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School of Electrical

New Employee

ELEC HRS 29.12.2015

WELCOME ONBOARD ........................................................................................................................................... 3

ABOUT INSIDE .......................................................................................................................................................... 3
AALTO UNIVERSITY ............................................................................................................................................... 4
SCHOOL OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING ........................................................................................................................... 4
GENERAL INFORMATION ...................................................................................................................................... 5
KEYCARDS ................................................................................................................................................................ 5
IT ACCOUNT AND PASSWORDS ..................................................................................................................................... 5
INFORMATION SECURITY ............................................................................................................................................. 5
Disposal of documentary material ............................................................................................................................... 5
MAILING SERVICES ..................................................................................................................................................... 5
PHONE AND PHONEBOOK ............................................................................................................................................ 6
AALTO PEOPLE.......................................................................................................................................................... 6
EMPLOYMENT INFORMATION .............................................................................................................................. 6
SALARY SYSTEM AND PAYROLL ...................................................................................................................................... 6
COMPANY BENEFITS ................................................................................................................................................... 6
DEVELOPMENT DISCUSSIONS ....................................................................................................................................... 6
WORKING TIME ........................................................................................................................................................ 7
The working time and work plan of the research and teaching staff........................................................................... 7

Total working time system ................................................................................................................................................. 7

Work plan ........................................................................................................................................................................... 7

The working time of the other staff ............................................................................................................................. 7


Regular working time ......................................................................................................................................................... 7

Flexi leave ........................................................................................................................................................................... 8

Recording working hours in Halli system ..................................................................................................................... 8

ANNUAL HOLIDAY ...................................................................................................................................................... 8
Research and teaching staff (total working time): work obligation and free time ...................................................... 8
Annual holiday for other staff (regular working time) ................................................................................................. 8

Taking annual holiday ......................................................................................................................................................... 9

Holiday bonus and holiday bonus leave ............................................................................................................................. 9
Saving annual holiday ......................................................................................................................................................... 9
Part-time work and annual holiday .................................................................................................................................... 9

RULES OF ABSENCES ................................................................................................................................................ 10
Sick leaves .................................................................................................................................................................. 10

Absence of 13 days ......................................................................................................................................................... 10

Absences of more than three days ................................................................................................................................... 10

Family leaves .............................................................................................................................................................. 11


Temporary child care leave .............................................................................................................................................. 11

Other absences ........................................................................................................................................................... 11

WELL-BEING, OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY AT WORK ........................................................................................... 11
Occupational health care services .............................................................................................................................. 11
Accidents at work ....................................................................................................................................................... 12
REMOTE WORK ....................................................................................................................................................... 12
WORKING ABROAD .................................................................................................................................................. 12
4.10 SECONDARY OCCUPATIONS AT AALTO UNIVERSITY ......................................................................................................... 12
4.11 FORMS HR .......................................................................................................................................................... 13
4.12 CENTRAL LEGISLATION AND COLLECTIVE AGREEMENT ON TERMS OF EMPLOYMENT ................................................................ 13
TRAVELLING ........................................................................................................................................................ 13
PURCHACES ........................................................................................................................................................ 13
IT SYSTEMS AND TOOLS ...................................................................................................................................... 14

ELEC HRS 29.12.2015

1 Welcome onboard
Below you can find answers to the main issues related to your employment, and some practical information on
what is expected from you to make things run smoothly. More comprehensive guidance and instructions can
be found at Aalto Inside: You can also turn to your supervisor, ELEC staff and co-workers for
more detailed information.


About Inside

Inside is an intranet for Aalto staff. The pages cover the main issues about the university services, current
affairs, instructions and practices with necessary links and tools.
Getting started
1. Intranet Inside is accessible anywhere with your web browser. The address is
2. Log in with your Aalto account.
3. When logging in for the first time, please remember to define your Aalto profile. To change your
profile, select "Aalto Profile" under your name in the top right-hand corner, select school (School of
Electrical Engineering) and campus (Otaniemi). Your profile determines which contents e.g. news
and events you see on Inside. You may change your profile anytime.

The School of Electrical Engineering pages contain school-specific news, events, guides and manuals.
Information meant for all Aalto staff is found at Aalto Inside front page. Guidance for new employee and persons
responsible for orientation: Inside / For new employee
See also

Aalto University:

Aalto Universitys annual reports and key figures:
School of Electrical Engineering:

ELEC HRS 29.12.2015

2 Aalto University
Aalto University consists of six schools: the School of Arts, Design and Architecture (ARTS), the School of
Business (BIZ), the School of Chemical Technology (CHEM), the School of Electrical Engineering (ELEC), the
School of Engineering (ENG), and the School of Science (SCI). Each school is led by a Dean, and an Academic
Affairs Committee. The executive bodies at university level are the Board, the President and the Academic
Affairs Committee. Aalto University has a Provost, three Vice Presidents and Tenured Professors Council.


School of Electrical Engineering

The School of Electrical Engineering consists of five departments and two special units. The dean and vice
deans manage the school.

Dean Jyri Hmlinen

Vice dean Keijo Nikoskinen

Vice dean Raimo Sepponen

For further information, please visit: Inside / School of Electrical Engineering / Contact Information

ELEC HRS 29.12.2015

3 General information


The buildings of the Otaniemi campus are equipped with an access control system based on radio frequency
identification. In consequence, you need a keycard and a PIN code to enter/get access to the university
facilities. Keycards can also be in use for flexihours by signing in and out with Timecon (see 4.4 Working time).
The keycard is collected in person at the info desk in Lmpmiehenkuja 2 MonFri between 10 and 15:30. Be
prepared to prove your identity.
More information: Inside / Keycards or please write to or phone tel. 050 560 9514


IT account and passwords

Every employee and student of the Aalto University gets an Aalto email address (
and an account with password. Activate your user account in the web at For identification
you need to have either an Internet bank account with password or an electronic ID card issued by the Finnish
police. It is also possible to activate your user account by filling an IT Agreement and then visiting the IT Service
Desk (room L121, Otakaari 5, L-wing, 1th floor). You will be asked to prove your identity with an official ID, that
is either your passport, Finnish ID card or Finnish drivers license. When you activate your user account in the
web at, fill in your information (e.g. phone number, room number, address).
More information: Inside / Accounts and passwords


Information security
Do not let outsiders use your computer and always lock it when you leave your office!
Do not give your personal username or password to anyone else not even to staff from Information
It is recommended to change your password regularly, and immediately if you suspect that your
password has been disclosed!
Documents containing confidential material should not be left hanging on desks; such material should
be stored so that outsiders dont have access to it!
Lock your office every time you leave the room there might be thieves in Otaniemi too!

Disposal of documentary material

Please note that the paper receivers are meant only for white printing and copy paper with no confidential
information or sensitive issues. It is advisable to put all confidential material into the secure containers which
have a locked lid and a hatch for disposal. Several secure containers are found in every building.


Mailing services

There are three types of envelopes, each for a specific type of mailing: Colourful envelopes labeled sisist
postia are meant for internal mail inside and between the three campuses. The white pre-paid envelopes with
Aalto logo are meant for outgoing domestic mail, and the ordinary white envelopes with Aalto logo are for
outgoing international mailings. You should not use the white envelopes with logo for sending internal or
personal mail. For further information about the mailing addresses to different buildings, please visit: Inside.
More information: Inside / Mailing services or please contact university porters.

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Phone and phonebook

The phones provided by the employer are meant only for work calls. Private calls by work phones are not a
fringe benefit for employees and hence not paid by the employer. Elisa HelpNet (phone directory found in
Inside) is a database serving the staff and Aalto switchboard. Please update your own phonebook information
in or you can send email to
Aalto Universitys switchboard number is (09) 47001.
More information: Inside / Telecommunication services


Aalto People

Aalto People service displays information on our staff, faculty and students from a variety of Aalto sources in
one place, where we can verify, correct and selectively publish parts of it. Update your profile to ensure your
More information: Aalto People

4 Employment information

Salary system and payroll

Aalto University has two different salary systems: the universities' salary system (ypj) and the agency-level
agreement. The agency-level agreement is meant for research staff, and ypj for teaching and other staff.
All salaries and other compensations are paid through the Aalto University payroll system. The pay day for the
research, teaching and other staff is the 15th of every month and for hourly-paid teachers the pay day is the
last day of the month. For the receivers of non-recurring fees the pay day is the 15th or the last day of the
More information: Inside / Salary systems and Payroll and Electronic payslips


Company benefits

As company benefits Aalto University provides i.e. occupational health care, flexible working hours, good
opportunities to develop personal competence and versatile exercise services.
More information: Inside / Benefits for employees


Development discussions

Every employee with a contract of 6 months or more at Aalto University should have an annual development
discussion with his/her supervisor.
More information: Inside / Development discussion

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Working time

Aalto University has two working time systems: total working time for research and teaching staff (excluding
Bachelor and Master students) and regular working time for all other staff.

The working time and work plan of the research and teaching staff
o Total working time system
Research and teaching staff are in the system based on total working time (excluding the Bachelor and Master
students), of 1,600 hours per year, including research, teaching and its preparation, artistic activities, societal
services and support functions. The allocation of working time is discussed yearly with the superior (work plan).

o Work plan
Personnel working in the total working hour system, will compile an annual work plan together with their
supervisor. The work plan for the academic year ( should be recorded in the Personec HR system
by the end of June at the latest. The work plan is approved by the department head or an authorized person
before 1st August. If there is a significant change in work duties or work time during the academic year, the
employee needs to update the work plan.
Work time allocations and announcements are made in the system called Halli.
More information: Inside / Total working hours
1,600-hour and free time:
The concept of annual holiday does not apply to teaching and research staff with a total
working time of 1,600 hours. Any time exceeding 1,600 hours is considered free time,
and therefore, no holiday tracking is used. Holidays are taken within the framework of
the work plan.
The absences have to be reported in the Halli and Personec ESS systems.
Saved leave and holiday bonus leave do not apply to those working on total working

The working time of the other staff

o Regular working time
Work-hour tracking (Timecon system) is applied to all staff in the regular working-hour system (7 h 15 min per
day, 36 h 15 min per week). Departments can decide whether tracking is applied also to the students who are
employed as research assistants.
Flexible hours in the morning are from 6:30 to 9:30 and in the evening from 14:00 to 20:00. The 30 minute
lunch break isn't a part of the working time.
Use your keycard for signing in and out with the Timecon machine. Inform changes to Timecon signing by email to and to your supervisor.

ELEC HRS 29.12.2015

o Flexi leave
It is possible to take flexi leave (max. 8 days a year) if you are in the work-time tracking system and your
balance is positive (min. +7,25 h). Flexi leaves are applied for by filling a form or by e-mail. Approval of the
superior is required (application form signed by the superior or approval by email). The application for flexi
leave is sent to or Kiia Kiveks, P.O. Box 13000.
More information: Inside / Regular working hours

Recording working hours in Halli system

All the employees working in externally funded projects or engaged in the universitys core activities (meaning
teaching, research, artistic activity and societal impact), allocate their working hours in the Halli system. Those
working exclusively in service functions dont need to allocate their working hours to Halli. Departments HR
Secretary will advise new employees on how to record working hours and make a report in the Halli system.
The changes in the projects you are working for have to be recorded also in the Halli follow-up system. Please
contact the financial secretary for any changes.
More information: Inside / Halli, recording Working Hours and Departments Halli contact persons


Annual holiday

Research and teaching staff (total working time): work obligation and free
The time exceeding the work obligation of 1,600 hours per year, is defined as free time for those in the total
working-time system. Research and teaching staff have a right to have free time when their 1 600-hour work
plan allows it and they have their superiors approval of the suggested days/period. No holiday records are kept
and holiday compensation is not paid at the termination of the employment relationship. A notional annual
holiday entitlement is defined for the purpose of paying the holiday bonus in July and at the end of employment.
Special arrangements, such as carried-over-leave and exchange of holiday bonus for days off do not apply
to the staff on total working time.
Regardless of the working time system (regular or total) the planned period of holiday
always has to be agreed upon in advance and approved by the superior.

Annual holiday for other staff (regular working time)

Annual holiday is accrued in accordance with the table below. The columns show the full holiday credit months
Full holiday credit months ->

1 2 3 4

1. Length of total contract time: less than 1 year at the end of 2 4 6 8

the holiday credit year (31.3.)

10 11 12

10 12 14 16 18 20 22

2. Length of total contract time: 1 year at the end of the holiday 3 5 7 10 13 16 19 21 24 26 28 30

credit year (31.3.)
3. Length of total service entitling to annual holiday: min. 15 3 6 9 11 15 18 22 25 28 31 34 38
years at the end of the holiday credit year (31.3.)

ELEC HRS 29.12.2015

Examples of how to read the table:

Case 1: contract time 3 months, holiday accrual 6 days
Case 2: contract time 3 months, holiday accrual 7 days
The calculation of 15 years service cover full-time service to the current employer or to another Finnish
university, or any other branch of governmental service (excluding time spent in conscripted or non-military
service, crisis management and peacekeeping duties, or job release time other than sick leave or family leave).
Also duties for another employer in Finland or abroad are taken in consideration if these are considered
essential for performing the employees current duties.

o Taking annual holiday

The holiday must always be agreed upon with the superior and is subject to the
superiors/employers approval.
It is recommended that 45 weeks are taken during the summer holiday period extending from 1.6.
to 30.9. A minimum of 10 days of continuous holiday (2 weeks) must be taken at a time. It is
possible to take the remaining holiday as one single period or to split it up.
Intended holiday periods must be reported in the Personec ESS system, except for those who work
part time. Please note: If the Personec ESS system is not in use in the department, the intended
holiday must be announced by application form which has to be approved by the superior, and
then forwarded to the departments HR Secretary.
Only workdays from Monday to Friday are counted as days off, so a holiday period from Monday
to Sunday normally takes 5 days away from the total number of days the employee is entitled to.
There are a few exceptions: if public holidays (e.g. Christmas Eve, Midsummer Eve, Finnish
Independence Day of 6.12., May Day) fall on a workday from Monday to Friday, they are not
counted in the number of spent holiday days. For example if you have taken your holiday on the
week 25 from Monday to Sunday, and Friday being a public holiday (Midsummer Eve), only the
days from Monday to Thursday will be counted as days off and only 4 days will be taken away from
the balance.
The annual holiday has to be taken before the next holiday period.

o Holiday bonus and holiday bonus leave

The holiday bonus is based on the holiday accrued in the previous holiday credit year. The bonus is paid in
July with the payment of the monthly salary. The conversion of part of the holiday bonus into leave must be
applied for, and approved by the superior in the spring. This arrangement is not possible for the staff working
in the total working time system.

o Saving annual holiday

Employees on the regular working time may carry over that part of the annual leave which exceeds 20 days of
the total accrued holiday, provided that it does not impede the university service. The saving must be applied
for, and approved in the spring. This arrangement is not possible for the staff working in the total working time

o Part-time work and annual holiday

Part-time employees with less than 35 hours/month do not accrue holiday but they are still paid proportional
holiday compensation.
Part-time employees working at least 35 hours/month accrue annual holiday on the same basis as full-time
workers. The part-time worker should take the holiday in full calendar weeks. Taking separate days off must
be agreed upon with the superior.

ELEC HRS 29.12.2015

For example, an employee works 30 hrs/week

Case 1. S/he works 5 days per week (6 hrs/day) one full week of holiday will take 5 days from annual holiday.
Case 2. The same employee works 4 days/week (7.5 hrs/day) and has one leveling-out day (=day off) in the
reference period of one week if the person is on holiday the whole week, his/her accrued annual holiday will
be reduced by 5 days (4 working days and 1 leveling-out day).
More information: Inside / Annual holiday


Rules of Absences

Sick leaves
The employees entitlement to paid sick leave depends on the duration of their contractual employment

Duration of contractual employment relationship less than 1 month, 1+9 workdays with 50% of salary
1 month - less than 1 year: 40 calendar days per year with normal pay, and after that 75% of salary for
a maximum of 365 calendar days
1 year - less than 5 years: 50 calendar days per year with normal pay, and after that 75% of salary for
a maximum of 365 calendar days
5 years or more: 60 calendar days per year with normal pay, and after that 75% of salary for a maximum
of 365 calendar days.

In case of sickness you should notify your supervisor of your absence without delay. If you are absent for more
than three calendar days, you must submit a medical certificate. Please note: if the absence starts on Friday
and continues until Monday, Monday will be counted as the fourth day of absence and a medical certificate is
Employees are required to report their absence in the Personec ESS, Halli and Timecon (time clock) follow-up
systems. E-mail address for Timecon notification:
Every employee is obliged to make notification of sick leave regardless of the working
time system.

o Absence of 13 days
The employee must report the absence of 13 days in the Personec ESS. If the system is not in use at the
department, the employee should notify both his/her supervisor and departments HR Secretary by e-mail. HR
Secretary will take care of the reporting in the HR database.

o Absences of more than three days

For absences of more than three calendar days, a written notification form and the original medical certificate
must be submitted to the departments HR Secretary. It is also possible to submit the medical certificate directly
to Aaltos payroll office, to the attention of Hannele Koskivirta or Riikka Tamper, P.O. Box 15800).
More information: Inside / Sickness absences


ELEC HRS 29.12.2015

Family leaves
The term family leave includes maternity leave, special maternity leave, paternity leave, parental leave, child
care leave, partial child care leave and temporary child care leave. The form should be used to inform the
employer about family leave. Temporary child care leave (sickness of child under age of ten years) can be
notified either by form or by the Personec ESS system (absence of 13 days).

o Temporary child care leave

The employee attending to a sick child at home is entitled to paid absence from work for max. 4 days, if the
child is under 10 years of age, or disabled, or chronically ill. The absence days on the child care leave are
counted per child and per illness. Only one parent at a time can take temporary child care leave, and if one of
the parents is a stay-at-home parent, there is no right to the above leave. Medical certificate is needed, when
absence lasts 4 work days.
More information: Inside / Family leaves

Other absences
The employee is entitled to absence from work (paid or unpaid) due to family, study or personal reasons. Paid
absences for private reasons (e.g. 50th and 60th birthdays, own wedding day, day of a close relative's funeral)
are to be reported in the Personec ESS. Other absences are to be reported with form also by employees on
the total working time. For further information, please contact your HR Coordinator.
More information: Inside / Other absences


Well-being, occupational health and safety at

We all have a right and an obligation to take care of our own well-being at work and prevention of fatigue. We
are different as individuals and our situations in life vary, so you know best, what are the measures that support
your wellbeing at work.
If you have any concern about your well-being, it is important not to keep it to yourself: your supervisor, HR
professionals, Aalto ELEC occupational health care contact person Kirsti Ojala ( and
occupational health service are available for you. In ergonomics related issues, please contact Schools
ergonomists (in Finnish).

Occupational health care services

Aalto University provides its employees both with the statutory occupational health care and occupational health
physician services. Aalto employees with a minimum of 14 working hours per week, are entitled to general
practitioner services. Necessary vaccinations for work trips are provided free of charge.
Our occupational health care services are found at Diacor Tapiola (Ittuulentie/-kuja 11). Appointments can be
made either by telephone dialing (09) 775 0800 or by using the online booking system Please
remember: If you miss your appointment without cancelling in advance, you will be charged the costs of the
More information: Inside / Occupational health care


ELEC HRS 29.12.2015

Accidents at work
Work accident is an injury at work or on the way to work. You must make a declaration by the link on Inside.
The declaration form must be forwarded as soon as possible to the occupational health care center, or to the
clinic or health center where the injury was treated.
The accident must be reported to Aalto University within one week from the accident. The employee informs
Sari Mykknen ( via email about the reported injury. Sari Mykknen (Aalto contact
person for work accidents) completes the report and sends an online announcement about the accident to the
insurance company IF. Also the so-called close calls have to be reported to Aalto University.
More information: Inside / Occupational safety and Insurance coverage


Remote work

The work done outside the employees work place, for instance at home, is defined as remote work. The same
collective agreement and employment legislation are applied to work at office and to remote work. Academic
personnel can agree with their superior upon part-time or full-time remote work. For service and support
personnel only part-time remote work is allowed. Working remotely does not affect the employees pay or other
employment terms. Absence from work (sick leave, holiday) is reported in a normal way.
Remote work always requires a written agreement with specification of the tasks to be accomplished remotely.
All tasks are not necessarily suitable for remote work. Please contact the departments HR Coordinator for
checking the remote work rules and regulations and the contents of the agreement. This is especially important
when doing remote work abroad.
More information: Inside / Remote work


Working abroad

For international assignments a written agreement is always required. It is complementary to the actual
employment contract and it is to be signed by both the employer and the employee. The conditions for
international assignments are defined in the agreement. Those planning to work abroad should contact the
departments HR Coordinator well in advance.
See also on Inside the check list for the international assignments.
More information: Inside / International Assignments


Secondary occupations at Aalto University

Aalto University favours active participation of its staff in society, business and industry. As specified in the text
of the employment contract, employees must have the permission of the Aalto University for such secondary
occupations that would be partly concurrent with the employment at Aalto, or might affect their ability to fulfil
their contractual duties with Aalto University. Employees wishing to pursue a secondary occupation should
make an application to the employer. The possibility of pursuing a secondary occupation should always be
discussed in advance with the superior.
More information: Inside / Secondary occupation (Outside employment)


ELEC HRS 29.12.2015


Forms HR

HR forms, e.g. leave of absence and other absences etc., are found on Inside: HR Forms.

Central legislation and collective agreement on
terms of employment
The collective agreement for the whole staff at Aalto University is available on Inside. Please learn about
statutes and regulations that guide the Aalto University, as well as the central legislation on employment.
More information: Inside / Collective agreement

5 Travelling
The general principle is that the travel expenses of Aalto University staff are reimbursed in accordance with the
collective agreement and the guidelines of the Finnish tax administration. All travels should comply with the
Aalto University travel policy.
Employees travelling abroad should make a travel plan in M2 travel management system (M2 system). When
travelling within Finland, verbal travel approval is sufficient. Employees are covered by the university travel
insurance policy, provided that they have made a travel plan and it has been approved. You can get a travel
insurance card from the departments travel secretary.
The employee sends the travel plan and the travel claim in M2 system to departments travel secretary, who
audits the plan and claim and sends them for approval.
All receipts of travel expenses must be appended to the invoice and all the original receipts should be sent to
the travel secretary.
Also purchases paid with personal credit card are reimbursed in M2 system.
More information: Inside / Travel Instructions

6 Purchaces
At Aalto University all procurements are handled by authorised buyers. If you need to buy something, make
sure that either you are authorized to do so, or contact a buyer at your department.
You can get assistance with any issues related to procurement from procurement specialist Janne Antson or
Charlotta Tuovinen. Please send email for purchase related issues.
More information: Inside / Electrical engineering / Procurements and purchases


ELEC HRS 29.12.2015

7 IT systems and tools

HR systems

Personec HR Salary and development discussion system

Personec ESS Holiday / leaves of absence administration and employee self service
Personec F Staff and salary administration

Financial systems

Rondo Invoice handling system

M2 Travel management system
Halli Work time recording
ProE Invoicing
Qlick View Reporting
Toiminnanohjaus Budgeting and planning system

Study systems

Oodi Information system for administration and registration of information about students, studies
and teaching
Noppa Study and teaching portal / Course websites
eAge Online application service


Elisa HelpNet Phone book

Aalto People Find Aalto people
MOT Dictionary
Asio Online facility scheduling system
Webropol Survey tool
Midgard-content management system (CMS) Updating tool for web pages
Timecon Work hours recording, access control system

For more information, please visit Tools menu of Inside.


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