tune what I have
created and what I want to create next. And my life gets better and better. As I
do this, what I have learned is that this process is truly limitless and it seems to me
that infinite abundance is possible for each of us.
As I work with myself and clients in my Manifestation Coaching practice, I notice that

some of us understand that we really can manifest anything and we are reaching

for the next most wonderful experience, state of being, or thing that we want.

How to Manifest Anything

Others of us seem to not yet understand this possibility appearing stuck and

continuously recreating similar bad experiences just in different locations. For me,

when I am able to step out of my limited thinking box, I am in awe at how stuck I had

been a moment before compared to the expansiveness I experience when my imagination

and mind are liberated.

To help us change, Ive created an online membership community called Flowing with

Change. For information go to With the skills youll learn

and the support youll get in the Flowing with Change membership community, youll be

able to more fully release your blocks, use your Emotional Guidance System, consciously
co-create your life, and use the six manifestation steps including

The fifth step to manifestation: Give Thanks For It

If you have identified what you dont want and gained clarity about what you do want;

cleared your blocks to receiving it and opened to the flow of abundance; and asked for
what you really want...

... Then you can be certain you will receive your desire.
Practicing gratitude by giving thanks for it acknowledges to the Universe your belief in
receiving it. In a way it closes the loop.

Imagine that a friend has asked a favor of you and youve agreed to it.
Your friend knows she can count on you so she expresses her gratitude to you
prior to you actually doing the favor. How does that feel?

Now imagine the same situation, but your friend does not express gratitude
before you do the favor... In fact, even though youve agreed to do it, she

actually asks, Can I count on you to do this? How does that feel?

For me, in the first scenario, I feel certain I will do it. In the second, I wonder if

I will.

When we express sincere gratitude to the Universe for what we have asked, its as if we

are feeling and saying, with certainty, I know you are sending this to me.

Manifestation uses the Law of Attraction. We attract that which we are vibrating and

How to Manifest Anything

believe to be true. When we give thanks it strengthens our vibration because we see it
definitely coming.

If you are a beginner in this process, I encourage you to practice gratitude for things

that are already here. For example, today I can give thanks for the beautiful day and the
wonderful breeze blowing through my office; for my health; for money in the bank; for

my son and my friends; and for my willingness to do consistent spiritual practice.

You can say it out loud, write it down, or just think it. See what happens. For me this
simple practice shifts my mood and therefore my vibration.

If you are experienced in imagining things to be so even when they have not yet

manifested, practice gratitude for all that you desire and can imagine. Watch your desires
flow to you even more easily.

Check out the last and sixth step to manifestation: Follow any intuition or Guidance you

receive. One of the ways the Universe helps us to manifest our desires is by giving us
Guidance. Listening for and acting on that Guidance is the last step in the process of



How to Manifest Anything

Manifesting Anything - Step 6

Follow any Intuition and Guidance
Intuition or Guidance comes in different forms. Examples include...
A gut feeling about something or somebody

A fleeting thought to do something that repeats multiple times

A message that comes from outside of yourself - other people, the TV, a book
An image that pops in your mind

If you have been practicing the other fives steps of manifestation...

Identify what you dont want.

Know what you do want.

Clear your blocks to receiving it.

Ask for it and activate the Law of Attraction.

Give thanks for it.

... Then you can expect to experience intuition or Guidance. It is one of the
ways the Universe communicates with us and tells us what we need to do to manifest our
In other words, for manifestation to work, sometimes we have to do something like go

somewhere to meet a new business contact or call a friend to learn about a workshop that
will help us reduce stress and high blood pressure.

You can trust that you dont have to figure out all the details and... Trust that, if you need

to do something, your intuition and Guidance will tell you what it is.

If a message repeats itself three or more times

I highly recommend acting on it.
I have discovered that when I act on my intuition or Guidance, my life flows more

smoothly than when I dont. (Editing this ebook at this moment is an example of following

I used to procrastinate on a lot of tasks. Once I learned that when I get an impulse to

do something its usually Guidance helping me out with the flow of my life, I began a just

do it practice.


How to Manifest Anything

My willingness to do this has increased both my productivity

and inner peace tremendously!
Some of my clients have told me that following intuition or Guidance is the hardest

manifestation step for them. I believe its hard for a couple of different reasons...

Some of us are just too busy to actually notice the messages as they arise.
Others of us dont trust or have faith in our messages.
We can be so caught up in thinking through something, controlling a situation, or just

doing our to-do lists, that we dont hear, feel, or see the support that we are being
bombarded with every day.

Meditation is a useful tool to change this habit. It can help us be here now so that we
can notice what is arising in this moment. If you are a beginner to meditation you may
have noticed that your mind races and jumps from one thought to another even if you
have an intention of focusing on something like your breath or your body sensations.

Sometimes its hard to focus because were not practiced at it. As we practice, we become
increasingly aware and begin to notice discomfort and aspects of our lives we had

previously denied. For example, with increased Presence, Ive become aware of...
how yucky I feel when I eat junk food...

how lonely I feel when I experience a family member not really listening
to me...

how sad I feel when I look at pictures of the mutilated faces of people who
have been in the war.
It can be scary and challenging to feel our feelings and change our actions or situations.
However, with enough awareness of our discomfort, we become willing to change.

Conscious manifestation is based on the desire to change something.

When you are Present enough to know you want to change something, I recommend

going back to step one and two of manifestation: identify what you dont want and

become clear about what you do want. With increased Presence you will be able to go

through all of the manifestation steps at a deeper level and receive even more fulfilling


How to Manifest Anything

Whats Possible

Our birthright is to be fully alive and abundant.

The willingness and courage to reclaim these rights is what

manifestation is all about. It is an unfolding journey of ever

increasing depth and joy.

My vision is that all people on this planet claim these rights and
practice being conscious co-creators of their lives living in

harmony with each other and all beings everywhere.

May it be so now.


How to Manifest Anything

Helpful Resources
Books (* my favorites!)

Ask and It is Given:

Learning to Manifest Your Desires*

The Abundance Book

John Randolph Price

Esther and Jerry Hicks

(The Teachings of Abraham)

Prosperity Pie: How to Relax and Money

and Everything Else

Conscious Living:
Finding Joy in the Real World*


The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success:

A Practical Guide to the Fulfillment
of Your Dreams*

Gay Hendricks
(He has other books on abundance
and manifestation)

Deepak Chopra
(He has other books on abundance.)

Creating Money: Keys to Abundance*

Sanaya Roman & Duane Packer

Vivation: The Science of Enjoying

All of Your Life

Magnetizing Your Hearts Desire

Sharon A. Warren

Jim Leonard & Phil Laut

Manifest Your Destiny:

Secrets of the Millionaire Mind: Mastering

the Inner Game of Wealth*

The Nine Spiritual Principles

T. Harv Eker

for Getting Everything You Want

Wayne W. Dyer

The Biology of Belief *

Bruce Lipton, Ph.D.



What the Bleep?!! Do we know?

Meet the Robinsons

(A Disney movie)


How to Manifest Anything

Kathryn Yarborough 2010


How to Manifest Anything


How to Manifest Anything


How to Manifest Anything


How to Manifest Anything


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